Esempio n. 1
    $sa_url = get_first_service_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::SLICE_AUTHORITY);
    if (!isset($sa_url) || is_null($sa_url) || $sa_url == '') {
        error_log("Found no SA in SR!'");
if (!isset($ma_url)) {
    $ma_url = get_first_service_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::MEMBER_AUTHORITY);
    if (!isset($ma_url) || is_null($ma_url) || $ma_url == '') {
        error_log("Found no MA in SR!'");
// Store any warnings here for display at the top of the page.
$warnings = array();
// Warnings specific to omni 2.2 or newer
$warnings22 = array();
$result = ma_lookup_certificate($ma_url, $user, $user->account_id);
$has_certificate = !is_null($result);
$has_private_key = false;
if ($has_certificate && array_key_exists(MA_OUTSIDE_CERT_TABLE_FIELDNAME::PRIVATE_KEY, $result) && !is_null($result[MA_OUTSIDE_CERT_TABLE_FIELDNAME::PRIVATE_KEY])) {
    $has_private_key = true;
if (!$has_certificate) {
    // warn that no cert has been generated
    $warnings[] = '<p class="warn">No certificate has been generated.' . ' Please <a href="kmcert.php?close=1" target="_blank">' . 'generate a certificate' . '</a>.' . '</p>';
// FIXME: hardcoded path
$download_url = 'https://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/secure/kmcert.php?close=1';
$download_text = 'Create and download your certificate';
if ($has_certificate) {
    $download_text = 'Download your certificate';
Esempio n. 2
function download_cert($ma_url, $km_signer, $member)
    $member_id = $member->member_id;
    $username = $member->username;
    $result = ma_lookup_certificate($ma_url, $km_signer, $member_id);
    $cert_filename = "geni-{$username}.pem";
    // Set headers for download
    header("Cache-Control: public");
    header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$cert_filename}");
    header("Content-Type: application/pem");
    header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
    if (key_exists(MA_ARGUMENT::PRIVATE_KEY, $result)) {
        print $result[MA_ARGUMENT::PRIVATE_KEY];
        print "\n";
    print $result[MA_ARGUMENT::CERTIFICATE];
Esempio n. 3
function get_jfed_strs($user)
    global $portal_jquery_url;
    global $portal_jqueryui_css_url;
    global $portal_jqueryui_js_url;
    $jfed_button_start = null;
    $jfed_script_text = '';
    $jfed_button_part2 = '';
    $certkey = '';
    $browser = getBrowser();
    if (strpos(strtolower($browser["name"]), "chrom") !== false and strpos(strtolower($browser["platform"]), "mac") === 0) {
        //error_log("User browser: " . $browser["name"] . " version " . $browser["version"] . " on " . $browser["platform"]);
        // While interesting, this message appears every time a Chrome on Mac user displays this page. Too much.
        //error_log("User running Chrome on Mac. Can't launch jFed. User should try Safari or Firefox.");
        $jfed_button_start = "<button type='button' onclick='alert(\"jFed cannot run in Chrome on a Mac. Try Safari or Firefox.\")'";
        return array($jfed_script_text, $jfed_button_start, '');
    if (!isset($user)) {
        $user = geni_loadUser();
    if (!isset($ma_url)) {
        $ma_url = get_first_service_of_type(SR_SERVICE_TYPE::MEMBER_AUTHORITY);
        if (!isset($ma_url) || is_null($ma_url) || $ma_url == '') {
            error_log("Found no MA in SR!'");
            return array('', null);
    // Code to set up jfed button
    $certresult = ma_lookup_certificate($ma_url, $user, $user->account_id);
    $expiration_key = 'expiration';
    $has_certificate = False;
    $has_key = False;
    $expired = False;
    $expiration = NULL;
    if (!is_null($certresult)) {
        $has_certificate = True;
        $has_key = array_key_exists(MA_ARGUMENT::PRIVATE_KEY, $certresult);
        if (array_key_exists($expiration_key, $certresult)) {
            $expiration = $certresult[$expiration_key];
            $now = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
            $expired = $expiration < $now;
    if (!$has_certificate or $expired) {
        $jfed_button_start = "<button type='button' onclick='alert(\"Generate an SSL (Omni) key pair to use jFed.\")'";
        $jfed_button_part2 = '';
    } else {
        // Print the script tags needed
        $params = '';
        if ($has_key) {
            $certstring = $certresult[MA_ARGUMENT::PRIVATE_KEY] . "\n" . $certresult[MA_ARGUMENT::CERTIFICATE];
            $certkey = base64_encode($certstring);
            //      $params = ", params: {'login-certificate-string' : '" . base64_encode($certstring) . "' }";
        $jfed_script_text = "\n        <script>\n        var config = {\n            java8_jnlp: '',\n            java7_jnlp: ''\n        };\n        var certkey = '{$certkey}';\n        //var slice_urn = '';\n        var slice_urn = ''; // over-ridden in the onclick of the jFed button with the specific slice URN. launchjFed() uses this global. Tom says Gross!\n        </script>\n        <script src=\"//\"></script>\n        <script src=''></script>\n<div id='java7Dialog' title=\"Old Java version detected\" style=\"display: none\">\n<p>The latest version of jFed is only compatible with Java 8 or higher. We detected that you are using an older version.</p>\n<p>Please upgrade to Java 8 to get access to the newest version of jFed. Otherwise, you can use jFed 5.3.2, which is Java 7-compatible.</p>\n</div>\n\n<div id='noJavaDialog' title=\"No Java detected\" style=\"display: none\">\n<p>jFed requires Java to run. We however couldn't detect a Java installation in your browser.</p>\n<p>Please install the latest version of Java to continue.</p>\n</div>\n";
        // Brecht has id of 'start'
        $jfed_button_start = "<button id='jfed' type='button' onclick='";
        $jfed_button_part2 = " launchjFed()'";
    return array($jfed_script_text, $jfed_button_start, $jfed_button_part2);
Esempio n. 4
    $member_id_value = strtolower($member_id_value);
    $members = ma_lookup_member_id($ma_url, $km_signer, $member_id_key, $member_id_value);
} else {
    error_log("No member_id_key {$member_id_key} given to loadcert.php");
if (count($members) > 0) {
    $member = $members[0];
    $member_id = $member->member_id;
 * Now we're done with the optional setting of the passphrase, so
 * continue by retrieving the key and cert.
$certificate = NULL;
$private_key = NULL;
$result = ma_lookup_certificate($ma_url, $km_signer, $member_id);
if (isset($result) && key_exists(MA_ARGUMENT::CERTIFICATE, $result)) {
    $certificate = $result[MA_ARGUMENT::CERTIFICATE];
if (isset($result) && key_exists(MA_ARGUMENT::PRIVATE_KEY, $result)) {
    $private_key = $result[MA_ARGUMENT::PRIVATE_KEY];
$expiration_key = 'expiration';
$expired = False;
if (isset($result)) {
    if (array_key_exists($expiration_key, $result)) {
        $expiration = $result[$expiration_key];
        $now = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
        $expired = $expiration < $now;