Esempio n. 1
function print_newvps()
    global $xtpl;
    $xtpl->title(_("Create VPS"));
    $xtpl->form_create('?page=adminvps&section=vps&action=new2&create=1', 'post');
    $xtpl->form_add_input(_("Hostname") . ':', 'text', '30', 'vps_hostname', '', _("A-z, a-z"), 30);
    $xtpl->form_add_select(_("HW server") . ':', 'vps_server', list_servers(), '2', '');
    $xtpl->form_add_select(_("Owner") . ':', 'm_id', members_list(), '', '');
    $xtpl->form_add_select(_("Distribution") . ':', 'vps_template', list_templates(), '', '');
    $xtpl->form_add_select(_("RAM") . ':', 'vps_privvmpages', list_limit_privvmpages(), '1', '');
    $xtpl->form_add_select(_("Disk space") . ':', 'vps_diskspace', list_limit_diskspace(), '1', '');
    $xtpl->form_add_checkbox(_("Boot on create") . ':', 'boot_after_create', '1', true, $hint = '');
    $xtpl->form_add_textarea(_("Extra information about VPS") . ':', 28, 4, 'vps_info', '', '');
    $xtpl->table_add_category(' ');
    $xtpl->table_add_category(' ');
    $xtpl->table_add_category(' ');
Esempio n. 2
function print_newvps()
    global $xtpl, $cluster;
    $xtpl->title(_("Create VPS"));
    $xtpl->form_create('?page=adminvps&section=vps&action=new2&create=1', 'post');
    $xtpl->form_add_input(_("Hostname") . ':', 'text', '30', 'vps_hostname', '', _("A-z, a-z"), 255);
    if ($_SESSION["is_admin"]) {
        $xtpl->form_add_select(_("HW server") . ':', 'vps_server', list_servers(false, array("node")), '2', '');
        $xtpl->form_add_select(_("Owner") . ':', 'm_id', members_list(), '', '');
    $xtpl->form_add_select(_("Distribution") . ':', 'vps_template', list_templates(false), '', '');
    if ($_SESSION["is_admin"]) {
        //$xtpl->form_add_select(_("IPv4").':', 'ipv4', get_all_ip_list(4), '1', '');
        $xtpl->form_add_checkbox(_("Boot on create") . ':', 'boot_after_create', '1', true, $hint = '');
        $xtpl->form_add_textarea(_("Extra information about VPS") . ':', 28, 4, 'vps_info', '', '');
    $xtpl->table_add_category(' ');
    $xtpl->table_add_category(' ');
    $xtpl->table_add_category(' ');
Esempio n. 3
     $xtpl->table_td(_("How") . ':');
     $xtpl->table_td(_("Note") . ':');
     $xtpl->table_td(_("Currency") . ':');
     $xtpl->form_add_checkbox(_("Create VPS") . ':', 'm_create_vps', '1', true);
     $xtpl->form_add_select(_("Distribution") . ':', 'm_distribution', list_templates(false), $row["m_distribution"]);
     $xtpl->form_add_select(_("Location") . ':', 'm_location', $cluster->list_locations(), $row["m_location"]);
     $empty = array("" => _("pick automatically"));
     $nodes = list_servers(false, array('node'));
     $xtpl->form_add_select(_("Node") . ':', 'm_node', $empty + $nodes);
     $xtpl->form_add_checkbox(_("Assign IP addresses") . ':', 'm_assign_ips', '1', true);
     $xtpl->form_add_select(_("IPv4") . ':', 'ipv4', array_merge($empty, get_free_ip_list(4, $row["m_location"])), '', _("listing IPs from application location only"));
     $xtpl->form_add_select(_("IPv6") . ':', 'ipv6', array_merge($empty, get_free_ip_list(6, $row["m_location"])), '', _("listing IPs from application location only"));
     $xtpl->form_add_input(_("Admin response") . ':', 'text', '30', 'm_admin_response', $row["m_admin_response"]);
     $xtpl->table_td($xtpl->html_submit(_("Approve"), "approve") . $xtpl->html_submit(_("Deny"), "deny") . $xtpl->html_submit(_("Invalidate"), "invalidate") . $xtpl->html_submit(_("Ignore"), "ignore"));
 case "change":
     $xtpl->table_add_category(_("Personal information"));
     $xtpl->form_create('?page=adminm&section=members&action=request_process&id=' . $row["m_id"], 'post');
Esempio n. 4
 function change_server($target_id)
     global $db;
     if ($this->exists) {
         $servers = list_servers();
         if (isset($servers[$target_id])) {
             $sql = 'UPDATE vps SET vps_server = "' . $db->check($target_id) . '" WHERE vps_id = ' . $db->check($this->veid);
             $this->ve["vps_server"] = $target_id;
Esempio n. 5
function pick_free_node($location)
    global $db;
    $servers = list_servers(false, array("node"));
    $sql = "SELECT server_id\n\t        FROM servers s\n\t        LEFT JOIN vps v ON v.vps_server = s.server_id\n\t        LEFT JOIN vps_status st ON v.vps_id = st.vps_id\n\t        WHERE\n\t          (st.vps_up = 1 OR st.vps_up IS NULL)\n\t          AND server_location = " . $db->check($location) . "\n\t          AND max_vps > 0\n\t          AND server_maintenance = 0\n\t        GROUP BY server_id\n\t        ORDER BY COUNT(st.vps_up) / max_vps ASC\n            LIMIT 1\n\t        ";
    $rs = $db->query($sql);
    if ($row = $db->fetch_array($rs)) {
        return $row["server_id"];
    } else {
        return false;
Esempio n. 6
        $stmt->bindValue(':name', $obj->name);
        $stmt->bindValue(':haspassword', $obj->haspassword);
        $stmt->bindValue(':description', $obj->description);
        $stmt->bindValue(':version', $obj->version);
        $stmt->bindValue(':players', $obj->players);
        $stmt->bindValue(':maxplayers', $obj->maxplayers);
function remove_old_servers()
    global $db;
    $result = $db->query("DELETE FROM servers WHERE time < DATETIME('now', '-70 seconds');");
function list_servers()
    global $db;
    $servers = array();
    $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM servers");
    while ($row = $result->fetchArray()) {
        array_push($servers, array('address' => "{$row['address']}:{$row['port']}", 'name' => $row['name'], 'haspassword' => $row['haspassword'], 'description' => $row['description'], 'version' => $row['version'], 'players' => $row['players'], 'maxplayers' => $row['maxplayers']));
    echo json_encode($servers);
if ($port) {
    $data = request_gameinfo($address, $port);
} else {
Esempio n. 7
 function save_config($id, $name, $label, $config, $reapply = false)
     global $db;
     $params = array("name" => $name, "config" => $config);
     if ($id != NULL) {
         $sql = "UPDATE `config` SET name = '" . $db->check($name) . "',\n\t\t\t        label = '" . $db->check($label) . "',\n\t\t\t        `config` = '" . $db->check($config) . "'\n\t\t\t        WHERE id = '" . $db->check($id) . "'";
         $c = $db->findByColumnOnce("config", "id", $id);
         if ($c["name"] != $name) {
             $params["old_name"] = $c["name"];
     } else {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO `config` SET name = '" . $db->check($name) . "',\n\t\t\t        label = '" . $db->check($label) . "',\n\t\t\t        `config` = '" . $db->check($config) . "'";
     $servers = list_servers(false, array('node'));
     foreach ($servers as $sid => $name) {
         add_transaction($_SESSION["member"]["m_id"], $sid, 0, T_CLUSTER_CONFIG_CREATE, $params);
         $dep = $db->insertId();
         if ($reapply) {
             $rs = $db->query("SELECT v.vps_id FROM vps v INNER JOIN vps_has_config c ON v.vps_id = c.vps_id WHERE c.config_id = " . $db->check($id) . " AND vps_server = " . $db->check($sid));
             while ($row = $db->fetch_array($rs)) {
                 $vps = vps_load($row["vps_id"]);
Esempio n. 8
function mount_edit_form($target, $m, $default = false)
    $e_list = get_nas_export_list($default);
    $nodes = list_servers();
    $empty = array("" => "---");
    $xtpl->table_title(_("Edit mount") . " " . $m["dst"]);
    $xtpl->form_create($target . '&id=' . $_GET["id"], 'post');
    $xtpl->form_add_select(_("Export") . ':', 'export_id', $empty + $e_list, $_POST["export_id"] ? $_POST["export_id"] : (int) $m["storage_export_id"]);
    $xtpl->form_add_select(_("VPS") . ':', 'vps_id', get_user_vps_list(), $_POST["vps_id"] ? $_POST["vps_id"] : $m["vps_id"]);
    $xtpl->form_add_select(_("Access mode") . ':', 'access_mode', $STORAGE_MOUNT_MODES_RO_RW, $_POST["mode"] ? $_POST["mode"] : $m["mode"]);
    if ($_SESSION["is_admin"]) {
        $xtpl->form_add_select(_("Source node") . ':', 'source_node_id', $empty + $nodes, $_POST["source_node_id"] ? $_POST["source_node_id"] : $m["server_id"], _("Has no effect if export is selected."));
        $xtpl->form_add_input(_("Source") . ':', 'text', '50', 'src', $_POST["src"] ? $_POST["src"] : $m["src"], _("Path is relative to source node root if specified, otherwise absolute. Has no effect if export is selected."));
    $xtpl->form_add_input(_("Destination") . ':', 'text', '50', 'dst', $_POST["dst"] ? $_POST["dst"] : $m["dst"], _("Path is relative to VPS root,<br>allowed chars: a-Z A-Z 0-9 _ - . /"));
    if ($_SESSION["is_admin"]) {
        $xtpl->form_add_input(_("Mount options") . ':', 'text', '50', 'm_opts', $_POST["m_opts"] ? $_POST["m_opts"] : $m["mount_opts"], '');
        $xtpl->form_add_input(_("Umount options") . ':', 'text', '50', 'u_opts', $_POST["u_opts"] ? $_POST["u_opts"] : $m["umount_opts"], '');
        $xtpl->form_add_select(_("Type") . ':', 'type', $STORAGE_MOUNT_TYPES, $_POST["type"] ? $_POST["type"] : $m["mount_type"]);
    $xtpl->form_add_input(_("Pre-mount command") . ':', 'text', '50', 'cmd_premount', $_POST["cmd_premount"] ? $_POST["cmd_premount"] : $m["cmd_premount"], _("Command that is executed within VPS context <strong>before</strong> mount"));
    $xtpl->form_add_input(_("Post-mount command") . ':', 'text', '50', 'cmd_postmount', $_POST["cmd_postmount"] ? $_POST["cmd_postmount"] : $m["cmd_postmount"], _("Command that is executed within VPS context <strong>after</strong> mount"));
    $xtpl->form_add_input(_("Pre-umount command") . ':', 'text', '50', 'cmd_preumount', $_POST["cmd_preumount"] ? $_POST["cmd_preumount"] : $m["cmd_preumount"], _("Command that is executed within VPS context <strong>before</strong> umount"));
    $xtpl->form_add_input(_("Post-umount command") . ':', 'text', '50', 'cmd_postumount', $_POST["cmd_postumount"] ? $_POST["cmd_postumount"] : $m["cmd_postumount"], _("Command that is executed within VPS context <strong>after</strong> umount"));
    $xtpl->form_add_checkbox(_("Remount on save") . ':', 'remount_immediately', '1', $_POST["type"] ? $_POST["remount_immediately"] : true, "<strong>" . _("Recommended") . "</strong>");
Esempio n. 9
function add_transaction_clusterwide($m_id, $vps_id, $t_type, $t_param = array(), $server_types = NULL)
    global $db, $cluster, $NODE_TYPES;
    if ($server_types === NULL) {
        $server_types = $NODE_TYPES;
    $sql = "INSERT INTO transaction_groups\n\t\t    SET is_clusterwide=1";
    $db->query_trans($sql, $err);
    $group_id = $db->insert_id();
    $servers = list_servers(false, $server_types);
    foreach ($servers as $id => $name) {
        add_transaction($m_id, $id, $vps_id, $t_type, $t_param, $group_id);