Esempio n. 1
 function Error($msg)
     //erreur sur la classe FDPF, on la log avant d'arreter la génération...
     //Fatal error
 protected function closed($user)
     logMsg("user with id: " . $user->{"id"} . " disconnected from the server.", "userDisconnected");
     // Do nothing: This is where cleanup would go, in case the user had any sort of
     // open files or other objects associated with them.  This runs after the socket
     // has been closed, so there is no need to clean up the socket itself here.
Esempio n. 3
 function loadClass($class, $param = NULL)
     if (!is_string($class)) {
         logMsg(SL_ERROR, "参数错误!");
     static $commonClasses = array();
     if (isset($commonClasses[$class]) && $commonClasses[$class] instanceof $class) {
         return $commonClasses[$class];
     $filePath = '';
     foreach (array(INCLUDE_DIR, SRC_DIR) as $path) {
         if (file_exists($path . '/' . $class . '.php')) {
             $filePath = $path;
     if (!empty($filePath) && !isLoadFile($class) && class_exists($class, false) === FALSE) {
         require_once $filePath . '/' . $class . '.php';
     if (INCLUDE_DIR === $filePath) {
         $commonClasses[$class] = isset($param) ? new $class($param) : new $class();
         return $commonClasses[$class];
     } else {
         if (SRC_DIR == $filePath) {
             return isset($param) ? new $class($param) : new $class();
     return FALSE;
Esempio n. 4
  * Parses RSS feeds for new content
 private function parseFeeds()
     foreach ($this->rssConfig as $feed) {
         if (!isset($this->lastCheck[$feed['url']]) || $this->lastCheck[$feed['url']] + $feed['pollInterval'] * 60 < time()) {
             $this->lastCheck[$feed['url']] = time();
             logMsg("rssPlugin: Checking RSS: {$feed['url']}");
             try {
                 $content = file_get_contents($feed['url']);
                 $x = new SimpleXmlElement($content);
                 //RSS feed format
                 if (isset($x->channel)) {
                     foreach ($x->channel->item as $entry) {
                         $this->saveEntry($feed['title'], $feed['channel'], $entry->title, $entry->link);
                 } else {
                     //Atom feed format
                     if (isset($x->entry)) {
                         foreach ($x->entry as $entry) {
                             $this->saveEntry($feed['title'], $feed['channel'], $entry->title, $entry->link->attributes()->href);
                 $content = null;
                 $x = null;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
Esempio n. 5
  * Reads all plugins in the plugins directory of the server root.
  * @return array
 public static function getPlugins($db = null)
     if (!$db) {
         $db = Config::main()->getDBO();
     $result = array();
     $path = DIAMONDMVC_ROOT . '/plugins';
     $dir = opendir($path);
     while ($curr = readdir($dir)) {
         if ($curr === '.' or $curr === '..') {
         if (!is_dir("{$path}/{$curr}")) {
             logMsg('Plugin ist kein Ordner: $path/$curr', 5);
         if (!file_exists("{$path}/{$curr}/{$curr}.php")) {
             logMsg("Plugin-Hauptskript nicht gefunden: {$path}/{$curr}/{$curr}.php");
         include_once "{$path}/{$curr}/{$curr}.php";
         if (!class_exists("Plugin{$curr}")) {
             logMsg("Plugin-Hauptklasse nicht gefunden: {$curr}");
         $className = "plugin{$curr}";
         $result[] = new $className($db);
     return $result;
Esempio n. 6
  * Removes a mapping.
  * @param integer $type Unique field type to remove.
 public static function unregisterField($type)
     if (isset(self::$fieldmap[$type])) {
         logMsg("FormBuilder: Removing field mapping {$type} -> " . self::$fieldmap[$type], 4);
     } else {
         logMsg("FormBuilder: Nothing to do. Field mapping {$type} not found.", 4);
Esempio n. 7
 public function addLog($iLevel, $sInfo, $sPath)
     if (!$sInfo || !$sPath) {
         logMsg(SL_ERROR, 'Log param Error, now the sInfo is ' . $sInfo . ' sPath is ' . $sPath);
         return FALSE;
     $strSql = "INSERT INTO {$this->dbName} (`sTime`,`iLevel`,`sInfo`,`sPath`) VALUES (NOW(),'{$iLevel}','{$sInfo}','{$sPath}')";
     return $this->dbConnect->exec($strSql);
Esempio n. 8
  * If the fallback method is used, this method invokes all registered autoloaders.
 public function invokeRegisteredAutoloaders($class)
     foreach ($this->loaders as $loader) {
         try {
             call_user_func($loader, $class);
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             logMsg('[CORE] Autoloader ' . (is_array($loader) ? $loader[1] : $loader) . ' threw an exception while loading class ' . $class);
Esempio n. 9
function dbConnect()
    global $db, $dbFilename;
    $up = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../';
    if ($db = new PDO('sqlite:' . $up . $dbFilename)) {
        logMsg('DB', 'Db opened ok');
    } else {
        logMsg('ERROR', 'Db cannot be opened');
Esempio n. 10
 public function exec($strSql)
     try {
         $iResult = $this->dbConnect->exec($strSql);
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         logMsg(SL_ERROR, "SQL failed : " . $e->getMessage());
         echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
     return $iResult;
Esempio n. 11
 public function setConfig($key, $val)
     if (!is_string($key) || !is_string($val)) {
         logMsg(SL_ERROR, "参数错误!");
         return FALSE;
     $this->arrConfig[$key] = $val;
     $content = json_encode($this->arrConfig);
     writeToFile(CONFIG_FILE, $content);
     return TRUE;
Esempio n. 12
  * Reads the INI from the given path.
  * @param  string       $file Path to the INI file to read in.
  * @return IniGenerator       This instance to enable method chaining.
 public function read($file)
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
         logMsg('Failed to read ini file "' . $file . '": not found', 9, 5);
     } else {
         include $file;
         $contents = ob_get_contents();
         $this->data = parse_ini_string($contents, true);
     return $this;
 public function execute()
     // Försök rensa databasen
     if ($this->db->clear()) {
         // success
         $response = array("type" => "clearedList");
         logMsg("Cleared the list.", "clearedList");
     } else {
         // fail
         $resonse = array("type" => "error", "data" => "Det gick inte att rensa listan.");
     return $response;
Esempio n. 14
  *	Lägger till den nya posten i databasen
  * 	@return $response En array som berättar om vad som skedde (eller inte skedde)
 public function execute()
     // Försöka lägga till ny post
     if ($this->db->addItem($this->item)) {
         // success
         $response = array("type" => "addedItem", "data" => $this->item->getData(), "id" => $this->item->getId());
         logMsg("Added new item: " . $response["data"] . " (" . $response["id"] . ")", "addedItem");
     } else {
         // fail
         $response = array("type" => "error", "data" => "Det gick inte att lägga till: " . $this->item->getData() . " med id: " . $this->item->getId());
     return $response;
 public function execute()
     // Försöka uppdatera post
     if ($this->db->updateItem($this->item)) {
         // success
         $response = array("type" => "updatedItem", "data" => $this->item->getData(), "id" => $this->item->getId(), "isMarked" => $this->item->isMarked());
         logMsg("Updated item: (" . $response["id"] . ")" . " --> " . $response["data"], "updatedItem");
     } else {
         // fail
         $response = array("type" => "warn", "data" => "Det gick inte att uppdatera post: " . $this->item->getId());
     return $response;
 public function execute()
     // Försök ta bort posten
     if ($this->db->removeItem($this->item)) {
         // success
         $response = array("type" => "removedItem", "id" => $this->item->getId());
         logMsg("Removed item: " . "(" . $response["id"] . ")", "removedItem");
     } else {
         // fail
         $response = array("type" => "error", "data" => "Det gick inte att ta bort post: " . $this->item->getId());
     return $response;
Esempio n. 17
 public function checkAnswerExist($iAnswerId, $sHashId)
     if (!is_string($sHashId) || !$iAnswerId) {
         logMsg(SL_ERROR, "参数错误!");
         echo "参数错误\n";
     $strSql = "SELECT iLocalAnswerId FROM tbAnswer WHERE iAnswerId={$iAnswerId} AND sHashId='{$sHashId}' LIMIT 1";
     $result = $this->dbConnect->query($strSql);
     if (is_array($result) && isset($result[0]) && isset($result[0]['iLocalAnswerId'])) {
         return $result[0]['iLocalAnswerId'];
     } else {
         return FALSE;
Esempio n. 18
 public function run()
     $dbModel = loadClass('DBModel');
     $userPageParam = array();
     while (1) {
         if (count($userPageParam) <= 0 || !isset($userPageParam['url'])) {
             $userPageParam = $dbModel->getNext();
         if (is_array($userPageParam) && count($userPageParam) > 0) {
             logMsg(SL_DEBUG, "Start to handle user : " . json_encode($userPageParam));
             loadClass('userPage', $userPageParam);
             $userPageParam = array();
Esempio n. 19
 public static function endSection()
     if (Config::main()->get('DEBUG_MODE')) {
         $time = round(microtime(true));
         if (empty(self::$sections)) {
             logMsg("--- No section to end ---", 1, 5);
             return $this;
         $section = array_pop(self::$sections);
         $section['end'] = $time;
         $section['memEnd'] = round(memory_get_usage() / 1024);
         logMsg("- Section {$section['name']} end -", 1, false);
         logMsg("Start: {$section['start']}s", 1, false);
         logMsg("End:   {$section['end']}s", 1, false);
         logMsg("Delta: " . ($section['end'] - $section['start']) . 's', 1, false);
         logMsg("Memory: {$section['memStart']} kiB - {$section['memEnd']} kiB", 1, false);
         logMsg("Median: " . ($section['memEnd'] + $section['memStart']) / 2 . ' kiB', 1, false);
  * Checks if element references a specific platform
  * @param string $platform Requested platform
  * @returns boolean TRUE if platform check succeeds
  * @access private
 function supportedPlatform($platform = NULL)
     $regex = '/^(\\w*\\|)*' . $this->db->databaseType . '(\\|\\w*)*$/';
     if (!isset($platform) or preg_match($regex, $platform)) {
         logMsg("Platform {$platform} is supported");
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         logMsg("Platform {$platform} is NOT supported");
         return FALSE;
Esempio n. 21
* Make sure the url isn't on our block list
* @param mixed $url
function CheckUrl($url)
    $ok = true;
    global $user;
    global $usingAPI;
    global $error;
    global $admin;
    $date = gmdate("Ymd");
    if (strncasecmp($url, 'http:', 5) && strncasecmp($url, 'https:', 6)) {
        $url = 'http://' . $url;
    if (!$usingAPI && !$admin) {
        $blockUrls = file('./settings/blockurl.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
        $blockHosts = file('./settings/blockdomains.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
        $blockAuto = file('./settings/blockdomainsauto.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
        if ($blockUrls !== false && count($blockUrls) || $blockHosts !== false && count($blockHosts) || $blockAuto !== false && count($blockAuto)) {
            // Follow redirects to see if they are obscuring the site being tested
            GetRedirect($url, $rhost, $rurl);
            foreach ($blockUrls as $block) {
                $block = trim($block);
                if (strlen($block) && preg_match("/{$block}/i", $url)) {
                    logMsg("{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}: url {$url} matched {$block}", "./log/{$date}-blocked.log", true);
                    $ok = false;
                } elseif (strlen($block) && strlen($rurl) && preg_match("/{$block}/i", $rurl)) {
                    logMsg("{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}: url {$url} redirected to {$rurl} matched {$block}", "./log/{$date}-blocked.log", true);
                    $ok = false;
            if ($ok) {
                $parts = parse_url($url);
                $host = trim($parts['host']);
                foreach ($blockHosts as $block) {
                    $block = trim($block);
                    if (strlen($block) && (!strcasecmp($host, $block) || !strcasecmp($host, "www.{$block}"))) {
                        logMsg("{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}: {$url} matched {$block}", "./log/{$date}-blocked.log", true);
                        $ok = false;
                    } elseif (strlen($block) && (!strcasecmp($rhost, $block) || !strcasecmp($rhost, "www.{$block}"))) {
                        logMsg("{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}: {$url} redirected to {$rhost} which matched {$block}", "./log/{$date}-blocked.log", true);
                        $ok = false;
            if ($ok) {
                $parts = parse_url($url);
                $host = trim($parts['host']);
                foreach ($blockAuto as $block) {
                    $block = trim($block);
                    if (strlen($block) && (!strcasecmp($host, $block) || !strcasecmp($host, "www.{$block}"))) {
                        logMsg("{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}: {$url} matched auto-block {$block}", "./log/{$date}-blocked.log", true);
                        $ok = false;
    if ($ok && !$admin && !$usingAPI) {
        $ok = SBL_Check($url, $message);
        if (!$ok) {
            $error = "<br>Sorry, your test was blocked because {$url} is suspected of being used for <a href=\"\">phishing</a> or <a href=\"\">hosting malware</a>.<br><br>Advisory provided by <a href=\"\">Google</a>.";
            logMsg("{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}: {$url} failed Safe Browsing check: {$message}", "./log/{$date}-blocked.log", true);
    return $ok;
  * Checks if element references a specific platform
  * @param string $platform Requested platform
  * @returns boolean TRUE if platform check succeeds
  * @access private
 function supportedPlatform($platform = NULL)
     if (!empty($platform)) {
         $regex = '/(^|\\|)' . $this->db->databaseType . '(\\||$)/i';
         if (preg_match('/^- /', $platform)) {
             if (preg_match($regex, substr($platform, 2))) {
                 logMsg('Platform ' . $platform . ' is NOT supported');
                 return FALSE;
         } else {
             if (!preg_match($regex, $platform)) {
                 logMsg('Platform ' . $platform . ' is NOT supported');
                 return FALSE;
     logMsg('Platform ' . $platform . ' is supported');
     return TRUE;
Esempio n. 23
* Check the given test against our block list to see if the test bypassed our blocks.
* If it did, add the domain to the automatic blocked domains list
function CheckForSpam()
    global $testPath;
    global $id;
    global $runNumber;
    global $cacheWarmed;
    global $testInfo;
    global $testInfo_dirty;
    if (isset($testInfo) && !array_key_exists('spam', $testInfo) && strpos($id, '.') == false && !strlen($testInfo['user']) && !strlen($testInfo['key']) && is_file('./settings/blockurl.txt')) {
        $blocked = false;
        $blockUrls = file('./settings/blockurl.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
        if (count($blockUrls)) {
            if (!isset($runNumber)) {
                $runNumber = 1;
            if (!isset($cacheWarmed)) {
                $cacheWarmed = 0;
            $secure = false;
            $haveLocations = false;
            $requests = getRequests($id, $testPath, $runNumber, $cacheWarmed, $secure, $haveLocations, false);
            if (isset($requests) && is_array($requests) && count($requests)) {
                foreach ($requests as &$request) {
                    if (array_key_exists('full_url', $request)) {
                        $url = $request['full_url'];
                        foreach ($blockUrls as $block) {
                            $block = trim($block);
                            if (strlen($block) && preg_match("/{$block}/i", $url)) {
                                $date = gmdate("Ymd");
                                // add the top-level page domain to the block list
                                $pageUrl = $requests[0]['full_url'];
                                $host = '';
                                if (strlen($pageUrl)) {
                                    $parts = parse_url($pageUrl);
                                    $host = trim($parts['host']);
                                    if (strlen($host) && strcasecmp($host, '') && strcasecmp($host, '') && strcasecmp($host, '') && strcasecmp($host, '')) {
                                        // add it to the auto-block list if it isn't already there
                                        if (is_file('./settings/blockdomainsauto.txt')) {
                                            $autoBlock = file('./settings/blockdomainsauto.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
                                        if (!isset($autoBlock) || !is_array($autoBlock)) {
                                            $autoBlock = array();
                                        $found = false;
                                        foreach ($autoBlock as $entry) {
                                            if (!strcasecmp($entry, $host)) {
                                                $found = true;
                                        if (!$found) {
                                            $autoBlock[] = $host;
                                            file_put_contents('./settings/blockdomainsauto.txt', implode("\r\n", $autoBlock));
                                logMsg("[{$id}] {$host}: {$pageUrl} referenced {$url} which matched {$block}", "./log/{$date}-auto_blocked.log", true);
                                $blocked = true;
                                break 2;
        if ($blocked) {
            $testInfo['spam'] = $blocked;
            $testInfo_dirty = true;
Esempio n. 24
 * @return array Key is the file extension, value is the MIME type.
 *               Unsorted.
function loadMapFromUrl($url)
    global $duplicateResolution;
    $map = array();
    $lines = file($url);
    if ($lines === false) {
        logMsg('Error loading URL: ' . $url);
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
        if ($line[0] == '#') {
        $line = preg_replace("#\\s+#", ' ', trim($line));
        $parts = explode(' ', $line);
        $type = array_shift($parts);
        $extensions = $parts;
        foreach ($extensions as $ext) {
            if (isset($map[$ext])) {
                if (isset($duplicateResolution[$ext])) {
                    //force the type to our wishes
                    $type = $duplicateResolution[$ext];
                } else {
                    logMsg(sprintf('Duplicate extension: %s for %s and %s', $ext, $map[$ext], $type));
                    logMsg('Add it to $duplicateResolution array');
            $map[$ext] = $type;
    return $map;
Esempio n. 25
* Generate aggregate metrics for the given test
* @param mixed $benchmark
* @param mixed $state
function AggregateResults($benchmark, &$state, $options)
    global $logFile;
    if (!is_dir("./results/benchmarks/{$benchmark}/aggregate")) {
        mkdir("./results/benchmarks/{$benchmark}/aggregate", 0777, true);
    if (is_file("./results/benchmarks/{$benchmark}/aggregate/info.json")) {
        $info = json_decode(file_get_contents("./results/benchmarks/{$benchmark}/aggregate/info.json"), true);
    } else {
        $info = array('runs' => array());
    if (!array_key_exists('runs', $info)) {
        $info['runs'] = array();
    // store a list of metrics that we aggregate in the info block
    $info['metrics'] = array('TTFB', 'basePageSSLTime', 'bytesOut', 'bytesOutDoc', 'bytesIn', 'bytesInDoc', 'connections', 'requests', 'requestsDoc', 'render', 'fullyLoaded', 'docTime', 'domTime', 'score_cache', 'score_cdn', 'score_gzip', 'score_keep-alive', 'score_compress', 'gzip_total', 'gzip_savings', 'image_total', 'image_savings', 'domElements', 'titleTime', 'loadEvent-Time', 'domContentLoadedEventStart', 'domContentLoadedEvent-Time', 'visualComplete', 'lastVisualChange', 'js_bytes', 'js_requests', 'css_bytes', 'css_requests', 'image_bytes', 'image_requests', 'flash_bytes', 'flash_requests', 'html_bytes', 'html_requests', 'text_bytes', 'text_requests', 'other_bytes', 'other_requests', 'SpeedIndex', 'responses_404', 'responses_other', 'browser_version', 'server_rtt', 'docCPUms');
    require_once 'benchmarks/';
    $bmSettings = GetBenchmarkInfo($benchmark);
    if (isset($bmSettings) && is_array($bmSettings) && array_key_exists('metrics', $bmSettings) && is_array($bmSettings['metrics'])) {
        foreach ($bmSettings['metrics'] as $metric => $label) {
            $info['metrics'][] = $metric;
    // loop through all of the runs and see which ones we don't have aggregates for
    $runs = array_reverse($state['runs']);
    foreach ($runs as $run_time) {
        if (!array_key_exists($run_time, $info['runs'])) {
            $file_name = "./results/benchmarks/{$benchmark}/data/" . gmdate('Ymd_Hi', $run_time) . '.json';
            logMsg("Aggregating Results for {$file_name}", "./log/{$logFile}", true);
            if (gz_is_file($file_name)) {
                $data = json_decode(gz_file_get_contents($file_name), true);
                FilterRawData($data, $options);
                CreateAggregates($info, $data, $benchmark, $run_time, $options);
                $info['runs'][$run_time] = 1;
            } else {
                logMsg("Missing data file - {$file_name}", "./log/{$logFile}", true);
    file_put_contents("./results/benchmarks/{$benchmark}/aggregate/info.json", json_encode($info));
    $state['needs_aggregation'] = false;
    logMsg("Agregation complete", "./log/{$logFile}", true);
Esempio n. 26
function error($m)
    return logMsg('error', $m);
Esempio n. 27
require 'checklogin.php';
// Om man ej är inloggad
if (!$_SESSION['id']) {
    header("Location: /login.php");
    // Om man är inloggad
} else {
    // Stänger if-else-konstruktionen
// Anslut till MySql-databasen
require 'connect.php';
// Importera "items" från databasen "shoppinglist"
try {
    // Förbered och exekvera statement
    $stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT * FROM items ORDER BY items.Id");
    while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        $item = $row['Data'];
        $itemId = $row['Id'];
        $isMarked = $row['isMarked'];
        if ($isMarked) {
            echo '<div id=' . $itemId . ' class="marked">';
        } else {
            echo '<div id=' . $itemId . '>';
        echo '<input class="itemBox" value=\'' . $item . '\' type="text" onblur="shoppinglist.updateItem({localOnly: true, id: \'' . $itemId . '\'});" name="myItems[]">';
        echo '<button class="itemRemoveButton" tabindex="-1" type="button" onclick="shoppinglist.removeItem({localOnly: true, id: \'' . $itemId . '\'});">x</button>';
        echo "</div>";
} catch (PDOException $ex) {
    logMsg($ex->getMessage(), "error");
Esempio n. 28
 * Handle serious errors
function errorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
    switch ($errno) {
        //Serious error, like server disconnection. Take a little break before restarting
        case E_USER_WARNING:
            logMsg("Error detected, restarting the bot.");
            //PHP Warnings, like SSL errors
        //PHP Warnings, like SSL errors
        case E_WARNING:
            if (strstr($errstr, "OpenSSL Error messages") !== false) {
                logMsg("SSL error detected, restarting the bot. ({$errstr})");
            //PHP Notice, ignore it
        //PHP Notice, ignore it
        case E_NOTICE:
            //Default error handling, just log it
        //Default error handling, just log it
            logMsg("errorHandler: unhandled PHP error {$errno}, {$errstr} from {$errfile}:{$errline}");
    return false;
Esempio n. 29
 function mergeTrialAccount($args)
     logMsg(0, "mergeTrialAccount");
     throw new SoapFault('Client.LoginUnauthorized', l10n("MSG_SOAPFAULT_LOGIN_UNAUTHORIZED") . " (mergeTrialAccount)");
Esempio n. 30
@ini_set("memory_limit", "1024M");
@ini_set("max_execution_time", "1200");
$up = dirname(__FILE__);
$andreiDb = '../db/[1]';
$aronDb = '../db/';
$thresholdUsernameSimilarity = 90;
$thresholdNameSimilarity = 70;
$weightMetaphone = 2 / 3;
$weightLevenshtein = 2 / 3 * 1 / 3;
$weightSoundex = 1 / 3 * 1 / 3;
$thresholdWords = 50;
$meanMultiplier = 4;
$thresholdMean = 5;
$thresholdSharedMessages = 3;
#$logEcho = true;
$logEcho = array('USER', 'MEMORY');
#$limitRecords = " LIMIT 0,100";
$filenameId = array_shift(explode('@', basename($dbFilename))) . '_' . date('YmdHis');
$logFilename = $up . '/logs/' . $filenameId . '.txt';
$log = fopen($logFilename, 'w');
if ($log) {
    logMsg('DEBUG', 'Log opened for writing');
if (!$dbFilename) {
    logMsg('USER', 'Database missing');
} else {
    logMsg('USER', 'Chosen database: ' . array_shift(explode('@', basename($dbFilename))));