/** * Output the book event button. * * If you are filtering the mdjm_get_action_buttons function you may need to adjust the array key * within this function. * * @since 1.3 * @param int $event_id The event ID. * @param arr $args Arguments for button display. See $defaults. * @return str The Book Event button */ function mdjm_display_book_event_button($event_id, $args = array()) { if ('mdjm-enquiry' != mdjm_get_event_status($event_id)) { return; } $buttons = mdjm_get_event_action_buttons($event_id); if (empty($buttons) || empty($buttons[10])) { return; } $book_button = $buttons[10]; $defaults = array('colour' => mdjm_get_option('action_button_colour'), 'label' => $book_button['label'], 'fa' => 'fa fa-thumbs-o-up', 'url' => $book_button['url']); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); $output = sprintf('<a class="mdjm-action-button mdjm-action-button-%s" href="%s">%s</a>', $args['colour'], $args['url'], $args['label']); return apply_filters('mdjm_book_event_button', $output, $event_id, $args); }
{deposit_label}: {deposit} ({deposit_status})<br /> {balance_label} <?php _e('Remaining', 'mobile-dj-manager'); ?> : {balance} </td> </tr> <?php /** * Display event action buttons */ ?> <?php $buttons = mdjm_get_event_action_buttons($mdjm_event->ID, true); ?> <?php $cells = 2; // Number of cells ?> <?php $i = 1; // Counter for the current cell ?> <?php do_action('mdjm_pre_event_loop_action_buttons'); ?> <?php