function get_podcast($podcast)
    global $CFG;
    // Podcast Reader
    echo '<div align="center" style="font-size:12px;">';
    // Title
    echo "<h2 align='center'><img src='icon.gif' alt='Podcast' /> " . stripslashes($podcast->name) . "</h2>";
    // General
    echo "<div style='width:270px;float:left;'>";
    echo "<p style='text-align:center;' ><a href='{$podcast->image_url}'><img src='{$podcast->image_img}' alt='" . stripslashes($podcast->name) . "' /></a></p>";
    // Description
Esempio n. 2
$charge = $r['amount'] + $r['fee'];
$post = array();
$post['appid'] = $PAY[$bank]['appid'];
$post['mch_id'] = $PAY[$bank]['partnerid'];
$post['nonce_str'] = random(32);
$post['body'] = $charge_title ? $charge_title : '会员(' . $_username . ')充值(流水号:' . $orderid . ')';
$post['body'] = convert($post['body'], DT_CHARSET, 'UTF-8');
$post['out_trade_no'] = $itemid;
$post['total_fee'] = $charge * 100;
$post['spbill_create_ip'] = $DT_IP;
$post['notify_url'] = DT_PATH . 'api/pay/' . $bank . '/' . ($PAY[$bank]['notify'] ? $PAY[$bank]['notify'] : 'notify.php');
$post['trade_type'] = 'NATIVE';
$post['product_id'] = $itemid;
$post['sign'] = make_sign($post, $PAY[$bank]['keycode']);
$rec = dcurl('', make_xml($post));
#log_write($rec, 'wxr', 1);
if (strpos($rec, 'code_url') !== false) {
    $x = simplexml_load_string($rec, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
} else {
    if (strpos($rec, 'return_msg') !== false) {
        $x = simplexml_load_string($rec, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
        dalert(convert($x->return_msg, 'UTF-8', DT_CHARSET), $MODULE[2]['linkurl'] . 'charge.php?action=record');
    } else {
        dalert('Can Not Connect weixin', $MODULE[2]['linkurl'] . 'charge.php?action=record');
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=<?php 
Esempio n. 3
 } elseif ($reportid == -2) {
     // tab headers
     $Allfields = getvalues($db, $tableinfo, $fields_table);
     echo make_sheet($db, $Allfields, $tableinfo, $USER['settings']['reportoutput'], $Fieldscomma, "\t", true);
 } elseif ($reportid == -3) {
     // comma headers
     $Allfields = getvalues($db, $tableinfo, $fields_table);
     echo make_sheet($db, $Allfields, $tableinfo, $USER['settings']['reportoutput'], $Fieldscomma, ',', true);
 $counter = 1;
 while ($r && !$r->EOF) {
     $Allfields = getvalues($db, $tableinfo, $fields_table, 'id', $r->fields['id']);
     if ($reportid > 0) {
         echo make_report($db, $template, $Allfields, $tableinfo, $USER['settings']['reportoutput'], $counter);
     } elseif ($reportid == -1) {
         echo make_xml($db, $Allfields, $tableinfo);
     } elseif ($reportid == -2) {
         echo make_sheet($db, $Allfields, $tableinfo, $USER['settings']['reportoutput'], $Fieldscomma, "\t", false);
     } elseif ($reportid == -3) {
         echo make_sheet($db, $Allfields, $tableinfo, $USER['settings']['reportoutput'], $Fieldscomma, ',', false);
 if ($reportid > 0) {
     foreach ($Allfields as $column) {
         if ($column['name']) {
             //$sums is defined as global in function make_reports.  It sums whatever it finds while looping through the records it displays. All occurences of '&fieldname' in the footer will be replaced with the sum of the rows.
             $footer = str_replace("&" . $column['name'], $sums[$column['name']], $footer);