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//Select Maximum Loan Principal from SETTINGS $sql_maxLP = "SELECT set_value FROM settings WHERE set_short = 'MaxLP'"; $query_maxLP = mysql_query($sql_maxLP); check_sql($query_maxLP); $maxLP = mysql_fetch_row($query_maxLP); ?> <html> <?php htmlHead('Settings | General Settings', 1); ?> <body> <!-- MENU HEADER & TABS --> <?php include 'menu_header.php'; menu_Tabs(6); ?> <!-- MENU MAIN --> <div id="menu_main"> <a href="admin_genset.php" id="item_selected">General Settings</a> <a href="admin_fees.php">Fees</a> <a href="admin_user.php">Users</a> <a href="admin_ugroup.php">Usergroups</a> <a href="admin_logrec.php">Log Records</a> </div> <!-- LEFT SIDE: General Settings --> <div class="content_left" style="width:50%; margin-bottom:5em;"> <p class="heading" style="margin-top:2em; margin-bottom:.8em;">Currency Abbreviation</p> <form action="admin_genset.php" method="post">
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$_SESSION['rep_exp_title'] = $rep_year . '-' . $rep_month . '_loans-active'; //Select Active Loans from LOANS $sql_loans = "SELECT * FROM loans, customer, loanstatus WHERE loans.cust_id = customer.cust_id AND loans.loanstatus_id = loanstatus.loanstatus_id AND loans.loanstatus_id = 2 ORDER BY loan_dateout, loans.cust_id"; $query_loans = mysql_query($sql_loans); check_sql($query_loans); ?> <html> <?php htmlHead('Active Loans', 1); ?> <body> <!-- MENU HEADER & TABS --> <?php include 'menu_header.php'; menu_Tabs(3); ?> <!-- MENU MAIN --> <div id="menu_main"> <a href="loan_search.php">Search</a> <a href="loans_act.php" id="item_selected">Active Loans</a> <a href="loans_pend.php">Pending Loans</a> </div> <!-- CONTENT --> <div class="content-center"> <!-- Export Button --> <form class="export" action="rep_export.php" method="post"> <input type="submit" name="export_rep" value="Export Active Loans" />
$sql_subscrdef = "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE cust_active = 1 AND cust_lastsub < {$last_subscr} ORDER BY cust_lastsub, cust_id"; $query_subscrdef = mysql_query($sql_subscrdef); check_sql($query_subscrdef); ?> <html> <!-- HTML HEAD --> <?php htmlHead('Microfinance Management', 1); ?> <body> <!-- MENU HEADER & TABS --> <?php include 'menu_header.php'; menu_Tabs(1); ?> <!-- MENU MAIN --> <div id="menu_main"> <a href="cust_search.php">Search Customers</a> <a href="cust_new.php">New Customer</a> <a href="loan_search.php">Search Loans</a> </div> <!-- LEFT SIDE: Overdue Subscription Fees --> <div class="content_left" style="width:50%;"> <table id="tb_table"> <colgroup> <col width="20%"> <col width="60%"> <col width="20%">
fail += validateAmount(form.inc_amount.value) fail += validateReceipt(form.inc_receipt.value) if (fail == "") return true else { alert(fail); return false } } </script> <script src="functions_validate.js"></script> <script src="function_randCheck.js"></script> </head> <body> <!-- MENU HEADER & TABS --> <?php include 'menu_header.php'; menu_Tabs(4); ?> <!-- MENU MAIN --> <div id="menu_main"> <a href="start.php">Back</a> <a href="expendit_new.php">New Expenditure</a> <a href="income_new.php" id="item_selected">New Income</a> </div> <!-- LEFT SIDE: Form for entering new expenditure --> <div class="content_left"> <p class="heading_narrow">New Income</p> <form action="income_new.php" method="post" onSubmit="return validate(this)">