function mpp_shortcode_uploader($atts = array(), $content = '')
    $default = array('gallery_id' => 0, 'component' => mpp_get_current_component(), 'component_id' => mpp_get_current_component_id(), 'type' => '', 'status' => mpp_get_default_status(), 'view' => '', 'selected' => 0, 'label_empty' => __('Please select a gallery', 'mediapress'), 'show_error' => 1);
    $atts = shortcode_atts($default, $atts);
    //dropdown list of galleries to sllow userselect one
    $view = 'list';
    if (!empty($atts['gallery_id']) && is_numeric($atts['gallery_id'])) {
        $view = 'single';
        //single gallery uploader
        //override component and $component id
        $gallery = mpp_get_gallery($atts['gallery_id']);
        if (!$gallery) {
            return __('Nonexistent gallery should not be used', 'mediapress');
        $atts['component'] = $gallery->component;
        $atts['component_id'] = $gallery->component_id;
        $atts['type'] = $gallery->type;
    //the user must be able to upload to current component or galler
    $can_upload = false;
    if (mpp_user_can_upload($atts['component'], $atts['component_id'], $atts['gallery_id'])) {
        $can_upload = true;
    if (!$can_upload && $atts['show_error']) {
        return __('Sorry, you are not allowed to upload here.', 'mediapress');
    //if we are here, the user can upload
    //we still have one issue, what if the user has not created any gallery and the admin intends to allow the user to upload to their created gallery
    $atts['context'] = 'shortcode';
    //from where it is being uploaded,
    $atts['view'] = $view;
    //passing the 2nd arg makes all these variables available to the loaded file
    mpp_get_template('shortcodes/uploader.php', $atts);
Esempio n. 2
} else {
    //we should seriously think about adding create gallery button here
    if (mpp_user_can_upload(mpp_get_current_component(), mpp_get_current_component_id())) {
    } else {

		<div class="mpp-notice mpp-no-gallery-notice">
			<p> <?php 
        _ex('Nothing to see here!', 'No media Message', 'mediapress');
function mpp_get_gallery_action_links($gallery = null)
    $links = array();
    $gallery = mpp_get_gallery($gallery);
    $links['view'] = sprintf('<a href="%1$s" title="view %2$s" class="mpp-view-gallery">%3$s</a>', mpp_get_gallery_permalink($gallery), esc_attr($gallery->title), __('view', 'mediapress'));
    if (mpp_user_can_upload($gallery->component, $gallery->component_id, $gallery)) {
        $links['upload'] = sprintf('<a href="%s" alt="' . __('upload files to %s', 'mediapress') . '">%s</a>', mpp_get_gallery_add_media_url($gallery), mpp_get_gallery_title($gallery), __('upload', 'mediapress'));
    if (mpp_user_can_delete_gallery($gallery)) {
        $links['delete'] = sprintf('<a href="%s" alt="' . __('delete %s', 'mediapress') . '" class="confirm mpp-confirm mpp-delete mpp-delete-gallery">%s</a>', mpp_get_gallery_delete_url($gallery), mpp_get_gallery_title($gallery), __('delete', 'mediapress'));
    return apply_filters('mpp_gallery_actions_links', join(' ', $links), $links, $gallery);
Esempio n. 4

 * @package MediaPress
 * Sitewide gallery single gallery home page
$gallery = mpp_get_current_gallery();
if (mpp_user_can_upload($gallery->component, $gallery->component_id)) {
<div class="mpp-menu mpp-menu-open  mpp-menu-horizontal mpp-gallery-admin-menu">
    mpp_gallery_admin_menu(mpp_get_current_gallery(), mpp_get_current_edit_action());
<hr />
<div class="mpp-container mpp-clearfix mpp-sitewide-component" id="mpp-container">
	<div class="mpp-breadcrumbs"><?php 
if (is_super_admin()) {
//main file loaded by MediaPress
//it loads the requested file
Esempio n. 5
function mpp_setup_gallery_nav()
    //only add on single gallery
    if (!mpp_is_single_gallery()) {
    $gallery = mpp_get_current_gallery();
    $url = '';
    if ($gallery) {
        $url = mpp_get_gallery_permalink($gallery);
    //only add view/edit/dele links on the single mgallery view
    mpp_add_gallery_nav_item(array('label' => __('View', 'mediapress'), 'url' => $url, 'action' => 'view', 'slug' => 'view'));
    $user_id = get_current_user_id();
    if (mpp_user_can_edit_gallery($gallery->id, $user_id)) {
        mpp_add_gallery_nav_item(array('label' => __('Edit Media', 'mediapress'), 'url' => mpp_get_gallery_edit_media_url($gallery), 'action' => 'edit', 'slug' => 'edit'));
    if (mpp_user_can_upload($gallery->component, $gallery->component_id)) {
        mpp_add_gallery_nav_item(array('label' => __('Add Media', 'mediapress'), 'url' => mpp_get_gallery_add_media_url($gallery), 'action' => 'add', 'slug' => 'add'));
    if (mpp_user_can_edit_gallery($gallery->id, $user_id)) {
        mpp_add_gallery_nav_item(array('label' => __('Reorder', 'mediapress'), 'url' => mpp_get_gallery_reorder_media_url($gallery), 'action' => 'reorder', 'slug' => 'reorder'));
        mpp_add_gallery_nav_item(array('label' => __('Edit Details', 'mediapress'), 'url' => mpp_get_gallery_settings_url($gallery), 'action' => 'settings', 'slug' => 'settings'));
    if (mpp_user_can_delete_gallery($gallery->id)) {
        mpp_add_gallery_nav_item(array('label' => __('Delete', 'mediapress'), 'url' => mpp_get_gallery_delete_url($gallery), 'action' => 'delete', 'slug' => 'delete'));
Esempio n. 6
 public function reload_add_media()
     //verify nonce
     if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_wpnonce'], 'mpp-manage-gallery')) {
         wp_send_json(array('message' => __('Invalid action.', 'mediapress'), 'error' => 1));
     $gallery_id = absint($_POST['gallery_id']);
     $gallery = mpp_get_gallery($gallery_id);
     if (!$gallery_id || !$gallery) {
         wp_send_json(array('message' => __('Invalid action.', 'mediapress'), 'error' => 1));
     if (!mpp_user_can_upload($gallery->component, $gallery->component_id)) {
         wp_send_json(array('message' => __("You don't have permission to upload.", 'mediapress'), 'error' => 1));
     //show the form
     mediapress()->current_gallery = $gallery;
     mediapress()->the_media_query = new MPP_Media_Query(array('gallery_id' => $gallery_id, 'per_page' => -1, 'nopaging' => true));
     global $post;
     $bkp_post = $post;
     require_once $this->template_dir . 'gallery/add-media.php';
     $contents = ob_get_clean();
     $post = $bkp_post;
     wp_send_json(array('message' => __("Updated.", 'mediapress'), 'success' => 1, 'contents' => $contents));
Esempio n. 7
 public function cover_upload()
     //check for the referrer
     $response = array();
     $file = $_FILES;
     $file_id = '_mpp_file';
     //key name in the files array
     //find the components we are trying to add for
     $component = $component_id = 0;
     $context = 'cover';
     $gallery_id = absint($_POST['mpp-gallery-id']);
     $parent_id = absint($_POST['mpp-parent-id']);
     if (!$gallery_id || !$parent_id) {
     $gallery = mpp_get_gallery($gallery_id);
     $component = $gallery->component;
     $component_id = $gallery->component_id;
     //get the uploader
     $uploader = mpp_get_storage_manager();
     //should we pass the component?
     //setup for component
     $uploader->setup_for($component, $component_id);
     //check if the server can handle the upload?
     if (!$uploader->can_handle()) {
         wp_send_json_error(array('message' => __('Server can not handle this much amount of data. Please upload a smaller file or ask your server administrator to change the settings.', 'mediapress')));
     $media_type = mpp_get_media_type_from_extension(mpp_get_file_extension($file[$file_id]['name']));
     //cover is always a photo,
     if ($media_type != 'photo') {
         wp_send_json(array('message' => sprintf(__('Please upload a photo. Only <strong>%s</strong> files are allowed!', 'mediapress'), mpp_get_allowed_file_extensions_as_string($media_type))));
     $error = false;
     //if we are here, all is well :)
     if (!mpp_user_can_upload($component, $component_id, $gallery)) {
         wp_send_json_error(array('message' => __("You don't have sufficient permissions to upload.", 'mediapress')));
     //if we are here, we have checked for all the basic errors, so let us just upload now
     $uploaded = $uploader->upload($file, array('file_id' => $file_id, 'gallery_id' => $gallery_id, 'component' => $component, 'component_id' => $component_id, 'is_cover' => 1));
     //upload was succesfull?
     if (!isset($uploaded['error'])) {
         //file was uploaded successfully
         $title = $_FILES[$file_id]['name'];
         $title_parts = pathinfo($title);
         $title = trim(substr($title, 0, -(1 + strlen($title_parts['extension']))));
         $url = $uploaded['url'];
         $type = $uploaded['type'];
         $file = $uploaded['file'];
         //$title = isset( $_POST['media_title'] ) ? $_POST['media_title'] : '';
         $content = isset($_POST['media_description']) ? $_POST['media_description'] : '';
         $meta = $uploader->get_meta($uploaded);
         $title_desc = $this->get_title_desc_from_meta($type, $meta);
         if (!empty($title_desc)) {
             if (empty($title) && !empty($title_desc['title'])) {
                 $title = $title_desc['title'];
             if (empty($content) && !empty($title_desc['content'])) {
                 $content = $title_desc['content'];
         $status = isset($_POST['media_status']) ? $_POST['media_status'] : '';
         if (empty($status) && $gallery) {
             $status = $gallery->status;
             //inherit from parent,gallery must have an status
         //we may need some more enhancements here
         if (!$status) {
             $status = mpp_get_default_status();
         //   print_r($upload_info);
         $is_orphan = 0;
         $media_data = array('title' => $title, 'description' => $content, 'gallery_id' => $parent_id, 'user_id' => get_current_user_id(), 'is_remote' => false, 'type' => $media_type, 'mime_type' => $type, 'src' => $file, 'url' => $url, 'status' => $status, 'comment_status' => 'open', 'storage_method' => mpp_get_storage_method(), 'component_id' => $component_id, 'component' => $component, 'context' => $context, 'is_orphan' => $is_orphan, 'is_cover' => true);
         $id = mpp_add_media($media_data);
         $old_cover = mpp_get_gallery_cover_id($gallery_id);
         if ($gallery->type == 'photo') {
         } else {
             //mark it as non gallery media
             mpp_delete_media_meta($id, '_mpp_is_mpp_media');
             if ($old_cover) {
         mpp_update_media_cover_id($parent_id, $id);
         $attachment = mpp_media_to_json($id);
         //$attachment['data']['type_id'] = mpp_get_type_term_id( $gallery->type );
         echo json_encode(array('success' => true, 'data' => $attachment));
         //wp_send_json_success( array('name'=>'what') );
     } else {
         echo json_encode(array('error' => 1, 'message' => $uploaded['error']));