<?php # Forked from https://github.com/iamcal/php-emoji/commit/847e9e7f149a63694dbc4f2657bd07edbe00ac2d include 'catalog.php'; $items = $emoji_catalog; # # build the final maps # $maps = array(); $maps['names'] = make_names_map($items); $maps['html'] = make_html_map($items); # # output # we could just use var_dump, but we get 'better' output this way # echo "<" . "?php\n"; echo "/**\n"; echo " * WARNING:\n"; echo " * This code is auto-generated. Do not modify it manually.\n"; echo " * @see https://github.com/justinshreve/emoji-parse-php-array\n"; echo "*/"; echo "\n"; echo "\$emoji_maps = array(\n"; echo "\t'names' => array(\n"; foreach ($maps['names'] as $k => $v) { $key_enc = format_string($k); $name_enc = "'" . AddSlashes($v) . "'"; echo "\t\t{$key_enc} => {$name_enc},\n"; } echo "\t),\n"; foreach ($maps as $k => $v) {
# build the final maps # $maps = array(); $maps['names'] = make_names_map($catalog); $maps['kaomoji'] = get_all_kaomoji($catalog); #fprintf(STDERR, "fix Geta Mark () '〓' (U+3013)\n"); #$catalog = fix_geta_mark($catalog); $maps["unified_to_docomo"] = make_mapping($catalog, 'docomo'); $maps["unified_to_kddi"] = make_mapping($catalog, 'au'); $maps["unified_to_softbank"] = make_mapping($catalog, 'softbank'); $maps["unified_to_google"] = make_mapping($catalog, 'google'); $maps["docomo_to_unified"] = make_mapping_flip($catalog, 'docomo'); $maps["kddi_to_unified"] = make_mapping_flip($catalog, 'au'); $maps["softbank_to_unified"] = make_mapping_flip($catalog, 'softbank'); $maps["google_to_unified"] = make_mapping_flip($catalog, 'google'); $maps["unified_to_html"] = make_html_map($catalog); # # output # we could just use var_dump, but we get 'better' output this way # echo "<" . "?php\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\t#\n"; echo "\t# WARNING:\n"; echo "\t# This code is auto-generated. Do not modify it manually.\n"; echo "\t#\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\t\$GLOBALS['emoji_maps'] = array(\n"; echo "\t\t'names' => array(\n"; foreach ($maps['names'] as $k => $v) { $key_enc = format_string($k);
# build the final maps # $maps = array(); $maps['names'] = make_names_map($items); $maps['kaomoji'] = get_all_kaomoji($items); #fprintf(STDERR, "fix Geta Mark () '〓' (U+3013)\n"); #$items = fix_geta_mark($items); $maps["unified_to_docomo"] = make_mapping($items, 'docomo'); $maps["unified_to_kddi"] = make_mapping($items, 'au'); $maps["unified_to_softbank"] = make_mapping($items, 'softbank'); $maps["unified_to_google"] = make_mapping($items, 'google'); $maps["docomo_to_unified"] = make_mapping_flip($items, 'docomo'); $maps["kddi_to_unified"] = make_mapping_flip($items, 'au'); $maps["softbank_to_unified"] = make_mapping_flip($items, 'softbank'); $maps["google_to_unified"] = make_mapping_flip($items, 'google'); $maps["unified_to_html"] = make_html_map($items); # # output # we could just use var_dump, but we get 'better' output this way # echo "<" . "?php\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\t#\n"; echo "\t# WARNING:\n"; echo "\t# This code is auto-generated. Do not modify it manually.\n"; echo "\t#\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\t\$GLOBALS['emoji_maps'] = array(\n"; echo "\t\t'names' => array(\n"; foreach ($maps['names'] as $k => $v) { $key_enc = format_string($k);