Esempio n. 1
function addaemploi($id_aemploi, $montant, $date_paiement, $mode_paiement, $ref_pj, $pj)
    global $db;
    $nextid = getnextidtable('autorisation_emploi');
    $usrid = $_SESSION['userid'];
    $date = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date_paiement));
    $values["pj"] = MySQL::SQLValue($pj);
    $values["ref_pj"] = MySQL::SQLValue($ref_pj);
    $values["id_aemploi"] = MySQL::SQLValue($id_aemploi);
    $values["mode_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($mode_paiement);
    $values["date_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date);
    $values["montant"] = MySQL::SQLValue($montant);
    $values["addby"] = MySQL::SQLValue($usrid);
    if (!$db->InsertRow("autorisation_emploi", $values)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("autorisation_emploi", $values);
        logg('Enregistrement Autorisation Emploi ', 246, $nextid, $_SESSION['userid']);
        if ($pj != "") {
            $basedir = "upload/Autorisation";
            if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
                mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
            $newdir = $basedir . "/";
            copyfile($pj, $nextid, $newdir, "Attachement_autorisation_");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $nextid, 'Attachement_autorisation_'), "Fichier joint autorisation emploi {$nextid}", 246, $nextid, "autorisation_emploi", "pj", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
    return true;
Esempio n. 2
function edit_fournisseur($rs, $nom, $prenom, $adr, $if, $ville, $pays, $tel, $mail, $mobile, $fax, $id)
    global $db;
    $values["rs"] = MySQL::SQLValue($rs);
    $values["nom"] = MySQL::SQLValue($nom);
    $values["prenom"] = MySQL::SQLValue($prenom);
    $values["adr"] = MySQL::SQLValue($adr);
    $values["if"] = MySQL::SQLValue($if);
    $values["ville"] = MySQL::SQLValue($ville);
    $values["pays"] = MySQL::SQLValue($pays);
    $values["tel"] = MySQL::SQLValue($tel);
    $values["email"] = MySQL::SQLValue($mail);
    $values["mobile"] = MySQL::SQLValue($mobile);
    $values["fax"] = MySQL::SQLValue($fax);
    $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($id);
    // Execute the Update
    $result = $db->UpdateRows("fournisseur", $values, $where);
    if (!$result) {
        return false;
    } else {
        logg("Validation Entrée {$id}  ", 100, 0, $_SESSION['userid']);
        return true;
Esempio n. 3
function add_contrat($nextid, $titre, $fournisseur, $date, $montant_global, $article, $paragraphe, $chapitre, $pj)
    global $db;
    $usrid = $_SESSION['userid'];
    $date = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date));
    $values["titre"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titre);
    $values["date"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date);
    $values["id_fournisseur"] = MySQL::SQLValue($fournisseur);
    $values["id_chapitre"] = MySQL::SQLValue($chapitre);
    $values["id_article"] = MySQL::SQLValue($article);
    $values["id_paragraphe"] = MySQL::SQLValue($paragraphe);
    $values["montant_global"] = MySQL::SQLValue($montant_global);
    $values["montant_paye"] = MySQL::SQLValue(0);
    $values["pourcentage"] = MySQL::SQLValue(0);
    $values["montant_rest"] = MySQL::SQLValue($montant_global);
    $values["addby"] = MySQL::SQLValue($usrid);
    if (!$db->InsertRow("contrat", $values)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        logg('Enregistrement Contrat Fournisseur ', 254, $nextid, $_SESSION['userid']);
        // Save PJ to archive
        if ($pj != "") {
            $basedir = "upload/contrat";
            if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
                mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
            $newdir = $basedir . "/";
            copyfile($pj, $nextid, $newdir, "Attachement_contrat_");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $nextid, 'Attachement_contrat_'), "Fichier joint contrat fournisseur {$nextid}", 254, $nextid, "contrat", "pj", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
    return true;
Esempio n. 4
function cleanupjson() {
	logg("Cleanup json");
	$dir = "../json/";
	$files = rd($dir);
	foreach($files as $fnum => $fname) {
		// Stuff..
		$fpath = "{$dir}{$fname}";
		if (is_dir($fpath)) { continue; }
		// Clear temp files...
		if (strpos($fpath,"station_info.TMP.")!==FALSE) {
			logg(" - TMP: {$fpath}");
		// Clear old station_info files..
		elseif (strpos($fpath,"station_info.")!==FALSE) {
			$timeold = time() - (60*60*24); // 60s * 60m = 1 hour // -> calced in seconds
			if (filemtime($fpath)<$timeold) {
				logg(" - OLD: {$fpath}");
Esempio n. 5
function editlocation($nextid, $nom, $adresse, $pj, $tel, $mail, $villa, $date_debut, $date_fin, $type_paiement, $montant_location, $agarantie_location)
    global $db;
    $usrid = $_SESSION['userid'];
    $datedebut = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date_debut));
    $datefin = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date_fin));
    $values["nomlocataire"] = MySQL::SQLValue($nom);
    $values["adresse"] = MySQL::SQLValue($adresse);
    $values["tel"] = MySQL::SQLValue($tel);
    $values["mail"] = MySQL::SQLValue($mail);
    $values["idvilla"] = MySQL::SQLValue($villa);
    $values["date_debut"] = MySQL::SQLValue($datedebut);
    $values["date_fin"] = MySQL::SQLValue($datefin);
    $values["montant"] = MySQL::SQLValue($montant_location);
    $values["depot_garantie"] = MySQL::SQLValue($agarantie_location);
    $values["type_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($type_paiement);
    $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($nextid);
    if (!$db->UpdateRows("contrat_location_villa", $values, $where)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("contrat_location_villa", $values);
        logg('Enregistrement Location Villa ', 100, $nextid, $_SESSION['userid']);
        if ($pj != "") {
            $basedir = "upload/location";
            if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
                mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
            $newdir = $basedir . "/";
            copyfile($pj, $nextid, $newdir, "Attachement_location_");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $nextid, 'Attachement_location_'), "Fichier joint location ville {$nextid}", 100, $nextid, "location_villa", "pj", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
        return true;
Esempio n. 6
function setcontrat($id, $date, $pj)
    global $db;
    $etat = "Résilié";
    $nextid = getnextidtable('contrat_location_villa');
    $date = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date));
    $values["date_resiliation"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date);
    $values["etat"] = MySQL::SQLValue($etat);
    $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($id);
    if (!$db->UpdateRows("contrat_location_villa", $values, $where)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("contrat_location_villa", $values);
        logg('Enregistrement Location Villa ', 233, $id, $_SESSION['userid']);
        if ($pj != "") {
            $basedir = "upload/location";
            if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
                mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
            $newdir = $basedir . "/";
            copyfile($pj, $id, $newdir, "Attachement_location_");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $id, 'Attachement_location_'), "Fichier joint location ville {$id}", 233, $id, "contrat_location_villa", "pj_resiliation", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
        return true;
Esempio n. 7
function editcollecte($idcontrat, $paiement, $date, $pj)
    global $db;
    $usrid = $_SESSION['userid'];
    $nextid = getnextidtable('collecte');
    $date_paiement = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date));
    $values["mode_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($paiement);
    $values["date_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date_paiement);
    $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($idcontrat);
    if (!$db->UpdateRows("collecte", $values, $where)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("collecte", $values);
        logg('Enregistrement collecte ', 201, $nextid, $_SESSION['userid']);
        if ($pj != "") {
            $basedir = "upload/collecte";
            if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
                mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
            $newdir = $basedir . "/";
            copyfile($pj, $nextid, $newdir, "collecte");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $nextid, 'collecte'), "Fichier joint collecte {$nextid}", 201, $nextid, "collecte", "piece_jointe", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
        return true;
Esempio n. 8
function edit_quote($id, $date, $montant, $pj)
    global $db;
    $date = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date));
    $values["datinsert"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date);
    $values["montant"] = MySQL::SQLValue($montant);
    $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($id);
    if (!$db->UpdateRows("quotpatronal", $values, $where)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("quotpatronal", $values);
        logg('Enregistrement Quote Part Patronal ', 175, $id, $_SESSION['userid']);
        if ($pj != "") {
            $basedir = "upload/quotpatronal";
            if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
                mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
            $newdir = $basedir . "/";
            copyfile($pj, $id, $newdir, "Attachement_quotpatronal_");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $id, 'Attachement_quotpatronal_'), "Fichier joint Quote Part Patronal {$id}", 175, $id, "quotpatronal", "piece_jointe", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
        return true;
Esempio n. 9
function setcollecte($id, $mode_paiement, $pj, $date_paiement)
    global $db;
    $date = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date_paiement));
    $values["mode_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($mode_paiement);
    $values["date_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date);
    $values["etat_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue("Payé");
    $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($id);
    if (!$db->UpdateRows("collecte", $values, $where)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("collecte", $values);
        logg('Enregistrement collecte ', 195, $id, $_SESSION['userid']);
        if ($pj != "") {
            $basedir = "upload/collecte";
            if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
                mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
            $newdir = $basedir . "/";
            copyfile($pj, $id, $newdir, "Attachement_collecte_");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $id, 'Attachement_collecte_'), "Fichier joint collecte  {$id}", 195, $id, "collecte", "piece_jointe", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
        return true;
Esempio n. 10
function editnote($objet, $note, $id, $dat)
    global $db;
    $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($dat));
    $getan = date('Y', strtotime($dat));
    $usrid = $_SESSION['userid'];
    $values["objet"] = MySQL::SQLValue($objet);
    $values["dat"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date);
    $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($id);
    // Execute the insert
    $result = $db->UpdateRows("noteservice", $values, $where);
    // ajout champs table synchrone
    $sql = $db->BuildSQLUpdate("noteservice", $values, $where);
    $valuesf["req"] = MySQL::SQLValue($sql);
    $r = $db->InsertRow("temprequet", $valuesf);
    // If we have an error
    if (!$result) {
        // Show the error and kill the script
        $db->Kill('Error Update');
        return false;
    } else {
        logg('Modification Note de service', 12, $id, $_SESSION['userid']);
        $basedir = "upload/noteservice/{$getan}";
        // save file
        if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
            mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
        $newdir = $basedir . "/";
        if ($note != "") {
            copyfile($note, $id, $newdir, "note_");
            //autoarchive($newdir.changnom($note,$id,'note_'),"Note de service N° $id ",12,$id,"noteservice", "file", $_SESSION['userid'],cryptage(session::get('service'),0));
        return true;
Esempio n. 11
function editreform($nextid, $titre, $desc, $montant, $pj, $date)
    global $db;
    $usrid = $_SESSION['userid'];
    $date_operation = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date));
    $values["titre"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titre);
    $values["description"] = MySQL::SQLValue($desc);
    $values["montant"] = MySQL::SQLValue($montant);
    $values["date_operation"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date_operation);
    $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($nextid);
    if (!$db->UpdateRows("produit_reform", $values, $where)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("produit_reform", $values);
        logg('Enregistrement Produit Reform ', 167, $nextid, $_SESSION['userid']);
        if ($pj != "") {
            $basedir = "upload/produit";
            if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
                mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
            $newdir = $basedir . "/";
            copyfile($pj, $nextid, $newdir, "Attachement_produit_reform");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $nextid, 'Attachement_produit_reform'), "Fichier joint produit Reform  {$nextid}", 100, $nextid, "produit_reform", "pj", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
        return true;
Esempio n. 12
function delet($id)
    global $db;
    $req = "delete from contrat_location_villa   where id={$id}";
    if (!$db->Query($req)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        logg("Suppression Entrée {$id}  ", 73, 0, $_SESSION['userid']);
        return false;
Esempio n. 13
function delet_autorisation($autorisation)
    global $db;
    $req = "delete from autorisation_emploi where id ={$autorisation}";
    $valuesf["req"] = MySQL::SQLValue($req);
    $r = $db->InsertRow("temprequet", $valuesf);
    if (!$db->Query($req)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        logg("Suppression Entrée {$autorisation}  ", 243, 0, $_SESSION['userid']);
        return true;
Esempio n. 14
function delet_compte($id)
    global $db;
    $req = "delete from compte where id ={$id}";
    $valuesf["req"] = MySQL::SQLValue($req);
    $r = $db->InsertRow("temprequet", $valuesf);
    if (!$db->Query($req)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        logg("Suppression Entrée {$id}  ", 179, 0, $_SESSION['userid']);
        return true;
Esempio n. 15
function cleanupjson()
    logg("Cleanup json");
    $dir = "../json/";
    $files = rd($dir);
    foreach ($files as $fnum => $fname) {
        $fpath = "{$dir}{$fname}";
        if (is_dir($fpath)) {
        if (strpos($fpath, "station_info.TMP.") !== FALSE) {
            logg(" - {$fpath}");
Esempio n. 16
function delet($note)
    //first delete files
    global $db;
    $req = "delete from noteservice where id=" . $note;
    $valuesf["req"] = MySQL::SQLValue($req);
    $r = $db->InsertRow("temprequet", $valuesf);
    if (!$db->Query($req)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        logg("Suppression Entrée {$note}  ", 12, 0, $_SESSION['userid']);
        return true;
Esempio n. 17
function delet($id)
    global $db;
    //$sqldir="SELECT concat('upload/aemploi/',ste,'/',YEAR(datdemand),'/',id) as dir FROM `aemploi` WHERE id=$id";
    //$dir = $db->QuerySingleValue0($sqldir);
    $req = "delete from nation   where id={$id}";
    $valuesf["req"] = MySQL::SQLValue($req);
    $r = $db->InsertRow("temprequet", $valuesf);
    if (!$db->Query($req)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        logg("Suppression Entrée {$id}  ", 73, 0, $_SESSION['userid']);
        return false;
Esempio n. 18
function addlocation($nextid, $nomlocataire, $nomresponsable, $adresse, $tel, $mail, $villa, $date_debut, $date_fin, $montant, $depot_garantie, $pj, $cycle)
    global $db;
    $usrid = $_SESSION['userid'];
    $datedebut = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date_debut));
    $datefin = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date_fin));
    $values["nomlocataire"] = MySQL::SQLValue($nomlocataire);
    $values["nomresponsable"] = MySQL::SQLValue($nomresponsable);
    $values["adresse"] = MySQL::SQLValue($adresse);
    $values["tel"] = MySQL::SQLValue($tel);
    $values["mail"] = MySQL::SQLValue($mail);
    $values["date_debut"] = MySQL::SQLValue($datedebut);
    $values["date_fin"] = MySQL::SQLValue($datefin);
    $values["montant"] = MySQL::SQLValue($montant);
    $values["depot_garantie"] = MySQL::SQLValue($depot_garantie);
    //$values["type_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($type_paiement);
    $values["addby"] = MySQL::SQLValue($usrid);
    $values["etat"] = MySQL::SQLValue('Attente Validation');
    $values["cycle_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($cycle);
    $values["idvilla"] = MySQL::SQLValue($villa);
    //if(($db->QuerySingleValue0("SELECT id FROM contrat_location_villa where etat='en cours' and idvilla ='".tp('villa')."'")==0)
    if (!$db->InsertRow("contrat_location_villa", $values)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("contrat_location_villa", $values);
        logg('Enregistrement Location Villa ', 196, $nextid, $_SESSION['userid']);
        if ($pj != "") {
            $basedir = "upload/location";
            if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
                mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
            $newdir = $basedir . "/";
            copyfile($pj, $nextid, $newdir, "Attachement_location_");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $nextid, 'Attachement_location_'), "Fichier joint location villa {$nextid}", 196, $nextid, "contrat_location_villa", "pj", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
    return true;
Esempio n. 19
function addnote($objet, $note, $id, $dat)
    global $db;
    $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($dat));
    $getan = date('Y', strtotime($dat));
    $usrid = $_SESSION['userid'];
    $values["objet"] = MySQL::SQLValue($objet);
    $values["file"] = MySQL::SQLValue(changnom($note, $id, 'note_'));
    $values["dat"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date);
    $values["addby"] = MySQL::SQLValue($usrid);
    // Execute the insert
    $result = $db->InsertRow("noteservice", $values);
    $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("noteservice", $values);
    $valuesf["req"] = MySQL::SQLValue($sql);
    $r = $db->InsertRow("temprequet", $valuesf);
    // If we have an error
    if (!$result) {
        // Show the error and kill the script
        $db->Kill('Error insert');
        return false;
    } else {
        logg('Enregistrement Note de service', 12, $id, $_SESSION['userid']);
        $basedir = "upload/noteservice/{$getan}";
        // save file
        if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
            mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
        $newdir = $basedir . "/";
        if ($note != "") {
            copyfile($note, $id, $newdir, "note_");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($note, $id, 'note_'), "Note de service N° {$id} ", 12, $id, "noteservice", "file", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
        return true;
    /* if($lettre!=""){
    autoarchive($newdir.changnom($lettre,$id,'lettre_'),"Lettre demande Autorisation d'Emploi $id ",44,$id,"aemploi", "lettre", $_SESSION['userid'],cryptage(session::get('service'),0));
    	  }	*/
Esempio n. 20
function add_ets_diplom($id, $ets_dip, $groupe, $idgrp, $pay)
    global $db;
    $values["pay"] = MySQL::SQLValue($pay);
    $values["ets"] = MySQL::SQLValue($ets_dip);
    $values["groupe"] = MySQL::SQLValue($groupe);
    $values["groupe_id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($idgrp);
    $values["addby"] = MySQL::SQLValue($_SESSION['userid']);
    // Execute the insert
    //$result = $db->InsertRow("offre", $values);
    // If we have an error
    if (!$db->InsertRow("ets_diplom", $values)) {
        // Show the error and kill the script
        return false;
    } else {
        logg("Engistrement Etablissement  Diplome {$id}", 125, $id, $_SESSION['userid']);
        $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("ets_diplom", $values);
        $valuesf["req"] = MySQL::SQLValue($sql);
        $r = $db->InsertRow("temprequet", $valuesf);
        return true;
Esempio n. 21
function editsecteur($id, $secteur, $is_groupe, $id_groupe)
    global $db;
    $values["secteur"] = MySQL::SQLValue($secteur);
    if ($is_groupe == 1) {
        $values["groupe"] = MySQL::SQLValue(1);
        $values["idgroupe"] = MySQL::SQLValue($id);
    } else {
        $values["groupe"] = MySQL::SQLValue(0);
        $values["idgroupe"] = MySQL::SQLValue($id_groupe);
    $values["addby"] = MySQL::SQLValue($_SESSION['userid']);
    $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($id);
    // Execute the insert
    // If we have an error
    if (!($result = $db->UpdateRows("secteur", $values, $where))) {
        // Show the error and kill the script
        return false;
    } else {
        logg("Modification Métier {$id}", 125, $id, $_SESSION['userid']);
        return true;
Esempio n. 22
function addcollecte($nextid, $id, $prix, $paiement, $pj)
    global $db;
    $values["id_location"] = MySQL::SQLValue($id);
    $values["prix_mensuel"] = MySQL::SQLValue($prix);
    $values["mode_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($paiement);
    if (!$db->InsertRow("collecte", $values)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("collecte", $values);
        logg('Enregistrement collecte ', 100, $nextid, $_SESSION['userid']);
        if ($pj != "") {
            $basedir = "upload/collecte";
            if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
                mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
            $newdir = $basedir . "/";
            copyfile($pj, $nextid, $newdir, "Attachement_collecte_");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $nextid, 'Attachement_collecte_'), "Fichier joint collecte  {$nextid}", 100, $nextid, "collecte", "piece_jointe", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
        return true;
Esempio n. 23
function start($PARAMS)
    if (isset($PARAMS["secure"]) and !isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"])) {
        //logg("server name: ".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]."\nrequest uri: ".$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
        //header("Location: https://".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);               // redirect to https
        header("Location:" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
        // redirect to https [T version]
    // defined constants
    define("DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE", 1024 * 1024);
    // define startup defaults
    // whether or not we (the server) support the range header  [default: true                      ]
    // whether or not to send no-cache (and friends) headers    [default: false                     ]
    $FORCE_CHUNKED = false;
    // whether or not to send chunked data                      [default: false                     ]
    $filename = "11s.webm";
    // media file to serve                                      [default: 11s.webm                  ]
    //$filename               = "../../../../../../resources/media/webm/11s.webm";                    // media file to serve                                      [default: 11s.webm                  ]
    $rate = 0.0;
    // data burst rate                                          [default: no limit                  ]
    $chunksize = 1.0 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE;
    // max chunk size                                           [default: 1 MB                      ]
    $sleep = 0.0;
    // delay between chunks                                     [default: 0s                        ]
    $timeout = 3;
    // timeout for the connection                               [default: 3s                        ]
    $limitsize = false;
    // limit the number of bytes to send                        [default: disabled                  ]
    $ifrange = false;
    // control if-range behavior                                [default: disabled                  ]
    // the below parameter has meaning only if USE_CONTENTRANGE is true and SUPPORT_HEADER_RANGE is true
    $offset = 0;
    // bytes added to range end to invoke invalid response      [default: 0                         ]
    // list of headers to send
    $HEADERS = array();
    $USE_ETAG = false;
    // whether or not to send the etag header                   [default: false                     ]
    $HTTP_STATUS = false;
    // http status header to send (use 206 or 200 if not set)   [default: false                     ]
    $date = false;
    // date header to send                                      [default: don't send any            ]
    $contenttype = "application/octet-stream";
    // content type header to send (autodetected if not set)    [default: application/octet-stream  ]
    // the below headers have meaning only if SUPPORT_RANGE_HEADER is true (norange parameter is not set)
    // whether or not to send the content range header          [default: true                      ]
    $acceptranges = "bytes";
    // accept ranges header to send                             [default: bytes                     ]
    // the below headers have meaning only if FORCE_BROWSER_CACHE is false (nocache parameter is not set)
    $expires = false;
    // expires header to send                                   [default: don't send any            ]
    $lastmodified = false;
    // last modified header to send                             [default: don't send any            ]
    $cachecontrol = false;
    // cache control header to send                             [default: don't send any            ]
    $id = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
    // set the script execution ID (for use with force timeout) [default: client IP                 ]
    // override default values with provided parameters (+sanity checks)
    if (isset($PARAMS["norange"])) {
        $SUPPORT_RANGE_HEADER = false;
    // disable server support for the range header
    if (isset($PARAMS["nocache"])) {
        $FORCE_BROWSER_NOCACHE = true;
    // enable sending of no-cache (and friends) headers
    if (isset($PARAMS["chunked"])) {
        $FORCE_CHUNKED = true;
    // enable Transfer-Encoding: chunked (disable Content-Length)
    if (isset($PARAMS["contentrange"])) {
        $USE_CONTENTRANGE = false;
    // disable sending the Content-Range header
    if (isset($PARAMS["acceptranges"])) {
        $acceptranges = $PARAMS["acceptranges"];
    // change the default Accept-Ranges header
    if (isset($PARAMS["etag"])) {
        $USE_ETAG = true;
    // enable sending the ETag header
    if (isset($PARAMS["status"])) {
        $HTTP_STATUS = $PARAMS["status"];
    // change the default HTTP/1.1 status header
    if (isset($PARAMS["date"])) {
        $date = $PARAMS["date"];
    // enable sending the Date header and set it's value or 'yes' for current date -1s
    if (isset($PARAMS["expires"])) {
        $expires = $PARAMS["expires"];
    // enable sending the Expires header and set to how many seconds from current date it should be set
    if (isset($PARAMS["lastmodified"])) {
        $lastmodified = $PARAMS["lastmodified"];
    // enable sending the Last-Modified header and set it's value or 'yes' for the actual file modification date
    if (isset($PARAMS["cachecontrol"])) {
        $cachecontrol = $PARAMS["cachecontrol"];
    // enable sending the Cache-Control header and set it's value
    if (isset($PARAMS["file"])) {
        $filename = $PARAMS["file"];
    // set custom file name
    if (isset($PARAMS["size"])) {
        $limitsize = $PARAMS["size"];
    // limit the number of bytes to send
    if (isset($PARAMS["if-range"])) {
        $ifrange = $PARAMS["if-range"];
    // control the if-range behavior
    if (isset($PARAMS["timeout"]) and is_numeric($PARAMS["timeout"])) {
        $timeout = floatval($PARAMS["timeout"]);
    // set custom timeout
    if (isset($PARAMS["rate"]) and is_numeric($PARAMS["rate"])) {
        $rate = floatval($PARAMS["rate"]) * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE;
    // set custom size
    if (isset($PARAMS["contenttype"])) {
        $contenttype = $PARAMS["contenttype"];
    } else {
        $contenttype = getcontenttype($filename, $contenttype);
    // or try to determine what it is based on filename
    if (isset($PARAMS["contentrangeoffset"])) {
        $offset = intval($PARAMS["offset"]);
    // add some bytes to the range end to invoke an invalid range response
    if (isset($PARAMS["forcetimeout"])) {
    // enable instant "timeout" simulation
    if (isset($PARAMS["id"])) {
        $id = $PARAMS["id"];
    // set script execution ID (for use with force timeout)
    if (!($video = fopen($filename, "r"))) {
    // check if file exists and can be opened for reading
    $filesize = $limitsize ? intval($limitsize) : filesize($filename);
    // get filesize (used frequently later on)
    if ($ifrange and $_SERVER["HTTP_IF_RANGE"]) {
        switch ($ifrange) {
            case "200":
                // case 200
                $SUPPORT_RANGE_HEADER = false;
                // disable range support (same as norange=1)
            case "400":
                // case 400
                header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
                // send bad request status
                die("Sorry, requested range (" . $_SERVER["HTTP_RANGE"] . ") is not satisfiable!");
                // and exit the script
    if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_RANGE"]) and $SUPPORT_RANGE_HEADER) {
        $RANGE = explode("=", $_SERVER["HTTP_RANGE"]);
        // split the header into type and range
        // sanity check
        if (count($RANGE, 2)) {
            $RANGE = explode("-", $RANGE[1]);
            // split the range into start and end
            // sanity checks
            if (count($RANGE) == 1) {
                array_push($RANGE, $filesize - 1);
            // make sure the range end value is set
            if (is_numeric($RANGE[0])) {
                $RANGE[0] = intval($RANGE[0]);
            } else {
                $RANGE[0] = 0;
            // if not then set to default: 0
            if (is_numeric($RANGE[1])) {
                $RANGE[1] = intval($RANGE[1]);
            } else {
                $RANGE[1] = $filesize - 1;
            // if not then set to default: max (filesize - 1 as per RFC)
        } else {
            $RANGE = array(0, $filesize - 1);
        // set default start and end values
        array_unshift($RANGE, $_SERVER["HTTP_RANGE"]);
        // just because :)
        // set the required response headers for a range request
        array_push($HEADERS, "HTTP/1.1 " . ($HTTP_STATUS ? $HTTP_STATU : "206 Partial Content"));
        array_push($HEADERS, "Accept-Ranges: " . $acceptranges);
        if ($USE_CONTENTRANGE) {
            array_push($HEADERS, "Content-Range: bytes " . $RANGE[1] . "-" . ($RANGE[2] + $offset) . "/" . $filesize);
    } else {
        // set headers for a standard http server response
        array_push($HEADERS, "HTTP/1.1 " . ($HTTP_STATUS ? $HTTP_STATUS : "200 OK"));
        $RANGE = array("not set", 0, $filesize - 1);
    // set additional required and optional headers
    if ($FORCE_CHUNKED) {
        array_push($HEADERS, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked");
    } else {
        array_push($HEADERS, "Content-Length: " . ($RANGE[2] - $RANGE[1] + 1));
    // ELSE set the Content-Length header
    if ($USE_ETAG) {
        array_push($HEADERS, "ETag: " . md5(floor(mktime() / 30) * 30));
    // IF etag was requested set the ETag header
    if ($date) {
        $date = $date == "yes" ? httpdate(time() - 1) : $date;
        // use the date provided or create a data 1s in the past
        array_push($HEADERS, "Date: " . $date . " GMT");
        // and set the Date header
        array_push($HEADERS, "Last-Modified: " . httpdate(filemtime($filename)) . " GMT");
        array_push($HEADERS, "Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate");
        array_push($HEADERS, "Pragma: no-cache");
        array_push($HEADERS, "Expires: Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT");
    } else {
        if ($cachecontrol) {
            array_push($HEADERS, "Cache-Control: " . $cachecontrol);
        // IF cache control was requested set Cache-Control header
        if ($lastmodified) {
            $lastmodified = $lastmodified == "yes" ? httpdate(filemtime($filename)) : $lastmodified;
            // use the lastmodified provided or get the actual file modification date
            array_push($HEADERS, "Last-Modified: " . $lastmodified);
            // set Last-Modified header
        if ($expires) {
            array_push($HEADERS, "Expires: " . gmdate("D, j M Y H:i:s T", time() + $expires));
            // set the Expires header
            array_push($HEADERS, "Cache-Control: max-age=" . $expires . ", must-revalidate");
            // and the Cache-Control header with max-age and must-revalidate
    array_push($HEADERS, "Content-Type: " . $contenttype);
    // add the content type header
    foreach ($HEADERS as $header) {
    // send the headers
    // move the file pointer to the range start (with sanity check)
    if (fseek($video, $RANGE[1]) == -1) {
        $position = 0;
    } else {
        $position = $RANGE[1];
    // set the position to where we seeked in the file
    // initialize timers and counters
    $chunks = 0;
    // initialize the chunk counter
    $bytes = 0;
    if ($rate != 0) {
        $usleep = 10;
        // initialize time interval for sending data chunks to 10 microseconds when data rate is limited
        $chunksize = round($rate * ($usleep / 1000000));
        // initialize chunk size based on data rate limit
    logg("Range:             " . $RANGE[0]);
    logg("script id:         " . $id);
    logg("rate:              " . ($rate != 0 ? $rate . " B/s" : "no limit") . ", sleep: " . $sleep / 1000000 . ", usleep: " . $usleep . ", chunksize: " . $chunksize);
    logg("timeout:           " . $timeout . "s");
    logg("clear locks:       " . clearForceTimeoutLocks());
    $timers = new TimerManager();
    // initialize data burst timer
    // initialize the connection timer
    // start the data sending loop
    while (connection_status() == CONNECTION_NORMAL) {
        // allow the client to abort the connection
        // this doesn't seem to work at all
        if (checkForceTimeoutLock($id)) {
            logg("exit reason:       forced timeout");
        // if forced timeout is enabled
        if ($timers->elapsed("timeout") > $timeout) {
            logg("exit reason:       timeout");
        // if timeout, then break
        if ($RANGE[2] + 1 <= $position) {
            logg("exit reason:       done");
        // break if we've sent all the requested data (range end limit)
        if ($rate != 0) {
            $chunksize = max($chunksize + (round($timers->elapsed("total") * $rate) - ($position + $chunksize)), 0);
        if ($RANGE[2] + 1 < $position + $chunksize) {
            // otherwise the file pointer will be set to far for the next read, also we
            $chunksize = $RANGE[2] + 1 - $position;
            // might read past file end
        // reset the connection timer (we want to timeout only on idle connections,
        // eg. video paused, not on active ones, eg. video playing)
        if ($chunksize > 0) {
            $data = fread($video, $chunksize);
            // read the data
            $position += $chunksize;
            // update the current position
            $bytes += $chunksize;
            $chunks += 1;
            // increment the chunk counter
            //logg("chunk ".($chunks).": ".($position - $chunksize)."-".($position - 1)." [".(strlen($data))." bytes] (size: ".($chunksize).")");
            // send the data to the client
            print $data;
        // wait before sending the next chunk of data
    logg("connection status: " . connection_status());
    logg("sent:              " . $bytes . " bytes in " . $chunks . " chunks [avg chunksize: " . $bytes / $chunks . " bytes, rate: " . $bytes / $timers->total("sleep") . " B/s, real rate: " . $bytes / $timers->total("total") . " B/s]");
    logg("bench:             " . $timers->show("fread") . ", " . $timers->show("flush") . ", " . $timers->show("obflush") . ", " . $timers->show("sleep") . ", " . $timers->show("total"));
    // close the file
    // exit the script
Esempio n. 24
function get_pic_comments($pid)
    global $CONFIG;
    $comment_query = "SELECT msg_author, msg_date, msg_body FROM " . $CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS'] . " WHERE pid=" . $pid . " LIMIT 5";
    $result = cpg_db_query($comment_query);
    $rows = cpg_db_fetch_rowset($result);
    return $rows;
Esempio n. 25
 case "station":
     $id = $_POST["id"];
     $station = $_POST["station"];
     if (!$id || !$stations) {
         error("Error: !post[id] || !post[station]");
     $filename = "station_users/station_{$id}.json";
     $fw = fw($filename, $station);
     if (!$fw) {
         error("Error: Could not write '{$filename}'");
     $json["data"] = json_decode('{"post":"ok"}', true);
     $json["info"] = array();
     $jsons = json_encode($json);
     echo $jsons;
 case "station_icon":
     // NOTE: does not return json, it returns http responses! // TODO: yes?
     $filename = $_FILES['file']['name'];
     $filepath = "../static/uploaded/{$filename}";
     $filetmp = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
                     // redundant check. this is easily faked..
     				$postkey = $_POST["key"];
     				$getkey = $queryobj["key"];
     				if ($postkey!=$getkey) {
     					error("Access denied'");
Esempio n. 26
if ($_POST['user_name'] && $_POST['user_pass'] && $_POST['login']) {
    $sql = "select * from users where nazwa = '" . $_POST['user_name'] . "' and haslo = md5('" . $_POST['user_pass'] . "') ";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
            if ($row['akt'] == 0) {
                $_SESSION['komunikat'] = '<b>Konto jest nieaktywne !</b>';
            } elseif ($row['haslo_do'] != '' && $row['haslo_do'] <= date("Y-m-d")) {
                $_SESSION['komunikat'] = '<b>Hasło wygasło musi zostać zmienione</b>';
                $_SESSION['zmiana_hasla'] = 5;
            } else {
                $_SESSION['uzytk'] = $row;
                logg($sql, 'nieznany');
                echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=index.php\">";
echo '<table bgcolor="#D9E0E7" width="50%" height="80%" align="center" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">';
echo '<tr valign="center"><td  align="center">';
#echo '<font color=red>Logowanie</font><br>';
echo '<b>' . $_SESSION['komunikat'] . '</b>';
#echo '<table valign="center" border=0><tr>';
echo '<form action="index.php" method="post" class="fancy" id="fancy">';
echo '<fieldset >';
echo '<legend>Logowanie</legend>';
echo '<ul>';
echo '<div class="style1" id="main">';
Esempio n. 27
             echo '<td align="center"><input type=submit value="Edytuj dane osobowe" name="wyb_pac_ed[' . $row['id'] . ']" ></td>';
             if ($row[5] == 0) {
                 echo '<td align="center"><input type=submit value="Usuń pacjenta" name="wyb_pac_del[' . $row['id'] . ']"></td>';
             echo '</tr>';
         echo '</table>';
 if ($_SESSION['wyb_pac_id'] && $_SESSION['zap_pac_na_wiz_czas'] == '' && $_SESSION['dod_pac_lab'] == '' && $_GET['page'] == '') {
     #$sql="select DATE_FORMAT(, '%Y-%m-%d %k:%i') as data, sl_gab.nazwa ,, wizyty_inf.wywiad, wizyty_inf.badanie, wizyty_inf.zalecenia from wizyty, wizyty_inf, sl_gab where wizyty.akt = 1 and = wizyty_inf.id_wiz and = wizyty.id_gab and id_pac = ".$_SESSION['wyb_pac_id'];
     $sql = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(, '%Y-%m-%d %k:%i' ) AS \r\n\t\tdata , sl_gab.nazwa,, wizyty_inf.wywiad, wizyty_inf.badanie, wizyty_inf.zalecenia, sl_uslugi.nazwa as typ_wiz, sl_uslugi.id_grupy, sl_uslugi.nazwa_opis\r\n\t\tFROM wizyty\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN wizyty_inf ON = wizyty_inf.id_wiz\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN sl_gab ON = wizyty.id_gab\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN sl_uslugi ON = wizyty.typ_wiz\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN user_gab ON = user_gab.id_gab\r\n\t\tWHERE wizyty.akt =1\r\n\t\tand\r\n\t\tuser_gab.id_user = "******"\r\n\t\tAND wizyty.id_pac =" . $_SESSION['wyb_pac_id'] . " order by data desc";
     #echo $sql;
     echo '<div align="center">';
     $result = mysql_query($sql);
     logg($sql, $_SESSION['u']);
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
         echo '<div class="linia"  align="center">';
         $dz = date("Y-m-d h:s");
         if ($dz < $row[0]) {
             echo '<font color=#0000ff>';
         } else {
             echo '<font color=#ff0000>';
         echo $row['nazwa'] . ' - ' . $row['typ_wiz'] . ' - ' . $row[0];
         echo '</font>';
         echo '<input type=submit value="Edycja wizyty" name="wyb_wiz_ed[' . $row['id'] . ']" >';
         echo '<div id="lista"><div><div class="highlight"><b>';
         if ($row['badanie'] == '' && $row['zalecenia'] == '' && $row['wywiad'] == '') {
             echo '<font color=#ff0000>Brak opisu wizyty</font>';
         } else {
Esempio n. 28
function console($message, $EOL = true, $log = true, $level = 1)
    if (!defined("DEBUG") or DEBUG >= $level) {
        $message .= $EOL === true ? PHP_EOL : "";
        $time = (ENABLE_ANSI === true ? FORMAT_AQUA . date("H:i:s") . FORMAT_RESET : date("H:i:s")) . " ";
        $replaced = TextFormat::clean(preg_replace('/\\x1b\\[[0-9;]*m/', "", $time . $message));
        if ($log === true and (!defined("LOG") or LOG === true)) {
            logg(date("Y-m-d") . " " . $replaced, "console", false, $level);
        if (ENABLE_ANSI === true) {
            $add = "";
            if (preg_match("/\\[([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\\]/", $message, $matches) > 0) {
                switch ($matches[1]) {
                    case "ERROR":
                    case "SEVERE":
                        $add .= FORMAT_RED;
                    case "INTERNAL":
                    case "DEBUG":
                        $add .= FORMAT_GRAY;
                    case "WARNING":
                        $add .= FORMAT_YELLOW;
                    case "NOTICE":
                        $add .= FORMAT_AQUA;
                        $add = "";
            $message = TextFormat::toANSI($time . $add . $message . FORMAT_RESET);
        } else {
            $message = $replaced;
        echo $message;
function addeditcastcrew($tmdb, $tmdb_id)
    $crew = $tmdb->getMovieCast($tmdb_id);
    // Add/update crew
    $query = "DELETE from crews where movie_id = " . $tmdb_id . "";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
    if (count($crew["crew"]) > 0) {
        foreach ($crew["crew"] as $c) {
            $c['name'] = preg_replace("/'/", "\\'", $c['name']);
            $c['name'] = preg_replace("/\"/", "\\\"", $c['name']);
            $c['job'] = preg_replace("/'/", "\\'", $c['job']);
            $c['job'] = preg_replace("/\"/", "\\\"", $c['job']);
            $query = "INSERT INTO `crews` (person_id, movie_id, name, job, profile_path) VALUES (" . $c["id"] . ",{$tmdb_id},'" . $c["name"] . "','" . $c["job"] . "','" . $c["profile_path"] . "')";
            $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
            logg("new crew person added {$c['name']}");
    // Add/update cast
    $query = "DELETE from casts where movie_id = " . $tmdb_id . "";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
    if (count($crew["cast"]) > 0) {
        foreach ($crew["cast"] as $c) {
            $c['name'] = preg_replace("/'/", "\\'", $c['name']);
            $c['character'] = preg_replace("/'/", "\\'", $c['character']);
            $c['name'] = preg_replace("/\"/", "\\\"", $c['name']);
            $c['character'] = preg_replace("/\"/", "\\\"", $c['character']);
            $query = "INSERT INTO `casts` (person_id, movie_id, name, character_name, ordered, cast_id, profile_path) VALUES (" . $c["id"] . ",{$tmdb_id},'" . $c["name"] . "','" . $c["character"] . "'," . $c["order"] . "," . $c["cast_id"] . ",'" . $c["profile_path"] . "')";
            $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
            logg("new cast person added {$c['name']}");
Esempio n. 30
 protected function _error($line)
     logg($line, 'error');