function exec_ogp_module() { require_once MODULES . "/litefm/litefm.php"; $home_id = $_REQUEST['home_id']; if (empty($home_id)) { print_failure(get_lang('home_id_missing')); return; } if (litefm_check($home_id) === FALSE) { return; } global $db; $isAdmin = $db->isAdmin($_SESSION['user_id']); if ($isAdmin) { $home_cfg = $db->getGameHome($home_id); } else { $home_cfg = $db->getUserGameHome($_SESSION['user_id'], $home_id); } if ($home_cfg === FALSE) { print_failure(get_lang('no_access_to_home')); return; } echo "<table class='center' style='width:100%;'>" . show_back($home_id) . "</table>"; //Logic to open the file we're editing $remote = new OGPRemoteLibrary($home_cfg['agent_ip'], $home_cfg['agent_port'], $home_cfg['encryption_key']); $data = ""; $file_info = $remote->remote_readfile($home_cfg['home_path'] . "/" . $_SESSION['fm_cwd_' . $home_id], $data); if ($file_info === 0) { print_failure(get_lang("not_found")); return; } else { if ($file_info === -1) { print_failure(get_lang("agent_offline")); return; } else { if ($file_info === -2) { print_failure(get_lang("failed_read")); return; } } } echo "<form action='?m=litefm&p=write_file' method='post'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='home_id' value='{$home_id}' />"; echo "<textarea name='file_content' style='width:98%;' rows='40'>{$data}</textarea>"; echo "<p><input type='submit' name='save_file' value='" . get_lang('save') . "' /></p>"; echo "</form>"; show_back($home_id); }
function exec_ogp_module() { $home_id = $_REQUEST['home_id']; if (empty($home_id)) { print_failure(get_lang('home_id_missing')); return; } global $db, $view; $isAdmin = $db->isAdmin($_SESSION['user_id']); if ($isAdmin) { $home_cfg = $db->getGameHome($home_id); } else { $home_cfg = $db->getUserGameHome($_SESSION['user_id'], $home_id); } if ($home_cfg === FALSE) { print_failure(get_lang('no_access_to_home')); return; } litefm_check($home_id); $remote = new OGPRemoteLibrary($home_cfg['agent_ip'], $home_cfg['agent_port'], $home_cfg['encryption_key']); $os_string = $remote->what_os(); $os = preg_match("/Linux/i", $os_string) ? "linux" : "windows"; echo "<h2>"; echo empty($home_cfg['home_name']) ? get_lang('not_available') : $home_cfg['home_name']; echo "</h2>"; // We must always add the home directory to the fm_cwd so that user // can not go out of the homedir. $path = clean_path($home_cfg['home_path'] . "/" . @$_SESSION['fm_cwd_' . $home_id]); $upload_folder_path = "modules/litefm/uploads/home_id_{$home_id}"; if (isset($_GET['pid']) and $_GET['pid'] != "") { $bytes = $_GET['bytes']; $totalsize = $bytes / 1024; $uploaded_filename = $_GET['uploaded_filename']; $dest_file_path = clean_path($upload_folder_path . "/" . $uploaded_filename . ".txt"); $kbytes = $remote->rsync_progress(clean_path($path . "/" . $uploaded_filename)); list($totalsize, $mbytes, $pct) = explode(";", do_progress($kbytes, $totalsize)); $totalmbytes = round($totalsize / 1024, 2); $pct = $pct > 100 ? 100 : $pct; if ($pct > 0) { echo '<div class="dragbox bloc rounded" style="background-color:#dce9f2;" > <h4>' . get_lang('upload') . " " . $uploaded_filename . " {$mbytes}MB/{$totalmbytes}MB</h4>\n\t\t\t\t <div style='background-color:#dce9f2;' >\n\t\t\t\t "; $bar = ''; for ($i = 1; $i <= $pct; $i++) { $bar .= '<img style="width:0.92%;vertical-align:middle;" src="images/progressBar.png">'; } echo "<center>{$bar} <b style='vertical-align:top;display:inline;font-size:1.2em;color:red;' >{$pct}%</b></center>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t </div>"; } $pid = $_GET['pid']; if ($remote->is_file_download_in_progress($pid) == 0) { unlink($dest_file_path); $directory = dir($upload_folder_path); $directory_not_empty = FALSE; while (FALSE !== ($item = $directory->read()) && !isset($directory_not_empty)) { if ($item != '.' && $item != '..') { $directory_not_empty = TRUE; } } $directory->close(); if (!$directory_not_empty) { rmdir($upload_folder_path); } print_success(print_lang('upload_complete')); $db->logger(get_lang('upload_complete') . " ( " . clean_path($path . "/" . $uploaded_filename) . " )"); $view->refresh('?m=litefm&home_id=' . $home_id, 2); return; } else { print_success(print_lang('upload_in_progress')); $view->refresh('?m=litefm&home_id=' . $home_id . "&uploaded_filename={$uploaded_filename}&bytes={$bytes}&pid={$pid}&upload=true", 2); return; } } else { echo "<table class='center'><tr><td><a href='?m=gamemanager&p=game_monitor&home_id=" . $home_cfg['home_id'] . "'><< " . get_lang('back') . "</a></td></tr></table>"; $POST_MAX_SIZE = ini_get('post_max_size'); $mul = substr($POST_MAX_SIZE, -1); $mul = $mul == 'M' ? 1048576 : ($mul == 'K' ? 1024 : ($mul == 'G' ? 1073741824 : 1)); if (isset($_GET['upload']) && $_GET['upload'] == "true" && $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > $mul * (int) $POST_MAX_SIZE && $POST_MAX_SIZE) { print_failure(get_lang_f('upload_failed', '( php.ini: upload_max_filesize = ' . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . ", post_max_size = " . ini_get('post_max_size') . ", memory_limit = " . ini_get('memory_limit') . ' )')); } if (isset($_POST['upload'])) { if (isset($_FILES['uploaded_file'])) { $bytes = $_FILES['uploaded_file']['size']; $bad_chars = preg_replace("/([[:alnum:]_\\.-]*)/", "", $_FILES['uploaded_file']['name']); $bad_arr = str_split($bad_chars); $uploaded_filename = str_replace($bad_arr, "", $_FILES['uploaded_file']['name']); $dest_file_path = clean_path($upload_folder_path . "/" . $uploaded_filename . ".txt"); $s = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? "s" : ""; $p = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) & $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != "80" ? ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : NULL; $url = 'http' . $s . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $p . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $file_url = str_replace("home.php", $dest_file_path, $url); if ($_FILES['uploaded_file']['error'] > 0) { print_failure(get_lang_f('upload_failed'), $_FILES['uploaded_file']['error']); } else { if (!file_exists($upload_folder_path)) { if (!mkdir($upload_folder_path, 0777, true)) { print_failure(get_lang_f('can_not_create_upload_folder_path'), $upload_folder_path); } } if (file_exists($dest_file_path)) { unlink($dest_file_path); } move_uploaded_file($_FILES["uploaded_file"]["tmp_name"], $dest_file_path); if (file_exists($dest_file_path)) { $remote_file_path = clean_path($path . "/" . $uploaded_filename); if ($remote->rfile_exists($remote_file_path)) { $remote->exec('rm -f ' . $remote_file_path); } $uncompress = isset($_POST['uncompress']) ? "uncompress" : ""; $pid = $remote->start_file_download($file_url, $path, $uploaded_filename, $uncompress); if ($remote->is_file_download_in_progress($pid) < 0) { print_failure(get_lang_f('upload_failed', get_lang_f('url_is_not_accesible_from_agent', $file_url))); } else { $view->refresh('?m=litefm&home_id=' . $home_id . "&uploaded_filename={$uploaded_filename}&bytes={$bytes}&pid={$pid}&upload=true", 1); } } } } } if (isset($_POST['create_folder'])) { $bad_chars = preg_replace("/([[:alnum:]_\\.-]*)/", "", $_POST['folder_name']); $bad_arr = str_split($bad_chars); $folder_name = str_replace($bad_arr, "", $_POST['folder_name']); $remote->exec('mkdir ' . clean_path($path . "/" . $folder_name)); $db->logger(get_lang('create_folder') . " " . clean_path($path . "/" . $folder_name)); } if (isset($_POST['delete'])) { if (!isset($_POST['delete_check'])) { echo "<table class='center' style='width:100%;' ><tr>\n" . "<td>" . get_lang_f('delete_item', clean_path($path . "/" . $_POST['delete'])) . "</td>" . "</tr><tr><td>" . '<form action="?m=litefm&home_id=' . $home_id . '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">' . "\n" . '<input type="hidden" name="delete" value="' . $_POST['delete'] . '">' . "\n" . '<button name="delete_check" value="yes" >' . get_lang('yes') . "</button>\n" . '<button name="delete_check" value="no" >' . get_lang('no') . "</button>\n" . "</form>\n" . "</td>\n" . "</tr>\n" . "</table>\n"; } elseif ($_POST['delete_check'] == "yes") { $remote->exec('rm -Rf "' . clean_path($path . "/" . $_POST['delete']) . '"'); $db->logger('rm -Rf "' . clean_path($path . "/" . $_POST['delete']) . '"'); } } // Chattr Check if (isset($_POST['secureButton'])) { if (!isset($_POST['secure_check'])) { echo "<table class='center' style='width:100%;' ><tr>\n" . "<td>" . get_lang_f('secure_item', clean_path($path . "/" . $_POST['secureFile'])) . "</td>" . "</tr><tr><td>" . '<form action="?m=litefm&home_id=' . $home_id . '" method="post" >' . "\n" . '<input type="hidden" name="secureFile" value="' . $_POST['secureFile'] . '">' . "\n" . '<input type="hidden" name="secureButton" value="' . $_POST['secureButton'] . '">' . "\n" . '<button name="secure_check" value="yes" >' . get_lang('yes') . "</button>\n" . '<button name="secure_check" value="no" >' . get_lang('no') . "</button>\n" . "</form>\n" . "</td>\n" . "</tr>\n" . "</table>\n"; } elseif ($_POST['secure_check'] == "yes") { $chatAction = $_POST['secureButton']; if ($chatAction == get_lang('chattr_yes')) { $action = 'chattr+i'; } else { $action = 'chattr-i'; } $pathToFile = clean_path($path . "/" . $_POST['secureFile']); $remote->secure_path($action, $pathToFile); if ($action == 'chattr+i') { $db->logger(get_lang('chattr_locked') . ": {$pathToFile}"); } else { $db->logger(get_lang('chattr_unlocked') . ": {$pathToFile}"); } } } echo "<table class='center' style='width:100%;' ><tr>\n" . "<td colspan='3' ><h3>" . get_lang_f('currently_viewing', $path) . "</h3></td>" . "</tr><tr><td style='border:1px solid gray;'>" . get_lang('upload_file') . ':<form action="?m=litefm&home_id=' . $home_id . '&upload=true" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">' . "\n" . '<input type="file" name="uploaded_file" id="file">' . "\n" . '<input type="checkbox" name="uncompress" value="true"> ' . get_lang('uncompress') . "\n" . '<input type="submit" name="upload" value="' . get_lang('upload') . '">' . "\n" . "</form>\n" . "</td>\n" . "<td>\n" . " " . "</td>\n" . "<td style='border:1px solid gray;' >\n" . get_lang('create_folder') . ':<form action="?m=litefm&home_id=' . $home_id . '&create_folder=true" method="post" >' . "\n" . '<input type="text" name="folder_name" />' . "\n" . '<input type="submit" name="create_folder" value="' . get_lang('create') . '"/>' . "\n" . "</form>\n" . "</td></tr>\n" . "</table>\n"; if (!$remote->rfile_exists($path)) { $path = clean_path($home_cfg['home_path']); if (!$remote->rfile_exists($path)) { print_failure(get_lang_f("dir_not_found", $path)); } else { $_SESSION['fm_cwd_' . $home_id] = str_replace("\\", "", dirname($_SESSION['fm_cwd_' . $home_id])); echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=?m=litefm&home_id=' . $home_id . '">'; } } else { $dirlist = $remote->remote_dirlistfm($path); if ($os == "linux") { $lsattr = $remote->exec('lsattr ' . $path); } if (!is_array($dirlist)) { if ($dirlist === -1) { if ($path != $home_cfg['home_path'] . "/") { echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=?m=litefm&home_id=' . $home_id . '">'; } else { print_failure('Your game server\'s home path is too long or there is a file with a very long name inside of your game server\'s home folder.'); } } else { if ($remote->rfile_exists($path)) { if (strpos($path, '/') !== FALSE) { $ePath = explode('/', $path); $filename = end($ePath); } else { if (strpos($path, '\\') !== FALSE) { $ePath = explode('\\', $path); $filename = end($ePath); } } $_SESSION['fm_cwd_' . $home_id] = str_replace("\\", "", dirname($_SESSION['fm_cwd_' . $home_id])); echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=?m=litefm&home_id=' . $home_id . '&path=' . $filename . '&p=read_file">'; } else { print_failure(get_lang("failed_list")); } } return; } if (empty($dirlist)) { print_lang('empty_directory'); echo "<table class='center' style='width:100%;' >\n" . show_back($home_id) . "</table>"; } else { echo "<table class='center' style='width:100%;' >\n" . show_back($home_id) . "<tr><td style='width:10px;' ></td><td align=left>\n" . get_lang('filename') . "</td>"; if ($os == "linux") { echo "<td>" . get_lang('filesecure') . "</td>"; } echo "<td>" . get_lang('filesize') . " [" . get_lang('bytes') . "]</td><td>" . get_lang('owner') . " " . get_lang('group') . "</td></tr>\n"; $directorys = array(); $files = array(); $binarys = array(); foreach ($dirlist as $item) { # dirlist FM returns an array. Each element has 5 fields separated by the | character list($filename, $size, $user, $group, $type) = explode("|", $item); $filepath = str_replace("/", "\\/", clean_path($path . "/" . $filename)); if ($os == "linux") { preg_match('/(\\S+)\\s' . $filepath . '/', $lsattr, $file_attributes); } // Directory if ($type == 'D') { $directorys[$filename]['filename'] = $filename; $directorys[$filename]['user'] = $user; $directorys[$filename]['group'] = $group; } elseif ($type == 'F') { $files[$filename]['filename'] = $filename; $files[$filename]['size'] = $size; $files[$filename]['user'] = $user; $files[$filename]['group'] = $group; if ($os == "linux") { $files[$filename]['attr'] = $file_attributes[1]; } } elseif ($type == 'B') { $binarys[$filename]['filename'] = $filename; $binarys[$filename]['size'] = $size; $binarys[$filename]['user'] = $user; $binarys[$filename]['group'] = $group; if ($os == "linux") { $binarys[$filename]['attr'] = $file_attributes[1]; } } } foreach ($directorys as $directory) { echo "<tr>\n" . "<td>" . '<form method=POST>' . "<input type=hidden name='delete' value='" . $directory['filename'] . "' class='item' />\n" . '<input type="image" style="width:12px;padding-left:5px;" src="modules/administration/images/remove.gif" />' . "</form>\n" . "</td>" . "<td align=left>" . "<img class=\"viewitem\" src=\"images/folder.png\" alt=\"Directory\" /> " . "<a href=\"?m=litefm&home_id={$home_id}&path=" . $directory['filename'] . "\">" . $directory['filename'] . "</a></td>"; if ($os == "linux") { echo "<td>-</td>"; } echo "<td>-</td> <td>" . $directory['user'] . " " . $directory['group'] . "</td>\n" . "</tr>\n"; } foreach ($files as $file) { if ($os == "linux") { if ($isAdmin) { $secureFile = '<td><form method=POST>'; $secureFile .= "<input type=hidden name='secureFile' value='" . $file['filename'] . "' class='item' />\n"; if (preg_match("/i/", $file['attr'])) { $secureFile .= "<input type='submit' class='chattrButton' name='secureButton' value='" . get_lang('chattr_no') . "' class='item' />\n"; } else { $secureFile .= "<input type='submit' class='chattrButton' name='secureButton' value='" . get_lang('chattr_yes') . "' class='item' />\n"; } $secureFile .= '</form></td>'; } else { $secureFile = "<td><span class="; if (preg_match("/i/", $file['attr'])) { $secureFile .= "'chattrLock'>" . get_lang('chattr_locked'); } else { $secureFile .= "'chattrUnlock'>" . get_lang('chattr_unlocked'); } $secureFile .= "</span></td>\n"; } } else { $secureFile = ""; } echo "<tr>\n" . "<td>" . '<form method=POST>' . "<input type=hidden name='delete' value='" . $file['filename'] . "' class='item' />\n" . '<input type="image" style="width:12px;padding-left:5px;" src="modules/administration/images/remove.gif" />' . "</form>\n" . "</td>" . "<td align=left>"; echo "<img class=\"viewitem\" src=\"images/txt.png\" alt=\"Text file\" /> " . "<a href=\"?m=litefm&home_id={$home_id}&path=" . $file['filename'] . "&p=read_file\">" . get_lang("button_edit") . "</a>" . $file['filename'] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t {$secureFile}<td>" . $file['size'] . "</td> <td>" . $file['user'] . " " . $file['group'] . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } foreach ($binarys as $binary) { if ($os == "linux") { if ($isAdmin) { $secureFile = '<td><form method=POST>'; $secureFile .= "<input type=hidden name='secureFile' value='" . $binary['filename'] . "' class='item' />\n"; if (preg_match("/i/", $binary['attr'])) { $secureFile .= "<input type='submit' class='chattrButton' name='secureButton' value='" . get_lang('chattr_no') . "' class='item' />\n"; } else { $secureFile .= "<input type='submit' class='chattrButton' name='secureButton' value='" . get_lang('chattr_yes') . "' class='item' />\n"; } $secureFile .= '</form></td>'; } else { $secureFile = "<td><span class="; if (preg_match("/i/", $binary['attr'])) { $secureFile .= "'chattrLock'>" . get_lang('chattr_locked'); } else { $secureFile .= "'chattrUnlock'>" . get_lang('chattr_unlocked'); } $secureFile .= "</span></td>\n"; } } else { $secureFile = ""; } echo "<tr>\n" . "<td>" . '<form method=POST>' . "<input type=hidden name='delete' value='" . $binary['filename'] . "' class='item' />\n" . '<input type="image" style="width:12px;padding-left:5px;" src="modules/administration/images/remove.gif" />' . "</form>\n" . "</td>" . "<td align=left>"; echo "<img class=\"viewitem\" src=\"images/exec.png\" alt=\"Binary file\" /> " . $binary['filename'] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t {$secureFile}<td>" . $binary['size'] . "</td><td>" . $binary['user'] . " " . $binary['group'] . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; } } } echo "<table class='center'><tr><td><a href='?m=gamemanager&p=game_monitor&home_id=" . $home_cfg['home_id'] . "'><< " . get_lang('back') . "</a></td></tr></table>"; }