Esempio n. 1

global $mtheme_meta_box, $mtheme_portfolio_box, $mtheme_active_metabox;
$mtheme_active_metabox = "portfolio";
$mtheme_sidebar_options = mtheme_generate_sidebarlist("portfolio");
// Pull all the Featured into an array
$bg_slideshow_pages = get_posts('post_type=mtheme_featured&orderby=title&numberposts=-1&order=ASC');
if ($bg_slideshow_pages) {
    $options_bgslideshow['none'] = "Not Selected";
    foreach ($bg_slideshow_pages as $key => $list) {
        $custom = get_post_custom($list->ID);
        if (isset($custom["fullscreen_type"][0])) {
            $slideshow_type = $custom["fullscreen_type"][0];
        } else {
            $slideshow_type = "";
        if ($slideshow_type != "Fullscreen-Video") {
            $options_bgslideshow[$list->ID] = $list->post_title;
} else {
    $options_bgslideshow[0] = "Featured pages not found.";
$mtheme_imagepath = get_template_directory_uri() . '/framework/options/images/';
$mtheme_portfolio_box = array('id' => 'portfoliometa-box', 'title' => 'Portfolio Metabox', 'page' => 'page', 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('name' => __('Attach Images', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_image_attachments', 'std' => __('Upload Images', 'mthemelocal'), 'type' => 'image_gallery', 'desc' => __('<div class="metabox-note">Attach images to this page/post.</div>', 'mthemelocal')), array('name' => __('Background Slideshow / Image from', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_meta_background_choice', 'type' => 'select', 'target' => 'backgroundslideshow_choices', 'desc' => __('<div class="metabox-note">
			<strong>Static Image from Theme options</strong> <em>Satic image set from theme options as background</em></br>
			<strong>Slideshow from Theme options:</strong> <em>Slideshow chosen from theme options as background</em></br>
			<strong>Slideshow from post/page image attachments:</strong> <em>Slideshow from images attached to this post/page</em></br>
			<strong>Static image using post/page featured image:</strong> <em>Static image from featured image of this post/page</em></br>
			<strong>Slideshow from a fullscreen post:</strong> <em>Slideshow from a fullscreen post - choose from next selector.</em></br>
			<strong>Static image using custom background image:</strong> <em>Static image from custom background image url listed below</em></br>
Esempio n. 2
			'name' => 'Radio',
			'id' => $prefix . 'radio',
			'desc' => 'Enter big text here',
			'type' => 'radio',
			'options' => array(
				array('name' => 'Name 1', 'value' => 'Value 1'),
				array('name' => 'Name 2', 'value' => 'Value 2')
global $mtheme_meta_box, $mtheme_common_page_box, $mtheme_active_metabox;
$mtheme_active_metabox = "page";
$mtheme_sidebar_options = mtheme_generate_sidebarlist("page");
// Pull all the Featured into an array
$bg_slideshow_pages = get_posts('post_type=mtheme_featured&orderby=title&numberposts=-1&order=ASC');
if ($bg_slideshow_pages) {
    $options_bgslideshow['none'] = "Not Selected";
    foreach ($bg_slideshow_pages as $key => $list) {
        $custom = get_post_custom($list->ID);
        if (isset($custom["fullscreen_type"][0])) {
            $slideshow_type = $custom["fullscreen_type"][0];
        } else {
            $slideshow_type = "";
        if ($slideshow_type != "Fullscreen-Video") {
            $options_bgslideshow[$list->ID] = $list->post_title;