function doEverything($session) { $user = $session->getSessionedUser(); $current_timestamp = time(); $yesterday = $current_timestamp - 1 * 24 * 60 * 60; $last_week = $current_timestamp - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; $last_month = $current_timestamp - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60; $last_year = $current_timestamp - 365 * 24 * 60 * 60; //$updatesQuery = "SELECT * FROM social.updates WHERE guid='{$user->guid}' AND pubDate > '$last_week'"; $updatesQuery = "SELECT * FROM social.updates(100) WHERE guid='{$user->guid}'"; $updates = $session->query($updatesQuery); //error_log(print_r(countUpdatesPerGuid($updates), true)); /*error_log($updates->query->count); error_log($updates->query->results->update[0]->profile_nickname); error_log($updates->query->results->update[0]->profile_guid); error_log($updates->query->results->update[0]->profile_displayImage); */ //print_r($updates); // Fetch the updates for the contacts of the current user. $contactUpdatesQuery = "select * from social.contacts.updates(0,10) where guid=me and updates='100';"; //select * from social.connections.updates(0,100) where guid='{$user->guid}' AND updates = '200'"; $mem_key_contacts = "contacts:v9:updates:{$user->guid}"; $contactUpdates = mem_get($mem_key_contacts); if (!$contactUpdates) { $contactUpdates = $session->query($contactUpdatesQuery); mem_set($mem_key_contacts, $contactUpdates, 3600); } // print_r($contactUpdates); $distinct_sources = array(); $distinct_sources[0] = array(); $allMyUpdates = countUpdatesForMe($updates, &$distinct_sources[0]); // error_log(print_r($allMyUpdates,true)); $distinct_sources1 = array(); $allContactUpdates = countUpdatesPerGuid($contactUpdates, &$distinct_sources1); $allDistinctSources = array_merge($distinct_sources, $distinct_sources1); $allUpdates = array_merge($allMyUpdates, $allContactUpdates); // error_log(print_r($allMyUpdates, true)); // error_log(print_r($allContactUpdates, true)); $badges = getMyBadges1($distinct_sources); foreach ($allUpdates as $key => $person) { // $badges = getMyBadges($person['guid'], $session); if (count($allDistinctSources[$key]) >= 8) { $badges = array_merge($badges, array("socialite" => count($allDistinctSources[$key]))); } $allUpdates[$key]['badges'] = $badges; break; } foreach ($allUpdates as $key => $person) { $newkey = $person['count'] * 100 + $key; $newallUpdates[$newkey] = $person; } // return ($newallUpdates); //$badges = getMyBadges($user->guid,$session); //echo json_encode($badges); // $badges = getMyBadges($user->guid, $session); // return $badges; sendVitality($user, $session, $badges); return $newallUpdates; }
/** * 检查 token 对应的用户是否有权限访问接口 * * @param string $token 用于API权限验证的 token * @param string $action 控制器类名及方法(不包含命名空间) * @param \App\Http\Request $req HTTP 请求对象 * @return array */ public function valid_token($token, $action, &$req = null) : array { if (!$token || strlen($token) !== 32) { return [-101, '请提供有效的 token']; } $dateline = time(); $uid = mem_get('api_' . $token); if ($uid === false) { $m_al = new ApiLogin(); $api_login = $m_al->find(['token' => $token, 'dateline >=' => $dateline - self::CACHE_TIME], 'uid, token, dateline'); if ($api_login) { $uid = $api_login['uid']; mem_set('api_' . $token, $uid, self::CACHE_TIME); } else { return [-102, 'token不匹配']; } } // 检查权限 $key_rights = 'api_rights_' . $uid; $key_allowed_ip = 'api_allowed_ip_' . $uid; $uid_rights = mem_get($key_rights); $allowed_ip = mem_get($key_allowed_ip); if ($uid_rights === false) { $m_au = new ApiUser(); $api_user = $m_au->find(['uid' => $uid], 'rights, allowed_ip'); if (!$api_user) { return [-103, 'token 对应的用户不存在']; } $uid_rights = $api_user['rights']; $allowed_ip = $api_user['allowed_ip']; mem_set($key_rights, $uid_rights, self::CACHE_TIME); mem_set($key_allowed_ip, $allowed_ip, self::CACHE_TIME); } list($controller, $method) = explode(':', $action, 2); if (!$this->check_rights($uid_rights, $controller, $method)) { return [-104, '您没有权限访问该接口']; } // 检查IP是否允许 $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if ($allowed_ip && strpos($allowed_ip, $ip) === false) { return [-105, '您的IP无权限访问接口']; } $req = $this->set_extra_args($req, $uid_rights, $action); return [0, $uid]; }
function query_cache($sql, $cache_key = '', $cache_time = '3600', $isupdate = '0') { $is_cache = 0; $t1 = microtime(1); if ($cache_key) { if (strpos($cache_key, '_')) { $mem_sql_key = $cache_key; } else { $mem_sql_key = $cache_key . "_" . md5($sql); } } else { $mem_sql_key = md5($sql); } $arrs = mem_get($mem_sql_key); if (!is_array($arrs) || $isupdate) { if ($isupdate) { unset($arrs); if ($isupdate == 2) { mem_delete($mem_sql_key); return; } } if (!$this->link) { $this->connect(); } $arrs = array(); if ($query = mysqli_query($this->link, $sql)) { if ($mem_sql_key == $cache_key) { $arrs = $this->fetch_array($query); } else { while ($arr = $this->fetch_array($query)) { $arrs[] = $arr; } } /****add by jeffy.woo*****/ } else { $this->halt('MySQL Query Error', $sql); /****add by jeffy.woo*****/ } mem_set($mem_sql_key, $arrs, $cache_time); } else { $is_cache = 1; } if (isset($_COOKIE['admin_auth']) || ENV != 'prod') { $t2 = microtime(1); $spendtime = number_format(($t2 - $t1) * 1000, 1); if ($is_cache) { $this->query_cache_num++; $this->query_cache_time += $spendtime; $this->queryinfo .= $spendtime . "ms --- Cache {$sql}<br>"; } else { $this->query_db_num++; $this->query_db_time += $spendtime; $this->queryinfo .= $spendtime . "ms --- {$sql}<br>"; } } return $arrs; }
include_once "conn.memcache.php"; include "track.php"; // Define constants to store your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. define("CONSUMER_KEY", "dj0yJmk9T1BHckVOWmVWZWJNJmQ9WVdrOU4wSk9VbXQwTkRJbWNHbzlNVGsyTkRZeU5qSS0mcz1jb25zdW1lcnNlY3JldCZ4PTdl"); define("CONSUMER_SECRET", "c42a4292e6ebdeca8fa69dd12d0480e636140346"); define("APP_ID", "7BNRkt42"); // Enable debugging. Errors are reported to Web server's error log. // YahooLogger::setDebug(true); // Initializes session and redirects user to Yahoo! to sign in and // then authorize app $yahoo_session = YahooSession::requireSession(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, APP_ID); if ($yahoo_session == NULL) { fatal_error("yahoo_session"); } $fren_updates_key = "fren:v1:updates"; $fren_updates = mem_get($fren_updates_key); if (!$fren_updates) { $data_orig = $yahoo_session->query('select * from where source="APP.7BNRkt42" limit 10'); $fren_updates = $data_orig->query->results->update; mem_set($fren_updates_key, $fren_updates, 3600); } $leaders = doEverything($yahoo_session); foreach ($leaders as $leader) { $me = $leader; break; } $badge_names = array("agg.twitter" => "Tweetoo", "avatars" => "Beharupia", "buzz" => "Buzzooka", "y.mybloglog" => "BloggY!", "socialite" => "Socialite", "newbie1" => "Newbie"); $badge_desc = array("agg.twitter" => "You've shared 5 twitter updates!", "avatars" => "You've creating a Yahoo! avatar", "buzz" => "You've buzed up 3 times", "y.mybloglog" => "You've sharing 10 blog updates", "socialite" => "You've updates from 8 different sources", "newbie1" => "Congrats! On sharing your updates"); krsort($leaders); track($me["nickname"], $me["guid"], $me["count"]); // $me=array("count"=>20);