function getActivityByMinutes($productId) { $timezonestimestamp = gmt_to_local(local_to_gmt(), $this->config->item('timezones')); $timezonestime = date('Y-m-d H:i:m', $timezonestimestamp); $all_ret = array(); $version = "all"; for ($i = 29; $i >= 0; $i--) { $all_size = 0; $dataStr = date('Y-m-d-H-i', strtotime("-{$i} minutes", strtotime($timezonestime))); $allAcs = $this->redis->keys("razor_r_ac_p_" . $productId . "_" . $dataStr . "*"); if ($allAcs && count($allAcs) > 0) { for ($k = 0; $k < count($allAcs); $k++) { $key = $allAcs[$k]; $len = $this->redis->hlen($key); $all_size += $len; } } if ($i == 0) { $onlinedata = array('minutes' => lang("v_rpt_realtime_now"), 'size' => $all_size); } else { $onlinedata = array('minutes' => "- " . $i . lang("v_rpt_realtime_minutes"), 'size' => $all_size); } array_push($all_ret, $onlinedata); } return json_encode($all_ret); }
function addFaq() { //Intialize values for library and helpers $this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters($this->config->item('field_error_start_tag'), $this->config->item('field_error_end_tag')); if ($this->input->post('addFaq')) { //Set rules $this->form_validation->set_rules('question', 'Question', 'required|trim|xss_clean'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('faq_content', 'Answer', 'required|trim'); if ($this->form_validation->run()) { //prepare insert data $insertData = array(); $insertData['question'] = $this->input->post('question'); $insertData['faq_content'] = $this->input->post('faq_content', false); $insertData['created'] = local_to_gmt(); //Add Groups $this->faq_model->addfaq($insertData); //Notification message $this->session->set_flashdata('flash_message', $this->Common_model->admin_flash_message('success', translate_admin('FAQ added successfully'))); redirect_admin('faq/viewFaqs'); } } //If - Form Submission End //Load View $data['message_element'] = 'administrator/faq/addFaq'; $this->load->view('administrator/admin_template', $data); }
public function mobileCode() { $post = $this->input->post(); $mobile = $post['mobile']; $this->load->helper('string'); $this->load->model('sms'); $this->load->model('validation'); if (!preg_mobile($mobile)) { echo json_encode(array('code' => '1002', 'msg' => '错误的手机号码')); exit; } $code = mt_rand(100000, 999999); $msg = "您好!您验证手机号所需的验证码为" . $code . ",请勿泄露给任何人,30分钟内有效。"; if ($this->sms->send($mobile, $msg)) { $this->validation->delete_by(array('mobile' => $mobile)); if ($this->validation->insert(array('mobile' => $mobile, 'code' => $code, 'expires' => local_to_gmt() + 1800))) { echo json_encode(array('code' => '1000')); exit; } } else { echo json_encode(array('code' => '1002', 'msg' => '发送失败,请稍候重试')); exit; } echo json_encode(array('code' => '1001', 'msg' => '发生错误')); }
/** * Loads Add Admin key. * * @access private * @param nil * @return void */ public function addAdmin_key() { //Intialize values for library and helpers $this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters($this->config->item('field_error_start_tag'), $this->config->item('field_error_end_tag')); if ($this->input->post('addAdmin_key')) { //Set rules $this->form_validation->set_rules('Admin_key', 'Page_key', 'required|trim|xss_clean'); //$this->form_validation->set_rules('page_ref.','page_ref.','required|trim|xss_clean'); if ($this->form_validation->run()) { //prepare insert data $insertData = array(); $insertData['page_key'] = $this->input->post('Admin_key'); $insertData['page_refer'] = $this->input->post('page_ref'); $insertData['status'] = $this->input->post('is_footer'); $insertData['created'] = local_to_gmt(); if ($this->Common_model->getTableData('admin_key', array('status' => 0))->num_rows() == 0 && $insertData['status'] == 0) { //Add Groups $this->Admin_key_model->addAdmin_key($insertData); //Notification message $this->session->set_flashdata('flash_message', $this->Common_model->admin_flash_message('success', translate_admin('Admin Key added successfully'))); } else { $this->session->set_flashdata('flash_message', $this->Common_model->admin_flash_message('error', translate_admin('Sorry! Already another Admin Key in active state.'))); } redirect_admin('admin_key/viewAdmin_key'); } } //If - Form Submission End //Get Faq Categories $data['Admin_key'] = $this->Admin_key_model->getAdmin_keys(); $data['message_element'] = "administrator/admin_key/addAdmin_key"; $this->load->view('administrator/admin_template', $data); }
function getTransRateByTime($productId) { $r = $this->getTargetListByProductId($productId); $num = $r->num_rows(); $ret = array(); $nret = array(); foreach ($r->result() as $row) { $transEvents = $this->getTransEventsIdByTargetId($row->tid); $event_from = $transEvents["from"]; $event_to = $transEvents["to"]; $timezonestimestamp = gmt_to_local(local_to_gmt(), $this->config->item('timezones')); $timezonestime = date('Y-m-d H:i:m', $timezonestimestamp); $from_count = 0; $to_count = 0; for ($i = 29; $i >= 0; $i--) { $dataStr = date('Y-m-d-H-i', strtotime("-{$i} minutes", strtotime($timezonestime))); $from_size = $this->redis->get("razor_r_p_e_" . $productId . "_" . $event_from . "_" . $dataStr); $from_count += $from_size; $to_size = $this->redis->get("razor_r_p_e_" . $productId . "_" . $event_to . "_" . $dataStr); $to_count += $to_size; if ($from_count == 0) { $rate = 0; } else { $rate = $to_count / $from_count; } } $r = array('name' => $row->targetname, 'time' => '-' . $i . lang("v_rpt_realtime_minutes"), 'from_count' => $from_count, 'to_count' => $to_count, 'rate' => $rate, 'event_to' => $event_to); if ($to_count == 0) { continue; } array_push($ret, $r); } return $ret; }
function current_time($timezone, $daylight_saving) { $time = time(); $gmt = local_to_gmt($time); $local = gmt_to_local($gmt, $timezone, $daylight_saving); return standard_date("DATE_RFC822", $local); }
public function index() { $data = array(); $show_count = 3; //首页展示楼层数量 $this->load->model('user'); $this->load->model('product'); $this->load->model('product_category'); $this->load->model('product_category_map'); $this->load->model('newss'); $this->load->model('link'); $this->load->model('product_brand'); $this->load->model('ad'); $this->load->model('order'); $this->load->model('coupon'); $product_cate = $this->product_category->get_level_tree(); //树状产品类型 /* if($product_cate){ foreach ($product_cate as $key => $item) { $cate_id_ary = $this->product_category->get_all_children($item['id']); $ids = array($item['id']); foreach ($cate_id_ary as $k => $v) { $ids[] = $v; } $hot_product = $this->product_category_map->get_product_by_cate($ids); //首页展示的商品 $brand = $this->product_brand->get_by_cateid($item['id']); //首页商品区展示的品牌 $product_cate[$key]['hot_product'] = $hot_product; // $product_cate[$key]['product_cate_brand'] = $brand; if($key == ($show_count-1)) //只展示前三楼 break; } } */ //$handpick_product = $this->product->lists(8,'','',array('handpick = 1')); //$data['handpick_product'] = $handpick_product; $data['show_count'] = $show_count; $data['product_cate'] = $product_cate; $data['news'] = $this->newss->lists(array("status='1' or (status='2' and show_time < " . local_to_gmt() . ")", "cate_id='1'"), 5, "a.show_time desc"); //按发布时间 $data['vip_news'] = $this->newss->lists(array("status='1' or (status='2' and show_time < " . local_to_gmt() . ")", "cate_id='2'"), 5, "a.show_time desc"); //按发布时间 $data['link'] = $this->link->lists(array("num" => "5")); //最新五条友情链接 $data['ad_home'] = $this->ad->lists(array("where" => "position_id = 1")); //首页广告 //$data['ad_1F'] = $this->ad->lists(array("where"=>"position_id = 2"));//1L广告 //$data['ad_2F'] = $this->ad->lists(array("where"=>"position_id = 3"));//2L广告 //$data['ad_3F'] = $this->ad->lists(array("where"=>"position_id = 4"));//3L广告 $data['product_brand'] = $this->product_brand->lists(array("num" => "10")); //最新27条品牌信息 $data['coupon'] = $this->coupon->lists(array("expirse_from < " . local_to_gmt(), "expirse_to > " . local_to_gmt()), 5, " desc"); if ($this->auth->is_login()) { $data['order_count'] = $this->order->user_count(array('user_id' => $this->auth->user_id())); $user = $this->user->get($this->auth->user_id()); $data['score'] = $user->score; } $this->load->view('home/index', $data); }
function get_gmt_time($time = '') { if ($time == '') { $time = time(); } $gmt = local_to_gmt($time); return $gmt; }
function get_est_time() { $now = time(); $gmt = local_to_gmt($now); $timezone = 'UM4'; $daylight_saving = FALSE; $tt = gmt_to_local($gmt, $timezone, $daylight_saving); return $tt; }
public function insert($row) { if (is_array($row) && !empty($row)) { if (!isset($row['create_time']) || $row['create_time'] == '') { $row['create_time'] = local_to_gmt(); } if ($this->db->insert($this->table, $row)) { return $this->db->insert_id(); } } return false; }
public function insert($row) { if (is_array($row) && !empty($row)) { if (!isset($row['create_time']) || intval($row['create_time']) <= 0) { $row['create_time'] = local_to_gmt(); } if (!isset($row['expires']) || intval($row['expires']) <= 0) { $row['expires'] = $row['create_time'] + 24 * 3600; } if ($this->db->insert($this->table, $row)) { return $this->db->insert_id(); } } return false; }
function getOnlineUsers($productId) { $timezonestimestamp = gmt_to_local(local_to_gmt(), $this->config->item('timezones')); $timezonestime = date('Y-m-d H:i:m', $timezonestimestamp); $ret = array(); for ($i = 30; $i >= 0; $i--) { $dataStr = date('Y-m-d-H-i', strtotime("-{$i} minutes", strtotime($timezonestime))); $size = $this->redis->hlen("razor_r_u_p_" . $productId . "_" . $dataStr); if ($i == 0) { $onlinedata = array('minutes' => lang("v_rpt_realtime_now"), 'size' => $size); } else { $onlinedata = array('minutes' => "- " . $i . lang("v_rpt_realtime_minutes"), 'size' => $size); } array_push($ret, $onlinedata); } return $ret; }
public function insert($row) { if (is_array($row) && !empty($row)) { if (!isset($row['create_time']) || intval($row['create_time']) == 0) { $row['create_time'] = local_to_gmt(); } if (!isset($row['user_id']) || intval($row['user_id']) == 0) { $row['user_id'] = $this->auth->is_login() ? $this->auth->user_id() : 0; } if (!isset($row['status'])) { $row['status'] = 1; } if ($this->db->insert($this->table, $row)) { return $this->db->insert_id(); } } return false; }
public function insert($row) { if (is_array($row) && !empty($row)) { if (!isset($row['user_id'])) { $row['user_id'] = $this->auth->user_id(); } if (!isset($row['username'])) { $row['username'] = $this->auth->username(); } if (!isset($row['time'])) { $row['time'] = local_to_gmt(); } if (!isset($row['ip'])) { $row['ip'] = $this->input->ip_address(); } if ($this->db->insert($this->table, $row)) { return $this->db->insert_id(); } } return false; }
function test() { ini_set('date.timezone', 'PRC'); //people republic of china $this->load->helper("date"); // echo timezone_menu("UP8"); // $datestring = "Year: %Y Month: %m Day: %d - %h:%i %a"; $time = time(); // echo standard_date("DATE_ATOM", $time); $timestamp = local_to_gmt($time); //转化为时间戳 gmt greenwich mean time 格林尼治时间 //$timezone="PRC";//people republic of china // echo gmt_to_local($timestamp,$timezone,true); $mysql = '20061124092345'; $unix = mysql_to_unix($mysql); $past_time = '19900926092633'; $a = strtotime($past_time); echo local_to_gmt($past_time); // $time=time(); echo timespan($past_time, $time); ///$past_time 一定是个时间戳 }
function getEventNumByEvent($productId) { $timezonestimestamp = gmt_to_local(local_to_gmt(), $this->config->item('timezones')); $timezonestime = date('Y-m-d H:i:m', $timezonestimestamp); $all_ret = array(); $version = "all"; $eventid_array = $this->event->getEventIdentifierinfo($productId, $version); foreach ($eventid_array->result() as $row) { $all_size = 0; for ($i = 0; $i <= 30; $i++) { $dataStr = date('Y-m-d-H-i', strtotime("-{$i} minutes", strtotime($timezonestime))); $size = $this->redis->get("razor_r_p_e_" . $productId . "_" . $row->event_identifier . "_" . $dataStr); $all_size += $size; } $data = array('event' => $row->event_identifier, 'size' => $all_size); if ($all_size == 0) { continue; } array_push($all_ret, $data); } return $all_ret; }
public function id($id) { if (!$id) { show_error('参数错误', 500); } $product = $this->product->get($id); if (!$product) { show_404(); } $this->product->add_view($id); $category = $this->product->get_category($id); if ($category) { $data['category'] = $category; if ($category->parent_id) { $parent = $this->product_category->get($category->parent_id); $data['parent'] = $parent; $data['child'] = $this->product_category->all(array('where' => array('parent_id' => $category->parent_id))); } } $brand = $this->product_brand->get($product->brand_id); $data['brand_name'] = ''; if ($brand) { $data['brand_name'] = $brand->name; } $data['product'] = $product; //看了又看 $data['view_again'] = $this->product->all(array('status' => 1), 'view_num desc', '', 3); //销售排行 $data['goodsale'] = $this->product->all(array('status' => 1), 'sale_num desc', '', 9); //最终购买了 $data['last_buy'] = $this->product->all(array('status' => 1), '', '', 3); if ($this->auth->is_login()) { $this->load->model('user_browse_history'); $this->user_browse_history->insert(array('user_id' => $this->auth->user_id(), 'product_id' => $id, 'create_time' => local_to_gmt())); } $this->load->view('home/item', $data); }
{ alert('Sorry! Email or Phone number is not allowed');return false; } }) }) </script> <script type="text/javascript"> // Current Server Time script (SSI or PHP)- By ( // For this and over 400+ free scripts, visit JavaScript Kit- // This notice must stay intact for use. //Depending on whether your page supports SSI (.shtml) or PHP (.php), UNCOMMENT the line below your page supports and COMMENT the one it does not: //Default is that SSI method is uncommented, and PHP is commented: var currenttime = '<?php echo date("F d, Y H:i:s", get_user_time(local_to_gmt(), get_user_timezoneL($this->uri->segment(3)))); ?> ' //PHP method of getting server date ///////////Stop editting here///////////////////////////////// var montharray=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December") var serverdate=new Date(currenttime) function padlength(what){ var output=(what.toString().length==1)? "0"+what : what return output } function displaytime(){ serverdate.setSeconds(serverdate.getSeconds()+1)
function pay() { if (!$this->input->get('list_id') || !$this->input->get('status')) { echo '[{"status":"Required All Fields"}]'; } else { $list_id = $this->input->get('list_id'); $list['list_id'] = $list_id; $token = $_GET["token"]; $playerid = $_GET["PayerID"]; $status = $this->input->get('status'); //$httpParsedResponseAr = $this->PPHttpPost('GetExpressCheckoutDetails', $padata, $api_user, $api_pwd, $api_key, $PayPalMode); // print_r($httpParsedResponseAr['ACK']);exit; if ($status == 'success') { //print_r($_REQUEST['ItemName']);exit; //echo "<script> alert(''success');</script>"; $custom = $this->session->userdata('custom'); //print_r($custom); //exit; $data = array(); $list = array(); $data = explode('@', $custom); $contact_key = $data[9]; $list['list_id'] = $data[0]; $list['userby'] = $data[1]; $query1 = $this->Common_model->getTableData('list', array('id' => $list['list_id'])); $buyer_id = $query1->row()->user_id; $list['userto'] = $buyer_id; $list['checkin'] = $data[2]; $list['checkout'] = $data[3]; $list['no_quest'] = $data[4]; $amt = explode('%', $httpParsedResponseAr['AMT']); $list['price'] = $amt[0]; $currency = $httpParsedResponseAr['CURRENCYCODE']; $list['payment_id'] = 2; $list['credit_type'] = 1; $list['transaction_id'] = 0; $is_travelCretids = $data[5]; $user_travel_cretids = $data[6]; $list['topay'] = get_currency_value2($currency, $query1->row()->currency, $data[7]); $list['currency'] = $query1->row()->currency; $list['admin_commission'] = $data[8]; //Entering into it $list['status'] = 3; $this->db->select_max('group_id'); $group_id = $this->db->get('calendar')->row()->group_id; if (empty($group_id)) { echo $countJ = 0; } else { $countJ = $group_id; } $insertData['list_id'] = $list['list_id']; $insertData['group_id'] = $countJ + 1; $insertData['availability'] = 'Booked'; $insertData['booked_using'] = 'Other'; $checkin = date('m/d/Y', $list['checkin']); $checkout = date('m/d/Y', $list['checkout']); $days = getDaysInBetween($checkin, $checkout); $count = count($days); $i = 1; foreach ($days as $val) { if ($count == 1) { $insertData['style'] = 'single'; } else { if ($count > 1) { if ($i == 1) { $insertData['style'] = 'left'; } else { if ($count == $i) { $insertData['notes'] = ''; $insertData['style'] = 'right'; } else { $insertData['notes'] = ''; $insertData['style'] = 'both'; } } } } $insertData['booked_days'] = $val; $this->Trips_model->insert_calendar($insertData); $i++; } if ($list['price'] > 75) { $user_id = $list['userby']; $details = $this->Referrals_model->get_details_by_Iid($user_id); $row = $details->row(); $count = $details->num_rows(); if ($count > 0) { $details1 = $this->Referrals_model->get_details_refamount($row->invite_from); if ($details1->num_rows() == 0) { $insertData = array(); $insertData['user_id'] = $row->invite_from; $insertData['count_trip'] = 1; $insertData['amount'] = 25; $this->Referrals_model->insertReferralsAmount($insertData); } else { $count_trip = $details1->row()->count_trip; $amount = $details1->row()->amount; $updateKey = array('id' => $row->id); $updateData = array(); $updateData['count_trip'] = $count_trip + 1; $updateData['amount'] = $amount + 25; $this->Referrals_model->updateReferralsAmount($updateKey, $updateData); } } } $q = $query1->result(); $row_list = $query1->row(); $iUser_id = $q[0]->user_id; $details2 = $this->Referrals_model->get_details_by_Iid($iUser_id); $row = $details2->row(); $count = $details2->num_rows(); if ($count > 0) { $details3 = $this->Referrals_model->get_details_refamount($row->invite_from); if ($details3->num_rows() == 0) { $insertData = array(); $insertData['user_id'] = $row->invite_from; $insertData['count_book'] = 1; $insertData['amount'] = 75; $this->Referrals_model->insertReferralsAmount($insertData); } else { $count_book = $details3->row()->count_book; $amount = $details3->row()->amount; $updateKey = array('id' => $row->id); $updateData = array(); $updateData['count_trip'] = $count_book + 1; $updateData['amount'] = $amount + 75; $this->Referrals_model->updateReferralsAmount($updateKey, $updateData); } } $admin_email = $this->dx_auth->get_site_sadmin(); $admin_name = $this->dx_auth->get_site_title(); $query3 = $this->Common_model->getTableData('users', array('id' => $list['userby'])); $rows = $query3->row(); $username = $rows->username; $user_id = $rows->id; $email_id = $rows->email; $query4 = $this->Users_model->get_user_by_id($buyer_id); $buyer_name = $query4->row()->username; $buyer_email = $query4->row()->email; //Check md5('No Travel Cretids') || md5('Yes Travel Cretids') if ($is_travelCretids == '7c4f08a53f4454ea2a9fdd94ad0c2eeb') { $query5 = $this->Referrals_model->get_details_refamount($user_id); $amount = $query5->row()->amount; $updateKey = array('user_id ' => $user_id); $updateData = array(); $updateData['amount'] = $amount - $user_travel_cretids; $this->Referrals_model->updateReferralsAmount($updateKey, $updateData); $list['credit_type'] = 2; $list['ref_amount'] = $user_travel_cretids; $row = $query4->row(); //sent mail to administrator $email_name = 'tc_book_to_admin'; $splVars = array("{site_name}" => $this->dx_auth->get_site_title(), "{traveler_name}" => ucfirst($username), "{list_title}" => $row_list->title, "{book_date}" => date('m/d/Y'), "{book_time}" => date('g:i A'), "{traveler_email_id}" => $email_id, "{checkin}" => date('d-m-Y', $list['checkin']), "{checkout}" => date('d-m-Y', $list['checkout']), "{market_price}" => $user_travel_cretids + $list['price'], "{payed_amount}" => $list['price'], "{travel_credits}" => $user_travel_cretids, "{host_name}" => ucfirst($buyer_name), "{host_email_id}" => $buyer_email); //Send Mail $this->Email_model->sendMail($admin_email, $email_id, ucfirst($username), $email_name, $splVars); //sent mail to buyer $email_name = 'tc_book_to_host'; $splVars = array("{site_name}" => $this->dx_auth->get_site_title(), "{username}" => ucfirst($buyer_name), "{traveler_name}" => ucfirst($username), "{list_title}" => $row_list->title, "{book_date}" => date('m/d/Y'), "{book_time}" => date('g:i A'), "{traveler_email_id}" => $email_id, "{checkin}" => date('d-m-Y', $list['checkin']), "{checkout}" => date('d-m-Y', $list['checkout']), "{market_price}" => $list['price']); //Send Mail if ($buyer_email != '0') { $this->Email_model->sendMail($buyer_email, $admin_email, ucfirst($admin_name), $email_name, $splVars); } } $list['book_date'] = local_to_gmt(); //Actual insertion into the database $this->Common_model->insertData('reservation', $list); $reservation_id = $this->db->insert_id(); //Send Message Notification $insertData = array('list_id' => $list['list_id'], 'reservation_id' => $reservation_id, 'userby' => $list['userby'], 'userto' => $list['userto'], 'message' => 'You have a new reservation request from ' . ucfirst($username), 'created' => local_to_gmt(), 'message_type' => 1); $this->Message_model->sentMessage($insertData, ucfirst($buyer_name), ucfirst($username), $row_list->title, $reservation_id); $message_id = $this->db->insert_id(); $actionurl = site_url('trips/request/' . $reservation_id); //Reservation Notification To Host $email_name = 'host_reservation_notification'; $splVars = array("{site_name}" => $this->dx_auth->get_site_title(), "{username}" => ucfirst($buyer_name), "{traveler_name}" => ucfirst($username), "{list_title}" => $row_list->title, "{book_date}" => date('m/d/Y'), "{book_time}" => date('g:i A'), "{traveler_email_id}" => $email_id, "{checkin}" => date('d-m-Y', $list['checkin']), "{checkout}" => date('d-m-Y', $list['checkout']), "{market_price}" => $list['price'], "{action_url}" => $actionurl); //Send Mail // if ($buyer_email != '0') { $this->Email_model->sendMail($buyer_email, $admin_email, ucfirst($admin_name), $email_name, $splVars); } //Reservation Notification To Traveller $email_name = 'traveller_reservation_notification'; $splVars = array("{site_name}" => $this->dx_auth->get_site_title(), "{traveler_name}" => ucfirst($username)); //Send Mail $this->Email_model->sendMail($email_id, $admin_email, ucfirst($admin_name), $email_name, $splVars); //Reservation Notification To Administrator $email_name = 'admin_reservation_notification'; $splVars = array("{site_name}" => $this->dx_auth->get_site_title(), "{traveler_name}" => ucfirst($username), "{list_title}" => $row_list->title, "{book_date}" => date('m/d/Y'), "{book_time}" => date('g:i A'), "{traveler_email_id}" => $email_id, "{checkin}" => date('d-m-Y', $list['checkin']), "{checkout}" => date('d-m-Y', $list['checkout']), "{market_price}" => $user_travel_cretids + $list['price'], "{payed_amount}" => $list['price'], "{travel_credits}" => $user_travel_cretids, "{host_name}" => ucfirst($buyer_name), "{host_email_id}" => $buyer_email); //Send Mail $this->Email_model->sendMail($admin_email, $email_id, ucfirst($username), $email_name, $splVars); // if($is_block == 'on') // { $this->db->select_max('group_id'); $group_id = $this->db->get('calendar')->row()->group_id; if (empty($group_id)) { echo $countJ = 0; } else { $countJ = $group_id; } $insertData1['list_id'] = $list['list_id']; //$insertData['reservation_id'] = $reservation_id; $insertData1['group_id'] = $countJ + 1; $insertData1['availability'] = 'Not Available'; $insertData1['booked_using'] = 'Other'; $checkin = date('m/d/Y', $list['checkin']); $checkout = date('m/d/Y', $list['checkout']); $days = getDaysInBetween($checkin, $checkout); $count = count($days); $i = 1; foreach ($days as $val) { if ($count == 1) { $insertData1['style'] = 'single'; } else { if ($count > 1) { if ($i == 1) { $insertData1['style'] = 'left'; } else { if ($count == $i) { $insertData1['notes'] = ''; $insertData1['style'] = 'right'; } else { $insertData1['notes'] = ''; $insertData1['style'] = 'both'; } } } } $insertData1['booked_days'] = $val; $this->Trips_model->insert_calendar($insertData1); $i++; } } $referral_amount = $this->db->where('id', $this->dx_auth->get_user_id())->get('users')->row()->referral_amount; if ($referral_amount > 100) { $this->db->set('referral_amount', $referral_amount - 100)->where('id', $this->dx_auth->get_user_id())->update('users'); } else { $this->db->set('referral_amount', 0)->where('id', $this->dx_auth->get_user_id())->update('users'); } echo '[{"status":"SUCCESS updated"}]'; } }
public function cancel_travel($params1 = '', $params2 = '', $params3 = '') { if ($params1 != '') { $conditions = array('' => $params1); $row = $this->Trips_model->get_reservation($conditions)->row(); if ($row->status == 12 || $row->status == 6) { echo translate('This reservation is already cancelled by Guest.'); exit; } else { if ($row->status == 5 || $row->status == 11) { echo translate('This reservation is already cancelled by Host.'); exit; } } } if ($this->input->post('reservation_id')) { $reservation_id = $this->input->post('reservation_id'); $admin_email = $this->dx_auth->get_site_sadmin(); $admin_name = $this->dx_auth->get_site_title(); $conditions = array('' => $reservation_id); $row = $this->Trips_model->get_reservation($conditions)->row(); $before_status = $row->status; if ($this->Users_model->get_user_by_id($row->userby)) { $query1 = $this->Users_model->get_user_by_id($row->userby); } else { $this->session->set_flashdata('flash_message', $this->Common_model->flash_message('error', translate('Your List was deleted.'))); redirect('travelling/your_trips'); } $traveler_name = $query1->row()->username; $traveler_email = $query1->row()->email; $query2 = $this->Users_model->get_user_by_id($row->userto); $host_name = $query2->row()->username; $host_email = $query2->row()->email; $list_title = $this->Common_model->getTableData('list', array('id' => $row->list_id))->row()->title; $updateKey = array('id' => $reservation_id); $updateData = array(); $check_user = $this->db->where('user_id', $this->dx_auth->get_user_id())->where('id', $row->list_id)->get('list'); if ($check_user->num_rows() == 1) { if ($row->status == 7) { $updateData['status'] = 11; } else { $updateData['status'] = 5; } if ($row->status == 1) { $updateData['status'] = 13; } $host_cancellation = $this->Common_model->getTableData('host_cancellation_policy', array('id' => 1))->row(); $check_free_cancellation_limit = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM (`reservation`) WHERE `userto` = " . $this->dx_auth->get_user_id() . " AND from_unixtime(cancel_date) >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(),INTERVAL " . $host_cancellation->months . " MONTH) AND (`status` = 5 OR `status` = 11)"); if ($check_free_cancellation_limit->num_rows() >= $host_cancellation->free_cancellation) { $free_cancellation_limit = 0; $date1 = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $date2 = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row->checkin)); $interval = $date1->diff($date2); if ($interval->days < $host_cancellation->days) { $penalty_amount = $host_cancellation->before_amount; } else { $penalty_amount = $host_cancellation->after_amount; } $check_already_penalty = $this->Common_model->getTableData('host_cancellation_penalty', array('user_id' => $this->dx_auth->get_user_id())); if ($check_already_penalty->num_rows() != 0) { $update_penalty['amount'] = $check_already_penalty->row()->amount + get_currency_value_lys($host_cancellation->currency, $check_already_penalty->row()->currency, $penalty_amount); $update_penalty_key['id'] = $check_already_penalty->row()->id; $this->Common_model->updateTableData('host_cancellation_penalty', 0, $update_penalty_key, $update_penalty); } else { $insert_penalty['amount'] = $penalty_amount; $insert_penalty['user_id'] = $this->dx_auth->get_user_id(); $insert_penalty['currency'] = $host_cancellation->currency; $this->Common_model->inserTableData('host_cancellation_penalty', $insert_penalty); } $insertData = array('list_id' => $row->list_id, 'reservation_id' => $reservation_id, 'userby' => 1, 'userto' => $row->userto, 'message' => "You're cross the free cancellation limit. So, Admin will take {$penalty_amount}" . $host_cancellation->currency . " penalty amount from your next payout.", 'created' => local_to_gmt(), 'message_type' => 3); $this->Message_model->sentMessage($insertData, 1); $insertData = array('list_id' => $row->list_id, 'reservation_id' => $reservation_id, 'userby' => 1, 'userto' => 1, 'message' => "{$host_name} cross the free cancellation limit. So, You will earn {$penalty_amount}" . $host_cancellation->currency . " penalty amount from {$host_name} next payout.", 'created' => local_to_gmt(), 'message_type' => 3); $this->Message_model->sentMessage($insertData, 1); } else { $free_cancellation_limit = $host_cancellation->free_cancellation - $check_free_cancellation_limit->num_rows(); } $insertData = array('list_id' => $row->list_id, 'reservation_id' => $reservation_id, 'userby' => $row->userto, 'userto' => $row->userby, 'message' => "Sorry, Your reservation is cancelled by {$host_name} for {$list_title}.", 'created' => local_to_gmt(), 'message_type' => 3); $this->Message_model->sentMessage($insertData, 1); } else { if ($row->status == 7) { $updateData['status'] = 12; } else { $updateData['status'] = 6; } if ($row->status == 1) { $updateData['status'] = 13; } $insertData = array('list_id' => $row->list_id, 'reservation_id' => $reservation_id, 'userby' => $row->userby, 'userto' => $row->userto, 'message' => "Sorry, Your list reservation is cancelled by {$traveler_name} for {$list_title}.", 'created' => local_to_gmt(), 'message_type' => 3); $this->Message_model->sentMessage($insertData, 1); } $updateData['cancel_date'] = time(); $this->Trips_model->update_reservation($updateKey, $updateData); // payment_helper called for refund amount for host and guest as per host and guest cancellation policy refund($reservation_id); /* $cancel_trip_referral_query = $this->db->select('cancel_trips_referral_code')->where('id',$row->userby)->get('users'); if($cancel_trip_referral_query->num_rows()!=0) { if($cancel_trip_referral_query->row()->cancel_trips_referral_code != '') { $this->db->set('trips_referral_code',$cancel_trip_referral_query->row()->cancel_trips_referral_code)->where('id',$row->userby)->update('users'); $this->db->set('cancel_trips_referral_code','')->where('id',$row->userby)->update('users'); $referral_by = $this->db->where('referral_code',$cancel_trip_referral_query->row()->cancel_trips_referral_code)->get('users'); if($referral_by->num_rows()!=0) { $referral_amount = $referral_by->row()->referral_amount-25; $this->db->set('referral_amount',$referral_amount)->where('referral_code',$cancel_trip_referral_query->row()->cancel_trips_referral_code)->update('users'); } } } $cancel_list_referral_query = $this->db->select('cancel_list_referral_code')->where('id',$row->userto)->get('users'); if($cancel_list_referral_query->num_rows()!=0) { if($cancel_list_referral_query->row()->cancel_list_referral_code != '') { $this->db->set('list_referral_code',$cancel_list_referral_query->row()->cancel_list_referral_code)->where('id',$row->userto)->update('users'); $this->db->set('cancel_list_referral_code','')->where('id',$row->userto)->update('users'); $referral_by = $this->db->where('referral_code',$cancel_list_referral_query->row()->cancel_list_referral_code)->get('users'); if($referral_by->num_rows()!=0) { $referral_amount = $referral_by->row()->referral_amount-75; $this->db->set('referral_amount',$referral_amount)->where('referral_code',$cancel_list_referral_query->row()->cancel_list_referral_code)->update('users'); } } } */ $comment = $this->input->post('comment'); $this->db->where('list_id', $row->list_id)->where('booked_days >=', $row->checkin)->where('booked_days <=', $row->checkout)->delete('calendar'); if ($row->status == 3) { $status = 'Confirmed'; } else { if ($row->status == 7) { $status = 'After Checkin'; } else { $status = 'Pending'; } } if ($updateData['status '] == 5 || $updateData['status '] == 11) { if (isset($penalty_amount)) { $penalty = 'From your next payout we will take ' . $penalty_amount . $host_cancellation->currency . ' penalty amount.'; $admin_penalty = 'From ' . $host_name . ' next payout You will earn ' . $penalty_amount . $host_cancellation->currency . ' penalty amount.'; } else { $penalty = ''; $admin_penalty = ''; } //if(isset($free_cancellation_limit)) //{ $free_cancellation = 'Remaining Free cancellation: ' . $free_cancellation_limit; //} //Send Mail To Host $email_name = 'host_reservation_cancel'; $splVars = array("{penalty}" => $penalty, "{cancellation_limit}" => $free_cancellation, "{site_name}" => $this->dx_auth->get_site_title(), "{status}" => $status, "{comment}" => $comment, "{traveler_name}" => ucfirst($host_name), "{list_title}" => $list_title, "{host_name}" => ucfirst($traveler_name)); $this->Email_model->sendMail($host_email, $admin_email, ucfirst($admin_name), $email_name, $splVars); //Send Mail To Traveller $email_name = 'traveler_reservation_cancel'; $splVars = array("{site_name}" => $this->dx_auth->get_site_title(), "{user_type}" => 'Host', "{status}" => $status, "{comment}" => $comment, "{traveler_name}" => ucfirst($host_name), "{list_title}" => $list_title, "{host_name}" => ucfirst($traveler_name)); $this->Email_model->sendMail($traveler_email, $admin_email, ucfirst($admin_name), $email_name, $splVars); //Send Mail To Administrator $email_name = 'admin_reservation_cancel'; $splVars = array("{penalty}" => $admin_penalty, "{site_name}" => $this->dx_auth->get_site_title(), "{status}" => $status, "{traveler_name}" => ucfirst($host_name), "{list_title}" => $list_title, "{host_name}" => ucfirst($traveler_name)); $this->Email_model->sendMail($admin_email, $admin_email, ucfirst($admin_name), $email_name, $splVars); } else { $admin_penalty = ''; $free_cancellation = ''; //Send Mail To Host $email_name = 'host_reservation_cancel'; $splVars = array("{site_name}" => $this->dx_auth->get_site_title(), "{status}" => $status, "{comment}" => $comment, "{traveler_name}" => ucfirst($traveler_name), "{list_title}" => $list_title, "{host_name}" => ucfirst($host_name)); $this->Email_model->sendMail($traveler_email, $admin_email, ucfirst($admin_name), $email_name, $splVars); //Send Mail To Traveller $email_name = 'traveler_reservation_cancel'; $splVars = array("{site_name}" => $this->dx_auth->get_site_title(), "{user_type}" => 'Guest', "{status}" => $status, "{comment}" => $comment, "{traveler_name}" => ucfirst($traveler_name), "{list_title}" => $list_title, "{host_name}" => ucfirst($host_name)); $this->Email_model->sendMail($host_email, $admin_email, ucfirst($admin_name), $email_name, $splVars); //Send Mail To Administrator $email_name = 'admin_reservation_cancel'; $splVars = array("{penalty}" => $admin_penalty, "{site_name}" => $this->dx_auth->get_site_title(), "{status}" => $status, "{traveler_name}" => ucfirst($traveler_name), "{list_title}" => $list_title, "{host_name}" => ucfirst($host_name)); $this->Email_model->sendMail($admin_email, $admin_email, ucfirst($admin_name), $email_name, $splVars); } $this->session->set_flashdata('flash_message', $this->Common_model->flash_message('success', translate('You are successfully cancelled the trip.'))); if ($params3 == '') { $this->session->set_flashdata('flash_message', $this->Common_model->flash_message('success', translate('Reservation Cancelled Successfully.'))); redirect('travelling/your_trips'); } else { $this->session->set_flashdata('flash_message', $this->Common_model->flash_message('success', translate('Reservation Cancelled Successfully.'))); redirect('listings/my_reservation'); } } else { $conditions = array('' => $params1); $row = $this->Trips_model->get_reservation($conditions)->row(); if ($this->Trips_model->get_reservation($conditions)->num_rows() == 0) { redirect('info'); } $check_user = $this->db->where('user_id', $this->dx_auth->get_user_id())->where('id', $row->list_id)->get('list'); if ($check_user->num_rows() == 1) { $data['user_type'] = 'host'; } else { $data['user_type'] = 'guest'; } $checkin = $row->checkin; $checkout = $row->checkout; $diff1 = $checkout - $checkin; $days1 = ceil($diff1 / (3600 * 24)); $diff2 = local_to_gmt() - $checkin; $days2 = ceil($diff2 / (3600 * 24)); $policy = $this->Common_model->getTableData('cancellation_policy', array('id' => $row->policy))->row(); $data['policy_name'] = $policy->name; $date1 = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row->checkin)); $date2 = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $interval = $date1->diff($date2); if ($row->status != 7) { if ($policy->list_before_status == 0) { $data['nights'] = 0; $data['non_nights'] = ceil($diff1 / (3600 * 24)); } else { if ($policy->list_before_days <= $interval->days) { $data['nights'] = $days = $interval->days; $data['non_nights'] = 0; } else { $data['nights'] = $days = ceil($diff1 / (3600 * 24)) - $policy->list_non_refundable_nights; if ($policy->list_non_refundable_nights > ceil($diff1 / (3600 * 24))) { $data['non_nights'] = ceil($diff1 / (3600 * 24)); } else { $data['non_nights'] = $policy->list_non_refundable_nights; } } } } else { if ($row->status == 7) { } } $data['reservation_id'] = $params1; $data['list_id'] = $params2; $this->load->view(THEME_FOLDER . '/travelling/view_cancel_travel', $data); } }
protected function renderContent() { //Get some pre value from URL //The type of the content we want to create $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? strtolower(trim($_GET['type'])) : ''; //If it has guid, it means this is a translated version $guid = isset($_GET['guid']) ? strtolower(trim($_GET['guid'])) : ''; //Get the list of Content Type $types = GxcHelpers::getAvailableContentType(); //List of language that should exclude not to translate $lang_exclude = array(); //List of translated versions $versions = array(); //Available Terms for this Object Type $terms = array(); //Selected Terms $selected_terms = array(); //Get Term Order $term_orders = ConstantDefine::getTermOrder(); //If $type is empty then redirect to choose content type page if ($type != '') { //Check if the type appear in content type Definition if (array_key_exists($type, $types)) { // If the guid is not empty, it means we are creating a translated version of a content // We will exclude the translated language and include the name of the translated content to $versions if ($guid != '') { $temp_object = Object::model()->findAll('guid=:gid', array(':gid' => $guid)); if (count($temp_object) > 0) { foreach ($temp_object as $obj) { $lang_exclude[] = $obj->lang; $langs = GxcHelpers::getAvailableLanguages(); $versions[] = $obj->object_name . ' - ' . $langs[$obj->lang]['name']; } } } //Import the Content Type Class Yii::import('common.content_type.' . $type . '.' . $types[$type]['class']); //Init the class $typeClassObj = new $types[$type]['class'](); $content_resources = $typeClassObj->Resources(); //We start to implement the checking Permission HERE $param_content_check = array(); $data_content_check = array(); $param_content_check['type'] = $type; if (GxcContentPermission::checkCreatePermission($param_content_check, $data_content_check, $typeClassObj->Permissions())) { $param_content_check['new_content'] = true; $content_status = GxcContentPermission::getContentStatus($param_content_check, $data_content_check, $typeClassObj->Permissions()); $model = new $types[$type]['class'](); // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed // $this->performAjaxValidation($model); $model->object_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $model->person = ''; $model->guid = $guid; $get_languages = GxcHelpers::loadLanguageItems($lang_exclude); $available_languages = array(); foreach ($get_languages as $key => $value) { $available_languages[] = $key; } //Get available Taxonomy and Terms for this Object $available_taxonomy = Taxonomy::model()->findAll(' type = :type AND lang IN (' . implode(',', $available_languages) . ') ', array(':type' => $type)); if ($available_taxonomy) { foreach ($available_taxonomy as $t) { $temp = array(); $temp['id'] = $t->taxonomy_id; $temp['lang'] = $t->lang; $temp['name'] = $t->name; $temp['terms'] = array(); //Look for the Term Items belong to this Taxonomy $list_terms = Term::model()->findAll(array('select' => '*', 'condition' => 'taxonomy_id=:id', 'order' => 't.parent ASC, t.order ASC', 'params' => array(':id' => $t->taxonomy_id))); if ($list_terms) { foreach ($list_terms as $term) { $temp_item['id'] = $term->term_id; $temp_item['name'] = CHtml::encode($term->name); $temp_item['parent'] = $term->parent; $temp['terms']['item_' . $term->term_id] = $temp_item; } } $terms[$t->taxonomy_id] = $temp; } } if (isset($_POST[$types[$type]['class']])) { $model->attributes = $_POST[$types[$type]['class']]; //Convert the date time publish to timestamp $model->object_date = strtotime($model->object_date); $model->object_date_gmt = local_to_gmt($model->object_date); //Check which button the User click To Send to person or group $button = $_POST['which_button']; $trans = new Transfer(); // Get the Terms that the User Choose // $post_terms = isset($_POST['terms']) ? $_POST['terms'] : array(); $selected_terms = array(); if (!empty($post_terms)) { foreach ($post_terms as $t) { $t = explode('_', $t); if (!isset($selected_terms[$t[1]])) { $selected_temp = array(); $selected_temp['id'] = $terms[$t[1]]['id']; $selected_temp['lang'] = $terms[$t[1]]['lang']; $selected_temp['name'] = $terms[$t[1]]['name']; $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['id'] = $t[0]; $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['name'] = $terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['name']; $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['parent'] = $terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['parent']; $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['data'] = $t[2]; $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['data_name'] = $term_orders[$t[2]]; $selected_terms[$t[1]] = $selected_temp; } else { if (!isset($selected_terms['terms']['item_' . $t[0]])) { $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['id'] = $t[0]; $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['name'] = $terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['name']; $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['parent'] = $terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['parent']; $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['data'] = $t[2]; $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['data_name'] = $term_orders[$t[2]]; } } } } // After having the selected Terms, we need to make sure all parents // of the selected Terms must be added also foreach ($selected_terms as $tx_key => $t) { $array_parent_selected_terms = array(); foreach ($t['terms'] as $key => $st_terms) { $current_term = $st_terms; while ($current_term['parent'] != 0) { if (!isset($array_parent_selected_terms['item_' . $current_term['parent']]) && !isset($t['terms']['item_' . $current_term['parent']])) { $array_parent_selected_terms['item_' . $current_term['parent']] = $terms[$tx_key]['terms']['item_' . $current_term['parent']]; $array_parent_selected_terms['item_' . $current_term['parent']]['data'] = key($term_orders); $array_parent_selected_terms['item_' . $current_term['parent']]['data_name'] = $term_orders[key($term_orders)]; } $current_term = $terms[$tx_key]['terms']['item_' . $current_term['parent']]; } } $selected_terms[$tx_key]['terms'] = CMap::mergeArray($t['terms'], $array_parent_selected_terms); } //Re-Set the Status based on what User Chooose //The content is sent to ROLES OR STATUS if ($button == '1') { //Check if the object_status is number or character if (!is_numeric($model->object_status)) { //Set the status to Pending $trans->note = $model->object_status; $model->object_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING; $trans->type = ConstantDefine::TRANS_ROLE; $trans->after_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING; } else { $trans->type = ConstantDefine::TRANS_STATUS; $trans->after_status = $model->object_status; } $trans->from_user_id = user()->id; $trans->to_user_id = 0; $trans->before_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_DRAFT; } //The content is sent to PERSON DIRECTLY if ($button == '2') { $to_user_id = User::findPeople($model->person); //Start to Transfer to the user and set the status to Pending if ($to_user_id) { $model->object_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING; $trans->from_user_id = user()->id; $trans->to_user_id = $to_user_id->user_id; $trans->type = ConstantDefine::TRANS_PERSON; $trans->before_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING; $trans->after_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING; } else { $model->addError('person', t('User not found')); } } //Work with Resource Binding $resource = array(); $resource_upload = array(); foreach ($content_resources as $res) { $resource_upload[] = GxcHelpers::getArrayResourceObjectBinding('resource_upload_' . $res['type']); } $i = 0; $count_resource = 0; foreach ($content_resources as $cres) { $j = 1; foreach ($resource_upload[$i] as $res_up) { $j++; $count_resource++; } $i++; } $model->total_number_resource = $count_resource; if ($model->save()) { user()->setFlash('success', t('cms', 'Create new Content Successfully!')); $trans->object_id = $model->object_id; $trans->save(); // We have all the selected Terms for now // We will add them to Object Terms foreach ($selected_terms as $tx_key => $t) { foreach ($t['terms'] as $key => $st_terms) { $obj_term = new ObjectTerm(); $obj_term->object_id = $model->object_id; $obj_term->term_id = $st_terms['id']; $obj_term->data = $st_terms['data']; $obj_term->save(); unset($obj_term); } } //Update Resource Binding Here $i = 0; $count_resource = 0; foreach ($content_resources as $cres) { $j = 1; foreach ($resource_upload[$i] as $res_up) { $obj_res = new ObjectResource(); $obj_res->resource_id = $res_up['resid']; $obj_res->object_id = $model->object_id; $obj_res->description = ''; $obj_res->type = $cres['type']; $obj_res->resource_order = $j; $obj_res->save(); $j++; $count_resource++; } $i++; } //Re-init new Model $model = new $types[$type]['class'](); $model->object_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); Yii::app()->controller->refresh(); } else { $model->object_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $model->object_date); } } $render_template = 'cmswidgets.views.object.object_form_widget'; if (file_exists(Yii::getPathOfAlias('common.content_type.' . strtolower($type) . '.object_form_widget') . '.php')) { $render_template = 'common.content_type.' . strtolower($type) . '.object_form_widget'; } $this->render($render_template, array('model' => $model, 'versions' => $versions, 'lang_exclude' => $lang_exclude, 'content_status' => $content_status, 'terms' => $terms, 'selected_terms' => $selected_terms, 'type' => $type, 'content_resources' => $content_resources)); } } else { //The type is not in Content Type Definition $this->render('cmswidgets.views.object.object_start_widget', array('types' => $types)); } } else { //There is no Type in $_GET $this->render('cmswidgets.views.object.object_start_widget', array('types' => $types)); } }
function curr_timestamp($format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s') { return date($format, local_to_gmt()); /*date("Y-m-d H:i:s", now());*/ }
protected function renderContent() { $id = isset($_GET['id']) ? (int) $_GET['id'] : 0; $model = GxcHelpers::loadDetailModel('Object', $id); //We start to implement the checking Permission HERE $param_content_check = array(); $data_content_check = array(); $param_content_check['type'] = $model->object_type; $param_content_check['new_content'] = false; $param_content_check['content_status'] = $model->object_status; $param_content_check['content_author'] = $model->object_author; //Get current trans_to of the object $trans = Transfer::model()->findAll(array('condition' => ' object_id=:obj ', 'params' => array(':obj' => $model->object_id), 'order' => 'transfer_id DESC')); $param_content_check['check_trans_note'] = false; if ($trans != null && count($trans) > 0) { $latest_trans_to = $trans[0]; $param_content_check['trans_type'] = $latest_trans_to->type; $param_content_check['trans_to'] = $latest_trans_to->to_user_id; $param_content_check['trans_note'] = $latest_trans_to->note; } //Get Types list and type of the Object $types = GxcHelpers::getAvailableContentType(); $type = (string) $model->object_type; //Import the Content Type Class Yii::import('common.content_type.' . $type . '.' . $types[$type]['class']); $typeClassObj = new $types[$type]['class'](); $content_resources = $typeClassObj->Resources(); //Check if the User has the Permission to update the Content if (GxcContentPermission::checkUpdatePermission($param_content_check, $data_content_check, $typeClassObj->Permissions())) { //Convert the object date from timestamp to datetime format $model->object_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $model->object_date); //Get available content Status that the Object can be sent to $content_status = GxcContentPermission::getContentStatus($param_content_check, $data_content_check, $typeClassObj->Permissions()); //If the Object is Pending and being sent to someone, get that person info if ($model->object_status == ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING) { if ($latest_trans_to->type == ConstantDefine::TRANS_PERSON) { $send_to_user = User::model()->findbyPk($latest_trans_to->to_user_id); if ($send_to_user == null) { $model->person = ''; } else { $model->person = trim($send_to_user->display_name); } } } //Unset value for Lang Exclude, Version and Guid when updating $lang_exclude = array(); $versions = array(); $guid = $model->guid; // Create new instance Object based on Object Type $object = new $types[$type]['class'](); $object->person = $model->person; $object->setAttributes($model->attributes, false); // Get Extra Info - Object Meta of the Object Type $object_metas = ObjectMeta::model()->findAll('meta_object_id = :obj ', array(':obj' => $model->object_id)); foreach ($object_metas as $object_meta) { $key = (string) $object_meta->meta_key; $object->{$key} = $object_meta->meta_value; } // This is not a new Record $object->isNewRecord = false; //Set current tags for Object $object->_oldTags = $object->tags; $object->scenario = 'updateWithTags'; //Available Terms for this Object Type $terms = array(); //Selected Terms $selected_terms = array(); //Get Term Order $term_orders = ConstantDefine::getTermOrder(); //Get available Taxonomy and Terms for this Object $available_taxonomy = Taxonomy::model()->findAll(' type = :type AND lang IN (' . $object->lang . ') ', array(':type' => $type)); if ($available_taxonomy) { foreach ($available_taxonomy as $t) { $temp = array(); $temp['id'] = $t->taxonomy_id; $temp['lang'] = $t->lang; $temp['name'] = $t->name; $temp['terms'] = array(); $selected_temp = array(); $selected_temp['id'] = $t->taxonomy_id; $selected_temp['lang'] = $t->lang; $selected_temp['name'] = $t->name; $selected_temp['terms'] = array(); //Look for the Term Items belong to this Taxonomy $list_terms = Term::model()->findAll(array('select' => '*', 'condition' => 'taxonomy_id=:id', 'order' => 't.parent ASC, t.order ASC', 'params' => array(':id' => $t->taxonomy_id))); if ($list_terms) { foreach ($list_terms as $term) { $temp_item['id'] = $term->term_id; $temp_item['name'] = CHtml::encode($term->name); $temp_item['parent'] = $term->parent; $temp['terms']['item_' . $term->term_id] = $temp_item; } } $terms[$t->taxonomy_id] = $temp; //Look for selected Terms belong to this Taxonomy $sl_terms = ObjectTerm::model()->findAll(array('select' => '*', 'condition' => 'object_id=:id', 'params' => array(':id' => $object->object_id))); if ($sl_terms) { foreach ($sl_terms as $sl_term) { if (isset($terms[$t->taxonomy_id]['terms']['item_' . $sl_term->term_id])) { $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $sl_term->term_id] = $terms[$t->taxonomy_id]['terms']['item_' . $sl_term->term_id]; $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $sl_term->term_id]['data'] = $sl_term->data; $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $sl_term->term_id]['data_name'] = $term_orders[$sl_term->data]; } } } $selected_terms[$t->taxonomy_id] = $selected_temp; } } //IF having the Post Method - Start to working to save it if (isset($_POST[$types[$type]['class']])) { $object->attributes = $_POST[$types[$type]['class']]; //Convert the date time publish to timestamp $object->object_date = strtotime($object->object_date); $object->object_date_gmt = local_to_gmt($object->object_date); //Check which button the User click To Send to person or group $button = $_POST['which_button']; $trans = new Transfer(); // Get the Terms that the User Choose $post_terms = isset($_POST['terms']) ? $_POST['terms'] : array(); $selected_terms = array(); if (!empty($post_terms)) { foreach ($post_terms as $t) { $t = explode('_', $t); if (!isset($selected_terms[$t[1]])) { $selected_temp = array(); $selected_temp['id'] = $terms[$t[1]]['id']; $selected_temp['lang'] = $terms[$t[1]]['lang']; $selected_temp['name'] = $terms[$t[1]]['name']; $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['id'] = $t[0]; $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['name'] = $terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['name']; $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['parent'] = $terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['parent']; $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['data'] = $t[2]; $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['data_name'] = $term_orders[$t[2]]; $selected_terms[$t[1]] = $selected_temp; } else { if (!isset($selected_terms['terms']['item_' . $t[0]])) { $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['id'] = $t[0]; $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['name'] = $terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['name']; $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['parent'] = $terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['parent']; $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['data'] = $t[2]; $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['data_name'] = $term_orders[$t[2]]; } } } } // After having the selected Terms, we need to make sure all parents // of the selected Terms must be added also foreach ($selected_terms as $tx_key => $t) { $array_parent_selected_terms = array(); foreach ($t['terms'] as $key => $st_terms) { $current_term = $st_terms; while ($current_term['parent'] != 0) { if (!isset($array_parent_selected_terms['item_' . $current_term['parent']]) && !isset($t['terms']['item_' . $current_term['parent']])) { $array_parent_selected_terms['item_' . $current_term['parent']] = $terms[$tx_key]['terms']['item_' . $current_term['parent']]; $array_parent_selected_terms['item_' . $current_term['parent']]['data'] = key($term_orders); $array_parent_selected_terms['item_' . $current_term['parent']]['data_name'] = $term_orders[key($term_orders)]; } $current_term = $terms[$tx_key]['terms']['item_' . $current_term['parent']]; } } $selected_terms[$tx_key]['terms'] = CMap::mergeArray($t['terms'], $array_parent_selected_terms); } //Re-Set the Status based on what User Chooose //The content is sent to ROLES OR STATUS if ($button == '1') { //Check if the object_status is number or character if (!is_numeric($object->object_status)) { //Set the status to Pending $trans->note = $object->object_status; $object->object_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING; $trans->type = ConstantDefine::TRANS_ROLE; $trans->after_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING; } else { $trans->type = ConstantDefine::TRANS_STATUS; $trans->after_status = $object->object_status; } $trans->from_user_id = user()->id; $trans->to_user_id = 0; $trans->before_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_DRAFT; } //The content is sent to PERSON DIRECTLY if ($button == '2') { $to_user_id = User::findPeople($object->person); //Start to Transfer to the user and set the status to Pending if ($to_user_id) { $object->object_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING; $trans->from_user_id = user()->id; $trans->to_user_id = $to_user_id->user_id; $trans->type = ConstantDefine::TRANS_PERSON; $trans->before_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING; $trans->after_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING; } else { $object->addError('person', t('User not found')); } } //Work with Resource Binding $resource = array(); $resource_upload = array(); foreach ($content_resources as $res) { $resource_upload[] = GxcHelpers::getArrayResourceObjectBinding('resource_upload_' . $res['type']); } $i = 0; $count_resource = 0; foreach ($content_resources as $cres) { $j = 1; foreach ($resource_upload[$i] as $res_up) { $j++; $count_resource++; } $i++; } $object->total_number_resource = $count_resource; if ($object->save()) { user()->setFlash('success', t('cms', 'Update content Successfully!')); $trans->object_id = $object->object_id; $trans->save(); //This is the update process, we should delete old //Object Term binding ObjectTerm::model()->deleteAll('object_id = :id', array(':id' => $object->object_id)); // We have all the selected Terms for now // We will add them to Object Terms foreach ($selected_terms as $tx_key => $t) { foreach ($t['terms'] as $key => $st_terms) { $obj_term = new ObjectTerm(); $obj_term->object_id = $object->object_id; $obj_term->term_id = $st_terms['id']; $obj_term->data = $st_terms['data']; $obj_term->save(); unset($obj_term); } } //Re update for Resource ObjectResource::model()->deleteAll('object_id = :id', array(':id' => $object->object_id)); $i = 0; $count_resource = 0; foreach ($content_resources as $cres) { $j = 1; foreach ($resource_upload[$i] as $res_up) { $obj_res = new ObjectResource(); $obj_res->resource_id = $res_up['resid']; $obj_res->object_id = $object->object_id; $obj_res->description = ''; $obj_res->type = $cres['type']; $obj_res->resource_order = $j; $obj_res->save(); $j++; $count_resource++; } $i++; } } $object->object_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $object->object_date); } //Start Render the Form $render_template = 'cmswidgets.views.object.object_form_widget'; if (file_exists(Yii::getPathOfAlias('common.content_type.' . strtolower($type) . '.object_form_widget') . '.php')) { $render_template = 'common.content_type.' . strtolower($type) . '.object_form_widget'; } $this->render($render_template, array('model' => $object, 'versions' => $versions, 'lang_exclude' => $lang_exclude, 'content_status' => $content_status, 'terms' => $terms, 'selected_terms' => $selected_terms, 'type' => $type, 'content_resources' => $content_resources)); } }
/** * Loads Manage Static helps View. * * @access private * @param nil * @return void */ public function edithelp() { //Get id of the category $id = is_numeric($this->uri->segment(4)) ? $this->uri->segment(4) : 0; //Intialize values for library and helpers $this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters($this->config->item('field_error_start_tag'), $this->config->item('field_error_end_tag')); if ($this->input->post('edithelp')) { $check_data = $this->db->where('id', $id)->get('help'); if ($check_data->num_rows() == 0) { $this->session->set_flashdata('flash_message', $this->Common_model->admin_flash_message('error', translate_admin('This help already deleted.'))); redirect_admin('help/viewhelp'); } //Set rules $this->form_validation->set_rules('question', 'help title', 'required|trim|xss_clean'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('description', 'help content', 'required|trim'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('page_refer', 'page refer', 'required|trim|xss_clean'); //|callback_helpUrlCheck|callback_helpUrlValid'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('status', 'active', 'required|trim|xss_clean'); if ($this->form_validation->run()) { //prepare update data $updateData = array(); $updateData['question'] = $this->input->post('question'); $updateData['description'] = $this->input->post('description', false); $updateData['page_refer'] = $this->input->post('page_refer'); $updateData['status'] = $this->input->post('status'); $updateData['modified_date'] = local_to_gmt(); //Edit Faq Category $updateKey = array('' => $this->uri->segment(4)); $this->help_model->updatehelp($updateKey, $updateData); //Notification message $this->session->set_flashdata('flash_message', $this->Common_model->admin_flash_message('success', translate_admin('Help updated successfully'))); redirect_admin('help/viewhelp'); } } //If - Form Submission End //Set Condition To Fetch The Faq Category $condition = array('' => $id); //Get Groups $data['helps'] = $this->help_model->gethelps($condition); if ($data['helps']->num_rows() == 0) { $this->session->set_flashdata('flash_message', $this->Common_model->admin_flash_message('error', translate_admin('This help already deleted.'))); redirect_admin('help/viewhelp'); } //Load View $data['message_element'] = "administrator/help/edithelp"; $this->load->view('administrator/admin_template', $data); }
/** * Index * * Display's the matches * * @access public * @return void */ function index() { // Load the Matches model $this->CI->load->model('Matches_model', 'matches'); // Load the Squads model $this->CI->load->model('Squads_model', 'squads'); // Check the match type if ((bool) $this->setting['matches_type']) { // Retrieve the upcoming matches $matches = $this->CI->matches->get_matches($this->setting['matches_number'], '', array('match_date >' => mdate('%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s', local_to_gmt(time())))); } else { // Retrieve the latest matches $matches = $this->CI->matches->get_matches($this->setting['matches_number'], '', array('match_date <' => mdate('%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s', local_to_gmt(time())))); } // Check if matches exist if ($matches) { // Matches exist, loop through each match foreach ($matches as $match) { // Select proper opponent if ((bool) $match->match_source) { // Opponent is Internal Squad $opponent = $this->CI->squads->get_squad(array('squad_id' => $match->opponent_id)); // Check if opponent exists if ($opponent) { // Opponent exists, assign match opponent $match->opponent = $opponent->squad_title; $match->opponent_slug = $opponent->squad_slug; } else { // Opponent doesn't exist, don't assign it $match->opponent = ""; $match->opponent_slug = ""; } } else { //Oppoenent is external $opponent = $this->matches->get_opponent(array('opponent_id' => $match->opponent_id)); // Check if opponent exists if ($opponent) { // Opponent exists, assign match opponent $match->opponent = $opponent->opponent_title; $match->opponent_slug = $opponent->opponent_slug; } else { // Opponent doesn't exist, don't assign it $match->opponent = ""; $match->opponent_slug = ""; } } // Retrieve match date, format timezone & assign match date $match->date = $this->CI->ClanCMS->timezone($match->match_date); } } // Create a reference to matches & setting $this->data->matches =& $matches; $this->data->setting = $this->setting; // Assign the widget info $widget->title = ''; $widget->content = $this->CI->load->view('widgets/matches', $this->data, TRUE); // Check the match type if ((bool) $this->setting['matches_type']) { $widget->tabs = array(array('title' => 'MATCHES', 'link' => 'matches', 'selected' => FALSE), array('title' => 'UPCOMING MATCHES', 'link' => 'matches/upcoming', 'selected' => TRUE)); } else { $widget->tabs = array(array('title' => 'MATCHES', 'link' => 'matches', 'selected' => TRUE), array('title' => 'UPCOMING MATCHES', 'link' => 'matches/upcoming', 'selected' => FALSE)); } // Load the widget view $this->CI->load->view(WIDGET . 'widget', $widget); }
function _mdate($str, $stamp = '') { $stamp = $stamp ? local_to_gmt($stamp) : now(); $local_stamp = gmt_to_local($stamp, ci()->system_settings['timezones']); return gmdate($str, $local_stamp); }
public function list_photo() { $room_id = $this->input->get('room_id'); $filename = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/images/' . $room_id; if (!file_exists($filename)) { mkdir(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/images/' . $room_id, 0777, true); } $file_element_name = "uploadedfile"; $config['upload_path'] = "./images/{$room_id}"; $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png'; $config['remove_spaces'] = TRUE; $config['max_size'] = 102400 * 8; $config['encrypt_name'] = FALSE; $this->load->library('upload', $config); if (!$this->upload->do_upload($file_element_name)) { echo $this->upload->display_errors(); } else { $upload_data = $this->upload->data(); $image_name = $upload_data['file_name']; $insertData['list_id'] = $room_id; $insertData['name'] = $image_name; $insertData['created'] = local_to_gmt(); $check = $this->db->where('list_id', $room_id)->get('list_photo'); $photo_status['photo'] = 1; $this->db->where('id', $room_id)->update('lys_status', $photo_status); if ($check->num_rows() == 0) { $insertData['is_featured'] = 1; } else { $insertData['is_featured'] = 0; } if ($image_name != '') { $this->Common_model->insertData('list_photo', $insertData); } //$this->watermark($room_id,$image_name); $list_photo = $this->db->where('list_id', $room_id)->order_by('id', 'asc')->get('list_photo'); if ($list_photo->num_rows() != 0) { foreach ($list_photo->result() as $row) { $data['image_url'] = base_url() . "images/" . $room_id . "/" . $row->name; } } $this->watermark($room_id, $image_name); $this->watermark1($room_id, $image_name); echo json_encode($data); exit; } }
public function test_local_to_gmt() { $this->assertEquals(mktime(gmdate('G', $this->time), gmdate('i', $this->time), gmdate('s', $this->time), gmdate('n', $this->time), gmdate('j', $this->time), gmdate('Y', $this->time)), local_to_gmt($this->time)); }
public function mobile_save_verify() { //$now = time(); //$gmt = local_to_gmt($now); //$date_now = date('Y-d-m H:i:s',$gmt); $i = 0; //print_r($_POST['myRadio'][$i]); $now = time(); $gmt = local_to_gmt($now); $date_now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $gmt); $i = 0; foreach ($_POST['id'] as $key) { //Add New Data Verify $data = array('std_id' => $key, 'ver_id' => $_POST['ver_id'], 'dep_id' => $_POST['dep_id'], 'ver_sta_id' => $_POST['myRadio'][$i], 'maj_id' => $_POST['maj_id'], 'ter_id' => $_POST['ter_id'], 'yea_title' => $_POST['yea_title'], 'usr_id' => $this->session->userdata('usr_id'), 'log_time' => $date_now, 'sitekey' => md5($date_now)); $this->Verifys_model->save_verify_checked($data); $i++; } //print_r($_POST['id'][0]); exit; }
public function review_by_traveller($param = '') { if ($this->input->post()) { $reservation_id = $this->input->post('reservation_id'); $review = $this->input->post('review'); $feedback = $this->input->post('feedback'); $cleanliness = $this->input->post('cleanliness'); $communication = $this->input->post('communication'); $accuracy = $this->input->post('accuracy'); $checkin = $this->input->post('checkin'); $location = $this->input->post('location'); $value = $this->input->post('value'); $updateKey = array('id' => $reservation_id); $updateData = array(); $updateData['status '] = 10; $this->Trips_model->update_reservation($updateKey, $updateData); $conditions = array('' => $reservation_id); $row = $this->Trips_model->get_reservation($conditions)->row(); $username = ucfirst($this->dx_auth->get_username()); $insertData = array('list_id' => $row->list_id, 'reservation_id' => $reservation_id, 'userby' => $row->userto, 'userto' => $row->userby, 'message' => "{$username} gives the reviews for you.", 'created' => local_to_gmt(), 'message_type ' => 4); //$this->Message_model->sentMessage($insertData); $insertDataR = array('userby' => $row->userby, 'userto' => $row->userto, 'list_id' => $row->list_id, 'reservation_id' => $reservation_id, 'review' => $review, 'feedback' => $feedback, 'cleanliness' => $cleanliness, 'communication' => $communication, 'accuracy' => $accuracy, 'checkin' => $checkin, 'location' => $location, 'value' => $value, 'created' => local_to_gmt()); $this->Trips_model->insertReview($insertDataR); //Update The Review Cout $no_review = get_list_by_id($row->list_id)->review; $update_r = $no_review + 1; $data = array('review' => $update_r); $this->db->where('id', $row->list_id); $this->db->update('list', $data); $this->session->set_flashdata('flash_message', $this->Common_model->flash_message('success', translate('Your review saved successfully.'))); redirect('hosting/my_reservation'); } else { if (isset($param)) { $reservation_id = $param; $conditions = array('' => $reservation_id, 'reservation.userby' => $this->dx_auth->get_user_id()); $result = $this->Trips_model->get_reservation($conditions); if ($result->num_rows() == 0) { redirect('info'); } if ($result->row()->status != 9) { redirect('trips/traveler_review/' . $reservation_id); } $data['reservation_id'] = $param; $data['title'] = get_meta_details('Review', 'title'); $data["meta_keyword"] = get_meta_details('Review', 'meta_keyword'); $data["meta_description"] = get_meta_details('Review', 'meta_description'); $data['message_element'] = 'trips/view_review_traveller'; $this->load->view('template', $data); } else { redirect('info'); } } }