function menu_param($value, $id = null) { if (empty($id) and defined('Page_ID')) { $id = Page_ID; } $param = oneQuery('menu', 'id', $id, 'parameter'); return mod_param("{$value}", $param); }
function pdfParameter($value) { $menu_id = Page_ID; $param = pageInfo($menu_id, 'parameter'); $param = mod_param($value, $param); return 1; }
/** * @name Module Statistic * @version 2.0 * @package Fiyo CMS * @copyright Copyright (C) 2014 Fiyo CMS. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.txt */ defined('_FINDEX_') or die('Access Denied'); $td = mod_param('today', $modParam); $yd = mod_param('yesterday', $modParam); $tw = mod_param('thisweek', $modParam); $lw = mod_param('lastweek', $modParam); $tm = mod_param('thismonth', $modParam); $lm = mod_param('lastmonth', $modParam); $tg = mod_param('all', $modParam); $info = mod_param('info', $modParam); require_once "mod_system.php"; ?> <table style="margin-bottom: 0; width: 100%"> <tbody> <?php if ($td) { ?> <tr> <td style="width: 70%"> <img src="<?php echo FUrl; ?> modules/mod_statistic/images/flag_green.png" alt="flag" width="16" height="16"> Hari Ini</td> <td style="text-align:right"><?php
notice('error', Please_Select_Item); redirect(getUrl()); } } /****************************************/ /* Redirect when Article-Id invalid */ /****************************************/ if (!isset($_POST['save_edit']) and !isset($_POST['apply_edit'])) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['view']) and isset($_REQUEST['act'])) { if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'edit') { $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $level = USER_LEVEL; $db = new FQuery(); $sql = $db->select(FDBPrefix . "article", "*", "id={$id}"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($sql); $edlvl = mod_param('editor_level', $row['parameter']); if (!$row['id'] or $level > $row['level'] or !empty($edlvl) and $level > $edlvl) { redirect('?app=article'); } } } } /****************************************/ /* Sub Article Category */ /****************************************/ // membuat fungsi sub-article yang akan di tampilkan dibawah parent_id function sub_article($parent_id, $nos, $pre = null) { $db = new FQuery(); $db->connect(); $sql = $db->select(FDBPrefix . "article_category", "*", "parent_id={$parent_id}");
<?php /** * @version 2.0 * @package Fiyo CMS * @copyright Copyright (C) 2012 Fiyo CMS. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.txt */ defined('_FINDEX_') or die('Access Denied'); $type = mod_param("type", modParam); $category = mod_param("category", modParam); $sub_menu = mod_param("sub_menu", modParam); $sub_title = mod_param("sub_title", modParam); if ($type == 1) { $tipe1 = "selected"; } if ($type == 2) { $tipe2 = "selected"; } if ($sub_menu == 1) { $sub1 = "selected"; } if ($sub_menu == 0) { $sub2 = "selected"; } if ($sub_title == 1) { $sut1 = "selected"; } if ($sub_title == 0) { $sut2 = "selected"; }
<?php /** * @version Beta 1.0 * @package Fiyo CMS * @copyright Copyright (C) 2011 Fiyo CMS. * @license GNU/GPL, see liCENSE.php * @description Simple Module banner for Fiyo CMS **/ $show_panel = mod_param(show_panel, $qr[parameter]); $read_more = mod_param(read_more, $qr[parameter]); $per_page = mod_param(per_page, $qr[parameter]); $view = link_param(view, $qr[link]); $id = link_param(id, $qr[link]); if ($view == 'category') { $view2 = 'selected'; } if ($view == 'item') { $view3 = 'selected'; } if ($show_panel == 1) { $panel1 = "checked"; } if ($show_panel == 0) { $panel2 = "checked"; } if (!$per_page) { $per_page = 5; } ?> <script type="text/javascript">
/** * @version 2.0 * @package Fi Comments * @copyright Copyright (C) 2014 Fiyo CMS. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.txt * @description **/ defined('_FINDEX_') or die('Access Denied'); $param1 = mod_param('name', modParam); $param2 = mod_param('gravatar', modParam); $param3 = mod_param('title', modParam); $param4 = mod_param('comment', modParam); $param5 = mod_param('date', modParam); $param6 = mod_param('text', modParam); $param7 = mod_param('item', modParam); if ($param6 == "" or empty($param6)) { $param6 = 100; } if ($param7 == "" or empty($param7)) { $param7 = 5; } if ($param1) { $enpar1 = "selected checked"; $dispar1 = ""; } else { $dispar1 = "selected checked"; $enpar1 = ""; } if ($param2) { $enpar2 = "selected checked";
<?php /** * @version 1.5.0 * @package Fiyo CMS * @copyright Copyright (C) 2012 Fiyo CMS. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.txt **/ defined('_FINDEX_') or die('Access Denied'); $cat = mod_param('cat', $modParam); $end = mod_param('end', $modParam); $start = mod_param('start', $modParam); if (!$cat) { echo "Error::please set up your <b>Article Archive</b> module!"; } else { if (!$start) { $start = "1000-1-1"; } if (!$end) { $end = date("Y-m-d"); } $cats = explode(",", "{$cat}"); $coma = substr_count("{$cat}", ","); $no = 1; $catx = $cato = ''; foreach ($cats as $p) { if ($no != $coma + 1) { $cato = "category={$p} or "; } else { $cato = "category={$p}"; }
function category($id, $fp = null) { $db = new FQuery(); $db->connect(); $param = oneQuery('menu', 'id', Page_ID, 'parameter'); $show_panel = mod_param('show_name', $param); $read_more = mod_param('read_more', $param); $per_page = mod_param('per_page', $param); $this->sname = mod_param('show_name', $param); $this->sgroup = mod_param('show_group', $param); $this->sgender = mod_param('show_gender', $param); $this->saddress = mod_param('show_address', $param); $this->semail = mod_param('show_email', $param); $this->sjob = mod_param('show_job', $param); $this->slinks = mod_param('show_links', $param); $this->sphone = mod_param('show_phone', $param); $this->sphoto = $sphoto = mod_param('show_photo', $param); $groupId = app_param('id'); $whereCat = "AND group_id = {$id}"; $sql = $db->select(FDBPrefix . 'contact', '*', 'status = 1 AND group_id=' . $id); $qr = @mysql_fetch_array($sql); if (empty($qr['id'])) { echo "<h3>Opps, Contact group is empty!"; } else { loadPaging(); $paging = new paging(); $rowsPerPage = $per_page; $result = $paging->pagerQuery(FDBPrefix . 'contact', "*", "status=1 {$whereCat}", 'id ASC', $rowsPerPage); $no = 0; $sum = mysql_affected_rows(); while ($qr = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $group = oneQuery('contact_group', 'id', $qr['group_id'], 'name'); $vlink = "?app=contact&view=person&id={$qr['id']}"; $link = make_permalink($vlink, Page_ID); $title = "<a href=\"{$link}\">{$qr['name']}</a>"; if (empty($read_more)) { $read_more = "read more..."; } $readmore = "<a href=\"{$link}\"class='readmore'>{$read_more}</a>"; $comment = FQuery('comment', "link='{$vlink}'AND status=1"); $name = "<a href='{$link}'>{$qr['name']}</a>"; if ($sphoto == 1 and !empty($qr['photo'])) { $photo = "<img src=\"{$qr['photo']}\" width=\"150px\">"; } if (!empty($qr['email'])) { $email = "<a href='mailto:{$qr['email']}' title=\"send mail to {$qr['name']}\">{$qr['email']}</a>"; } else { $email = ""; } if (!empty($qr['photo'])) { $photo = "<img src='{$qr['photo']}' title=\"{$qr['name']}'s contact photo\" />"; } if (!empty($qr['tw'])) { $tw = " <a href='{$qr['tw']}' title=\"follow {$qr['name']} on twitter\" target='_blank'><img src='" . FUrl . "apps/app_contact/theme/images/tw.png'></a>"; } if (!empty($qr['fb'])) { $fb = " <a href='{$qr['fb']}' title=\"find {$qr['name']} on facebook\" target='_blank'><img src='" . FUrl . "apps/app_contact/theme/images/fb.png'></a>"; } if (!empty($qr['web'])) { $web = " <a href='http://{$qr['web']}' title=\"visit {$qr['name']}'s website\" target='_blank'><img src='" . FUrl . "apps/app_contact/theme/images/web.png'></a>"; } if (!empty($qr['ym'])) { $ym = " <a href='ymsgr:sendIM?{$qr['ym']}' title=\"chat with {$qr['name']} via YahooMasangger\"><img src='" . FUrl . "apps/app_contact/theme/images/ym.png'></a>"; } if (isset($ym) or isset($fb) or isset($tw) or isset($web)) { $links = $ym . $fb . $tw . $web; } else { $links = ''; } $this->perrows = $sum; $this->name[$no] = $name; $this->photo[$no] = $photo; $this->group[$no] = $group; $this->gender[$no] = $qr['gender']; $this->address[$no] = $qr['city'] . ", " . $qr['country']; $this->email[$no] = @$qr['email']; $this->job[$no] = $qr['job']; $this->links[$no] = $links; $this->phone[$no] = $qr['phone']; $this->fax[$no] = $qr['fax']; $this->per_page = $per_page; $ym = $fb = $tw = $web = null; //reset $link variable; if (defined('SEF_URL')) { $link = link_paging('?'); } else { $link = "?app=contact&view=group&id={$groupId}"; $link = make_permalink($link, Page_ID); $link = $link . "&"; } $no++; } $db->select(FDBPrefix . 'contact', '*', "status=1 {$whereCat}"); $jml = mysql_affected_rows(); if ($jml > $rowsPerPage) { $pagelink = $paging->createPaging($link); } else { $pagelink = null; } $this->pagelink = $pagelink; } }
<?php /** * @version 1.4.0 * @package Fiyo CMS * @copyright Copyright (C) 2012 Fiyo CMS. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.txt **/ defined('_FINDEX_') or die('Access Denied'); $category = mod_param("category", $modParam); $sub_title = mod_param("sub_title", $modParam); $sub_menu = mod_param("sub_menu", $modParam); $type_menu = mod_param("type", $modParam); require_once "mod_system.php"; switch ($type_menu) { case 1: include "type/row_style.php"; break; case 2: include "type/list_style.php"; break; }
$stat1 = ""; $enable = 'disable'; } /* logika frontpages */ /* logika status aktif atau tidak */ if ($aRow['featured'] == 1) { $fp1 = "selected"; $fp2 = ""; $featured = 'featured star'; } else { $fp2 = "selected"; $fp1 = ""; $featured = 'not'; } $title = $aRow['title']; $editor_level = mod_param('editor_level', $aRow['parameter']); if ($_SESSION['USER_LEVEL'] == 1 or $_SESSION['USER_ID'] == $aRow['author_id'] and $aRow['author_id'] != 0 or ($_SESSION['USER_LEVEL'] <= $editor_level or empty($editor_level) and $_SESSION['USER_LEVEL'] <= 3)) { $checkbox = "<label><input type='checkbox' data-name='rad-{$aRow['id']}' name='check[]' value='{$aRow['id']}' rel='ck' ><span class='input-check'></span></label>"; $name = "<a class='tips' title='" . Edit . "' href='?app=article&act=edit&id={$aRow['id']}' target='_self' data-placement='right'>{$title}</a>"; $status = "<span class='invisible'>{$enable}</span>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='switch s-icon activator editor'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<label class='cb-enable {$stat1} tips' data-placement='right' title='" . Disable . "'><span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<i class='icon-remove-sign'></i></span></label>\n\t\t\t\t\t<label class='cb-disable {$stat2} tips' data-placement='right' title='" . Enable . "'><span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<i class='icon-ok-sign'></i></span></label>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' value='{$aRow['id']}' class='number invisible'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' value='{$aRow['status']}' class='type invisible'>\n\t\t\t\t</div>"; $featured = "\n\t\t\t\t<div class='switch s-icon featured editor'><span class='invisible'>{$featured}</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<label class='cb-enable {$fp1} tips' data-placement='left' title='" . Unfeatured . "'><span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<i class='icon-star'></i>\n\t\t\t\t\t</span></label>\n\t\t\t\t\t<label class='cb-disable {$fp2} tips' data-placement='left' title='" . Featured . "'><span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<i class='icon-star'></i></span></label>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' value='{$aRow['id']}' class='number invisible'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' value='{$aRow['featured']}' class='type invisible'>\n\t\t\t\t</div>"; } else { $name = $title; $checkbox = "<span class='icon lock'></lock>"; $status = "<span class='invisible'>{$enable}</span>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='switch s-icon activator help'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<label class='cb-enable {$stat1} tips' data-placement='right' title='" . Disable . "'><span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<i class='icon-remove-sign'></i></span></label>\n\t\t\t\t\t<label class='cb-disable {$stat2} tips' data-placement='right' title='" . Enable . "'><span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<i class='icon-ok-sign'></i></span></label>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' value='{$aRow['id']}' class='number invisible'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' value='{$aRow['status']}' class='type invisible'>\n\t\t\t\t</div>"; $featured = "\n\t\t\t\t<div class='switch s-icon featured help'><span class='invisible'>{$featured}</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<label class='cb-enable {$fp1} tips' data-placement='left' title='" . Unfeatured . "'><span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<i class='icon-star'></i>\n\t\t\t\t\t</span></label>\n\t\t\t\t\t<label class='cb-disable {$fp2} tips' data-placement='left' title='" . Featured . "'><span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<i class='icon-star'></i></span></label>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' value='{$aRow['id']}' class='number invisible'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' value='{$aRow['featured']}' class='type invisible'>\n\t\t\t\t</div>"; } if ($i == 0) { $row[] = $checkbox; } else { if ($i == 1) {
<?php /** * @version 2.0 * @package Fiyo CMS * @copyright Copyright (C) 2014 Fiyo CMS. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE. **/ defined('_FINDEX_') or die('Access Denied'); $type = mod_param('type', modParam); $item = mod_param('item', modParam); $info = mod_param('info', modParam); $other = mod_param('other', modParam); $value = mod_param('value', modParam); $filter = mod_param('filter', modParam); if ($item == "" or empty($item)) { $item = 5; } if ($type == 1) { $a1 = "selected"; } if ($type == 2) { $a2 = "selected"; } if ($type == 3) { $a3 = "selected"; } $filter1 = $filter2 = $filter3 = ""; if ($filter == 1) { $b1 = "selected"; $filter1 = "name='param3'";
/** * @name Module Statistic * @version 1.5.0 * @package Fiyo CMS * @copyright Copyright (C) 2012 Fiyo CMS. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.txt */ defined('_FINDEX_') or die('Access Denied'); $param1 = mod_param('today', modParam); $param2 = mod_param('yesterday', modParam); $param3 = mod_param('thisweek', modParam); $param4 = mod_param('lastweek', modParam); $param5 = mod_param('thismonth', modParam); $param6 = mod_param('lastmonth', modParam); $param7 = mod_param('all', modParam); $param8 = mod_param('info', modParam); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready( function(){ $(".cb-enable").click(function(){ var parent = $(this).parents('.switch'); $('.cb-disable',parent).removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); }); $(".cb-disable").click(function(){ var parent = $(this).parents('.switch'); $('.cb-enable',parent).removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); }); });
if ($read) { $read = $_POST['url'] . $read; } else { $read = $_POST['url'] . "?app=article&view=item&id={$qr['id']}"; } $edit = "?app=article&act=edit&id={$qr['id']}"; $auth = userInfo("name", "{$qr['author_id']}"); $info = "{$qr['date']}"; $read_article = Read; $edit_article = Edit; if ($no % 2 == 0) { $class = 'clr'; } else { $class = 'cln'; } echo "<tr><td class='no-tabs'>#{$no}</td><td width='100%'>{$qr['title']}\n\t\t\t<div class='tool-box'>\n\t\t\t\t<a href='{$read}' target='_blank' class='btn btn-tools tips' title='{$read_article}'>{$read_article}</a>"; $editor_level = mod_param('editor_level', $qr['parameter']); if ($editor_level >= USER_LEVEL or empty($editor_level)) { echo "<a href='{$edit}' class='btn btn-tools tips' title='{$edit_article}'>{$edit_article}</a>"; } echo "</div>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t</td></tr>"; $no++; } if (mysql_affected_rows() < 1) { echo "<tr><td style='text-align:center; padding: 40px 0; color: #ccc; font-size: 1.5em'>" . No_Article . "</td></tr>"; } ?> </tbody> </table> <script>$(function() {$('.tooltips').tooltip();});</script>
} $vo1 = $vo + 1; $param = $qrs['parameter']; $pva = strpos($param, "rate_value={$va}"); if ($pva) { $param = str_replace("rate_value={$va}", "rate_value={$rating}", $param); } else { $param .= "rate_value={$rating}" . ";\n"; } $pvo = strpos($param, "rate_counter={$vo}"); if ($pvo) { $param = str_replace("rate_counter={$vo}", "rate_counter={$vo1}", $param); } else { $param .= "rate_counter={$vo1}" . ";\n"; } $param = strip_tags($param); $qr = $db->update(FDBPrefix . 'article', array("parameter" => "{$param}"), "id={$id}"); if ($qr) { $_SESSION["article_rate_{$id}"] = true; } } else { if ($_POST['do'] == 'getrate') { // get rating $va = mod_param('rate_value', $qrs['parameter']); $vo = mod_param('rate_counter', $qrs['parameter']); $rating = @round($va / $vo, 1) * 20; echo $rating; } } } }
<?php /** * @version 2.0 * @package Comments * @copyright Copyright (C) 2014 Fiyo CMS. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.txt **/ defined('_FINDEX_') or die('Access Denied'); $name = mod_param('name', $modParam); $date = mod_param('date', $modParam); $text = mod_param('text', $modParam); $item = mod_param('item', $modParam); $title = mod_param('title', $modParam); $scomment = mod_param('comment', $modParam); $gravatar = mod_param('gravatar', $modParam); if ($item == "" or empty($item)) { $item = 5; } $db = new FQuery(); $db->connect(); $sql = $db->select(FDBPrefix . 'comment', '*', "status=1", "date DESC"); $no = 0; while ($com = mysql_fetch_array($sql) and $no < $item) { $email = strtolower($com['email']); $email = md5($email); $img = "<span class='mod-gravatar' data-gravatar-hash='{$email}'></span>"; if ($com['user_id'] == 1 or $com['user_id'] == 2) { $s = " admin-comment"; } else { $s = "";
<?php /** * @version 1.5.0 * @package Article Related * @copyright Copyright (C) 2012 Fiyo CMS. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.txt **/ defined('_FINDEX_') or die('Access Denied'); $type = mod_param('type', $modParam); switch ($type) { case 'category': require "type/category.php"; break; default: require "type/default.php"; } @(include_once 'js.php');
/** * @version 1.5.0 * @package Article Tags * @copyright Copyright (C) 2012 Fiyo CMS. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.txt */ defined('_FINDEX_') or die('Access Denied'); $height = mod_param('height', $modParam); $thumbW = mod_param('thumbW', $modParam); $thumbH = mod_param('thumbH', $modParam); $limit = mod_param('limit', $modParam); $limitd = mod_param('limit', $modParam) + 10; $filter = mod_param('filter', $modParam); $cat = mod_param('cat', $modParam); $showImg = mod_param('showImg', $modParam); $db = new FQuery(); $level = Level_Access; $tags = ''; $sql = $db->select(FDBPrefix . "article", 'tags', "status = 1 AND tags != '' {$level}", "RAND() LIMIT 50"); while ($tag = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $tags .= $tag['tags'] . ","; } $tagz = explode(",", $tags); sort($tagz); $tags = $tagb = null; foreach ($tagz as $tag) { $size = rand(1, 4); $link = str_replace(" ", "-", "?app=article&tag={$tag}"); $link = make_permalink($link); $ltag = strtolower($tag);
function category($type, $id = null, $format = null) { $link = null; /* Set global parameter */ $show_panel = menu_param('show_panel', Page_ID); $show_rss = menu_param('show_rss', Page_ID); $read_more = menu_param('read_more', Page_ID); $per_page = menu_param('per_page', Page_ID); $intro = menu_param('intro', Page_ID); if (empty($intro)) { $intro = $per_page; } /* Set Access_Level */ $accessLevel = Level_Access; if ($type == 'archives') { $where = "status=1"; } else { if ($type == 'category') { $catName = categoryInfo('name', $id); $catDesc = categoryInfo('description', $id); $catLink = categoryLink($id); $where = "status=1 AND category = {$id}"; } else { if ($type == 'featured') { $where = "status=1 AND featured = 1"; } else { if ($type == 'tag') { if (empty($per_page)) { $per_page = 10; } $tag = app_param('tag'); $tag = str_replace("-", " ", $tag); $where = "status=1 AND tags LIKE '%" . $tag . "%'"; } } } } if (_FEED_ == 'rss') { $per_page = 20; $pages = url_param('page'); if ($pages != null) { $link = str_replace("?page={$pages}", "", getUrl()); redirect("{$link}?feed=rss"); } } loadPaging(); $paging = new paging(); $result = $paging->pagerQuery(FDBPrefix . 'article', "*,\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(date,'%d %M %Y') as date,\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(date,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as order_date,\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(date,'%a, %m %d %Y %H:%i:%s') as time,\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(date,'%d') as f,\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(date,'%D') as d,\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(date,'%b') as b,\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(date,'%a') as a,\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(date,'%W') as D,\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(date,'%m') as n,\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(date,'%M') as m,\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(date,'%y') as y,\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(date,'%Y') as Y,\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(date,'%h') as h,\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(date,'%H') as H,\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(date,'%p') as p,\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(date,'%i') as i,\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(date,'%s') as s", "{$where} {$accessLevel}", 'order_date DESC', $per_page); $no = 0; $perrows = mysql_affected_rows(); while ($qr = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { /* Category Details */ $catLinks = categoryLink($qr['category']); $category = categoryInfo('name', $qr['category']); $catHref = "<a href='{$catLinks}'>{$category}</a>"; /* Author */ if (empty($qr['author'])) { $author = userInfo('name', 1); } else { $author = $qr['author']; } /* Article Links */ $link = "?app=article&view=item&id={$qr['id']}"; $vlink = str_replace("&", "&", $link); $vlink = make_permalink($vlink); /* Article Title */ $title = "<a href='{$vlink}'>{$qr['title']}</a>"; $link = make_permalink($link); /* Article Tags */ $tags = tagToLink($qr['tags']); /* Article Content */ $article = $qr['article']; if (checkLocalhost()) { $article = str_replace(FLocal . "media/", "media/", $article); $article = str_replace("/media/", FUrl . "media/", $article); } $comment = null; /* Article Comments */ $comm = FQuery('comment', "link='{$link}'AND status=1"); if (FQuery('apps', "folder='app_comment'")) { $comment = "<a class='send-comment' href='{$link}#comment'>"; if ($comm > 1) { $comment .= "<span>{$comm}</span> " . Comments; } if ($comm == 1) { $comment .= "<span>{$comm}</span> " . 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