Esempio n. 1
function _init_loadSettings()
    // get settings filenames and paths (either)
    list($hostnameWithoutPort) = explode(':', strtolower(@$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']));
    $hostnameWithoutPort = preg_replace('/[^\\w\\-\\.]/', '', $hostnameWithoutPort);
    // security: HTTP_HOST is user defined - remove non-filename chars to prevent ../ attacks
    $hostnameWithoutPort = preg_replace('/^www\\./i', '', $hostnameWithoutPort);
    // v2.50 - usability: don't require www. prefix so and both check for
    $settings_fileName = 'settings.' . preg_replace('/[^\\w\\-\\.]/', '', $hostnameWithoutPort) . '.php';
    $settings_filePath = DATA_DIR . '/' . $settings_fileName;
    // supports host based settings files such as: /data/settings.localhost.php
    define('SETTINGS_DEV_FILENAME', $settings_fileName);
    // set settings name and path for this server
    $useDev = is_file(SETTINGS_DEV_FILEPATH);
    define('SETTINGS_FILENAME', $useDev ? SETTINGS_DEV_FILENAME : 'settings.dat.php');
    define('SETTINGS_FILEPATH', $useDev ? SETTINGS_DEV_FILEPATH : DATA_DIR . '/settings.dat.php');
    // Require hostname-based settings files on development server domains (this section to be expanded)
    if (isInstalled() && isDevServer() && !is_file(SETTINGS_DEV_FILEPATH)) {
        header("Content-type: text/plain");
        die("Development server requires custom settings files.  Delete /data/isInstalled.php and re-install to create one.");
    // load settings
    global $SETTINGS;
    if (!is_file(SETTINGS_FILEPATH)) {
    // rename settings.dat.php.default to settings.dat.php
    // legacy support
    $SETTINGS['advanced']['encryptPasswords'] = 1;
    // added in 2.08, removed in 2.62 (force on for legacy support since encryption is always required now)
    ### set defaults (if not already defined in settings file - this happens when a user upgrades)
    // NOTE: Do this here for future instead of _upgradeSettings()
    $defaults = array('language' => '', 'adminEmail' => '', 'adminUrl' => '', 'cookiePrefix' => substr(md5(mt_rand()), 0, 5) . '_', 'activePlugins' => '', 'headerImageUrl' => '', 'footerHTML' => '', 'dateFormat' => '', 'cssTheme' => 'blue.css', 'webRootDir' => @$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], 'wysiwyg' => array(), 'advanced' => array(), 'bgtasks_lastRun' => '0', 'bgtasks_lastEmail' => '0', 'webPrefixUrl' => '');
    $wysiwygDefaults = array('wysiwygLang' => 'en', 'includeDomainInLinks' => '0');
    $advancedDefaults = array('imageResizeQuality' => 80, 'showExpandedMenu' => 0, 'disableFlashUploader' => 0, 'codeGeneratorExpertMode' => 0, 'hideLanguageSettings' => 0, 'session_cookie_domain' => '', 'session_save_path' => '', 'useDatepicker' => 0, 'requireHTTPS' => 0, 'httpProxyServer' => '', 'allowRelatedRecordsDragSorting' => 0, 'outgoingMail' => 'sendOnly', 'languageDeveloperMode' => 0, 'login_expiry_limit' => '30', 'login_expiry_unit' => 'minutes', 'restrictByIP' => 0, 'restrictByIP_allowed' => '', 'smtp_method' => 'php', 'smtp_hostname' => '', 'smtp_port' => '', 'smtp_username' => '', 'smtp_password' => '', 'phpHideErrors' => '0', 'phpEmailErrors' => '0', 'checkReferer' => '1', 'disableAutocomplete' => '0');
    foreach ($defaults as $key => $value) {
        if (!array_key_exists($key, $SETTINGS)) {
            $SETTINGS[$key] = $value;
    foreach ($wysiwygDefaults as $key => $value) {
        if (!array_key_exists($key, $SETTINGS['wysiwyg'])) {
            $SETTINGS['wysiwyg'][$key] = $value;
    foreach ($advancedDefaults as $key => $value) {
        if (!array_key_exists($key, $SETTINGS['advanced'])) {
            $SETTINGS['advanced'][$key] = $value;
    ### custom defaults
    // adminUrl - update if url path has changed
    if (defined('IS_CMS_ADMIN')) {
        $hasAdminPathChanged = parse_url(thisPageUrl(), PHP_URL_PATH) != parse_url(@$SETTINGS['adminUrl'], PHP_URL_PATH);
        if ($hasAdminPathChanged) {
            // only update adminUrl when in the CMS admin
            $SETTINGS['adminUrl'] = @array_shift(explode('?', thisPageUrl()));
            // added in 2.12 - this must be set when admin.php is being access directly so we get the right URL
            alert(sprintf(t("Updating Program Url to: %s") . "<br/>\n", $SETTINGS['adminUrl']));
    // set default uploadDir and uploadUrl (do this here as above defaults code only runs when keys are undefined, not when they are blank)
    if (!$SETTINGS['uploadDir']) {
        $SETTINGS['uploadDir'] = 'uploads/';
        // previously: /../uploads/
    if (!$SETTINGS['uploadUrl'] && !inCLI()) {
        // SCRIPT_NAME is set to filepath not web path when running in CLI, giving us incorrect values
        $SETTINGS['uploadUrl'] = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . "/uploads/";
        // previously: /../uploads/
        $SETTINGS['uploadUrl'] = realUrl($SETTINGS['uploadUrl']);
        // remove ../ parent reference
        $SETTINGS['uploadUrl'] = parse_url($SETTINGS['uploadUrl'], PHP_URL_PATH);
        // remove scheme://hostname and leave /url/path
    // remove old settings
    $removeKeys = array('vendorPoweredBy', 'timezoneOffsetAddMinus', 'timezoneOffsetHours', 'timezoneOffsetMinutes');
    $removeCount = 0;
    foreach ($removeKeys as $key) {
        if (array_key_exists($key, $SETTINGS)) {
    if ($removeCount) {
    // remove/convert old 'isInstalled' setting (from v2.09)
    if (array_key_exists('isInstalled', $SETTINGS)) {
        // set new installed status (semaphore file)
    // Update PHP config with SMTP values from settings (only effects users who call mail() explicitly)
    if ($GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['advanced']['smtp_hostname']) {
        ini_set('SMTP', $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['advanced']['smtp_hostname']);
    if ($GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['advanced']['smtp_port']) {
        ini_set('smtp_port', $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['advanced']['smtp_port']);
    // Note: We don't need to return $SETTINGS because we're modifying the global.
function loadSchema($tableName, $schemaDir = '')
    global $APP;
    // error checking
    if (!$tableName) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": no tableName specified!");
    if (preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_\\(\\)]+/', $tableName)) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": tableName '" . htmlencode($tableName) . "' contains invalid characters!");
    // get schemapath
    $tableNameWithoutPrefix = getTableNameWithoutPrefix($tableName);
    if (!$schemaDir) {
        $schemaFilepath = DATA_DIR . "/schema/{$tableNameWithoutPrefix}.ini.php";
    } else {
        $schemaFilepath = "{$schemaDir}/" . getTableNameWithoutPrefix($tableName) . ".ini.php";
    // load schema
    $schema = array();
    if (file_exists($schemaFilepath)) {
        $schema = loadStructOrINI($schemaFilepath);
    // add _tableName (v2.16+)
    if ($schema) {
        $schema['_tableName'] = $tableNameWithoutPrefix;
    return $schema;