Esempio n. 1
// data for some reason, you must call mpInitEnvirons() instead.
function sortLast($a, $b)
    return $b['last'] - $a['last'];
function sortTTL($a, $b)
    return $a['ttl'] - $b['ttl'];
function sortSize($a, $b)
    return $b['size'] - $a['size'];
if ($_REQUEST['cmd'] == "Destroy") {
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    <title>MolProbity - show sessions</title>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#000099" vlink="#000099" alink="#990000">
[ <a href='phpinfo.php'>PHP info</a>
| <a href='check_config.php'>Configuration check</a>
| <a href='show_sessions.php'>Live sessions</a>
| <a href='usage_history.php'>Usage history</a>
Esempio n. 2
function mpSessGC($maxlifetime)
    // This is straightforward but unacceptably slow for thousands of sessions,
    // because we have to calculate both time-to-live and disk usage --
    // requires a LOT of disk access.
    #$sessions = mpEnumerateSessions();
    #foreach($sessions as $sess)
    #    // Destroy old sessions and ones that are way too big
    #    if($sess['ttl'] < 0 || $sess['size'] > 1.5*MP_SESSION_MAX_SIZE)
    #        mpSessDestroy($sess['id']);
    // Time-limited, probabalistic cleanup of old / oversize sessions
    // 1. Enumerate IDs of all active sessions.
    $start = microtime();
    // seconds, as string
    $session_ids = array();
    //$baseDataDir = MP_BASE_DIR."/public_html/data";
    $baseDataDir = substr(MP_JOB_DATA_DIR, 0, strlen(MP_JOB_DATA_DIR) - 1);
    $h = opendir($baseDataDir);
    while (($id = readdir($h)) != false) {
        // Assume they're directories for now so we don't have to touch the disk so much
        if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{16,64}$/', $id)) {
            $session_ids[$id] = $id;
    // 2. Iterate over sessions in random order until we cover them all or run out of time
    foreach ($session_ids as $id) {
        // Confirm now that they're really directories
        if (!is_dir("{$baseDataDir}/{$id}")) {
        $lifetime = mpSessLifetime($id);
        $ttl = $lifetime['ttl'];
        $size = mpSessSizeOnDisk($id);
        if ($ttl < 0 || $size > 1.5 * MP_SESSION_MAX_SIZE) {
        $ellapsed = microtimeSubtract(microtime(), $start);
        //echo "$ellapsed seconds ellapsed...\n";
        if ($ellapsed > 1.0) {
    return true;