if (!file_exists($rootpath . 'lang/' . $lang . '/' . $style . '/')) { $style = 'ocstyle'; } if (!file_exists($rootpath . 'lang/' . $lang . '/' . $style . '/')) { die('Critical Error: The specified style does not exist!'); } //set up the language path if (!isset($langpath)) { $langpath = $rootpath . 'lang/' . $lang; } //set up the style path if (!isset($stylepath)) { $stylepath = $langpath . '/' . $style; } //load gettext translation load_gettext(); //open a databse connection db_connect(); require $opt['rootpath'] . 'lib/auth.inc.php'; require_once $opt['rootpath'] . 'lib2/translate.class.php'; //load language specific strings require_once $langpath . '/expressions.inc.php'; //set up the defaults for the main template require_once $stylepath . '/varset.inc.php'; if ($dblink === false) { //error while connecting to the database $error = true; //set up error report tpl_set_var('error_msg', htmlspecialchars(mysql_error(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); tpl_set_var('tplname', $tplname); $tplname = 'error';
<?php defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed'); /** * Auto-detect browser language */ load_gettext('auto'); /** * Set language * * @param string $language Values: 'auto' | 'xx_YY' | 'xx_YY.utf8' */ function load_gettext($language) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->config->load('language_conf', TRUE); $locales_dir = $CI->config->item('locale_dir', 'language_conf'); $domain = $CI->config->item('domain', 'language_conf'); if (!$CI->input->is_cli_request()) { // Try auto-detection if asked for. Set default language if it fails if ($language === 'auto') { $CI->load->library('session'); if ($CI->session->userdata('locale')) { $language = $CI->session->userdata('locale'); } else { $language = $CI->lang->autodetect(); $CI->session->set_userdata('locale', $language); } } } if ($language && !in_array($language, $CI->config->item('available_locales', 'language_conf'))) {