Esempio n. 1
 * Outputs the Settings/Options page
function mailchimpSF_setup_page()
<div class="wrap">

	<div class="mailchimp-header">
    esc_html_e('MailChimp List Setup', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    // Display Developer mode active.
    if (MAILCHIMP_DEV_MODE == true) {
		<p class="error_msg">Developer mode active.</p>
    $user = get_option('mc_sopresto_user');
    // If we have an API Key, see if we need to change the lists and its options
    // Display our success/error message(s) if have them
    if (mailchimpSF_global_msg() != '') {
        // Message has already been html escaped, so we don't want to 2x escape it here
	<div id="mc_message" class=""><?php 
        echo mailchimpSF_global_msg();
    // If we don't have an API Key, do a login form
    if (!$user && MAILCHIMP_DEV_MODE == false) {
		<h3 class="mc-h2"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Log In', 'mailchimp_i18n');
		<p class="mc-p" style="width: 40%;line-height: 21px;"><?php 
        esc_html_e('To start using the MailChimp plugin, we first need to connect your MailChimp account.  Click login below to connect.', 'mailchimp_i18n');
		<p class="mc-a">
        echo sprintf('%1$s <a href="" target="_blank">%2$s</a>', esc_html(__("Don't have a MailChimp account?", 'mailchimp_i18n')), esc_html(__('Try one for Free!', 'mailchimp_i18n')));
		<div style="width: 900px;">
			<table class="widefat mc-widefat mc-api">
				<tr valign="top">
					<th scope="row" class="mailchimp-connect"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Connect to MailChimp', 'mailchimp_i18n');
						<a href="<?php 
        echo add_query_arg(array("mcsf_action" => "authorize"), home_url('index.php'));
" class="mailchimp-login">Connect</a>

        if ($user && $user['username'] != '') {
<!--<div class="notes_msg">
            esc_html_e('Notes', 'mailchimp_i18n');
            esc_html_e('Changing your settings at may cause this to stop working.', 'mailchimp_i18n');
            esc_html_e('If you change your login to a different account, the info you have setup below will be erased.', 'mailchimp_i18n');
            esc_html_e('If any of that happens, no biggie - just reconfigure your login and the items below...', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    } elseif (MAILCHIMP_DEV_MODE == false) {
<table style="min-width:400px;" class="mc-user" cellspacing="0">
        esc_html_e('Logged in as', 'mailchimp_i18n');
: <?php 
        echo esc_html($user['username']);
			<form method="post" action="options-general.php?page=mailchimpSF_options">
				<input type="hidden" name="mcsf_action" value="logout"/>
				<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Logout', 'mailchimp_i18n');
" class="button" />
        wp_nonce_field('mc_logout', '_mcsf_nonce_action');
    // End Logout form
    //Just get out if nothing else matters...
    $api = mailchimpSF_get_api();
    if (!$api && MAILCHIMP_DEV_MODE == false) {
    if ($api) {
	<h3 class="mc-h2"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Your Lists', 'mailchimp_i18n');


	<p class="mc-p"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Please select the List you wish to create a Signup Form for.', 'mailchimp_i18n');
	<p class="mc-list-note"><strong><?php 
        esc_html_e('Note:', 'mailchimp_i18n');
</strong> <?php 
        esc_html_e('Updating your list will not cause settings below to be lost. Changing to a new list will.', 'mailchimp_i18n');

	<form method="post" action="options-general.php?page=mailchimpSF_options">
        //we *could* support paging, but few users have that many lists (and shouldn't)
        $lists = $api->lists(array(), 0, 100);
        $lists = $lists['data'];
        if (count($lists) == 0) {
			<span class='error_msg'>
            echo sprintf(esc_html(__("Uh-oh, you don't have any lists defined! Please visit %s, login, and setup a list before using this tool!", 'mailchimp_i18n')), "<a href=''>MailChimp</a>");
        } else {
		<table style="min-width:400px" class="mc-list-select" cellspacing="0">
			<tr class="mc-list-row">
					<select name="mc_list_id" style="min-width:200px;">
						<option value=""> &mdash; <?php 
            esc_html_e('Select A List', 'mailchimp_i18n');
 &mdash; </option>
            foreach ($lists as $list) {
                $option = get_option('mc_list_id');
							<option value="<?php 
                echo esc_attr($list['id']);
                selected($list['id'], $option);
                echo esc_html($list['name']);
					<input type="hidden" name="mcsf_action" value="update_mc_list_id" />
					<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="<?php 
            esc_attr_e('Update List', 'mailchimp_i18n');
" class="button" />
        //end select list


    } elseif (MAILCHIMP_DEV_MODE == false) {
        //display the selected list...

<p class="submit">
	<form method="post" action="options-general.php?page=mailchimpSF_options">
		<input type="hidden" name="mcsf_action" value="reset_list" />
		<input type="submit" name="reset_list" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Reset List Options and Select again', 'mailchimp_i18n');
" class="button" />
        wp_nonce_field('reset_mailchimp_list', '_mcsf_nonce_action');
        esc_html_e('Subscribe Form Widget Settings for this List', 'mailchimp_i18n');
        esc_html_e('Selected MailChimp List', 'mailchimp_i18n');
: <?php 
        echo esc_html(get_option('mc_list_name'));
    //Just get out if nothing else matters...
    if (get_option('mc_list_id') == '' && MAILCHIMP_DEV_MODE == false) {
    // The main Settings form

<form method="post" action="options-general.php?page=mailchimpSF_options">
<div style="width:900px;">
<input type="hidden" name="mcsf_action" value="change_form_settings">
    wp_nonce_field('update_general_form_settings', '_mcsf_nonce_action');

    if (MAILCHIMP_DEV_MODE == false) {
<!--<input type="submit" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Update Subscribe Form Settings', 'mailchimp_i18n');
" class="button" />-->
<table class="widefat mc-widefat mc-label-options">
	<tr><th colspan="2">Content Options</th></tr>
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Header', 'mailchimp_i18n');
			<textarea name="mc_header_content" rows="2" cols="70"><?php 
        echo esc_html(get_option('mc_header_content'));
        esc_html_e('You can fill this with your own Text, HTML markup (including image links), or Nothing!', 'mailchimp_i18n');

	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Sub-header', 'mailchimp_i18n');
			<textarea name="mc_subheader_content" rows="2" cols="70"><?php 
        echo esc_html(get_option('mc_subheader_content'));
        esc_html_e('You can fill this with your own Text, HTML markup (including image links), or Nothing!', 'mailchimp_i18n');
        esc_html_e('This will be displayed under the heading and above the form.', 'mailchimp_i18n');

	<tr valign="top" class="last-row">
	<th scope="row"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Submit Button', 'mailchimp_i18n');
	<input type="text" name="mc_submit_text" size="70" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr(get_option('mc_submit_text'));

<input type="submit" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Update Subscribe Form Settings', 'mailchimp_i18n');
" class="button mc-submit" /><br/>

<table class="widefat mc-widefat mc-custom-styling">
	<tr><th colspan="2">Custom Styling</th></tr>
	<tr class="mc-turned-on"><th><label for="mc_custom_style"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Enabled?', 'mailchimp_i18n');
</label></th><td><span class="mc-pre-input"></span><input type="checkbox" name="mc_custom_style" id="mc_custom_style"<?php 
    checked(get_option('mc_custom_style'), 'on');

	<tr class="mc-internal-heading"><th colspan="2"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Form Settings', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    esc_html_e('Border Width', 'mailchimp_i18n');
</th><td><span class="mc-pre-input"></span><input type="text" name="mc_form_border_width" size="3" maxlength="3" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(get_option('mc_form_border_width'));
		<em>px •<?php 
    esc_html_e('Set to 0 for no border, do not enter', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    esc_html_e('Border Color', 'mailchimp_i18n');
</th><td><span class="mc-pre-input">#</span><input type="text" name="mc_form_border_color" size="7" maxlength="6" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(get_option('mc_form_border_color'));
    esc_html_e('Do not enter initial', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    esc_html_e('Text Color', 'mailchimp_i18n');
</th><td><span class="mc-pre-input">#</span><input type="text" name="mc_form_text_color" size="7" maxlength="6" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(get_option('mc_form_text_color'));
    esc_html_e('Do not enter initial', 'mailchimp_i18n');
	<tr class="last-row"><th><?php 
    esc_html_e('Background Color', 'mailchimp_i18n');
</th><td><span class="mc-pre-input">#</span><input type="text" name="mc_form_background" size="7" maxlength="6" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(get_option('mc_form_background'));
    esc_html_e('Do not enter initial', 'mailchimp_i18n');

<input type="submit" value="<?php 
    esc_attr_e('Update Subscribe Form Settings', 'mailchimp_i18n');
" class="button mc-submit" /><br/>

    if (MAILCHIMP_DEV_MODE == false) {
<table class="widefat mc-widefat">
	<tr><th colspan="2">List Options</th></tr>
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Monkey Rewards', 'mailchimp_i18n');
		<td><input name="mc_rewards" type="checkbox"<?php 
        if (get_option('mc_rewards') == 'on' || get_option('mc_rewards') == '') {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
 id="mc_rewards" class="code" />
			<em><label for="mc_rewards"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Turning this on will place a "powered by MailChimp" link in your form that will earn you credits with us. It is optional and can be turned on or off at any time.', 'mailchimp_i18n');
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Use Javascript Support?', 'mailchimp_i18n');
		<td><input name="mc_use_javascript" type="checkbox" <?php 
        checked(get_option('mc_use_javascript'), 'on');
 id="mc_use_javascript" class="code" />
			<em><label for="mc_use_javascript"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Turning this on will use fancy javascript submission and should degrade gracefully for users not using javascript. It is optional and can be turned on or off at any time.', 'mailchimp_i18n');
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Use Javascript Datepicker?', 'mailchimp_i18n');
		<td><input name="mc_use_datepicker" type="checkbox" <?php 
        checked(get_option('mc_use_datepicker'), 'on');
 id="mc_use_datepicker" class="code" />
			<em><label for="mc_use_datepicker"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Turning this on will use the jQuery UI Datepicker for dates.', 'mailchimp_i18n');
	<tr valign="top" class="last-row">
		<th scope="row"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Include Unsubscribe link?', 'mailchimp_i18n');
		<td><input name="mc_use_unsub_link" type="checkbox"<?php 
        checked(get_option('mc_use_unsub_link'), 'on');
 id="mc_use_unsub_link" class="code" />
			<em><label for="mc_use_unsub_link"><?php 
        esc_html_e('Turning this on will add a link to your host unsubscribe form', 'mailchimp_i18n');



    // Merge Variables Table
    if (MAILCHIMP_DEV_MODE == false) {
<div style="width:900px;">

	<input type="submit" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Update Subscribe Form Settings', 'mailchimp_i18n');
" class="button mc-submit" /><br/>

	<table class='widefat mc-widefat'>
			<th colspan="4">
        esc_html_e('Merge Variables Included', 'mailchimp_i18n');

        $mv = get_option('mc_merge_vars');
        if (count($mv) == 0 || !is_array($mv)) {
            esc_html_e('No Merge Variables found.', 'mailchimp_i18n');
        } else {
		<tr valign="top">
            esc_html_e('Name', 'mailchimp_i18n');
            esc_html_e('Tag', 'mailchimp_i18n');
            esc_html_e('Required?', 'mailchimp_i18n');
            esc_html_e('Include?', 'mailchimp_i18n');
            foreach ($mv as $var) {
		<tr valign="top">
                echo esc_html($var['name']);
                echo esc_html($var['tag']);
                echo esc_html($var['req'] == 1 ? 'Y' : 'N');
                if (!$var['req']) {
                    $opt = 'mc_mv_' . $var['tag'];
					<input name="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($opt);
" type="checkbox" id="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($opt);
" class="code"<?php 
                    checked(get_option($opt), 'on');
                } else {
	<input type="submit" value="<?php 
            esc_attr_e('Update Subscribe Form Settings', 'mailchimp_i18n');
" class="button mc-submit" /><br/>

        // Interest Groups Table
        $igs = get_option('mc_interest_groups');
        if (is_array($igs) && !isset($igs['id'])) {
		<h3 class="mc-h3"><?php 
            esc_html_e('Group Settings', 'mailchimp_i18n');
</h3> <?php 
            // Determines whether or not to continue processing. Only false if there was an error.
            $continue = true;
            foreach ($igs as $ig) {
                if ($continue) {
                    if (!is_array($ig) || empty($ig) || $ig == 'N') {
                        esc_html_e('No Interest Groups Setup for this List', 'mailchimp_i18n');
                        $continue = false;
                    } else {
			<table class='mc-widefat mc-blue' width="450px" cellspacing="0">
				<tr valign="top">
					<th colspan="2"><?php 
                        echo esc_html($ig['name']);
				<tr valign="top">
						<label for="<?php 
                        echo esc_attr('mc_show_interest_groups_' . $ig['id']);
                        esc_html_e('Show?', 'mailchimp_i18n');
						<input name="<?php 
                        echo esc_attr('mc_show_interest_groups_' . $ig['id']);
" id="<?php 
                        echo esc_attr('mc_show_interest_groups_' . $ig['id']);
" type="checkbox" class="code"<?php 
                        checked('on', get_option('mc_show_interest_groups_' . $ig['id']));
				<tr valign="top">
                        esc_html_e('Input Type', 'mailchimp_i18n');
                        echo esc_html($ig['form_field']);
				<tr valign="top" class="last-row">
                        esc_html_e('Options', 'mailchimp_i18n');
                        foreach ($ig['groups'] as $interest) {
                            echo esc_html($interest['name']);
    // end dev mode check
	<div style="width: 900px; margin-top: 35px;">
		<table class="widefat mc-widefat mc-yellow">
			<tr><th colspan="2">CSS Cheat Sheet</th></tr>
			<tr valign="top">
				<th scope="row">.widget_mailchimpsf_widget </th>
				<td>This targets the entire widget container.</td>
			<tr valign="top">
				<th scope="row">.widget-title</th>
				<td>This styles the title of your MailChimp widget. <i>Modifying this class will affect your other widget titles.</i></td>
			<tr valign="top">
				<th scope="row">#mc_signup</th>
				<td>This targets the entirity of the widget beneath the widget title.</td>
			<tr valign="top">
				<th scope="row">#mc_subheader</th>
				<td>This styles the subheader text.</td>
			<tr valign="top">
				<th scope="row">.mc_form_inside</th>
				<td>The guts and main container for the all of the form elements (the entirety of the widget minus the header and the sub header).</td>
			<tr valign="top">
				<th scope="row">.mc_header</th>
				<td>This targets the label above the input fields.</td>
			<tr valign="top">
				<th scope="row">.mc_input</th>
				<td>This attaches to the input fields.</td>
			<tr valign="top">
				<th scope="row">.mc_header_address</th>
				<td>This is the label above an address group.</td>
			<tr valign="top">
				<th scope="row">.mc_radio_label</th>
				<td>These are the labels associated with radio buttons.</td>
			<tr valign="top">
				<th scope="row">#mc-indicates-required</th>
				<td>This targets the “Indicates Required Field” text.</td>
			<tr valign="top">
				<th scope="row">#mc_signup_submit</th>
				<td>Use this to style the submit button.</td>

Esempio n. 2
 * Outputs the Settings/Options page
function mailchimpSF_setup_page()
<div class="wrap">

    esc_html_e('MailChimp List Setup', 'mailchimp_i18n');

    $user = get_option('mc_username');
    $api_key = get_option('mc_apikey');
    // If we have an API Key, see if we need to change the lists and its options
    if (!empty($api_key)) {
    // Display our success/error message(s) if have them
    if (mailchimpSF_global_msg() != '') {
        // Message has already been html escaped, so we don't want to 2x escape it here
    <div id="mc_message" class=""><?php 
        echo mailchimpSF_global_msg();
    // If we don't have an API Key, do a login form
    if (get_option('mc_apikey') == '') {
		<form method="post" action="options-general.php?page=mailchimpSF_options">
        esc_html_e('Login Info', 'mailchimp_i18n');
        esc_html_e('To start using the MailChimp plugin, we first need to login and get your API Key. Please enter your MailChimp API Key below.', 'mailchimp_i18n');
        echo sprintf('%1$s <a href="" target="_blank">%2$s</a>', esc_html(__("Don't have a MailChimp account?", 'mailchimp_i18n')), esc_html(__('Try one for Free!', 'mailchimp_i18n')));
			<table class="form-table">
				<tr valign="top">
				<th scope="row"><?php 
        esc_html_e('API Key', 'mailchimp_i18n');
					<input name="mc_apikey" type="text" id="mc_apikey" class="code" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($api_key);
" size="32" />
				    <a href="" target="_blank">get your API Key here</a>
			<input type="hidden" name="mcsf_action" value="update_mc_apikey"/>
			<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Save & Check', 'mailchimp_i18n');
" class="button" />
        wp_nonce_field('update_mc_api_key', '_mcsf_nonce_action');

        if (get_option('mc_username') != '') {
            esc_html_e('Notes', 'mailchimp_i18n');
            esc_html_e('Changing your settings at may cause this to stop working.', 'mailchimp_i18n');
            esc_html_e('If you change your login to a different account, the info you have setup below will be erased.', 'mailchimp_i18n');
            esc_html_e('If any of that happens, no biggie - just reconfigure your login and the items below...', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    } else {
<table style="min-width:400px;">
        esc_html_e('Logged in as', 'mailchimp_i18n');
: <?php 
        echo esc_html(get_option('mc_username'));
			<form method="post" action="options-general.php?page=mailchimpSF_options">
				<input type="hidden" name="mcsf_action" value="logout"/>
				<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Logout', 'mailchimp_i18n');
" class="button" />
        wp_nonce_field('mc_logout', '_mcsf_nonce_action');
    // End Logout form
    //Just get out if nothing else matters...
    if (get_option('mc_apikey') == '') {
    if (get_option('mc_apikey') != '') {
        esc_html_e('Your Lists', 'mailchimp_i18n');

        esc_html_e('Please select the List you wish to create a Signup Form for.', 'mailchimp_i18n');

	<form method="post" action="options-general.php?page=mailchimpSF_options">
        $api = new mailchimpSF_MCAPI(get_option('mc_apikey'));
        //we *could* support paging, but few users have that many lists (and shouldn't)
        $lists = $api->lists(array(), 0, 100);
        $lists = $lists['data'];
        if (count($lists) == 0) {
			<span class='error_msg'>
            echo sprintf(esc_html(__("Uh-oh, you don't have any lists defined! Please visit %s, login, and setup a list before using this tool!", 'mailchimp_i18n')), "<a href=''>MailChimp</a>");
        } else {
	    <table style="min-width:400px">
		    	    <select name="mc_list_id" style="min-width:200px;">
			            <option value=""> &mdash; <?php 
            esc_html_e('Select A List', 'mailchimp_i18n');
 &mdash; </option>
            foreach ($lists as $list) {
                $option = get_option('mc_list_id');
						    <option value="<?php 
                echo esc_attr($list['id']);
                selected($list['id'], $option);
                echo esc_html($list['name']);
					<input type="hidden" name="mcsf_action" value="update_mc_list_id" />
					<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="<?php 
            esc_attr_e('Update List', 'mailchimp_i18n');
" class="button" />
				<td colspan="2">
            esc_html_e('Note:', 'mailchimp_i18n');
</strong> <em><?php 
            esc_html_e('Updating your list will not cause settings below to be lost. Changing to a new list will.', 'mailchimp_i18n');
        //end select list


    } else {
        //display the selected list...

<p class="submit">
	<form method="post" action="options-general.php?page=mailchimpSF_options">
		<input type="hidden" name="mcsf_action" value="reset_list" />
		<input type="submit" name="reset_list" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Reset List Options and Select again', 'mailchimp_i18n');
" class="button" />
        wp_nonce_field('reset_mailchimp_list', '_mcsf_nonce_action');
        esc_html_e('Subscribe Form Widget Settings for this List', 'mailchimp_i18n');
        esc_html_e('Selected MailChimp List', 'mailchimp_i18n');
: <?php 
        echo esc_html(get_option('mc_list_name'));
    //Just get out if nothing else matters...
    if (get_option('mc_list_id') == '') {
    // The main Settings form

<form method="post" action="options-general.php?page=mailchimpSF_options">
<div style="width:600px;">
<input type="hidden" name="mcsf_action" value="change_form_settings">
    wp_nonce_field('update_general_form_settings', '_mcsf_nonce_action');
<input type="submit" value="<?php 
    esc_attr_e('Update Subscribe Form Settings', 'mailchimp_i18n');
" class="button" />
<table class="widefat">
    <tr valign="top">
    <th scope="row"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Monkey Rewards', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    <td><input name="mc_rewards" type="checkbox"<?php 
    if (get_option('mc_rewards') == 'on' || get_option('mc_rewards') == '') {
        echo ' checked="checked"';
 id="mc_rewards" class="code" />
    <em><label for="mc_rewards"><?php 
    esc_html_e('turning this on will place a "powered by MailChimp" link in your form that will earn you credits with us. It is optional and can be turned on or off at any time.', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    <tr valign="top">
    <th scope="row"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Use Javascript Support?', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    <td><input name="mc_use_javascript" type="checkbox" <?php 
    checked(get_option('mc_use_javascript'), 'on');
 id="mc_use_javascript" class="code" />
    <em><label for="mc_use_javascript"><?php 
    esc_html_e('turning this on will use fancy javascript submission and should degrade gracefully for users not using javascript. It is optional and can be turned on or off at any time.', 'mailchimp_i18n');
	<tr valign="top">
    <th scope="row"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Use Javascript Datepicker?', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    <td><input name="mc_use_datepicker" type="checkbox" <?php 
    checked(get_option('mc_use_datepicker'), 'on');
 id="mc_use_datepicker" class="code" />
    <em><label for="mc_use_datepicker"><?php 
    esc_html_e('turning this on will use the jQuery UI Datepicker for dates.', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    <tr valign="top">
    <th scope="row"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Include Unsubscribe link?', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    <td><input name="mc_use_unsub_link" type="checkbox"<?php 
    checked(get_option('mc_use_unsub_link'), 'on');
 id="mc_use_unsub_link" class="code" />
    <em><label for="mc_use_unsub_link"><?php 
    esc_html_e('turning this on will add a link to your host unsubscribe form', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    <tr valign="top">
	<th scope="row"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Header content', 'mailchimp_i18n');
	<textarea name="mc_header_content" rows="2" cols="50"><?php 
    echo esc_html(get_option('mc_header_content'));
    esc_html_e('You can fill this with your own Text, HTML markup (including image links), or Nothing!', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    <tr valign="top">
	<th scope="row"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Sub-header content', 'mailchimp_i18n');
	<textarea name="mc_subheader_content" rows="2" cols="50"><?php 
    echo esc_html(get_option('mc_subheader_content'));
    esc_html_e('You can fill this with your own Text, HTML markup (including image links), or Nothing!', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    esc_html_e('This will be displayed under the heading and above the form.', 'mailchimp_i18n');

	<tr valign="top">
	<th scope="row"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Submit Button text', 'mailchimp_i18n');
	<input type="text" name="mc_submit_text" size="30" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(get_option('mc_submit_text'));

	<tr valign="top">
	<th scope="row"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Custom Styling', 'mailchimp_i18n');
	<table class="widefat">

		<tr><th><label for="mc_custom_style"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Turned On?', 'mailchimp_i18n');
</label></th><td><input type="checkbox" name="mc_custom_style" id="mc_custom_style"<?php 
    checked(get_option('mc_custom_style'), 'on');
        <tr><th colspan="2"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Header Settings (only applies if there are no HTML tags in the Header Content area above)', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    esc_html_e('Border Width', 'mailchimp_i18n');
:</th><td><input type="text" name="mc_header_border_width" size="3" maxlength="3" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(get_option('mc_header_border_width'));
"/> px<br/>
    esc_html_e('Set to 0 for no border, do not enter', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    esc_html_e('Border Color', 'mailchimp_i18n');
:</th><td>#<input type="text" name="mc_header_border_color" size="7" maxlength="6" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(get_option('mc_header_border_color'));
    esc_html_e('do not enter initial', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    esc_html_e('Text Color', 'mailchimp_i18n');
:</th><td>#<input type="text" name="mc_header_text_color" size="7" maxlength="6" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(get_option('mc_header_text_color'));
    esc_html_e('do not enter initial', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    esc_html_e('Background Color', 'mailchimp_i18n');
:</th><td>#<input type="text" name="mc_header_background" size="7" maxlength="6" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(get_option('mc_header_background'));
    esc_html_e('do not enter initial', 'mailchimp_i18n');
        <tr><th colspan="2"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Form Settings', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    esc_html_e('Border Width', 'mailchimp_i18n');
:</th><td><input type="text" name="mc_form_border_width" size="3" maxlength="3" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(get_option('mc_form_border_width'));
"/> px<br/>
    esc_html_e('Set to 0 for no border, do not enter', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    esc_html_e('Border Color', 'mailchimp_i18n');
:</th><td>#<input type="text" name="mc_form_border_color" size="7" maxlength="6" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(get_option('mc_form_border_color'));
    esc_html_e('do not enter initial', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    esc_html_e('Text Color', 'mailchimp_i18n');
:</th><td>#<input type="text" name="mc_form_text_color" size="7" maxlength="6" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(get_option('mc_form_text_color'));
    esc_html_e('do not enter initial', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    esc_html_e('Background Color', 'mailchimp_i18n');
:</th><td>#<input type="text" name="mc_form_background" size="7" maxlength="6" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(get_option('mc_form_background'));
    esc_html_e('do not enter initial', 'mailchimp_i18n');
<input type="submit" value="<?php 
    esc_attr_e('Update Subscribe Form Settings', 'mailchimp_i18n');
" class="button" />

    // Merge Variables Table
<div style="width:400px;">

    esc_html_e('Merge Variables Included', 'mailchimp_i18n');

    $mv = get_option('mc_merge_vars');
    if (count($mv) == 0 || !is_array($mv)) {
        esc_html_e('No Merge Variables found.', 'mailchimp_i18n');
    } else {
	<table class='widefat'>
		<tr valign="top">
        esc_html_e('Name', 'mailchimp_i18n');
        esc_html_e('Tag', 'mailchimp_i18n');
        esc_html_e('Required?', 'mailchimp_i18n');
        esc_html_e('Include?', 'mailchimp_i18n');
        foreach ($mv as $var) {
		<tr valign="top">
            echo esc_html($var['name']);
            echo esc_html($var['tag']);
            echo esc_html($var['req'] == 1 ? 'Y' : 'N');
            if (!$var['req']) {
                $opt = 'mc_mv_' . $var['tag'];
					<input name="<?php 
                echo esc_attr($opt);
" type="checkbox" id="<?php 
                echo esc_attr($opt);
" class="code"<?php 
                checked(get_option($opt), 'on');
            } else {

    esc_html_e('Interest Groups', 'mailchimp_i18n');

    // Interest Groups Table
    $igs = get_option('mc_interest_groups');
    if (is_array($igs) && !isset($igs['id'])) {
        // Determines whether or not to continue processing. Only false if there was an error.
        $continue = true;
        foreach ($igs as $ig) {
            if ($continue) {
                if (!is_array($ig) || empty($ig) || $ig == 'N') {
                    esc_html_e('No Interest Groups Setup for this List', 'mailchimp_i18n');
                    $continue = false;
                } else {
		<table class='widefat'>
			<tr valign="top">
				<th width="75px">
					<label for="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr('mc_show_interest_groups_' . $ig['id']);
                    esc_html_e('Show?', 'mailchimp_i18n');
					<input name="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr('mc_show_interest_groups_' . $ig['id']);
" id="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr('mc_show_interest_groups_' . $ig['id']);
" type="checkbox" class="code"<?php 
                    checked('on', get_option('mc_show_interest_groups_' . $ig['id']));
			<tr valign="top">
                    esc_html_e('Name', 'mailchimp_i18n');
                    echo esc_html($ig['name']);
			<tr valign="top">
                    esc_html_e('Input Type', 'mailchimp_i18n');
                    echo esc_html($ig['form_field']);
			<tr valign="top">
                    esc_html_e('Options', 'mailchimp_i18n');
                    foreach ($ig['groups'] as $interest) {
                        echo esc_html($interest['name']);
    } else {
        esc_html_e('Error retrieving interest groups. Please re-import the list.', 'mailchimp_i18n');
<p class="submit">
<input type="submit" value="<?php 
    esc_attr_e('Update Subscribe Form Settings', 'mailchimp_i18n');
" class="button" />
Esempio n. 3
<div class="wrap">

    <div class="mailchimp-header">
esc_html_e('MailChimp List Setup', 'mailchimp_i18n');
$user = get_option('mc_user');
// If we have an API Key, see if we need to change the lists and its options
// Display our success/error message(s) if have them
if (mailchimpSF_global_msg() != '') {
    // Message has already been html escaped, so we don't want to 2x escape it here
    <div id="mc_message" class=""><?php 
    echo mailchimpSF_global_msg();
// If we don't have an API Key, do a login form
if (!$user || !get_option('mc_api_key')) {
        <h3 class="mc-h2"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Log In', 'mailchimp_i18n');