Esempio n. 1
function lovd_mailNewColleagues($sUserID, $sUserFullname, $sUserInstitute, $sUserEmail, $aNewColleagues)
    // Send an email to users with an ID in $aNewColleagues, letting them know
    // the user denoted by $sUserID has shared access to his data with them.
    require_once ROOT_PATH . 'inc-lib-form.php';
    global $_DB, $_SETT, $_AUTH;
    if (!is_array($aNewColleagues) || !$aNewColleagues) {
        // Nothing to be done.
        return false;
    // Fetch names/email addresses for new colleagues.
    $sPlaceholders = '(?' . str_repeat(',?', count($aNewColleagues) - 1) . ')';
    $sColleagueQuery = 'SELECT id, name, institute, email FROM ' . TABLE_USERS . ' WHERE id IN ' . $sPlaceholders;
    $zColleagues = $_DB->query($sColleagueQuery, $aNewColleagues)->fetchAllAssoc();
    $sApplicationURL = lovd_getInstallURL();
    $sGranterFullname = $_AUTH['name'];
    $sGranterInstitute = $_AUTH['institute'];
    $aGranterEmails = explode("\r\n", $_AUTH['email']);
    $sGranterEmail = isset($aGranterEmails[0]) ? $aGranterEmails[0] : '';
    if ($sUserID == $_AUTH['id']) {
        // User who is granting permissions is the same as who's data is being shared.
        $sResourceDescription = 'their data';
    } else {
        // Somebody else (e.g. a manager) is granting access to someone else's data.
        $sResourceDescription = 'data of ' . $sUserFullname . ' (' . $sUserInstitute . ')';
        // Send notification email to the one who's data is being shared.
        $aSharerEmails = explode("\r\n", $sUserEmail);
        $sSharerEmail = isset($aSharerEmails[0]) ? $aSharerEmails[0] : '';
        $aRecipients = array();
        foreach ($zColleagues as $zColleague) {
            $aRecipients[] = '* ' . $zColleague['name'] . ' (' . $zColleague['institute'] . ')';
        $sRecipients = join("\n", $aRecipients);
        $sSharerAccountURL = $sApplicationURL . 'users/' . $sUserID;
        $sSharerMailbody = sprintf(EMAIL_SHARER_NEW_COLLEAGUE, $sUserFullname, $_AUTH['name'], $_AUTH['institute'], $sGranterEmail, $sRecipients, $sSharerAccountURL);
        lovd_sendMail(array(array($sUserFullname, $sSharerEmail)), 'LOVD access sharing', $sSharerMailbody, $_SETT['email_headers'], false, false);
    // Now loop through new colleagues to send them all one email.
    foreach ($zColleagues as $zColleague) {
        $sRecipientAccountURL = $sApplicationURL . 'users/' . $zColleague['id'];
        // Setup mail text and fill placeholders.
        $sMailBody = sprintf(EMAIL_NEW_COLLEAGUE, $zColleague['name'], $sApplicationURL, $sGranterFullname, $sGranterInstitute, $sGranterEmail, $sResourceDescription, $sRecipientAccountURL);
        // Note: email field is new-line separated list of email addresses.
        lovd_sendMail(array(array($zColleague['name'], $zColleague['email'])), 'LOVD access sharing', $sMailBody, $_SETT['email_headers'], false, false);
Esempio n. 2
     $aTo = array(array($zData['name'], $zData['email']));
     $sMessage = 'Dear ' . $zData['name'] . ',' . "\n\n" . 'Your password from your LOVD account has been reset, as requested. Your new, randomly generated, password can be found below. Please log in to LOVD and choose a new password.' . "\n\n" . 'Below is a copy of your updated account information.' . "\n\n" . 'If you did not request a new password, you can disregard this message. Your old password will continue to function normally. However, you may then want to report this email to the Database administrator ' . $_SETT['admin']['name'] . ', email: ' . $_SETT['admin']['email'] . ', who can investigate possible misuse of the system.' . "\n\n";
     // Add the location of the database, so that the user can just click the link.
     if ($_CONF['location_url']) {
         $sMessage .= 'To log in to LOVD, click this link:' . "\n" . $_CONF['location_url'] . 'login' . "\n\n";
     $sMessage .= 'Regards,' . "\n" . '    LOVD ' . $_SETT['system']['version'] . ' system at ' . $_CONF['institute'] . "\n\n";
     // Array containing the unlock code field.
     $a['password_autogen'] = $sPasswd;
     $aMailFields = array('a', 'password_autogen' => 'New password / unlocking code');
     $aBody = array($sMessage, 'restore_password' => $aMailFields);
     $sBody = lovd_formatMail($aBody);
     $sSubject = 'LOVD password reset';
     // Don't just change this; lovd_sendMail() is parsing it.
     // Send mail.
     $bMail = lovd_sendMail($aTo, $sSubject, $sBody, $_SETT['email_headers'], true, $_CONF['send_admin_submissions']);
     // Thank the user...
     if ($bMail) {
         print '      Successfully reset your password.<BR>' . "\n" . '      We\'ve sent you an email containing your new password. With this new password, you can <A href="' . ROOT_PATH . 'login.php">unlock your account</A> and choose a new password.<BR><BR>' . "\n\n";
     } else {
         // Couldn't send confirmation...
         lovd_writeLog('Error', LOG_EVENT, 'Error sending email for account ' . $_AUTH['username'] . ' (' . $zData['name'] . ')');
         print '      Due to an error, we couldn\'t send you an email containing your new password. Our apologies for the inconvenience.<BR><BR>' . "\n\n";
 } else {
     lovd_writeLog('Auth', LOG_EVENT, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' (' . gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . ') tried to reset password for denied account ' . $_POST['username']);
Esempio n. 3
function lovd_sendMail($aTo, $sSubject, $sBody, $sHeaders, $bHalt = true, $bFwdAdmin = true, $aCc = array(), $aBcc = array())
    // Format:
    // $aTo, $aCc, $aBcc = array(
    //                           array('Name', "Email\r\nEmail\r\nEmail"),
    //                           array('Name', "Email\r\nEmail")
    //                          );
    global $_SETT, $_CONF;
    $aEmailsUsed = array();
    // Make sure no email address is used more than once.
    $sTo = lovd_sendMailFormatAddresses($aTo, $aEmailsUsed);
    $sCc = lovd_sendMailFormatAddresses($aCc, $aEmailsUsed);
    $sBcc = lovd_sendMailFormatAddresses($aBcc, $aEmailsUsed);
    // 2013-02-06; 3.0-02; Fix for MIME emails that have long lines in the MIME headers.
    // Lines that are not to be wrapped will have their spaces (and other characters lovd_wrapText()
    // responds to) replaced with something else; then the body is wrapped, and then the spaces are replaced back in.
    $sBody = preg_replace_callback('/^(Content-(Type|Description):.+)/im', function ($aRegs) {
        return str_replace(array(' ', '-', ',', ':', ';'), array('{{SPACE}}', '{{HYPHEN}}', '{{COMMA}}', '{{COLON}}', '{{SEMICOLON}}'), $aRegs[1]);
    }, $sBody);
    // Normal message body wrapping, which now cannot wrap the headers anymore...
    $sBody = lovd_wrapText($sBody);
    // Now, let's restore what we replaced.
    $sBody = preg_replace_callback('/^(Content{{HYPHEN}}(Type|Description){{COLON}}.+)/im', function ($aRegs) {
        return str_replace(array('{{SPACE}}', '{{HYPHEN}}', '{{COMMA}}', '{{COLON}}', '{{SEMICOLON}}'), array(' ', '-', ',', ':', ';'), $aRegs[1]);
    }, $sBody);
    $sHeaders = $sHeaders . (!empty($sCc) ? PHP_EOL . 'Cc: ' . $sCc : '') . (!empty($sBcc) ? PHP_EOL . 'Bcc: ' . $sBcc : '');
    // 2013-08-26; 3.0-08; Encode the subject as well. Prefixing with "Subject: " to make sure the first line including the SMTP header does not exceed the 76 chars.
    $sSubjectEncoded = substr(mb_encode_mimeheader('Subject: ' . $sSubject, 'UTF-8'), 9);
    $bSafeMode = ini_get('safe_mode');
    if (!$bSafeMode) {
        $bMail = @mail($sTo, $sSubjectEncoded, $sBody, $sHeaders, '-f ' . $_CONF['email_address']);
    } else {
        $bMail = @mail($sTo, $sSubjectEncoded, $sBody, $sHeaders);
    if ($bMail && $bFwdAdmin) {
        $sBody = preg_replace('/^(Password[\\s*]+: ).+/m', "\$1" . '<password hidden>', $sBody);
        $sBody = 'Dear ' . $_SETT['admin']['name'] . ",\n\n" . 'As requested, a copy of the message I\'ve just sent.' . "\n\n" . str_repeat('-', 25) . ' Forwarded  Message ' . str_repeat('-', 25) . "\n\n" . rtrim($sBody) . "\n\n" . str_repeat('-', 22) . ' End of Forwarded Message ' . str_repeat('-', 22) . "\n";
        // The admin should have a proper Reply-to header.
        $sAdditionalHeaders = '';
        if (in_array($sSubject, array('LOVD account registration', 'LOVD password reset'))) {
            // Reply-to should be original addressees.
            $sAdditionalHeaders .= 'Reply-To: ' . $sTo;
        } elseif (strpos($sSubject, 'LOVD submission') === 0) {
            // Reply-to should be submitter.
            $sAdditionalHeaders .= 'Reply-To: ' . $sCc;
        $sSubject = 'FW: ' . $sSubject;
        // 2013-08-26; 3.0-08; Encode the subject as well. Prefixing with "Subject: " to make sure the first line including the SMTP header does not exceed the 76 chars.
        $sSubjectEncoded = substr(mb_encode_mimeheader('Subject: ' . $sSubject, 'UTF-8'), 9);
        return lovd_sendMail(array($_SETT['admin']), $sSubjectEncoded, $sBody, $_SETT['email_headers'] . ($sAdditionalHeaders ? PHP_EOL . $sAdditionalHeaders : ''), $bHalt, false);
    } elseif (!$bMail) {
        // $sSubject is used here as it can always be used to describe the email type. This function also logs the email error.
        lovd_emailError(LOG_EVENT, $sSubject, $sTo, $bHalt);
    return $bMail;