$database = pg_Connect("", "", "", "", "qcm"); # connect to the database if (!$database) { echo "Connection to database failed."; exit; } ?> <hr> <?php $reftable = "refthemes"; $defo = "GDTC-REF"; listOptions($reftable, $defo); ?> <hr> <?php listOptionsLabel("pertinences", "9"); ?> <hr> <?php listOptions("refthemes", "GDTP"); ?> </form> <hr> <div><FONT COLOR="#FF6003" SIZE=-1> <?php echo "Powered by PHP version " . PHP_VERSION; ?> </FONT></div> </FONT> </body> </html>
<form method="POST" action="" > <table border=0i cellpadding=15> <tr><td>Un thème<br> <?php listOptions("refthemes", "GDTC-REF"); ?> </td><td>Un niveau de pertinence<br> <?php listOptionsLabel("pertinences", "9"); ?> </td></tr> <tr><td>Un nombre maximal de questions<br> <input name="NBRMAX" size=8 type=int value=20> </td><td>Un niveau de difficulté<br> <?php listOptionsLabel("difficultes", "9"); ?> </td></tr> </table> <hr> </CENTER> <div><FONT COLOR="#FF6003" SIZE=-1> <?php echo "Powered by PHP version " . PHP_VERSION; ?> </FONT></div> <?php echo "Random max = " . mt_getrandmax() . "<br>\n"; mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);