Esempio n. 1
// Who's online
// $online_users_listing_mode = 0 (default) : only total numer of users online
// $online_users_listing_mode = 1  : username of users
// $online_users_listing_mode = 2  : username and email of users
$online_users_listing_mode = 2;
$online_users = User::get_online_usersFN($id_course_instance, $online_users_listing_mode);
$last_visited_node_id = $userObj->get_last_accessFN($sess_id_course_instance, N);
if (!empty($last_visited_node_id)) {
    $last_node = $dh->get_node_info($last_visited_node_id);
    $last_visited_node_name = $last_node['name'];
    $last_node_visited = "<a href=view.php?id_node={$last_visited_node_id}>" . translateFN("torna") . "</a>";
} else {
    $last_node_visited = "";
// Menu nodi visitati per periodo
$menu = menu_detailsFN();
$menu .= "<a href=history.php>" . translateFN("cronologia") . "</a><br>";
$menu .= $last_node_visited;
/* 2.
getting todate-information on user
if (is_object($userObj)) {
    if (empty($userObj->error_msg)) {
        $user_messages = $userObj->get_messagesFN($sess_id_user);
        $user_agenda = $userObj->get_agendaFN($sess_id_user);
    } else {
        $user_messages = $userObj->error_msg;
        $user_agenda = translateFN("Nessun'informazione");
} else {
Esempio n. 2
// funzione in history_nodes_visited_FN()
$prehistory .= "<p>";
$prehistory .= $user_historyObj->history_summary_FN();
$prehistory .= "</p>";
// Percentuale nodi visitati (necessita dati che vengono calcolati dalla
// funzione in history_nodes_visited_FN() )
$prehistory .= "<p align=\"center\">";
$prehistory .= translateFN("Percentuale nodi visitati/totale: ");
$nodes_percent = $user_historyObj->history_nodes_visitedpercent_FN() . "%";
$prehistory .= "<b>" . $nodes_percent . "</b>";
$prehistory .= "</p>";
$prehistory .= "<p align=\"center\">";
$prehistory .= "<img src=\"../browsing/include/" . urlencode($nodes_percent) . "\" border=0 align=center>";
$prehistory .= "</p>";
// Tempo di visita nodi
$prehistory .= "<p align=\"center\">";
$prehistory .= translateFN("Tempo totale di visita dei nodi (in ore:minuti): ");
$prehistory .= "<b>" . $user_historyObj->history_nodes_time_FN() . "</b><br>";
// Media di visita nodi
$prehistory .= translateFN("Tempo medio di visita dei nodi (in minuti:secondi): ");
$prehistory .= "<b>" . $user_historyObj->history_nodes_average_FN() . "</b>";
$prehistory .= "</p>";
$history = $prehistory . $history;
$banner = (include ROOT_DIR . '/include/');
$content_dataAr = array('course_title' => $course_title, 'user_name' => $user_name, 'student' => $student_name, 'banner' => $banner, 'level' => $user_level, 'data' => menu_detailsFN($id_student, $id_course_instance, $id_course) . $history, 'status' => $status, 'messages' => $user_messages->getHtml(), 'agenda' => $user_agenda->getHtml());
$menuOptions['id_instance'] = $id_course_instance;
$menuOptions['id_course_instance'] = $id_course_instance;
$menuOptions['id_student'] = $id_student;
$menuOptions['id_course'] = $id_course;
$menuOptions['period'] = $period;
ARE::render($layout_dataAr, $content_dataAr, NULL, NULL, $menuOptions);
Esempio n. 3
         * outputs the data of selected student as an excel file
         * @author giorgio 15/mag/2013
         * commented old code for generating rtf file
        //         header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");    // Date in the past
        //         header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");          // always modified
        //         header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");  // HTTP/1.1
        //         header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
        //         header("Pragma: no-cache");                          // HTTP/1.0
        //         //header("Content-Type: application/");
        //         header("Content-Type: application/rtf");
        //         // header("Content-Length: ".filesize($name));
        //         //   header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=student_".$id_student.".xls"); //????
        //         header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=student_".$id_student.".rtf");
        //         echo $history;
        // header ("Connection: close");
//end switch op
$banner = (include "{$root_dir}/include/");
$home = "<a href=\"tutor.php\">" . translateFN("home") . "</a>";
$bookmark = "<a href=\"../browsing/bookmarks.php\">" . translateFN("bookmarks") . "</a>";
$chat_link = "<a href=\"{$http_root_dir}/comunica/ada_chat.php\" target=_blank>" . translateFN("chat") . "</a>";
$menu_07 = menu_detailsFN($id_student, $id_course_instance, $id_course);
$content_dataAr = array('help' => isset($help) ? $help : '', 'course_title' => $course_title . ', ' . translateFN('iniziato il') . ' ' . $start_date, 'user_name' => $user_name, 'user_type' => $user_type, 'status' => $status, 'banner' => $banner, 'home' => $home, 'bookmark' => $bookmark, 'last_visit' => '', 'student' => $student_name, 'chat_link' => $chat_link, 'history' => $history, 'menu_07' => isset($menu_07) ? $menu_07 : '', 'menu_08' => isset($menu_08) ? $menu_08 : '', 'messages' => $user_messages->getHtml(), 'agenda' => $user_agenda->getHtml());
$menuOptions['id_course_instance'] = $id_course_instance;
$menuOptions['id_instance'] = $id_course_instance;
$menuOptions['id_student'] = $id_student;
ARE::render($layout_dataAr, $content_dataAr, NULL, NULL, $menuOptions);