function logoutbar_enabled()
    $enabled = get_plugin_setting('loginbar', 'vazco_topbar');
    //make sure there's at least one way to log in
    if (!loginbox_enabled()) {
        $enabled = "yes";
    return $enabled == "no" ? false : true;
if (isloggedin()) {
    echo "<h2>" . elgg_echo("welcome") . " ";
    echo $vars['user']->name;
    echo "</h2>";
//include a view that plugins can extend
echo elgg_view("index/lefthandside");
//this displays some content when the user is logged out
if (!isloggedin() && (!function_exists("loginbox_enabled") || loginbox_enabled())) {
    //display the login form
    echo $loginBox;
    echo $login_text;
    echo "<div class=\"clearfloat\"></div>";
echo $mainpageWidgets->displayColumnWidgets("left");
if ($show3columns == "yes") {
		    <div id="index_center">