Esempio n. 1
 * Override or insert variables into the page template.
function seven_preprocess_page(&$vars)
    $vars['primary_local_tasks'] = menu_primary_local_tasks();
    $vars['secondary_local_tasks'] = menu_secondary_local_tasks();
    $vars['ie_styles'] = '<!--[if lt IE 7]><style type="text/css" media="screen">@import ' . path_to_theme() . '/ie6.css";</style><![endif]-->';
    $vars['back_to_site'] = l(t('Back to the front page'), '');
Esempio n. 2
 * Preprocessor for theme('page').
function cube_preprocess_page(&$vars)
    // Automatically adjust layout for page with right sidebar content if no
    // explicit layout has been set.
    $layout = module_exists('context_layouts') ? context_layouts_get_active_layout() : NULL;
    if (arg(0) != 'admin' && !empty($vars['page']['right']) && (!$layout || $layout['layout'] == 'default')) {
        $vars['theme_hook_suggestion'] = 'page__context_layouts_cube_columns';
        drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'cube') . '/layout-sidebar.css');
    // Clear out help text if empty.
    if (empty($vars['help']) || !strip_tags($vars['help'])) {
        $vars['help'] = '';
    // Help text toggler link.
    $vars['help_toggler'] = l(t('Help'), $_GET['q'], array('attributes' => array('id' => 'help-toggler', 'class' => array('toggler')), 'fragment' => 'help-text'));
    // Overlay is enabled.
    $vars['overlay'] = module_exists('overlay') && overlay_get_mode() === 'child';
    if ($vars['overlay']) {
    // Display user links
    $vars['user_links'] = _cube_user_links();
    // Display tabs
    $vars['primary_tabs'] = menu_primary_local_tasks();
    $vars['secondary_tabs'] = menu_secondary_local_tasks();
Esempio n. 3
 * Returns renderable local tasks.
 * @ingroup themeable
function busy_menu_local_tasks()
    $output = array();
    if ($primary = menu_primary_local_tasks()) {
        foreach ($primary as $key => $task) {
            if (is_numeric($key) && $key == count($primary) - 1) {
                $primary[$key]['#last'] = TRUE;
        $primary['#prefix'] = '<ul class="tabs primary">';
        $primary['#suffix'] = '</ul>';
        $output[] = $primary;
    if ($secondary = menu_secondary_local_tasks()) {
        foreach ($secondary as $key => $task) {
            if (is_numeric($key) && $key == count($secondary) - 1) {
                $secondary[$key]['#last'] = TRUE;
        $secondary['#prefix'] = '<ul class="tabs secondary">';
        $secondary['#suffix'] = '</ul>';
        $output[] = $secondary;
    return $output;
Esempio n. 4
 * Implementation of preprocess_page().
function tao_preprocess_page(&$vars)
    // Split primary and secondary local tasks
    $vars['primary_local_tasks'] = menu_primary_local_tasks();
    $vars['secondary_local_tasks'] = menu_secondary_local_tasks();
    // Link site name to frontpage
    $vars['site_name'] = l($vars['site_name'], '<front>');
Esempio n. 5
 * Returns the rendered local tasks. The default implementation renders
 * them as tabs.
 * @ingroup themeable
function phptemplate_menu_local_tasks()
    $output = '';
    if ($primary = menu_primary_local_tasks()) {
        $output .= "<ul class=\"tabs primary\">\n" . $primary . "</ul>\n";
    return $output;
Esempio n. 6
 * Implements hook_preprocess_node().
 * Enable template suggestions for teaser ex. node--conent-type--teaser.tpl.php.
function bootsmacss_preprocess_node(&$vars)
    if ($vars['view_mode'] == 'teaser') {
        array_unshift($vars['theme_hook_suggestions'], 'node__' . $vars['node']->type . '__teaser');
        array_unshift($vars['theme_hook_suggestions'], 'node__' . $vars['node']->nid . '__teaser');
    // Prepare tabs to render them in node.tpl or DS layout instead of page.tpl.
    $vars['tabs'] = menu_primary_local_tasks();
 * Implements hook_preprocess_page().
function vdb_preprocess_page(&$vars)
    $menu1 = menu_navigation_links('main-menu', 0);
    $vars['menu_first'] = theme('links__system_main_menu', array('links' => $menu1, 'attributes' => array('id' => 'main-menu-links')));
    $menu2 = menu_navigation_links('main-menu', 1);
    $vars['menu_second'] = empty($menu2) ? '' : theme('links__system_main_menu', array('links' => $menu2, 'preserve_query' => TRUE, 'attributes' => array('class' => array('tabs', 'primary'))));
    $vars['tabs_first'] = menu_primary_local_tasks();
    $vars['tabs_second'] = menu_secondary_local_tasks();
Esempio n. 8
 * Returns the rendered local tasks. The default implementation renders
 * them as tabs. Overridden to split the secondary tasks.
 * @ingroup themeable
function cp_theme_menu_local_tasks()
    $output = '';
    $primary = menu_primary_local_tasks();
    if ($primary) {
        $output .= '<ul class="tabs primary clear-block">' . $primary . '</ul>';
    return $output;
Esempio n. 9
 * Override or insert PHPTemplate variables into the templates.
function phptemplate_preprocess_page(&$vars)
    $view = get_artx_drupal_view();
    $message = $view->get_incorrect_version_message();
    if (!empty($message)) {
        drupal_set_message($message, 'error');
    $vars['tabs'] = menu_primary_local_tasks();
    $vars['tabs2'] = menu_secondary_local_tasks();
Esempio n. 10
 * Implements template_preprocess_html().
 * The changes made in this function affect the variables for the html.tpl.php
 * template file, which is located in templates/html.tpl.php of this theme.
 * Using drupal_css_css() is covered on pages 344-345.
function dgd7_preprocess_html(&$vars)
    // Unfortunately, the XHTML+RDFa 1.0 doctype is hardcoded. We don't want an
    // XHMTL doctype and the RDFa version is old. The following code changes it
    // to HTML+RDFa 1.1 when the RDF module is enabled, and a plain jane HTML5
    // doctype when it's not. To learn more about theming with RDFa in Drupal 7
    // see
    if (module_exists('rdf')) {
        $vars['doctype'] = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML+RDFa 1.1//EN">' . "\n";
        $vars['rdf_profile'] = ' profile="' . $vars['grddl_profile'] . '"';
    } else {
        $vars['doctype'] = '<!DOCTYPE html>' . "\n";
        $vars['rdf_profile'] = '';
    // Add externally hosted files. This will not work if entered in .info file.
    // Setting the group to CSS_THEME will load these files in the "theme group"
    // which load after system and module CSS files. This is not terribly
    // important in this case, but we do need to specify "external" as TRUE.
    // Ideally that wouldn't be necessary it would "just work" like
    // drupal_add_js(). See to help make it happen.
    drupal_add_css(',italic,bold,bolditalic&subset=latin', array('external' => TRUE, 'group' => CSS_THEME));
    drupal_add_css(',bold&subset=latin', array('external' => TRUE, 'group' => CSS_THEME));
    // Create a variable containing the path to the theme. We'll use this in
    // in html.tpl.php.
    $vars['path'] = drupal_get_path('theme', 'dgd7');
    // Add the regular theme stylesheets.
    // This is done here as opposed to using the .info file so that we can control
    // the order. Since we cannot add the external CSS files via .info and we need
    // those to load first, we add them all here.
    drupal_add_css($vars['path'] . '/css/layout.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME));
    drupal_add_css($vars['path'] . '/css/forms.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME));
    drupal_add_css($vars['path'] . '/css/style.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME));
    // We have a separate CSS file for styling the tabs that we only want to load
    // when there are actually tabs present. The following code checks for the
    // existence of primary and secondary tabs and then proceeds to load the CSS
    // file if needed.
    if (menu_primary_local_tasks() || menu_secondary_local_tasks()) {
        drupal_add_css($vars['path'] . '/css/tabs.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'preprocess' => FALSE));
    // Add a print stylesheet.
    drupal_add_css($vars['path'] . '/css/print.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'media' => 'print', 'preprocess' => FALSE));
    // Add a conditional stylesheet for Internet Explorer.
    // The "browsers" key allows you to specify what versions of IE to target. In
    // this case we are targeting "less than or equal to IE 7". Drupal will wrap
    // the code for this stylesheet in conditional comments:
    // "<!--[if lte IE 7]> … <![endif]-->. For more details about conditional
    // comments see:
    drupal_add_css($vars['path'] . '/css/ie.css', array('browsers' => array('IE' => 'lte IE 7', '!IE' => FALSE), 'group' => CSS_THEME, 'preprocess' => FALSE));
    // In template_preprocess_html() we have easy access to the "class" attribute
    // for the <body> element. Here we add a helper class that indicates that
    // there is no title for the page to help styling the content region easily.
    if (!drupal_get_title()) {
        $vars['classes_array'][] = 'no-title';
Esempio n. 11
function earthen_menu_local_tasks()
    $output = '';
    if ($primary = menu_primary_local_tasks()) {
        $output .= $primary;
    if ($secondary = menu_secondary_local_tasks()) {
        $output .= $secondary;
    return $output;
Esempio n. 12
 * Adds clearfix to tabs.
function scholar_base_menu_local_tasks()
    $output = '';
    if (menu_primary_local_tasks()) {
        $output .= '<ul class="tabs primary clearfix">' . menu_primary_local_tasks() . '</ul>';
    if (menu_secondary_local_tasks()) {
        $output .= '<ul class="tabs secondary clearfix">' . menu_secondary_local_tasks() . '</ul>';
    return $output;
Esempio n. 13
 * Override or insert variables into the page template.
function seven_preprocess_page(&$vars)
    $vars['primary_local_tasks'] = menu_primary_local_tasks();
    $vars['secondary_local_tasks'] = menu_secondary_local_tasks();
    // get all the current css information into an array
    $css = drupal_add_css();
    // Removing the css files of vertical tabs module because and use the seven style instead.
    unset($css['all']['module'][drupal_get_path('module', 'vertical_tabs') . '/vertical_tabs.css']);
    // now place the remaining css files back into the template variable for rendering
    $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($css);
Esempio n. 14
 * Duplicate of theme_menu_local_tasks() but adds clear-block to tabs.
function phptemplate_menu_local_tasks()
    $output = '';
    if ($primary = menu_primary_local_tasks()) {
        $output .= '<ul class="tabs primary clear-block">' . $primary . '</ul>';
    if ($secondary = menu_secondary_local_tasks()) {
        $output .= '<ul class="tabs secondary clear-block">' . $secondary . '</ul>';
    return $output;
Esempio n. 15
 * Implements theme_preprocess_page().
function townsquare_bootstrap_preprocess_page(&$vars)
    global $user;
    $vars['primary_local_tasks'] = menu_primary_local_tasks();
    $vars['secondary_local_tasks'] = menu_secondary_local_tasks();
    // The following menu stuff is lame
    foreach ($vars['main_menu'] as $item => $options) {
        $vars['main_menu'][$item]['html'] = TRUE;
        $vars['main_menu'][$item]['attributes']['id'] = 'menu-link-' . drupal_clean_css_identifier($options['href']);
    $admin_menu = menu_tree_all_data('management');
    $children = array_pop($admin_menu);
    if ($children) {
        foreach ($children['below'] as $key => $value) {
            $children['below'][$key]['below'] = array();
        $vars['admin_menu'] = menu_tree_output($children['below']);
    // Add user picture if logged in
    if ($user->uid) {
        $vars['user_name'] = check_plain($user->name);
        if (!empty($user->picture)) {
            if (is_numeric($user->picture)) {
                $user->picture = file_load($user->picture);
            if (!empty($user->picture->uri)) {
                $filepath = $user->picture->uri;
        } elseif (variable_get('user_picture_default', '')) {
            $filepath = variable_get('user_picture_default', '');
        if (isset($filepath)) {
            $alt = t("@user's picture", array('@user' => format_username($user)));
            if (module_exists('image') && file_valid_uri($filepath) && ($style = variable_get('user_picture_style', ''))) {
                $vars['user_picture'] = theme('image_style', array('style_name' => $style, 'path' => $filepath, 'alt' => $alt, 'title' => $alt));
            } else {
                $vars['user_picture'] = theme('image', array('path' => $filepath, 'alt' => $alt, 'title' => $alt));
        } else {
            $vars['user_picture'] = '<i class="icon-user"></i>';
    } else {
        $vars['login'] = drupal_get_form('user_login_block');
    // Add Bootstrap
    $path = libraries_get_path('bootstrap');
    drupal_add_css($path . '/css/bootstrap.css');
    drupal_add_css($path . '/css/bootstrap-responsive.css');
    drupal_add_js($path . '/js/bootstrap.js');
    $path = libraries_get_path('font-awesome');
    drupal_add_css($path . '/css/font-awesome.css');
 * Override or insert PHPTemplate variables into the templates.
function _phptemplate_variables($hook, $vars)
    if ($hook != 'page') {
        return array();
    $vars['tabs'] = menu_primary_local_tasks();
    $vars['tabs2'] = menu_secondary_local_tasks();
    // Make $front_page variable available
    $vars['front_page'] = url();
    drupal_add_js(path_to_theme() . '/script.js', 'theme');
    $scripts = drupal_get_js();
    $scripts = str_replace('misc/jquery.js', path_to_theme() . '/jquery.js', $scripts);
    $vars['scripts'] = $scripts;
    return $vars;
Esempio n. 17
 * Override or insert PHPTemplate variables into the templates.
function phptemplate_preprocess_page(&$vars)
    $vars['tabs'] = '';
    $primary = menu_primary_local_tasks();
    if (!empty($primary)) {
        $vars['tabs'] = '<ul class="arttabs_primary">' . $primary . '</ul>';
    $vars['tabs2'] = '';
    $secondary = menu_secondary_local_tasks();
    if (!empty($secondary)) {
        $vars['tabs2'] = '<ul class="arttabs_secondary">' . $secondary . '</ul>';
    // Hook into color.module
    if (module_exists('color')) {
Esempio n. 18
function _phptemplate_variables($hook, $vars)
    $view = get_artx_drupal_view();
    $message = $view->get_incorrect_version_message();
    if (!empty($message)) {
        drupal_set_message($message, 'error');
    if ($hook != 'page') {
        return array();
    $vars['tabs'] = menu_primary_local_tasks();
    $vars['tabs2'] = menu_secondary_local_tasks();
    $vars['front_page'] = url();
    drupal_add_js(path_to_theme() . '/script.js', 'theme');
    $scripts = drupal_get_js();
    $scripts = str_replace('misc/jquery.js', path_to_theme() . '/jquery.js', $scripts);
    $vars['scripts'] = $scripts;
    return $vars;
 * Override or insert variables into the page template.
function Cancilleria_preprocess_page(&$vars)
    global $art_style, $art_head;
    $vars['tabs'] = menu_primary_local_tasks();
    $vars['tabs2'] = menu_secondary_local_tasks();
    if (isset($vars['node'])) {
        if (isset($vars['art_style_' . $vars['node']->nid])) {
            $art_style = $vars['art_style_' . $vars['node']->nid];
        if (isset($vars['art_head_' . $vars['node']->nid])) {
            $art_head = $vars['art_head_' . $vars['node']->nid];
    if (isset($vars['art_blocks_head'])) {
        $art_head .= $vars['art_blocks_head'];
    $vars['search_box'] = NULL;
    if (function_exists('search_box_form_submit')) {
        $vars['search_box'] = drupal_get_form('search_form');
Esempio n. 20
 * Override or insert PHPTemplate variables into the templates.
function _phptemplate_variables($hook, $vars)
    if ($hook == 'page') {
        $vars['tabs'] = '';
        $primary = menu_primary_local_tasks();
        if (!empty($primary)) {
            $vars['tabs'] = '<ul class="arttabs_primary">' . $primary . '</ul>';
        $vars['tabs2'] = '';
        $secondary = menu_secondary_local_tasks();
        if (!empty($secondary)) {
            $vars['tabs2'] = '<ul class="arttabs_secondary">' . $secondary . '</ul>';
        // Hook into color.module
        if (module_exists('color')) {
        drupal_add_js(path_to_theme() . '/script.js', 'theme');
        $vars['scripts'] = drupal_get_js();
        return $vars;
    return array();
Esempio n. 21
 * Override or insert variables into the page template.
function seven_preprocess_page(&$vars)
    $vars['primary_local_tasks'] = menu_primary_local_tasks();
    $vars['secondary_local_tasks'] = menu_secondary_local_tasks();
Esempio n. 22
 * Returns the rendered local tasks. The default implementation renders
 * them as tabs. Overridden to split the secondary tasks.
 * @ingroup themeable
function phptemplate_menu_local_tasks()
    return menu_primary_local_tasks();
Esempio n. 23
function deco_render_content($tabs, $title, $messages, $classes)
    $in_node = strstr($classes, 'page-node') ? TRUE : FALSE;
    $output = '';
    $output .= !empty($title) ? '<h2 class="content-title">' . $title . '</h2>' : '';
    $primary_tabs = menu_primary_local_tasks();
    $tabs = drupal_render($primary_tabs);
    $output .= $tabs ? deco_menu_local_tasks('<ul class="tabs primary">' . $tabs . '</ul>') : '';
    $secondary_tab = menu_secondary_local_tasks();
    $secondary_tabs = drupal_render($secondary_tab);
    $output .= $secondary_tabs ? deco_menu_secondary_local_tasks('<ul class="tabs secondary">' . $secondary_tabs . '</ul>') : '';
    $output .= $messages ? $messages : '';
    return $output;
 * Returns the rendered local tasks. The default implementation renders
 * them as tabs. Overridden to split the secondary tasks.
 * @ingroup themeable
function primer_menu_local_tasks()
    return menu_primary_local_tasks();
Esempio n. 25
* Get all primary tasks including subsets
function _bootstrap_local_tasks($tabs = FALSE)
    if ($tabs == '') {
        return $tabs;
    if (!$tabs) {
        $tabs = menu_primary_local_tasks();
    foreach ($tabs as $key => $element) {
        $result = db_select('menu_router', NULL, array('fetch' => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))->fields('menu_router')->condition('tab_parent', $element['#link']['path'])->condition('context', MENU_CONTEXT_INLINE, '<>')->condition('type', array(MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK, MENU_LOCAL_TASK), 'IN')->orderBy('weight')->orderBy('title')->execute();
        $router_item = menu_get_item($element['#link']['href']);
        $map = $router_item['original_map'];
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($result as $item) {
            _menu_translate($item, $map, TRUE);
            //only add items that we have access to
            if ($item['tab_parent'] && $item['access']) {
                //set path to that of parent for the first item
                if ($i === 0) {
                    $item['href'] = $element['#link']['href'];
                if (current_path() == $item['href']) {
                    $tabs[$key][] = array('#theme' => 'menu_local_task', '#link' => $item, '#active' => TRUE);
                } else {
                    $tabs[$key][] = array('#theme' => 'menu_local_task', '#link' => $item);
                //only count items we have access to.
    return $tabs;
Esempio n. 26
 * Renders the local tasks.
 * The default implementation renders them as tabs. Overridden to split the
 * secondary tasks.
 * @return string
 *   The rendered local tasks.
function nitobe_menu_local_tasks()
    return menu_primary_local_tasks();
Esempio n. 27
 * Override of theme_menu_local_tasks().
 * Add argument to allow primary/secondary local tasks to be printed
 * separately. Use theme_links() markup to consolidate.
function tao_menu_local_tasks($type = '')
    if ($primary = menu_primary_local_tasks()) {
        $primary = "<ul class='links primary-tabs'>{$primary}</ul>";
    if ($secondary = menu_secondary_local_tasks()) {
        $secondary = "<ul class='links secondary-tabs'>{$secondary}</ul>";
    switch ($type) {
        case 'primary':
            return $primary;
        case 'secondary':
            return $secondary;
            return $primary . $secondary;
Esempio n. 28
 * Returns the rendered local tasks. The default implementation renders
 * them as tabs. Overridden to split the secondary tasks.
function garland_menu_local_tasks()
    return menu_primary_local_tasks();
Esempio n. 29
 * Returns the rendered local tasks. The default implementation renders
 * them as tabs. Overridden to split the secondary tasks.
 * @ingroup themeable
function rootcandy_menu_local_tasks()
    return menu_primary_local_tasks();
Esempio n. 30
 * Implementation of theme_menu_local_tasks().
function csa_base_menu_local_tasks()
    $output = '';
    if ($primary = menu_primary_local_tasks()) {
        $output .= "<ul class=\"tabs primary\">\n" . $primary . "</ul>\n";
    if ($secondary = menu_secondary_local_tasks()) {
        $output .= "</div>\n<div class=\"tabs secondary\">";
        $output .= "<ul class=\"tabs secondary\">\n" . $secondary . "</ul>\n";
    return $output;