Esempio n. 1
#{{{ a_function_definition - sumary_statement_goes_here
* Documentation for this function.
//function someFunctionName() {}
# MAIN - the beginning of execution for this page
// Security check on filename
$file = realpath($_REQUEST['file']);
if (!$file || !startsWith($file, realpath($_SESSION['dataDir']))) {
    mpLog("security:Attempt to access '{$file}' as '{$_REQUEST['file']}'");
    die("Security failure: illegal file request '{$_REQUEST['file']}'");
$tmp = mpTempfile('tmp_pdb_trim_');
reduceTrim($file, $tmp);
$name = basename($file);
if (preg_match('/H[0-9]*.pdb$/', $name)) {
    // uses preg_split to split the name into an array with the H from the name missing.
    $nameArray = preg_split('/H([0-9]*.pdb)$/', $name, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
    $name = $nameArray[0] . $nameArray[1];
} elseif (preg_match('/H_reg[0-9]*.pdb$/', $name)) {
    // uses preg_split to split the name into an array with the H from the name missing.
    $nameArray = preg_split('/H_reg([0-9]*.pdb)$/', $name, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
    $name = $nameArray[0] . $nameArray[1];
### FUNKY: This turns into a binary file download rather than an HTML page,
### and then calls die(), leaving the user on the original HTML page.
// These lines may be required by Internet Explorer
header("Pragma: public");
Esempio n. 2
* $infiles      array of single model PDB files to process
* $outfile      will be overwritten with a kinemage
function writeMultimodelChart($infiles, $outfile)
    $infiles = array_values($infiles);
    // re-indexes from 0 ... n-1
    $clashes = array();
    $clashOuts = array();
    $clashCount = array();
    $rotas = array();
    $rotaOuts = array();
    $rotaCount = array();
    $ramas = array();
    $ramaOuts = array();
    $ramaCount = array();
    $tmpfile = mpTempfile();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($infiles); $i++) {
        runClashlist($infiles[$i], $tmpfile);
        $clashes[$i] = loadClashlist($tmpfile);
        $clashOuts[$i] = findClashOutliers($clashes[$i]);
        foreach ($clashOuts[$i] as $cnit => $junk) {
            $clashCount[$cnit] += 1;
        runRotamer($infiles[$i], $tmpfile);
        $rotas[$i] = loadRotamer($tmpfile);
        $rotaOuts[$i] = findRotaOutliers($rotas[$i]);
        foreach ($rotaOuts[$i] as $cnit => $junk) {
            $rotaCount[$cnit] += 1;
        runRamachandran($infiles[$i], $tmpfile);
        $ramas[$i] = loadRamachandran($tmpfile);
        $ramaOuts[$i] = findRamaOutliers($ramas[$i]);
        foreach ($ramaOuts[$i] as $cnit => $junk) {
            $ramaCount[$cnit] += 1;
    $allRes = array_values(listResidues($infiles[0]));
    // for now, assume all files have same res
    $out = fopen($outfile, 'wb');
    fwrite($out, "@kinemage 1\n");
    fwrite($out, "@flatland\n");
    fwrite($out, "@group {models} animate collapsable\n");
    fwrite($out, "@labellist {res names}\n");
    for ($j = 0; $j < count($allRes); $j++) {
        fwrite($out, "{" . $allRes[$j] . "} 0 -{$j} 0\n");
    fwrite($out, "@balllist {grid} radius= 0.02 nohighlight color= gray\n");
    for ($j = 0; $j < count($allRes); $j++) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($infiles); $i++) {
            fwrite($out, "{} " . (-$i - 1) . " -{$j} 0\n");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($infiles); $i++) {
        fwrite($out, "@subgroup {" . basename($infiles[$i]) . "} dominant\n");
        fwrite($out, "@ringlist {clashes} master= {clashes} radius= 0.3 width= 2 color= hotpink\n");
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($allRes); $j++) {
            if ($clashOuts[$i][$allRes[$j]]) {
                fwrite($out, "{" . $allRes[$j] . "} " . (-$i - 1) . " -{$j} 0\n");
        fwrite($out, "@ringlist {rotamers} master= {rotamers} radius= 0.1 width= 2 color= gold\n");
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($allRes); $j++) {
            if ($rotaOuts[$i][$allRes[$j]]) {
                fwrite($out, "{" . $allRes[$j] . "} " . (-$i - 1) . " -{$j} 0\n");
        fwrite($out, "@ringlist {Ramachandran} master= {Ramachandran} radius= 0.2 width= 2 color= green\n");
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($allRes); $j++) {
            if ($ramaOuts[$i][$allRes[$j]]) {
                fwrite($out, "{" . $allRes[$j] . "} " . (-$i - 1) . " -{$j} 0\n");
    fwrite($out, "@group {criteria (rings)} animate collapsable\n");
    fwrite($out, "@labellist {res names}\n");
    for ($j = 0; $j < count($allRes); $j++) {
        fwrite($out, "{" . $allRes[$j] . "} 0 -{$j} " . -0.1 * $i . "\n");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($infiles); $i++) {
        fwrite($out, "@subgroup {" . basename($infiles[$i]) . "} dominant\n");
        $xpos = 0;
        fwrite($out, "@ringlist {clashes} radius= " . 0.5 * ($i + 1) / count($infiles) . " width= 1 color= hotpink\n");
        $xpos -= 1.5;
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($allRes); $j++) {
            if ($clashOuts[$i][$allRes[$j]]) {
                fwrite($out, "{" . $allRes[$j] . "} {$xpos} -{$j} " . -0.1 * $i . "\n");
        fwrite($out, "@ringlist {rotamers} radius= " . 0.5 * ($i + 1) / count($infiles) . " width= 1 color= gold\n");
        $xpos -= 1.5;
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($allRes); $j++) {
            if ($rotaOuts[$i][$allRes[$j]]) {
                fwrite($out, "{" . $allRes[$j] . "} {$xpos} -{$j} " . -0.1 * $i . "\n");
        fwrite($out, "@ringlist {Ramachandran} radius= " . 0.5 * ($i + 1) / count($infiles) . " width= 1 color= green\n");
        $xpos -= 1.5;
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($allRes); $j++) {
            if ($ramaOuts[$i][$allRes[$j]]) {
                fwrite($out, "{" . $allRes[$j] . "} {$xpos} -{$j} " . -0.1 * $i . "\n");
    fwrite($out, "@group {criteria (lines)} animate collapsable\n");
    fwrite($out, "@labellist {res names}\n");
    for ($j = 0; $j < count($allRes); $j++) {
        fwrite($out, "{" . $allRes[$j] . "} 0 -{$j} " . -0.1 * $i . "\n");
    $xpos = 0;
    fwrite($out, "@vectorlist {clashes} color= hotpink\n");
    $xpos -= 1;
    writeMultimodelChart_bars($out, $allRes, $clashCount, count($infiles), $xpos);
    fwrite($out, "@vectorlist {rotamers} color= gold\n");
    $xpos -= 1;
    writeMultimodelChart_bars($out, $allRes, $rotaCount, count($infiles), $xpos);
    fwrite($out, "@vectorlist {Ramachandran} color= green\n");
    $xpos -= 1;
    writeMultimodelChart_bars($out, $allRes, $ramaCount, count($infiles), $xpos);
    fwrite($out, "@group {criteria (worms)} animate collapsable\n");
    fwrite($out, "@labellist {res names}\n");
    for ($j = 0; $j < count($allRes); $j++) {
        fwrite($out, "{" . $allRes[$j] . "} 0 -{$j} " . -0.1 * $i . "\n");
    $xpos = 0;
    fwrite($out, "@trianglelist {clashes} color= hotpink\n");
    $xpos -= 1;
    writeMultimodelChart_boxes($out, $allRes, $clashCount, count($infiles), $xpos);
    fwrite($out, "@trianglelist {rotamers} color= gold\n");
    $xpos -= 1;
    writeMultimodelChart_boxes($out, $allRes, $rotaCount, count($infiles), $xpos);
    fwrite($out, "@trianglelist {Ramachandran} color= green\n");
    $xpos -= 1;
    writeMultimodelChart_boxes($out, $allRes, $ramaCount, count($infiles), $xpos);
Esempio n. 3
* Inserts the given block of text into the named PDB file.
function replacePdbRemark($inpath, $remarkText, $remarkNumber)
    // Make a copy of the starting PDB file into the tmp dir
    $outpath = $inpath;
    $inpath = mpTempfile("tmp_remark_");
    copy($outpath, $inpath);
    // Open input and output streams
    $in = fopen($inpath, 'r');
    $out = fopen($outpath, 'w');
    // Copy headers and remarks that precede ours...
    while (!feof($in)) {
        $line = fgets($in, 1024);
        $start = substr($line, 0, 6);
        if ($start == 'REMARK') {
            $num = substr($line, 7, 3) + 0;
            if ($num >= $remarkNumber) {
                if ($num == $remarkNumber) {
                    $line = null;
                // mark line as written -- we don't want to write it later!
            } else {
                fwrite($out, $line);
                $line = null;
                // mark line as written
        } elseif ($start == 'USER  ' || $start == 'HEADER' || $start == 'OBSLTE' || $start == 'TITLE ' || $start == 'CAVEAT' || $start == 'COMPND' || $start == 'SOURCE' || $start == 'KEYWDS' || $start == 'EXPDTA' || $start == 'AUTHOR' || $start == 'REVDAT' || $start == 'SPRSDE' || $start == 'JRNL  ') {
            fwrite($out, $line);
            $line = null;
            // mark line as written
        } else {
        // abort loop for any other type of record
    // Write our remark
    fwrite($out, $remarkText);
    // Write the line that made us break, if applicable:
    if ($line) {
        fwrite($out, $line);
    // Copy remaining records, skipping any with our same remark number
    while (!feof($in)) {
        $line = fgets($in, 1024);
        $start = substr($line, 0, 6);
        if ($start == 'REMARK') {
            $num = substr($line, 7, 3) + 0;
            if ($num == $remarkNumber) {
        fwrite($out, $line);
    // Close streams
    // Remove duplicate of original file
Esempio n. 4
* This is the uber-validation function that calls everything below.
* It is suited for use from either the web or command line interface.
* This only makes sense in terms of an active session.
*   modelID             ID code for model to process
*   opts                has the following keys mapped to boolean flags:
*     doKinemage        make the multi-criterion kinemage at all?
*       kinClashes      show clash dots?
*       kinHbonds       show H-bond dots?
*       kinContacts     show contact dots?
*       kinRama         show Rama outliers?
*       kinRota         show rotamer outliers?
*       kinGeom         show bond length and angle outliers?
*       kinCBdev        show C-beta deviations?
*       kinBaseP        show base-phosphate perpendiculars?
*       kinSuite        show RNA backbone conformational outliers?
*       kinAltConfs     show alternate conformations?
*       kinBfactor      show B-factor color model?
*       kinOccupancy    show occupancy color model?
*       kinRibbons      show ribbons?
*       kinForceViews   force running clashlist, etc to provide @views of bad spots?
*     doCharts          make the multi-criterion chart and other plots/tables/lists?
*       chartClashlist  run clashlistcluster?
*       chartRama       do Rama plots and analysis?
*       chartRota       do rotamer analysis?
*       chartGeom       do bond length and angle outliers?
*       chartCBdev      do CB dev plots and analysis?
*       chartBaseP      check base-phosphate perpendiculars?
*       chartSuite      check RNA backbone conformations?
*       chartHoriz      do horizontal chart?
*       chartCoot       do coot chart?
*       chartMulti      do html multi chart?
*       chartNotJustOut include residues that have no problems in the list?
*       chartAltloc     remove redundant residue rows when altlocs present?
*       chartImprove    compare to reduce -(no)build results to show improvement?
* This function returns some HTML suitable for using in a lab notebook entry.
function runAnalysis($modelID, $opts)
    //{{{ Set up file/directory vars and the task list
    // If doKinemage or doCharts is off, turn off all their subordinates
    if (!$opts['doKinemage']) {
        foreach ($opts as $k => $v) {
            if (startsWith($k, 'kin')) {
                $opts[$k] = false;
    if (!$opts['doCharts']) {
        foreach ($opts as $k => $v) {
            if (startsWith($k, 'chart')) {
                $opts[$k] = false;
    if ($opts['kinForceViews']) {
        foreach ($opts as $k => $v) {
            if (startsWith($k, 'chart')) {
                $opts[$k] = true;
    $model = $_SESSION['models'][$modelID];
    $modelDir = $_SESSION['dataDir'] . '/' . MP_DIR_MODELS;
    $modelURL = $_SESSION['dataURL'] . '/' . MP_DIR_MODELS;
    $kinDir = $_SESSION['dataDir'] . '/' . MP_DIR_KINS;
    $kinURL = $_SESSION['dataURL'] . '/' . MP_DIR_KINS;
    if (!file_exists($kinDir)) {
        mkdir($kinDir, 0777);
    $rawDir = $_SESSION['dataDir'] . '/' . MP_DIR_RAWDATA;
    if (!file_exists($rawDir)) {
        mkdir($rawDir, 0777);
    $chartDir = $_SESSION['dataDir'] . '/' . MP_DIR_CHARTS;
    $chartURL = $_SESSION['dataURL'] . '/' . MP_DIR_CHARTS;
    if (!file_exists($chartDir)) {
        mkdir($chartDir, 0777);
    $xrayDir = $_SESSION['dataDir'] . '/' . MP_DIR_XRAYDATA;
    $infile = "{$modelDir}/{$model['pdb']}";
    $reduce_blength = $_SESSION['reduce_blength'];
    if (isset($model['mtz_file'])) {
        $mtz_file = $model['mtz_file'];
    } else {
        $mtz_file = $_SESSION['models'][$model['parent']]['mtz_file'];
    if ($opts['chartRama']) {
        $tasks['rama'] = "Do Ramachandran analysis and make plots (<code>ramalyze</code>)";
    if ($opts['chartRota']) {
        $tasks['rota'] = "Do rotamer analysis (<code>rotalyze</code>)";
    if ($opts['chartCBdev']) {
        $tasks['cbeta'] = "Do C&beta; deviation analysis and make kins (<code>cbetadev</code>)";
    if ($opts['chartOmega']) {
        $tasks['omega'] = "Do cis-peptide analysis (<code>omegalyze</code>)";
    if ($opts['chartCablamLow']) {
        $tasks['cablam'] = "Do CaBLAM analysis (<code>cablam_validate</code>)";
    if ($opts['chartBaseP']) {
        $tasks['base-phos'] = "Do RNA sugar pucker analysis";
    if ($opts['chartSuite']) {
        $tasks['suitename'] = "Do RNA backbone conformations analysis";
    if ($model['stats']['use_cdl']) {
        $geomsg = "Using CDL";
    } else {
        $geomsg = "";
    if ($opts['chartGeom']) {
        $tasks['geomValidation'] = "Do bond length and angle geometry analysis (<code>mp_geo</code>) {$geomsg}";
    if ($opts['chartClashlist']) {
        $tasks['clashlist'] = "Run <code>clashscore</code> to find bad clashes and clashscore";
    if ($opts['chartImprove']) {
        $tasks['improve'] = "Suggest / report on fixes";
    if ($opts['doCharts'] && !$opts['chartMulti']) {
        $tasks['chartsummary'] = "Create summary chart";
    if ($opts['chartMulti']) {
        $tasks['multichart'] = "Create multi-criterion chart";
    if ($opts['chartHoriz']) {
        $tasks['runRSCC'] = "Run real-space correlation";
        $tasks['charthoriz'] = "Create horizontal RSCC chart";
    if ($opts['chartCoot']) {
        $tasks['cootchart'] = "Create chart for use in Coot";
    if ($opts['doKinemage']) {
        $tasks['multikin'] = "Create multi-criterion kinemage";
    //if($opts['doLowRes'])       $tasks['lowResKin'] = "Create low-resolution multi-criterion kinemage";
    //$doRem40 = $opts['chartClashlist'] || $opts['chartRama'] || $opts['chartRota'];
    //if($doRem40)                $tasks['remark40'] = "Create REMARK  40 record for the PDB file";
    //}}} Set up file/directory vars and the task list
    //{{{ Run geometry programs and offer kins to user
    //{{{ Ramachandran
    if ($opts['chartRama']) {
        $startTime = time();
        setProgress($tasks, 'rama');
        // updates the progress display if running as a background job
        $outfile = "{$rawDir}/{$model['prefix']}";
        runRamachandran($infile, $outfile);
        $rama = loadRamachandran($outfile);
        makeRamachandranKin($infile, "{$kinDir}/{$model['prefix']}rama.kin");
        $tasks['rama'] .= " - preview <a href='viewking.php?{$_SESSION['sessTag']}&url={$kinURL}/{$model['prefix']}rama.kin' target='_blank'>kinemage</a>";
        setProgress($tasks, 'rama');
        // so the preview link is visible
        makeRamachandranPDF($infile, "{$chartDir}/{$model['prefix']}rama.pdf");
        $tasks['rama'] .= " | <a href='{$chartURL}/{$model['prefix']}rama.pdf' target='_blank'>PDF</a>\n";
        setProgress($tasks, 'rama');
        // so the preview link is visible
        echo "Ramachandran ran for " . (time() - $startTime) . " seconds\n";
    //{{{ Rotamers
    if ($opts['chartRota']) {
        $startTime = time();
        setProgress($tasks, 'rota');
        // updates the progress display if running as a background job
        $outfile = "{$rawDir}/{$model['prefix']}";
        runRotamer($infile, $outfile);
        $rota = loadRotamer($outfile);
        echo "Rotamers ran for " . (time() - $startTime) . " seconds\n";
    //{{{ C-beta deviations
    if ($opts['chartCBdev']) {
        $startTime = time();
        setProgress($tasks, 'cbeta');
        // updates the progress display if running as a background job
        $outfile = "{$rawDir}/{$model['prefix']}";
        runCbetaDev($infile, $outfile);
        $cbdev = loadCbetaDev($outfile);
        makeCbetaDevPlot($infile, "{$kinDir}/{$model['prefix']}cbetadev.kin");
        $tasks['cbeta'] .= " - <a href='viewking.php?{$_SESSION['sessTag']}&url={$kinURL}/{$model['prefix']}cbetadev.kin' target='_blank'>preview</a>";
        setProgress($tasks, 'cbeta');
        // so the preview link is visible
        echo "C-beta ran for " . (time() - $startTime) . " seconds\n";
    //{{{ Omega peptides
    if ($opts['chartOmega']) {
        $startTime = time();
        setProgress($tasks, 'omega');
        $outfile = "{$rawDir}/{$model['prefix']}";
        //$outfile = "$rawDir/$model[prefix]omega-clashlist.txt";
        runOmegalyze($infile, $outfile);
        $omega = loadOmegalyze($outfile);
        echo "Omegalyze ran for " . (time() - $startTime) . " seconds\n";
    //{{{ CaBLAM
    if ($opts['chartCablamLow']) {
        setProgress($tasks, 'cablam');
        $outfile = "{$rawDir}/{$model['prefix']}";
        runCablam($infile, $outfile);
        $cablam = loadCablam($outfile);
    //{{{ Run nucleic acid geometry programs and offer kins to user
    //{{{ Base-phosphate perpendiculars
    if ($opts['chartBaseP']) {
        setProgress($tasks, 'base-phos');
        // updates the progress display if running as a background job
        $outfile = "{$rawDir}/{$model['prefix']}";
        runBasePhosPerp($infile, $outfile);
        $pperp = loadBasePhosPerp($outfile);
    //{{{ Suitename
    if ($opts['chartSuite']) {
        setProgress($tasks, 'suitename');
        // updates the progress display if running as a background job
        $outfile = "{$chartDir}/{$model['prefix']}suitename.txt";
        runSuitenameReport($infile, $outfile);
        $suites = loadSuitenameReport($outfile);
        $tasks['suitename'] .= " - <a href='viewtext.php?{$_SESSION['sessTag']}&file={$outfile}&mode=plain' target='_blank'>preview</a>\n";
        setProgress($tasks, 'suitename');
        // so the preview link is visible
        $outfile = "{$chartDir}/{$model['prefix']}suitestring.txt";
        runSuitenameString($infile, $outfile);
        makeSuitenameKin($infile, "{$kinDir}/{$model['prefix']}suitename.kin");
    //}}} Run nucleic acid geometry programs and offer kins to user
    //{{{ Bonds and Angles
    if ($opts['chartGeom']) {
        setProgress($tasks, 'geomValidation');
        // updates the progress display if running as a background job
        $geomfile = "{$rawDir}/{$model['prefix']}";
        runValidationReport($infile, $geomfile, $model['stats']['use_cdl']);
        //$protfile = "$rawDir/$model[prefix]";
        //runValidationReport($infile, $protfile, "protein");
        //$rnafile = "$rawDir/$model[prefix]";
        //runValidationReport($infile, $rnafile, "rna");
        //$validate_bond  = loadValidationBondReport($protfile,"protein");
        //if (is_array($validate_bond))
        $validate_bond = array_merge(loadValidationBondReport($geomfile, "protein"), loadValidationBondReport($geomfile, "rna"));
        if (count($validate_bond) == 0) {
            $validate_bond = null;
        $validate_angle = array_merge(loadValidationAngleReport($geomfile, "protein"), loadValidationAngleReport($geomfile, "rna"));
        if (count($validate_angle) == 0) {
            $validate_angle = null;
    //}}} Run programs and offer kins to user
    //{{{ Run all-atom contact programs and offer kins to user
    // Clashes
    if ($opts['chartClashlist']) {
        $startTime = time();
        setProgress($tasks, 'clashlist');
        // updates the progress display if running as a background job
        $outfile = "{$chartDir}/{$model['prefix']}clashlist.txt";
        #runClashlist($infile, $outfile, $reduce_blength);
        runClashscore($infile, $outfile, $reduce_blength);
        #$clash = loadClashlist($outfile);
        $clash = loadClashscore($outfile);
        //$clashPct = runClashStats($model['stats']['resolution'], $clash['scoreAll'], $clash['scoreBlt40']);
        $tasks['clashlist'] .= " - <a href='viewtext.php?{$_SESSION['sessTag']}&file={$outfile}&mode=plain' target='_blank'>preview</a>\n";
        setProgress($tasks, 'clashlist');
        // so the preview link is visible
        echo "chartClashlist ran for " . (time() - $startTime) . " seconds\n";
    //}}} Run all-atom contact programs and offer kins to user
    //{{{ Run real-space correlation
    $model['raw_rscc_name'] = "{$model['parent']}_raw.rscc";
    $model['rscc_name'] = "{$model['parent']}.rscc";
    $rscc_out = "{$xrayDir}/{$model['parent']}.rscc";
    $rscc_prequel_out = "{$xrayDir}/{$model['parent']}_prequel.rscc";
    if ($opts['chartHoriz']) {
        $startTime = time();
        setProgress($tasks, 'runRSCC');
        runRscc($infile, $mtz_file, $rscc_out, $rscc_prequel_out);
        echo "runRscc ran for " . (time() - $startTime) . " seconds\n";
        echo $mtz_file;
        echo isset($mtz_file);
    //{{{ Report on improvements (that could be) made by MolProbity
    $improveText = "";
    if ($opts['chartImprove'] && ($clash || $rota)) {
        $startTime = time();
        setProgress($tasks, 'improve');
        // updates the progress display if running as a background job
        $altpdb = mpTempfile("tmp_altH_pdb_");
        $mainClashscore = $clash ? $clash['scoreAll'] : 0;
        $mainRotaCount = $rota ? count(findRotaOutliers($rota)) : 0;
        $improvementList = array();
        if ($model['isBuilt']) {
            $altInpath = $modelDir . '/' . $_SESSION['models'][$model['parent']]['pdb'];
            reduceNoBuild($altInpath, $altpdb, $reduce_blength);
            // Rotamers
            $outfile = mpTempfile("tmp_rotamer_");
            runRotamer($altpdb, $outfile);
            $altrota = loadRotamer($outfile);
            $altRotaCount = count(findRotaOutliers($altrota));
            if ($altRotaCount > $mainRotaCount) {
                if ($altRotaCount - $mainRotaCount > 1) {
                    $improvementList[] = "fixed " . ($altRotaCount - $mainRotaCount) . " bad rotamers";
                } else {
                    $improvementList[] = "fixed " . ($altRotaCount - $mainRotaCount) . " bad rotamer";
            // Clashes
            $outfile = mpTempfile("tmp_clashlist_");
            #runClashlist($altpdb, $outfile, $reduce_blength);
            runClashscore($altpdb, $outfile, $reduce_blength);
            #$altclash = loadClashlist($outfile);
            $altclash = loadClashscore($outfile);
            if ($altclash['scoreAll'] - $mainClashscore >= 0.005) {
                //0.005 is the smallest change that will still be reported by the sprintf("%.2f") below
                $improvementList[] = "improved your clashscore by " . sprintf("%.2f", $altclash['scoreAll'] - $mainClashscore) . " points";
            if (count($improvementList) > 0) {
                $improveText .= "<div class='feature'>By adding H to this model and allowing Asn/Gln/His flips, you have already ";
                $improveText .= implode(" and ", $improvementList);
                $improveText .= ".  <br /><b>Make sure you download the modified PDB to take advantage of these improvements! <br />NOTE: Atom positions have changed, so refinement to idealize geometry is necessary.</b></div>\n";
        } elseif ($mainClashscore > 0 || $mainRotaCount > 0) {
            if ($model['parent']) {
                $altInpath = $_SESSION['models'][$model['parent']]['pdb'];
            } else {
                $altInpath = $model['pdb'];
            $altInpath = "{$modelDir}/{$altInpath}";
            reduceBuild($altInpath, $altpdb, $reduce_blength);
            if ($mainRotaCount > 0) {
                $outfile = mpTempfile("tmp_rotamer_");
                runRotamer($altpdb, $outfile);
                $altrota = loadRotamer($outfile);
                $altRotaCount = count(findRotaOutliers($altrota));
                if ($altRotaCount < $mainRotaCount) {
                    $improvementList[] = "fix " . ($mainRotaCount - $altRotaCount) . " bad rotamers";
            if ($mainClashscore > 0) {
                $outfile = mpTempfile("tmp_clashlist_");
                #runClashlist($altpdb, $outfile, $reduce_blength);
                runClashscore($altpdb, $outfile, $reduce_blength);
                #$altclash = loadClashlist($outfile);
                $altclash = loadClashscore($outfile);
                if ($mainClashscore - $altclash['scoreAll'] >= 0.005) {
                    //0.005 is the smallest change that will still be reported by the sprintf("%.2f") below
                    $improvementList[] = "improve your clashscore by " . sprintf("%.2f", $mainClashscore - $altclash['scoreAll']) . " points";
            if (count($improvementList) > 0) {
                $improveText .= "<div class='feature'>By adding H to this model and allowing Asn/Gln/His flips, we could <i>automatically</i> ";
                $improveText .= implode(" and ", $improvementList);
                $improveText .= ".</div>\n";
        echo "chart Improve ran for " . (time() - $startTime) . " seconds\n";
    //}}} Report on improvements (that could be) made by by MolProbity
    //{{{ Build multi-criterion chart, kinemage, horizontal, chart
    if ($opts['doCharts']) {
        $startTime = time();
        if ($opts['chartMulti']) {
            setProgress($tasks, 'multichart');
            // updates the progress display if running as a background job
        } else {
            setProgress($tasks, 'chartsummary');
        $outfile = "{$rawDir}/{$model['prefix']}multi.table";
        $snapfile = "{$chartDir}/{$model['prefix']}multi.html";
        $resout = "{$rawDir}/{$model['prefix']}multi_res.table";
        writeMulticritChart($infile, $outfile, $snapfile, $resout, $clash, $rama, $rota, $cbdev, $pperp, $suites, $validate_bond, $validate_angle, $cablam, $omega, !$opts['chartNotJustOut'], $opts['chartMulti'], $opts['chartAltloc']);
        if ($opts['chartMulti']) {
            $tasks['multichart'] .= " - <a href='viewtable.php?{$_SESSION['sessTag']}&file={$outfile}' target='_blank'>preview</a>\n";
            setProgress($tasks, 'multichart');
            // so the preview link is visible
        } else {
            $tasks['chartsummary'] .= " - <a href='viewtable.php?{$_SESSION['sessTag']}&file={$outfile}' target='_blank'>preview</a>\n";
            setProgress($tasks, 'chartsummary');
            // so the preview link is visible
        if ($opts['chartHoriz']) {
            setProgress($tasks, 'charthoriz');
            $horiz_table_file = "{$rawDir}/{$model['prefix']}horiz.table";
            writeHorizontalChart($resout, $rscc_out, $outfile, $horiz_table_file, $rscc_prequel_out);
        if ($opts['chartCoot']) {
            setProgress($tasks, 'cootchart');
            $outfile = "{$chartDir}/{$model['prefix']}multi-coot.scm";
            $outfile_py = "{$chartDir}/{$model['prefix']}";
            #makeCootMulticritChart($infile, $outfile, $clash, $rama, $rota, $cbdev, $pperp);
            makeCootClusteredChart($infile, $outfile, $outfile_py, $clash, $rama, $rota, $cbdev, $pperp);
        echo "do Charts ran for " . (time() - $startTime) . " seconds\n";
    if ($opts['doKinemage']) {
        $startTime = time();
        setProgress($tasks, 'multikin');
        // updates the progress display if running as a background job
        $mcKinOpts = array('ribbons' => $opts['kinRibbons'], 'Bscale' => $opts['kinBfactor'], 'Qscale' => $opts['kinOccupancy'], 'altconf' => $opts['kinAltConfs'], 'rama' => $opts['kinRama'], 'rota' => $opts['kinRota'], 'geom' => $opts['kinGeom'], 'cbdev' => $opts['kinCBdev'], 'omega' => $opts['kinOmega'], 'cablam' => $opts['kinCablamLow'], 'pperp' => $opts['kinBaseP'], 'clashdots' => $opts['kinClashes'], 'hbdots' => $opts['kinHbonds'], 'vdwdots' => $opts['kinContacts']);
        $outfile = "{$kinDir}/{$model['prefix']}multi.kin";
        $viewRes = array();
        //echo "kinForceViews = ".$opts['kinForceViews']."\n";
        if ($opts['kinForceViews']) {
            //echo "Ran calcLocalBadness\n";
            $viewRes = array_keys(calcLocalBadness($infile, 10, $clash, $rama, $rota, $cbdev, $pperp));
        makeMulticritKin2(array($infile), $outfile, $mcKinOpts, $viewRes);
        // EXPERIMENTAL: gzip compress large multikins
        if (filesize($outfile) > MP_KIN_GZIP_THRESHOLD) {
        echo "do Kinemage ran for " . (time() - $startTime) . " seconds\n";
    //}}} Build multi-criterion chart, kinemage
    //{{{ Low-resolution-specific analyses
    //Low-res kinemage is being simplified and merged into main kinemage
    //  if($opts['kinCablamLow'] || $opts['other'])
    //  {
    //      $startTime = time();
    //      setProgress($tasks, 'lowResKin');
    //      $lowResKinOpts = array(//first column is opts, second column sets true-false
    //          'ribbons'    =>  $opts['kinRibbons'],//pass pdb w/HELIX+SHEET for this
    //          'rama'       =>  $opts['kinRama'],
    //          'geom'       =>  $opts['kinGeom'],
    //          'cbdev'      =>  $opts['kinCBdev'],
    //          'omega'      =>  $opts['kinOmega'],
    //          'cablam'     =>  $opts['kinCablamLow'],
    //          'clashdots'  =>  $opts['kinClashes']
    //      );
    //      $outfile = "$kinDir/$model[prefix]low_multi.kin";
    //      $cablamSecStrucFile = "$modelDir/$model[prefix]cablam_sec_struc_records.pdb";
    //      //$viewRes = array(); //Used with opts[kinForceViews], not necessary argument for makeMulticritKin2
    //      makeMulticritKinLowRes(array($infile), $outfile, $cablamSecStrucFile, $lowResKinOpts);
    //      if(filesize($outfile) > MP_KIN_GZIP_THRESHOLD)  destructiveGZipFile($outfile);
    //      echo "do low-res Kinemage ran for ".(time() - $startTime)." seconds\n";
    //  }
    //{{{ Create REMARK  40 and insert into PDB file
    //if(is_array($clash) || is_array($rama) || is_array($rota))
    //    setProgress($tasks, 'remark40'); // updates the progress display if running as a background job
    //    $remark40 = makeRemark40($clash, $rama, $rota);
    //    replacePdbRemark($infile, $remark40,  40);
    //}}} Create REMARK  40 and insert into PDB file
    //{{{ Create lab notebook entry
    $entry = "";
    if (is_array($clash) || is_array($rama) || is_array($rota) || is_array($cbdev) || is_array($pperp) || is_array($suites)) {
        $entry .= "<h3>Summary statistics</h3>\n";
        $entry .= makeSummaryStatsTable($model['stats']['resolution'], $clash, $rama, $rota, $cbdev, $pperp, $suites, $validate_bond, $validate_angle, $cablam, $omega);
    $entry .= $improveText;
    if ($opts['doKinemage'] || $opts['doCharts']) {
        $entry .= "<h3>Multi-criterion visualizations</h3>\n";
        $entry .= "<div class='indent'>\n";
        $entry .= "<table width='100%' border='0'><tr valign='top'>\n";
        if ($opts['doKinemage']) {
            $entry .= "<td>" . linkAnyFile("{$model['prefix']}multi.kin", "Kinemage", "img/multikin.jpg") . "</td>\n";
        if ($opts['doCharts']) {
            $entry .= "<td>" . linkAnyFile("{$model['prefix']}multi.table", "Chart", "img/multichart.jpg") . "</td>\n";
            if ($opts['chartCoot']) {
                $entry .= "<td>" . linkAnyFile("{$model['prefix']}multi-coot.scm", "To-do list for Coot", "img/multichart-coot.jpg") . "<br><small><i>Open this in Coot 0.1.2 or later using Calculate | Run Script...</i></small></td>\n";
                #$entry .= "<td>".linkAnyFile("$model[prefix]", "To-do list for Coot Python", "img/multichart-coot.jpg")."<br><small><i>Open this in Coot 0.1.2 or later using Calculate | Run Script...</i></small></td>\n";
            if ($opts['chartHoriz']) {
                $entry .= "<td>" . linkAnyFile("{$model['prefix']}horiz.table", "Horizontal Chart", "img/multichart_horiz.jpg") . "</td>\n";
        //if($opts['doLowRes']) {
        //    if($opts['kinCablamLow'] || $opts['other']) {
        //        $entry .= "<td>".linkAnyFile("$model[prefix]low_multi.kin", "LowRes MultiKin", "img/low_multikin.jpg")."</td>\n";
        //    }
        $entry .= "</tr></table>\n";
        $entry .= "</div>\n";
    if ($opts['chartClashlist'] || $opts['chartRama'] || $opts['chartCBdev'] || $opts['chartSuite']) {
        $entry .= "<h3>Single-criterion visualizations</h3>";
        $entry .= "<ul>\n";
        if ($opts['chartClashlist']) {
            $entry .= "<li>" . linkAnyFile("{$model['prefix']}clashlist.txt", "Clash list") . "</li>\n";
        if ($opts['chartRama']) {
            $entry .= "<li>" . linkAnyFile("{$model['prefix']}rama.kin", "Ramachandran plot kinemage") . "</li>\n";
            $entry .= "<li>" . linkAnyFile("{$model['prefix']}rama.pdf", "Ramachandran plot PDF") . "</li>\n";
        if ($opts['chartCBdev']) {
            $entry .= "<li>" . linkAnyFile("{$model['prefix']}cbetadev.kin", "C&beta; deviation scatter plot") . "</li>\n";
        if ($opts['chartSuite']) {
            $entry .= "<li>" . linkAnyFile("{$model['prefix']}suitename.txt", "RNA backbone report") . "</li>\n";
            $entry .= "<li>" . linkAnyFile("{$model['prefix']}suitestring.txt", "RNA backbone conformation \"sequence\"") . "</li>\n";
            $entry .= "<li>" . linkAnyFile("{$model['prefix']}suitename.kin", "RNA backbone multi-D plot of conformations") . "</li>\n";
        $entry .= "</ul>\n";
    if ($remark40) {
        $entry .= "<h3>REMARK  40</h3>";
        $url = "{$modelURL}/{$model['pdb']}";
        $entry .= "You can <a href='{$url}'>download your PDB file with REMARK  40</a> inserted, or the same <a href='download_trimmed.php?{$_SESSION['sessTag']}&file={$infile}'> without hydrogens</a>.\n";
        $entry .= "<p><pre>{$remark40}</pre></p>";
    //}}} Create lab notebook entry
    setProgress($tasks, null);
    // everything is finished
    return $entry;
Esempio n. 5
 * Documentation for this function.
 function onUploadXray()
     $req = $_REQUEST;
     if ($_REQUEST['cmd'] == "Cancel") {
     } else {
         $xrayName = censorFileName($_FILES['uploadFile']['name'], array('mtz'));
         // make sure no spaces, etc.
         $xrayPath = "{$_SESSION['dataDir']}/" . MP_DIR_XRAYDATA;
         if (!file_exists($xrayPath)) {
             mkdir($xrayPath, 0777);
         $xrayPath .= "/{$xrayName}";
         $tmpfile = mpTempfile("tmp_mtz");
         if (!$_FILES['uploadFile']['error'] && $_FILES['uploadFile']['size'] > 0 && !file_exists($xrayPath) && move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadFile']['tmp_name'], $tmpfile)) {
             $tf = mtzFormatCorrect($tmpfile);
             if ($tf) {
                 mpLog("mtz-upload:User uploaded an mtz file");
                 copy($tmpfile, $xrayPath);
                 $_SESSION['mtzs'][$xrayName] = $xrayName;
                 pageGoto("upload_other_done.php", array('type' => 'xray', 'xrayName' => $xrayName));
             } else {
                 $this->doUploadError('xray', $xrayPath);
         } else {
             $this->doUploadError('xray', $xrayPath);
Esempio n. 6
* Creates a ZIP archive file containing all the listed files.
* The archive is created as a temporary file and should be unlinked afterwards.
* The name of the temporary file is returned.
*   $basepath   the ZIP paths will be relative to this folder
*   $filelist   an array of file paths, specified relative to $basepath
*               both directories and files *should* be OK in here
function makeZipForFiles($basepath, $filelist)
    $outpath = mpTempfile("tmp_zip_");
    $cwd = getcwd();
    // must compress to stdout b/c otherwise zip wants a .zip ending
    exec("zip -qr - " . implode(' ', $filelist) . " > {$outpath}");
    // go back to our original working dir
    return $outpath;