Esempio n. 1
 function do_add_menu()
     global $ttH;
     $include_js = $ttH->func->include_js($ttH->dir_temp . 'js/' . $this->modules . '/' . $this->modules . '.js');
     $cur_group = isset($ttH->input['group_id']) ? $ttH->input['group_id'] : 'menu_header';
     $temp = 'menu_add';
     $name_action = isset($ttH->get['name_action']) ? $ttH->get['name_action'] : '';
     $link_action = $ttH->admin->get_link_admin_popup('layout', 'menu', 'add_menu', array("name_action" => $name_action));
     $arr_name_action = explode(',', $name_action);
     $data = array();
     $arr_isset = array('group_id', 'parent_id', 'link_type', 'target');
     foreach ($arr_isset as $tmp) {
         $data[$tmp] = isset($data[$tmp]) ? $data[$tmp] : '';
     $data['include_js'] = $include_js;
     $data["name_action"] = $name_action;
     $data["link_action"] = $link_action;
     //$data["list_group"] = list_group ("group_id", $cur_group, " class=\"form-control\" onchange=\"window.location.href='".$data["link_action"]."&group_id='+this.value;\"");
     $data["list_group"] = list_group("group_id", $cur_group, " class=\"form-control\" id=\"menu_group_id\" data-menu_list=\"menu_parent_id\"");
     //$data['group_name'] = $ttH->data["menu_group"][$cur_group];
     $data["list_menu"] = list_menu($cur_group, "parent_id", $data['parent_id'], " class=\"form-control\" id=\"menu_parent_id\"", array("title" => $ttH->lang['global']['select_title']));
     $ttH->temp_act->assign('data', $data);
     return $ttH->temp_act->text($temp);
Esempio n. 2
function count_group()
    return count(list_group());
Esempio n. 3
 function do_manage($is_show = "")
     global $ttH;
     $err = "";
     if (isset($ttH->input['do_action'])) {
         $up_id = isset($ttH->input["selected_id"]) ? $ttH->input["selected_id"] : array();
         switch ($ttH->input["do_action"]) {
             case "do_edit":
                 $arr_show_order = isset($ttH->post["show_order"]) ? $ttH->post["show_order"] : array();
                 $mess = $ttH->lang['global']['edit_success'] . " ID: <strong>";
                 $str_mess = "";
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($up_id); $i++) {
                     $dup = array();
                     $dup['show_order'] = $arr_show_order[$up_id[$i]];
                     $ok = $ttH->db->do_update("menu", $dup, "menu_id=" . $up_id[$i]);
                     if ($ok) {
                         $str_mess .= $str_mess ? ", " : "";
                         $str_mess .= $up_id[$i];
                     } else {
                         $mess .= $ttH->lang["global"]['edit_false'] . " ID: <strong>" . $up_id[$i] . "</strong>";
                 $mess .= $str_mess . "</strong>";
                 $err = $ttH->html->html_alert($mess, "success");
             case "do_restore":
                 $up_id = isset($ttH->input["id"]) ? array($ttH->input["id"]) : $up_id;
                 $mess = $ttH->lang['global']['restore_success'] . " ID: <strong>";
                 $str_mess = "";
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($up_id); $i++) {
                     $dup = array();
                     $dup['is_show'] = 1;
                     $ok = $ttH->db->do_update("menu", $dup, "menu_id=" . $up_id[$i]);
                     if ($ok) {
                         $str_mess .= $str_mess ? ", " : "";
                         $str_mess .= $up_id[$i];
                     } else {
                         $mess .= $ttH->lang["global"]['restore_false'] . " ID: <strong>" . $up_id[$i] . "</strong>";
                 $mess .= $str_mess . "</strong>";
                 $err = $ttH->html->html_alert($mess, "success");
             case "do_trash":
                 $up_id = isset($ttH->input["id"]) ? array($ttH->input["id"]) : $up_id;
                 $mess = $ttH->lang['global']['trash_success'] . " ID: <strong>";
                 $str_mess = "";
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($up_id); $i++) {
                     $dup = array();
                     $dup['is_show'] = 0;
                     $ok = $ttH->db->do_update("menu", $dup, "menu_id=" . $up_id[$i]);
                     if ($ok) {
                         $str_mess .= $str_mess ? ", " : "";
                         $str_mess .= $up_id[$i];
                     } else {
                         $mess .= $ttH->lang["global"]['trash_false'] . " ID: <strong>" . $up_id[$i] . "</strong>";
                 $mess .= $str_mess . "</strong>";
                 $err = $ttH->html->html_alert($mess, "success");
             case "do_del":
                 if (isset($ttH->input['id'])) {
                     $list_del = $ttH->input['id'];
                 } elseif (isset($ttH->post['selected_id']) && is_array($ttH->post['selected_id'])) {
                     $list_del = @implode(',', $ttH->post['selected_id']);
                 $err = $this->do_del($list_del);
     $p = isset($ttH->input["p"]) ? $ttH->input["p"] : 1;
     $group_id = $this->cur_group;
     $date_begin = isset($ttH->input["date_begin"]) ? $ttH->input["date_begin"] : "";
     $date_end = isset($ttH->input["date_end"]) ? $ttH->input["date_end"] : "";
     $search = isset($ttH->input["search"]) ? $ttH->input["search"] : "id";
     $keyword = isset($ttH->input["keyword"]) ? $ttH->input["keyword"] : "";
     $where = " ";
     $ext = "";
     if ($is_show == "trash") {
         //$where .= " AND is_show=0 ";
     } else {
         $where .= " AND is_show=1 ";
     if (!empty($group_id)) {
         $where .= " and group_id='" . $group_id . "' ";
         $ext .= "&group_id=" . $group_id;
     if ($date_begin || $date_end) {
         $tmp1 = @explode("/", $date_begin);
         $time_begin = @mktime(0, 0, 0, $tmp1[1], $tmp1[0], $tmp1[2]);
         $tmp2 = @explode("/", $date_end);
         $time_end = @mktime(23, 59, 59, $tmp2[1], $tmp2[0], $tmp2[2]);
         $where .= " AND (date_add BETWEEN {$time_begin} AND {$time_end} ) ";
         $ext .= "&date_begin=" . $date_begin . "&date_end=" . $date_end;
     if (!empty($keyword)) {
         switch ($search) {
             case "id":
                 $where .= " and  id = {$keyword} ";
                 $where .= " and {$search} like '%{$keyword}%' ";
         $ext .= "&search=" . $search . "&keyword=" . $keyword;
     $num_total = 0;
     $res_num = $ttH->db->query("select a.menu_id \n\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom menu a, menu_lang al \n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere a.menu_id=al.menu_id \n\t\t\t\t\t\tand parent_id=0 \n\t\t\t\t\t\tand lang='" . $ttH->conf["lang_cur"] . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $where . " ");
     $num_total = $ttH->db->num_rows($res_num);
     $n = $ttH->conf["n_list"] ? $ttH->conf["n_list"] : 30;
     $num_menus = ceil($num_total / $n);
     if ($p > $num_menus) {
         $p = $num_menus;
     if ($p < 1) {
         $p = 1;
     $start = ($p - 1) * $n;
     $link_action = $ttH->admin->get_link_admin($this->modules, $this->action, $this->sub);
     $arr_title = array("name_action" => array("title" => $ttH->lang["global"]["name_action"], "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=name_action-desc", "class" => ""), "show_order" => array("title" => $ttH->lang["global"]["show_order"], "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=show_order-desc", "class" => ""), "title" => array("title" => $ttH->lang["global"]["title"], "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=title-desc", "class" => ""), "link" => array("title" => $ttH->lang["global"]["link"], "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=link-desc", "class" => ""), "date_create" => array("title" => $ttH->lang["global"]["date_create"], "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=date_create-desc", "class" => ""));
     $sort = isset($ttH->input["sort"]) ? $ttH->input["sort"] : "";
     if ($sort) {
         $arr_allow_sort = array(1 => "asc", 2 => "desc");
         $tmp = explode("-", $sort);
         if (array_key_exists($tmp[0], $arr_title) && in_array($tmp[1], $arr_allow_sort)) {
             $order_tmp = $tmp[0] == "menu_id" ? "a.menu_id" : $tmp[0];
             $where .= " order by " . $order_tmp . " " . $tmp[1];
             $arr_title[$tmp[0]]["class"] = $tmp[1];
             $arr_title[$tmp[0]]["link"] = $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=" . $tmp[0] . "-" . $arr_allow_sort[3 - array_search($tmp[1], $arr_allow_sort)];
         } else {
             $sort = "";
     if ($sort == "") {
         $where .= " order by show_order desc, date_create asc";
     //End sort
     //Title row
     foreach ($arr_title as $k => $v) {
         $class = $v["class"] ? " class='" . $v["class"] . "'" : "";
         $data["f_" . $k] = '<a href="' . $v["link"] . '" ' . $class . '>' . $v["title"] . '</a>';
     //End title row
     $sql = "select * from menu a, menu_lang al \n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere a.menu_id=al.menu_id \n\t\t\t\t\t\tand lang='" . $ttH->conf["lang_cur"] . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\tand parent_id=0  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $where . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\tlimit {$start},{$n}";
     //echo $sql;
     $nav = $ttH->admin->admin_paginate($link_action, $num_total, $n, $ext, $p);
     $result = $ttH->db->query($sql);
     $i = 0;
     $data['row_item'] = '';
     $html_row = "";
     if ($num = $ttH->db->num_rows($result)) {
         while ($row = $ttH->db->fetch_row($result)) {
             $data['row_item'] .= $this->manage_row($row, $is_show);
             $data['row_item'] .= $this->manage_sub($row['menu_id'], $where, $is_show);
     } else {
         $ttH->temp_act->assign('row', array("mess" => $ttH->lang["global"]["no_have_data"]));
     $data['html_row'] = $html_row;
     $data['nav'] = $nav;
     $data['err'] = $err;
     $data['link_action_search'] = $link_action;
     $data['link_action'] = $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext;
     $data['date_begin'] = $date_begin;
     $data['date_end'] = $date_end;
     //$data["list_search"] = list_search_domain ("search", $search);
     $data['keyword'] = $keyword;
     $data["list_group"] = list_group("group_id", $group_id, " class=\"form-control\" onchange=\"window.location.href='" . $link_action . "&group_id='+this.value;\"");
     if ($is_show == "trash") {
     } else {
     $ttH->temp_act->assign('data', $data);
     return $ttH->temp_act->text("manage");
Esempio n. 4
            $nb_pret = 0;
            $requete = "SELECT count( pret_idempr ) as nb_pret FROM empr_groupe,pret where groupe_id={$rgroup->id_groupe} and empr_id = pret_idempr";
            $res_pret = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
            if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($res_pret)) {
                $rpret = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_pret);
                $nb_pret = $rpret->nb_pret;
            $nb_resa = 0;
            $requete = "SELECT count( resa_idempr ) as nb_resa FROM empr_groupe,resa where groupe_id={$rgroup->id_groupe} and empr_id = resa_idempr";
            $res_resa = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
            if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($res_resa)) {
                $rresa = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_resa);
                $nb_resa = $rresa->nb_resa;
            $tr_javascript = " onmouseover=\"this.className='surbrillance'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='{$pair_impair}'\" onmousedown=\"document.location='./circ.php?categ=groups&action=showgroup&groupID={$rgroup->id_groupe}';\" ";
            $group_list .= "<tr class='{$pair_impair}' {$tr_javascript} style='cursor: pointer'>\n\t\t  \t\t\t<td>{$rgroup->libelle_groupe}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>{$rgroup->resp_name}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>{$rgroup->nb_empr}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>{$nb_pret}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>{$nb_resa}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>";
        $nav_bar = aff_pagination("{$PHP_SELF}?categ=groups&action=listgroups", $nbr_lignes, $nb_per_page, $page, 10, false, true);
        // affichage du résultat
        list_group($group_query, $filter_list, $group_list, $nav_bar, $nbr_lignes);
    } else {
        $rgroup = $rgroup = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res);
        $groupID = $rgroup->id_groupe;
        include './circ/groups/';
} else {
    // la requête n'a produit aucun résultat
    print pmb_bidi($group_search);
    error_message($msg[917], str_replace('!!group_cle!!', htmlentities(stripslashes($group_query), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $msg[918]), 0, './circ.php?categ=groups');
Esempio n. 5
    function do_manage($is_show = "")
        global $ttH;
        $err = "";
        if (isset($ttH->input['do_action'])) {
            $up_id = isset($ttH->input["selected_id"]) ? $ttH->input["selected_id"] : array();
            switch ($ttH->input["do_action"]) {
                case "do_edit":
                    $arr_show_order = isset($ttH->post["show_order"]) ? $ttH->post["show_order"] : array();
                    $arr_is_focus = isset($ttH->post["is_focus"]) ? $ttH->post["is_focus"] : array();
                    $mess = $ttH->lang['global']['edit_success'] . " ID: <strong>";
                    $str_mess = "";
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($up_id); $i++) {
                        $dup = array();
                        $dup['show_order'] = $arr_show_order[$up_id[$i]];
                        $dup['is_focus'] = isset($arr_is_focus[$up_id[$i]]) ? $arr_is_focus[$up_id[$i]] : 0;
                        $ok = $ttH->db->do_update("video", $dup, "item_id=" . $up_id[$i]);
                        if ($ok) {
                            $str_mess .= $str_mess ? ", " : "";
                            $str_mess .= $up_id[$i];
                        } else {
                            $mess .= $ttH->lang["global"]['edit_false'] . " ID: <strong>" . $up_id[$i] . "</strong>";
                    $mess .= $str_mess . "</strong>";
                    $err = $ttH->html->html_alert($mess, "success");
                case "do_restore":
                    $up_id = isset($ttH->input["id"]) ? array($ttH->input["id"]) : $up_id;
                    $mess = $ttH->lang['global']['restore_success'] . " ID: <strong>";
                    $str_mess = "";
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($up_id); $i++) {
                        $dup = array();
                        $dup['is_show'] = 1;
                        $ok = $ttH->db->do_update("video", $dup, "item_id=" . $up_id[$i]);
                        if ($ok) {
                            $str_mess .= $str_mess ? ", " : "";
                            $str_mess .= $up_id[$i];
                        } else {
                            $mess .= $ttH->lang["global"]['restore_false'] . " ID: <strong>" . $up_id[$i] . "</strong>";
                    $mess .= $str_mess . "</strong>";
                    $err = $ttH->html->html_alert($mess, "success");
                case "do_trash":
                    $up_id = isset($ttH->input["id"]) ? array($ttH->input["id"]) : $up_id;
                    $mess = $ttH->lang['global']['trash_success'] . " ID: <strong>";
                    $str_mess = "";
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($up_id); $i++) {
                        $dup = array();
                        $dup['is_show'] = 0;
                        $ok = $ttH->db->do_update("video", $dup, "item_id=" . $up_id[$i]);
                        if ($ok) {
                            $str_mess .= $str_mess ? ", " : "";
                            $str_mess .= $up_id[$i];
                        } else {
                            $mess .= $ttH->lang["global"]['trash_false'] . " ID: <strong>" . $up_id[$i] . "</strong>";
                    $mess .= $str_mess . "</strong>";
                    $err = $ttH->html->html_alert($mess, "success");
                case "do_del":
                    if (isset($ttH->input['id'])) {
                        $list_del = $ttH->input['id'];
                    } elseif (isset($ttH->post['selected_id']) && is_array($ttH->post['selected_id'])) {
                        $list_del = @implode(',', $ttH->post['selected_id']);
                    $err = $this->do_del($list_del);
        $p = isset($ttH->input["p"]) ? $ttH->input["p"] : 1;
        $search_date_begin = isset($ttH->input["search_date_begin"]) ? $ttH->input["search_date_begin"] : "";
        $search_date_end = isset($ttH->input["search_date_end"]) ? $ttH->input["search_date_end"] : "";
        $search_group_id = isset($ttH->input["search_group_id"]) ? $ttH->input["search_group_id"] : 0;
        $search_title = isset($ttH->input["search_title"]) ? $ttH->input["search_title"] : "";
        $where = " ";
        $ext = "";
        $is_search = 0;
        if ($is_show == "trash") {
            $where .= " AND is_show=0 ";
        } else {
            $where .= " AND is_show=1 ";
        if ($search_date_begin || $search_date_end) {
            $tmp1 = @explode("/", $search_date_begin);
            $time_begin = @mktime(0, 0, 0, $tmp1[1], $tmp1[0], $tmp1[2]);
            $tmp2 = @explode("/", $search_date_end);
            $time_end = @mktime(23, 59, 59, $tmp2[1], $tmp2[0], $tmp2[2]);
            $where .= " AND (date_create BETWEEN {$time_begin} AND {$time_end} ) ";
            $ext .= "&date_begin=" . $search_date_begin . "&date_end=" . $search_date_end;
            $is_search = 1;
        if (!empty($search_group_id)) {
            $where .= " and group_id='" . $search_group_id . "' ";
            $ext .= "&search_group_id=" . $search_group_id;
            $is_search = 1;
        if (!empty($search_title)) {
            $where .= " and (a.item_id='{$search_title}' or title like '%{$search_title}%') ";
            $ext .= "&search_title=" . $search_title;
            $is_search = 1;
        $num_total = 0;
        $res_num = $ttH->db->query("select a.item_id \r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom video a, video_lang al \r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere a.item_id=al.item_id \r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand lang='" . $ttH->conf["lang_cur"] . "' \r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $where . " ");
        $num_total = $ttH->db->num_rows($res_num);
        $n = $ttH->conf["n_list"] ? $ttH->conf["n_list"] : 30;
        $num_pages = ceil($num_total / $n);
        if ($p > $num_pages) {
            $p = $num_pages;
        if ($p < 1) {
            $p = 1;
        $start = ($p - 1) * $n;
        $link_action = $ttH->admin->get_link_admin($this->modules, $this->action, $this->sub);
        $arr_title = array("item_id" => array("title" => $ttH->lang["global"]["id"], "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=item_id-desc", "class" => ""), "show_order" => array("title" => $ttH->lang["global"]["show_order"], "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=show_order-desc", "class" => ""), "title" => array("title" => $ttH->lang["global"]["title"], "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=title-desc", "class" => ""), "date_create" => array("title" => $ttH->lang["global"]["date_create"], "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=date_create-desc", "class" => ""));
        $sort = isset($ttH->input["sort"]) ? $ttH->input["sort"] : "";
        if ($sort) {
            $arr_allow_sort = array(1 => "asc", 2 => "desc");
            $tmp = explode("-", $sort);
            if (array_key_exists($tmp[0], $arr_title) && in_array($tmp[1], $arr_allow_sort)) {
                $order_tmp = $tmp[0] == "item_id" ? "a.item_id" : $tmp[0];
                $where .= " order by " . $order_tmp . " " . $tmp[1];
                $arr_title[$tmp[0]]["class"] = $tmp[1];
                $arr_title[$tmp[0]]["link"] = $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=" . $tmp[0] . "-" . $arr_allow_sort[3 - array_search($tmp[1], $arr_allow_sort)];
            } else {
                $sort = "";
        if ($sort == "") {
            $where .= " order by date_create DESC";
        //End sort
        //Title row
        foreach ($arr_title as $k => $v) {
            $class = $v["class"] ? " class='" . $v["class"] . "'" : "";
            $data["f_" . $k] = '<a href="' . $v["link"] . '" ' . $class . '>' . $v["title"] . '</a>';
        //End title row
        $sql = "select * from video a, video_lang al \r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere a.item_id=al.item_id \r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand lang='" . $ttH->conf["lang_cur"] . "' \r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $where . " \r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlimit {$start},{$n}";
        //echo $sql;
        $nav = $ttH->admin->admin_paginate($link_action, $num_total, $n, $ext, $p);
        $result = $ttH->db->query($sql);
        $i = 0;
        $html_row = "";
        if ($num = $ttH->db->num_rows($result)) {
            while ($row = $ttH->db->fetch_row($result)) {
                $row["link_edit"] = $ttH->admin->get_link_admin($this->modules, $this->action, "edit", array("id" => $row['item_id']));
                $row["link_trash"] = $ttH->admin->get_link_admin($this->modules, $this->action, $this->sub, array("do_action" => "do_trash", "id" => $row['item_id']));
                $row["link_restore"] = $ttH->admin->get_link_admin($this->modules, $this->action, $this->sub, array("do_action" => "do_restore", "id" => $row['item_id']));
                $row["link_del"] = $ttH->admin->get_link_admin($this->modules, $this->action, $this->sub, array("do_action" => "do_del", "id" => $row['item_id']));
                if (!empty($row["picture"])) {
                    $row["picture"] = '<a class="fancybox-effects-a" title="' . $row["picture"] . '" href="' . DIR_UPLOAD . $row["picture"] . '">
						' . $ttH->func->get_pic_mod($row["picture"], 50, 50, '', 1, 0, array('fix_width' => 1)) . '
                /*$row['link'] = (isset($ttH->data["modules"][$this->modules]["arr_friendly_link"][$ttH->conf['lang_cur']])) ? $ttH->data["modules"][$this->modules]["arr_friendly_link"][$ttH->conf['lang_cur']] : '';
                		$row['link'] .= '/'.$row["friendly_link"].'.html';*/
                $row['link'] = $row["friendly_link"] . '.html';
                $row['group_name'] = get_group_name($row['group_id']);
                $row['is_focus_checked'] = $row['is_focus'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
                $row['date_create'] = date('d/m/Y', $row['date_create']);
                $ttH->temp_act->assign('row', $row);
                if ($is_show == "trash") {
                } else {
        } else {
            $ttH->temp_act->assign('row', array("mess" => $ttH->lang["global"]["no_have_data"]));
        $data['html_row'] = $html_row;
        $data['nav'] = $nav;
        $data['err'] = $err;
        $data['link_action_search'] = $link_action;
        $data['link_action'] = $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext;
        $data['search_date_begin'] = $search_date_begin;
        $data['search_date_end'] = $search_date_end;
        $data['search_title'] = $search_title;
        $data["list_group_search"] = list_group("search_group_id", $search_group_id, " class=\"form-control\"", array("title" => $ttH->lang['global']['select_title']));
        $data['form_search_class'] = $is_search == 1 ? ' expand' : '';
        if ($is_show == "trash") {
        } else {
        $ttH->temp_act->assign('data', $data);
        return $ttH->temp_act->text("manage");
Esempio n. 6
 function do_add_menu()
     global $ttH;
     $cur_group = isset($ttH->input['group_id']) ? $ttH->input['group_id'] : 'menu_header';
     $temp = 'menu_add';
     $name_action = isset($ttH->get['name_action']) ? $ttH->get['name_action'] : '';
     $link_action = $ttH->admin->get_link_admin_popup('layout', 'menu', 'add_menu', array("name_action" => $name_action));
     $tmp = explode('-', $name_action);
     $table = $tmp[1] != 'item' ? $tmp[0] . '_' . $tmp[1] : $tmp[0];
     $table_key = $tmp[1] . '_id';
     $table_id = $tmp[2];
     $sql = "select * from " . $table . " a, " . $table . "_lang al \r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere a." . $table_key . "=al." . $table_key . " \r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand lang='" . $ttH->conf['lang_cur'] . "' \r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand a." . $table_key . "='" . $table_id . "'";
     $result = $ttH->db->query($sql);
     if ($table_info = $ttH->db->fetch_row($result)) {
     $data = array();
     $err = "";
     if (isset($ttH->post['do_submit'])) {
         $name_action = $ttH->func->get_friendly_link($ttH->post["name_action"]);
         if (empty($ttH->post["title"])) {
             $err = $ttH->html->html_alert($ttH->lang["global"]["err_invalid_title"], "error");
         if (empty($err)) {
             $col = array();
             $col["group_id"] = $cur_group;
             $col["parent_id"] = $ttH->post["parent_id"];
             $col["name_action"] = $name_action;
             $col["target"] = $ttH->post["target"];
             $col["show_mod"] = isset($ttH->post["show_mod"]) ? get_input_show($ttH->post["show_mod"]) : "";
             $col["show_act"] = isset($ttH->post["show_act"]) ? get_input_show($ttH->post["show_act"]) : "";
             $col["show_order"] = 0;
             $col["is_show"] = 1;
             $col["date_create"] = time();
             $col["date_update"] = time();
             $ok = $ttH->db->do_insert("menu", $col);
             if ($ok) {
                 $menu_id = $ttH->db->insertid();
                 $col_l = array();
                 $col_l["menu_id"] = $menu_id;
                 $col_l["title"] = $ttH->post["title"];
                 $col_l["link_type"] = $ttH->post["link_type"];
                 $col_l["link"] = $ttH->post["link"];
                 foreach ($ttH->data["lang"] as $lang_id => $lang_row) {
                     $col_l["lang"] = $lang_row["name"];
                     $ttH->db->do_insert("menu_lang", $col_l);
                 //update group_nav
                 $col = array();
                 $col["menu_nav"] = get_menu_nav($ttH->post["parent_id"], $menu_id);
                 $col["menu_level"] = substr_count($col['menu_nav'], ',') + 1;
                 $ok = $ttH->db->do_update("menu", $col, " menu_id='" . $menu_id . "'");
                 if ($ok) {
                     built_menu_nav_sub($menu_id, $col["menu_nav"]);
                 $data = array();
                 $err = $ttH->html->html_alert($ttH->lang["global"]["add_success"], "success");
             } else {
                 $data = $ttH->post;
                 $err = $ttH->html->html_alert($ttH->lang["global"]["add_false"], "error");
         } else {
             $data = $ttH->post;
     $data["err"] = $err;
     $arr_isset = array('group_id', 'parent_id', 'link_type', 'target');
     foreach ($arr_isset as $tmp) {
         $data[$tmp] = isset($data[$tmp]) ? $data[$tmp] : '';
     $data['show_mod'] = isset($data['show_mod']) ? @implode(',', $data['show_mod']) : '';
     $data['name_action'] = $name_action;
     $data['title'] = isset($data['title']) ? $data['title'] : $table_info['title'];
     $data['link'] = isset($data['link']) ? $data['link'] : $table_info['friendly_link'];
     $data["link_action"] = $link_action;
     $data["list_group"] = list_group("group_id", $cur_group, " class=\"form-control\" onchange=\"window.location.href='" . $data["link_action"] . "&group_id='+this.value;\"");
     //$data['group_name'] = $ttH->data["menu_group"][$cur_group];
     $data["list_menu"] = list_menu($cur_group, "parent_id", $data['parent_id'], " class=\"form-control\"", array("title" => $ttH->lang['global']['select_title']));
     $data["list_link_type"] = $ttH->admin->list_link_type("link_type", $data['link_type'], " class=\"form-control\"");
     $data["list_target"] = $ttH->admin->list_target("target", $data['target'], " class=\"form-control\"");
     $data["list_module"] = list_module("show_mod[]", $data['show_mod'], " class=\"form-control\"", array('title' => $ttH->lang["global"]["select_all"]));
     $ttH->temp_act->assign('data', $data);
     return $ttH->temp_act->text($temp);
Esempio n. 7
 function get_list_type()
     global $ttH;
     $output = "";
     switch ($this->type) {
         case "group":
             $link = $ttH->admin->get_link_admin($this->modules, $this->action, $this->sub);
             $ext = "onchange=\"go_link('" . $link . "&type=" . $this->type . "&type_id='+this.value)\"";
             if ($this->sub == 'edit') {
                 $ext = '';
             $output = list_group("type_id", $this->type_id, " class=\"form-control\" " . $ext, array("title" => $ttH->lang['global']['select_title']));
         case "item":
             $link = $ttH->admin->get_link_admin($this->modules, $this->action, $this->sub);
             $ext = "onchange=\"go_link('" . $link . "&type=" . $this->type . "&type_id='+this.value)\"";
             if ($this->sub == 'edit') {
                 $ext = '';
             $output = list_product("type_id", $this->type_id, " class=\"form-control\" " . $ext, array("title" => $ttH->lang['global']['select_title']));
     return $output;
Esempio n. 8
    function do_manage($is_show = "")
        global $ttH;
        $err = "";
        if (isset($ttH->input['do_action'])) {
            $up_id = isset($ttH->input["selected_id"]) ? $ttH->input["selected_id"] : array();
            switch ($ttH->input["do_action"]) {
                case "do_edit":
                    $arr_show_order = isset($ttH->post["show_order"]) ? $ttH->post["show_order"] : array();
                    $mess = $ttH->lang['global']['edit_success'] . " ID: <strong>";
                    $str_mess = "";
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($up_id); $i++) {
                        $dup = array();
                        $dup['show_order'] = $arr_show_order[$up_id[$i]];
                        $ok = $ttH->db->do_update("banner", $dup, "banner_id=" . $up_id[$i]);
                        if ($ok) {
                            $str_mess .= $str_mess ? ", " : "";
                            $str_mess .= $up_id[$i];
                        } else {
                            $mess .= $ttH->lang["global"]['edit_false'] . " ID: <strong>" . $up_id[$i] . "</strong>";
                    $mess .= $str_mess . "</strong>";
                    $err = $ttH->html->html_alert($mess, "success");
                case "do_restore":
                    $up_id = isset($ttH->input["id"]) ? array($ttH->input["id"]) : $up_id;
                    $mess = $ttH->lang['global']['restore_success'] . " ID: <strong>";
                    $str_mess = "";
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($up_id); $i++) {
                        $dup = array();
                        $dup['is_show'] = 1;
                        $ok = $ttH->db->do_update("banner", $dup, "banner_id=" . $up_id[$i]);
                        if ($ok) {
                            $str_mess .= $str_mess ? ", " : "";
                            $str_mess .= $up_id[$i];
                        } else {
                            $mess .= $ttH->lang["global"]['restore_false'] . " ID: <strong>" . $up_id[$i] . "</strong>";
                    $mess .= $str_mess . "</strong>";
                    $err = $ttH->html->html_alert($mess, "success");
                case "do_trash":
                    $up_id = isset($ttH->input["id"]) ? array($ttH->input["id"]) : $up_id;
                    $mess = $ttH->lang['global']['trash_success'] . " ID: <strong>";
                    $str_mess = "";
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($up_id); $i++) {
                        $dup = array();
                        $dup['is_show'] = 0;
                        $ok = $ttH->db->do_update("banner", $dup, "banner_id=" . $up_id[$i]);
                        if ($ok) {
                            $str_mess .= $str_mess ? ", " : "";
                            $str_mess .= $up_id[$i];
                        } else {
                            $mess .= $ttH->lang["global"]['trash_false'] . " ID: <strong>" . $up_id[$i] . "</strong>";
                    $mess .= $str_mess . "</strong>";
                    $err = $ttH->html->html_alert($mess, "success");
                case "do_del":
                    if (isset($ttH->input['id'])) {
                        $list_del = $ttH->input['id'];
                    } elseif (isset($ttH->post['selected_id']) && is_array($ttH->post['selected_id'])) {
                        $list_del = @implode(',', $ttH->post['selected_id']);
                    $err = $this->do_del($list_del);
        $p = isset($ttH->input["p"]) ? $ttH->input["p"] : 1;
        $group_id = $this->cur_group;
        $search_date_begin = isset($ttH->input["search_date_begin"]) ? $ttH->input["search_date_begin"] : "";
        $search_date_end = isset($ttH->input["search_date_end"]) ? $ttH->input["search_date_end"] : "";
        $search_show_mod = isset($ttH->input["search_show_mod"]) ? $ttH->input["search_show_mod"] : '';
        $search_title = isset($ttH->input["search_title"]) ? $ttH->input["search_title"] : "";
        $where = " where lang='" . $ttH->conf['lang_cur'] . "' ";
        $ext = "";
        $is_search = 0;
        if ($is_show == "trash") {
            $where .= " and is_show=0 ";
        } else {
            $where .= " and is_show=1 ";
        if (!empty($group_id)) {
            $where .= " and group_id='" . $group_id . "' ";
            $ext .= "&group_id=" . $group_id;
        if ($search_date_begin || $search_date_end) {
            $tmp1 = @explode("/", $search_date_begin);
            $time_begin = @mktime(0, 0, 0, $tmp1[1], $tmp1[0], $tmp1[2]);
            $tmp2 = @explode("/", $search_date_end);
            $time_end = @mktime(23, 59, 59, $tmp2[1], $tmp2[0], $tmp2[2]);
            $where .= " AND (date_create BETWEEN {$time_begin} AND {$time_end} ) ";
            $ext .= "&date_begin=" . $search_date_begin . "&date_end=" . $search_date_end;
            $is_search = 1;
        if (!empty($search_show_mod)) {
            $where .= " and (show_mod='' or find_in_set('" . $search_show_mod . "',show_mod)) ";
            $ext .= "&search_show_mod=" . $search_show_mod;
            $is_search = 1;
        if (!empty($search_title)) {
            $where .= " and (menu_id='{$search_title}' or title like '%{$search_title}%' or link like '%{$search_title}%') ";
            $ext .= "&search_title=" . $search_title;
            $is_search = 1;
        $num_total = 0;
        $res_num = $ttH->db->query("select banner_id from banner " . $where . " ");
        $num_total = $ttH->db->num_rows($res_num);
        $n = $ttH->conf["n_list"] ? $ttH->conf["n_list"] : 30;
        $num_banners = ceil($num_total / $n);
        if ($p > $num_banners) {
            $p = $num_banners;
        if ($p < 1) {
            $p = 1;
        $start = ($p - 1) * $n;
        $link_action = $ttH->admin->get_link_admin($this->modules, $this->action, $this->sub);
        $arr_title = array("banner_id" => array("title" => $ttH->lang["global"]["id"], "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=banner_id-desc", "class" => ""), "show_order" => array("title" => $ttH->lang["global"]["show_order"], "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=show_order-desc", "class" => ""), "title" => array("title" => $ttH->lang["global"]["title"], "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=title-desc", "class" => ""), "date_create" => array("title" => $ttH->lang["global"]["date_create"], "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=date_create-desc", "class" => ""));
        $sort = isset($ttH->input["sort"]) ? $ttH->input["sort"] : "";
        if ($sort) {
            $arr_allow_sort = array(1 => "asc", 2 => "desc");
            $tmp = explode("-", $sort);
            if (array_key_exists($tmp[0], $arr_title) && in_array($tmp[1], $arr_allow_sort)) {
                $order_tmp = $tmp[0] == "banner_id" ? "banner_id" : $tmp[0];
                $where .= " order by " . $order_tmp . " " . $tmp[1];
                $arr_title[$tmp[0]]["class"] = $tmp[1];
                $arr_title[$tmp[0]]["link"] = $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=" . $tmp[0] . "-" . $arr_allow_sort[3 - array_search($tmp[1], $arr_allow_sort)];
            } else {
                $sort = "";
        if ($sort == "") {
            $where .= " order by date_create desc";
        //End sort
        //Title row
        foreach ($arr_title as $k => $v) {
            $class = $v["class"] ? " class='" . $v["class"] . "'" : "";
            $data["f_" . $k] = '<a href="' . $v["link"] . '" ' . $class . '>' . $v["title"] . '</a>';
        //End title row
        $sql = "select * from banner " . $where . " limit {$start},{$n}";
        //echo $sql;
        $nav = $ttH->admin->admin_paginate($link_action, $num_total, $n, $ext, $p);
        $result = $ttH->db->query($sql);
        $i = 0;
        $html_row = "";
        if ($num = $ttH->db->num_rows($result)) {
            while ($row = $ttH->db->fetch_row($result)) {
                $row["link_edit"] = $ttH->admin->get_link_admin($this->modules, $this->action, "edit", array("id" => $row['banner_id']));
                $row["link_trash"] = $ttH->admin->get_link_admin($this->modules, $this->action, $this->sub, array("do_action" => "do_trash", "id" => $row['banner_id']));
                $row["link_restore"] = $ttH->admin->get_link_admin($this->modules, $this->action, $this->sub, array("do_action" => "do_restore", "id" => $row['banner_id']));
                $row["link_del"] = $ttH->admin->get_link_admin($this->modules, $this->action, $this->sub, array("do_action" => "do_del", "id" => $row['banner_id']));
                if ($row['type'] == 'image' && !empty($row["content"])) {
                    //$row["content"] = '<img alt="'.$row["content"].'" src="'.DIR_UPLOAD.$row["content"].'"/>';
                    $row["content"] = '<a class="fancybox-effects-a" title="' . $row["content"] . '" href="' . DIR_UPLOAD . $row["content"] . '">
						' . $ttH->func->get_pic_mod($row["content"], 300, 100, '', 1, 0, array('fix_max' => 1)) . '
                $ttH->temp_act->assign('row', $row);
                if ($is_show == "trash") {
                } else {
        } else {
            $ttH->temp_act->assign('row', array("mess" => $ttH->lang["global"]["no_have_data"]));
        $data['html_row'] = $html_row;
        $data['nav'] = $nav;
        $data['err'] = $err;
        $data['link_action_search'] = $link_action;
        $data['link_action'] = $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext;
        $data["list_group"] = list_group("group_id", $group_id, " class=\"form-control\" onchange=\"window.location.href='" . $link_action . "&group_id='+this.value;\"");
        $data['search_date_begin'] = $search_date_begin;
        $data['search_date_end'] = $search_date_end;
        $data['search_title'] = $search_title;
        $data["list_module_search"] = list_module("search_show_mod", $search_show_mod, " class=\"form-control\"", array('title' => $ttH->lang["global"]["select_title"]));
        $data['form_search_class'] = $is_search == 1 ? ' expand' : '';
        if ($is_show == "trash") {
        } else {
        $ttH->temp_act->assign('data', $data);
        return $ttH->temp_act->text("manage");
Esempio n. 9

$request = $_REQUEST;
$request = sanitize($request);
$query = $request['q'];
switch ($query) {
    case 'list_user':
        $data = list_user();
    case 'list_group':
        $data = list_group();
    case 'list_user_group':
        $data = list_user_group();
    case 'list_incident':
        $data = list_incident();
        // not a valid request
        $data = false;
Esempio n. 10
 function do_edit()
     global $ttH;
     $err = "";
     $id = $ttH->input["id"];
     if (isset($ttH->post['do_submit'])) {
         $username = $ttH->post["username"];
         $full_name = $ttH->post["full_name"];
         $email = $ttH->post["email"];
         $password = $ttH->func->md25($ttH->post["password"]);
         if (empty($err) && empty($username)) {
             $err = $ttH->html->html_alert($ttH->lang["admin"]["err_username_invalid"], "error");
         if (empty($err) && empty($full_name)) {
             $err = $ttH->html->html_alert($ttH->lang["admin"]["err_full_name_invalid"], "error");
         if (empty($err) && empty($email)) {
             $err = $ttH->html->html_alert($ttH->lang["admin"]["err_email_invalid"], "error");
         if (empty($err)) {
             $res_ck = $ttH->db->query("select username,email from admin where (username='******' or email='" . $email . "') AND id !=" . $id);
             if ($row_ck = $ttH->db->fetch_row($res_ck)) {
                 if (empty($err) && $row_ck["email"] == $email) {
                     $err = $ttH->func->html_err($ttH->lang["admin"]["err_email_existed"]);
                 if (empty($err) && $row_ck["username"] == $username) {
                     $err = $ttH->func->html_err($ttH->lang["admin"]["err_username_existed"]);
         if (empty($err)) {
             $col = array();
             $col["group_id"] = $ttH->post["group_id"];
             $col["username"] = $username;
             if (!empty($ttH->post["password"])) {
                 $col["password"] = $password;
             $col["picture"] = $ttH->func->get_input_pic($ttH->post["picture"]);
             $col["full_name"] = $full_name;
             $col["email"] = $email;
             $ok = $ttH->db->do_update("admin", $col, " id='" . $id . "'");
             if ($ok) {
                 if ($_SESSION[$ttH->conf["admin_ses"]]["userid"] == $id && !empty($ttH->post["password"])) {
                     $_SESSION[$ttH->conf["admin_ses"]]["password"] = $password;
                 $err = $ttH->html->html_alert($ttH->lang["global"]["edit_success"], "success");
             } else {
                 $err = $ttH->html->html_alert($ttH->lang["global"]["edit_false"], "error");
     $sql = "select * from admin where id=" . $id;
     $result = $ttH->db->query($sql);
     if ($data = $ttH->db->fetch_row($result)) {
     $data["err"] = $err;
     $data["link_action"] = $ttH->admin->get_link_admin($this->modules, $this->action, $this->sub, array("id" => $id));
     $data['picture'] = $ttH->admin->get_form_pic('picture', $data['picture'], $this->folder_upload, $this->dir);
     $data["list_group"] = list_group("group_id", $data['group_id'], " class=\"form-control\"", array("title" => $ttH->lang['global']['select_title']));
     $ttH->temp_act->assign('data', $data);
     return $ttH->temp_act->text("edit");
Esempio n. 11
 function do_manage($is_show = "")
     global $ttH;
     $err = "";
     if (isset($ttH->input['do_action'])) {
         $up_id = isset($ttH->input["selected_id"]) ? $ttH->input["selected_id"] : array();
         switch ($ttH->input["do_action"]) {
             case "do_edit":
                 $arr_show_order = isset($ttH->post["show_order"]) ? $ttH->post["show_order"] : array();
                 $arr_is_focus = isset($ttH->post["is_focus"]) ? $ttH->post["is_focus"] : array();
                 $mess = $ttH->lang['global']['edit_success'] . " ID: <strong>";
                 $str_mess = "";
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($up_id); $i++) {
                     $dup = array();
                     $dup['show_order'] = $arr_show_order[$up_id[$i]];
                     $dup['is_focus'] = isset($arr_is_focus[$up_id[$i]]) ? $arr_is_focus[$up_id[$i]] : 0;
                     $ok = $ttH->db->do_update("product", $dup, "item_id=" . $up_id[$i]);
                     if ($ok) {
                         $str_mess .= $str_mess ? ", " : "";
                         $str_mess .= $up_id[$i];
                     } else {
                         $mess .= $ttH->lang["global"]['edit_false'] . " ID: <strong>" . $up_id[$i] . "</strong>";
                 $mess .= $str_mess . "</strong>";
                 $err = $ttH->html->html_alert($mess, "success");
             case "do_duplicate":
                 if (isset($ttH->input['id'])) {
                     $list_duplicate = $ttH->input['id'];
                 } elseif (isset($ttH->post['selected_id']) && is_array($ttH->post['selected_id'])) {
                     $list_duplicate = @implode(',', $ttH->post['selected_id']);
                 $err = $this->do_duplicate($list_duplicate);
             case "do_restore":
                 $up_id = isset($ttH->input["id"]) ? array($ttH->input["id"]) : $up_id;
                 $mess = $ttH->lang['global']['restore_success'] . " ID: <strong>";
                 $str_mess = "";
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($up_id); $i++) {
                     $dup = array();
                     $dup['is_show'] = 1;
                     $ok = $ttH->db->do_update("product", $dup, "item_id=" . $up_id[$i]);
                     if ($ok) {
                         $str_mess .= $str_mess ? ", " : "";
                         $str_mess .= $up_id[$i];
                     } else {
                         $mess .= $ttH->lang["global"]['restore_false'] . " ID: <strong>" . $up_id[$i] . "</strong>";
                 $mess .= $str_mess . "</strong>";
                 $err = $ttH->html->html_alert($mess, "success");
             case "do_trash":
                 $up_id = isset($ttH->input["id"]) ? array($ttH->input["id"]) : $up_id;
                 $mess = $ttH->lang['global']['trash_success'] . " ID: <strong>";
                 $str_mess = "";
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($up_id); $i++) {
                     $dup = array();
                     $dup['is_show'] = 0;
                     $ok = $ttH->db->do_update("product", $dup, "item_id=" . $up_id[$i]);
                     if ($ok) {
                         $str_mess .= $str_mess ? ", " : "";
                         $str_mess .= $up_id[$i];
                     } else {
                         $mess .= $ttH->lang["global"]['trash_false'] . " ID: <strong>" . $up_id[$i] . "</strong>";
                 $mess .= $str_mess . "</strong>";
                 $err = $ttH->html->html_alert($mess, "success");
             case "do_del":
                 if (isset($ttH->input['id'])) {
                     $list_del = $ttH->input['id'];
                 } elseif (isset($ttH->post['selected_id']) && is_array($ttH->post['selected_id'])) {
                     $list_del = @implode(',', $ttH->post['selected_id']);
                 $err = $this->do_del($list_del);
     $p = isset($ttH->input["p"]) ? $ttH->input["p"] : 1;
     $search_date_begin = isset($ttH->input["search_date_begin"]) ? $ttH->input["search_date_begin"] : "";
     $search_date_end = isset($ttH->input["search_date_end"]) ? $ttH->input["search_date_end"] : "";
     $search_group_id = isset($ttH->input["search_group_id"]) ? $ttH->input["search_group_id"] : 0;
     $search_brand_id = isset($ttH->input["search_brand_id"]) ? $ttH->input["search_brand_id"] : 0;
     $search_title = isset($ttH->input["search_title"]) ? $ttH->input["search_title"] : "";
     $where = " ";
     $ext = "";
     $is_search = 0;
     if ($is_show == "trash") {
         $where .= " AND is_show=0 ";
     } else {
         $where .= " AND is_show=1 ";
     if ($search_date_begin || $search_date_end) {
         $tmp1 = @explode("/", $search_date_begin);
         $time_begin = @mktime(0, 0, 0, $tmp1[1], $tmp1[0], $tmp1[2]);
         $tmp2 = @explode("/", $search_date_end);
         $time_end = @mktime(23, 59, 59, $tmp2[1], $tmp2[0], $tmp2[2]);
         $where .= " AND (date_create BETWEEN {$time_begin} AND {$time_end} ) ";
         $ext .= "&date_begin=" . $search_date_begin . "&date_end=" . $search_date_end;
         $is_search = 1;
     if (!empty($search_group_id)) {
         $where .= " and find_in_set('" . $search_group_id . "', group_nav)>0 ";
         $ext .= "&search_group_id=" . $search_group_id;
         $is_search = 1;
     if (!empty($search_brand_id)) {
         $where .= " and brand_id='" . $search_brand_id . "' ";
         $ext .= "&search_brand_id=" . $search_brand_id;
         $is_search = 1;
     if (!empty($search_title)) {
         $where .= " and (a.item_id='{$search_title}' or title like '%{$search_title}%') ";
         $ext .= "&search_title=" . $search_title;
         $is_search = 1;
     $num_total = 0;
     $res_num = $ttH->db->query("select a.item_id \n\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom product a, product_lang al \n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere a.item_id=al.item_id \n\t\t\t\t\t\tand lang='" . $ttH->conf["lang_cur"] . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $where . " ");
     $num_total = $ttH->db->num_rows($res_num);
     $n = $ttH->conf["n_list"] ? $ttH->conf["n_list"] : 30;
     $num_products = ceil($num_total / $n);
     if ($p > $num_products) {
         $p = $num_products;
     if ($p < 1) {
         $p = 1;
     $start = ($p - 1) * $n;
     $link_action = $ttH->admin->get_link_admin($this->modules_call, $this->action, $this->sub);
     $arr_title = array("item_id" => array("title" => $ttH->lang["global"]["id"], "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=item_id-desc", "class" => ""), "item_code" => array("title" => $ttH->lang["global"]["series"], "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=item_code-desc", "class" => ""), "show_order" => array("title" => $ttH->lang["global"]["show_order"], "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=show_order-desc", "class" => ""), "picture" => array("title" => $ttH->lang["global"]["picture"], "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=picture-desc", "class" => ""), "title" => array("title" => 'Tên sản phẩm', "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=title-desc", "class" => ""), "price_import" => array("title" => 'Giá nhập', "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=price_import-desc", "class" => ""), "price" => array("title" => 'Giá bán', "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=price-desc", "class" => ""), "in_stock" => array("title" => 'Nhập kho', "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=import_stock-desc", "class" => ""), "out_stock" => array("title" => 'Xuất kho', "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=out_stock-desc", "class" => ""), "has_stock" => array("title" => 'Tồn kho', "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=in_stock-desc", "class" => ""), "date_create" => array("title" => $ttH->lang["global"]["date_create"], "link" => $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=date_create-desc", "class" => ""));
     $sort = isset($ttH->input["sort"]) ? $ttH->input["sort"] : "";
     if ($sort) {
         $arr_allow_sort = array(1 => "asc", 2 => "desc");
         $tmp = explode("-", $sort);
         if (array_key_exists($tmp[0], $arr_title) && in_array($tmp[1], $arr_allow_sort)) {
             $order_tmp = $tmp[0] == "item_id" ? "a.item_id" : $tmp[0];
             $order_tmp = $tmp[0] == "import_stock" ? "(in_stock+out_stock)" : $tmp[0];
             $where .= " order by " . $order_tmp . " " . $tmp[1];
             $arr_title[$tmp[0]]["class"] = $tmp[1];
             $arr_title[$tmp[0]]["link"] = $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext . "&sort=" . $tmp[0] . "-" . $arr_allow_sort[3 - array_search($tmp[1], $arr_allow_sort)];
         } else {
             $sort = "";
     if ($sort == "") {
         $where .= " order by date_create DESC";
     //End sort
     //Title row
     foreach ($arr_title as $k => $v) {
         $class = $v["class"] ? " class='" . $v["class"] . "'" : "";
         $data["f_" . $k] = '<a href="' . $v["link"] . '" ' . $class . '>' . $v["title"] . '</a>';
     //End title row
     $sql = "select * from product a, product_lang al \n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere a.item_id=al.item_id \n\t\t\t\t\t\tand lang='" . $ttH->conf["lang_cur"] . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $where . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\tlimit {$start},{$n}";
     $nav = $ttH->admin->admin_paginate($link_action, $num_total, $n, $ext, $p);
     $result = $ttH->db->query($sql);
     $i = 0;
     $html_row = "";
     if ($num = $ttH->db->num_rows($result)) {
         while ($row = $ttH->db->fetch_row($result)) {
             $row['stt'] = $start + $i;
             $html_row .= $this->manage_row($row, $is_show);
     } else {
         $ttH->temp_act->assign('row', array("mess" => $ttH->lang["global"]["no_have_data"]));
     $data['html_row'] = $html_row;
     $data['nav'] = $nav;
     $data['err'] = $err;
     $data['link_action_search'] = $link_action;
     $data['link_action'] = $link_action . "&p=" . $p . $ext;
     $data['search_date_begin'] = $search_date_begin;
     $data['search_date_end'] = $search_date_end;
     $data['search_title'] = $search_title;
     $data["list_group_search"] = list_group('product', "search_group_id", $search_group_id, " class=\"form-control\"", array("title" => $ttH->lang['global']['select_title']));
     $data["list_brand_search"] = list_brand("search_brand_id", $search_brand_id, " class=\"form-control\"", array("title" => $ttH->lang['global']['select_title']));
     $data['form_search_class'] = $is_search == 1 ? ' expand' : '';
     $ttH->temp_act->assign('data', $data);
     return $ttH->temp_act->text("manage");