function getTableList()
    global $TABLE_PREFIX, $APP;
    // get table names
    $mysqlTables = getMysqlTablesWithPrefix();
    $schemaTables = getSchemaTables();
    // create multi query
    $tables = array();
    $tableRowCounts = array();
    foreach ($schemaTables as $tableName) {
        $tableNameWithPrefix = getTableNameWithPrefix($tableName);
        if (in_array($tableNameWithPrefix, $mysqlTables)) {
            $rowCount = mysql_count($tableNameWithPrefix);
        $localTableSchema = loadSchema($tableName);
        array_push($tables, array('tableName' => $tableName, 'menuName' => @$localTableSchema['menuName'], 'menuType' => @$localTableSchema['menuType'], 'menuOrder' => @$localTableSchema['menuOrder'], 'menuHidden' => @$localTableSchema['menuHidden'], 'tableHidden' => @$localTableSchema['tableHidden'], '_indent' => @$localTableSchema['_indent'], 'recordCount' => $rowCount));
    // sort table list
    uasort($tables, '_sortMenusByOrder');
    return $tables;
function userSectionAccess($tableNameWithoutPrefix)
    // added in v2.16
    global $CURRENT_USER;
    $tableName = getTableNameWithoutPrefix($tableNameWithoutPrefix);
    // get access level
    if (@$CURRENT_USER['accessList']['all']['accessLevel'] > 1) {
        $accessLevel = $CURRENT_USER['accessList']['all']['accessLevel'];
    } elseif (@$CURRENT_USER['accessList'][$tableName]['accessLevel']) {
        $accessLevel = @$CURRENT_USER['accessList'][$tableName]['accessLevel'];
    } else {
        $accessLevel = 0;
    // accounts menu (special rules)
    if ($tableName == 'accounts') {
        if (@$CURRENT_USER['isAdmin']) {
            $accessLevel = 9;
        } elseif ($accessLevel < 9) {
            $accessLevel = 0;
        // accounts menu requires admin or editor access
    // don't allow viewer-only access unless section allows it
    if ($accessLevel == 3 || $accessLevel == 7) {
        $schema = loadSchema($tableName);
        if (@$schema['_disableView']) {
            if ($accessLevel == 7) {
                $accessLevel = 6;
            } else {
                $accessLevel = 0;
            // drop viewer only access to no access
    $accessLevel = applyFilters('userSectionAccess', $accessLevel, $tableName);
    return $accessLevel;
function getPrevAndNextRecords($options)
    global $TABLE_PREFIX;
    // error checking
    $errors = '';
    if (!@$options['tableName']) {
        $errors .= "No 'tableName' value specified in options!<br/>\n";
    if ($errors) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": {$errors}");
    $tableSchema = loadSchema($options['tableName']);
    $mysqlTableName = mysql_escape($TABLE_PREFIX . $options['tableName']);
    $targetNum = @$options['recordNum'] ? mysql_escape($options['recordNum']) : 0;
    $orderBy = @$options['orderBy'] ? $options['orderBy'] : $tableSchema['listPageOrder'];
    // set inital mysql variables
    $query = "SELECT @lastSeenNum:=0, @prevNum:=0, @nextNum:=0, @firstNum:=0, @lastNum:=0, @prevNumSet:=0, @foundTarget:=0";
    if (@$options['debugSql']) {
        print "<xmp>{$query}</xmp>";
    mysql_query($query) or die("MySQL Error: " . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . "\n");
    // get mysql to figure out which nums are prev, next, first, and last
    // NOTE: "The order of evaluation for expressions involving user variables is undefined..." See:
    $query = "SELECT \n";
    $query .= "  IF(@firstNum, NULL, @firstNum:=num),\n";
    // get firstRecordNum
    $query .= "  @lastNum := num,\n";
    // get lastRecordNum
    $query .= "  IF(num='{$targetNum}', (@foundTarget:=1) & (@prevNum:=@lastSeenNum), @lastSeenNum:=num),\n";
    // get prevRecordNum (Note that using AND here instead of & caused an issue with unexpected evalutation of the assignment operators on a Windows/MySQL 5.5.33 server)
    $query .= "  IF(@foundTarget=1 AND num !='{$targetNum}' AND @nextNum = 0, @nextNum := num, null)\n";
    // get nextRecordNum
    $query .= "FROM `{$mysqlTableName}` \n";
    if (@$options['where']) {
        $query .= "WHERE {$options['where']} \n";
    $query .= "ORDER BY {$orderBy}  \n";
    if (@$options['debugSql']) {
        print "<xmp>{$query}</xmp>";
    mysql_query($query) or die("MySQL Error: " . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . "\n");
    // load our calculated nums
    $query = "SELECT @prevNum as 'prevRecordNum', @nextNum as 'nextRecordNum', @firstNum as 'firstRecordNum', @lastNum as 'lastRecordNum'";
    if (@$options['debugSql']) {
        print "<xmp>{$query}</xmp>";
    $row = mysql_get_query($query);
    // load records matching returned nums
    $numsToGet = array_values(array_filter($row));
    array_push($numsToGet, 0);
    list($records, $metaData) = getRecords(array('tableName' => $options['tableName'], 'where' => "num IN (" . implode(',', $numsToGet) . ")", 'allowSearch' => false, 'debugSql' => @$options['debugSql']));
    $recordsByNum = array_combine(array_pluck($records, 'num'), $records);
    // package up output
    $firstRecord = $row['firstRecordNum'] ? @$recordsByNum[$row['firstRecordNum']] : array();
    $prevRecord = $row['prevRecordNum'] ? @$recordsByNum[$row['prevRecordNum']] : array();
    $nextRecord = $row['nextRecordNum'] ? @$recordsByNum[$row['nextRecordNum']] : array();
    $lastRecord = $row['lastRecordNum'] ? @$recordsByNum[$row['lastRecordNum']] : array();
    return array($prevRecord, $nextRecord, $firstRecord, $lastRecord);
Esempio n. 4
print "\n\nThank you for choosing FreeMED as your electronic medical record / practice\nmanagement system. FreeMED is an opensource program and is located on the\nweb at\n\nThis command line tool will allow you to install FreeMED from the Linux\ncommand line. Please make sure that your FreeMED installation is writeable,\notherwise this may cause some *nasty* problems.\n\n";
if (!function_exists('mysql_connect')) {
    print "mysql support needs to be enabled before we can proceed!\n";
printHeader("Include aggregation table definition");
printHeader("Load admin table definitions");
printHeader("Install ACL tables");
// Add the administrative account
printHeader("Add an administrative account");
print "\nPlease enter an username for your administrative account [root] : ";
$username = getInput('%s');
if ($username == "") {
    $username = "******";
print "\nPlease enter a password for your administrative account : ";
$password = getInput('%s');
if ($nimode) {
    $username = '******';
    $password = '******';
Installation::CreateAdministrationAccount($username, $password);
    function getTableRow($record, $value, $formType)
        global $isMyAccountMenu;
        $parentTable = $GLOBALS['menu'];
        // set field attributes
        $relatedTable = $this->relatedTable;
        $relatedWhere = getEvalOutput(@$this->relatedWhere);
        $seeMoreLink = @$this->relatedMoreLink ? "?menu={$relatedTable}&amp;search=1&amp;_ignoreSavedSearch=1&amp;" . getEvalOutput($this->relatedMoreLink) : '';
        // load list functions
        require_once "lib/menus/default/list_functions.php";
        require_once "lib/viewer_functions.php";
        // save and update globals
        list($originalMenu, $originalTableName, $originalSchema) = array($GLOBALS['menu'], $GLOBALS['tableName'], $GLOBALS['schema']);
        $GLOBALS['menu'] = $relatedTable;
        $GLOBALS['tableName'] = $relatedTable;
        $GLOBALS['schema'] = loadSchema($relatedTable);
        $GLOBALS['schema'] = array_merge($GLOBALS['schema'], getSchemaFields($GLOBALS['schema']));
        // v2.16+, add pseudo-fields name and _tableName to all fieldSchemas.  Doing this once here instead of every time in loadSchema() is less expensive
        // load list data
        list($listFields, $records, $metaData) = list_functions_init(array('isRelatedRecords' => true, 'tableName' => $relatedTable, 'where' => $relatedWhere, 'perPage' => @$this->relatedLimit));
        ### show header
        $html = '';
        $recordCount = count($records);
        $oneOrZero = $recordCount > 0 ? 1 : 0;
        $seeMoreHTML = $seeMoreLink ? "<br/><a href='{$seeMoreLink}'>" . htmlencode(t("see related records >>")) . "</a>" : '';
        $showingText = sprintf(t('Showing %1$s - %2$s of %3$s related records'), $oneOrZero, $recordCount, $metaData['totalRecords']);
<tr><td colspan="2">
  <div class="clear"></div>
  <div class="content-box">

    <div class="content-box-header">
      <div style="float:right; text-align: right; line-height: 110%">
        echo $showingText;
        echo $seeMoreHTML;
        echo $this->label;
<!-- --></h3>
      <div class="clear"></div>
    </div> <!-- End .content-box-header -->

    <div class="content-box-content">
        $html .= ob_get_clean();
        ### show body
        // show list
        showListTable($listFields, $records, array('isRelatedRecords' => true, 'showView' => @$this->relatedView, 'showModify' => @$this->relatedModify, 'showErase' => @$this->relatedErase, 'showCreate' => @$this->relatedCreate));
        $html .= ob_get_clean();
        ### get footer
        $buttonsRight = '';
        if (@$this->relatedCreate) {
            // show "create" button for related records
            $buttonsRight = relatedRecordsButton(t('Create'), "?menu={$relatedTable}&action=edit&{$parentTable}Num=###");
        $tableName = $relatedTable;
        $isRelatedTable = true;
        $buttonsRight = applyFilters('list_buttonsRight', $buttonsRight, $tableName, $isRelatedTable);
        $html .= <<<__FOOTER__

    <div style='float:right; padding-top: 3px'>
    <div class='clear'></div>

    </div><!-- End .content-box-content -->
  </div><!-- End .content-box -->
        // reset globals
        list($GLOBALS['menu'], $GLOBALS['tableName'], $GLOBALS['schema']) = array($originalMenu, $originalTableName, $originalSchema);
        return $html;
function _getMenuList()
    global $APP, $CURRENT_USER;
    $menus = array();
    $selectedMenu = getFirstDefinedValue(@$APP['selectedMenu'], @$_REQUEST['menu'], 'home');
    $menuOrder = 0;
    // get schema files
    foreach (getSchemaTables() as $tableName) {
        $schema = loadSchema($tableName);
        if (!@$schema['menuType']) {
        if (@$schema['menuHidden']) {
        $menuOrder = max($menuOrder, @$schema['menuOrder']);
        // add menu items
        $thisMenu = array();
        $thisMenu['schema'] = $schema;
        $thisMenu['menuType'] = $schema['menuType'];
        $thisMenu['menuName'] = $schema['menuName'];
        $thisMenu['menuOrder'] = $schema['menuOrder'];
        $thisMenu['tableName'] = $tableName;
        $thisMenu['isSelected'] = $selectedMenu == $tableName;
        $thisMenu['_indent'] = @$schema['_indent'];
        $thisMenu['_disableView'] = @$schema['_disableView'];
        $thisMenu['link'] = "?menu={$tableName}";
        $thisMenu['linkTarget'] = '';
        $thisMenu['linkMessage'] = '';
        if ($schema['menuType'] == 'link') {
            $isExternalLink = @$schema['_linkTarget'] != 'iframe';
            $setTargetBlank = $isExternalLink && (@$schema['_targetBlank'] || @$schema['_linkTarget'] == 'new');
            // _targetBlank is the old schema format
            if ($isExternalLink) {
                $thisMenu['link'] = $schema['_url'];
            if ($setTargetBlank) {
                $thisMenu['linkTarget'] = 'target="_blank"';
            if ($isExternalLink) {
                $thisMenu['linkMessage'] = @$schema['_linkMessage'];
            // don't show js alert() for iframe links (show them at top of iframe page)
        array_push($menus, $thisMenu);
    // add admin menus
    $showAdminAtTop = false;
    if ($showAdminAtTop) {
        $menuOrder = -100;
    $menus = array_merge($menus, _getAdminMenus($menuOrder));
    // sort menus by order value
    uasort($menus, '_sortMenusByOrder');
    $menus = array_values($menus);
    // re-index elements to match sort order (for operation below)
    // allow plugins to customize the menu while it's still an easily managable array
    $menus = applyFilters('menulinks_array', $menus);
    // set isSelected for menuGroups
    $groupChildSelected = false;
    for ($index = count($menus) - 1; $index >= 0; $index--) {
        $menu =& $menus[$index];
        if ($menu['menuType'] == 'menugroup') {
            if ($groupChildSelected) {
                $menu['isSelected'] = true;
                $groupChildSelected = false;
        } else {
            if ($menu['isSelected']) {
                $groupChildSelected = true;
    return $menus;
function getUploads($tableName, $fieldName, $recordNum)
    global $TABLE_PREFIX;
    $uploads = array();
    // error checking
    if (!$tableName) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": no 'tableName' value specified!");
    if (!$fieldName) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": no 'fieldName' value specified!");
    if (!$recordNum) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": no 'recordNum' value specified!");
    // get record uploads
    $tableNameWithoutPrefix = getTableNameWithoutPrefix($tableName);
    $query = "   SELECT * FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}uploads` ";
    $query .= "    WHERE tableName = '" . mysql_escape($tableNameWithoutPrefix) . "' AND ";
    $query .= "          fieldName = '" . mysql_escape($fieldName) . "' AND";
    $query .= "          recordNum = '" . mysql_escape($recordNum) . "'";
    $query .= " ORDER BY `order`, num";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die("MySQL Error: " . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . "\n");
    $schema = loadSchema($tableName);
    while ($upload = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        _addUploadPseudoFields($upload, $schema, $fieldName);
        array_push($uploads, $upload);
    return $uploads;
function cg2_listpage_getCode()
    $tableName = @$_REQUEST['tableName'];
    $schema = loadSchema($tableName);
    $menuName = coalesce(@$schema['menuName'], $tableName);
    // define variable names
    $tableRecordsVar = '$' . preg_replace("/[^\\w]/", '_', $tableName) . "Records";
    $metaDataVar = '$' . preg_replace("/[^\\w]/", '_', $tableName) . "MetaData";
    $recordVar = '$record';
    // define getRecords() options
    $options = array();
    $options[] = "'tableName'   => '{$tableName}',";
    if (@$_REQUEST['howMany'] == 'firstN') {
        $options[] = "'limit'       => '{$_REQUEST['limit']}',";
    } else {
        if (@$_REQUEST['howMany'] == 'paged') {
            $options[] = "'perPage'     => '{$_REQUEST['perPage']}',";
        } else {
            /* default to showing all */
    if (@$_REQUEST['orderBy'] == 'random') {
        $options[] = "'orderBy'     => 'RAND()',";
    if (@$_REQUEST['showUploads'] == 'all') {
        $options[] = "'loadUploads' => true,";
    } elseif (@$_REQUEST['showUploads'] == 'limit') {
        $options[] = "'loadUploads' => true,";
    } else {
        $options[] = "'loadUploads' => false,";
    if (@$_REQUEST['allowSearching']) {
        $options[] = "'allowSearch' => true,";
    } else {
        $options[] = "'allowSearch' => false,";
    $padding = "    ";
    $getRecordsOptions = "\n{$padding}" . implode("\n{$padding}", $options) . "\n  ";
    ### generate code
<#php header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); #>
  /* STEP 1: LOAD RECORDS - Copy this PHP code block near the TOP of your page */

  // load records from '<?php 
    echo $tableName;
    echo $tableRecordsVar;
, <?php 
    echo $metaDataVar;
) = getRecords(array(<?php 
    echo $getRecordsOptions;


  <!-- STEP2: Display Records (Paste this where you want your records to be listed) -->
    echo $menuName;
 - <?php 
    echo t('List Page Viewer');
    <#php foreach (<?php 
    echo $tableRecordsVar;
 as <?php 
    echo $recordVar;
): #>
    cg2_code_schemaFields($schema, $recordVar, $tableName);
    if (@$_REQUEST['showUploads']) {
        cg2_code_uploads($schema, $recordVar);
    <#php endforeach #>

    <#php if (!<?php 
    echo $tableRecordsVar;
): #>
    echo t('No records were found!');
    <#php endif #>
  <!-- /STEP2: Display Records -->

    if (@$_REQUEST['howMany'] == 'paged') {
  <!-- STEP3: Display Page Links (Paste anywhere below "Load Record List") -->
    <#php if (<?php 
        echo $metaDataVar;
['prevPage']): #>
      <a href="<#php echo <?php 
        echo $metaDataVar;
['prevPageLink'] #>"><?php 
        echo t('&lt;&lt;  prev');
    <#php else: #>
      &lt;&lt; prev
    <#php endif #>

    - page <#php echo <?php 
        echo $metaDataVar;
['page'] #> of <#php echo <?php 
        echo $metaDataVar;
['totalPages'] #> -

    <#php if (<?php 
        echo $metaDataVar;
['nextPage']): #>
      <a href="<#php echo <?php 
        echo $metaDataVar;
['nextPageLink'] #>"><?php 
        echo t('next');
    <#php else: #>
      next &gt;&gt;
    <#php endif #>
  <!-- /STEP3: Display Page Links -->

    // return code
    $code = ob_get_clean();
    return $code;
function getSchemaPresets()
    global $APP;
    $schemaPresets = array();
    // get schema tablenames
    $schemaTables = array();
    $schemaPresetDir = DATA_DIR . '/schemaPresets/';
    foreach (getSchemaTables($schemaPresetDir) as $tableName) {
        $tableSchema = loadSchema($tableName, $schemaPresetDir);
        $menuName = @$tableSchema['menuName'] ? $tableSchema['menuName'] : $tableName;
        $schemaPresets[$tableName] = @$tableSchema['menuName'];
    return $schemaPresets;
    function getTableRow($record, $value, $formType)
        global $TABLE_PREFIX;
        // load access list
        $accessList = array();
        if (@$_REQUEST['num']) {
            $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}_accesslist` WHERE userNum = '" . mysql_escape($_REQUEST['num']) . "'";
            $result = mysql_query($query) or die("MySQL Error: " . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . "\n");
            while ($record = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                $accessList[$record['tableName']] = $record;
        // get section list
        $sectionList = array();
        foreach (getSchemaTables() as $tableName) {
            $schema = loadSchema($tableName);
            $allowedMenuTypes = array('single', 'multi', 'category', 'menugroup', 'link', 'custom');
            if (!in_array(@$schema['menuType'], $allowedMenuTypes)) {
            $thisMenu = array();
            $thisMenu['menuName'] = htmlencode($schema['menuName']);
            if (@$schema['menuType'] != 'menugroup') {
                $thisMenu['menuName'] = '&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;' . $thisMenu['menuName'];
            if (@$schema['_indent']) {
                $thisMenu['menuName'] = '&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;' . $thisMenu['menuName'];
            $thisMenu['menuOrder'] = $schema['menuOrder'];
            $thisMenu['tableName'] = $tableName;
            $thisMenu['menuType'] = $schema['menuType'];
            array_push($sectionList, $thisMenu);
        uasort($sectionList, '_sortMenusByOrder');
        // sort menus by order value
        // display field
        $allAccessLevel = @$accessList['all']['accessLevel'];
        $sectionsDivStyle = $allAccessLevel != 1 ? "display: none;" : '';
  <td valign="top" style="padding-top: 2px"><?php 
        echo $this->label;

<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">
<th width="305"><?php 
        et('Section Name');
<th width="115" style="text-align: center"><?php 
<th width="100" style="text-align: center"><?php 
        et('Max Records');
<td class="listRow listRowOdd"><?php 
        et('All Sections');
<td class="listRow listRowOdd" style="text-align: center">
  <select name="accessList[all][accessLevel]" style="width: 140px" onchange="(this.value=='1') ? $('.sectionAccessList').slideDown() : $('.sectionAccessList').slideUp();">
  <option value="0" <?php 
        selectedIf($allAccessLevel, '0');
  <option value="3" <?php 
        selectedIf($allAccessLevel, '3');
  <option value="6" <?php 
        selectedIf($allAccessLevel, '6');
  <option value="7" <?php 
        selectedIf($allAccessLevel, '7');
        eht('Author & Viewer');
  <option value="9" <?php 
        selectedIf($allAccessLevel, '9');
  <option value="1" <?php 
        selectedIf($allAccessLevel, '1');
        et('By Section');
<td class="listRow listRowOdd" style="text-align: center"><?php 
        et('No Limit');

<script type="text/javascript">
function toggleDisabledForAccessListMaxRecords(tablename) {
var accessLevel = $("#accesslevel_"+tablename).val();
var disableMaxRecords = (accessLevel == 9 || accessLevel == 3);
if (disableMaxRecords) { $("#maxRecords_"+tablename).attr("disabled", true).css("background-color","#DDD");  }
else                   { $("#maxRecords_"+tablename).removeAttr("disabled").css("background-color","#FFF");  }

<div class="sectionAccessList" style="<?php 
        echo $sectionsDivStyle;
<div style="width: 0px; height: 0px;"></div><?php 
        /* fixes IE7 issue which caused table to get no layout space, causing overlap and missing table content. the issue seems to be caused by a div with only a table inside. adding anything else inside the div seems to fix it, including &nbsp, but that adds extra whitespace, hence the div with no area */
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">

        // list sections
        foreach ($sectionList as $section) {
            $bgColorClass = @$bgColorClass == "listRowEven" ? 'listRowOdd' : 'listRowEven';
            # rotate bgclass
            $fieldnamePrefix = "accessList[{$section['tableName']}]";
            $accessLevel = @$accessList[$section['tableName']]['accessLevel'];
            $maxRecords = @$accessList[$section['tableName']]['maxRecords'];
            $disableMaxRecords = $accessLevel == 9 || $accessLevel == 3;
            $maxRecordsAttr = $disableMaxRecords ? 'style="text-align: center; background-color: #DDD;" disabled="disabled"' : 'style="text-align: center;"';
<td class="listRow <?php 
            echo $bgColorClass;
" width="305">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php 
            echo $section['menuName'];
<td class="listRow <?php 
            echo $bgColorClass;
" width="115" style="text-align: center">
            if ($section['menuType'] == 'single' || $section['tableName'] == 'accounts' || $section['menuType'] == 'menugroup' || $section['menuType'] == 'link') {
<input type="hidden"   name="<?php 
                echo $fieldnamePrefix;
[accessLevel]" value="0" />
<input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
                echo $fieldnamePrefix;
[accessLevel]" value="9" <?php 
                checkedIf($accessLevel, '9');
            } elseif ($section['menuType'] == 'multi') {
  <select name="<?php 
                echo $fieldnamePrefix;
[accessLevel]" id="accesslevel_<?php 
                echo $section['tableName'];
" style="width: 140px" onchange="toggleDisabledForAccessListMaxRecords('<?php 
                echo $section['tableName'];
  <option value="0" <?php 
                selectedIf($accessLevel, '0');
  <option value="3" <?php 
                selectedIf($accessLevel, '3');
  <option value="6" <?php 
                selectedIf($accessLevel, '6');
  <option value="7" <?php 
                selectedIf($accessLevel, '7');
                eht('Author & Viewer');
  <option value="9" <?php 
                selectedIf($accessLevel, '9');
            } elseif ($section['menuType'] == 'category') {
  <select name="<?php 
                echo $fieldnamePrefix;
[accessLevel]" id="accesslevel_<?php 
                echo $section['tableName'];
" style="width: 140px" onchange="toggleDisabledForAccessListMaxRecords('<?php 
                echo $section['tableName'];
  <option value="0" <?php 
                selectedIf($accessLevel, '0');
  <option value="9" <?php 
                selectedIf($accessLevel, '9');

<td class="<?php 
            echo $bgColorClass;
" width="100" style="text-align: center">

            if ($section['menuType'] == 'single') {
                printf(t("Single Page"));
            } elseif ($section['tableName'] == 'accounts') {

            } elseif ($section['menuType'] == 'multi') {
  <input class="text-input medium-input" type="text" name="<?php 
                echo $fieldnamePrefix;
[maxRecords]" id="maxRecords_<?php 
                echo $section['tableName'];
                echo $maxRecords;
" size="6" maxlength="6"
                echo $maxRecordsAttr;



<br/><div style="font-size: 11px">
        et('Access Levels:');
  <div style="padding-left: 20px;">
        et('None - Don\'t allow user to access this section');
        et('Viewer - User can view any record in this section (must also be enabled in section editor)');
        et('Author - User can only access records they have created');
        eht("Author & Viewer - User can view any record and modify records they've created");
        et('Editor - User can access any records in this section');
        et('Max Records: Max records user is allowed to create (for regular users only - leave blank for unlimited)');


        $html = ob_get_clean();
        return $html;
function cg2_inputSchemaField_getOptions($tableName, $fieldname = '')
    if (!$tableName) {
        return "<option value=''>" . htmlencode(t("<select section first>")) . "</option>\n";
    $fieldnames = array();
    $validTypes = array('textfield', 'textbox', 'wysiwyg');
    $schema = loadSchema($tableName);
    $fieldSchemas = array_filter($schema, 'is_array');
    foreach ($fieldSchemas as $name => $fieldSchema) {
        if (!in_array(@$fieldSchema['type'], $validTypes)) {
        $fieldnames[] = $name;
    // get options HTML
    $htmlOptions = "<option value=''>&lt;select field&gt;</option>\n";
    $htmlOptions .= getSelectOptions(@$_REQUEST[$fieldname], $fieldnames);
    return $htmlOptions;
function cg2_categorypage_getCode()
    $tableName = @$_REQUEST['tableName'];
    $schema = loadSchema($tableName);
    $menuName = coalesce(@$schema['menuName'], $tableName);
    // define variable names
    $categoryRecordsVar = '$' . preg_replace("/[^\\w]/", '_', $tableName) . "Records";
    $selectedCategoryVar = '$selected' . ucfirst(preg_replace("/[^\\w]/", '_', $tableName));
    $categoryRecordVar = '$categoryRecord';
    ### generate code
<#php header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); #>
  /* STEP 1: LOAD RECORDS - Copy this PHP code block near the TOP of your page */

  // load records from '<?php 
    echo $tableName;
    echo $categoryRecordsVar;
, <?php 
    echo $selectedCategoryVar;
) = getCategories(array(
    'tableName'            => '<?php 
    echo $tableName;
', //
    'categoryFormat'       => '<?php 
    echo $_REQUEST['categoryFormat'];
',  // showall, onelevel, twolevel, breadcrumb
    'defaultCategory'      => '<?php 
    echo $_REQUEST['defaultCategory'] == 'num' ? $_REQUEST['defaultCategoryNum'] : $_REQUEST['defaultCategory'];
',    // Enter 'first', a category number, or leave blank '' for none
    // advanced options (you can safely ignore these)
    'rootCategoryNum'      => '<?php 
    echo $_REQUEST['rootCategoryNum'];
',      // Only categories _below_ this one will be shown (defaults to blank or 0 for all)
    'ulAttributes'         => '',      // add html attributes to <ul> tags, eg: 'class="menuUL"' would output <ul class="menuUL">
    'selectedCategoryNum'  => '',      // this record number is returned as the "selected category", defaults to getLastNumberInUrl()
    'ulAttributesCallback' => '',      // ADVANCED: custom function to return ul attributes, eg: 'myUlAttr' and function myUlAttr($category) { return "id='ul_uniqueId_{$category['num']}'"; }
    'liAttributesCallback' => '',      // ADVANCED: custom function to return li attributes, eg: 'myLiAttr' and function myLiAttr($category) { return "id='li_uniqueId_{$category['num']}'"; }
    'loadCreatedBy'        => false,   // loads createdBy.* fields for user who created category record (false is faster)
    'loadUploads'          => true,    // loads upload fields, eg: $category['photos'] gets defined with array of uploads (false is faster)
    'ignoreHidden'         => false,   // false = hide records with 'hidden' flag set, true = ignore status of hidden flag when loading records
    'debugSql'             => false,   // display the MySQL query being used to load records (for debugging)


<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%">
    <td valign="top" width="200">

    if (@$_REQUEST['outputHtmlStyle'] == 'list') {
      <h3>Category Menu</h3>
        <#php foreach (<?php 
        echo $categoryRecordsVar;
 as <?php 
        echo $categoryRecordVar;
): #>
          <#php echo <?php 
        echo $categoryRecordVar;
['_listItemStart'] #>
          <#php if (<?php 
        echo $categoryRecordVar;
['_isSelected']): #>
            <b><a href="<#php echo <?php 
        echo $categoryRecordVar;
['_link'] #>"><#php echo <?php 
        echo $categoryRecordVar;
['name'] #></a></b>
          <#php else: #>
            <a href="<#php echo <?php 
        echo $categoryRecordVar;
['_link'] #>"><#php echo <?php 
        echo $categoryRecordVar;
['name'] #></a>
          <#php endif; #>
          <#php echo <?php 
        echo $categoryRecordVar;
['_listItemEnd'] #>
        <#php endforeach; #>
    } else {
      <h3>Category Menu</h3>
      <#php foreach (<?php 
        echo $categoryRecordsVar;
 as <?php 
        echo $categoryRecordVar;
): #>
        <#php echo str_repeat("&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;", <?php 
        echo $categoryRecordVar;
['depth']); #>
        <#php if (<?php 
        echo $categoryRecordVar;
['_isSelected']): #><b><#php endif; #>
        <a href="<#php echo <?php 
        echo $categoryRecordVar;
['_link'] #>"><#php echo <?php 
        echo $categoryRecordVar;
['name'] #></a>
        <#php if (<?php 
        echo $categoryRecordVar;
['_isSelected']): #></b><#php endif; #>
      <#php endforeach; #>

    <td valign="top">
      <h3>Selected Category</h3>
    <#php if (!<?php 
    echo $selectedCategoryVar;
): #>
    echo t('No category is selected!');
    <#php endif #>

    <#php if (<?php 
    echo $selectedCategoryVar;
): #>
    cg2_code_schemaFields($schema, $selectedCategoryVar, $tableName);
    cg2_code_uploads($schema, $selectedCategoryVar);
    <#php endif #>

    <#php if (<?php 
    echo $selectedCategoryVar;
): #>
    <div class="instructions">
      <b>Advanced Code Snippets and Field List</b> (you can safely remove this section)</b><br/>
        $selectedNum     = intval($selectedCategory['num']);
        $recordsOnBranch = mysql_select('category', "lineage LIKE '%:$selectedNum:%'");
        $branchNums      = array_pluck($recordsOnBranch, 'num');
        $branchNumsAsCSV = mysql_getValuesAsCSV($branchNums);
      Selected category num: <#php echo $selectedCategory['num']; #><br/>
      All nums in branch: <#php echo $branchNumsAsCSV; #><br/>
      All fields available for the selected record:<br/>
      <div style="margin-left: 25px; font-family: monospace">
        <#php echo nl2br(str_replace('  ', ' &nbsp;', htmlencode(print_r($selectedCategory, true)))); #>
    <#php endif #>



    // return code
    $code = ob_get_clean();
    return $code;

// load libraries
require_once "lib/menus/default/common.php";
require_once file_exists('lib/wysiwyg_custom.php') ? 'lib/wysiwyg_custom.php' : 'lib/wysiwyg.php';
// set globals
global $TABLE_PREFIX, $tableName, $escapedTableName, $action, $schema, $CURRENT_USER, $hasEditorAccess, $hasAuthorAccess, $hasViewerAccess, $hasViewerAccessOnly, $hasAuthorViewerAccess, $isMyAccountMenu, $isSingleMenu;
$isMyAccountMenu = $menu == '_myaccount';
$tableName = $isMyAccountMenu ? 'accounts' : $menu;
$schema = loadSchema($tableName);
$schema = array_merge($schema, getSchemaFields($schema));
// v2.16+, add pseudo-fields name and _tableName to all fieldSchemas.  Doing this once here instead of every time in loadSchema() is less expensive
$escapedTableName = mysql_escape($TABLE_PREFIX . $tableName);
$hasEditorAccess = userSectionAccess($tableName) >= 9;
$hasAuthorAccess = userSectionAccess($tableName) >= 6;
$hasViewerAccess = userSectionAccess($tableName) >= 3;
$hasViewerAccessOnly = userSectionAccess($tableName) == 3;
$hasAuthorViewerAccess = userSectionAccess($tableName) >= 7;
$isSingleMenu = @$schema['menuType'] == 'single';
// get action
if ($isSingleMenu && $hasAuthorAccess) {
    $_defaultAction = 'edit';
} elseif ($isSingleMenu && $hasViewerAccess) {
    $_defaultAction = 'view';
} else {
    $_defaultAction = 'list';
$action = getRequestedAction($_defaultAction);
doAction('section_init', $tableName, $action);
function recreateThumbnails()
    global $TABLE_PREFIX;
    $tableNameWithoutPrefix = getTablenameWithoutPrefix($_REQUEST['tablename']);
    // error checking
    $stopPrefix = "STOPJS:";
    // this tells javascript to stop creating thumbnails
    $requiredFields = array('tablename', 'fieldname', 'maxHeight', 'maxWidth');
    foreach ($requiredFields as $fieldname) {
        if (!@$_REQUEST[$fieldname]) {
            die($stopPrefix . "Required fieldname '{$fieldname}' not specified!");
    if (preg_match('/[^0-9\\_]/i', $_REQUEST['maxHeight'])) {
        die($stopPrefix . "Invalid value for max height!\n");
    if (preg_match('/[^0-9\\_]/i', $_REQUEST['maxWidth'])) {
        die($stopPrefix . "Invalid value for max width!\n");
    // get upload count
    static $count;
    if ($count == '') {
        $where = mysql_escapef("tableName = ? AND fieldName = ?", $tableNameWithoutPrefix, $_REQUEST['fieldname']);
        $totalUploads = mysql_count('uploads', $where);
    // load upload
    $whereEtc = mysql_escapef("tableName = ? AND fieldname = ?", $tableNameWithoutPrefix, $_REQUEST['fieldname']);
    $whereEtc .= " LIMIT 1 OFFSET " . intval($_REQUEST['offset']);
    @(list($upload) = mysql_select('uploads', $whereEtc));
    if ($upload) {
        // get uploadDir and uploadUrl
        $schema = loadSchema($upload['tableName']);
        list($uploadDir, $uploadUrl) = getUploadDirAndUrl($schema[$upload['fieldName']]);
        // get upload's absolute filepath
        $absoluteFilepath = addUploadPathPrefix($upload['filePath'], $uploadDir);
        // make path absolute
        // error checking
        if (!file_exists($absoluteFilepath)) {
            $error = "Upload doesn't exist '{$absoluteFilepath}'!<br/>\n";
            $error .= "Found in: {$upload['tableName']}, {$upload['fieldName']}, record {$upload['recordNum']}.";
        ### resize image
        $isImage = preg_match("/\\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)\$/i", $absoluteFilepath);
        if ($isImage) {
            $thumbNum = $_REQUEST['thumbNum'];
            $thumbSavePath = preg_replace("|([^/]+)\$|", "thumb{$thumbNum}/\$1", $absoluteFilepath);
            $thumbUrlPath = preg_replace("|([^/]+)\$|", "thumb{$thumbNum}/\$1", $upload['urlPath']);
            // erase old thumbnail
            if (file_exists($thumbSavePath)) {
                @unlink($thumbSavePath) || die("Can't erase old thumbnail '{$thumbSavePath}': {$php_errormsg}");
            // create new thumbnail
            list($thumbWidth, $thumbHeight) = saveResampledImageAs($thumbSavePath, $absoluteFilepath, $_REQUEST['maxWidth'], $_REQUEST['maxHeight']);
            doAction('upload_thumbnail_save', array($tableNameWithoutPrefix, $_REQUEST['fieldname'], $thumbNum, $thumbSavePath));
            // update upload database
            $query = "UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}uploads`\n";
            $query .= "   SET `thumbFilepath{$thumbNum}` = '" . mysql_escape(removeUploadPathPrefix($thumbSavePath, $uploadDir)) . "',\n";
            $query .= "       `thumbUrlPath{$thumbNum}`  = '" . mysql_escape(removeUploadPathPrefix($thumbUrlPath, $uploadUrl)) . "',\n";
            $query .= "       `thumbWidth{$thumbNum}`    = '" . mysql_escape($thumbWidth) . "',\n";
            $query .= "       `thumbHeight{$thumbNum}`   = '" . mysql_escape($thumbHeight) . "'\n";
            $query .= " WHERE num = '" . mysql_escape($upload['num']) . "'";
            mysql_query($query) or die("MySQL Error: " . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . "\n");
    // print status message
    $offset = $_REQUEST['offset'] + 1;
    if ($offset <= $totalUploads) {
        print "{$offset}/{$totalUploads}";
    } else {
        print "done";
Esempio n. 15
function cg2_combopage_getCode()
    $tableName = @$_REQUEST['tableName'];
    $schema = loadSchema($tableName);
    $menuName = coalesce(@$schema['menuName'], $tableName);
    // define variable names
    $tableRecordsVar = '$' . preg_replace("/[^\\w]/", '_', $tableName) . "Records";
    $metaDataVar = '$' . preg_replace("/[^\\w]/", '_', $tableName) . "MetaData";
    $listRecordVar = '$listRecord';
    $detailRecordVar = '$detailRecord';
    // list records - define getRecords() options
    $options = array();
    $options[] = "'tableName'   => '{$tableName}',";
    if (@$_REQUEST['howMany'] == 'firstN') {
        $options[] = "'limit'       => '{$_REQUEST['limit']}',";
    $options[] = "'loadUploads' => false,";
    $options[] = "'allowSearch' => false,";
    $padding = "    ";
    $listRecordsOptions = "\n{$padding}" . implode("\n{$padding}", $options) . "\n  ";
    // detail record - define getRecords() options
    $options = array();
    $options[] = "'tableName'   => '{$tableName}',";
    $options[] = "'where'       => whereRecordNumberInUrl(1), // If no record # is specified then latest record is shown";
    if (@$_REQUEST['showUploads'] == 'all') {
        $options[] = "'loadUploads' => true,";
    } elseif (@$_REQUEST['showUploads'] == 'limit') {
        $options[] = "'loadUploads' => true,";
    } else {
        $options[] = "'loadUploads' => false,";
    $options[] = "'allowSearch' => false,";
    $options[] = "'limit'       => '1',";
    $detailRecordOptions = "\n{$padding}" . implode("\n{$padding}", $options) . "\n  ";
    ### generate code
<#php header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); #>
  /* STEP 1: LOAD RECORDS - Copy this PHP code block near the TOP of your page */

  // load detail record from '<?php 
    echo $tableName;
    echo $tableRecordsVar;
, <?php 
    echo $metaDataVar;
) = getRecords(array(<?php 
    echo $detailRecordOptions;
    echo $detailRecordVar;
 = @<?php 
    echo $tableRecordsVar;
[0]; // get first record
  if (!<?php 
    echo $detailRecordVar;
) { dieWith404("Record not found!"); } // show error message if no record found

  // load list records from '<?php 
    echo $tableName;
    echo $tableRecordsVar;
, <?php 
    echo $metaDataVar;
) = getRecords(array(<?php 
    echo $listRecordsOptions;


    echo $menuName;
 - <?php 
    echo t('Combo Page Viewer');

<table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4">
  <td valign="top">

  <!-- STEP2: Display Record List (Paste this where you want your record list) -->
    <b>Record List</b><br/>

    <#php foreach (<?php 
    echo $tableRecordsVar;
 as <?php 
    echo $listRecordVar;
): #>
      <#php $isSelected = (<?php 
    echo $listRecordVar;
['num'] == <?php 
    echo $detailRecordVar;
['num']); #>
      <#php if ($isSelected) { print "<b>"; } #>
      <a href="<#php echo htmlencode(<?php 
    echo $listRecordVar;
['_link']) #>"><#php echo htmlencode(<?php 
    echo $listRecordVar;
    echo @$_REQUEST['titleField'];
']) #></a><br/>
      <#php if ($isSelected) { print "</b>"; } #>
    <#php endforeach #>

    <#php if (!<?php 
    echo $tableRecordsVar;
): #>
      No records were found!<br/><br/>
    <#php endif #>
  <!-- /STEP2: Display Record List -->

  <td valign="top">

  <!-- STEP2: Display Record Detail (Paste this where you want your record details) -->
    <b>Record Detail</b><br/>
    cg2_code_schemaFields($schema, $detailRecordVar, $tableName);
    if (@$_REQUEST['showUploads']) {
        cg2_code_uploads($schema, $detailRecordVar);

  <a href="mailto:?subject=<#php echo urlencode(thisPageUrl()) #>">Email this Page</a>
  <!-- /STEP2: Display Record Detail -->


    // return code
    $code = ob_get_clean();
    return $code;
Esempio n. 16
function getSelectOptionsFromTable($tableName, $valueField, $labelField, $selectedValue, $showEmptyOptionFirst)
    if (!is_array($selectedValue)) {
        $selectedValue = (array) $selectedValue;
    // v2.60 force to array interally for simpler code to test single or multiple selected values
    // load options
    $escapedLabelField = mysql_escape($labelField);
    $escapedValueField = mysql_escape($valueField);
    $escapedTableName = $GLOBALS['TABLE_PREFIX'] . mysql_escape($tableName);
    // get records
    $schema = loadSchema($tableName);
    $query = "SELECT `{$escapedLabelField}`, `{$escapedValueField}` FROM `{$escapedTableName}`";
    if (@$schema['listPageOrder']) {
        $query .= " ORDER BY {$schema['listPageOrder']}";
    // v2.14 - sort by schema sort order if available
    $records = mysql_select_query($query);
    // create html
    $html = '';
    if ($showEmptyOptionFirst) {
        $html .= "<option value=''>" . t('&lt;select&gt;') . "</option>\n";
    foreach ($records as $record) {
        $label = $record[$labelField];
        $value = $record[$valueField];
        $selectedAttr = in_array($value, $selectedValue) ? " selected='selected'" : '';
        $html .= "<option value='" . htmlencode($value) . "'{$selectedAttr}>" . htmlencode($label) . "</option>\n";
    return $html;
function getTablesAndFieldnames()
    global $APP;
    $tablesAndFields = array();
    foreach (getSchemaTables() as $tableName) {
        $schema = loadSchema($tableName);
        foreach ($schema as $fieldname => $fieldSchema) {
            if (!is_array($fieldSchema)) {
            // skip table metadata - fields are arrays
            if (@$fieldSchema['type'] == 'separator') {
            // skip separators
            if (@$fieldSchema['type'] == 'relatedRecords') {
            // skip
            $tablesAndFields[$tableName][] = $fieldname;
    // sort tablenames (fieldnames are already sorted by saveSchema)
    return $tablesAndFields;
Esempio n. 18
function cg2_rssfeed_getCode()
    $tableName = @$_REQUEST['tableName'];
    $schema = loadSchema($tableName);
    $menuName = coalesce(@$schema['menuName'], $tableName);
    // define variable names
    $tableRecordsVar = '$' . preg_replace("/[^\\w]/", '_', $tableName) . "Records";
    $metaDataVar = '$' . preg_replace("/[^\\w]/", '_', $tableName) . "MetaData";
    $recordVar = '$record';
    // define getRecords() options
    $options = array();
    $options[] = "'tableName'   => '{$tableName}',";
    if (@$_REQUEST['howMany'] == 'firstN') {
        $options[] = "'limit'       => '{$_REQUEST['limit']}',";
    } else {
        /* default to showing all */
    $options[] = "'orderBy'     => '',   // use default database order";
    $options[] = "'loadUploads' => false,";
    $options[] = "'allowSearch' => false,";
    $padding = "    ";
    $getRecordsOptions = "\n{$padding}" . implode("\n{$padding}", $options) . "\n  ";
    ### generate code
  /* STEP 1: LOAD RECORDS - Copy this PHP code block near the TOP of your page */

  // load records from '<?php 
    echo $tableName;
    echo $tableRecordsVar;
, <?php 
    echo $metaDataVar;
) = getRecords(array(<?php 
    echo $getRecordsOptions;

    /* not used
      // get updated and created times
    <?php if (@$schema['updatedDate']): ?>
      $lastUpdated = max(coalesce(array_map('strtotime', array_pluck(<?php echo $tableRecordsVar ?>, 'updatedDate')), array(time())));
    <?php else: ?>
      $lastUpdated = time();
    <?php endif ?>
    <?php if (@$schema['createdDate']): ?>
      $lastCreated = max(coalesce(array_map('strtotime', array_pluck(<?php echo $tableRecordsVar ?>, 'createdDate')), array(time())));
    <?php else: ?>
      $lastCreated = time();
    <?php endif ?>
<#php header('Content-type: application/xml; charset=utf-8'); #><#php echo '<'.'?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; #>
<rss version="2.0">
    echo htmlencode(@$_REQUEST['feedTitle']);
    echo htmlencode(@$_REQUEST['feedLink']);
    echo htmlencode(@$_REQUEST['feedDescription']);
    <pubDate><#php echo date('r') #></pubDate>
    echo htmlencode(@$_REQUEST['feedLanguage']);

    <#php foreach (<?php 
    echo $tableRecordsVar;
 as <?php 
    echo $recordVar;
): #>
      <title><#php echo htmlencode($record['<?php 
    echo @$_REQUEST['titleField'];
']) #></title>
      <link>http://<#php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; #>/<#php echo <?php 
    echo $recordVar;
['_link'] #></link>
      <description><![CDATA[<#php echo <?php 
    echo $recordVar;
    echo @$_REQUEST['descriptionField'];
'] #>]]></description>
    if (@$schema['createdDate']) {
      <pubDate><#php echo date('r', strtotime(<?php 
        echo $recordVar;
['createdDate'])) #></pubDate>
      <guid isPermaLink="true"><#php echo <?php 
    echo $recordVar;
['_link'] #></guid>
    <#php endforeach #>
    // return code
    $code = ob_get_clean();
    return $code;
function _upgradeAccounts()
    // add new upload fields
    $schema = loadSchema('accounts');
    // make schema and menu visible
    if (@$schema['tableHidden']) {
        $schema['tableHidden'] = 0;
    if (@$schema['menuHidden']) {
        $schema['menuHidden'] = 0;
    // add new fields
    if (!@$schema['createdDate']) {
        $schema['createdDate'] = array('type' => 'none', 'label' => "Created", 'isSystemField' => '1');
    if (!@$schema['createdByUserNum']) {
        $schema['createdByUserNum'] = array('type' => 'none', 'label' => "Created By", 'isSystemField' => '1');
    if (!@$schema['updatedDate']) {
        $schema['updatedDate'] = array('type' => 'none', 'label' => "Last Updated", 'isSystemField' => '1');
    if (!@$schema['updatedByUserNum']) {
        $schema['updatedByUserNum'] = array('type' => 'none', 'label' => "Last Updated By", 'isSystemField' => '1');
    if (!@$schema['accessList']) {
        $schema['accessList'] = array('type' => 'accessList', 'label' => "Section Access", 'isSystemField' => '1', 'order' => time());
    if (!@$schema['lastLoginDate']) {
        // added in v2.08
        $schema['lastLoginDate'] = array('type' => 'date', 'label' => "Last Login", 'defaultDate' => 'none', 'order' => time(), 'showTime' => '1', 'use24HourFormat' => '0', 'showSeconds' => '1', 'yearRangeStart' => '2010', 'yearRangeEnd' => '2020');
    // remove fields
    foreach (array_keys($schema) as $fieldname) {
        $fieldSchema =& $schema[$fieldname];
        if (!is_array($fieldSchema)) {
        // fields are stored as arrays, other entries are table metadata, skip metadata
        // remove old "show tablenames" field for old access settings
        if (@$fieldSchema['type'] == 'separator' && preg_match("/listTableNames\\(\\)'>MySQL Tablenames/", @$fieldSchema['separatorHTML'])) {
    ### update order
    // increase field order for all fields
    foreach (array_keys($schema) as $fieldname) {
        $fieldSchema =& $schema[$fieldname];
        if (!is_array($fieldSchema)) {
        // fields are stored as arrays, other entries are table metadata, skip metadata
        $fieldSchema['order'] += 10;
    // hard code field order
    if (@$schema['num']) {
        $schema['num']['order'] = '1';
    if (@$schema['createdDate']) {
        $schema['createdDate']['order'] = '2';
    if (@$schema['createdByUserNum']) {
        $schema['createdByUserNum']['order'] = '3';
    if (@$schema['updatedDate']) {
        $schema['updatedDate']['order'] = '4';
    if (@$schema['updatedByUserNum']) {
        $schema['updatedByUserNum']['order'] = '5';
    ### change fields
    // Set checked/unchecked values for 'isAdmin' field
    if (@$schema['isAdmin']) {
        if (@$schema['isAdmin']['checkedValue'] == '') {
            $schema['isAdmin']['checkedValue'] = 'Yes';
        if (@$schema['isAdmin']['uncheckedValue'] == '') {
            $schema['isAdmin']['uncheckedValue'] = '-';
        $schema['isAdmin']['adminOnly'] = "2";
    // Set accessList to be a system field
    if (@$schema['accessList']) {
        $schema['accessList']['isSystemField'] = 1;
    // v1.32 - add "My Account" fields
    $myAccountFields = array('fullname', 'username', 'email', 'password');
    foreach ($myAccountFields as $field) {
        if (!is_array(@$schema[$field])) {
        if (array_key_exists('myAccountField', $schema[$field])) {
        // ignore if already set
        $schema[$field]['myAccountField'] = 1;
    // save changes
    saveSchema('accounts', $schema);
    // add to schema
    // add to database
    // don't show "created table/field" alerts
function cg2_detailpage_getCode()
    $tableName = @$_REQUEST['tableName'];
    $schema = loadSchema($tableName);
    $menuName = coalesce(@$schema['menuName'], $tableName);
    // define variable names
    $tableRecordsVar = '$' . preg_replace("/[^\\w]/", '_', $tableName) . "Records";
    $metaDataVar = '$' . preg_replace("/[^\\w]/", '_', $tableName) . "MetaData";
    $recordVar = '$' . preg_replace("/[^\\w]/", '_', $tableName) . "Record";
    // define getRecords() options
    $options = array();
    $options[] = "'tableName'   => '{$tableName}',";
    if (@$_REQUEST['whichRecord'] == 'first') {
        $options[] = "'where'       => '', // load first record";
    } elseif (@$_REQUEST['whichRecord'] == 'url') {
        $options[] = "'where'       => whereRecordNumberInUrl(0),";
    } elseif (@$_REQUEST['whichRecord'] == 'custom') {
        $options[] = "'where'       => \"`num` = '" . intval(@$_REQUEST['recordNumCustom']) . "'\",";
    if (@$_REQUEST['showUploads'] == 'all') {
        $options[] = "'loadUploads' => true,";
    } elseif (@$_REQUEST['showUploads'] == 'limit') {
        $options[] = "'loadUploads' => true,";
    } else {
        $options[] = "'loadUploads' => false,";
    $options[] = "'allowSearch' => false,";
    $options[] = "'limit'       => '1',";
    $padding = "    ";
    $getRecordsOptions = "\n{$padding}" . implode("\n{$padding}", $options) . "\n  ";
    ### generate code
<#php header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); #>
  /* STEP 1: LOAD RECORDS - Copy this PHP code block near the TOP of your page */

  // load record from '<?php 
    echo $tableName;
    echo $tableRecordsVar;
, <?php 
    echo $metaDataVar;
) = getRecords(array(<?php 
    echo $getRecordsOptions;
    echo $recordVar;
 = @<?php 
    echo $tableRecordsVar;
[0]; // get first record
  if (!<?php 
    echo $recordVar;
) { dieWith404("Record not found!"); } // show error message if no record found


  <!-- STEP2: Display Record (Paste this where you want your record to appear) -->
    echo $menuName;
 - Detail Page Viewer</h1>
    cg2_code_schemaFields($schema, $recordVar, $tableName);
    if (@$_REQUEST['showUploads']) {
        cg2_code_uploads($schema, $recordVar);
  <!-- /STEP2: Display Record -->

  <a href="<#php echo <?php 
    echo $metaDataVar;
['_listPage'] ?>">&lt;&lt; <?php 
    echo t('Back to list page');
  <a href="mailto:?subject=<#php echo urlencode(thisPageUrl()) #>"><?php 
    echo t('Email this Page');


    // return code
    $code = ob_get_clean();
    return $code;
function _getFieldLabel($fullFieldname)
    @(list($fieldname, $tableName) = array_reverse(explode('.', $fullFieldname)));
    // get schema
    $schema = array();
    if (!$tableName && $GLOBALS['schema']) {
        $schema =& $GLOBALS['schema'];
    } else {
        if ($tableName == 'createdBy') {
            $tableName = 'accounts';
        // workaround for legacy 'createdBy.fieldname' fieldnames
        $schema = loadSchema($tableName);
    // get label
    $label = @$schema[$fieldname]['label'];
    return $label;
function getListOptionsFromSchema($fieldSchema, $record = null, $useCache = false, $listValues = null)
    global $TABLE_PREFIX;
    $listOptions = array();
    $optionsType = @$fieldSchema['optionsType'];
    // get list values to lookup
    $listValuesAsCSV = '';
    if ($listValues) {
        foreach ($listValues as $value) {
            $listValuesAsCSV .= "'" . mysql_escape($value) . "',";
        $listValuesAsCSV = chop($listValuesAsCSV, ',');
        // remove trailing comma
    ### parse text options
    if ($optionsType == 'text') {
        // parse
        $optionText = explode("\n", @$fieldSchema['optionsText']);
        foreach ($optionText as $optionString) {
            if (preg_match("/(^|[^\\|])(\\|\\|)*(\\|)(?!\\|)/", $optionString, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
                $delimiterOffset = $match[3][1];
                $value = substr($optionString, 0, $delimiterOffset);
                $label = substr($optionString, $delimiterOffset + 1);
            } else {
                $value = $optionString;
                $label = $optionString;
            $value = str_replace("||", "|", $value);
            $label = str_replace("||", "|", $label);
            // remove trailing whitespace
            $value = rtrim($value);
            $label = rtrim($label);
            $listOptions[] = array($value, $label);
    } else {
        $cacheTable = '';
        // create query
        if ($optionsType == 'table') {
            $valueField = @$fieldSchema['optionsValueField'];
            $labelField = @$fieldSchema['optionsLabelField'];
            $selectTable = $TABLE_PREFIX . $fieldSchema['optionsTablename'];
            $tableSchema = loadSchema($fieldSchema['optionsTablename']);
            $where = $listValuesAsCSV ? "WHERE `{$valueField}` IN ({$listValuesAsCSV})" : '';
            $orderBy = @$tableSchema['listPageOrder'] ? "ORDER BY {$tableSchema['listPageOrder']}" : '';
            $query = "SELECT `{$valueField}`, `{$labelField}` FROM `{$selectTable}` {$where} {$orderBy} LIMIT 0, 999";
            $cacheTable = $fieldSchema['optionsTablename'];
        } else {
            if ($optionsType == 'query') {
                $filterFieldValue = @$record[@$fieldSchema['filterField']];
                $GLOBALS['ESCAPED_FILTER_VALUE'] = mysql_escape($filterFieldValue);
                $query = getEvalOutput($fieldSchema['optionsQuery']);
                if (preg_match("/\\bFROM\\s+(\\S+)/", $query, $matches)) {
                    $cacheTable = $matches[1];
                    $cacheTable = preg_replace("/\\W/", '', $cacheTable);
                    // remove ` quotes, etc
            } else {
                die("Unknown optionsType '{$optionsType}'!");
        // load cache module
        if ($useCache && $cacheTable) {
            $libDir = dirname(__FILE__);
            if (file_exists("{$libDir}/viewer_turboCache.php")) {
                require_once "{$libDir}/viewer_turboCache.php";
            // load cached result
            if (!function_exists('turboCache_load')) {
                die("Error: 'useCaching' enabled but no caching plugin found!<br/>Either disable 'useCaching' or install caching plugin.");
            $listOptions = turboCache_load($cacheTable, $query);
            if ($listOptions) {
                return $listOptions;
        // execute query
        $result = @mysql_query($query);
        if (!$result) {
            $error = "There was an error creating the list field '" . @$fieldSchema['name'] . "'.\n\n";
            $error .= "MySQL Error: " . mysql_error() . "\n\n";
            header("Content-type: text/plain");
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
            $value = $row[0];
            $label = array_key_exists(1, $row) ? $row[1] : $value;
            // use value if no label specified
            $listOptions[] = array($value, $label);
        if (is_resource($result)) {
        // save to cache
        if ($useCache && $cacheTable) {
            turboCache_save($cacheTable, $query, $listOptions);
    return $listOptions;