Esempio n. 1
    // [id], [data] and [long_desc] are only filled in when the meeting
    // should be labeled,  which is once for each meeting on each weekday.
    // Note: weekday here is relative to the $weekstarts configuration variable.
    // If 0, then weekday=0 means Sunday. If 1, weekday=0 means Monday.
    if ($debug_flag) {
        echo "<p>DEBUG: query={$sql}</p>\n";
    $res = sql_query($sql);
    if (!$res) {
        echo sql_error();
    } else {
        for ($i = 0; $row = sql_row_keyed($res, $i); $i++) {
            if ($debug_flag) {
                echo "<p>DEBUG: result {$i}, id " . $row['id'] . ", starts " . $row['start_time'], ", ends " . $row['end_time'] . "</p>\n";
            map_add_booking($row, $week_map[$room][$j], $am7[$j], $pm7[$j], $format);
// Include the active cell content management routines.
// Must be included before the beginnning of the main table.
if ($javascript_cursor) {
    echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"xbLib.js\"></script>\n";
    echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
    echo "//<![CDATA[\n";
    echo "InitActiveCell(" . ($show_plus_link ? "true" : "false") . ", " . "true, " . (FALSE != $row_labels_both_sides ? "true" : "false") . ", " . "\"{$highlight_method}\", " . "\"" . get_vocab("click_to_reserve") . "\"" . ");\n";
    echo "//]]>\n";
    echo "</script>\n";
echo "<table class=\"dwm_main\" id=\"week_main\">";
Esempio n. 2
function week_table_innerhtml($day, $month, $year, $user, $timetohighlight = NULL)
    global $tbl_entry, $tbl_room, $tbl_area;
    global $enable_periods, $periods;
    global $times_along_top, $row_labels_both_sides, $column_labels_both_ends;
    global $resolution, $morningstarts, $morningstarts_minutes, $eveningends, $eveningends_minutes;
    global $weekstarts, $strftime_format;
    global $first_last_width, $column_hidden_width, $hidden_days;
    global $sql_mysqli_conn;
    // Check that we've got a valid, enabled room
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*)\n            FROM users\n           WHERE code='{$user}'\n             AND disabled=0";
    $n_users = sql_mysqli_query1($sql, $sql_mysqli_conn);
    if ($n_users < 0 || $n_users > 1) {
        if ($n_users < 0) {
            // SQL error, probably because the tables haven't been created
            trigger_error(sql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
        } else {
            // Should never happen
            trigger_error("Internal error: multiple rooms with same id", E_USER_WARNING);
        fatal_error(FALSE, get_vocab("fatal_db_error"));
    if ($n_users == 0) {
        // No rooms have been created yet, or else they are all disabled
        // Add an 'empty' data flag so that the JavaScript knows whether this is a real table or not
        return "<tbody data-empty=1><tr><td><h1>" . get_vocab("no_rooms_for_area") . "</h1></td></tr></tbody>";
    // We have a valid room
    $num_of_days = 7;
    // days in a week
    // ensure that $morningstarts_minutes defaults to zero if not set
    if (!isset($morningstarts_minutes)) {
        $morningstarts_minutes = 0;
    if ($enable_periods) {
        $resolution = 60;
        $morningstarts = 12;
        $morningstarts_minutes = 0;
        $eveningends = 12;
        $eveningends_minutes = count($periods) - 1;
    // Calculate how many days to skip back to get to the start of the week
    $time = mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
    $skipback = day_of_MRBS_week($time);
    $day_start_week = $day - $skipback;
    // We will use $day for links and $day_start_week for anything to do with showing the bookings,
    // because we want the booking display to start on the first day of the week (eg Sunday if $weekstarts is 0)
    // but we want to preserve the notion of the current day (or 'sticky day') when switching between pages
    // Define the start and end of each day of the week in a way which is not
    // affected by daylight saving...
    for ($j = 0; $j <= $num_of_days - 1; $j++) {
        $am7[$j] = get_start_first_slot($month, $day_start_week + $j, $year);
        $pm7[$j] = get_start_last_slot($month, $day_start_week + $j, $year);
        // Work out whether there's a possibility that a time slot is invalid,
        // in other words whether the booking day includes a transition into DST.
        // If we know that there's a transition into DST then some of the slots are
        // going to be invalid.   Knowing whether or not there are possibly invalid slots
        // saves us bothering to do the detailed calculations of which slots are invalid.
        $is_possibly_invalid[$j] = !$enable_periods && is_possibly_invalid($am7[$j], $pm7[$j]);
    // Just so that we pick up any accidental attempt to use it later
    // Get all appointments for this week in the room that we care about.
    // row['room_id'] = Room ID
    // row['start_time'] = Start time
    // row['end_time'] = End time
    // row['type'] = Entry type
    // row['name'] = Entry name (brief description)
    // row['entry_id'] = Entry ID
    // row['entry_description'] = Complete description
    // row['status'] = status code
    // row['entry_create_by'] = User who created entry
    // This data will be retrieved day-by-day
    $week_map = array();
    for ($j = 0; $j <= $num_of_days - 1; $j++) {
        $sql = "SELECT user, start_time, end_time, type, number, repeat_id,\n                   id AS entry_id\n              FROM times\n             WHERE user = '******'\n               AND start_time <= {$pm7[$j]} AND end_time > {$am7[$j]}\n          ORDER BY start_time";
        // necessary so that multiple bookings appear in the right order
        // Each row returned from the query is a meeting. Build an array of the
        // form:  $week_map[room][weekday][slot][x], where x = id, color, data, long_desc.
        // [slot] is based at 000 (HHMM) for midnight, but only slots within
        // the hours of interest (morningstarts : eveningends) are filled in.
        // [id], [data] and [long_desc] are only filled in when the meeting
        // should be labeled,  which is once for each meeting on each weekday.
        // Note: weekday here is relative to the $weekstarts configuration variable.
        // If 0, then weekday=0 means Sunday. If 1, weekday=0 means Monday.
        $res = sql_query($sql);
        if (!$res) {
            trigger_error(sql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
            fatal_error(TRUE, get_vocab("fatal_db_error"));
        } else {
            for ($i = 0; $row = sql_row_keyed($res, $i); $i++) {
                map_add_booking($row, $week_map[0][$j], $am7[$j], $pm7[$j]);
    // for ($j = 0; ...
    // Just so that we pick up any accidental attempt to use it later
    $n_time_slots = get_n_time_slots();
    $morning_slot_seconds = ($morningstarts * 60 + $morningstarts_minutes) * 60;
    $evening_slot_seconds = $morning_slot_seconds + ($n_time_slots - 1) * $resolution;
    $thead = "<thead>\n";
    $header_inner = "<tr>\n";
    $dformat = "%a<br>" . $strftime_format['daymonth'];
    // If we've got a table with times along the top then put everything on the same line
    // (ie replace the <br> with a space).   It looks slightly better
    if ($times_along_top) {
        $dformat = preg_replace("/<br>/", " ", $dformat);
    // We can display the table in two ways
    if ($times_along_top) {
        // with times along the top and days of the week down the side
        $first_last_html = '<th class="first_last" style="width: ' . $first_last_width . '%">' . get_vocab('date') . ":</th>\n";
        $header_inner .= $first_last_html;
        $column_width = get_main_column_width($n_time_slots);
        for ($s = $morning_slot_seconds; $s <= $evening_slot_seconds; $s += $resolution) {
            // Put the seconds since the start of the day (nominal, not adjusted for DST)
            // into a data attribute so that it can be picked up by JavaScript
            $header_inner .= "<th data-seconds=\"{$s}\" style=\"width: {$column_width}%\">";
            // We need the span so that we can apply some padding.   We can't apply it
            // to the <th> because that is used by jQuery.offset() in resizable bookings
            $header_inner .= "<span>";
            if ($enable_periods) {
                $header_inner .= period_name($s);
            } else {
                $header_inner .= hour_min($s);
            $header_inner .= "</span>";
            $header_inner .= "</th>\n";
        // next: line to display times on right side
        if (!empty($row_labels_both_sides)) {
            $header_inner .= $first_last_html;
    } else {
        // the standard view, with days along the top and times down the side
        $first_last_html = '<th class="first_last" style="width: ' . $first_last_width . '%">' . ($enable_periods ? get_vocab('period') : get_vocab('time')) . ':</th>';
        $header_inner .= $first_last_html;
        $column_width = get_main_column_width($num_of_days, count($hidden_days));
        for ($j = 0; $j <= $num_of_days - 1; $j++) {
            $t = mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, $day_start_week + $j, $year);
            $date = date('Y-n-d', $t);
            if (is_hidden_day(($j + $weekstarts) % 7)) {
                // These days are to be hidden in the display (as they are hidden, just give the
                // day of the week in the header row
                $style = $column_hidden_width == 0 ? 'display: none' : 'width: ' . $column_hidden_width . '%';
                $header_inner .= '<th class="hidden_day" style="' . $style . '">' . utf8_strftime($strftime_format['dayname_cal'], $t) . "</th>\n";
            } else {
                // Put the date into a data attribute so that it can be picked up by JavaScript
                $header_inner .= '<th data-date="' . $date . '" style="width: ' . $column_width . '%>' . '<a href="day.php?year=' . strftime("%Y", $t) . '&amp;month=' . strftime("%m", $t) . '&amp;day=' . strftime('%d', $t) . '&amp;area=' . $area . ' title="' . get_vocab('viewday') . '">' . utf8_strftime($dformat, $t) . "</a></th>\n";
        // for ($j = 0 ...
        // Just so that we pick up any accidental attempt to use it later
        // next line to display times on right side
        if (!empty($row_labels_both_sides)) {
            $header_inner .= $first_last_html;
    // end standard view (for the header)
    $header_inner .= "</tr>\n";
    $thead .= $header_inner;
    $thead .= "</thead>\n";
    // Now repeat the header in a footer if required
    $tfoot = $column_labels_both_ends ? "<tfoot>\n{$header_inner}</tfoot>\n" : '';
    $tbody = "<tbody>\n";
    // URL for highlighting a time. Don't use REQUEST_URI or you will get
    // the timetohighlight parameter duplicated each time you click.
    $base_url = "temp.php?year={$year}&amp;month={$month}&amp;day={$day}&amp;area={$area}&amp;room={$room}";
    $row_class = "even_row";
    // We can display the table in two ways
    if ($times_along_top) {
        // with times along the top and days of the week down the side
        // See note above: weekday==0 is day $weekstarts, not necessarily Sunday.
        for ($thisday = 0; $thisday <= $num_of_days - 1; $thisday++, $row_class = $row_class == "even_row" ? "odd_row" : "even_row") {
            if (is_hidden_day(($thisday + $weekstarts) % 7)) {
                // These days are to be hidden in the display: don't display a row
                // Toggle the row class back to keep it in sequence
                $row_class = $row_class == "even_row" ? "odd_row" : "even_row";
            } else {
                $tbody .= "<tr class=\"{$row_class}\">\n";
                $wt = mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, $day_start_week + $thisday, $year);
                $wday = date("d", $wt);
                $wmonth = date("m", $wt);
                $wyear = date("Y", $wt);
                $wdate = date('Y-n-d', $wt);
                $day_cell_text = utf8_strftime($dformat, $wt);
                $day_cell_link = "day.php?year=" . strftime("%Y", $wt) . "&amp;month=" . strftime("%m", $wt) . "&amp;day=" . strftime("%d", $wt) . "&amp;area={$area}";
                $tbody .= day_cell_html($day_cell_text, $day_cell_link, $wdate);
                for ($s = $morning_slot_seconds; $s <= $evening_slot_seconds; $s += $resolution) {
                    $is_invalid = $is_possibly_invalid[$thisday] && is_invalid_datetime(0, 0, $s, $wmonth, $wday, $wyear);
                    // set up the query strings to be used for the link in the cell
                    $query_strings = get_query_strings($user, $wmonth, $wday, $wyear, $s);
                    // and then draw the cell
                    if (!isset($week_map[0][$thisday][$s])) {
                        $week_map[0][$thisday][$s] = array();
                        // to avoid an undefined index NOTICE error
                    $tbody .= cell_html($week_map[0][$thisday][$s], $query_strings, $is_invalid);
                // end looping through the time slots
                if (FALSE != $row_labels_both_sides) {
                    $tbody .= day_cell_html($day_cell_text, $day_cell_link, $wdate);
                $tbody .= "</tr>\n";
        // end looping through the days of the week
    } else {
        // the standard view, with days of the week along the top and times down the side
        for ($s = $morning_slot_seconds; $s <= $evening_slot_seconds; $s += $resolution, $row_class = $row_class == "even_row" ? "odd_row" : "even_row") {
            // Show the time linked to the URL for highlighting that time:
            $class = $row_class;
            if (isset($timetohighlight) && $s == $timetohighlight) {
                $class .= " row_highlight";
                $url = $base_url;
            } else {
                $url = $base_url . "&amp;timetohighlight={$s}";
            $tbody .= "<tr class=\"{$class}\">";
            $tbody .= time_cell_html($s, $url);
            // See note above: weekday==0 is day $weekstarts, not necessarily Sunday.
            for ($thisday = 0; $thisday <= $num_of_days - 1; $thisday++) {
                if (is_hidden_day(($thisday + $weekstarts) % 7)) {
                    // These days are to be hidden in the display
                    $tbody .= "<td class=\"hidden_day\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
                } else {
                    // set up the query strings to be used for the link in the cell
                    $wt = mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, $day_start_week + $thisday, $year);
                    $wday = date("d", $wt);
                    $wmonth = date("m", $wt);
                    $wyear = date("Y", $wt);
                    $is_invalid = $is_possibly_invalid[$thisday] && is_invalid_datetime(0, 0, $s, $wmonth, $wday, $wyear);
                    $query_strings = get_query_strings($user, $wmonth, $wday, $wyear, $s);
                    // and then draw the cell
                    if (!isset($week_map[0][$thisday][$s])) {
                        $week_map[0][$thisday][$s] = array();
                        // to avoid an undefined index NOTICE error
                    $tbody .= cell_html($week_map[0][$thisday][$s], $query_strings, $is_invalid);
            // for loop
            // next lines to display times on right side
            if (FALSE != $row_labels_both_sides) {
                $tbody .= time_cell_html($s, $url);
            $tbody .= "</tr>\n";
    // end standard view (for the body)
    $tbody .= "</tbody>\n";
    return $thead . $tfoot . $tbody;
Esempio n. 3
if (!$res) {
    fatal_error(0, sql_error());
$today = array();
for ($i = 0; $row = sql_row_keyed($res, $i); $i++) {
    // Each row we've got here is an appointment.
    //  row['room_id'] = Room ID
    //  row['start_time'] = start time
    //  row['end_time'] = end time
    //  row['name'] = short description
    //  row['entry_id'] = id of this booking
    //  row['type'] = type (internal/external)
    //  row['entry_description'] = description
    //  row['entry_private'] = if entry is private
    //  row['entry_create_by'] = Creator/owner of entry
    map_add_booking($row, $today[$row['room_id']][$day], $am7, $pm7, $format);
if ($debug_flag) {
    echo "<p>DEBUG:<pre>\n";
    echo "\$dst_change = {$dst_change}\n";
    echo "\$am7 = {$am7} or " . date($format, $am7) . "\n";
    echo "\$pm7 = {$pm7} or " . date($format, $pm7) . "\n";
    if (gettype($today) == "array") {
        while (list($w_k, $w_v) = each($today)) {
            while (list($t_k, $t_v) = each($w_v)) {
                while (list($k_k, $k_v) = each($t_v)) {
                    echo "d[{$w_k}][{$t_k}][{$k_k}] = '{$k_v}'\n";
    } else {