function display() { global $miner, $port; global $mcast, $mcastexpect; global $readonly, $notify, $rigs; global $ignorerefresh, $autorefresh; global $allowcustompages, $customsummarypages; global $placebuttons; global $userlist, $ses; $pagesonly = checklogin(); if ($pagesonly === 'login') { return; } $mcerr = ''; if ($rigs == null or count($rigs) == 0) { if ($mcast === true) { $action = 'found'; } else { $action = 'defined'; } minhead(); otherrow("<td class=bad>No rigs {$action}</td>"); return; } else { if ($mcast === true && count($rigs) < $mcastexpect) { $mcerr = othrow('<td class=bad>Found ' . count($rigs) . " rigs but expected at least {$mcastexpect}</td>"); } } if ($ignorerefresh == false) { $ref = trim(getparam('ref', true)); if ($ref != null && $ref != '') { $autorefresh = intval($ref); } } if ($pagesonly !== true) { $rig = trim(getparam('rig', true)); $arg = trim(getparam('arg', true)); $preprocess = null; if ($arg != null and $arg != '') { if ($rig != null and $rig != '' and $rig >= 0 and $rig < count($rigs)) { $parts = explode(':', $rigs[$rig], 3); if (count($parts) >= 2) { $miner = $parts[0]; $port = $parts[1]; if ($readonly !== true) { $preprocess = $arg; } } } } } if ($allowcustompages === true) { $pg = trim(getparam('pg', true)); if ($pagesonly === true) { if ($pg !== null && $pg !== '') { if ($userlist !== null && isset($userlist['def']) && !in_array($pg, $userlist['def'])) { $pg = null; } } else { if ($userlist !== null && isset($userlist['def'])) { foreach ($userlist['def'] as $pglook) { if (isset($customsummarypages[$pglook])) { $pg = $pglook; break; } } } } } if ($pg !== null && $pg !== '') { htmlhead($mcerr, false, null, $pg); showcustompage($pg, $mcerr); return; } } if ($pagesonly === true) { onlylogin(); return; } if (count($rigs) == 1) { $parts = explode(':', $rigs[0], 3); if (count($parts) >= 2) { $miner = $parts[0]; $port = $parts[1]; htmlhead($mcerr, true, 0); doOne(0, $preprocess); } else { minhead($mcerr); otherrow('<td class=bad>Invalid "$rigs" array</td>'); } return; } if ($rig != null and $rig != '' and $rig >= 0 and $rig < count($rigs)) { $parts = explode(':', $rigs[$rig], 3); if (count($parts) >= 2) { $miner = $parts[0]; $port = $parts[1]; htmlhead($mcerr, true, 0); doOne($rig, $preprocess); } else { minhead($mcerr); otherrow('<td class=bad>Invalid "$rigs" array</td>'); } return; } htmlhead($mcerr, false, null); if ($placebuttons == 'top' || $placebuttons == 'both') { pagebuttons(null, null); } if ($preprocess != null) { process(array($preprocess => $preprocess), $rig); } newtable(); doforeach('version', 'rig summary', array(), array(), true); $sum = array('MHS av', 'Getworks', 'Found Blocks', 'Accepted', 'Rejected', 'Discarded', 'Stale', 'Utility', 'Local Work', 'Total MH', 'Work Utility', 'Diff1 Shares', 'Diff1 Work', 'Difficulty Accepted', 'Difficulty Rejected', 'Difficulty Stale'); doforeach('summary', 'summary information', $sum, array(), false); endtable(); otherrow('<td><br><br></td>'); newtable(); doforeach('devs', 'device list', $sum, array('' => '', 'ID' => '', 'Name' => ''), false); endtable(); otherrow('<td><br><br></td>'); newtable(); doforeach('pools', 'pool list', $sum, array('' => ''), false); endtable(); if ($placebuttons == 'bot' || $placebuttons == 'both') { pagebuttons(null, null); } }
function display() { global $miner, $port; global $mcast, $mcastexpect; global $readonly, $notify, $rigs; global $ignorerefresh, $autorefresh; global $allowcustompages; global $placebuttons; global $userlist, $ses; $pagesonly = checklogin(); if ($pagesonly === 'login') { return; } $mcerr = ''; if ($rigs == null or count($rigs) == 0) { if ($mcast === true) { $action = 'found'; } else { $action = 'defined'; } minhead(); otherrow("<td class=bad>No rigs {$action}</td>"); return; } else { if ($mcast === true && count($rigs) < $mcastexpect) { $mcerr = othrow('<td class=bad>Found ' . count($rigs) . " rigs but expected at least {$mcastexpect}</td>"); } } if ($ignorerefresh == false) { $ref = trim(getparam('ref', true)); if ($ref != null && $ref != '') { $autorefresh = intval($ref); } } if ($pagesonly !== true) { $rig = trim(getparam('rig', true)); $arg = trim(getparam('arg', true)); $preprocess = null; if ($arg != null and $arg != '') { if ($rig != null and $rig != '' and $rig >= 0 and $rig < count($rigs)) { $parts = explode(':', $rigs[$rig], 3); if (count($parts) >= 1) { $miner = $parts[0]; if (count($parts) >= 2) { $port = $parts[1]; } else { $port = ''; } if ($readonly !== true) { $preprocess = $arg; } } } } } if ($allowcustompages === true) { $pg = urlencode(trim(getparam('pg', true))); if ($pagesonly === true) { if ($pg !== null && $pg !== '') { if ($userlist !== null && isset($userlist['def']) && !in_array($pg, $userlist['def'])) { $pg = null; } } else { if ($userlist !== null && isset($userlist['def'])) { foreach ($userlist['def'] as $pglook) { if (getcsp($pglook) !== false) { $pg = $pglook; break; } } } } } if ($pg !== null && $pg !== '') { htmlhead($mcerr, false, null, $pg); showcustompage($pg); return; } } if ($pagesonly === true) { onlylogin(); return; } if (count($rigs) == 1) { $parts = explode(':', $rigs[0], 3); if (count($parts) >= 1) { $miner = $parts[0]; if (count($parts) >= 2) { $port = $parts[1]; } else { $port = ''; } htmlhead($mcerr, true, 0); doOne(0, $preprocess); } else { minhead($mcerr); otherrow('<td class=bad>Invalid "$rigs" array</td>'); } return; } if ($rig != null and $rig != '' and $rig >= 0 and $rig < count($rigs)) { $parts = explode(':', $rigs[$rig], 3); if (count($parts) >= 1) { $miner = $parts[0]; if (count($parts) >= 2) { $port = $parts[1]; } else { $port = ''; } htmlhead($mcerr, true, 0); doOne($rig, $preprocess); } else { minhead($mcerr); otherrow('<td class=bad>Invalid "$rigs" array</td>'); } return; } htmlhead($mcerr, false, null); if ($preprocess != null) { process(array($preprocess => $preprocess), $rig); } if (getcsp('Summary', true) !== false) { showcustompage('Summary', true); } }