Esempio n. 1
    exit('No direct script access allowed');
 * MaxSite CMS
 * (c)
 * 25-11-2015
Универсальный юнит для вывода записей по множеству критериев
file = last-pages.php
limit = 3
Значение ключей по-умолчанию см. переменную $def
# используем кэширование
$home_cache_time = (int) mso_get_option('home_cache_time', 'templates', 0);
$home_cache_key = getinfo('template') . '-' . __FILE__ . '-' . mso_current_paged() . '-' . $UNIT_NUM;
if ($home_cache_time > 0 and $k = mso_get_cache($home_cache_key)) {
    echo $k;
} else {
    $def = array('limit' => 3, 'cat_id' => "0", 'page_id' => "0", 'pagination' => false, 'type' => 'blog', 'order' => 'page_date_publish', 'order_asc' => 'desc', 'cut' => '»»»', 'show_cut' => false, 'date_now' => true, 'page_id_autor' => 0, 'thumb' => true, 'thumb_width' => 100, 'thumb_height' => 100, 'class_thumb' => 'b-left mar15-r rounded', 'content' => true, 'content_words' => 0, 'content_chars' => 0, 'content_cut' => '...', 'content_start' => '<div class="mso-page-content clearfix">', 'content_end' => '</div>', 'line1' => '[title][date]', 'line2' => '[thumb]', 'line3' => '', 'line4' => '[cat]', 'line5' => '<p class="t-right"><a href="[page_url]">Читать дальше</a></p>', 'title_start' => '<h4>', 'title_end' => '</h4>', 'block_start' => '<div class="layout-center flex flex-wrap pad5-rl">', 'block_end' => '</div>', 'page_start' => '<div class="w32 w48-tablet w100-phone pad20 mar15-tb bor1px bor-solid bor-gray400 rounded">', 'page_end' => '</div>', 'date' => 'j F Y, H:i', 'date_start' => '<p class="italic t90 i-calendar"><time datetime="[page_date_publish_iso]">', 'date_end' => '</time></p>', 'cat_start' => '<p class="i-folder t90">', 'cat_end' => '', 'cat_sep' => ',&NBSP;', 'tag_start' => '<p class="i-tag t90">', 'tag_end' => '</p>', 'tag_sep' => ',&NBSP;', 'author_start' => '', 'author_end' => '', 'read' => '»»»', 'read_start' => '<p>', 'read_end' => '</p>', 'comments_count_start' => '', 'comments_count_end' => '', 'placehold' => true, 'placehold_path' => '', 'placehold_pattern' => '[W]x[H].png', 'placehold_file' => 'data', 'placehold_data_bg' => '#EEEEEE', 'pagination_start' => '', 'pagination_end' => '', 'exclude_page_allow' => true, 'exclude_page_add' => true);
    $UNIT = mso_merge_array($UNIT, $def);
    $b = new Block_pages(array('limit' => $UNIT['limit'], 'cat_id' => $UNIT['cat_id'], 'page_id' => $UNIT['page_id'], 'pagination' => $UNIT['pagination'], 'type' => $UNIT['type'], 'order' => $UNIT['order'], 'order_asc' => $UNIT['order_asc'], 'cut' => $UNIT['cut'], 'show_cut' => $UNIT['show_cut'], 'date_now' => $UNIT['date_now'], 'page_id_autor' => $UNIT['page_id_autor'], 'exclude_page_allow' => $UNIT['exclude_page_allow']));
    if ($b->go) {
        $b->output(array('block_start' => $UNIT['block_start'], 'block_end' => $UNIT['block_end'], 'content' => $UNIT['content'], 'content_words' => $UNIT['content_words'], 'content_chars' => $UNIT['content_chars'], 'content_cut' => $UNIT['content_cut'], 'content_start' => $UNIT['content_start'], 'content_end' => $UNIT['content_end'], 'thumb' => $UNIT['thumb'], 'thumb_width' => $UNIT['thumb_width'], 'thumb_height' => $UNIT['thumb_height'], 'thumb_class' => $UNIT['class_thumb'], 'line1' => $UNIT['line1'], 'line2' => $UNIT['line2'], 'line3' => $UNIT['line3'], 'line4' => $UNIT['line4'], 'line5' => $UNIT['line5'], 'title_start' => $UNIT['title_start'], 'title_end' => $UNIT['title_end'], 'page_start' => $UNIT['page_start'], 'page_end' => $UNIT['page_end'], 'date' => $UNIT['date'], 'date_start' => $UNIT['date_start'], 'date_end' => $UNIT['date_end'], 'cat_start' => $UNIT['cat_start'], 'cat_end' => $UNIT['cat_end'], 'cat_sep' => $UNIT['cat_sep'], 'tag_start' => $UNIT['tag_start'], 'tag_end' => $UNIT['tag_end'], 'tag_sep' => $UNIT['tag_sep'], 'author_start' => $UNIT['author_start'], 'author_end' => $UNIT['author_end'], 'read' => $UNIT['read'], 'read_start' => $UNIT['read_start'], 'read_end' => $UNIT['read_end'], 'comments_count_start' => $UNIT['comments_count_start'], 'comments_count_end' => $UNIT['comments_count_start'], 'placehold' => $UNIT['placehold'], 'placehold_path' => $UNIT['placehold_path'], 'placehold_pattern' => $UNIT['placehold_pattern'], 'placehold_file' => $UNIT['placehold_file'], 'placehold_data_bg' => $UNIT['placehold_data_bg'], 'pagination_start' => $UNIT['pagination_start'], 'pagination_end' => $UNIT['pagination_end'], 'exclude_page_add' => $UNIT['exclude_page_add']));
    mso_add_cache($home_cache_key, ob_get_flush(), $home_cache_time * 60);
# end of file
Esempio n. 2
// ищем вхождение [slide] ... [slide]
$slides = mso_section_to_array($slides0, '!\\[slide\\](.*?)\\[\\/slide\\]!is', array(), false, true);
if (!$slides) {
// нет секций - выходим
// замена в тексте
$slides0 = str_replace('TEMPLATE_URL/', getinfo('template_url'), $slides0);
$slides0 = str_replace('SITE_URL/', getinfo('siteurl'), $slides0);
// опции слайдера свои
$options = mso_section_to_array($slides0, '!\\[options\\](.*?)\\[\\/options\\]!is', array());
if (isset($options[0])) {
    $options = $options[0];
$options_def = array('block_start' => '<div class="layout-center-wrap"><div class="layout-wrap mar30-tb pad20-rl">', 'block_end' => '</div></div>', 'element' => '.component-lightslider', 'ul_class' => 'component-lightslider');
$options = mso_merge_array($options, $options_def);
// в секции [js] все параметры слайдера в родном js-формате
$js = mso_section_to_array($slides0, '!\\[js\\](.*?)\\[\\/js\\]!is', array(), false, true);
// данные в первом элементе
$js = isset($js[0]) ? $js[0] : '';
echo $options['block_start'] . '<ul class="' . $options['ul_class'] . '">';
foreach ($slides as $slide) {
    if (!$slide) {
    // не указан текст
    echo '<li>' . trim($slide) . '</li>';
echo '</ul>' . $options['block_end'];
echo mso_load_script(getinfo('template_url') . 'components/lightslider/lightslider.min.js');
echo '<script>$(document).ready(function() { $("' . $options["element"] . '").lightSlider({' . $js . '}); });</script>';