function get_survey_old() { // delivers an XML version of an entire survey // display will be handled client side global $conn; global $instance_id; global $examiner_id; global $examinee_id; $query_params[0] = intval($instance_id); $query_params[1] = intval($examiner_id); $query_params[2] = intval($examinee_id); //$query_params[3] = $instance_id; $qry = "{call EDUC\\banghart.sp_get_survey(?,?,?)}"; $rst = sqlsrv_query($conn, $qry, $query_params); if (($errors = sqlsrv_errors()) != null) { foreach ($errors as $error) { echo "SQLSTATE: " . $error['SQLSTATE'] . "\n"; echo "code: " . $error['code'] . "\n"; echo "message: " . $error['message'] . "\n"; } die('that is all'); } $doc = new DOMDocument(); $survey_element = $doc->createElement('survey'); $survey_element->setAttribute('id', 1); $survey_element->setAttribute('examiner_id', $examiner_id); $survey_element->setAttribute('examinee_id', $examinee_id); $survey_element->setAttribute('instance_id', $instance_id); $current_item = -1; $in_item = 0; $first_row = 1; $itemSequence = 1; $current_option = -1; while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($rst, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) { if ($first_row == 1) { $first_row = 0; $survey_element->setAttribute('title', $row['template_title']); $survey_element->setAttribute('semester', $row['semester']); $survey_element->setAttribute('year', $row['year']); $survey_element->setAttribute('examiner_name', $row['examiner_first_name'] . ' ' . $row['examiner_last_name']); $survey_element->setAttribute('examinee_name', $row['examinee_first_name'] . ' ' . $row['examinee_last_name']); $survey_description = $doc->createElement('description'); $description_text_node = $doc->createTextNode($row['template_description']); $survey_description->appendChild($description_text_node); $survey_element->appendChild($survey_description); } if ($row['item_id'] != $current_item) { $text_response_sequence = 1; $current_item = $row['item_id']; if ($in_item == 1) { $survey_element->appendChild($item_element); } $in_item = 1; $item_element = $doc->createElement('item'); $item_element->setAttribute('item_id', $row['item_id']); $item_element->setAttribute('sequence', $itemSequence); $itemSequence++; $prompt_element = $doc->createElement('prompt'); $prompt_text_node = $doc->createTextNode($row['prompt']); $prompt_element->appendChild($prompt_text_node); $item_element->appendChild($prompt_element); $description_element = $doc->createElement('description'); $description_text_node = $doc->createTextNode($row['description']); $description_element->appendChild($description_text_node); $item_element->appendChild($description_element); $text_response_element = make_text_response($doc, $row); $text_response_element->setAttribute('label', 'strength'); $item_element->appendChild($text_response_element); $text_response_sequence++; $option_element = make_item_option($doc, $row); $current_option = $row['option_id']; $item_element->appendChild($option_element); } else { if ($text_response_sequence < 3) { $text_response_sequence++; $text_response_element = make_text_response($doc, $row); $text_response_element->setAttribute('label', 'weakness'); $item_element->appendChild($text_response_element); } if ($current_option != $row['option_id']) { $current_option = $row['option_id']; $option_element = make_item_option($doc, $row); $item_element->appendChild($option_element); } } } if ($in_item == 1) { $survey_element->appendChild($item_element); } header("Content-Type:text/xml"); //echo '<test>' . $examinee_id . '</test>'; echo $doc->saveXML($survey_element); }
$echostr = $_GET["echostr"]; $token = TOKEN; $arr = array($token, $timestamp, $nonce); sort($arr); $str = sha1(implode($arr)); if ($str != $signature) { error_log("Validation failed"); } echo $echostr; } else { // wechat message handling $poststr = $GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"]; if (!empty($poststr)) { $xml = simplexml_load_string($poststr, "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_NOCDATA); switch (trim($xml->MsgType)) { case "event": echo make_text_response($xml->ToUserName, $xml->FromUserName, "unknown event"); break; case "text": echo get_tuling_chat_response($xml->ToUserName, $xml->FromUserName, $xml->Content); break; case "voice": case "video": case "location": case "link": default: echo make_text_response($xml->ToUserName, $xml->FromUserName, "发文字,别的不懂!"); break; } } }
function get_tuling_chat_response($from, $to, $text) { $url = ""; $key = "d812d695a5e0df258df952698faca6cc"; // return file_get_contents("$url?key=$key&info=" . urlencode($text)); $json = json_decode(file_get_contents("{$url}?key={$key}&info=" . urlencode($text)), true); if ($json["code"] < 40000) { return make_text_response($from, $to, "图灵机器人脑残中"); } $item = "<item><Title><![CDATA[%s]]></Title>" . "<Description><![CDATA[%s]]></Description>" . "<PicUrl><![CDATA[%s]]></PicUrl>" . "<Url><![CDATA[%s]]></Url></item>"; switch ($json["code"]) { case "200000": return make_text_response($from, $to, $json["text"] . ",<a href=\"" . $json["url"] . "\">点击进入</a>"); break; case "301000": foreach ($json["list"] as $info) { // $articles []= array( // "Title" => $info["name"], // "Description" => $info["author"], // "PicUrl" => $info["icon"], // "Url" => $info["detailurl"] // ); $items[] = sprintf($item, $info["name"], $info["author"], $info["icon"], $info["detailurl"]); } break; case "302000": foreach ($json["list"] as $info) { // $articles []= array( // "Title" => $info["article"], // "Description" => $info["source"], // "PicUrl" => $info["icon"], // "Url" => $info["detailurl"] // ); $items[] = sprintf($item, $info["article"], $info["source"], $info["icon"], $info["detailurl"]); } break; case "304000": foreach ($json["list"] as $info) { // $articles []= array( // "Title" => $info["name"], // "Description" => $info["count"], // "PicUrl" => $info["icon"], // "Url" => $info["detailurl"] // ); $items[] = sprintf($item, $info["name"], $info["count"], $info["icon"], $info["detailurl"]); } break; case "305000": foreach ($json["list"] as $info) { // $articles []= array( // "Title" => $info["start"] . "--" . $info["terminal"], // "Description" => $info["starttime"] . "--" . $info["endtime"], // "PicUrl" => $info["icon"], // "Url" => $info["detailurl"] // ); $items[] = sprintf($item, $info["start"] . "--" . $info["terminal"], $info["starttime"] . "--" . $info["endtime"], $info["icon"], $info["detailurl"]); } break; case "306000": foreach ($json["list"] as $info) { // $articles []= array( // "Title" => $info["flight"] . "--" . $info["route"], // "Description" => $info["starttime"] . "--" . $info["endtime"], // "PicUrl" => $info["icon"], // "Url" => $info["detailurl"] // ); $items[] = sprintf($item, $info["flight"] . "--" . $info["route"], $info["starttime"] . "--" . $info["endtime"], $info["icon"], $info["detailurl"]); } break; case "307000": case "308000": foreach ($json["list"] as $info) { // $articles []= array( // "Title" => $info["name"], // "Description" => $info["info"], // "PicUrl" => $info["icon"], // "Url" => $info["detailurl"] // ); $items[] = sprintf($item, $info["name"], $info["info"], $info["icon"], $info["detailurl"]); } break; case "309000": foreach ($json["list"] as $info) { // $articles []= array( // "Title" => $info["name"], // "Description" => "价格: " . $info["price"] . "满意度: " . $info["satisfaction"], // "PicUrl" => $info["icon"], // "Url" => $info["detailurl"] // ); $items[] = sprintf($item, $info["name"], "价格: " . $info["price"] . "满意度: " . $info["satisfaction"], $info["icon"], $info["detailurl"]); } break; case "310000": foreach ($json["list"] as $info) { // $articles []= array( // "Title" => $info["number"], // "Description" => $info["info"], // "PicUrl" => $info["icon"], // "Url" => $info["detailurl"] // ); $items[] = sprintf($item, $info["number"], $info["info"], $info["icon"], $info["detailurl"]); } break; case "311000": case "312000": foreach ($json["list"] as $info) { // $articles []= array( // "Title" => $info["name"], // "Description" => "价格: " . $info["price"], // "PicUrl" => $info["icon"], // "Url" => $info["detailurl"] // ); $items[] = sprintf($item, $info["name"], "价格: " . $info["price"], $info["icon"], $info["detailurl"]); } break; default: return make_text_response($from, $to, $json["text"]); break; } return make_news_url($from, $to, $items); }