Esempio n. 1
 * Crop an Image to a given size.
 * @since 2.1.0
 * @param string|int $src The source file or Attachment ID.
 * @param int $src_x The start x position to crop from.
 * @param int $src_y The start y position to crop from.
 * @param int $src_w The width to crop.
 * @param int $src_h The height to crop.
 * @param int $dst_w The destination width.
 * @param int $dst_h The destination height.
 * @param int $src_abs Optional. If the source crop points are absolute.
 * @param string $dst_file Optional. The destination file to write to.
 * @return string|WP_Error|false New filepath on success, WP_Error or false on failure.
function wp_crop_image($src, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_abs = false, $dst_file = false)
    if (0 == $src_x && 0 == $src_y && $src_w == $dst_w && $src_h == $dst_h) {
        return is_numeric($src) ? get_attached_file($src) : $src;
    if (is_numeric($src)) {
        // Handle int as attachment ID
        $src_file = get_attached_file($src);
        if (!file_exists($src_file)) {
            // If the file doesn't exist, attempt a url fopen on the src link.
            // This can occur with certain file replication plugins.
            $post = get_post($src);
            $image_type = $post->post_mime_type;
            $src = load_image_to_edit($src, $post->post_mime_type, 'full');
        } else {
            $size = @getimagesize($src_file);
            $image_type = $size ? $size['mime'] : '';
            $src = wp_load_image($src_file);
    } else {
        $size = @getimagesize($src);
        $image_type = $size ? $size['mime'] : '';
        $src = wp_load_image($src);
    if (!is_resource($src)) {
        return new WP_Error('error_loading_image', $src, $src_file);
    $dst = wp_imagecreatetruecolor($dst_w, $dst_h);
    if ($src_abs) {
        $src_w -= $src_x;
        $src_h -= $src_y;
    if (function_exists('imageantialias')) {
        imageantialias($dst, true);
    imagecopyresampled($dst, $src, 0, 0, $src_x, $src_y, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h);
    // Free up memory
    if (!$dst_file) {
        $dst_file = str_replace(basename($src_file), 'cropped-' . basename($src_file), $src_file);
    if ('image/png' != $image_type) {
        $dst_file = preg_replace('/\\.[^\\.]+$/', '.jpg', $dst_file);
    // The directory containing the original file may no longer exist when
    // using a replication plugin.
    if ('image/png' == $image_type && imagepng($dst, $dst_file)) {
        return $dst_file;
    } elseif (imagejpeg($dst, $dst_file, apply_filters('jpeg_quality', 90, 'wp_crop_image'))) {
        return $dst_file;
    } else {
        return false;
Esempio n. 2
function wp_save_image($post_id)
    $return = new stdClass();
    $success = $delete = $scaled = $nocrop = false;
    $post = get_post($post_id);
    @ini_set('memory_limit', apply_filters('admin_memory_limit', WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT));
    $img = load_image_to_edit($post_id, $post->post_mime_type);
    if (!is_resource($img)) {
        $return->error = esc_js(__('Unable to create new image.'));
        return $return;
    $fwidth = !empty($_REQUEST['fwidth']) ? intval($_REQUEST['fwidth']) : 0;
    $fheight = !empty($_REQUEST['fheight']) ? intval($_REQUEST['fheight']) : 0;
    $target = !empty($_REQUEST['target']) ? preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_-]+/i', '', $_REQUEST['target']) : '';
    $scale = !empty($_REQUEST['do']) && 'scale' == $_REQUEST['do'];
    if ($scale && $fwidth > 0 && $fheight > 0) {
        $sX = imagesx($img);
        $sY = imagesy($img);
        // check if it has roughly the same w / h ratio
        $diff = round($sX / $sY, 2) - round($fwidth / $fheight, 2);
        if (-0.1 < $diff && $diff < 0.1) {
            // scale the full size image
            $dst = wp_imagecreatetruecolor($fwidth, $fheight);
            if (imagecopyresampled($dst, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $fwidth, $fheight, $sX, $sY)) {
                $img = $dst;
                $scaled = true;
        if (!$scaled) {
            $return->error = esc_js(__('Error while saving the scaled image. Please reload the page and try again.'));
            return $return;
    } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['history'])) {
        $changes = json_decode(stripslashes($_REQUEST['history']));
        if ($changes) {
            $img = image_edit_apply_changes($img, $changes);
    } else {
        $return->error = esc_js(__('Nothing to save, the image has not changed.'));
        return $return;
    $meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata($post_id);
    $backup_sizes = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_wp_attachment_backup_sizes', true);
    if (!is_array($meta)) {
        $return->error = esc_js(__('Image data does not exist. Please re-upload the image.'));
        return $return;
    if (!is_array($backup_sizes)) {
        $backup_sizes = array();
    // generate new filename
    $path = get_attached_file($post_id);
    $path_parts = pathinfo($path);
    $filename = $path_parts['filename'];
    $suffix = time() . rand(100, 999);
    if (defined('IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE') && IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE && isset($backup_sizes['full-orig']) && $backup_sizes['full-orig']['file'] != $path_parts['basename']) {
        if ('thumbnail' == $target) {
            $new_path = "{$path_parts['dirname']}/{$filename}-temp.{$path_parts['extension']}";
        } else {
            $new_path = $path;
    } else {
        while (true) {
            $filename = preg_replace('/-e([0-9]+)$/', '', $filename);
            $filename .= "-e{$suffix}";
            $new_filename = "{$filename}.{$path_parts['extension']}";
            $new_path = "{$path_parts['dirname']}/{$new_filename}";
            if (file_exists($new_path)) {
            } else {
    // save the full-size file, also needed to create sub-sizes
    if (!wp_save_image_file($new_path, $img, $post->post_mime_type, $post_id)) {
        $return->error = esc_js(__('Unable to save the image.'));
        return $return;
    if ('nothumb' == $target || 'all' == $target || 'full' == $target || $scaled) {
        $tag = false;
        if (isset($backup_sizes['full-orig'])) {
            if ((!defined('IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE') || !IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE) && $backup_sizes['full-orig']['file'] != $path_parts['basename']) {
                $tag = "full-{$suffix}";
        } else {
            $tag = 'full-orig';
        if ($tag) {
            $backup_sizes[$tag] = array('width' => $meta['width'], 'height' => $meta['height'], 'file' => $path_parts['basename']);
        $success = update_attached_file($post_id, $new_path);
        $meta['file'] = _wp_relative_upload_path($new_path);
        $meta['width'] = imagesx($img);
        $meta['height'] = imagesy($img);
        list($uwidth, $uheight) = wp_constrain_dimensions($meta['width'], $meta['height'], 128, 96);
        $meta['hwstring_small'] = "height='{$uheight}' width='{$uwidth}'";
        if ($success && ('nothumb' == $target || 'all' == $target)) {
            $sizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes();
            if ('nothumb' == $target) {
                $sizes = array_diff($sizes, array('thumbnail'));
        $return->fw = $meta['width'];
        $return->fh = $meta['height'];
    } elseif ('thumbnail' == $target) {
        $sizes = array('thumbnail');
        $success = $delete = $nocrop = true;
    if (isset($sizes)) {
        foreach ($sizes as $size) {
            $tag = false;
            if (isset($meta['sizes'][$size])) {
                if (isset($backup_sizes["{$size}-orig"])) {
                    if ((!defined('IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE') || !IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE) && $backup_sizes["{$size}-orig"]['file'] != $meta['sizes'][$size]['file']) {
                        $tag = "{$size}-{$suffix}";
                } else {
                    $tag = "{$size}-orig";
                if ($tag) {
                    $backup_sizes[$tag] = $meta['sizes'][$size];
            $crop = $nocrop ? false : get_option("{$size}_crop");
            $resized = image_make_intermediate_size($new_path, get_option("{$size}_size_w"), get_option("{$size}_size_h"), $crop);
            if ($resized) {
                $meta['sizes'][$size] = $resized;
            } else {
    if ($success) {
        wp_update_attachment_metadata($post_id, $meta);
        update_post_meta($post_id, '_wp_attachment_backup_sizes', $backup_sizes);
        if ($target == 'thumbnail' || $target == 'all' || $target == 'full') {
            $file_url = wp_get_attachment_url($post_id);
            if ($thumb = $meta['sizes']['thumbnail']) {
                $return->thumbnail = path_join(dirname($file_url), $thumb['file']);
            } else {
                $return->thumbnail = "{$file_url}?w=128&h=128";
    } else {
        $delete = true;
    if ($delete) {
        $delpath = apply_filters('wp_delete_file', $new_path);
    $return->msg = esc_js(__('Image saved'));
    return $return;
Esempio n. 3
function wp_save_image($post_id)
    $msg = '';
    $success = $delete = $full_resized = false;
    $post = get_post($post_id);
    @ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
    $img = load_image_to_edit($post);
    if (!is_resource($img)) {
        return 'error=' . __('Unable to create new image.');
    $fwidth = !empty($_REQUEST['fwidth']) ? intval($_REQUEST['fwidth']) : 0;
    $fheight = !empty($_REQUEST['fheight']) ? intval($_REQUEST['fheight']) : 0;
    $target = !empty($_REQUEST['target']) ? preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_-]+/i', '', $_REQUEST['target']) : '';
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['history'])) {
        $changes = json_decode(stripslashes($_REQUEST['history']));
        if ($changes) {
            $img = image_edit_apply_changes($img, $changes);
    if ($fwidth > 0 && $fheight > 0) {
        // scale the full size image
        $dst = wp_imagecreatetruecolor($fwidth, $fheight);
        if (imagecopyresampled($dst, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $fwidth, $fheight, imagesx($img), imagesy($img))) {
            $img = $dst;
            $full_resized = true;
    if (!$changes && !$full_resized) {
        return 'error=' . __('Nothing to save, the image is not changed.');
    $meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata($post_id, false, false);
    if (!is_array($meta)) {
        $meta = array();
    if (!isset($meta['sizes']) || !is_array($meta['sizes'])) {
        $meta['sizes'] = array();
    // generate new filename
    $path = get_attached_file($post_id);
    $path_parts = pathinfo52($path);
    $filename = $path_parts['filename'];
    $suffix = time() . rand(100, 999);
    while (true) {
        $filename = preg_replace('/-e([0-9]+)$/', '', $filename);
        $filename .= "-e{$suffix}";
        $new_filename = "{$filename}.{$path_parts['extension']}";
        $new_path = "{$path_parts['dirname']}/{$new_filename}";
        if (file_exists($new_path)) {
        } else {
    // save the full-size file, also needed to create sub-sizes
    if (!wp_save_image_file($new_path, $img, $post->post_mime_type, $post_id)) {
        return 'error=' . __('Unable to save the image.');
    if ('full' == $target || 'all' == $target || $full_resized) {
        $meta['sizes']["backup-{$suffix}-full"] = array('width' => $meta['width'], 'height' => $meta['height'], 'file' => $path_parts['basename']);
        $success = update_attached_file($post_id, $new_path);
        $meta['file'] = get_attached_file($post_id, true);
        // get the path unfiltered
        $meta['width'] = imagesx($img);
        $meta['height'] = imagesy($img);
        list($uwidth, $uheight) = wp_shrink_dimensions($meta['width'], $meta['height']);
        $meta['hwstring_small'] = "height='{$uheight}' width='{$uwidth}'";
        if ($success && $target == 'all') {
            $sizes = apply_filters('intermediate_image_sizes', array('large', 'medium', 'thumbnail'));
        $msg .= "full={$meta['width']}x{$meta['height']}!";
    } elseif (array_key_exists($target, $meta['sizes'])) {
        $sizes = array($target);
        $success = $delete = true;
    if (isset($sizes)) {
        foreach ($sizes as $size) {
            if (isset($meta['sizes'][$size])) {
                $meta['sizes']["backup-{$suffix}-{$size}"] = $meta['sizes'][$size];
            $resized = image_make_intermediate_size($new_path, get_option("{$size}_size_w"), get_option("{$size}_size_h"), get_option("{$size}_crop"));
            if ($resized) {
                $meta['sizes'][$size] = $resized;
            } else {
    if ($success) {
        wp_update_attachment_metadata($post_id, $meta);
        if ($target == 'thumbnail' || $target == 'all' || $target == 'full' && !array_key_exists('thumbnail', $meta['sizes'])) {
            if ($thumb_url = get_attachment_icon_src($post_id)) {
                $msg .= "thumbnail={$thumb_url[0]}";
    } else {
        $delete = true;
    if ($delete) {
        $delpath = apply_filters('wp_delete_file', $new_path);
    return $msg;