function mtphr_dnt_initialize_settings() { $settings = mtphr_dnt_general_settings(); /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ /* !Add the setting sections - 1.4.0 */ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ add_settings_section('mtphr_dnt_general_settings_section', __('Ditty News Ticker settings', 'ditty-news-ticker'), false, 'mtphr_dnt_general_settings'); /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ /* !Add the settings - 1.4.0 */ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Visual Editor */ $title = mtphr_dnt_settings_label(__('Visual Editor', 'ditty-news-ticker'), __('Use the visual editor to create tick contents', 'ditty-news-ticker')); add_settings_field('mtphr_dnt_general_settings_wysiwyg', $title, 'mtphr_dnt_general_settings_wysiwyg', 'mtphr_dnt_general_settings', 'mtphr_dnt_general_settings_section', array('settings' => $settings)); /* Quick Edit Links */ $title = mtphr_dnt_settings_label(__('Quick Edit Links', 'ditty-news-ticker'), __('Add quick edit links on the front-end of the site for editors and admins', 'ditty-news-ticker')); add_settings_field('mtphr_dnt_general_settings_edit_links', $title, 'mtphr_dnt_general_settings_edit_links', 'mtphr_dnt_general_settings', 'mtphr_dnt_general_settings_section', array('settings' => $settings)); /* Custom CSS */ $title = mtphr_dnt_settings_label(__('Custom CSS', 'ditty-news-ticker'), __('Add custom css to style your ticker without modifying any external files', 'ditty-news-ticker')); add_settings_field('mtphr_dnt_general_settings_css', $title, 'mtphr_dnt_general_settings_css', 'mtphr_dnt_general_settings', 'mtphr_dnt_general_settings_section', array('settings' => $settings)); /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ /* !Register the settings - 1.4.0 */ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ if (false == get_option('mtphr_dnt_general_settings')) { add_option('mtphr_dnt_general_settings'); } register_setting('mtphr_dnt_general_settings', 'mtphr_dnt_general_settings', 'mtphr_dnt_general_settings_sanitize'); }
function mtphr_dnt_default_fields() { $settings = mtphr_dnt_general_settings(); $values = mtphr_dnt_default_values(); $fields = array('ticks' => array('heading' => __('Ticks', 'ditty-news-ticker'), 'description' => __('Add an unlimited number of ticks to your ticker', 'ditty-news-ticker'), 'help' => __('Use the \'+\' and \'x\' buttons on the right to add and delete ticks. Drag and drop the arrows on the left to re-order your ticks.', 'ditty-news-ticker'), 'type' => 'list', 'name' => '_mtphr_dnt_ticks', 'value' => $values['ticks'], 'fields' => array('tick' => array('heading' => __('Ticker text', 'ditty-news-ticker'), 'help' => __('Add the content of your tick. HTML and inline styles are supported.', 'ditty-news-ticker'), 'type' => isset($settings['wysiwyg']) && ($settings['wysiwyg'] == '1' || $settings['wysiwyg'] == 'on') ? 'wysiwyg' : 'textarea', 'placeholder' => __('Add your content here. HTML and inline styles are supported.', 'ditty-news-ticker'), 'rows' => 2), 'link' => array('heading' => __('Link', 'ditty-news-ticker'), 'help' => __('Wrap a link around your tick content. You can also add a link directly into your content.', 'ditty-news-ticker'), 'type' => 'text', 'placeholder' => __('Add a URL (optional)', 'ditty-news-ticker')), 'target' => array('heading' => __('Target', 'ditty-news-ticker'), 'help' => __('Set a target for your link.', 'ditty-news-ticker'), 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array('_self' => '_self', '_blank' => '_blank')), 'nofollow' => array('heading' => __('No Follow', 'ditty-news-ticker'), 'help' => __('Enabling this setting will add an attribute called \'nofollow\' to your link. This tells search engines to not follow this link.', 'ditty-news-ticker'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __('Add "nofollow" to link', 'ditty-news-ticker')))), 'line_breaks' => array('heading' => __('Line breaks', 'ditty-news-ticker'), 'description' => __('Force line breaks on carriage returns (not used for wysiwyg editors)', 'ditty-news-ticker'), 'help' => __('Enabling this setting will create new lines for all carrige returns contained in your tick text', 'ditty-news-ticker'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => '_mtphr_dnt_line_breaks', 'value' => $values['line_breaks'], 'label' => __('Force line breaks', 'ditty-news-ticker'))); return apply_filters('mtphr_dnt_default_fields', $fields, $values); }
function mtphr_dnt_tick_edit_link($id) { if (current_user_can('edit_pages')) { $settings = mtphr_dnt_general_settings(); if (isset($settings['edit_links']) && $settings['edit_links']) { echo '<a class="mtphr-dnt-edit-link" href="' . get_edit_post_link($id) . '">' . __('<i class="mtphr-dnt-icon-gear"></i> Edit ticker', 'ditty-news-ticker') . '</a>'; } } }
function mtphr_dnt_default_render_metabox() { global $post; $settings = mtphr_dnt_general_settings(); $line_breaks = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_mtphr_dnt_line_breaks', true); $ticks = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_mtphr_dnt_ticks', true); echo '<input type="hidden" name="mtphr_dnt_nonce" value="' . wp_create_nonce(basename(__FILE__)) . '" />'; echo '<table class="mtphr-dnt-table">'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td class="mtphr-dnt-label">'; echo '<label>' . __('Line breaks', 'ditty-news-ticker') . '</label>'; echo '<small>' . __('Force line breaks on carriage returns', 'ditty-news-ticker') . '</small>'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<label><input type="checkbox" name="_mtphr_dnt_line_breaks" value="1" ' . checked('1', $line_breaks, false) . ' />' . __('Force line breaks', 'ditty-news-ticker') . '</label>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td class="mtphr-dnt-label">'; echo '<label>' . __('Ticks', 'ditty-news-ticker') . '</label>'; echo '<small>' . __('Add an unlimited number of ticks to your ticker', 'ditty-news-ticker') . '</small>'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<table class="mtphr-dnt-list mtphr-dnt-default-list mtphr-dnt-advanced-list">'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th class="mtphr-dnt-list-handle"></th>'; $label = __('Ticker text', 'ditty-news-ticker'); if ($settings['wysiwyg'] == '1') { $label .= '<div class="mtphr-dnt-notice">' . __('<strong>Notice:</strong> When using the WYSIWYG editor you must save your ticker after adding or re-arranging ticks.', 'ditty-news-ticker') . '</div>'; } echo '<th>' . $label . '</th>'; echo '<th>' . __('Link', 'ditty-news-ticker') . '</th>'; echo '<th class="mtphr-dnt-default-target">' . __('Target', 'ditty-news-ticker') . '</th>'; echo '<th class="mtphr-dnt-default-nofollow">' . __('NF', 'ditty-news-ticker') . '</th>'; echo '<th class="mtphr-dnt-list-delete"></th>'; echo '<th class="mtphr-dnt-list-add"></th>'; echo '</tr>'; if (is_array($ticks) && count($ticks) > 0) { foreach ($ticks as $i => $tick) { mtphr_dnt_render_default_tick($settings, $tick); } } else { mtphr_dnt_render_default_tick($settings); } echo '</table>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; }