Esempio n. 1
 function link($pagenum)
     if ($pagenum == $this->page) {
         return sprintf('<span class="this-page">%d</span>', $pagenum + 1);
     $url = modify_url(array($this->page_var => $pagenum));
     // TODO: rel="next/prev" etc...
     return sprintf('<a href="%s">%d</a>', $url, $pagenum + 1);
Esempio n. 2
  * 게시물 열람 페이지입니다
 public function post($post_id = 0, $print = false)
     // 이벤트 라이브러리를 로딩합니다
     $eventname = 'event_board_post_post';
     $view = array();
     $view['view'] = array();
     // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다
     $view['view']['event']['before'] = Events::trigger('before', $eventname);
      * 프라이머리키에 숫자형이 입력되지 않으면 에러처리합니다
     $post_id = (int) $post_id;
     if (empty($post_id) or $post_id < 1) {
     $post = $this->Post_model->get_one($post_id);
     $post['meta'] = $this->Post_meta_model->get_all_meta($post_id);
     $post['extravars'] = $this->Post_extra_vars_model->get_all_meta($post_id);
     $view['view']['post'] = $post;
     $mem_id = (int) $this->member->item('mem_id');
     if (!element('post_id', $post)) {
     if (element('post_del', $post) > 1) {
     $board = $this->board->item_all(element('brd_id', $post));
     if (!element('brd_id', $board)) {
     $skeyword = $this->input->get('skeyword', null, '');
     if ($print === false && $this->uri->segment('1') !== config_item('uri_segment_admin')) {
         if (strtoupper(config_item('uri_segment_post_type')) === 'B') {
             if ($this->uri->segment('1') !== element('brd_key', $board)) {
         } elseif (strtoupper(config_item('uri_segment_post_type')) === 'C') {
             if ($this->uri->segment('2') !== element('brd_key', $board)) {
     $alertmessage = $this->member->is_member() ? '회원님은 내용을 볼 수 있는 권한이 없습니다' : '비회원은 내용을 볼 수 있는 권한이 없습니다.\\n\\n회원이시라면 로그인 후 이용해 보십시오';
     $check = array('group_id' => element('bgr_id', $board), 'board_id' => element('brd_id', $board));
     $this->accesslevel->check(element('access_view', $board), element('access_view_level', $board), element('access_view_group', $board), $alertmessage, $check);
     $view['view']['is_admin'] = $is_admin = $this->member->is_admin(array('board_id' => element('brd_id', $board), 'group_id' => element('bgr_id', $board)));
     $view['view']['board_key'] = element('brd_key', $board);
     if (element('use_personal', $board) && $this->member->is_member() === false) {
         alert('이 게시판은 1:1 게시판입니다. 비회원은 접근할 수 없습니다');
         return false;
     if ($print && !element('use_print', $board)) {
         alert('이 게시판은 프린트 기능을 지원하지 않습니다');
         return false;
     if (element('post_secret', $post)) {
         if (element('mem_id', $post)) {
             if ($is_admin === false && $mem_id !== (int) element('mem_id', $post)) {
                 alert('비밀글은 본인과 관리자만 확인 가능합니다');
                 return false;
         } else {
             if ($is_admin !== false) {
                 $this->session->set_userdata('view_secret_' . element('post_id', $post), '1');
             if (!$this->session->userdata('view_secret_' . element('post_id', $post)) && $this->input->post('modify_password')) {
                 if (!function_exists('password_hash')) {
                 if (password_verify($this->input->post('modify_password'), element('post_password', $post))) {
                     $this->session->set_userdata('view_secret_' . element('post_id', $post), '1');
                 } else {
                     $view['view']['message'] = '패스워드가 잘못 입력되었습니다';
             if (!$this->session->userdata('view_secret_' . element('post_id', $post))) {
                 // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다
                 $view['view']['event']['before_secret_layout'] = Events::trigger('before_secret_layout', $eventname);
                  * 레이아웃을 정의합니다
                 $view['view']['info'] = '비밀글 열람을 위한 패스워드 입력페이지입니다.<br />패스워드를 입력하시면 비밀글 열람이 가능합니다';
                 $page_title = element('board_name', $board) . ' 글열람';
                 $layout_dir = element('board_layout', $board) ? element('board_layout', $board) : $this->cbconfig->item('layout_board');
                 $mobile_layout_dir = element('board_mobile_layout', $board) ? element('board_mobile_layout', $board) : $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_layout_board');
                 $use_sidebar = element('board_sidebar', $board) ? element('board_sidebar', $board) : $this->cbconfig->item('sidebar_board');
                 $use_mobile_sidebar = element('board_mobile_sidebar', $board) ? element('board_mobile_sidebar', $board) : $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_sidebar_board');
                 $skin_dir = element('board_skin', $board) ? element('board_skin', $board) : $this->cbconfig->item('skin_board');
                 $mobile_skin_dir = element('board_mobile_skin', $board) ? element('board_mobile_skin', $board) : $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_skin_board');
                 $layoutconfig = array('path' => 'board', 'layout' => 'layout', 'skin' => 'password', 'layout_dir' => $layout_dir, 'mobile_layout_dir' => $mobile_layout_dir, 'use_sidebar' => $use_sidebar, 'use_mobile_sidebar' => $use_mobile_sidebar, 'skin_dir' => $skin_dir, 'mobile_skin_dir' => $mobile_skin_dir, 'page_title' => $page_title);
                 $view['layout'] = $this->managelayout->front($layoutconfig, $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type());
                 $this->data = $view;
                 $this->layout = element('layout_skin_file', element('layout', $view));
                 $this->view = element('view_skin_file', element('layout', $view));
                 return true;
     if ($mem_id > 0 && $mem_id !== (int) element('mem_id', $post) && element('use_point', $board)) {
         $point = $this->point->insert_point($mem_id, element('point_read', $board), element('board_name', $board) . ' ' . $post_id . ' 게시글열람', 'post_read', $post_id, '게시글열람');
         if (element('point_read', $board) < 0 && $point < 0 && $this->cbconfig->item('block_read_zeropoint')) {
             $this->point->delete_point($mem_id, 'post_read', $post_id, '게시글열람');
             alert('회원님은 포인트가 부족하므로 글을 열람하실 수 없습니다. 글 읽기시 ' . element('point_read', $board) * -1 . ' 포인트가 차감됩니다');
             return false;
     if (element('use_personal', $board) && $is_admin === false && $mem_id !== (int) element('mem_id', $post)) {
         alert('1:1 게시판은 본인의 글 이외의 열람이 금지되어있습니다.');
         return false;
     // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다
     $view['view']['event']['step1'] = Events::trigger('step1', $eventname);
     $this->_stat_count_board(element('brd_id', $board));
     // stat_count_board ++
     // 세션 생성
     if (!$this->session->userdata('post_id_' . $post_id)) {
         $this->Post_model->update_plus($post_id, 'post_hit', 1);
         $this->session->set_userdata('post_id_' . $post_id, '1');
     $use_sideview = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('use_mobile_sideview', $board) : element('use_sideview', $board);
     $view_date_style = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('mobile_view_date_style', $board) : element('view_date_style', $board);
     $view_date_style_manual = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('mobile_view_date_style_manual', $board) : element('view_date_style_manual', $board);
     $dbmember = $this->Member_model->get_by_memid(element('mem_id', $post), 'mem_icon');
     $view['view']['post']['display_name'] = display_username(element('post_userid', $post), element('post_nickname', $post), element('mem_icon', $dbmember), $use_sideview ? 'Y' : 'N');
     $view['view']['post']['display_datetime'] = display_datetime(element('post_datetime', $post), $view_date_style, $view_date_style_manual);
     $view['view']['post']['is_mobile'] = element('post_device', $post) === 'mobile' ? true : false;
     $view['view']['post']['category'] = '';
     if (element('use_category', $board) && element('post_category', $post)) {
         $view['view']['post']['category'] = $this->Board_category_model->get_category_info(element('brd_id', $post), element('post_category', $post));
     $view['view']['post']['display_ip'] = '';
     $show_ip = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('show_mobile_ip', $board) : element('show_ip', $board);
     if ($this->member->is_admin() === 'super' or $show_ip === '2') {
         $view['view']['post']['display_ip'] = display_ipaddress(element('post_ip', $post), '1111');
     } elseif ($show_ip === '1') {
         $view['view']['post']['display_ip'] = display_ipaddress(element('post_ip', $post), $this->cbconfig->item('ip_display_style'));
     $image_width = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('post_mobile_image_width', $board) : element('post_image_width', $board);
     $board['target_blank'] = $target_blank = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('mobile_content_target_blank', $board) : element('content_target_blank', $board);
     $link_player = '';
     $view['view']['link'] = $link = array();
     if (element('post_link_count', $post)) {
         $linkwhere = array('post_id' => $post_id);
         $view['view']['link'] = $link = $this->Post_link_model->get('', '', $linkwhere, '', '', 'pln_id', 'ASC');
         if ($link && is_array($link)) {
             foreach ($link as $key => $value) {
                 $view['view']['link'][$key]['link_link'] = site_url('postact/link/' . element('pln_id', $value));
                 if (element('use_autoplay', $board)) {
                     $link_player .= $this->videoplayer->get_video(prep_url(element('pln_url', $value)));
     $view['view']['link_count'] = $link_count = count($link);
     $file_player = '';
     if (element('post_file', $post) or element('post_image', $post)) {
         $filewhere = array('post_id' => $post_id);
         $view['view']['file'] = $file = $this->Post_file_model->get('', '', $filewhere, '', '', 'pfi_id', 'ASC');
         $view['view']['file_download'] = array();
         $view['view']['file_image'] = array();
         $play_extension = array('acc', 'flv', 'f4a', 'f4v', 'mov', 'mp3', 'mp4', 'm4a', 'm4v', 'oga', 'ogg', 'rss', 'webm');
         if ($file && is_array($file)) {
             foreach ($file as $key => $value) {
                 if (element('pfi_is_image', $value)) {
                     $value['origin_image_url'] = site_url('uploads/post/' . element('pfi_filename', $value));
                     $value['thumb_image_url'] = thumb_url('post', element('pfi_filename', $value), $image_width);
                     $view['view']['file_image'][] = $value;
                 } else {
                     $value['download_link'] = site_url('postact/download/' . element('pfi_id', $value));
                     $view['view']['file_download'][] = $value;
                     if (element('use_autoplay', $board) && in_array(element('pfi_type', $value), $play_extension)) {
                         $file_player .= $this->videoplayer->get_jwplayer(site_url('uploads/post/' . element('pfi_filename', $value)), $image_width);
         $view['view']['file_count'] = count($file);
         $view['view']['file_download_count'] = count($view['view']['file_download']);
         $view['view']['file_image_count'] = count($view['view']['file_image']);
     $autourl = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('use_mobile_auto_url', $board) : element('use_auto_url', $board);
     $autolink = $autourl ? true : false;
     $popup = $target_blank ? true : false;
     $view['view']['post']['content'] = '';
     if (element('post_del', $post)) {
         $view['view']['post']['post_title'] = '게시물이 삭제되었습니다';
         $view['view']['post']['content'] = '<div class="alert alert-danger">이 게시물은 ' . html_escape(element('delete_mem_nickname', element('meta', $post))) . '님에 의해 ' . html_escape(element('delete_datetime', element('meta', $post))) . ' 에 삭제 되었습니다</div>';
     } else {
         $is_blind = element('blame_blind_count', $board) > 0 && element('post_blame', $post) >= element('blame_blind_count', $board) ? true : false;
         if ($is_blind === true) {
             $view['view']['post']['content'] .= '<div class="alert alert-danger">신고가 접수된 게시글입니다. 본인과 관리자만 확인이 가능합니다</div>';
         if ($is_blind === false or $is_admin !== false or element('mem_id', $post) && (int) element('mem_id', $post) === $mem_id) {
             $view['view']['post']['content'] .= $file_player . $link_player . display_html_content(element('post_content', $post), element('post_html', $post), $image_width, $autolink, $popup);
             if (element('syntax_highlighter', $board)) {
                 if (element('post_html', $post)) {
                     $view['view']['post']['content'] = preg_replace_callback("/(\\[code\\]|\\[code=(.*)\\])(.*)\\[\\/code\\]/iUs", "content_syntaxhighlighter_html", $view['view']['post']['content']);
                     // SyntaxHighlighter
                 } else {
                     $view['view']['post']['content'] = preg_replace_callback("/(\\[code\\]|\\[code=(.*)\\])(.*)\\[\\/code\\]/iUs", "content_syntaxhighlighter", $view['view']['post']['content']);
                     // SyntaxHighlighter
         $extravars = element('extravars', $board);
         $form = json_decode($extravars, true);
         $extra_content = '';
         $k = 0;
         if ($form && is_array($form)) {
             foreach ($form as $key => $value) {
                 if (!element('use', $value)) {
                 $item = element(element('field_name', $value), element('extravars', $post));
                 $extra_content[$k]['field_name'] = element('field_name', $value);
                 $extra_content[$k]['display_name'] = element('display_name', $value);
                 if (element('field_type', $value) === 'checkbox') {
                     $tmp_value = json_decode($item);
                     $tmp = '';
                     if ($tmp_value) {
                         foreach ($tmp_value as $val) {
                             if ($tmp) {
                                 $tmp .= ', ';
                             $tmp .= $val;
                     $item = $tmp;
                 $extra_content[$k]['output'] = $item;
         $view['view']['extra_content'] = $extra_content;
     $show_list_from_view = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('mobile_show_list_from_view', $board) : element('show_list_from_view', $board);
     $board['headercontent'] = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('mobile_header_content', $board) : element('header_content', $board);
     if (empty($show_list_from_view)) {
         $board['footercontent'] = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('mobile_footer_content', $board) : element('footer_content', $board);
     $skindir = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('board_mobile_skin', $board) ? element('board_mobile_skin', $board) : element('board_skin', $board) : element('board_skin', $board);
     $skinurl = base_url(VIEW_DIR . 'board/' . $skindir);
     $view['view']['post_url'] = $post_url = post_url(element('brd_key', $board), $post_id);
     $param =& $this->querystring;
     $view['view']['board'] = $board;
     $countwhere = array('post_id' => element('post_id', $post));
     $view['view']['post']['scrap_count'] = $this->Scrap_model->count_by($countwhere);
     $view['view']['comment']['is_cmt_name'] = $is_cmt_name = $this->member->is_member() === false ? true : false;
     $view['view']['comment']['show_textarea'] = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('mobile_always_show_comment_textarea', $board) : element('always_show_comment_textarea', $board);
     $check = array('group_id' => element('bgr_id', $board), 'board_id' => element('brd_id', $board));
     $can_write = $this->accesslevel->is_accessable(element('access_write', $board), element('access_write_level', $board), element('access_write_group', $board), $check);
     $can_comment_write = $this->accesslevel->is_accessable(element('access_comment', $board), element('access_comment_level', $board), element('access_comment_group', $board), $check);
     $can_comment_write_message = '';
     if ($can_comment_write === false) {
         $can_comment_write_message = '비회원은 댓글쓰기 권한이 없습니다. 회원이시라면 로그인후 이용해보십시오';
     $can_reply = $this->accesslevel->is_accessable(element('access_reply', $board), element('access_reply_level', $board), element('access_reply_group', $board), $check);
     $can_modify = ($is_admin !== false or $mem_id > 0 && $mem_id === (int) element('mem_id', $post) or !element('mem_id', $post)) ? true : false;
     $can_delete = ($is_admin !== false or $mem_id > 0 && $mem_id === (int) element('mem_id', $post) or !element('mem_id', $post)) ? true : false;
     $view['view']['write_url'] = '';
     if ($can_write === true) {
         $view['view']['write_url'] = write_url(element('brd_key', $board));
     } elseif ($this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() !== 'mobile' && element('always_show_write_button', $board)) {
         $view['view']['write_url'] = 'javascript:alert(\'비회원은 글쓰기 권한이 없습니다.\\n\\n회원이시라면 로그인 후 이용해 보십시오.\');';
     } elseif ($this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' && element('mobile_always_show_write_button', $board)) {
         $view['view']['write_url'] = 'javascript:alert(\'비회원은 글쓰기 권한이 없습니다.\\n\\n회원이시라면 로그인 후 이용해 보십시오.\');';
     $view['view']['reply_url'] = $can_reply === true && !element('post_del', $post) ? reply_url(element('post_id', $post)) : '';
     $view['view']['modify_url'] = $can_modify && !element('post_del', $post) ? modify_url(element('post_id', $post) . '?' . $param->output()) : '';
     $view['view']['delete_url'] = $can_delete && !element('post_del', $post) ? site_url('postact/delete/' . element('post_id', $post) . '?' . $param->output()) : '';
     if ($skeyword) {
         $view['view']['list_url'] = board_url(element('brd_key', $board));
         $view['view']['search_list_url'] = board_url(element('brd_key', $board) . '?' . $param->output());
     } else {
         $view['view']['list_url'] = board_url(element('brd_key', $board) . '?' . $param->output());
         $view['view']['search_list_url'] = '';
     $view['view']['trash_url'] = site_url('boards/trash/' . element('post_id', $post) . '?' . $param->output());
     if (element('notice_comment_block', $board) && element('post_notice', $post)) {
         $can_comment_write = false;
         $can_comment_write_message = '공지사항 글에는 댓글 입력이 제한되어 있습니다.';
     if (element('post_del', $post)) {
         $can_comment_write = false;
         $can_comment_write_message = '삭제된 글에는 댓글 입력이 제한되어 있습니다.';
     $use_sns_button = false;
     if ($this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() !== 'mobile' && element('use_sns', $board)) {
         $use_sns_button = true;
     if ($this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' && element('use_mobile_sns', $board)) {
         $use_sns_button = true;
     $view['view']['use_sns_button'] = $use_sns_button;
     $highlight_keyword = '';
     if ($skeyword) {
         $key_explode = explode(' ', $skeyword);
         if ($key_explode) {
             foreach ($key_explode as $seval) {
                 if ($highlight_keyword) {
                     $highlight_keyword .= ',';
                 $highlight_keyword .= '\'' . html_escape($seval) . '\'';
     $view['view']['highlight_keyword'] = $highlight_keyword;
     // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다
     $view['view']['event']['step2'] = Events::trigger('step2', $eventname);
     $view['view']['next_post'] = '';
     $view['view']['prev_post'] = '';
     $use_prev_next = false;
     if ($this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() !== 'mobile' && element('use_prev_next_post', $board)) {
         $use_prev_next = true;
     if ($this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' && element('use_mobile_prev_next_post', $board)) {
         $use_prev_next = true;
     if ($use_prev_next) {
         $where = '';
         $where['brd_id'] = element('brd_id', $post);
         $where['post_del <>'] = 2;
         $where['post_secret'] = 0;
         if (element('except_notice', $board) && $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() !== 'mobile') {
             $where['post_notice'] = 0;
         if (element('mobile_except_notice', $board) && $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile') {
             $where['post_notice'] = 0;
         if (element('use_personal', $board) && $is_admin === false) {
             $where['post.mem_id'] = $mem_id;
         $sfield = $sfieldchk = $this->input->get('sfield', null, '');
         if ($sfield === 'post_both') {
             $sfield = array('post_title', 'post_content');
         $skeyword = $this->input->get('skeyword', null, '');
         $view['view']['next_post'] = $next_post = $this->Post_model->get_prev_next_post(element('post_id', $post), element('post_num', $post), 'next', $where, $sfield, $skeyword);
         if (element('post_id', $next_post)) {
             $view['view']['next_post']['url'] = post_url(element('brd_key', $board), element('post_id', $next_post)) . '?' . $param->output();
         $view['view']['prev_post'] = $prev_post = $this->Post_model->get_prev_next_post(element('post_id', $post), element('post_num', $post), 'prev', $where, $sfield, $skeyword);
         if (element('post_id', $prev_post)) {
             $view['view']['prev_post']['url'] = post_url(element('brd_key', $board), element('post_id', $prev_post)) . '?' . $param->output();
     $view['view']['comment']['can_comment_write'] = $can_comment_write;
     $view['view']['comment']['can_comment_write_message'] = $can_comment_write_message;
     $view['view']['comment']['can_comment_view'] = true;
     $view['view']['comment']['is_comment_name'] = $this->member->is_member() === false ? true : false;
     $view['view']['comment']['can_comment_secret'] = element('use_comment_secret', $board) === '1' && $this->member->is_member() ? true : false;
     $view['view']['comment']['cmt_secret'] = element('use_comment_secret_selected', $board) ? '1' : '';
     $password_length = $this->cbconfig->item('password_length');
     $view['view']['comment']['password_length'] = $password_length;
     $view['view']['comment']['cmt_content'] = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('mobile_comment_default_content', $board) : element('comment_default_content', $board);
     if ($show_list_from_view) {
         $view['view']['list'] = $list = $this->_get_list(element('brd_key', $board), 1);
     // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다
     $view['view']['event']['before_layout'] = Events::trigger('before_layout', $eventname);
      * 레이아웃을 정의합니다
     $page_title = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_title_board_post');
     $meta_description = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_description_board_post');
     $meta_keywords = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_keywords_board_post');
     $meta_author = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_author_board_post');
     $page_name = $this->cbconfig->item('site_page_name_board_post');
     $searchconfig = array('{게시판명}', '{게시판아이디}', '{글제목}', '{작성자명}');
     $replaceconfig = array(element('board_name', $board), element('brd_key', $board), element('post_title', $post), element('post_nickname', $post));
     $page_title = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig, $page_title);
     $meta_description = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig, $meta_description);
     $meta_keywords = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig, $meta_keywords);
     $meta_author = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig, $meta_author);
     $page_name = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig, $page_name);
     if ($print === false) {
         // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다
         $view['view']['event']['before_post_layout'] = Events::trigger('before_post_layout', $eventname);
         $view['view']['canonical'] = post_url(element('brd_key', $board), $post_id);
         $layout_dir = element('board_layout', $board) ? element('board_layout', $board) : $this->cbconfig->item('layout_board');
         $mobile_layout_dir = element('board_mobile_layout', $board) ? element('board_mobile_layout', $board) : $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_layout_board');
         $use_sidebar = element('board_sidebar', $board) ? element('board_sidebar', $board) : $this->cbconfig->item('sidebar_board');
         $use_mobile_sidebar = element('board_mobile_sidebar', $board) ? element('board_mobile_sidebar', $board) : $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_sidebar_board');
         $skin_dir = element('board_skin', $board) ? element('board_skin', $board) : $this->cbconfig->item('skin_board');
         $mobile_skin_dir = element('board_mobile_skin', $board) ? element('board_mobile_skin', $board) : $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_skin_board');
         $layoutconfig = array('path' => 'board', 'layout' => 'layout', 'skin' => 'post', 'layout_dir' => $layout_dir, 'mobile_layout_dir' => $mobile_layout_dir, 'use_sidebar' => $use_sidebar, 'use_mobile_sidebar' => $use_mobile_sidebar, 'skin_dir' => $skin_dir, 'mobile_skin_dir' => $mobile_skin_dir, 'page_title' => $page_title, 'meta_description' => $meta_description, 'meta_keywords' => $meta_keywords, 'meta_author' => $meta_author, 'page_name' => $page_name);
         $view['layout'] = $this->managelayout->front($layoutconfig, $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type());
         $this->data = $view;
         $this->layout = element('layout_skin_file', element('layout', $view));
         if ($show_list_from_view) {
             $list_skin_file = element('use_gallery_list', $board) ? 'gallerylist' : 'list';
             $listskindir = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? $mobile_skin_dir : $skin_dir;
             if (empty($listskindir)) {
                 $listskindir = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_skin_default') : $this->cbconfig->item('skin_default');
             $this->view = array(element('view_skin_file', element('layout', $view)), 'board/' . $listskindir . '/' . $list_skin_file);
         } else {
             $this->view = element('view_skin_file', element('layout', $view));
     } else {
         // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다
         $view['view']['event']['before_print_layout'] = Events::trigger('before_print_layout', $eventname);
         $layoutconfig = array('path' => 'helptool', 'layout' => 'layout_popup', 'skin' => 'print', 'layout_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('layout_helptool'), 'mobile_layout_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_layout_helptool'), 'skin_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('skin_helptool'), 'mobile_skin_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_skin_helptool'), 'page_title' => $page_title);
         $view['layout'] = $this->managelayout->front($layoutconfig, $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type());
         $this->data = $view;
         $this->layout = element('layout_skin_file', element('layout', $view));
         $this->view = element('view_skin_file', element('layout', $view));
Esempio n. 3
    if ($arts->total > 1) {
        if ($sort_order == 'date') {
    <span class="filters">order by: <a href="<?php 
            echo modify_url(array('o' => ''));
">relevance</a> | date</span>
        } else {
    <span class="filters">order by: relevance | <a href="<?php 
            echo modify_url(array('o' => 'date'));

  <div class="body">
    <ul class="art-list hfeed">
    foreach ($arts->data as $art) {
        $journolinks = array();
Esempio n. 4
 * Take the current URL and modify some parameters
 * @param $changes
 * @return string
function modify_current_url($changes)
    return modify_url($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $changes);
Esempio n. 5
 * This file includes the native WP image resizing Function
 * This file is a core Ultimatum file and should not be edited.
 * @category Ultimatum
 * @package  Templates
 * @author   Wonder Foundry
 * @license GPL v2.0 (or later)
 * @link
 * @version 2.4
function UltimatumImageResizer($attach_id = null, $img_src = null, $width, $height, $crop = false)
    if ($attach_id) {
        $image_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attach_id, 'full');
        $file_path = get_attached_file($attach_id);
    } elseif ($img_src) {
        if (is_array($img_src)) {
            $file_path = $img_src['fpath'];
            $orig_size = getimagesize($file_path);
            $image_src[0] = $img_src['url'];
            $image_src[1] = $orig_size[0];
            $image_src[2] = $orig_size[1];
        } else {
            $domain = get_bloginfo('wpurl');
            $file_path = str_replace($domain, '', $img_src);
            $file_path = rtrim(ABSPATH, '/') . $file_path;
            $orig_size = getimagesize($file_path);
            $image_src[0] = $img_src;
            $image_src[1] = $orig_size[0];
            $image_src[2] = $orig_size[1];
    } else {
    $file_info = pathinfo($file_path);
    $extension = '.' . $file_info['extension'];
    $no_ext_path = $file_info['dirname'] . '/' . $file_info['filename'];
    $cropped_img_path = $no_ext_path . '-' . $width . 'x' . $height . $extension;
    if ($image_src[1] > $width || $image_src[2] > $height) {
        if (file_exists($cropped_img_path)) {
            $cropped_img_url = str_replace(basename($image_src[0]), basename($cropped_img_path), $image_src[0]);
            $ultimatumImage = $cropped_img_url;
            if (class_exists('Jetpack') && method_exists('Jetpack', 'get_active_modules') && in_array('photon', Jetpack::get_active_modules())) {
                $static_counter = rand(0, 2);
                $ultimatumImage = 'http://i' . $static_counter . '' . str_replace("http://", "", $ultimatumImage);
            return $ultimatumImage;
        if ($crop == false) {
            $proportional_size = wp_constrain_dimensions($image_src[1], $image_src[2], $width, $height);
            $resized_img_path = $no_ext_path . '-' . $proportional_size[0] . 'x' . $proportional_size[1] . $extension;
            if (file_exists($resized_img_path)) {
                $new_img_size = getimagesize($resized_img_path);
                $resized_img_url = str_replace(basename($image_src[0]), basename($resized_img_path), $image_src[0]);
                $ultimatumImage = $resized_img_url;
                if (class_exists('Jetpack') && method_exists('Jetpack', 'get_active_modules') && in_array('photon', Jetpack::get_active_modules())) {
                    $static_counter = rand(0, 2);
                    $ultimatumImage = 'http://i' . $static_counter . '' . str_replace("http://", "", $ultimatumImage);
                return $ultimatumImage;
        if (function_exists('wp_get_image_editor')) {
            $editor = wp_get_image_editor($file_path);
            if (is_wp_error($editor) || is_wp_error($editor->resize($width, $height, $crop))) {
                return false;
            $resized_file = $editor->save();
            if (!is_wp_error($resized_file)) {
                $new_img_path = $resized_file['path'];
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            $new_img_path = image_resize($file_path, $width, $height, $crop);
        $new_img_size = getimagesize($new_img_path);
        $new_img = str_replace(basename($image_src[0]), basename($new_img_path), $image_src[0]);
        $ultimatumImage = $new_img;
        if (class_exists('Jetpack') && method_exists('Jetpack', 'get_active_modules') && in_array('photon', Jetpack::get_active_modules())) {
            $static_counter = rand(0, 2);
            $ultimatumImage = 'http://i' . $static_counter . '' . str_replace("http://", "", $ultimatumImage);
        return $ultimatumImage;
    $ultimatumImage = $image_src[0];
    if (preg_match('/', $ultimatumImage) || preg_match('/', $ultimatumImage) || preg_match('/', $ultimatumImage)) {
        $ultimatumImage = modify_url($ultimatumImage, array('resize' => $width . ',' . $height));
    return $ultimatumImage;
$current_base_url = explode('?', current_url())[0];
<div class="catalog-head fly-in">
    <label>Sort results by:</label>
    <div class="search-select" style="width: 145px;">
        <select name="sort" class="sort-filter-select">
$sort_array = array('title' => 'Title', 'price_low' => 'Price: Low to High', 'price_high' => 'Price High to Low', 'duration_low' => 'Duration: Low to High', 'duration_high' => 'Duration: High to Low');
foreach ($sort_array as $key => $value) {
    $selected = '';
    if (isset($_GET['sort'])) {
        if ($_GET['sort'] == $key) {
            $selected = 'selected="selected"';
    echo '<option value="' . modify_url($current_base_url, array('sort' => $key)) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $value . '</option>';
    <a href="<?php 
echo str_replace('/grid', '/list', current_url());
" class="show-list"></a>              
    <a href="<?php 
echo str_replace('/list', '/grid', current_url());
" class="show-thumbs chosen"></a> 
    <div class="clear"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">