require 'includes/db-core.php'; require 'includes/helper-functions.php'; require 'includes/check-session.php'; require 'includes/filter-functions.php'; require 'includes/language.php'; require 'includes/view-functions.php'; require 'includes/users-functions.php'; $dbh = mf_connect_db(); /***************************************************************************************************************/ /* 1. Get new field parameters */ /***************************************************************************************************************/ $element_type = strtolower(trim($_POST['element_type'])); $form_id = (int) $_POST['form_id']; $element_position = (int) $_POST['position']; //the position of the element within the preview page $element_properties_input = mf_sanitize($_POST['field_properties']); //when a field being created by dragging the button to the form preview page, a temporary id is being assigned to to field //the id being sent here need to be sent back, so that the javascript could replace it with the actual field markup $holder_id = strtolower(trim($_POST['holder_id'])); // A new field can be created from few actions // Dragging from the sidebar -- drag_new // Clicking the button -- click_new // Duplicate an existing field -- duplicate // Changing a field type -- change_type (NOT YET implemented) $action = strtolower(trim($_POST['action'])); //check permission, is the user allowed to access this page? if (empty($_SESSION['mf_user_privileges']['priv_administer'])) { $user_perms = mf_get_user_permissions($dbh, $form_id, $_SESSION['mf_user_id']); //this page need edit_form permission if (empty($user_perms['edit_form'])) { die("You don't have permission to edit this form.");
$user_input['priv_new_forms'] = (int) $_POST['au_priv_new_forms']; $user_input['priv_new_themes'] = (int) $_POST['au_priv_new_themes']; $user_input['priv_administer'] = (int) $_POST['au_priv_administer']; //if the user has administer privileges, make sure to get all other privileges as well if (!empty($user_input['priv_administer'])) { $user_input['priv_new_forms'] = 1; $user_input['priv_new_themes'] = 1; } foreach ($form_list_array as $value) { $form_id = $value['form_id']; $user_input['perm_editform_' . $form_id] = (int) $_POST['perm_editform_' . $form_id]; $user_input['perm_editentries_' . $form_id] = (int) $_POST['perm_editentries_' . $form_id]; $user_input['perm_viewentries_' . $form_id] = (int) $_POST['perm_viewentries_' . $form_id]; } //clean the inputs $user_input = mf_sanitize($user_input); //validate inputs $error_messages = array(); //validate email if (empty($user_input['user_bulk_data'])) { $error_messages['user_bulk_data'] = 'This field is required. Please enter users data.'; } else { //parse data into array for easier processing $temp_data = explode("\n", $user_input['user_bulk_data']); array_walk($temp_data, 'mf_trim_value'); $i = 0; foreach ($temp_data as $row_data) { if (empty($row_data)) { continue; } $columns = array();
require 'config.php'; require 'includes/db-core.php'; require 'includes/helper-functions.php'; require 'includes/check-session.php'; require 'includes/filter-functions.php'; require 'includes/users-functions.php'; $dbh = mf_connect_db(); if (empty($_POST['form_id'])) { die("Error! You can't open this file directly"); } $form_id = (int) trim($_POST['form_id']); $field_rule_properties = mf_sanitize($_POST['field_rule_properties']); $field_rule_conditions = mf_sanitize($_POST['field_rule_conditions']); $page_rule_properties = mf_sanitize($_POST['page_rule_properties']); $page_rule_conditions = mf_sanitize($_POST['page_rule_conditions']); $logic_statuses = mf_sanitize($_POST['logic_status']); //check permission, is the user allowed to access this page? if (empty($_SESSION['mf_user_privileges']['priv_administer'])) { $user_perms = mf_get_user_permissions($dbh, $form_id, $_SESSION['mf_user_id']); //this page need edit_form permission if (empty($user_perms['edit_form'])) { die("Access Denied. You don't have permission to edit this form."); } } $logic_field_enable = (int) $logic_statuses['logic_field_enable']; $logic_page_enable = (int) $logic_statuses['logic_page_enable']; /** Field Logic **/ //save field_rule_properties into ap_field_logic_elements table $query = "delete from " . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "field_logic_elements where form_id=?"; $params = array($form_id); mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh);
More info at: ********************************************************************************/ require 'includes/init.php'; require 'config.php'; require 'includes/db-core.php'; require 'includes/helper-functions.php'; require 'includes/check-session.php'; require 'includes/common-validator.php'; require 'includes/filter-functions.php'; $dbh = mf_connect_db(); $mf_settings = mf_get_settings($dbh); //sleep(2); //temporary for localhost testing $element_properties_array = mf_sanitize($_POST['ep']); $form_id = (int) $_POST['form_id']; $form_properties = mf_sanitize($_POST['fp']); $last_pagebreak_properties = mf_sanitize($_POST['lp']); parse_str($_POST['el_pos']); $element_positions = $el_pos; //contain the positions of the elements unset($el_pos); /***************************************************************************************************************/ /* 1. Process form properties */ /***************************************************************************************************************/ if ($form_properties['active'] == 2) { $is_new_form = true; } else { $is_new_form = false; } foreach ($form_properties as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'schedule_start_hour' || $key == 'schedule_end_hour') { $exploded = array();
/******************************************************************************** MachForm Copyright 2007-2012 Appnitro Software. This code cannot be redistributed without permission from More info at: ********************************************************************************/ require 'includes/init.php'; require 'config.php'; require 'includes/db-core.php'; require 'includes/helper-functions.php'; require 'includes/check-session.php'; require 'includes/filter-functions.php'; $form_id = (int) trim($_POST['form_id']); $column_preferences = mf_sanitize($_POST['col_pref']); if (empty($form_id)) { die("This file can't be opened directly."); } $dbh = mf_connect_db(); //first delete all previous preferences $query = "delete from `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "column_preferences` where form_id=?"; $params = array($form_id); mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); //save the new preference $query = "insert into `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "column_preferences`(form_id,element_name,position) values(?,?,?)"; $position = 1; if (!empty($column_preferences)) { foreach ($column_preferences as $data) { $column_name = $data['name']; $params = array($form_id, $column_name, $position);
//delete previous file from the listfile if any $current_listfile_array = array(); $current_listfile_array = file($listfile_name, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); if (file_exists($current_listfile_array[1])) { unlink($current_listfile_array[1]); } $listfile_content = '<?php' . "\n" . $destination_file . "\n" . "?>"; } } // Write the contents to the file file_put_contents($listfile_name, $listfile_content, LOCK_EX); $upload_success = true; } else { $upload_success = false; $error_message = "Unable to move file!"; } } $response_data = new stdClass(); if ($upload_success) { $response_data->status = "ok"; $response_data->message = mf_sanitize($_FILES['Filedata']['name']); } else { $response_data->status = "error"; $response_data->message = $error_message; } $response_json = json_encode($response_data); echo $response_json; //we need to use output buffering to be able capturing error messages $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo $output;
Copyright 2007-2012 Appnitro Software. This code cannot be redistributed without permission from More info at: ********************************************************************************/ require 'includes/init.php'; require 'config.php'; require 'includes/db-core.php'; require 'includes/helper-functions.php'; require 'includes/check-session.php'; require 'includes/filter-functions.php'; require 'includes/entry-functions.php'; require 'includes/users-functions.php'; $form_id = (int) trim($_POST['form_id']); $selected_entries = mf_sanitize($_POST['selected_entries']); $delete_all = (int) $_POST['delete_all']; $origin = trim($_POST['origin']); $user_id = (int) $_SESSION['mf_user_id']; if (empty($form_id)) { die("This file can't be opened directly."); } $dbh = mf_connect_db(); $mf_settings = mf_get_settings($dbh); //check permission, is the user allowed to access this page? if (empty($_SESSION['mf_user_privileges']['priv_administer'])) { $user_perms = mf_get_user_permissions($dbh, $form_id, $_SESSION['mf_user_id']); //this page need edit_entries permission if (empty($user_perms['edit_entries'])) { die("Access Denied. You don't have permission to edit this entry."); }
/******************************************************************************** MachForm Copyright 2007-2012 Appnitro Software. This code cannot be redistributed without permission from More info at: ********************************************************************************/ require 'includes/init.php'; require 'config.php'; require 'includes/db-core.php'; require 'includes/helper-functions.php'; require 'includes/check-session.php'; require 'includes/filter-functions.php'; $_POST = mf_sanitize($_POST); $default_date = trim($_POST['default_date']); $input_format = trim($_POST['date_format']); $response_data = new stdClass(); $slash_pos = strpos($default_date, '/'); if ($input_format == 'europe_date' && !empty($slash_pos)) { //if the input format is europe date (dd/mm/yyyy) and the input is ##/##/#### we need to convert the input into mm/dd/yyyy format //since the strtotime function only accept mm/dd/yyyy $exploded = explode('/', $default_date); $default_date = $exploded[1] . '/' . $exploded[0] . '/' . $exploded[2]; } $timestamp = strtotime($default_date); if ($timestamp !== false && $timestamp != -1) { $response_data->status = "ok"; $response_data->default_date = date('d-m-Y', $timestamp); } else {
/******************************************************************************** MachForm Copyright 2007-2012 Appnitro Software. This code cannot be redistributed without permission from More info at: ********************************************************************************/ require 'includes/init.php'; require 'config.php'; require 'includes/db-core.php'; require 'includes/helper-functions.php'; require 'includes/check-session.php'; require 'includes/filter-functions.php'; $filter_properties_array = mf_sanitize($_POST['filter_prop']); $filter_type = mf_sanitize($_POST['filter_type']); if (empty($filter_type) || empty($filter_properties_array)) { die("This file can't be opened directly."); } //we only need to save the filter into session variable $_SESSION['filter_users'] = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($filter_properties_array as $data) { $_SESSION['filter_users'][$i]['element_name'] = $data['element_name']; $_SESSION['filter_users'][$i]['filter_condition'] = $data['condition']; $_SESSION['filter_users'][$i]['filter_keyword'] = $data['keyword']; $i++; } $_SESSION['filter_users_type'] = $filter_type; $response_data = new stdClass(); $response_data->status = "ok";
More info at: ********************************************************************************/ require 'includes/init.php'; require 'config.php'; require 'includes/db-core.php'; require 'includes/helper-functions.php'; require 'includes/check-session.php'; require 'includes/filter-functions.php'; require 'includes/users-functions.php'; $dbh = mf_connect_db(); if (empty($_POST['payment_properties'])) { die("Error! You can't open this file directly"); } $payment_properties = mf_sanitize($_POST['payment_properties']); $field_prices = mf_sanitize($_POST['field_prices']); $form_id = (int) $payment_properties['form_id']; unset($payment_properties['form_id']); //check permission, is the user allowed to access this page? if (empty($_SESSION['mf_user_privileges']['priv_administer'])) { $user_perms = mf_get_user_permissions($dbh, $form_id, $_SESSION['mf_user_id']); //this page need edit_form permission if (empty($user_perms['edit_form'])) { die("Access Denied. You don't have permission to edit this form."); } } //save payment properties into ap_forms table foreach ($payment_properties as $key => $value) { $form_input['payment_' . $key] = $value; } mf_ap_forms_update($form_id, $form_input, $dbh);
<?php /******************************************************************************** MachForm Copyright 2007-2012 Appnitro Software. This code cannot be redistributed without permission from More info at: ********************************************************************************/ require 'includes/init.php'; require 'config.php'; require 'includes/db-core.php'; require 'includes/helper-functions.php'; require 'includes/check-session.php'; require 'includes/filter-functions.php'; require 'lib/password-hash.php'; $dbh = mf_connect_db(); $input = mf_sanitize($_POST); if (empty($input['np'])) { die("Error! You can't open this file directly"); } else { $new_password_plain = $input['np']; } $hasher = new PasswordHash(8, FALSE); $new_password_hash = $hasher->HashPassword($new_password_plain); $settings['admin_password'] = $new_password_hash; mf_ap_settings_update($settings, $dbh); $_SESSION['MF_SUCCESS'] = 'Your new password has been saved.'; echo '{"status" : "ok"}';
MachForm Copyright 2007-2012 Appnitro Software. This code cannot be redistributed without permission from More info at: ********************************************************************************/ require 'includes/init.php'; require 'config.php'; require 'includes/db-core.php'; require 'includes/helper-functions.php'; require 'includes/check-session.php'; require 'includes/filter-functions.php'; require 'includes/users-functions.php'; $action = trim($_POST['action']); $selected_users = mf_sanitize($_POST['selected_users']); $select_all = (int) $_POST['delete_all']; $no_session_msg = (int) $_POST['no_session_msg']; $origin = trim($_POST['origin']); if (empty($action)) { die("This file can't be opened directly."); } else { if ($action == 'delete') { $new_user_status = 0; } else { if ($action == 'suspend') { $new_user_status = 2; } else { if ($action == 'unsuspend') { $new_user_status = 1; } else {
function mf_display_address($element) { $country = mf_get_country_list(); $state_list[0]['label'] = 'Alabama'; $state_list[1]['label'] = 'Alaska'; $state_list[2]['label'] = 'Arizona'; $state_list[3]['label'] = 'Arkansas'; $state_list[4]['label'] = 'California'; $state_list[5]['label'] = 'Colorado'; $state_list[6]['label'] = 'Connecticut'; $state_list[7]['label'] = 'Delaware'; $state_list[8]['label'] = 'District of Columbia'; $state_list[9]['label'] = 'Florida'; $state_list[10]['label'] = 'Georgia'; $state_list[11]['label'] = 'Hawaii'; $state_list[12]['label'] = 'Idaho'; $state_list[13]['label'] = 'Illinois'; $state_list[14]['label'] = 'Indiana'; $state_list[15]['label'] = 'Iowa'; $state_list[16]['label'] = 'Kansas'; $state_list[17]['label'] = 'Kentucky'; $state_list[18]['label'] = 'Louisiana'; $state_list[19]['label'] = 'Maine'; $state_list[20]['label'] = 'Maryland'; $state_list[21]['label'] = 'Massachusetts'; $state_list[22]['label'] = 'Michigan'; $state_list[23]['label'] = 'Minnesota'; $state_list[24]['label'] = 'Mississippi'; $state_list[25]['label'] = 'Missouri'; $state_list[26]['label'] = 'Montana'; $state_list[27]['label'] = 'Nebraska'; $state_list[28]['label'] = 'Nevada'; $state_list[29]['label'] = 'New Hampshire'; $state_list[30]['label'] = 'New Jersey'; $state_list[31]['label'] = 'New Mexico'; $state_list[32]['label'] = 'New York'; $state_list[33]['label'] = 'North Carolina'; $state_list[34]['label'] = 'North Dakota'; $state_list[35]['label'] = 'Ohio'; $state_list[36]['label'] = 'Oklahoma'; $state_list[37]['label'] = 'Oregon'; $state_list[38]['label'] = 'Pennsylvania'; $state_list[39]['label'] = 'Rhode Island'; $state_list[40]['label'] = 'South Carolina'; $state_list[41]['label'] = 'South Dakota'; $state_list[42]['label'] = 'Tennessee'; $state_list[43]['label'] = 'Texas'; $state_list[44]['label'] = 'Utah'; $state_list[45]['label'] = 'Vermont'; $state_list[46]['label'] = 'Virginia'; $state_list[47]['label'] = 'Washington'; $state_list[48]['label'] = 'West Virginia'; $state_list[49]['label'] = 'Wisconsin'; $state_list[50]['label'] = 'Wyoming'; $state_list[0]['value'] = 'Alabama'; $state_list[1]['value'] = 'Alaska'; $state_list[2]['value'] = 'Arizona'; $state_list[3]['value'] = 'Arkansas'; $state_list[4]['value'] = 'California'; $state_list[5]['value'] = 'Colorado'; $state_list[6]['value'] = 'Connecticut'; $state_list[7]['value'] = 'Delaware'; $state_list[8]['value'] = 'District of Columbia'; $state_list[9]['value'] = 'Florida'; $state_list[10]['value'] = 'Georgia'; $state_list[11]['value'] = 'Hawaii'; $state_list[12]['value'] = 'Idaho'; $state_list[13]['value'] = 'Illinois'; $state_list[14]['value'] = 'Indiana'; $state_list[15]['value'] = 'Iowa'; $state_list[16]['value'] = 'Kansas'; $state_list[17]['value'] = 'Kentucky'; $state_list[18]['value'] = 'Louisiana'; $state_list[19]['value'] = 'Maine'; $state_list[20]['value'] = 'Maryland'; $state_list[21]['value'] = 'Massachusetts'; $state_list[22]['value'] = 'Michigan'; $state_list[23]['value'] = 'Minnesota'; $state_list[24]['value'] = 'Mississippi'; $state_list[25]['value'] = 'Missouri'; $state_list[26]['value'] = 'Montana'; $state_list[27]['value'] = 'Nebraska'; $state_list[28]['value'] = 'Nevada'; $state_list[29]['value'] = 'New Hampshire'; $state_list[30]['value'] = 'New Jersey'; $state_list[31]['value'] = 'New Mexico'; $state_list[32]['value'] = 'New York'; $state_list[33]['value'] = 'North Carolina'; $state_list[34]['value'] = 'North Dakota'; $state_list[35]['value'] = 'Ohio'; $state_list[36]['value'] = 'Oklahoma'; $state_list[37]['value'] = 'Oregon'; $state_list[38]['value'] = 'Pennsylvania'; $state_list[39]['value'] = 'Rhode Island'; $state_list[40]['value'] = 'South Carolina'; $state_list[41]['value'] = 'South Dakota'; $state_list[42]['value'] = 'Tennessee'; $state_list[43]['value'] = 'Texas'; $state_list[44]['value'] = 'Utah'; $state_list[45]['value'] = 'Vermont'; $state_list[46]['value'] = 'Virginia'; $state_list[47]['value'] = 'Washington'; $state_list[48]['value'] = 'West Virginia'; $state_list[49]['value'] = 'Wisconsin'; $state_list[50]['value'] = 'Wyoming'; global $mf_lang; $li_class = ''; $error_message = ''; $span_required = ''; $guidelines = ''; $el_class = array(); $el_class[] = 'address'; if (!empty($element->is_private)) { $el_class[] = 'private'; } if (!empty($element->css_class)) { $el_class[] = trim($element->css_class); } if (!empty($element->is_error)) { $el_class[] = 'error'; if ($element->error_message != 'error_no_display') { $error_message = "<p class=\"error\">{$element->error_message}</p>"; } } //check for required if ($element->is_required) { $span_required = "<span id=\"required_{$element->id}\" class=\"required\">*</span>"; } //check for guidelines if (!empty($element->guidelines)) { $guidelines = "<p class=\"guidelines\" id=\"guide_{$element->id}\"><small>{$element->guidelines}</small></p>"; } if (!empty($element->default_value)) { $default_value_6 = $element->default_value; } //check for GET parameter to populate default value if (isset($_GET['element_' . $element->id . '_1'])) { $default_value_1 = htmlspecialchars(mf_sanitize($_GET['element_' . $element->id . '_1']), ENT_QUOTES); } if (isset($_GET['element_' . $element->id . '_2'])) { $default_value_2 = htmlspecialchars(mf_sanitize($_GET['element_' . $element->id . '_2']), ENT_QUOTES); } if (isset($_GET['element_' . $element->id . '_3'])) { $default_value_3 = htmlspecialchars(mf_sanitize($_GET['element_' . $element->id . '_3']), ENT_QUOTES); } if (isset($_GET['element_' . $element->id . '_4'])) { $default_value_4 = htmlspecialchars(mf_sanitize($_GET['element_' . $element->id . '_4']), ENT_QUOTES); } if (isset($_GET['element_' . $element->id . '_5'])) { $default_value_5 = htmlspecialchars(mf_sanitize($_GET['element_' . $element->id . '_5']), ENT_QUOTES); } if (isset($_GET['element_' . $element->id . '_6'])) { $default_value_6 = htmlspecialchars(mf_sanitize($_GET['element_' . $element->id . '_6']), ENT_QUOTES); } //check for populated values, if exist override the default value if (!empty($element->populated_value['element_' . $element->id . '_1']['default_value']) || !empty($element->populated_value['element_' . $element->id . '_2']['default_value']) || !empty($element->populated_value['element_' . $element->id . '_3']['default_value']) || !empty($element->populated_value['element_' . $element->id . '_4']['default_value']) || !empty($element->populated_value['element_' . $element->id . '_5']['default_value']) || !empty($element->populated_value['element_' . $element->id . '_6']['default_value'])) { $default_value_1 = ''; $default_value_2 = ''; $default_value_3 = ''; $default_value_4 = ''; $default_value_5 = ''; $default_value_1 = $element->populated_value['element_' . $element->id . '_1']['default_value']; $default_value_2 = $element->populated_value['element_' . $element->id . '_2']['default_value']; $default_value_3 = $element->populated_value['element_' . $element->id . '_3']['default_value']; $default_value_4 = $element->populated_value['element_' . $element->id . '_4']['default_value']; $default_value_5 = $element->populated_value['element_' . $element->id . '_5']['default_value']; $default_value_6 = $element->populated_value['element_' . $element->id . '_6']['default_value']; } //create country markup, if no default value, provide a blank option if (!empty($element->address_us_only)) { $default_value_6 = 'United States'; } if (empty($default_value_6)) { $country_markup = '<option value="" selected="selected"></option>' . "\n"; } else { $country_markup = ''; } foreach ($country as $data) { if (!empty($data['value']) && $data['value'] == $default_value_6) { $selected = 'selected="selected"'; } else { $selected = ''; } $country_markup .= "<option value=\"{$data['value']}\" {$selected}>{$data['label']}</option>\n"; } //if this address field is restricted to US only if (empty($element->is_design_mode) && !empty($element->address_us_only)) { $country_markup = '<option selected="selected" value="United States">United States</option>'; } //decide which state markup being used if (empty($element->address_us_only)) { //display simple input for the state $state_markup = "<input id=\"element_{$element->id}_4\" name=\"element_{$element->id}_4\" class=\"element text large\" value=\"{$default_value_4}\" type=\"text\" />"; } else { //display us state dropdown $state_markup = "<select class=\"element select large\" id=\"element_{$element->id}_4\" name=\"element_{$element->id}_4\">"; $state_markup .= '<option value="" selected="selected">Select a State</option>' . "\n"; foreach ($state_list as $data) { if ($data['value'] == $default_value_4) { $selected = 'selected="selected"'; } else { $selected = ''; } $state_markup .= "<option value=\"{$data['value']}\" {$selected}>{$data['label']}</option>\n"; } $state_markup .= "</select>"; } //set the 'address line 2' visibility, based on selected option if (!empty($element->address_hideline2)) { $address_line2_style = 'style="display: none"'; } else { $address_line2_style = ''; } //build the li class if (!empty($el_class)) { foreach ($el_class as $value) { $li_class .= $value . ' '; } $li_class = 'class="' . rtrim($li_class) . '"'; } $element_markup = <<<EOT \t\t<li id="li_{$element->id}" {$li_class}> \t\t<label class="description">{$element->title} {$span_required}</label> \t\t \t\t<div> \t\t\t<span id="li_{$element->id}_span_1"> \t\t\t\t<input id="element_{$element->id}_1" name="element_{$element->id}_1" class="element text large" value="{$default_value_1}" type="text" /> \t\t\t\t<label for="element_{$element->id}_1">{$mf_lang['address_street']}</label> \t\t\t</span> \t\t \t\t\t<span id="li_{$element->id}_span_2" {$address_line2_style}> \t\t\t\t<input id="element_{$element->id}_2" name="element_{$element->id}_2" class="element text large" value="{$default_value_2}" type="text" /> \t\t\t\t<label for="element_{$element->id}_2">{$mf_lang['address_street2']}</label> \t\t\t</span> \t\t \t\t\t<span id="li_{$element->id}_span_3" class="left state_list"> \t\t\t\t<input id="element_{$element->id}_3" name="element_{$element->id}_3" class="element text large" value="{$default_value_3}" type="text" /> \t\t\t\t<label for="element_{$element->id}_3">{$mf_lang['address_city']}</label> \t\t\t</span> \t\t \t\t\t<span id="li_{$element->id}_span_4" class="right state_list"> \t\t\t\t{$state_markup} \t\t\t\t<label for="element_{$element->id}_4">{$mf_lang['address_state']}</label> \t\t\t</span> \t\t \t\t\t<span id="li_{$element->id}_span_5" class="left"> \t\t\t\t<input id="element_{$element->id}_5" name="element_{$element->id}_5" class="element text large" maxlength="15" value="{$default_value_5}" type="text" /> \t\t\t\t<label for="element_{$element->id}_5">{$mf_lang['address_zip']}</label> \t\t\t</span> \t\t\t \t\t\t<span id="li_{$element->id}_span_6" class="right"> \t\t\t\t<select class="element select large" id="element_{$element->id}_6" name="element_{$element->id}_6"> \t\t\t\t{$country_markup}\t \t\t\t\t</select> \t\t\t<label for="element_{$element->id}_6">{$mf_lang['address_country']}</label> \t\t </span> \t </div>{$guidelines} {$error_message} \t\t</li> EOT; return $element_markup; }
require 'includes/view-functions.php'; require 'includes/post-functions.php'; require 'includes/filter-functions.php'; require 'includes/entry-functions.php'; require 'includes/helper-functions.php'; require 'includes/theme-functions.php'; require 'lib/swift-mailer/swift_required.php'; require 'lib/recaptchalib.php'; require 'lib/php-captcha/'; require 'lib/text-captcha.php'; require 'hooks/custom_hooks.php'; $dbh = mf_connect_db(); $ssl_suffix = mf_get_ssl_suffix(); if (mf_is_form_submitted()) { //if form submitted $input_array = mf_sanitize($_POST); $submit_result = mf_process_form($dbh, $input_array); if (!isset($input_array['password'])) { //if normal form submitted if ($submit_result['status'] === true) { if (!empty($submit_result['form_resume_url'])) { //the user saving a form, display success page with the resume URL $_SESSION['mf_form_resume_url'][$input_array['form_id']] = $submit_result['form_resume_url']; header("Location: http{$ssl_suffix}://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?id={$input_array['form_id']}&done=1"); exit; } else { if ($submit_result['logic_page_enable'] === true) { //the page has skip logic enable and a custom destination page has been set $target_page_id = $submit_result['target_page_id']; if (is_numeric($target_page_id)) { header("Location: http{$ssl_suffix}://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?id={$input_array['form_id']}&mf_page={$target_page_id}");
MachForm Copyright 2007-2012 Appnitro Software. This code cannot be redistributed without permission from More info at: ********************************************************************************/ require 'includes/init.php'; require 'config.php'; require 'includes/db-core.php'; require 'includes/helper-functions.php'; require 'includes/check-session.php'; require 'includes/filter-functions.php'; $dbh = mf_connect_db(); $form_id = (int) $_POST['form_id']; $tags = mf_sanitize($_POST['tags']); $action = $_POST['action']; if (empty($form_id) || empty($tags) || empty($action)) { die('error! missing parameters.'); } if ($action == 'add') { //add a new tag name //get existing tags for current form $query = "SELECT `form_tags` from " . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "forms WHERE form_id=?"; $params = array($form_id); $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); $row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth); if (!empty($row['form_tags'])) { $current_tags_array = explode(',', $row['form_tags']); } //get the new tag names
Copyright 2007-2012 Appnitro Software. This code cannot be redistributed without permission from More info at: ********************************************************************************/ require 'includes/init.php'; require 'config.php'; require 'includes/db-core.php'; require 'includes/helper-functions.php'; require 'includes/filter-functions.php'; require 'includes/post-functions.php'; require 'lib/stripe/Stripe.php'; $form_id = (int) trim($_POST['form_id']); $token = trim($_POST['token']); $payment_record_id = $_SESSION['mf_payment_record_id'][$form_id]; $payment_data = mf_sanitize($_POST['payment_properties']); $payment_success = false; $payment_message = ''; if (empty($form_id) || empty($payment_record_id) || empty($token)) { $response_data = new stdClass(); $response_data->status = "error"; $response_data->message = "Error. Your session has been expired. Please start the form again."; $response_json = json_encode($response_data); echo $response_json; exit; } $dbh = mf_connect_db(); //get form properties data $query = "select \r\n\t\t\t\t\tform_redirect,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tform_review,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tform_page_total,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpayment_enable_merchant,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpayment_merchant_type,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpayment_currency,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpayment_price_type,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpayment_price_name,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpayment_price_amount,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpayment_ask_billing,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpayment_ask_shipping,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpayment_stripe_live_secret_key,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpayment_stripe_test_secret_key,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpayment_stripe_enable_test_mode,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpayment_enable_recurring,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpayment_recurring_cycle,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpayment_recurring_unit,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpayment_enable_trial,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpayment_trial_period,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpayment_trial_unit,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpayment_trial_amount,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpayment_delay_notifications\r\n\t\t\t\tfrom \r\n\t\t\t\t " . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "forms \r\n\t\t\t where \r\n\t\t\t\t form_id=?"; $params = array($form_id); $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh);
require 'includes/db-core.php'; require 'includes/helper-functions.php'; require 'includes/check-session.php'; require 'includes/filter-functions.php'; $dbh = mf_connect_db(); $form_id = (int) $_POST['form_id']; $row_position = (int) $_POST['position']; //the position of the new row within matrix table $matrix_parent_id = (int) $_POST['matrix_parent_id']; $allow_multiselect = (int) $_POST['allow_multiselect']; $row_holder_id = trim($_POST['row_holder_id']); $prop_holder_id = trim($_POST['prop_holder_id']); $total_column = (int) $_POST['total_column']; $rows_titles = mf_sanitize($_POST['rows_titles']); //if this array exist, then bulk insert rows is happening $column_data = mf_sanitize($_POST['column_data']); //adding a new matrix row is basically the same as adding a new checkbox/radio button field //the only difference is that the field type is 'matrix' and it has parent id if (!empty($rows_titles)) { $is_multi_rows = true; } else { $is_multi_rows = false; } //get element id for this new element $query = "select ifnull(max(`element_id`),0) + 1 as new_element_id from " . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_elements where form_id = ?"; $params = array($form_id); $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); $row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth); $element_id = $row['new_element_id']; //set default field properties $element_properties['matrix_parent_id'] = $matrix_parent_id;
More info at: ********************************************************************************/ require 'includes/init.php'; require 'config.php'; require 'includes/db-core.php'; require 'includes/helper-functions.php'; require 'includes/check-session.php'; require 'includes/filter-functions.php'; require 'includes/entry-functions.php'; $form_id = (int) trim($_GET['id']); $dbh = mf_connect_db(); $mf_settings = mf_get_settings($dbh); //handle form submission if there is any if (!empty($_POST['form_id'])) { $form_id = (int) $_POST['form_id']; $notification_settings = mf_sanitize($_POST); array_walk($notification_settings, 'mf_trim_value'); //save settings for 'Send Notification Emails to My Inbox' section $form_input['esl_enable'] = (int) $notification_settings['esl_enable']; if (empty($notification_settings['esl_email_address'])) { $form_input['esl_enable'] = 0; } $form_input['form_email'] = $notification_settings['esl_email_address']; if ($notification_settings['esl_from_name'] == 'custom') { $form_input['esl_from_name'] = $notification_settings['esl_from_name_custom']; } else { $form_input['esl_from_name'] = $notification_settings['esl_from_name']; } if ($notification_settings['esl_from_email_address'] == 'custom') { $form_input['esl_from_email_address'] = $notification_settings['esl_from_email_address_custom']; } else {
/******************************************************************************** MachForm Copyright 2007-2012 Appnitro Software. This code cannot be redistributed without permission from More info at: ********************************************************************************/ require 'includes/init.php'; require 'config.php'; require 'includes/db-core.php'; require 'includes/helper-functions.php'; require 'includes/check-session.php'; require 'includes/filter-functions.php'; $dbh = mf_connect_db(); $element_properties_array = mf_sanitize($_POST['fp']); $form_id = (int) $_POST['form_id']; $response_data = new stdClass(); $updated_element_id = ''; //loop through each element properties if (!empty($element_properties_array)) { foreach ($element_properties_array as $element_properties) { unset($element_properties['is_db_live']); unset($element_properties['last_option_id']); //this property exist for choices field type unset($element_properties['page_total']); //this property exist for page break field type $element_options = array(); $element_options = $element_properties['options']; unset($element_properties['options']); /***************************************************************************************************************/
function display_machform($config) { $form_id = $config['form_id']; $show_border = $config['show_border']; $machform_path = $config['base_path']; $machform_data_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; if ($show_border === true) { $integration_method = ''; } else { $integration_method = 'php'; } //start session if there isn't any if (session_id() == "") { @session_start(); } $dbh = mf_connect_db(); if (mf_is_form_submitted()) { //if form submitted $input_array = mf_sanitize($_POST); $input_array['machform_data_path'] = $machform_data_path; $input_array['machform_base_path'] = $machform_path; $submit_result = mf_process_form($dbh, $input_array); if (!isset($input_array['password'])) { //if normal form submitted if ($submit_result['status'] === true) { if (!empty($submit_result['form_resume_url'])) { //the user saving a form, display success page with the resume URL $_SESSION['mf_form_resume_url'][$input_array['form_id']] = $submit_result['form_resume_url']; $ssl_suffix = mf_get_ssl_suffix(); echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = 'http{$ssl_suffix}://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?id={$input_array['form_id']}&done=1'</script>"; exit; } else { if (!empty($submit_result['review_id'])) { //redirect to review page $ssl_suffix = mf_get_ssl_suffix(); if (!empty($submit_result['origin_page_number'])) { $page_num_params = '&mf_page_from=' . $submit_result['origin_page_number']; } $_SESSION['review_id'] = $submit_result['review_id']; if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') === false) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}?show_review=1{$page_num_params}'</script>"; } else { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&show_review=1{$page_num_params}'</script>"; } exit; } else { if (!empty($submit_result['next_page_number'])) { //redirect to the next page number $_SESSION['mf_form_access'][$input_array['form_id']][$submit_result['next_page_number']] = true; $ssl_suffix = mf_get_ssl_suffix(); echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = 'http{$ssl_suffix}://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?id={$input_array['form_id']}&mf_page={$submit_result['next_page_number']}'</script>"; exit; } else { //otherwise display success message or redirect to the custom redirect URL if (empty($submit_result['form_redirect'])) { $ssl_suffix = mf_get_ssl_suffix(); echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = 'http{$ssl_suffix}://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?id={$input_array['form_id']}&done=1'</script>"; exit; } else { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$submit_result['form_redirect']}'</script>"; exit; } } } } } else { if ($submit_result['status'] === false) { //there are errors, display the form again with the errors $old_values = $submit_result['old_values']; $custom_error = @$submit_result['custom_error']; $error_elements = $submit_result['error_elements']; $form_params = array(); $form_params['page_number'] = $input_array['page_number']; $form_params['populated_values'] = $old_values; $form_params['error_elements'] = $error_elements; $form_params['custom_error'] = $custom_error; $form_params['integration_method'] = $integration_method; $form_params['machform_path'] = $machform_path; $form_params['machform_data_path'] = $machform_data_path; $markup = mf_display_form($dbh, $input_array['form_id'], $form_params); } } } else { //if password form submitted if ($submit_result['status'] === true) { //on success, display the form $form_params = array(); $form_params['integration_method'] = $integration_method; $form_params['machform_path'] = $machform_path; $form_params['machform_data_path'] = $machform_data_path; $markup = mf_display_form($dbh, $input_array['form_id'], $form_params); } else { $custom_error = $submit_result['custom_error']; //error, display the pasword form again $form_params = array(); $form_params['custom_error'] = $custom_error; $form_params['integration_method'] = $integration_method; $form_params['machform_path'] = $machform_path; $form_params['machform_data_path'] = $machform_data_path; $markup = mf_display_form($dbh, $input_array['form_id'], $form_params); } } } else { if (!empty($_POST['review_submit']) || !empty($_POST['review_submit_x'])) { //if form review being submitted //commit data from review table to actual table $record_id = $_SESSION['review_id']; $form_params = array(); $form_params['machform_path'] = $machform_path; $form_params['machform_data_path'] = $machform_data_path; $commit_result = mf_commit_form_review($dbh, $form_id, $record_id, $form_params); unset($_SESSION['review_id']); if (empty($commit_result['form_redirect'])) { $ssl_suffix = mf_get_ssl_suffix(); echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = 'http{$ssl_suffix}://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?id={$form_id}&done=1'</script>"; exit; } else { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$commit_result['form_redirect']}'</script>"; exit; } } elseif (!empty($_POST['review_back']) || !empty($_POST['review_back_x'])) { //go back to form $origin_page_num = (int) $_POST['mf_page_from']; $ssl_suffix = mf_get_ssl_suffix(); echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = 'http{$ssl_suffix}://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?id={$form_id}&mf_page={$origin_page_num}'</script>"; exit; } elseif (!empty($_GET['show_review'])) { //show review page if (empty($_SESSION['review_id'])) { die("Your session has been expired. Please start again."); } else { $record_id = $_SESSION['review_id']; } $from_page_num = (int) $_GET['mf_page_from']; if (empty($from_page_num)) { $form_page_num = 1; } $form_params = array(); $form_params['integration_method'] = $integration_method; $form_params['machform_path'] = $machform_path; $form_params['machform_data_path'] = $machform_data_path; $markup = mf_display_form_review($dbh, $form_id, $record_id, $from_page_num, $form_params); } else { $form_id = $form_id; $page_number = (int) trim($_GET['mf_page']); $page_number = mf_verify_page_access($form_id, $page_number); $resume_key = trim($_GET['mf_resume']); if (!empty($resume_key)) { $_SESSION['mf_form_resume_key'][$form_id] = $resume_key; } if (!empty($_GET['done']) && (!empty($_SESSION['mf_form_completed'][$form_id]) || !empty($_SESSION['mf_form_resume_url'][$form_id]))) { $form_params = array(); $form_params['integration_method'] = $integration_method; $form_params['machform_path'] = $machform_path; $markup = mf_display_success($dbh, $form_id, $form_params); } else { $form_params = array(); $form_params['page_number'] = $page_number; $form_params['integration_method'] = $integration_method; $form_params['machform_path'] = $machform_path; $form_params['machform_data_path'] = $machform_data_path; $markup = mf_display_form($dbh, $form_id, $form_params); } } } echo $markup; }
More info at: ********************************************************************************/ require 'includes/init.php'; require 'config.php'; require 'includes/db-core.php'; require 'includes/helper-functions.php'; require 'includes/check-session.php'; require 'includes/filter-functions.php'; require 'includes/theme-functions.php'; $dbh = mf_connect_db(); $mf_settings = mf_get_settings($dbh); //sleep(3); //temporary for localhost testing if (empty($_POST['tp'])) { die("Error! You can't open this file directly"); } $theme_properties = mf_sanitize($_POST['tp']); $theme_id = (int) $theme_properties['theme_id']; unset($theme_properties['theme_id']); if (empty($theme_id)) { $is_new_theme = true; } else { $is_new_theme = false; } //If this is new theme, insert new record into the table if ($is_new_theme) { $theme_properties['status'] = 1; //dynamically create the field list and field values, based on the input given $params = array(); foreach ($theme_properties as $key => $value) { $field_list .= "`{$key}`,"; $field_values .= ":{$key},";
function mf_process_form($dbh, $input) { global $mf_lang; $form_id = (int) trim($input['form_id']); $edit_id = (int) trim($input['edit_id']); if (empty($input['page_number'])) { $page_number = 1; } else { $page_number = (int) $input['page_number']; } $is_committed = false; $mf_settings = mf_get_settings($dbh); //this function handle password submission and general form submission //check for password requirement $query = "select \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tform_password,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tform_language,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tform_review,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tform_page_total,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogic_field_enable,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogic_page_enable \r\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "forms` where form_id=?"; $params = array($form_id); $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); $row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth); $form_review = $row['form_review']; $form_page_total = (int) $row['form_page_total']; $logic_field_enable = (int) $row['logic_field_enable']; $logic_page_enable = (int) $row['logic_page_enable']; if (!empty($row['form_password'])) { $require_password = true; } else { $require_password = false; } if (!empty($row['form_language'])) { mf_set_language($row['form_language']); } //if this form require password and no session has been set if ($require_password && (empty($_SESSION['user_authenticated']) || $_SESSION['user_authenticated'] != $form_id)) { $query = "select count(form_id) valid_password from `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "forms` where form_id=? and form_password=?"; $params = array($form_id, $input['password']); $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); $row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth); if (!empty($row['valid_password'])) { $process_result['status'] = true; $_SESSION['user_authenticated'] = $form_id; } else { $process_result['status'] = false; $process_result['custom_error'] = $mf_lang['form_pass_invalid']; } return $process_result; } $delay_notifications = false; $form_properties = array(); $form_properties = mf_get_form_properties($dbh, $form_id, array('payment_enable_merchant', 'payment_delay_notifications', 'payment_merchant_type')); //at this moment, delay notification only available for stripe if ($form_properties['payment_enable_merchant'] == 1 && !empty($form_properties['payment_delay_notifications']) && in_array($form_properties['payment_merchant_type'], array('stripe'))) { $delay_notifications = true; } $element_child_lookup['address'] = 5; $element_child_lookup['simple_name'] = 1; $element_child_lookup['simple_name_wmiddle'] = 2; $element_child_lookup['name'] = 3; $element_child_lookup['name_wmiddle'] = 4; $element_child_lookup['phone'] = 2; $element_child_lookup['date'] = 2; $element_child_lookup['europe_date'] = 2; $element_child_lookup['time'] = 3; $element_child_lookup['money'] = 1; //this applies to dollar,euro and pound. yen don't have child $element_child_lookup['checkbox'] = 1; //this is just a dumb value $element_child_lookup['matrix'] = 1; //this is just a dumb value //never trust user input, get a list of input fields based on info stored on table //element has real child -> address, simple_name, name, simple_name_wmiddle, name_wmiddle //element has virtual child -> phone, date, europe_date, time, money $is_edit_page = false; if (!empty($edit_id) && $_SESSION['mf_logged_in'] === true) { //if this is edit_entry page, process all elements on all pages at once $page_number_clause = ''; $params = array($form_id); $is_edit_page = true; } else { $page_number_clause = 'and element_page_number =?'; $params = array($form_id, $page_number); } $query = "SELECT \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\telement_id,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_title,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_is_required,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_is_unique,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_is_private,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_type, \r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_constraint,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_total_child,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_file_enable_multi_upload,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_file_max_selection,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_file_enable_type_limit,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_file_block_or_allow,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_file_type_list,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_range_max,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_range_min,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_range_limit_by,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_choice_has_other,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_time_showsecond,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_time_24hour,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_matrix_parent_id,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_matrix_allow_multiselect,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_date_enable_range,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_date_range_min,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_date_range_max,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_date_past_future,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_date_disable_past_future,\r\n \t\t\t\t\telement_date_enable_selection_limit,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\telement_date_selection_max,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\telement_date_disable_weekend,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\telement_date_disable_specific,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\telement_date_disabled_list\r\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_elements \r\n\t\t\t\t WHERE \r\n\t\t\t\t \t\tform_id=? and element_status = '1' {$page_number_clause} and element_type <> 'page_break' and element_type <> 'section'\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\telement_id asc"; $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); $element_to_get = array(); $private_elements = array(); //admin-only fields $matrix_childs_array = array(); while ($row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth)) { if ($row['element_type'] == 'section') { continue; } //store element info $element_info[$row['element_id']]['title'] = $row['element_title']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['type'] = $row['element_type']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['is_required'] = $row['element_is_required']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['is_unique'] = $row['element_is_unique']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['is_private'] = $row['element_is_private']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['constraint'] = $row['element_constraint']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['file_enable_multi_upload'] = $row['element_file_enable_multi_upload']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['file_max_selection'] = $row['element_file_max_selection']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['file_enable_type_limit'] = $row['element_file_enable_type_limit']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['file_block_or_allow'] = $row['element_file_block_or_allow']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['file_type_list'] = $row['element_file_type_list']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['range_min'] = $row['element_range_min']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['range_max'] = $row['element_range_max']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['range_limit_by'] = $row['element_range_limit_by']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['choice_has_other'] = $row['element_choice_has_other']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['time_showsecond'] = (int) $row['element_time_showsecond']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['time_24hour'] = (int) $row['element_time_24hour']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['matrix_parent_id'] = (int) $row['element_matrix_parent_id']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['matrix_allow_multiselect'] = (int) $row['element_matrix_allow_multiselect']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['date_enable_range'] = (int) $row['element_date_enable_range']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['date_range_max'] = $row['element_date_range_max']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['date_range_min'] = $row['element_date_range_min']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['date_past_future'] = $row['element_date_past_future']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['date_disable_past_future'] = (int) $row['element_date_disable_past_future']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['date_enable_selection_limit'] = (int) $row['element_date_enable_selection_limit']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['date_selection_max'] = (int) $row['element_date_selection_max']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['date_disable_weekend'] = (int) $row['element_date_disable_weekend']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['date_disable_specific'] = (int) $row['element_date_disable_specific']; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['date_disabled_list'] = $row['element_date_disabled_list']; //get element form name, complete with the childs if (empty($element_child_lookup[$row['element_type']]) || $row['element_constraint'] == 'yen') { //elements with no child $element_to_get[] = 'element_' . $row['element_id']; } else { //elements with child if ($row['element_type'] == 'checkbox' || $row['element_type'] == 'matrix' && !empty($row['element_matrix_allow_multiselect'])) { //for checkbox, get childs elements from ap_element_options table $sub_query = "select \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\toption_id \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "element_options \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t where \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\tform_id=? and element_id=? and live=1 \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\torder by \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`position` asc"; $params = array($form_id, $row['element_id']); $sub_sth = mf_do_query($sub_query, $params, $dbh); while ($sub_row = mf_do_fetch_result($sub_sth)) { $element_to_get[] = "element_{$row['element_id']}_{$sub_row['option_id']}"; $checkbox_childs[$row['element_id']][] = $sub_row['option_id']; //store the child into array for further reference } //if this is the parent of the matrix (checkbox matrix only), get the child as well if ($row['element_type'] == 'matrix' && !empty($row['element_matrix_allow_multiselect'])) { $temp_matrix_child_element_id_array = explode(',', trim($row['element_constraint'])); foreach ($temp_matrix_child_element_id_array as $mc_element_id) { $sub_query = "select \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\toption_id \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "element_options \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t where \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\tform_id=? and element_id=? and live=1 \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\torder by \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`position` asc"; $params = array($form_id, $mc_element_id); $sub_sth = mf_do_query($sub_query, $params, $dbh); while ($sub_row = mf_do_fetch_result($sub_sth)) { $element_to_get[] = "element_{$mc_element_id}_{$sub_row['option_id']}"; $checkbox_childs[$mc_element_id][] = $sub_row['option_id']; //store the child into array for further reference } } } } else { if ($row['element_type'] == 'matrix' && empty($row['element_matrix_allow_multiselect'])) { //radio button matrix, each row doesn't have childs $element_to_get[] = 'element_' . $row['element_id']; } else { $max = $element_child_lookup[$row['element_type']] + 1; for ($j = 1; $j <= $max; $j++) { $element_to_get[] = "element_{$row['element_id']}_{$j}"; } } } } //if the back button pressed after review page, or this is multipage form, we need to store the file info if (!empty($_SESSION['review_id']) && !empty($form_review) || $form_page_total > 1 || $is_edit_page === true) { if ($row['element_type'] == 'file') { $existing_file_id[] = $row['element_id']; } } //if this is matrix field, particularly the child rows, we need to store the id into temporary array //we need to loop through it later, to set the "required" property based on the matrix parent value if ($row['element_type'] == 'matrix' && !empty($row['element_matrix_parent_id'])) { $matrix_childs_array[$row['element_id']] = $row['element_matrix_parent_id']; } //extra security measure for file upload //even though the user disabled 'file type limit', we need to enforce it here and block dangerous files if ($row['element_type'] == 'file') { //if the 'Limit File Upload Type' disabled by user, enable it here and check for dangerous files if (empty($row['element_file_enable_type_limit'])) { $element_info[$row['element_id']]['file_enable_type_limit'] = 1; $element_info[$row['element_id']]['file_block_or_allow'] = 'b'; //block $element_info[$row['element_id']]['file_type_list'] = 'php,php3,php4,php5,phtml,exe,pl,cgi,html,htm,js'; } else { //if the limit being enabled but the list type is empty if (empty($element_info[$row['element_id']]['file_type_list'])) { $element_info[$row['element_id']]['file_block_or_allow'] = 'b'; //block $element_info[$row['element_id']]['file_type_list'] = 'php,php3,php4,php5,phtml,exe,pl,cgi,html,htm,js'; } else { //if the list is not empty, and it set to block files, make sure to add dangerous file types into the list if ($element_info[$row['element_id']]['file_block_or_allow'] == 'b') { $element_info[$row['element_id']]['file_type_list'] .= ',php,php3,php4,php5,phtml,exe,pl,cgi,html,htm,js'; } } } } } //loop through each matrix childs array //if the parent matrix has required=1, the child need to be set the same //if the parent matrix allow multi select, the child need to be set the same if (!empty($matrix_childs_array)) { foreach ($matrix_childs_array as $matrix_child_element_id => $matrix_parent_element_id) { if (!empty($element_info[$matrix_parent_element_id]['is_required'])) { $element_info[$matrix_child_element_id]['is_required'] = 1; } if (!empty($element_info[$matrix_parent_element_id]['matrix_allow_multiselect'])) { $element_info[$matrix_child_element_id]['matrix_allow_multiselect'] = 1; } } } if (!empty($existing_file_id)) { $existing_file_id_list = ''; foreach ($existing_file_id as $value) { $existing_file_id_list .= 'element_' . $value . ','; } $existing_file_id_list = rtrim($existing_file_id_list, ','); if (!empty($_SESSION['review_id'])) { $current_session_id = $_SESSION['review_id']; $query = "select {$existing_file_id_list} from " . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}_review where `id`=?"; } else { if ($is_edit_page === true) { //if this is edit_entry.php page $current_session_id = $edit_id; $query = "select {$existing_file_id_list} from " . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id} where `id`=?"; } else { $current_session_id = session_id(); $query = "select {$existing_file_id_list} from " . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}_review where `session_id`=?"; } } $params = array($current_session_id); $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); $row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth); foreach ($existing_file_id as $value) { if (!empty($row['element_' . $value])) { $element_info[$value]['existing_file'] = $row['element_' . $value]; } } } //pick user input $user_input = array(); foreach ($element_to_get as $element_name) { $user_input[$element_name] = @$input[$element_name]; } //if conditional logic for field is being enabled, and this is not edit entry page //we need to check the status of all elements which has "required" property //the "required" status might be disabled, depend on the condition if (!empty($logic_field_enable) && $is_edit_page === false) { $required_elements_status = array(); $required_elements_status = mf_get_required_elements_status($dbh, $form_id, $page_number, $input); if (!empty($required_elements_status)) { foreach ($required_elements_status as $element_id => $required_status) { $element_info[$element_id]['is_required'] = $required_status; } } } else { if (!empty($logic_field_enable) && $is_edit_page === true) { //if this edit entry page and has logic enabled, disable all "required" fields foreach ($element_info as $element_id => $value) { $element_info[$element_id]['is_required'] = 0; } } } $error_elements = array(); $table_data = array(); //validate input based on rules specified for each field foreach ($user_input as $element_name => $element_data) { //get element_id from element_name $exploded = array(); $exploded = explode('_', $element_name); $element_id = $exploded[1]; $rules = array(); $target_input = array(); $element_type = $element_info[$element_id]['type']; //if this is private fields and not logged-in as admin, bypass operation below, just supply the default value if any if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_private'] == 1 && empty($_SESSION['mf_logged_in'])) { if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['default_value'])) { $table_data['element_' . $element_id] = $element_info[$element_id]['default_value']; } continue; } //if this is matrix field, we need to convert the field type into radio button or checkbox if ('matrix' == $element_type) { $is_matrix_field = true; if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['matrix_allow_multiselect'])) { $element_type = 'checkbox'; } else { $element_type = 'radio'; } } else { $is_matrix_field = false; } if ('text' == $element_type) { //Single Line Text if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { $rules[$element_name]['required'] = true; } if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_unique']) { $rules[$element_name]['unique'] = $form_id . '#' . $element_name; $target_input['dbh'] = $dbh; //we need to pass the $dbh for this 'unique' rule } if (!empty($user_input[$element_name]) || is_numeric($user_input[$element_name])) { if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['range_max']) && !empty($element_info[$element_id]['range_min'])) { $rules[$element_name]['range_length'] = $element_info[$element_id]['range_limit_by'] . '#' . $element_info[$element_id]['range_min'] . '#' . $element_info[$element_id]['range_max']; } else { if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['range_max'])) { $rules[$element_name]['max_length'] = $element_info[$element_id]['range_limit_by'] . '#' . $element_info[$element_id]['range_max']; } else { if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['range_min'])) { $rules[$element_name]['min_length'] = $element_info[$element_id]['range_limit_by'] . '#' . $element_info[$element_id]['range_min']; } } } } $target_input[$element_name] = $element_data; $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($element_data); //prepare data for table column $table_data[$element_name] = $element_data; } elseif ('textarea' == $element_type) { //Paragraph if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { $rules[$element_name]['required'] = true; } if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_unique']) { $rules[$element_name]['unique'] = $form_id . '#' . $element_name; $target_input['dbh'] = $dbh; //we need to pass the $dbh for this 'unique' rule } if (!empty($user_input[$element_name]) || is_numeric($user_input[$element_name])) { if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['range_max']) && !empty($element_info[$element_id]['range_min'])) { $rules[$element_name]['range_length'] = $element_info[$element_id]['range_limit_by'] . '#' . $element_info[$element_id]['range_min'] . '#' . $element_info[$element_id]['range_max']; } else { if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['range_max'])) { $rules[$element_name]['max_length'] = $element_info[$element_id]['range_limit_by'] . '#' . $element_info[$element_id]['range_max']; } else { if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['range_min'])) { $rules[$element_name]['min_length'] = $element_info[$element_id]['range_limit_by'] . '#' . $element_info[$element_id]['range_min']; } } } } $target_input[$element_name] = $element_data; $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($element_data); //prepare data for table column $table_data[$element_name] = $element_data; } elseif ('signature' == $element_type) { //Signature if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { $rules[$element_name]['required'] = true; } $target_input[$element_name] = $element_data; if ($target_input[$element_name] == '[]') { //this is considered as empty signature $target_input[$element_name] = ''; } $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($element_data, ENT_NOQUOTES); //prepare data for table column $table_data[$element_name] = $element_data; } elseif ('radio' == $element_type) { //Multiple Choice if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { $rules[$element_name]['required'] = true; } //if this field has 'other' label if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['choice_has_other'])) { if (empty($element_data) && !empty($input[$element_name . '_other'])) { $element_data = $input[$element_name . '_other']; //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name . '_other']['default_value'] = $element_data; $table_data[$element_name . '_other'] = $element_data; //make sure to set the main element value to 0 $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = 0; $table_data[$element_name] = 0; } } $target_input[$element_name] = $element_data; $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { if ($is_matrix_field && !empty($matrix_childs_array[$element_id])) { $error_elements[$matrix_childs_array[$element_id]] = $validation_result; } else { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } } //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured if (empty($form_data[$element_name . '_other']['default_value'])) { $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = $element_data; } //prepare data for table column if (empty($table_data[$element_name . '_other'])) { $table_data[$element_name] = $element_data; } } elseif ('number' == $element_type) { //Number if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { $rules[$element_name]['required'] = true; } if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_unique']) { $rules[$element_name]['unique'] = $form_id . '#' . $element_name; $target_input['dbh'] = $dbh; //we need to pass the $dbh for this 'unique' rule } //check for numeric if not empty if (!empty($user_input[$element_name])) { $rules[$element_name]['numeric'] = true; } if ((!empty($user_input[$element_name]) || is_numeric($user_input[$element_name])) && $element_info[$element_id]['range_limit_by'] == 'd') { if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['range_max']) && !empty($element_info[$element_id]['range_min'])) { $rules[$element_name]['range_length'] = $element_info[$element_id]['range_limit_by'] . '#' . $element_info[$element_id]['range_min'] . '#' . $element_info[$element_id]['range_max']; } else { if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['range_max'])) { $rules[$element_name]['max_length'] = $element_info[$element_id]['range_limit_by'] . '#' . $element_info[$element_id]['range_max']; } else { if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['range_min'])) { $rules[$element_name]['min_length'] = $element_info[$element_id]['range_limit_by'] . '#' . $element_info[$element_id]['range_min']; } } } } else { if ((!empty($user_input[$element_name]) || is_numeric($user_input[$element_name])) && $element_info[$element_id]['range_limit_by'] == 'v') { if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['range_max']) && !empty($element_info[$element_id]['range_min'])) { $rules[$element_name]['range_value'] = $element_info[$element_id]['range_min'] . '#' . $element_info[$element_id]['range_max']; } else { if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['range_max'])) { $rules[$element_name]['max_value'] = $element_info[$element_id]['range_max']; } else { if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['range_min'])) { $rules[$element_name]['min_value'] = $element_info[$element_id]['range_min']; } } } } } $target_input[$element_name] = $element_data; $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($element_data); //prepare data for table column $table_data[$element_name] = $element_data; //if the user removed the number, set the value to null if ($table_data[$element_name] == "") { $table_data[$element_name] = null; } } elseif ('url' == $element_type) { //Website if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { $rules[$element_name]['required'] = true; } if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_unique']) { $rules[$element_name]['unique'] = $form_id . '#' . $element_name; $target_input['dbh'] = $dbh; //we need to pass the $dbh for this 'unique' rule } $rules[$element_name]['website'] = true; if ($element_data == 'http://') { $element_data = ''; } $target_input[$element_name] = $element_data; $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($element_data); //prepare data for table column $table_data[$element_name] = $element_data; } elseif ('email' == $element_type) { //Email if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { $rules[$element_name]['required'] = true; } if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_unique']) { $rules[$element_name]['unique'] = $form_id . '#' . $element_name; $target_input['dbh'] = $dbh; //we need to pass the $dbh for this 'unique' rule } $rules[$element_name]['email'] = true; $target_input[$element_name] = $element_data; $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($element_data); //prepare data for table column $table_data[$element_name] = $element_data; } elseif ('simple_name' == $element_type) { //Simple Name if (!empty($processed_elements) && is_array($processed_elements) && in_array($element_name, $processed_elements)) { continue; } //compound element, grab the other element, 2 elements total $element_name_2 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '2'; $processed_elements[] = $element_name_2; //put this element into array so that it won't be processed on next loop if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { $rules[$element_name]['required'] = true; $rules[$element_name_2]['required'] = true; } $target_input[$element_name] = $user_input[$element_name]; $target_input[$element_name_2] = $user_input[$element_name_2]; $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name]); $form_data[$element_name_2]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_2]); //prepare data for table column $table_data[$element_name] = $user_input[$element_name]; $table_data[$element_name_2] = $user_input[$element_name_2]; } elseif ('simple_name_wmiddle' == $element_type) { //Simple Name with Middle if (!empty($processed_elements) && is_array($processed_elements) && in_array($element_name, $processed_elements)) { continue; } //compound element, grab the other elements, 3 elements total $element_name_2 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '2'; $element_name_3 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '3'; $processed_elements[] = $element_name_2; //put this element into array so that it won't be processed on next loop $processed_elements[] = $element_name_3; if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { $rules[$element_name]['required'] = true; $rules[$element_name_3]['required'] = true; } $target_input[$element_name] = $user_input[$element_name]; $target_input[$element_name_3] = $user_input[$element_name_3]; $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name]); $form_data[$element_name_2]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_2]); $form_data[$element_name_3]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_3]); //prepare data for table column $table_data[$element_name] = $user_input[$element_name]; $table_data[$element_name_2] = $user_input[$element_name_2]; $table_data[$element_name_3] = $user_input[$element_name_3]; } elseif ('name' == $element_type) { //Name - Extended if (!empty($processed_elements) && is_array($processed_elements) && in_array($element_name, $processed_elements)) { continue; } //compound element, grab the other element, 4 elements total //only element no 2&3 matters (first and last name) $element_name_2 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '2'; $element_name_3 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '3'; $element_name_4 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '4'; $processed_elements[] = $element_name_2; //put this element into array so that it won't be processed next $processed_elements[] = $element_name_3; $processed_elements[] = $element_name_4; if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { $rules[$element_name_2]['required'] = true; $rules[$element_name_3]['required'] = true; } $target_input[$element_name_2] = $user_input[$element_name_2]; $target_input[$element_name_3] = $user_input[$element_name_3]; $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name]); $form_data[$element_name_2]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_2]); $form_data[$element_name_3]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_3]); $form_data[$element_name_4]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_4]); //prepare data for table column $table_data[$element_name] = $user_input[$element_name]; $table_data[$element_name_2] = $user_input[$element_name_2]; $table_data[$element_name_3] = $user_input[$element_name_3]; $table_data[$element_name_4] = $user_input[$element_name_4]; } elseif ('name_wmiddle' == $element_type) { //Name - Extended, with Middle if (!empty($processed_elements) && is_array($processed_elements) && in_array($element_name, $processed_elements)) { continue; } //compound element, grab the other element, 5 elements total //only element no 2,3,4 matters (first, middle, last name) $element_name_2 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '2'; $element_name_3 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '3'; $element_name_4 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '4'; $element_name_5 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '5'; $processed_elements[] = $element_name_2; //put this element into array so that it won't be processed next $processed_elements[] = $element_name_3; $processed_elements[] = $element_name_4; $processed_elements[] = $element_name_5; if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { $rules[$element_name_2]['required'] = true; $rules[$element_name_4]['required'] = true; } $target_input[$element_name_2] = $user_input[$element_name_2]; $target_input[$element_name_4] = $user_input[$element_name_4]; $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name]); $form_data[$element_name_2]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_2]); $form_data[$element_name_3]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_3]); $form_data[$element_name_4]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_4]); $form_data[$element_name_5]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_5]); //prepare data for table column $table_data[$element_name] = $user_input[$element_name]; $table_data[$element_name_2] = $user_input[$element_name_2]; $table_data[$element_name_3] = $user_input[$element_name_3]; $table_data[$element_name_4] = $user_input[$element_name_4]; $table_data[$element_name_5] = $user_input[$element_name_5]; } elseif ('time' == $element_type) { //Time if (!empty($processed_elements) && is_array($processed_elements) && in_array($element_name, $processed_elements)) { continue; } //compound element, grab the other element, 4 elements total $element_name_2 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '2'; $element_name_3 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '3'; $element_name_4 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '4'; $processed_elements[] = $element_name_2; //put this element into array so that it won't be processed next $processed_elements[] = $element_name_3; $processed_elements[] = $element_name_4; if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { $rules[$element_name_2]['required'] = true; $rules[$element_name_3]['required'] = true; if (empty($element_info[$element_id]['time_24hour'])) { $rules[$element_name_4]['required'] = true; } } //check time validity if any of the compound field entered $time_entry_exist = false; if (!empty($user_input[$element_name]) || !empty($user_input[$element_name_2]) || !empty($user_input[$element_name_3])) { $rules['element_time']['time'] = true; $time_entry_exist = true; } //for backward compatibility with machform v2 and beyond if ($element_info[$element_id]['constraint'] == 'show_seconds') { $element_info[$element_id]['time_showsecond'] = 1; } if ($time_entry_exist && empty($element_info[$element_id]['time_showsecond'])) { $user_input[$element_name_3] = '00'; } if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_unique']) { $rules['element_time_no_meridiem']['unique'] = $form_id . '#' . substr($element_name, 0, -2); //to check uniquenes we need to use 24 hours HH:MM:SS format $target_input['dbh'] = $dbh; //we need to pass the $dbh for this 'unique' rule } $target_input[$element_name_2] = $user_input[$element_name_2]; $target_input[$element_name_3] = $user_input[$element_name_3]; $target_input[$element_name_4] = $user_input[$element_name_4]; if ($time_entry_exist) { $target_input['element_time'] = trim($user_input[$element_name] . ':' . $user_input[$element_name_2] . ':' . $user_input[$element_name_3] . ' ' . $user_input[$element_name_4]); $target_input['element_time_no_meridiem'] = @date("G:i:s", strtotime($target_input['element_time'])); } $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name]); $form_data[$element_name_2]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_2]); $form_data[$element_name_3]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_3]); $form_data[$element_name_4]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_4]); //prepare data for table column $table_data[substr($element_name, 0, -2)] = @$target_input['element_time_no_meridiem']; } elseif ('address' == $element_type) { //Address if (!empty($processed_elements) && is_array($processed_elements) && in_array($element_name, $processed_elements)) { continue; } //compound element, grab the other element, 6 elements total, element #2 (address line 2) is optional $element_name_2 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '2'; $element_name_3 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '3'; $element_name_4 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '4'; $element_name_5 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '5'; $element_name_6 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '6'; $processed_elements[] = $element_name_2; //put this element into array so that it won't be processed next $processed_elements[] = $element_name_3; $processed_elements[] = $element_name_4; $processed_elements[] = $element_name_5; $processed_elements[] = $element_name_6; if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { $rules[$element_name]['required'] = true; $rules[$element_name_3]['required'] = true; $rules[$element_name_4]['required'] = true; $rules[$element_name_5]['required'] = true; $rules[$element_name_6]['required'] = true; } $target_input[$element_name] = $user_input[$element_name]; $target_input[$element_name_3] = $user_input[$element_name_3]; $target_input[$element_name_4] = $user_input[$element_name_4]; $target_input[$element_name_5] = $user_input[$element_name_5]; $target_input[$element_name_6] = $user_input[$element_name_6]; $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name]); $form_data[$element_name_2]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_2]); $form_data[$element_name_3]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_3]); $form_data[$element_name_4]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_4]); $form_data[$element_name_5]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_5]); $form_data[$element_name_6]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_6]); //prepare data for table column $table_data[$element_name] = $user_input[$element_name]; $table_data[$element_name_2] = $user_input[$element_name_2]; $table_data[$element_name_3] = $user_input[$element_name_3]; $table_data[$element_name_4] = $user_input[$element_name_4]; $table_data[$element_name_5] = $user_input[$element_name_5]; $table_data[$element_name_6] = $user_input[$element_name_6]; } elseif ('money' == $element_type) { //Price if (!empty($processed_elements) && is_array($processed_elements) && in_array($element_name, $processed_elements)) { continue; } //compound element, grab the other element, 2 elements total (for currency other than yen) if ($element_info[$element_id]['constraint'] != 'yen') { //if other than yen $base_element_name = substr($element_name, 0, -1); $element_name_2 = $base_element_name . '2'; $processed_elements[] = $element_name_2; if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { $rules[$base_element_name]['required'] = true; } //check for numeric if not empty if (!empty($user_input[$element_name]) || !empty($user_input[$element_name_2])) { $rules[$base_element_name]['numeric'] = true; } if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_unique']) { $rules[$base_element_name]['unique'] = $form_id . '#' . substr($element_name, 0, -2); $target_input['dbh'] = $dbh; //we need to pass the $dbh for this 'unique' rule } $target_input[$base_element_name] = $user_input[$element_name] . '.' . $user_input[$element_name_2]; //join dollar+cent if ($target_input[$base_element_name] == '.') { $target_input[$base_element_name] = ''; } //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name]); $form_data[$element_name_2]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_2]); //prepare data for table column if (!empty($user_input[$element_name]) || !empty($user_input[$element_name_2]) || $user_input[$element_name] === '0' || $user_input[$element_name_2] === '0') { $table_data[substr($element_name, 0, -2)] = $user_input[$element_name] . '.' . $user_input[$element_name_2]; } //if the user removed the number, set the value to null if ($user_input[$element_name] == "" && $user_input[$element_name_2] == "") { $table_data[substr($element_name, 0, -2)] = null; } } else { if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { $rules[$element_name]['required'] = true; } //check for numeric if not empty if (!empty($user_input[$element_name])) { $rules[$element_name]['numeric'] = true; } if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_unique']) { $rules[$element_name]['unique'] = $form_id . '#' . $element_name; $target_input['dbh'] = $dbh; //we need to pass the $dbh for this 'unique' rule } $target_input[$element_name] = $user_input[$element_name]; //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name]); //prepare data for table column $table_data[$element_name] = $user_input[$element_name]; //if the user removed the number, set the value to null if ($table_data[$element_name] == "") { $table_data[$element_name] = null; } } $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } } elseif ('checkbox' == $element_type) { //Checkboxes if (!empty($processed_elements) && is_array($processed_elements) && in_array($element_name, $processed_elements)) { continue; } $all_child_array = array(); $all_child_array = $checkbox_childs[$element_id]; $base_element_name = 'element_' . $element_id . '_'; if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['choice_has_other'])) { $all_checkbox_value = $input[$base_element_name . 'other']; //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$base_element_name . 'other']['default_value'] = $input[$base_element_name . 'other']; $table_data[$base_element_name . 'other'] = $input[$base_element_name . 'other']; } else { $all_checkbox_value = ''; } if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { //checking 'required' for checkboxes is more complex //we need to get total child, and join it into one element //only one element is required to be checked foreach ($all_child_array as $i) { $all_checkbox_value .= $user_input[$base_element_name . $i]; $processed_elements[] = $base_element_name . $i; //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$base_element_name . $i]['default_value'] = $user_input[$base_element_name . $i]; //prepare data for table column $table_data[$base_element_name . $i] = $user_input[$base_element_name . $i]; } $rules[$base_element_name]['required'] = true; $target_input[$base_element_name] = $all_checkbox_value; $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { if ($is_matrix_field && !empty($matrix_childs_array[$element_id])) { $error_elements[$matrix_childs_array[$element_id]] = $validation_result; } else { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } } } else { //if not required, we only need to capture all data foreach ($all_child_array as $i) { //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$base_element_name . $i]['default_value'] = $user_input[$base_element_name . $i]; //prepare data for table column $table_data[$base_element_name . $i] = $user_input[$base_element_name . $i]; } } } elseif ('select' == $element_type) { //Drop Down if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { $rules[$element_name]['required'] = true; } $target_input[$element_name] = $element_data; $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = $user_input[$element_name]; //prepare data for table column $table_data[$element_name] = $user_input[$element_name]; } elseif ('date' == $element_type || 'europe_date' == $element_type) { //Date if (!empty($processed_elements) && is_array($processed_elements) && in_array($element_name, $processed_elements)) { continue; } //compound element, grab the other element, 3 elements total $element_name_2 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '2'; $element_name_3 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '3'; $processed_elements[] = $element_name_2; //put this element into array so that it won't be processed next $processed_elements[] = $element_name_3; if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['is_required'])) { $rules[$element_name]['required'] = true; $rules[$element_name_2]['required'] = true; $rules[$element_name_3]['required'] = true; } $rules['element_date']['date'] = 'yyyy/mm/dd'; if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['is_unique'])) { $rules['element_date']['unique'] = $form_id . '#' . substr($element_name, 0, -2); $target_input['dbh'] = $dbh; //we need to pass the $dbh for this 'unique' rule } if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['date_enable_range'])) { if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['date_range_max']) || !empty($element_info[$element_id]['date_range_min'])) { $rules['element_date']['date_range'] = $element_info[$element_id]['date_range_min'] . '#' . $element_info[$element_id]['date_range_max']; } } //disable past/future dates, if enabled. this rule override the date range rule being set above if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['date_disable_past_future'])) { $today_date = date('Y-m-d', time()); if ($element_info[$element_id]['date_past_future'] == 'p') { //disable past dates $rules['element_date']['date_range'] = $today_date . '#0000-00-00'; } else { if ($element_info[$element_id]['date_past_future'] == 'f') { //disable future dates $rules['element_date']['date_range'] = '0000-00-00#' . $today_date; } } } //check for weekend dates rule if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['date_disable_weekend'])) { $rules['element_date']['date_weekend'] = true; } //get disabled dates (either coming from 'date selection limit' or 'disable specific dates' rules) $disabled_dates = array(); //get disabled dates from 'date selection limit' rule if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['date_enable_selection_limit']) && !empty($element_info[$element_id]['date_selection_max'])) { $sub_query = "select \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tselected_date \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tselect \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t date_format(element_{$element_id},'%Y-%c-%e') as selected_date,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t count(element_{$element_id}) as total_selection \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t from \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t " . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id} \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t where \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t status=1 and element_{$element_id} is not null \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t group by \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t element_{$element_id}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ) as A\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t where \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t A.total_selection >= ?"; $params = array($element_info[$element_id]['date_selection_max']); $sub_sth = mf_do_query($sub_query, $params, $dbh); while ($sub_row = mf_do_fetch_result($sub_sth)) { $disabled_dates[] = $sub_row['selected_date']; } } //get disabled dates from 'disable specific dates' rules if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['date_disable_specific']) && !empty($element_info[$element_id]['date_disabled_list'])) { $exploded = array(); $exploded = explode(',', $element_info[$element_id]['date_disabled_list']); foreach ($exploded as $date_value) { $disabled_dates[] = date('Y-n-j', strtotime(trim($date_value))); } } if (!empty($disabled_dates)) { $rules['element_date']['disabled_dates'] = $disabled_dates; } $target_input[$element_name] = $user_input[$element_name]; $target_input[$element_name_2] = $user_input[$element_name_2]; $target_input[$element_name_3] = $user_input[$element_name_3]; $base_element_name = substr($element_name, 0, -2); if ('date' == $element_type) { //MM/DD/YYYY $target_input['element_date'] = $user_input[$element_name_3] . '-' . $user_input[$element_name] . '-' . $user_input[$element_name_2]; //prepare data for table column $table_data[$base_element_name] = $user_input[$element_name_3] . '-' . $user_input[$element_name] . '-' . $user_input[$element_name_2]; } else { //DD/MM/YYYY $target_input['element_date'] = $user_input[$element_name_3] . '-' . $user_input[$element_name_2] . '-' . $user_input[$element_name]; //prepare data for table column $table_data[$base_element_name] = $user_input[$element_name_3] . '-' . $user_input[$element_name_2] . '-' . $user_input[$element_name]; } $test_empty = str_replace('-', '', $target_input['element_date']); //if user not submitting any entry, remove the dashes if (empty($test_empty)) { unset($target_input['element_date']); $table_data[$base_element_name] = ''; } $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name]); $form_data[$element_name_2]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_2]); $form_data[$element_name_3]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_3]); } elseif ('simple_phone' == $element_type) { //Simple Phone if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { $rules[$element_name]['required'] = true; } if (!empty($user_input[$element_name])) { $rules[$element_name]['simple_phone'] = true; } if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_unique']) { $rules[$element_name]['unique'] = $form_id . '#' . $element_name; $target_input['dbh'] = $dbh; //we need to pass the $dbh for this 'unique' rule } $target_input[$element_name] = $user_input[$element_name]; $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name]); //prepare data for table column $table_data[$element_name] = $user_input[$element_name]; } elseif ('phone' == $element_type) { //Phone - US format if (!empty($processed_elements) && is_array($processed_elements) && in_array($element_name, $processed_elements)) { continue; } //compound element, grab the other element, 3 elements total $element_name_2 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '2'; $element_name_3 = substr($element_name, 0, -1) . '3'; $processed_elements[] = $element_name_2; //put this element into array so that it won't be processed next $processed_elements[] = $element_name_3; if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { $rules[$element_name]['required'] = true; $rules[$element_name_2]['required'] = true; $rules[$element_name_3]['required'] = true; } $rules['element_phone']['phone'] = true; if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_unique']) { $rules['element_phone']['unique'] = $form_id . '#' . substr($element_name, 0, -2); $target_input['dbh'] = $dbh; //we need to pass the $dbh for this 'unique' rule } $target_input[$element_name] = $user_input[$element_name]; $target_input[$element_name_2] = $user_input[$element_name_2]; $target_input[$element_name_3] = $user_input[$element_name_3]; $target_input['element_phone'] = $user_input[$element_name] . $user_input[$element_name_2] . $user_input[$element_name_3]; $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name]); $form_data[$element_name_2]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_2]); $form_data[$element_name_3]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name_3]); //prepare data for table column $table_data[substr($element_name, 0, -2)] = $user_input[$element_name] . $user_input[$element_name_2] . $user_input[$element_name_3]; } elseif ('email' == $element_type) { //Email if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { $rules[$element_name]['required'] = true; } if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_unique']) { $rules[$element_name]['unique'] = $form_id . '#' . $element_name; $target_input['dbh'] = $dbh; //we need to pass the $dbh for this 'unique' rule } $rules[$element_name]['email'] = true; $target_input[$element_name] = $element_data; $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } //save old data into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name]['default_value'] = htmlspecialchars($user_input[$element_name]); //prepare data for table column $table_data[$element_name] = $user_input[$element_name]; } elseif ('file' == $element_type) { //File $listfile_name = $input['machform_data_path'] . $mf_settings['upload_dir'] . "/form_{$form_id}/files/listfile_{$input[$element_name . '_token']}.php"; if (!file_exists($listfile_name)) { $check_filetype = false; if ($element_info[$element_id]['is_required']) { $rules[$element_name]['required_file'] = true; $rules[$element_name]['filetype'] = true; $check_filetype = true; //if form review enabled, and user pressed back button after going to review page //or if this is multipage form //disable the required file checking if file already uploaded if (!empty($_SESSION['review_id']) || $form_page_total > 1 || $is_edit_page === true) { if (!empty($element_info[$element_id]['existing_file'])) { unset($rules[$element_name]['required_file']); unset($rules[$element_name]['filetype']); $check_filetype = false; } } } else { if ($_FILES[$element_name]['size'] > 0) { $rules[$element_name]['filetype'] = true; $check_filetype = true; } } if ($check_filetype == true && !empty($element_info[$element_id]['file_enable_type_limit'])) { if ($element_info[$element_id]['file_block_or_allow'] == 'b') { //block file type $target_input['file_block_or_allow'] = 'b'; } elseif ($element_info[$element_id]['file_block_or_allow'] == 'a') { $target_input['file_block_or_allow'] = 'a'; } $target_input['file_type_list'] = $element_info[$element_id]['file_type_list']; } $target_input[$element_name] = $element_name; //special for file, only need to pass input name $validation_result = mf_validate_element($target_input, $rules); if ($validation_result !== true) { $error_elements[$element_id] = $validation_result; } else { //if validation passed, store uploaded file info into array if ($_FILES[$element_name]['size'] > 0) { $uploaded_files[] = $element_name; } } } else { //if files were uploaded using advance uploader //file type validation already done in upload.php, so we don't need to do validation again here //store uploaded file list into array $current_element_uploaded_files_advance = array(); $current_element_uploaded_files_advance = file($listfile_name, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); array_shift($current_element_uploaded_files_advance); //remove the first index of the array array_pop($current_element_uploaded_files_advance); //remove the last index of the array $uploaded_files_advance[$element_id]['listfile_name'] = $listfile_name; $uploaded_files_advance[$element_id]['listfile_content'] = $current_element_uploaded_files_advance; //save old token into array, for form redisplay in case errors occured $form_data[$element_name]['file_token'] = $input[$element_name . '_token']; } } } //get form redirect info, if any //get form properties data $query = "select \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t form_redirect,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t form_redirect_enable,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t form_email,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t form_unique_ip,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t form_captcha,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t form_captcha_type,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t form_review,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t form_page_total,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t form_resume_enable,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t form_name,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t esl_enable,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t esl_from_name,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t esl_from_email_address,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t esl_subject,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t esl_content,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t esl_plain_text,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t esr_enable,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t esr_email_address,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t esr_from_name,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t esr_from_email_address,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t esr_subject,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t esr_content,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t esr_plain_text,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t payment_enable_merchant,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t payment_merchant_type,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t ifnull(payment_paypal_email,'') payment_paypal_email,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t payment_paypal_language,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t payment_currency,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t payment_show_total,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t payment_total_location,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t payment_enable_recurring,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t payment_recurring_cycle,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t payment_recurring_unit,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t payment_price_type,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t payment_price_amount,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t payment_price_name\r\n\t\t\t\t from \r\n\t\t\t\t \t `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "forms` \r\n\t\t\t\t where \r\n\t\t\t\t \t form_id=?"; $params = array($form_id); $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); $row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth); if (!empty($row['form_redirect_enable'])) { $form_redirect = $row['form_redirect']; } $form_unique_ip = $row['form_unique_ip']; $form_email = $row['form_email']; $form_captcha = $row['form_captcha']; $form_captcha_type = $row['form_captcha_type']; $form_review = $row['form_review']; $form_page_total = $row['form_page_total']; $form_name = $row['form_name']; $user_ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $esl_enable = $row['esl_enable']; $esl_from_name = $row['esl_from_name']; $esl_from_email_address = $row['esl_from_email_address']; $esl_subject = $row['esl_subject']; $esl_content = $row['esl_content']; $esl_plain_text = $row['esl_plain_text']; $esr_enable = $row['esr_enable']; $esr_email_address = $row['esr_email_address']; $esr_from_name = $row['esr_from_name']; $esr_from_email_address = $row['esr_from_email_address']; $esr_subject = $row['esr_subject']; $esr_content = $row['esr_content']; $esr_plain_text = $row['esr_plain_text']; $payment_enable_merchant = (int) $row['payment_enable_merchant']; if ($payment_enable_merchant < 1) { $payment_enable_merchant = 0; } $payment_merchant_type = $row['payment_merchant_type']; $payment_paypal_email = $row['payment_paypal_email']; $payment_paypal_language = $row['payment_paypal_language']; $payment_currency = $row['payment_currency']; $payment_show_total = (int) $row['payment_show_total']; $payment_total_location = $row['payment_total_location']; $payment_enable_recurring = (int) $row['payment_enable_recurring']; $payment_recurring_cycle = (int) $row['payment_recurring_cycle']; $payment_recurring_unit = $row['payment_recurring_unit']; $payment_price_type = $row['payment_price_type']; $payment_price_amount = (double) $row['payment_price_amount']; $payment_price_name = $row['payment_price_name']; //if the user is saving a form to resume later, we need to discard all validation errors if (!empty($input['generate_resume_url']) && !empty($row['form_resume_enable']) && $form_page_total > 1) { $is_saving_form_resume = true; $error_elements = array(); } else { $is_saving_form_resume = false; } $process_result['form_redirect'] = $form_redirect; $process_result['old_values'] = $form_data; $process_result['error_elements'] = $error_elements; //if this is edit_entry page, unique ip address validation should be bypassed $check_unique_ip = false; if (!empty($edit_id) && $_SESSION['mf_logged_in'] === true) { $check_unique_ip = false; } else { if (!empty($form_unique_ip)) { $check_unique_ip = true; } } //check for ip address if ($check_unique_ip === true) { //if ip address checking enabled, compare user ip address with value in db $query = "select count(id) total_ip from `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}` where ip_address=?"; $params = array($user_ip_address); $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); $row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth); if (!empty($row['total_ip'])) { $process_result['custom_error'] = 'Sorry, but this form is limited to one submission per user.'; } } if (!empty($_SESSION['edit_entry']['form_id']) && $_SESSION['edit_entry']['form_id'] === $form_id) { //when editing an entry, the captcha shouldn't be checked $is_bypass_captcha = true; } else { if (!empty($_SESSION['captcha_passed'][$form_id]) && $_SESSION['captcha_passed'][$form_id] === true) { //if the user already validated the captcha once for that session (e.g. on multi-page form), no need to check it again $is_bypass_captcha = true; } else { $is_bypass_captcha = false; } } //check for captcha if enabled and there is no errors from previous fields //on multipage form, captcha should be validated on the last page only if (!empty($form_captcha) && empty($error_elements) && $is_bypass_captcha !== true) { if ($form_page_total == 1 || $form_page_total == $page_number) { if ($form_captcha_type == 'i') { //if simple image captcha is being used if (!empty($_POST['captcha_response_field'])) { $captcha_response_field = trim($_POST['captcha_response_field']); if (PhpCaptcha::Validate($captcha_response_field) !== true) { $error_elements['element_captcha'] = 'incorrect-captcha-sol'; $process_result['error_elements'] = $error_elements; } else { //captcha succesfully validated //set a session variable, so that the user won't need to fill it again, if this is a multi-page form $_SESSION['captcha_passed'][$form_id] = true; } } else { //user not entered the words at all $error_elements['element_captcha'] = 'el-required'; $process_result['error_elements'] = $error_elements; } } else { if ($form_captcha_type == 't') { //if simple text captcha is being used if (!empty($_POST['captcha_response_field'])) { $captcha_response_field = strtolower(trim($_POST['captcha_response_field'])); if ($captcha_response_field != strtolower($_SESSION['MF_TEXT_CAPTCHA_ANSWER'])) { $error_elements['element_captcha'] = 'incorrect-text-captcha-sol'; $process_result['error_elements'] = $error_elements; } else { unset($_SESSION['MF_TEXT_CAPTCHA_ANSWER']); //captcha succesfully validated //set a session variable, so that the user won't need to fill it again, if this is a multi-page form $_SESSION['captcha_passed'][$form_id] = true; } } else { //user not entered the words at all $error_elements['element_captcha'] = 'el-text-required'; $process_result['error_elements'] = $error_elements; } } else { if ($form_captcha_type == 'r') { //otherwise reCaptcha is being used if (!empty($_POST['recaptcha_response_field'])) { $recaptcha_response = recaptcha_check_answer(RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY, $user_ip_address, $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]); if ($recaptcha_response !== false) { //if false, then we can't connect to captcha server, bypass captcha checking if ($recaptcha_response->is_valid === false) { $error_elements['element_captcha'] = $recaptcha_response->error; $process_result['error_elements'] = $error_elements; } else { //captcha succesfully validated //set a session variable, so that the user won't need to fill it again, if this is a multi-page form $_SESSION['captcha_passed'][$form_id] = true; } } } else { //user not entered the words at all $error_elements['element_captcha'] = 'el-required'; $process_result['error_elements'] = $error_elements; } } } } } } //if the 'previous' button being clicked, we need to discard any validation errors if (!empty($input['submit_secondary']) || !empty($input['submit_secondary_x'])) { $process_result['error_elements'] = ''; $process_result['custom_error'] = ''; $error_elements = array(); } //insert ip address and date created $table_data['ip_address'] = $user_ip_address; $table_data['date_created'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $is_inserted = false; //start insert data into table ---------------------- //dynamically create the field list and field values, based on the input given if (!empty($table_data) && empty($error_elements) && empty($process_result['custom_error'])) { $has_value = false; $field_list = ''; $field_values = ''; foreach ($table_data as $key => $value) { if ($value == '') { //don't insert blank entry continue; } $field_list .= "`{$key}`,"; $field_values .= ":{$key},"; $params_table_data[':' . $key] = $value; if (!empty($value)) { $has_value = true; } } //add session_id to query if 'form review' enabled or this is multipage forms if (!empty($form_review) || $form_page_total > 1) { //save previously uploaded file list, so users don't need to reupload files //get all file uploads elements first $session_id = session_id(); $file_uploads_array = array(); $query = "SELECT \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\telement_id \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_elements \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\tform_id=? AND \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\telement_type='file' AND \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\telement_is_private=0"; $params = array($form_id); $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); while ($row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth)) { $file_uploads_array[] = 'element_' . $row['element_id']; } $file_uploads_column = implode('`,`', $file_uploads_array); $file_uploads_column = '`' . $file_uploads_column . '`'; if (!empty($file_uploads_array)) { if (!empty($_SESSION['review_id'])) { //if this is single page form and has review enabled $query = "SELECT {$file_uploads_column} FROM `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}_review` where id=?"; $params = array($_SESSION['review_id']); } elseif ($form_page_total > 1) { //if this is multi page form $query = "SELECT {$file_uploads_column} FROM `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}_review` where session_id=?"; $params = array($session_id); } $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); $row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth); foreach ($file_uploads_array as $element_name) { if (!empty($row[$element_name])) { $uploaded_file_lookup[$element_name] = $row[$element_name]; } } } //add session_id to query if 'form review' enabled $field_list .= "`session_id`,"; $field_values .= ":session_id,"; $params_table_data[':session_id'] = $session_id; } if ($has_value) { //if blank form submitted, dont insert anything //start insert query ---------------------------------------- $field_list = substr($field_list, 0, -1); $field_values = substr($field_values, 0, -1); if (!empty($edit_id) && $_SESSION['mf_logged_in'] === true) { //if this is edit_entry page submission, update the table $update_values = ''; $params_update = array(); unset($table_data['date_created']); $table_data['date_updated'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); foreach ($table_data as $key => $value) { $update_values .= "`{$key}`=:{$key},"; $params_update[':' . $key] = $value; } $params_update[':id'] = $edit_id; $update_values = substr($update_values, 0, -1); $query = "UPDATE `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}` set \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$update_values}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t where \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t \t\t`id`=:id;"; mf_do_query($query, $params_update, $dbh); $record_insert_id = $edit_id; } else { //insert to temporary table, if form review is enabled or this is multipage form if (!empty($form_review) || $form_page_total > 1) { if ($form_page_total > 1) { //if this is the first page and the first time being submitted, do insert table //otherwise, do update table $do_review_insert = false; if ($input['page_number'] == 1) { $session_id = session_id(); $query = "SELECT count(`id`) as total_row from " . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}_review where session_id=?"; $params = array($session_id); $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); $row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth); if ($row['total_row'] == 0) { $do_review_insert = true; } } //if this is the first page, do insert if ($do_review_insert) { $query = "INSERT INTO `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}_review` ({$field_list}) VALUES ({$field_values});"; mf_do_query($query, $params_table_data, $dbh); $record_insert_id = (int) $dbh->lastInsertId(); } else { //otherwise, do update //dynamically create the sql update string, based on the input given $update_values = ''; $params_update = array(); foreach ($table_data as $key => $value) { $update_values .= "`{$key}`=:{$key},"; $params_update[':' . $key] = $value; } $update_values = substr($update_values, 0, -1); $params_update[':session_id'] = $session_id; $query = "UPDATE `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}_review` set \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$update_values}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t where \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t \t\tsession_id=:session_id;"; mf_do_query($query, $params_update, $dbh); $query = "SELECT `id` from `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}_review` where session_id=?"; $params = array($session_id); $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); $row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth); $record_insert_id = $row['id']; //if this is the last page of the form, check if form review enabled or not //if enabled, simply get the record_insert_id and send it as review_id //otherwise, commit form review if ($input['page_number'] == $form_page_total && (!empty($input['submit_primary']) || !empty($input['submit_primary_x'])) && !$is_saving_form_resume) { if (!empty($form_review)) { //pass the current page number, so the user could go back from the preview page $process_result['origin_page_number'] = $input['page_number']; } else { $query = "SELECT `id` from `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}_review` where session_id=?"; $params = array($session_id); $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); $row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth); $commit_options = array(); $commit_options['send_notification'] = false; $commit_result = mf_commit_form_review($dbh, $form_id, $row['id'], $commit_options); $record_insert_id = $commit_result['record_insert_id']; $is_committed = true; $process_result['entry_id'] = $record_insert_id; $_SESSION['mf_form_completed'][$form_id] = true; } } } } else { $query = "SELECT `id` from `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}_review` where session_id=?"; $params = array($session_id); $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); $row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth); $record_insert_id = $row['id']; if (empty($record_insert_id)) { $query = "INSERT INTO `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}_review` ({$field_list}) VALUES ({$field_values});"; mf_do_query($query, $params_table_data, $dbh); $record_insert_id = (int) $dbh->lastInsertId(); } else { $update_values = ''; $params_update = array(); foreach ($table_data as $key => $value) { $update_values .= "`{$key}`=:{$key},"; $params_update[':' . $key] = $value; } $params_update[':id'] = $record_insert_id; $update_values = substr($update_values, 0, -1); $query = "UPDATE `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}_review` set \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$update_values}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t where \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t \t\t`id`=:id;"; mf_do_query($query, $params_update, $dbh); } } } else { $query = "INSERT INTO `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}` ({$field_list}) VALUES ({$field_values});"; mf_do_query($query, $params_table_data, $dbh); $record_insert_id = (int) $dbh->lastInsertId(); } } //end insert query ------------------------------------------ $is_inserted = true; } } //end insert data into table ------------------------- //upload the files $write_to_permanent_file = false; $write_to_temporary_file = false; if ($is_inserted) { if (!empty($edit_id) && $_SESSION['mf_logged_in'] === true) { //if this ie edit_entry page, always write to permanent file $write_to_permanent_file = true; } else { if ($form_page_total <= 1) { //if this is single page form if (empty($form_review)) { //if review disabled, upload the files into permanent filename $write_to_permanent_file = true; } else { //if this single form has review enabled $write_to_temporary_file = true; } } else { //if this is multipage form if ($input['page_number'] == $form_page_total && (!empty($input['submit_primary']) || !empty($input['submit_primary_x'])) && $is_committed) { $write_to_permanent_file = true; } else { $write_to_temporary_file = true; } } } } if ($write_to_permanent_file === true) { //START writing into permanent file ------------------------ //within one form, it is possible to use a mix of standard file upload field and the advanced/ajax uploader //we need to be able processing both at the same time //if files were uploaded using standard file upload fields if (!empty($uploaded_files)) { foreach ($uploaded_files as $element_name) { $file_token = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); //add random token to uploaded filename, to increase security //move file and check for invalid file $destination_file = $input['machform_data_path'] . $mf_settings['upload_dir'] . "/form_{$form_id}/files/{$element_name}_{$file_token}-{$record_insert_id}-{$_FILES[$element_name]['name']}"; $destination_file = mf_sanitize($destination_file); if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$element_name]['tmp_name'], $destination_file)) { $query = "update " . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id} set {$element_name}=? where id=?"; $file_element = "{$element_name}_{$file_token}-{$record_insert_id}-{$_FILES[$element_name]['name']}"; $file_element = mf_sanitize($file_element); $params = array($file_element, $record_insert_id); mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); } } } //if files were uploaded using advance uploader if (!empty($uploaded_files_advance)) { if (!empty($edit_id) && $_SESSION['mf_logged_in'] === true) { //if this is edit_entry, we need to get existing file records and merge the data with the new uploaded files $uploaded_element_names = array(); $uploaded_element_ids = array_keys($uploaded_files_advance); foreach ($uploaded_element_ids as $element_id) { $uploaded_element_names[] = 'element_' . $element_id; } $uploaded_element_names_joined = implode(',', $uploaded_element_names); $query = "SELECT {$uploaded_element_names_joined} from `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}` where `id`=?"; $params = array($edit_id); $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); $row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth); $existing_files_data = array(); $multi_upload_info = array(); foreach ($uploaded_element_names as $element_name) { $existing_files_data[$element_name] = trim($row[$element_name]); $element_name_exploded = explode('_', $element_name); $multi_upload_info[$element_name] = $element_info[$element_name_exploded[1]]['file_enable_multi_upload']; } } //loop through each list foreach ($uploaded_files_advance as $element_id => $values) { $current_listfile_name = $values['listfile_name']; $current_listfile_content = $values['listfile_content']; $file_list_array = array(); foreach ($current_listfile_content as $tmp_filename_path) { $tmp_filename_only = basename($tmp_filename_path); $filename_value = substr($tmp_filename_only, strpos($tmp_filename_only, '-') + 1); $filename_value = str_replace('|', '', str_replace('.tmp', '', $filename_value)); $new_file_token = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); //add random token to uploaded filename, to increase security $new_filename = "element_{$element_id}_{$new_file_token}-{$record_insert_id}-{$filename_value}"; $destination_filename = $input['machform_data_path'] . $mf_settings['upload_dir'] . "/form_{$form_id}/files/" . $new_filename; //remove tmp name and change it into permanent name //store all the permanent name into a variable if (file_exists($tmp_filename_path)) { rename($tmp_filename_path, $destination_filename); } $file_list_array[] = $new_filename; } //delete the listfile for the current element_id unlink($current_listfile_name); //update the table with the file name list if (!empty($edit_id) && $_SESSION['mf_logged_in'] === true) { //if this is edit_entry, we need to get existing file records and merge the data with the new uploaded files //which depends on the multi upload setting for each file upload field //if multi upload enabled, we need to merge the data. otherwise, replace the old data if (!empty($multi_upload_info['element_' . $element_id])) { //if multi upload enabled, merge the data $new_files_array = $file_list_array; if (!empty($existing_files_data['element_' . $element_id])) { $old_files_array = explode('|', $existing_files_data['element_' . $element_id]); $merged_files_array = array_merge($new_files_array, $old_files_array); $merged_files_array = array_unique($merged_files_array); } else { $merged_files_array = $new_files_array; } $file_list_joined[$element_id] = implode('|', $merged_files_array); } else { //replace the old data with the new file $file_list_joined[$element_id] = implode('|', $file_list_array); } } else { $file_list_joined[$element_id] = implode('|', $file_list_array); } } //update the table with the file name list $update_values = ''; $params_update = array(); foreach ($file_list_joined as $element_id => $file_joined) { $file_joined = mf_sanitize($file_joined); $update_values .= "element_{$element_id}=:element_{$element_id},"; $params_update[':element_' . $element_id] = $file_joined; } $update_values = rtrim($update_values, ','); $params_update[':id'] = $record_insert_id; $query = "update " . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id} set {$update_values} where id=:id"; mf_do_query($query, $params_update, $dbh); } //END writing into permanent file ------------------------ } else { if ($write_to_temporary_file === true) { //START writing into temporary file ------------------------ //if files were uploaded using standard file upload fields if (!empty($uploaded_files)) { $record_review_id = session_id(); foreach ($uploaded_files as $element_name) { $file_token = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); //add random token to uploaded filename, to increase security //move file and check for invalid file $destination_file = $input['machform_data_path'] . $mf_settings['upload_dir'] . "/form_{$form_id}/files/{$element_name}_{$file_token}-{$record_insert_id}-{$_FILES[$element_name]['name']}.tmp"; $destination_file = mf_sanitize($destination_file); if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$element_name]['tmp_name'], $destination_file)) { $query = "update " . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}_review set {$element_name}=? where session_id=?"; $file_element = "{$element_name}_{$file_token}-{$record_insert_id}-{$_FILES[$element_name]['name']}"; $file_element = mf_sanitize($file_element); $params = array($file_element, $record_review_id); mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); } if (!empty($uploaded_file_lookup[$element_name])) { unset($uploaded_file_lookup[$element_name]); } } } //if files were uploaded using advance uploader if (!empty($uploaded_files_advance)) { //loop through each list foreach ($uploaded_files_advance as $element_id => $values) { $current_listfile_name = $values['listfile_name']; $current_listfile_content = $values['listfile_content']; $file_list_array = array(); foreach ($current_listfile_content as $tmp_filename_path) { $tmp_filename_only = basename($tmp_filename_path); $filename_value = substr($tmp_filename_only, strpos($tmp_filename_only, '-') + 1); $filename_value = str_replace('|', '', str_replace('.tmp', '', $filename_value)); $new_file_token = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); //add random token to uploaded filename, to increase security $new_filename = "element_{$element_id}_{$new_file_token}-{$record_insert_id}-{$filename_value}"; $destination_filename = $input['machform_data_path'] . $mf_settings['upload_dir'] . "/form_{$form_id}/files/" . $new_filename . ".tmp"; //assign new temporary name, using new token and record id //store all the temporary name into a variable if (file_exists($tmp_filename_path)) { rename($tmp_filename_path, $destination_filename); } $file_list_array[] = $new_filename; } //delete the listfile for the current element_id unlink($current_listfile_name); //update the table with the file name list $file_list_joined[$element_id] = implode('|', $file_list_array); } //update the table with the file name list $update_values = ''; $params_update = array(); foreach ($file_list_joined as $element_id => $file_joined) { $file_joined = mf_sanitize($file_joined); $update_values .= "element_{$element_id}=:element_{$element_id},"; $params_update[':element_' . $element_id] = $file_joined; } $update_values = rtrim($update_values, ','); $params_update[':id'] = $record_insert_id; $query = "update " . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}_review set {$update_values} where id=:id"; mf_do_query($query, $params_update, $dbh); } //if the user goes to review page and then go back to the form page or navigate within multipage form, $uploaded_file_lookup will contain the list of the previously submitted files //if the multi upload option enabled, make sure to update the previouly uploaded file to the current record during form submit //when updating the table, make sure to MERGE existing data within the table and the new one //otherwise, if the multi upload is not enabled, we need to delete previous files and don't update the table with the old files data if (!empty($uploaded_file_lookup)) { //get the existing data within the table $uploaded_element_names = array_keys($uploaded_file_lookup); $uploaded_element_names_joined = implode(',', $uploaded_element_names); $query = "SELECT {$uploaded_element_names_joined} from `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}_review` where `id`=?"; $params = array($record_insert_id); $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); $row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth); $existing_files_data = array(); $multi_upload_info = array(); foreach ($uploaded_element_names as $element_name) { $existing_files_data[$element_name] = $row[$element_name]; $element_name_exploded = explode('_', $element_name); $multi_upload_info[$element_name] = $element_info[$element_name_exploded[1]]['file_enable_multi_upload']; } //merge the data foreach ($uploaded_file_lookup as $element_name => $filename) { $new_files_array = array(); $old_files_array = array(); $new_files_array = explode('|', $filename); $old_files_array = explode('|', $existing_files_data[$element_name]); if (!empty($multi_upload_info[$element_name])) { //if multi upload enabled, merge the data $merged_files_array = array_merge($new_files_array, $old_files_array); $merged_files_array = array_unique($merged_files_array); } else { //otherwise, just use the new one $merged_files_array = $old_files_array; //delete the old files as well, if the files aren't the same with the new one if ($filename != $existing_files_data[$element_name]) { foreach ($new_files_array as $filename) { $filename = $input['machform_data_path'] . $mf_settings['upload_dir'] . "/form_{$form_id}/files/{$filename}.tmp"; if (file_exists($filename)) { unlink($filename); } } } } $merged_files_joined = implode('|', $merged_files_array); $merged_files_data[$element_name] = $merged_files_joined; } $update_clause = ''; foreach ($merged_files_data as $element_name => $filename) { $filename = addslashes(mf_sanitize($filename)); $update_clause .= "`{$element_name}`='{$filename}',"; } $update_clause = rtrim($update_clause, ","); $query = "UPDATE `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}_review` SET {$update_clause} WHERE id=?"; $params = array($record_insert_id); mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); } //END writing into temporary file ------------------------ } } //process any rules to skip pages, if this functionality is being enabled $process_result['logic_page_enable'] = false; if ($is_inserted === true && $is_edit_page === false && $is_saving_form_resume === false && !empty($logic_page_enable)) { //if the back button being clicked, don't evaluate the logic conditions //simply get the previous page from the array if (!empty($input['submit_secondary']) || !empty($input['submit_secondary_x'])) { $pages_history = array(); $pages_history = $_SESSION['mf_pages_history'][$form_id]; $page_number_array_index = array_search($page_number, $pages_history); $previous_page_number = $pages_history[$page_number_array_index - 1]; $process_result['logic_page_enable'] = true; $process_result['target_page_id'] = $previous_page_number; } else { //submit/continue button being clicked //get all the destination pages from ap_page_logic //only get pages with larger page number. the skip page logic can't move backward $query = "SELECT \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpage_id,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trule_all_any \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "page_logic \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tform_id = ? and (page_id > ? or page_id in('payment','review','success')) \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpage_id asc"; $params = array($form_id, $page_number); $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); $page_logic_array = array(); $i = 0; while ($row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth)) { $page_logic_array[$i]['page_id'] = $row['page_id']; $page_logic_array[$i]['rule_all_any'] = $row['rule_all_any']; $i++; } //evaluate the condition for each destination page //once a condition results true, break the loop and send the result if (!empty($page_logic_array)) { foreach ($page_logic_array as $value) { $target_page_id = $value['page_id']; $rule_all_any = $value['rule_all_any']; $current_page_conditions_status = array(); $query = "SELECT \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\telement_name,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trule_condition,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trule_keyword \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "page_logic_conditions \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\tform_id = ? AND target_page_id = ?"; $params = array($form_id, $target_page_id); $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); while ($row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth)) { $condition_params = array(); $condition_params['form_id'] = $form_id; $condition_params['element_name'] = $row['element_name']; $condition_params['rule_condition'] = $row['rule_condition']; $condition_params['rule_keyword'] = $row['rule_keyword']; $current_page_conditions_status[] = mf_get_condition_status_from_table($dbh, $condition_params); } if ($rule_all_any == 'all') { if (in_array(false, $current_page_conditions_status)) { $all_conditions_status = false; } else { $all_conditions_status = true; } } else { if ($rule_all_any == 'any') { if (in_array(true, $current_page_conditions_status)) { $all_conditions_status = true; } else { $all_conditions_status = false; } } } if ($all_conditions_status === true) { //all conditions for this target page has been met, break the loop and send it to $process_result $process_result['logic_page_enable'] = true; $process_result['target_page_id'] = $target_page_id; //allow access to the next destination page if (is_numeric($target_page_id)) { $_SESSION['mf_form_access'][$form_id][$target_page_id] = true; } else { if ($target_page_id == 'review') { $process_result['review_id'] = $record_insert_id; $process_result['origin_page_number'] = $input['page_number']; } else { if ($target_page_id == 'payment' || $target_page_id == 'success') { //if the destination is payment page or success page, we need to commit the data first $commit_options = array(); if ($delay_notifications) { $commit_options['send_notification'] = false; } $session_id = session_id(); $query = "SELECT `id` from `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}_review` where session_id=?"; $params = array($session_id); $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); $row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth); $commit_result = mf_commit_form_review($dbh, $form_id, $row['id'], $commit_options); $process_result['entry_id'] = $commit_result['record_insert_id']; if ($target_page_id == 'success') { $_SESSION['mf_form_completed'][$form_id] = true; $bypass_merchant_redirect_url = true; } } } } break; } } //end foreach page_logic_array } } } //start sending notification email to admin ------------------------------------------ if ($is_inserted && !empty($esl_enable) && !empty($form_email) && empty($form_review) && $form_page_total == 1 && empty($edit_id) && $delay_notifications === false || $is_inserted && !empty($esl_enable) && !empty($form_email) && $is_committed && empty($edit_id) && $delay_notifications === false) { //get parameters for the email //from name if (!empty($esl_from_name)) { if (is_numeric($esl_from_name)) { $admin_email_param['from_name'] = '{element_' . $esl_from_name . '}'; } else { $admin_email_param['from_name'] = $esl_from_name; } } else { $admin_email_param['from_name'] = 'MachForm'; } //from email address if (!empty($esl_from_email_address)) { if (is_numeric($esl_from_email_address)) { $admin_email_param['from_email'] = '{element_' . $esl_from_email_address . '}'; } else { $admin_email_param['from_email'] = $esl_from_email_address; } } else { $domain = str_replace('www.', '', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); $admin_email_param['from_email'] = "no-reply@{$domain}"; } //subject if (!empty($esl_subject)) { $admin_email_param['subject'] = $esl_subject; } else { $admin_email_param['subject'] = '{form_name} [#{entry_no}]'; } //content if (!empty($esl_content)) { $admin_email_param['content'] = $esl_content; } else { $admin_email_param['content'] = '{entry_data}'; } $admin_email_param['as_plain_text'] = $esl_plain_text; $admin_email_param['target_is_admin'] = true; $admin_email_param['machform_base_path'] = $input['machform_base_path']; $admin_email_param['check_hook_file'] = true; mf_send_notification($dbh, $form_id, $record_insert_id, $form_email, $admin_email_param); } //end emailing notifications to admin ---------------------------------------------- //start sending notification email to user ------------------------------------------ if ($is_inserted && !empty($esr_enable) && !empty($esr_email_address) && empty($form_review) && $form_page_total == 1 && empty($edit_id) && $delay_notifications === false || $is_inserted && !empty($esr_enable) && !empty($esr_email_address) && $is_committed && empty($edit_id) && $delay_notifications === false) { //get parameters for the email //to email if (is_numeric($esr_email_address)) { $esr_email_address = '{element_' . $esr_email_address . '}'; } //from name if (!empty($esr_from_name)) { if (is_numeric($esr_from_name)) { $user_email_param['from_name'] = '{element_' . $esr_from_name . '}'; } else { $user_email_param['from_name'] = $esr_from_name; } } else { $user_email_param['from_name'] = 'MachForm'; } //from email address if (!empty($esr_from_email_address)) { if (is_numeric($esr_from_email_address)) { $user_email_param['from_email'] = '{element_' . $esr_from_email_address . '}'; } else { $user_email_param['from_email'] = $esr_from_email_address; } } else { $domain = str_replace('www.', '', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); $user_email_param['from_email'] = "no-reply@{$domain}"; } //subject if (!empty($esr_subject)) { $user_email_param['subject'] = $esr_subject; } else { $user_email_param['subject'] = '{form_name} - Receipt'; } //content if (!empty($esr_content)) { $user_email_param['content'] = $esr_content; } else { $user_email_param['content'] = '{entry_data}'; } $user_email_param['as_plain_text'] = $esr_plain_text; $user_email_param['target_is_admin'] = false; $user_email_param['machform_base_path'] = $input['machform_base_path']; mf_send_notification($dbh, $form_id, $record_insert_id, $esr_email_address, $user_email_param); } //end emailing notifications to user --------------------------------------------- //if there is no error message or elements, send true as status if (empty($error_elements) && empty($process_result['custom_error'])) { $process_result['status'] = true; if ($form_page_total > 1) { //if this is multipage form $_SESSION['mf_form_loaded'][$form_id][$page_number] = true; if ($is_saving_form_resume) { //if the user is saving his progress instead of submitting the form //copy the record from review table into main form table and set the status to incomplete (status=2) //also generate resume url $has_invalid_resume_email = false; //validate the email address first, if the user entered invalid email address, display error message if (!empty($input['element_resume_email'])) { $regex = '/^[A-z0-9][\\w.-]*@[A-z0-9][\\w\\-\\.]+\\.[A-z0-9]{2,6}$/'; $resume_email = trim($input['element_resume_email']); $preg_result = preg_match($regex, $resume_email); if (empty($preg_result)) { $has_invalid_resume_email = true; $error_elements['element_resume_email'] = $mf_lang['val_email']; $process_result['status'] = false; $process_result['error_elements'] = $error_elements; $process_result['old_values']['element_resume_email'] = $input['element_resume_email']; } } if (!$has_invalid_resume_email) { //get all column name except session_id and id $query = "SELECT * FROM `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}_review` WHERE session_id=?"; $params = array($session_id); $sth = mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); $row = mf_do_fetch_result($sth); $columns = array(); foreach ($row as $column_name => $column_data) { if ($column_name != 'id' && $column_name != 'session_id') { $columns[] = $column_name; } } $columns_joined = implode("`,`", $columns); $columns_joined = '`' . $columns_joined . '`'; //if there is no resume key, generate new one if (empty($row['resume_key'])) { $form_resume_key = substr(strtolower(md5(uniqid(rand(), true))), 0, 10); } else { $form_resume_key = $row['resume_key']; } //delete previous entry on ap_form_x table $query = "DELETE from `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}` WHERE resume_key=? and status=2"; $params = array($form_resume_key); mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); //copy from ap_form_x_review to ap_form_x $query = "INSERT INTO `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}`({$columns_joined}) SELECT {$columns_joined} from `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}_review` WHERE session_id=?"; $params = array($session_id); mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); $new_record_id = (int) $dbh->lastInsertId(); $query = "UPDATE `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}` set `status`=2,resume_key='{$form_resume_key}' where `id`=?"; $params = array($new_record_id); mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); //delete from ap_form_x_review table $query = "DELETE from `" . MF_TABLE_PREFIX . "form_{$form_id}_review` WHERE session_id=?"; $params = array($session_id); mf_do_query($query, $params, $dbh); //pass form resume key $process_result['form_resume_key'] = $form_resume_key; //pass form resume url $form_resume_url = $mf_settings['base_url'] . "view.php?id={$form_id}&mf_resume={$form_resume_key}"; $process_result['form_resume_url'] = $form_resume_url; if (!empty($resume_email)) { //send the resume link to the provided email mf_send_resume_link($dbh, $form_name, $form_resume_url, $resume_email); } } } else { //get the next page number and send it //don't send page number if this is already the last page, unless back button being clicked if ($input['page_number'] < $form_page_total) { if (!empty($input['submit_primary']) || !empty($input['submit_primary_x'])) { $process_result['next_page_number'] = $page_number + 1; } elseif (!empty($input['submit_secondary']) || !empty($input['submit_secondary_x'])) { $process_result['next_page_number'] = $page_number - 1; } else { $process_result['next_page_number'] = $page_number + 1; } } else { //if this is the last page if (!empty($input['submit_primary']) || !empty($input['submit_primary_x'])) { if (!empty($form_review)) { $process_result['review_id'] = $record_insert_id; } } elseif (!empty($input['submit_secondary']) || !empty($input['submit_secondary_x'])) { $process_result['next_page_number'] = $page_number - 1; } else { if (!empty($form_review)) { $process_result['review_id'] = $record_insert_id; } } } } } else { //if this is single page form //if 'form review' enabled, send review_id if (!empty($form_review)) { $process_result['review_id'] = $record_insert_id; } else { //form submitted successfully, set the session to display success page $_SESSION['mf_form_completed'][$form_id] = true; $process_result['entry_id'] = $record_insert_id; } } } else { $process_result['status'] = false; } //get payment processor URL, if applicable for this form if ($process_result['status'] === true) { $merchant_redirect_url = mf_get_merchant_redirect_url($dbh, $form_id, $record_insert_id); if (!empty($merchant_redirect_url) && $bypass_merchant_redirect_url !== true) { $process_result['form_redirect'] = $merchant_redirect_url; } } return $process_result; }
function display_machform($config) { $form_id = $config['form_id']; $show_border = $config['show_border']; $machform_path = $config['base_path']; $machform_data_path = ''; if ($show_border === true) { $integration_method = ''; } else { $integration_method = 'php'; } //start session if there isn't any if (session_id() == "") { @session_start(); } $dbh = mf_connect_db(); if (mf_is_form_submitted()) { //if form submitted $input_array = mf_sanitize($_POST); $input_array['machform_data_path'] = $machform_data_path; $input_array['machform_base_path'] = $machform_path; $submit_result = mf_process_form($dbh, $input_array); if (!isset($input_array['password'])) { //if normal form submitted if ($submit_result['status'] === true) { if (!empty($submit_result['form_resume_url'])) { //the user saving a form, display success page with the resume URL $_SESSION['mf_form_resume_url'][$input_array['form_id']] = $submit_result['form_resume_url']; if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') === false) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}?done=1'</script>"; } else { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&done=1'</script>"; } exit; } else { if ($submit_result['logic_page_enable'] === true) { //the page has skip logic enable and a custom destination page has been set $target_page_id = $submit_result['target_page_id']; if (is_numeric($target_page_id)) { if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') === false) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}?mf_page={$target_page_id}'</script>"; } else { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&mf_page={$target_page_id}'</script>"; } exit; } else { if ($target_page_id == 'payment') { //allow access to payment page $_SESSION['mf_form_payment_access'][$input_array['form_id']] = true; $_SESSION['mf_payment_record_id'][$input_array['form_id']] = $submit_result['entry_id']; if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') === false) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}?show_payment=1'</script>"; } else { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&show_payment=1'</script>"; } exit; } else { if ($target_page_id == 'review') { if (!empty($submit_result['origin_page_number'])) { $page_num_params = '&mf_page_from=' . $submit_result['origin_page_number']; } $_SESSION['review_id'] = $submit_result['review_id']; if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') === false) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}?show_review=1{$page_num_params}'</script>"; } else { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&show_review=1{$page_num_params}'</script>"; } exit; } else { if ($target_page_id == 'success') { //redirect to success page if (empty($submit_result['form_redirect'])) { if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') === false) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}?done=1'</script>"; } else { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&done=1'</script>"; } exit; } else { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$submit_result['form_redirect']}'</script>"; exit; } } } } } } else { if (!empty($submit_result['review_id'])) { //redirect to review page if (!empty($submit_result['origin_page_number'])) { $page_num_params = '&mf_page_from=' . $submit_result['origin_page_number']; } $_SESSION['review_id'] = $submit_result['review_id']; if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') === false) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}?show_review=1{$page_num_params}'</script>"; } else { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&show_review=1{$page_num_params}'</script>"; } exit; } else { $ssl_suffix = mf_get_ssl_suffix(); if (!empty($submit_result['next_page_number'])) { //redirect to the next page number $_SESSION['mf_form_access'][$input_array['form_id']][$submit_result['next_page_number']] = true; echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = 'http{$ssl_suffix}://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?id={$input_array['form_id']}&mf_page={$submit_result['next_page_number']}'</script>"; exit; } else { //otherwise display success message or redirect to the custom redirect URL or payment page if (mf_is_payment_has_value($dbh, $input_array['form_id'], $submit_result['entry_id'])) { //redirect to credit card payment page, if the merchant is being enabled and the amount is not zero //allow access to payment page $_SESSION['mf_form_payment_access'][$input_array['form_id']] = true; $_SESSION['mf_payment_record_id'][$input_array['form_id']] = $submit_result['entry_id']; if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') === false) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}?show_payment=1'</script>"; } else { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&show_payment=1'</script>"; } exit; } else { if (empty($submit_result['form_redirect'])) { if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') === false) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}?done=1'</script>"; } else { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&done=1'</script>"; } exit; } else { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$submit_result['form_redirect']}'</script>"; exit; } } } } } } } else { if ($submit_result['status'] === false) { //there are errors, display the form again with the errors $old_values = $submit_result['old_values']; $custom_error = @$submit_result['custom_error']; $error_elements = $submit_result['error_elements']; $form_params = array(); $form_params['page_number'] = $input_array['page_number']; $form_params['populated_values'] = $old_values; $form_params['error_elements'] = $error_elements; $form_params['custom_error'] = $custom_error; $form_params['integration_method'] = $integration_method; $form_params['machform_path'] = $machform_path; $form_params['machform_data_path'] = $machform_data_path; $markup = mf_display_form($dbh, $input_array['form_id'], $form_params); } } } else { //if password form submitted if ($submit_result['status'] === true) { //on success, display the form $form_params = array(); $form_params['integration_method'] = $integration_method; $form_params['machform_path'] = $machform_path; $form_params['machform_data_path'] = $machform_data_path; $markup = mf_display_form($dbh, $input_array['form_id'], $form_params); } else { $custom_error = $submit_result['custom_error']; //error, display the pasword form again $form_params = array(); $form_params['custom_error'] = $custom_error; $form_params['integration_method'] = $integration_method; $form_params['machform_path'] = $machform_path; $form_params['machform_data_path'] = $machform_data_path; $markup = mf_display_form($dbh, $input_array['form_id'], $form_params); } } } else { if (!empty($_POST['review_submit']) || !empty($_POST['review_submit_x'])) { //if form review being submitted //commit data from review table to actual table //however, we need to check if this form has payment enabled or not //if the form doesn't have any payment enabled, continue with commit and redirect to success page $form_properties = mf_get_form_properties($dbh, $form_id, array('payment_enable_merchant', 'payment_delay_notifications', 'payment_merchant_type')); $ssl_suffix = mf_get_ssl_suffix(); $record_id = $_SESSION['review_id']; if ($form_properties['payment_enable_merchant'] != 1) { $commit_options = array(); $commit_options['machform_path'] = $machform_path; $commit_options['machform_data_path'] = $machform_data_path; $commit_result = mf_commit_form_review($dbh, $form_id, $record_id, $commit_options); unset($_SESSION['review_id']); if (empty($commit_result['form_redirect'])) { if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') === false) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}?done=1'</script>"; } else { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&done=1'</script>"; } exit; } else { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$commit_result['form_redirect']}'</script>"; exit; } } else { //if the form has payment enabled, continue commit and redirect to payment page $commit_options = array(); //delay notifications only available on stripe if (!empty($form_properties['payment_delay_notifications']) && $form_properties['payment_merchant_type'] == 'stripe') { $commit_options['send_notification'] = false; } $commit_result = mf_commit_form_review($dbh, $form_id, $record_id, $commit_options); unset($_SESSION['review_id']); //allow access to payment page $_SESSION['mf_form_payment_access'][$form_id] = true; $_SESSION['mf_payment_record_id'][$form_id] = $commit_result['record_insert_id']; if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') === false) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}?show_payment=1'</script>"; } else { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&show_payment=1'</script>"; } exit; } } else { if (!empty($_POST['review_back']) || !empty($_POST['review_back_x'])) { //go back to form from review page $origin_page_num = (int) $_POST['mf_page_from']; $ssl_suffix = mf_get_ssl_suffix(); echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = 'http{$ssl_suffix}://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?id={$form_id}&mf_page={$origin_page_num}'</script>"; exit; } else { if (!empty($_POST['form_id_redirect'])) { //form payment being submitted $paid_form_id = (int) trim($_POST['form_id_redirect']); if ($_SESSION['mf_payment_completed'][$paid_form_id] === true) { //when payment succeeded, $paid_form_id should contain the form id number $form_properties = mf_get_form_properties($dbh, $paid_form_id, array('form_redirect_enable', 'form_redirect', 'form_review', 'form_page_total', 'payment_delay_notifications')); //process any delayed notifications if (!empty($form_properties['payment_delay_notifications'])) { mf_process_delayed_notifications($dbh, $paid_form_id, $_SESSION['mf_payment_record_id'][$paid_form_id]); } //redirect to the default success page or the custom redirect URL being set on form properties if (!empty($form_properties['form_redirect_enable']) && !empty($form_properties['form_redirect'])) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$form_properties['form_redirect']}'</script>"; exit; } else { if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') === false) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}?done=1'</script>"; } else { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">top.location = '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&done=1'</script>"; } exit; } } else { $markup = 'You are not authorized to access this page.'; } } else { if (!empty($_GET['show_review'])) { //show review page if (empty($_SESSION['review_id'])) { die("Your session has been expired. Please start again."); } else { $record_id = $_SESSION['review_id']; } $from_page_num = (int) $_GET['mf_page_from']; if (empty($from_page_num)) { $form_page_num = 1; } $form_params = array(); $form_params['integration_method'] = $integration_method; $form_params['machform_path'] = $machform_path; $form_params['machform_data_path'] = $machform_data_path; $markup = mf_display_form_review($dbh, $form_id, $record_id, $from_page_num, $form_params); } else { if (!empty($_GET['show_payment'])) { //show payment page $record_id = $_SESSION['mf_payment_record_id'][$form_id]; $form_params = array(); $form_params['integration_method'] = $integration_method; $form_params['machform_path'] = $machform_path; $form_params['machform_data_path'] = $machform_data_path; $markup = mf_display_form_payment($dbh, $form_id, $record_id, $form_params); } else { $form_id = $form_id; $page_number = (int) trim($_GET['mf_page']); $page_number = mf_verify_page_access($form_id, $page_number); $resume_key = trim($_GET['mf_resume']); if (!empty($resume_key)) { $_SESSION['mf_form_resume_key'][$form_id] = $resume_key; } if (!empty($_GET['done']) && (!empty($_SESSION['mf_form_completed'][$form_id]) || !empty($_SESSION['mf_form_resume_url'][$form_id]))) { $form_params = array(); $form_params['integration_method'] = $integration_method; $form_params['machform_path'] = $machform_path; $markup = mf_display_success($dbh, $form_id, $form_params); } else { $form_params = array(); $form_params['page_number'] = $page_number; $form_params['integration_method'] = $integration_method; $form_params['machform_path'] = $machform_path; $form_params['machform_data_path'] = $machform_data_path; $markup = mf_display_form($dbh, $form_id, $form_params); } } } } } } } echo $markup; }