Esempio n. 1
skin_include('$disp$', array('mediaidx_thumb_size' => $Skin->get_setting('mediaidx_thumb_size'), 'author_link_text' => 'preferredname', 'item_class' => 'evo_post evo_content_block', 'item_type_class' => 'evo_post__ptyp_', 'item_status_class' => 'evo_post__', 'login_page_before' => '<div class="login_block"><div class="evo_details">', 'login_page_after' => '</div></div>', 'register_page_before' => '<div class="login_block"><div class="evo_details">', 'register_page_after' => '</div></div>', 'display_abort_link' => $Blog->get_setting('allow_access') == 'public'));
// Note: you can customize any of the sub templates included here by
// copying the matching php file into your skin directory.
// ------------------------- END OF MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE ---------------------------
		</div><!-- .col -->
	</div><!-- .row -->

if ($disp != 'catdir') {
    // Don't display the pages on disp=catdir because we don't have a limit by page there
    // -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
    mainlist_page_links(array('block_start' => '<div class="nav_pages">', 'block_end' => '</div>', 'prev_text' => '&lt;&lt;', 'next_text' => '&gt;&gt;'));
    // ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------


<footer class="row">

	<!-- =================================== START OF FOOTER =================================== -->
	<div class="col-md-12 center">

		<div class="evo_container evo_container__footer">
// Display container and contents:
 * This file is not meant to be called directly.
 * It is meant to be called by an include in the template.
 * To display the archive directory, you should call a stub AND pass the right parameters
 * For example: /blogs/index.php?disp=posts
 * b2evolution - {@link}
 * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2016 by Francois Planque - {@link}
 * @package evoskins
if (!defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT')) {
    die('Please, do not access this page directly.');
// -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
mainlist_page_links(array('block_start' => '<div class="page_navigation center">', 'next_text' => '<i class="fa fa-caret-right" title="' . T_('Next') . '"></i>', 'prev_text' => '<i class="fa fa-caret-left" title="' . T_('Previous') . '"></i>', 'block_end' => '</div>', 'page_item_current_before' => '<span class="active">', 'page_item_current_after' => '</span>'));
// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------
// --------------------------------- START OF POSTS -------------------------------------
// Display message if no post:
while (mainlist_get_item()) {
    // For each blog post, do everything below up to the closing curly brace "}"
    // ---------------------- ITEM BLOCK INCLUDED HERE ------------------------
    skin_include('', array_merge(array('content_mode' => 'auto'), $params));
    // ----------------------------END ITEM BLOCK  ----------------------------
// ---------------------------------- END OF POSTS ------------------------------------
// -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
mainlist_page_links(array('block_start' => '<div class="page_navigation center">', 'next_text' => '<i class="fa fa-caret-right" title="' . T_('Next') . '"></i>', 'prev_text' => '<i class="fa fa-caret-left" title="' . T_('Previous') . '"></i>', 'block_end' => '</div>', 'page_item_current_before' => '<span class="active">', 'page_item_current_after' => '</span>'));
// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------
<div class="ft_no_post">
        echo T_('There is no topic in this forum yet.');

	<div class="panel-body comments_link__pagination">
    // Buttons to post/reply
    if (check_user_status('can_be_validated')) {
        // Display a warning if current user cannot post a topic because he must activate account:
        global $Messages;
        $Messages->add(T_('You must activate your account before you can post a new topic.') . ' <a href="' . get_activate_info_url(NULL, '&amp;') . '">' . T_('More info &raquo;') . '</a>', 'warning');
    // -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
    mainlist_page_links(array('block_start' => '<ul class="pagination">', 'block_end' => '</ul>', 'page_current_template' => '<span>$page_num$</span>', 'page_item_before' => '<li>', 'page_item_after' => '</li>', 'page_item_current_before' => '<li class="active">', 'page_item_current_after' => '</li>', 'prev_text' => '<i class="fa fa-angle-double-left"></i>', 'next_text' => '<i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i>'));
    // ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------
// ---------------------------------- END OF POSTS ------------------------------------
Esempio n. 4
// Display message if no post:
while ($Item =& mainlist_get_item()) {
    // For each blog post:
    // ---------------------- ITEM BLOCK INCLUDED HERE ------------------------
    skin_include('', array('content_mode' => 'auto', 'image_size' => 'fit-400x320'));
    // Note: You can customize the default item feedback by copying the generic
    // /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
    // ----------------------------END ITEM BLOCK  ----------------------------

// -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
mainlist_page_links(array('block_start' => '<div id="nextprevious">', 'block_end' => '<div class="cleared"></div></div> <!-- end of id="nextprevious" -->', 'prev_text' => '&#171;', 'next_text' => '&#187;'));
// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------

	</div> <!-- end of id="content" -->
	</div> <!-- end of id="contentwrapper" -->

// ------------------------- SIDEBAR INCLUDED HERE --------------------------
// Note: You can customize the default BODY footer by copying the
// file into the current skin folder.
// ----------------------------- END OF SIDEBAR -----------------------------
Esempio n. 5
// Display message if no post:
while ($Item =& mainlist_get_item()) {
    // For each blog post:
    // ---------------------- ITEM BLOCK INCLUDED HERE ------------------------
    skin_include('', array('content_mode' => 'auto', 'image_size' => 'fit-400x320'));
    // Note: You can customize the default item feedback by copying the generic
    // /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
    // ----------------------------END ITEM BLOCK  ----------------------------
// -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
mainlist_page_links(array('block_start' => '<div id="navigation">', 'block_end' => '</div> <!-- end of id="navigation" -->', 'prev_text' => '<span class="older">&#171;</span>', 'next_text' => '<span class="newer">&#187;</span>'));
// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------

			</div> <!-- end of id="primaryContent" -->
		</div> <!-- end of id="primaryContentContainer" -->

// ------------------------- SIDEBAR INCLUDED HERE --------------------------
// Note: You can customize the default BODY footer by copying the
// file into the current skin folder.
// ----------------------------- END OF SIDEBAR -----------------------------

	</div> <!-- end of id="content" -->
Esempio n. 6
echo '<div id="styled_content_block">';
// Beginning of posts display
while ($Item =& mainlist_get_item()) {
    // For each blog post:
    // ---------------------- ITEM BLOCK INCLUDED HERE ------------------------
    skin_include('', array('content_mode' => 'auto', 'image_size' => 'fit-400x320'));
    // ----------------------------END ITEM BLOCK  ----------------------------
// ---------------------------------- END OF POSTS ------------------------------------
echo '</div>';
// End of posts display

// -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
mainlist_page_links(array('block_start' => '<p class="center">', 'block_end' => '</p>', 'prev_text' => '&lt;&lt;', 'next_text' => '&gt;&gt;'));
// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------

// -------------- MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE INCLUDED HERE (Based on $disp) --------------
skin_include('$disp$', array('disp_posts' => '', 'disp_single' => '', 'disp_page' => '', 'author_link_text' => 'preferredname'));
// Note: you can customize any of the sub templates included here by
// copying the matching php file into your skin directory.
// ------------------------- END OF MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE ---------------------------
</div><!-- END text -->
</div><!-- END leftside -->
<div class="rightside">
	<div id="sidebar">
Esempio n. 7
    // List all tags attached to this post:
    $Item->tags(array('before' => T_('Tags') . ': ', 'after' => '', 'separator' => ', '));

    // Restore previous locale (Blog locale)

// -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
mainlist_page_links(array('block_start' => '<p class="center"><strong>', 'block_end' => '</strong></p>', 'prev_text' => '&lt;&lt; Previous Page', 'next_text' => 'Next Page &gt;&gt;'));
// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------


// ------------------------- SIDEBAR INCLUDED HERE --------------------------
// Note: You can customize the default BODY footer by copying the
// file into the current skin folder.
Esempio n. 8

    if ($Skin->get_setting('display_b2_credits_side')) {
        // Please help us promote b2evolution and leave this logo on your blog:
        powered_by(array('block_start' => '<div class="powered_by">', 'block_end' => '</div>', 'img_url' => '$rsc$img/powered-by-b2evolution-120t.gif', 'img_width' => 120, 'img_height' => 32));
		</div> <?php 
<!-- end of #Sidebar -->

// -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
mainlist_page_links(array('block_start' => '<div class="navigation cboth fright"><strong>', 'block_end' => '</strong></div>'));
// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------
</div><!-- end of #Content -->

// ------------------------- HTML FOOTER INCLUDED HERE --------------------------
// Note: You can customize the default HTML footer by copying the
// file into the current skin folder.
// ------------------------------- END OF FOOTER --------------------------------

</div><!-- end of #wrapper -->
</div><!-- end of #wrapper-l -->
Esempio n. 9
		<th width="160"><?php 
    echo T_('Last Post');
    if (!empty($cat)) {
        // Go to grab the featured posts only on pages with defined category:
        while ($Item = get_featured_Item()) {
            // We have a intro post to display:
            // ---------------------- ITEM BLOCK INCLUDED HERE ------------------------
            skin_include('', array('feature_block' => true, 'content_mode' => 'auto', 'intro_mode' => 'normal', 'item_class' => 'featured_post', 'image_size' => 'fit-400x320'));
            // ----------------------------END ITEM BLOCK  ----------------------------
    while (mainlist_get_item()) {
        // For each blog post, do everything below up to the closing curly brace "}"
        // ---------------------- ITEM BLOCK INCLUDED HERE ------------------------
        skin_include('', array('content_mode' => 'auto', 'image_size' => 'fit-400x320'));
        // ----------------------------END ITEM BLOCK  ----------------------------
// ---------------------------------- END OF POSTS ------------------------------------
// -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
mainlist_page_links(array('block_start' => '<div class="navigation font11">' . T_('Page') . ': ', 'block_end' => '</div>', 'prev_text' => T_('Previous'), 'next_text' => T_('Next')));
// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------
Esempio n. 10

<div class="bPosts">

<!-- =================================== START OF MAIN AREA =================================== -->

// ------------------------- MESSAGES GENERATED FROM ACTIONS -------------------------
messages(array('block_start' => '<div class="action_messages">', 'block_end' => '</div>'));
// --------------------------------- END OF MESSAGES ---------------------------------

// -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
mainlist_page_links(array('block_start' => '<div class="nav_right">', 'block_end' => '</div>', 'links_format' => '$next$ $prev$', 'prev_text' => '<img src="img/prev.gif" width="29" height="29" alt="' . T_('Previous') . '" title="' . T_('Previous') . '" />', 'next_text' => '<img src="img/next.gif" width="29" height="29" alt="' . T_('Next') . '" title="' . T_('Next') . '" />', 'no_prev_text' => '', 'no_next_text' => '<img src="' . $rsc_url . '/img/blank.gif" width="29" height="29" alt="" class="no_nav" />'));
// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------

// ------------------- PREV/NEXT POST LINKS (SINGLE POST MODE) -------------------
item_prevnext_links(array('template' => '$next$$prev$', 'block_start' => '<div class="nav_right">', 'next_start' => '', 'next_text' => '<img src="img/next.gif" width="29" height="29" alt="' . T_('Next') . '" title="' . T_('Next') . '" />', 'next_no_item' => '<img src="' . $rsc_url . '/img/blank.gif" width="29" height="29" alt="" class="no_nav" />', 'next_end' => ' ', 'prev_start' => '', 'prev_text' => '<img src="img/prev.gif" width="29" height="29" alt="' . T_('Previous') . '" title="' . T_('Previous') . '" />', 'prev_no_item' => '', 'prev_end' => '', 'block_end' => '</div>'));
// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT POST LINKS -------------------------

// ------------------------- TITLE FOR THE CURRENT REQUEST -------------------------
request_title(array('title_before' => '<h2>', 'title_after' => '</h2>', 'title_none' => '<h2>&nbsp;</h2>', 'glue' => ' - ', 'title_single_disp' => false, 'format' => 'htmlbody', 'arcdir_text' => T_('Index'), 'catdir_text' => T_('Albums'), 'category_text' => T_('Album') . ': ', 'categories_text' => T_('Albums') . ': '));
// ------------------------------ END OF REQUEST TITLE -----------------------------
Esempio n. 11
 * Display the items list (Used to load next page of the items by AJAX)
 * @param array Params
function items_list_block_by_page($params = array())
    $params = array_merge(array('skin_name' => '', 'content_mode' => 'auto', 'image_size' => 'fit-400x320', 'block_start' => '<div class="navigation ajax">', 'block_end' => '</div>', 'links_format' => '$next$', 'next_text' => T_('Load more entries') . '&hellip;'), $params);
    if (!skin_init_ajax($params['skin_name'], 'posts')) {
        // Exit here if skin cannot be initialized
    while ($Item =& mainlist_get_item()) {
        // For each blog post:
        // ---------------------- ITEM BLOCK INCLUDED HERE ------------------------
        skin_include('', $params);
        // ----------------------------END ITEM BLOCK  ----------------------------
    // -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
    // ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------
Esempio n. 12
// --------------------------------- START OF POSTS -------------------------------------
// Display message if no post:
while ($Item =& mainlist_get_item()) {
    // For each blog post, do everything below up to the closing curly brace "}"
    // ---------------------- ITEM BLOCK INCLUDED HERE ------------------------
    skin_include('', array('content_mode' => 'auto', 'image_size' => 'fit-400x320'));
    // ----------------------------END ITEM BLOCK  ----------------------------
// ---------------------------------- END OF POSTS ------------------------------------

// -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
mainlist_page_links(array('block_start' => '<p class="paginator"><strong>', 'block_end' => '</strong></p>', 'prev_text' => '&lt;&lt;', 'next_text' => '&gt;&gt;'));
// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------

// -------------- MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE INCLUDED HERE (Based on $disp) --------------
skin_include('$disp$', array('disp_posts' => '', 'disp_single' => '', 'disp_page' => ''));
// Note: you can customize any of the sub templates included here by
// copying the matching php file into your skin directory.
// ------------------------- END OF MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE ---------------------------

		<!-- end #content -->
        <div id="sidebar-en">
Esempio n. 13
request_title(array('title_before' => '<h2 class="request_title">', 'title_after' => '</h2>', 'title_none' => '', 'glue' => ' - ', 'title_single_disp' => false, 'title_page_disp' => false, 'format' => 'htmlbody'));
if ($Item =& get_featured_Item()) {
    // We have a featured/intro post to display:
    skin_include('', array('feature_block' => true, 'content_mode' => 'auto', 'intro_mode' => 'normal', 'item_class' => 'post clearfix bFeatured', 'image_size' => 'fit-520x390'));
// Display message if no post:
display_if_empty(array('before' => '<div class="bPost display_empty">', 'after' => '</div>'));
while ($Item =& mainlist_get_item()) {
    skin_include('', array('content_mode' => 'auto', 'image_size' => 'fit-520x390', 'item_class' => 'post clearfix'));
mainlist_page_links(array('block_start' => '<div class="comment-navigation clearfix">', 'block_end' => '</div>', 'prev_text' => '&laquo;', 'next_text' => '&raquo;'));
skin_include('$disp$', array('disp_posts' => '', 'disp_single' => '', 'disp_page' => ''));
          <!-- /primary content -->
if (@preg_match('~-3~', $Skin->get_setting('skin_layout'))) {
          <!-- sidebar2 -->
          <div id="sidebar2">
            <ul class="blocks">
    skin_container(NT_('Sidebar 2'), array('block_start' => '<li class="block $wi_class$"><div class="clearfix">', 'block_end' => '</div></li>', 'block_title_start' => '<h3 class="title"><span>', 'block_title_end' => '</span></h3><div class="block-div"></div><div class="block-div-arrow"></div>', 'list_start' => '<ul>', 'list_end' => '</ul>', 'item_start' => '<li>', 'item_end' => '</li>', 'group_start' => '<ul>', 'group_end' => '</ul>', 'notes_start' => '<div class="notes">', 'notes_end' => '</div>'));
Esempio n. 14
    skin_include('', array('before_section_title' => '<h4>', 'after_section_title' => '</h4>'));
    // Note: You can customize the default item feedback by copying the generic
    // /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
    // ---------------------- END OF FEEDBACK (COMMENTS/TRACKBACKS) ---------------------
    // Restore previous locale (Blog locale)
// ---------------------------------- END OF POSTS ----------------------------------------
// -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE BOTTOM LINKS (POST LIST MODE) -----------------------
mainlist_page_links(array('block_start' => '<div class="PageLinks" style="padding-bottom: 10px">' . T_('Pages:') . ' <strong>', 'block_end' => '</strong></div>', 'prev_text' => '&lt;&lt;', 'next_text' => '&gt;&gt;'));
// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE BOTTOM LINKS ----------------------------
// ------------------- MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE INCLUDED HERE (Based on $disp) ----------------
skin_include('$disp$', array('disp_posts' => '', 'disp_single' => '', 'disp_page' => ''));
// Note: you can customize any of the sub templates included here by
// copying the matching php file into your skin directory.
// ----------------------------- END OF MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE ------------------------------
// ------------------------------------- "After Posts" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE -------------------------
skin_container(NT_('After Posts'), array('block_start' => '<div class="AfterPosts">', 'block_end' => '</div>'));
// ----------------------------------------- END OF "After Posts" CONTAINER ----------------------------
        <td valign="top"><!-- ================================== START OF SIDEBAR =================================== -->
          <div class="bSideBar">

        // Beginning of posts display
        // ------------------ FEEDBACK (COMMENTS/TRACKBACKS) INCLUDED HERE ------------------
        skin_include('', array_merge(array('before_section_title' => '<h3 class="evo_comment__list_title">', 'after_section_title' => '</h3>', 'Item' => $intro_Item, 'form_title_text' => T_('Comment form'), 'comments_title_text' => T_('Comments on this chapter'), 'form_comment_redirect_to' => $ReqURI), $Skin->get_template('disp_params')));
        // Note: You can customize the default item feedback by copying the generic
        // /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
        // ---------------------- END OF FEEDBACK (COMMENTS/TRACKBACKS) ---------------------
        echo '</div>';
        // End of posts display
} else {
    // Display the latest posts:
    // -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
    // ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------
<ul class="posts_list">
    while ($Item =& mainlist_get_item()) {
        // For each blog post, do everything below up to the closing curly brace "}"
        // ---------------------- ITEM BLOCK INCLUDED HERE ------------------------
        skin_include('', array('before_title' => '<h3>', 'after_title' => '</h3>'));
        // ----------------------------END ITEM BLOCK  ----------------------------
    // -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
    // ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------
// End of List of the latest posts
Esempio n. 16

<div class="bPosts">

<!-- =================================== START OF MAIN AREA =================================== -->

// ------------------------- MESSAGES GENERATED FROM ACTIONS -------------------------
messages(array('block_start' => '<div class="action_messages">', 'block_end' => '</div>'));
// --------------------------------- END OF MESSAGES ---------------------------------

// -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
mainlist_page_links(array('block_start' => '<div class="nav_right">', 'block_end' => '</div>', 'links_format' => '$next$ $prev$', 'prev_text' => '<span class="pb_icon prev" title="' . T_('Previous') . '"></span>', 'next_text' => '<span class="pb_icon next" title="' . T_('Next') . '"></span>', 'no_prev_text' => '', 'no_next_text' => get_icon('pixel', 'imgtag', array('size' => array(29, 29), 'xy' => array(13, 13), 'class' => 'no_nav'))));
// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------

// ------------------- PREV/NEXT POST LINKS (SINGLE POST MODE) -------------------
item_prevnext_links(array('template' => '$next$$prev$', 'block_start' => '<div class="nav_right">', 'next_start' => '', 'next_text' => '<span class="pb_icon next" title="' . T_('Next') . '"></span>', 'next_no_item' => get_icon('pixel', 'imgtag', array('size' => array(29, 29), 'xy' => array(13, 13), 'class' => 'no_nav')), 'next_end' => ' ', 'prev_start' => '', 'prev_text' => '<span class="pb_icon prev" title="' . T_('Previous') . '"></span>', 'prev_no_item' => '', 'prev_end' => '', 'block_end' => '</div>'));
// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT POST LINKS -------------------------

// ------------------------- TITLE FOR THE CURRENT REQUEST -------------------------
request_title(array('title_before' => '<h2>', 'title_after' => '</h2>', 'title_none' => '<h2>&nbsp;</h2>', 'glue' => ' - ', 'title_single_disp' => false, 'format' => 'htmlbody', 'arcdir_text' => T_('Index'), 'catdir_text' => T_('Galleries'), 'category_text' => T_('Gallery') . ': ', 'categories_text' => T_('Galleries') . ': ', 'user_text' => ''));
// ------------------------------ END OF REQUEST TITLE -----------------------------
Esempio n. 17
    // Restore previous locale (Blog locale)

		</div><!-- end of #item_ID-->
        </div><!-- end of .postwrap-->
// ---------------------------------- END OF POSTS ------------------------------------

// -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
mainlist_page_links(array('block_start' => '<div class="pagenumbers"><strong>', 'block_end' => '</strong></div>', 'prev_text' => '&lt;&lt;Previous&nbsp;Page<br/>', 'next_text' => '<br/>Next&nbsp;Page&gt;&gt;'));
// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------

// -------------- MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE INCLUDED HERE (Based on $disp) --------------
skin_include('$disp$', array('disp_posts' => '', 'disp_single' => '', 'disp_page' => ''));
// Note: you can customize any of the sub templates included here by
// copying the matching php file into your skin directory.
// ------------------------- END OF MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE ---------------------------

</div><!-- end of .content -->

Esempio n. 18
echo '<div id="styled_content_block">';
// Beginning of posts display
while ($Item =& mainlist_get_item()) {
    // For each blog post:
    // ---------------------- ITEM BLOCK INCLUDED HERE ------------------------
    skin_include('', array('content_mode' => 'auto', 'image_size' => 'fit-400x320'));
    // ----------------------------END ITEM BLOCK  ----------------------------
// ---------------------------------- END OF POSTS ------------------------------------
echo '</div>';
// End of posts display

// -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
mainlist_page_links(array('block_start' => '<p class="center">' . T_('Pages:') . ' <strong>', 'block_end' => '</strong></p>'));
// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------

// -------------- MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE INCLUDED HERE (Based on $disp) --------------
skin_include('$disp$', array('disp_posts' => '', 'disp_single' => '', 'disp_page' => '', 'author_link_text' => 'preferredname'));
// Note: you can customize any of the sub templates included here by
// copying the matching php file into your skin directory.
// ------------------------- END OF MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE ---------------------------

<!-- =================================== START OF SIDEBAR =================================== -->
Esempio n. 19
        // ------------------ FEEDBACK (COMMENTS/TRACKBACKS) INCLUDED HERE ------------------
        skin_include('', array('before_section_title' => '<h4>', 'after_section_title' => '</h4>'));
        // Note: You can customize the default item feedback by copying the generic
        // /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
        // ---------------------- END OF FEEDBACK (COMMENTS/TRACKBACKS) ---------------------
    // ---------------------------------- END OF POSTS ------------------------------------

    // -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
    mainlist_page_links(array('block_start' => '<p class="center"><strong>', 'block_end' => '</strong></p>', 'links_format' => '$prev$ :: $next$', 'prev_text' => '&lt;&lt; ' . T_('Previous'), 'next_text' => T_('Next') . ' &gt;&gt;'));
    // ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------

    // -------------- MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE INCLUDED HERE (Based on $disp) --------------
    skin_include('$disp$', array('disp_posts' => '', 'disp_single' => '', 'disp_page' => ''));
    // Note: you can customize any of the sub templates included here by
    // copying the matching php file into your skin directory.
    // ------------------------- END OF MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE ---------------------------


<!-- =================================== START OF SIDEBAR =================================== -->
Esempio n. 20
            // For each blog post, do everything below up to the closing curly brace "}"
            // ---------------------- ITEM BLOCK INCLUDED HERE ------------------------
            skin_include('', array('content_mode' => 'auto', 'image_size' => 'fit-400x320'));
            // ----------------------------END ITEM BLOCK  ----------------------------
    } elseif (isset($current_Chapter)) {
        // Display a message about no posts in this category
	<td colspan="5"><?php 
        echo T_('There is no topic in this forum yet.');
	<tr class="panel bottom">
		<td colspan="5"><?php 
    // Buttons to post/reply
    // -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
    mainlist_page_links(array('block_start' => '<div class="navigation">', 'block_end' => '</div>', 'prev_text' => T_('Previous'), 'next_text' => T_('Next'), 'prev_class' => 'prev', 'next_class' => 'next'));
    // ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------
// ---------------------------------- END OF POSTS ------------------------------------