Esempio n. 1
 public function edit($responseinfo)
     $res = unserialize($responseinfo['response_compos']);
     $config = '';
     foreach ($res['replace'] as $key => $value) {
         if (!empty($value)) {
             $config .= $key . ':' . $value . "\n";
     $res['config'] = $config;
     //Api插件模块  第三方接口
     if ($res['type'] == 'cloud') {
         $cloudlist = M('webuntil')->where(array('status' => 1))->field('id,webuntil_type,webuntil_name,webuntil_backtype,webuntil_title')->select();
         $locallist = array();
         foreach ($cloudlist as $key => $value) {
             $locallist[$key] = array('id' => $value['id'], 'title' => $value['webuntil_name'], 'name' => " 请求" . $value['webuntil_type'], 'description' => "回复" . $value['webuntil_backtype']);
     } else {
         $locallist = M('Addons')->where(array('status' => 1, 'weixin' => 1))->field('id,title,name,description,config')->select();
         foreach ($locallist as $key => $value) {
             $locallist[$key]['description'] = msubstr($value['description'], 0, 25, $charset = "utf-8", $suffix = true);
     $res['localapi'] = $locallist;
     return $res;
Esempio n. 2
 public function get_payment_code($payment_notice_id)
     $payment_notice = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "payment_notice where id = " . $payment_notice_id);
     $money = round($payment_notice['money'], 2);
     $payment_info = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select id,config,logo from " . DB_PREFIX . "payment where id=" . intval($payment_notice['payment_id']));
     $payment_info['config'] = unserialize($payment_info['config']);
     $sql = "select name " . "from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_order_item " . "where order_id =" . intval($payment_notice['order_id']);
     $title_name = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql);
     $subject = msubstr($title_name, 0, 40);
     $data_return_url = SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/index.php.php?ctl=payment&act=response&class_name=Wtenpay';
     $notify_url = SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/index.php?ctl=payment&act=notify&class_name=Wtenpay';
     $pay = array();
     $pay['subject'] = $subject;
     $pay['body'] = $title_name;
     $pay['total_fee'] = $money;
     $pay['total_fee_format'] = format_price($money);
     $pay['out_trade_no'] = $payment_notice['notice_sn'];
     $pay['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
     $pay['partner'] = $payment_info['config']['tenpay_partner'];
     $pay['key'] = $payment_info['config']['tenpay_key'];
     $pay['pay_code'] = 'wtenpay';
     return $pay;
Esempio n. 3
 public function update()
     $id = $_REQUEST['id'];
     $title = $_REQUEST['title'];
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $data = $_POST;
         if (!empty($title)) {
             $data['title'] = $title;
         if (empty($_POST['brief'])) {
             //                import("@.ORG.Validation");
             //                $v = new Validation();
             //                $description = $v->kill_html($_POST['description']);
             $description = strip_tags($_POST['description']);
             $data['brief'] = msubstr(trim($description), 0, 120);
         $data['id'] = $id;
         $model = $this->getActionName();
         $case = M($model);
         // 更新数据
         $list = $case->save($data);
         if (false !== $list) {
             $this->assign('jumpUrl', U("News/"));
         } else {
     } else {
Esempio n. 4
  * 加载相应的类型消息
  * @param unknown_type $msg  数据集(即数据库中的对应消息行)
  * 返回:array("id"=>"当前消息ID",title="标题",is_read=>"是否已读","icon"=>"相关数据的图片(可为空)","content"=>"内容","create_time"=>"时间","link"=>"(可为空)相关数据的跳转链接");
 public function load_msg($msg)
     if (!$msg['data']) {
         require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/model/topic.php";
         $data = get_topic_item($msg['data_id']);
         $msg['data'] = serialize($data);
         $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "msg_box", $msg, "UPDATE", "id=" . $msg['id'], "SILENT");
     $data = unserialize($msg['data']);
     if ($data['id'] != $data['origin_id'] && $data['origin']) {
         $msg['title'] = $data['origin']['forum_title'];
         $msg['icon'] = $data['origin']['images'][0]['o_path'];
         $msg['link'] = $data['origin']['url'];
     } else {
         $msg['title'] = $data['forum_title'];
         $msg['icon'] = $data['images'][0]['o_path'];
         $msg['link'] = $data['url'];
     if ($msg['title'] == "") {
         $msg['title'] = "会员分享";
     $msg['short_title'] = msubstr($msg['title']);
     return $msg;
  * @author Knight
  * @cnname 我的文章列表
 public function dailyList()
     $where = "status=1 and permission=1";
     $typeId = I("id");
     if (!empty($typeId)) {
         $where .= " and type=" . $typeId;
     $count = M("daily")->where($where)->count();
     $page = new \Think\Page($count, 5);
     $show = $page->show();
     $dailyList = M("daily")->where($where)->order("c_time desc")->limit($Page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->select();
     foreach ($dailyList as $k => $v) {
         $where = "id=" . $v['type'];
         $typeName = $this->getInfo("daily_type", array("type_name"), $where);
         $dailyList[$k]['typeName'] = $typeName[0]['type_name'];
         $dailyList[$k]['c_time'] = date("Y-m-d", $v['c_time']);
         $dailyList[$k]['content'] = msubstr(filterHtml($v['content']), 0, 100, "utf-8");
     $pageList = $page->show();
     $this->assign('type', 1);
     $this->assign("pageList", $pageList);
     $this->assign("pageTotal", $page->totalPages);
     $this->assign("dailyList", $dailyList);
Esempio n. 6
 public function add()
     if (!$GLOBALS['islogin']) {
     if (!checkpost()) {
     $diary = M('diary');
     $uid = $GLOBALS['i']['uid'];
     $data['uid'] = $GLOBALS['i']['uid'];
     $content = postvar('content');
     $data['original_cont'] = exp_content($content);
     $content = msubstr($content, 0, 100, 'utf-8', false);
     $data['content'] = exp_content($content);
     $data['mood'] = postvar('mood');
     $data['read_type'] = postvar('read_type', 1);
     $data['add_time'] = time();
     $data['set_time'] = strtotime(postvar('set_time'));
     $did = $diary->add($data);
     //echo $diary->getLastSql();
     $member_field = M('member_field');
     $data1['diary_num'] = array('exp', 'diary_num+1');
     $body = array('did' => $did, 'content' => $data['content']);
     //feed_publish(1, $body, $did);
     $feedModel = D('Feed');
     $feedModel->feed_publish(1, $body, $did);
     echo '{"errno":200}';
Esempio n. 7
function get_user_withdraw($limit, $user_id)
    $user_id = intval($user_id);
    $list = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "withdraw where user_id = " . $user_id . " and is_delete = 0 order by create_time desc limit " . $limit);
    foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
        $bank_account_end = substr($v['bank_account'], -4, 4);
        $bank_account_show_length = strlen($v['bank_account']) - 4;
        $bank_account = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < $bank_account_show_length; $i++) {
            $bank_account .= "*";
        $bank_account .= $bank_account_end;
        $list[$k]['bank_account'] = $bank_account;
        $bank_user_end = msubstr($v['bank_user'], -1, 1, "utf-8", false);
        $bank_user_show_length = mb_strlen($v['bank_user'], "utf-8") - 1;
        $bank_user = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < $bank_user_show_length; $i++) {
            $bank_user .= "*";
        $bank_user .= $bank_user_end;
        $list[$k]['bank_user'] = $bank_user;
    $count = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select count(*) from " . DB_PREFIX . "withdraw where user_id = " . $user_id . " and is_delete = 0");
    return array("list" => $list, 'count' => $count);
Esempio n. 8
 public function get_payment_code($payment_notice_id)
     $payment_notice = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "payment_notice where id = " . $payment_notice_id);
     $money = round($payment_notice['money'], 2);
     $payment_info = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select id,config,logo from " . DB_PREFIX . "payment where id=" . intval($payment_notice['payment_id']));
     $payment_info['config'] = unserialize($payment_info['config']);
     $sql = "select name " . "from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_order_item " . "where order_id =" . intval($payment_notice['order_id']);
     $title_name = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql);
     $subject = msubstr($title_name, 0, 40);
     //$data_return_url = get_domain().APP_ROOT.'/../payment.php?act=return&class_name=Malipay';
     $notify_url = get_domain() . APP_ROOT . '/../shop.php?ctl=payment&act=response&class_name=Malipay';
     $pay = array();
     $pay['subject'] = $subject;
     $pay['body'] = $title_name;
     $pay['total_fee'] = $money;
     $pay['total_fee_format'] = format_price($money);
     $pay['out_trade_no'] = $payment_notice['notice_sn'];
     $pay['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
     $pay['partner'] = $payment_info['config']['alipay_partner'];
     $pay['seller'] = $payment_info['config']['alipay_account'];
     $pay['rsa_alipay_public'] = $payment_info['config']['alipay_rsa_public'];
     $pay['pay_code'] = 'malipay';
     $order_spec = '';
     $order_spec .= 'partner="' . $pay['partner'] . '"';
     $order_spec .= '&seller="' . $pay['seller'] . '"';
     $order_spec .= '&out_trade_no="' . $pay['out_trade_no'] . '"';
     $order_spec .= '&subject="' . $pay['subject'] . '"';
     $order_spec .= '&body="' . $pay['body'] . '"';
     $order_spec .= '&total_fee="' . $pay['total_fee'] . '"';
     $order_spec .= '&notify_url="' . $pay['notify_url'] . '"';
     $pay['order_spec'] = $order_spec;
     $sign = $this->sign($order_spec);
     $pay['sign'] = urlencode($sign);
     $pay['sign_type'] = 'RSA';
     $pubkey = 'MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC6IQ/HH06GbTIhKNN/YSQXxllnP7cNERMuN16GgZDfuf9NrY/Bw2ZINkq1RMNlbP66Vu5y0gwYPC/7PbO5l6pbnl3N4rw5VY3U6rtIC0f8ADDLrIZwShYUitaFq+Ao7rhk/GbpfSD7vgnugQz74fVewi17S3Apujq4U4LAxFmVowIDAQAB';
     $pubkey = $this->getPublicKeyFromX509($pubkey);
     $res = openssl_pkey_get_public($pubkey);		
     $sign = base64_decode($sign);
     $verify = openssl_verify($order_spec, $sign, $res);
     if ($verify == 1)
     	$pay['openssl_verify'] = 'ok';
     	$pay['openssl_verify'] = 'error';
     //		print_r($payment_info['config']);
     //		print_r($pay);exit;
     return $pay;
 public function content()
     $id = I('id');
     $map['id'] = $id;
     $info = D('Material')->_get($map);
     $this->assign('vo', $info);
     $this->assign('header_title', msubstr($info['title'], 0, 19));
Esempio n. 10
 protected function auto_desc()
     $desc = I('post.desc', '');
     if (!empty($desc)) {
         return $desc;
     $content = strip_tags(I('post.content'));
     $desc = msubstr($content, 0, 200);
     return $desc;
Esempio n. 11
 public function index($type = 'inbox')
     $dao = model('Message');
     $list = $type == 'inbox' ? $dao->getInboxByUid($this->mid) : $dao->getOutboxByUid($this->mid);
     foreach ($list['data'] as $k => $v) {
         $list['data'][$k]['summary'] = msubstr($v['content'], 0, 100);
     $session_count = $dao->getSessionCount($this->mid, getSubByKey($list['data'], 'source_message_id'));
     $this->assign('session_count', $session_count);
     $this->assign('type', $type);
 public function category($category_id = 0)
     $map['category'] = $category_id;
     $map['status'] = 1;
     $questionModel = new QuestionModel();
     $hot_list = $questionModel->getList($map, '*', 5, 'answer_num desc');
     foreach ($hot_list as &$val) {
         $val['info'] = msubstr(op_t($val['description']), 0, 50);
     $this->assign('hot_list', $hot_list);
  * 获取收藏列表
  * @param  int $uid 用户uid
 public function getLists($uid)
     $map = array('user_id' => $uid);
     $lists = $this->where($map)->select();
     $product = array();
     foreach ($lists as $key => $value) {
         $product = M('FxProduct')->field('product_name, thumb')->where(array('product_id' => $value['product']))->find();
         $lists[$key]['title'] = msubstr($product['product_name'], 0, 15);
         $lists[$key]['thumb'] = thumb($product['thumb']);
         $lists[$key]['url'] = U('Index/product', array('id' => $value['product']));
         $lists[$key]['del_url'] = U('collect', array('type' => 2, 'product_id' => $value['product']));
     return $lists;
Esempio n. 14
  * 加载相应的类型消息
  * @param unknown_type $msg  数据集(即数据库中的对应消息行)
  * 返回:array("id"=>"当前消息ID",title="标题",is_read=>"是否已读","icon"=>"相关数据的图片(可为空)","content"=>"内容","create_time"=>"时间","link"=>"(可为空)相关数据的跳转链接");
 public function load_msg($msg)
     if (!$msg['data']) {
         $data = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_order_item where id = " . $msg['data_id']);
         $msg['data'] = serialize($data);
         $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "msg_box", $msg, "UPDATE", "id=" . $msg['id'], "SILENT");
     $data = unserialize($msg['data']);
     $msg['title'] = $data['name'];
     $msg['icon'] = $data['deal_icon'];
     $msg['link'] = url("index", "uc_order#view", array("id" => $data['order_id']));
     $msg['short_title'] = msubstr($msg['title']);
     return $msg;
Esempio n. 15
  * 页面列表
 public function newslist()
     $_REQUEST['tabHash'] = 'newslist';
     //$this->pageButton[] = array('uid','title'=>'搜索', 'onclick'=>"admin.fold('search_form')");
     $this->pageButton[] = array('uid', 'title' => '删除', 'onclick' => "admin.deleteInfo();");
     $this->pageButton[] = array('uid', 'title' => '添加资讯', 'onclick' => "location.href='" . U('news/admin/setinfo', array('tabHash' => 'newslist')) . "';");
     $cs = model('CategoryTree')->setTable('news_category')->getCategoryList();
     $categorys = array();
     foreach ($cs as $ct) {
         $categorys[$ct['news_category_id']] = $ct;
     //列表key值 DOACTION表示操作
     $this->pageKeyList = array('image', 'news_title', 'news_content', 'state', 'is_top', 'hits', 'date', 'DOACTION');
     $listData = M('News')->order('news_id desc')->findPage(15);
     foreach ($listData['data'] as $key => $val) {
         $listData['data'][$key]['id'] = $val['news_id'];
         $thumb = APPS_URL . '/' . APP_NAME . '/_static/nopic.jpg';
         if ($val['image']) {
             $attach = model('Attach')->getAttachById($val['image']);
             if ($attach) {
                 $thumb = getImageUrl($attach['save_path'] . $attach['save_name'], 100, 100, true);
         $type_str = '';
         if ($val['type_id']) {
             if (isset($categorys[$val['type_id']])) {
                 $type_str .= $categorys[$val['type_id']]['title'];
                 if (isset($categorys[$categorys[$val['type_id']]['pid']])) {
                     $type_str = $categorys[$categorys[$val['type_id']]['pid']]['title'] . '--' . $type_str;
         $listData['data'][$key]['image'] = '<img src="' . $thumb . '">';
         $listData['data'][$key]['news_title'] = msubstr($val['news_title'], 0, 20) . "<BR><BR><font style='color:#7d7d7d;'>分类: " . $type_str . "</font>";
         $listData['data'][$key]['news_content'] = msubstr(strip_tags($val['news_content']), 0, 20);
         $listData['data'][$key]['state'] = D('News')->getState($val['state']);
         $listData['data'][$key]['date'] = '创建:' . date('m/d G:i', $val['created']);
         if ($val['updated']) {
             $listData['data'][$key]['date'] .= '<br>更新:' . date('m/d G:i', $val['updated']);
         $listData['data'][$key]['is_top'] = $val['is_top'] ? '<font color="red">置顶</font>' : '否';
         $listData['data'][$key]['DOACTION'] = '<a href="' . U('news/admin/setinfo', array('news_id' => $val['news_id'], 'tabHash' => 'setinfo')) . '">编辑</a>';
Esempio n. 16
 public function head()
     $type = M('type');
     $article = M('article');
     $config = F('basic', '', './Web/Conf/');
     $this->assign('config', $config);
     $data['status'] = 1;
     $data['typeid'] = $config['noticeid'];
     $roll = $article->where($data)->field('aid,title')->order('addtime desc')->limit($config['rollnum'])->select();
     foreach ($roll as $k => $v) {
         $roll[$k]['title'] = msubstr($v['title'], 0, 20, 'gb2312');
     $this->assign('roll', $roll);
     $menu = $type->where('ismenu=1')->order('drank asc')->select();
     foreach ($menu as $k => $v) {
         $menuson[$k] = $type->where('fid=' . $v['typeid'] . ' AND drank <> 0')->order('drank asc')->select();
     $this->assign('menuson', $menuson);
     $this->assign('menu', $menu);
     $nav = '<a href="__APP__">首页</a>';
     if (isset($_GET['aid'])) {
         $typeid = $article->where('aid=' . $_GET['aid'])->getField('typeid');
     } else {
         $typeid = $_GET['typeid'];
     $typename = $type->where('typeid=' . $typeid)->getField('typename');
     $path = $type->where('typeid=' . $typeid)->getField('path');
     $typelist = explode('-', $path);
     foreach ($typelist as $v) {
         if ($v == 0) {
         $s = $type->where('typeid=' . $v)->getField('typename');
         $nav .= "&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;<a href=\"" . U('lists/' . $v) . "\">{$s}</a>";
     $nav .= "&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;<a href=\"" . U('lists/' . $typeid) . "\">{$typename}</a>";
     $this->assign('nav', $nav);
     unset($type, $article);
     $this->assign('head', TMPL_PATH . $config['sitetpl'] . '/head.html');
     $this->assign('footer', TMPL_PATH . $config['sitetpl'] . '/footer.html');
Esempio n. 17
function smarty_modifier_truncate($string, $length = 80, $etc = '...', $break_words = false)
    if ($length == 0) {
        return '';
    if (strlen($string) > $length) {
        $length -= strlen($etc);
        if (!$break_words) {
            $string = preg_replace('/s+?(S+)?$/', '', msubstr($string, 0, $length + 1));
        return msubstr($string, 0, $length) . $etc;
    } else {
        return $string;
Esempio n. 18
 protected function kuaidi($param)
     global $_W;
     $content = str_replace('+', '', $_W['content']);
     $content = str_replace(' ', '', $content);
     if (strstr($_W['content'], '快递')) {
         wx_success("【快递名字+单号】查询快递\n圆通  中通  申通  顺丰  韵达  邮政 EMS\n例查圆通发送:圆通2728435536\n例查中通发送:中通778044381976");
     $kuaidic = array();
     $kuaidil = array();
     $kuaidic["圆通"] = 10;
     $kuaidic["申通"] = 12;
     $kuaidic["中通"] = 12;
     $kuaidic["顺丰"] = 12;
     $kuaidic["邮政"] = 13;
     $kuaidic["韵达"] = 13;
     $kuaidil["圆通"] = "yuantong";
     $kuaidil["中通"] = "zhongtong";
     $kuaidil["申通"] = "shentong";
     $kuaidil["顺丰"] = "shunfeng";
     $kuaidil["邮政"] = "ems";
     $kuaidil["韵达"] = "yunda";
     $kuaiditype = msubstr($_W['content'], "0", "2", $charset = "utf-8", $suffix = false);
     $danhao = str_replace($kuaiditype, '', $content);
     if (strlen($danhao) != $kuaidic[$kuaiditype]) {
         wx_error("【快递名字+单号】查询快递\n圆通  中通  申通  顺丰  韵达  邮政 EMS\n检查快递单号长度是否填写正确");
     } else {
         $config = Amango_Addons_Config();
         $config['kuaidiak'] || wx_error('请联系站长先填写快递API的密匙');
         $url = '' . $kuaidil[$kuaiditype] . '&nu=' . $danhao . '&id=82CD8E8282C652F91CAEE36225FD2373&type=text&encode=utf8&ord=asc';
         $json = file_get_contents($url);
         if (!empty($json)) {
             $str = str_replace(date("Y"), "\n" . date("Y"), $json);
             $str = "快递:" . $kuaiditype . "\n单号:" . $danhao . "\n--------------\n" . $str;
             $replycontext['Content'] = $str;
             $this->assign('Text', $replycontext);
         } else {
Esempio n. 19
 public function index()
     $rss = new UniversalFeedCreator();
     // use cached version if age<1 hour
     $rss->title = app_conf("SHOP_TITLE") . " - " . app_conf("SHOP_SEO_TITLE");
     $rss->description = app_conf("SHOP_SEO_TITLE");
     $rss->descriptionTruncSize = 500;
     $rss->descriptionHtmlSyndicated = true;
     $rss->link = get_domain() . APP_ROOT;
     $rss->syndicationURL = get_domain() . APP_ROOT;
     $image->descriptionTruncSize = 500;
     $image->descriptionHtmlSyndicated = true;
     $domain = app_conf("PUBLIC_DOMAIN_ROOT") == '' ? get_domain() . $GLOBALS['IMG_APP_ROOT'] : app_conf("PUBLIC_DOMAIN_ROOT");
     $city = get_current_deal_city();
     $city_id = $city['id'];
     $deal_list = get_deal_list(app_conf("DEAL_PAGE_SIZE"), 0, 0, array(DEAL_ONLINE), " buy_type <> 1 or ( is_shop = 1 and is_effect =1 and is_delete = 0 and buy_type <> 1)");
     $deal_list = $deal_list['list'];
     foreach ($deal_list as $data) {
         $item = new FeedItem();
         if ($data['uname'] != '') {
             $gurl = url("shop", "goods", array("id" => $data['uname']));
         } else {
             $gurl = url("shop", "goods", array("id" => $data['id']));
         $data['url'] = $gurl;
         $item->title = msubstr($data['name'], 0, 30);
         $item->link = get_domain() . $data['url'];
         $data['description'] = str_replace($GLOBALS['IMG_APP_ROOT'] . "./public/", $domain . "/public/", $data['description']);
         $data['description'] = str_replace("./public/", $domain . "/public/", $data['description']);
         $data['img'] = str_replace("./public/", $domain . "/public/", $data['img']);
         $item->description = "<img src='" . $data['img'] . "' /><br />" . $data['brief'] . "<br /> <a href='" . get_domain() . $data['url'] . "' target='_blank' >" . $GLOBALS['lang']['VIEW_DETAIL'] . "</a>";
         $item->descriptionTruncSize = 500;
         $item->descriptionHtmlSyndicated = true;
         if ($data['end_time'] != 0) {
             $item->date = date('r', $data['end_time']);
         $item->source = $data['url'];
         $item->author = app_conf("SHOP_TITLE");
     $rss->saveFeed($format = "RSS0.91", $filename = APP_ROOT_PATH . "public/runtime/app/tpl_caches/rss.xml");
Esempio n. 20
 public function info()
     $tag = urldecode($_GET['tag']);
     if (!is_utf8($tag)) {
         $tag = auto_charset($tag, 'gbk', 'utf-8');
     $tag = msubstr(in($tag), 0, 20);
     if (!empty($tag)) {
         $info = model('tags')->tag_info($tag);
     } else {
     if (empty($info)) {
     model('tags')->views_content($info['id'], $info['click']);
     $this->plus_hook('tags', 'index', $info);
     /*hook end*/
     $url = __INDEX__ . '/tags-' . $tag . '/pages-{page}.html';
     $listrows = $this->config['TPL_TAGS_PAGE'];
     if (empty($listrows)) {
         $listrows = 20;
     $limit = $this->pagelimit($url, $listrows);
     $nav = array(0 => array('name' => 'TAG', 'url' => __INDEX__ . '/tags/index'), 1 => array('name' => $tag, 'url' => __INDEX__ . '/tags-' . $tag . '/'));
     $this->common = model('pageinfo')->media($info['name'] . ' - TAGS', $tag);
     $loop = model('tags')->tag_list($info['id'], $limit);
     $count = model('tags')->tag_count($info['id']);
     $this->page = $this->page($url, $count, $listrows);
     $this->prepage = $this->page($url, $count, $listrows, '', 1);
     $this->nextpage = $this->page($url, $count, $listrows, '', 2);
     $this->assign('loop', $loop);
     $this->assign('nav', $nav);
     $this->assign('info', $info);
Esempio n. 21
 public function temp_epub5($url)
     require_once APPPATH . 'libraries/simple_html_dom.class.php';
     $html = url2html($url, $this->header);
     $des = $html->find('div[class=sintro]', 0)->plaintext;
     $data['des'] = trim(msubstr($des, 0, 150));
     $data['title'] = $html->find('div[class=sinfo] ul li ', 0)->plaintext;
     $data['url'] = trim($url);
     $data['time'] = time();
     $data['md5_url'] = md5($url);
     $data['type'] = 9;
     //var_dump( $data );
     return $data;
 function addproject()
     $pUserProfile = D('UserProfile');
     $pUserProfile->uid = $this->mid;
     $strType = t($_POST['addtype']);
     if ($strType == 'education') {
         $data['school'] = msubstr(t($_POST['school']), 0, 70, 'utf-8', false);
         $data['classes'] = msubstr(t($_POST['classes']), 0, 70, 'utf-8', false);
         $data['year'] = $_POST['year'];
         if (empty($data['school'])) {
             $return['message'] = L('schoolname_nonull');
             $return['boolen'] = "0";
     } elseif ($strType == 'career') {
         $data['company'] = msubstr(t($_POST['company']), 0, 70, 'utf-8', false);
         $data['position'] = msubstr(t($_POST['position']), 0, 70, 'utf-8', false);
         $data['begintime'] = intval($_POST['beginyear']) . '-' . intval($_POST['beginmonth']);
         $data['endtime'] = $_POST['nowworkflag'] ? L('now') : intval($_POST['endyear']) . '-' . intval($_POST['endmonth']);
         //2011-03-11 添加
         $date_begin = explode("-", $data['begintime']);
         $date_end = explode("-", $data['endtime']);
         $begin = mktime(0, 0, 0, $date_begin[1], 0, $date_begin[0]);
         $end = mktime(0, 0, 0, $date_end[1], 0, $date_end[0]);
         if (empty($data['company'])) {
             $return['message'] = L('companyname_nonull');
             $return['boolen'] = "0";
         if ($data['endtime'] != L('now') && $begin > $end) {
             $return['message'] = L('start_time_later');
             $return['boolen'] = "0";
     $data['id'] = $pUserProfile->dosave($strType, $data, 'list', true);
     if ($data['id']) {
         $data['addtype'] = $strType;
         $return['message'] = L('companyname_nonull');
         $return['boolen'] = "1";
         $return['data'] = $data;
Esempio n. 23
 public function temp_xuexi111($url)
     require_once APPPATH . 'libraries/simple_html_dom.class.php';
     $html = url2html($url, $this->header);
     $des = $html->find('div[class=info-content]', 0)->plaintext;
     $data['des'] = trim(msubstr($des, 0, 150));
     $title = $html->find('table[id=download-table] tbody tr td', 0)->plaintext;
     $data['title'] = trim($title);
     $data['url'] = trim($url);
     $data['time'] = time();
     $data['md5_url'] = md5($url);
     $data['type'] = 7;
     return $data;
Esempio n. 24
 public function temp_book118($url)
     require_once APPPATH . 'libraries/simple_html_dom.class.php';
     $html = url2html($url, $this->header);
     $des = $html->find('div[id=mainSoftIntro]', 0)->plaintext;
     $data['des'] = trim(msubstr($des, 0, 150));
     $title = $html->find('div[class=downInfoTitle]', 0)->plaintext;
     $data['title'] = trim($title);
     $data['url'] = trim($url);
     $data['time'] = time();
     $data['md5_url'] = md5($url);
     $data['type'] = 7;
     return $data;
Esempio n. 25
 public function run()
     $replyinfo = keyword_replace_text($_POST['replyinfo']);
     $data['response_reply'] = !empty($_POST['replytype']) ? $_POST['replytype'] : $this->ajaxReturn(array('status' => 0, 'errmsg' => '用户请求标识非法'), 'JSON');
     //$data['response_name']  = msubstr($replyinfo,0, 10, $charset="utf-8", $suffix=true);
     $data['response_name'] = empty($_POST['response_name']) ? msubstr($replyinfo, 0, 10, $charset = "utf-8", $suffix = true) : $_POST['response_name'];
     $neiron = array('type' => 'text', 'num' => 1, 'neiron' => $replyinfo, 'replace' => '');
     $data['response_compos'] = serialize($neiron);
     $data['response_xml'] = Factory('Text')->load($replyinfo)->select();
     $data['response_static'] = 1;
     $data['status'] = 1;
     return empty($data['response_xml']) ? false : $data;
Esempio n. 26
 public function temp_feng($url)
     require_once APPPATH . 'libraries/simple_html_dom.class.php';
     $html = url2html($url, $this->header);
     $des = $html->find('div[class=t_fsz]', 0)->plaintext;
     $data['des'] = trim(msubstr($des, 0, 150));
     $title = $html->find('div[class=pl_tit_panel] h1', 0)->plaintext;
     $data['title'] = trim($title);
     $data['url'] = trim($url);
     $data['time'] = time();
     $data['md5_url'] = md5($url);
     $data['type'] = 7;
     return $data;
Esempio n. 27
File: topic.php Progetto: macall/jsd
 * 获取分享单个
 * @param unknown_type $id
function get_topic_item($id)
    $sql = "select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "topic where id = " . $id;
    $topic = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql);
    $topic = format_topic_item($topic);
    if (msubstr(preg_replace("/<[^>]+>/i", "", $topic['content']), 0, 50) != preg_replace("/<[^>]+>/i", "", $topic['content'])) {
        $topic['short_content'] = msubstr(preg_replace("/<[^>]+>/i", "", $topic['content']), 0, 50);
    } else {
        $topic['short_content'] = preg_replace("/<br[^>]+>/i", "", $topic['content']);
    if ($topic['origin']) {
        if (msubstr(preg_replace("/<[^>]+>/i", "", $topic['origin']['content']), 0, 50) != preg_replace("/<[^>]+>/i", "", $topic['origin']['content'])) {
            $topic['origin']['short_content'] = msubstr(preg_replace("/<[^>]+>/i", "", $topic['origin']['content']), 0, 50);
        } else {
            $topic['origin']['short_content'] = preg_replace("/<br[^>]+>/i", "", $topic['origin']['content']);
    return $topic;
Esempio n. 28
 public function get_payment_code($payment_notice_id)
     $payment_notice = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "payment_notice where id = " . $payment_notice_id);
     $money = round($payment_notice['money'], 2);
     $payment_info = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select id,config,logo from " . DB_PREFIX . "payment where id=" . intval($payment_notice['payment_id']));
     $payment_info['config'] = unserialize($payment_info['config']);
     $sql = "select name " . "from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_order_item " . "where order_id =" . intval($payment_notice['order_id']);
     $title_name = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql);
     $subject = msubstr($title_name, 0, 40);
     $data_return_url = get_domain() . APP_ROOT . '/../payment.php?act=return&class_name=Malipay';
     $pay = array();
     $pay['subject'] = $subject;
     $pay['body'] = $title_name;
     $pay['total_fee'] = $money;
     $pay['total_fee_format'] = format_price($money);
     $pay['out_trade_no'] = $payment_notice['notice_sn'];
     $pay['pay_code'] = 'mcod';
     return $pay;
 private function _getList($map, $limit, $order)
     $questionModel = new QuestionModel();
     $questionAnswerModel = new QuestionAnswerModel();
     $list = $questionModel->getList($map, '*', $limit, $order);
     foreach ($list as &$val) {
         $val['info'] = msubstr(op_t($val['description']), 0, 200);
         $val['img'] = get_pic($val['description']);
         $val['user'] = query_user(array('uid', 'space_url', 'nickname', 'avatar64'), $val['uid']);
         if ($val['best_answer']) {
             $val['best_answer_info'] = $questionAnswerModel->getData(array('id' => $val['best_answer'], 'status' => 1));
         } else {
             $val['best_answer_info'] = $questionAnswerModel->getData(array('question_id' => $val['id'], 'status' => 1), 'support desc');
         if ($val['best_answer_info']) {
             $val['best_answer_info']['content'] = msubstr(op_t($val['best_answer_info']['content']), 0, 200);
     return $list;
 private function _getList($map, $page = 1, $r = 20)
     $questionModel = new QuestionModel();
     $questionAnswerModel = new QuestionAnswerModel();
     list($list, $totalCount) = $questionModel->getListPageByMap($map, $page, 'create_time desc', $r, '*');
     foreach ($list as &$val) {
         $val['info'] = msubstr(op_t($val['description']), 0, 200);
         $val['img'] = get_pic($val['description']);
         $val['user'] = query_user(array('uid', 'space_url', 'nickname'), $val['uid']);
         if ($val['best_answer']) {
             $val['best_answer_info'] = $questionAnswerModel->getData(array('id' => $val['best_answer'], 'status' => 1));
         } else {
             $val['best_answer_info'] = $questionAnswerModel->getData(array('question_id' => $val['id'], 'status' => 1), 'support desc');
         if ($val['best_answer_info']) {
             $val['best_answer_info']['content'] = msubstr(op_t($val['best_answer_info']['content']), 0, 200);
     return array($list, $totalCount);