Esempio n. 1
 public function delete_mbutton($id)
     return link_to_modalbox(image_tag(public_path('images/icons/delete.png', true), array('title' => __('Delete'))), $this->module . '/delete?id=' . $id . $this->add_url_params('&'));
Esempio n. 2

echo '<div style="padding-top: 5px;">' . link_to_modalbox(__('Configure Dashboard'), 'dashboard/configure') . '</div>';
if (count($reports) == 0) {
    echo '<br><div>' . __('No reports found to display on dashboard') . '</div>';
foreach ($reports as $report) {
    switch (true) {
        case strstr($report, 'projectsReports'):
            if ($r = Doctrine_Core::getTable('ProjectsReports')->find(str_replace('projectsReports', '', $report))) {
                echo '
              <h1>' . (in_array($report, $hidden_dashboard_reports) ? image_tag('icons/plus_large.png', array('id' => $report . 'icon', 'onClick' => 'expand_dashboard_report(\'' . $report . '\',\'' . url_for('dashboard/expandReport') . '\')')) : image_tag('icons/minus_large.png', array('id' => $report . 'icon', 'onClick' => 'expand_dashboard_report(\'' . $report . '\',\'' . url_for('dashboard/expandReport') . '\')'))) . ' <a href="' . url_for('projectsReports/view?id=' . $r->getId()) . '">' . $r->getName() . '</a></h1> 
              <div style="margin-bottom: 15px; display:' . (in_array($report, $hidden_dashboard_reports) ? 'none' : 'block') . '" id="' . $report . '">' . get_component('projects', 'listing', array('reports_id' => $r->getId(), 'is_dashboard' => true)) . '</div>
        case strstr($report, 'userReports'):
            if ($r = Doctrine_Core::getTable('UserReports')->find(str_replace('userReports', '', $report))) {
                echo '
              <h1>' . (in_array($report, $hidden_dashboard_reports) ? image_tag('icons/plus_large.png', array('id' => $report . 'icon', 'onClick' => 'expand_dashboard_report(\'' . $report . '\',\'' . url_for('dashboard/expandReport') . '\')')) : image_tag('icons/minus_large.png', array('id' => $report . 'icon', 'onClick' => 'expand_dashboard_report(\'' . $report . '\',\'' . url_for('dashboard/expandReport') . '\')'))) . ' <a href="' . url_for('userReports/view?id=' . $r->getId()) . '">' . $r->getName() . '</a></h1>
              <div style="margin-bottom: 15px; display:' . (in_array($report, $hidden_dashboard_reports) ? 'none' : 'block') . '" id="' . $report . '">' . get_component('tasks', 'listing', array('reports_id' => $r->getId(), 'is_dashboard' => true)) . '</div>
        case strstr($report, 'ticketsReports'):
            if ($r = Doctrine_Core::getTable('TicketsReports')->find(str_replace('ticketsReports', '', $report))) {
                echo '
              <h1>' . (in_array($report, $hidden_dashboard_reports) ? image_tag('icons/plus_large.png', array('id' => $report . 'icon', 'onClick' => 'expand_dashboard_report(\'' . $report . '\',\'' . url_for('dashboard/expandReport') . '\')')) : image_tag('icons/minus_large.png', array('id' => $report . 'icon', 'onClick' => 'expand_dashboard_report(\'' . $report . '\',\'' . url_for('dashboard/expandReport') . '\')'))) . ' <a href="' . url_for('ticketsReports/view?id=' . $r->getId()) . '">' . $r->getName() . '</a></h1>
              <div style="margin-bottom: 15px; display:' . (in_array($report, $hidden_dashboard_reports) ? 'none' : 'block') . '" id="' . $report . '">' . get_component('tickets', 'listing', array('reports_id' => $r->getId(), 'is_dashboard' => true)) . '</div>
Esempio n. 3
echo link_to_modalbox(image_tag('icons/edit.png', array('title' => __('Edit Details'))), 'discussionsReports/edit?id=' . $sf_request->getParameter('id') . '&redirect_to=view');
echo $discussions_reports->getName();
include_component('discussions', 'listing', array('reports_id' => $sf_request->getParameter('id')));
Esempio n. 4
if (Users::hasAccess('insert', 'ticketsComments', $sf_user, isset($projects) ? $projects->getId() : false)) {
    <td style="padding-right: 15px;"><?php 
    echo link_to_modalbox(image_tag('icons/comment_small.png') . ' ' . __('Add Comment'), 'ticketsComments/new?tickets_id=' . $tickets->getId() . '&redirect_to=ticketsComments' . (isset($projects) ? '&projects_id=' . $projects->getId() : ''));
if (Users::hasAccess('edit', 'tickets', $sf_user, isset($projects) ? $projects->getId() : false)) {
    <td style="padding-right: 15px;"><?php 
    echo link_to_modalbox(image_tag('icons/edit_small.png') . ' ' . __('Edit Details'), 'tickets/edit?id=' . $tickets->getId() . '&redirect_to=ticketsComments' . (isset($projects) ? '&projects_id=' . $projects->getId() : ''));
if (count($more_actions) > 0) {
    echo renderYuiMenu('more_actions', $more_actions);
      <script type="text/javascript">
        YAHOO.util.Event.onContentReady("more_actions", function () 
Esempio n. 5
    <td style="text-align: right;"><?php 
        if (!$is_email) {
            echo image_tag('icons/remove_link.png', array('title' => __('Delete Related'), 'style' => 'cursor:pointer', 'onClick' => 'removeRelated("related_task_' . $tasks['id'] . '","' . url_for('app/removeRelatedTicketWithTask?tasks_id=' . $tasks['id'] . '&tickets_id=' . $sf_request->getParameter('tickets_id')) . '")'));

    if (Users::hasAccess('insert', 'tasks', $sf_user, $sf_request->getParameter('projects_id')) and !$is_email) {
  <div style="margin-bottom: 10px; margin-top: 5px; text-align: right;"><?php 
        echo link_to_modalbox('+ ' . __('Add'), 'tasks/new?related_tickets_id=' . $sf_request->getParameter('tickets_id') . '&projects_id=' . $sf_request->getParameter('projects_id'));

Esempio n. 6
if (Users::hasAccess('insert', 'tasksComments', $sf_user, $projects->getId())) {
    <td style="padding-right: 15px;"><?php 
    echo link_to_modalbox(image_tag('icons/comment_small.png') . ' ' . __('Add Comment'), 'tasksComments/new?projects_id=' . $projects->getId() . '&tasks_id=' . $tasks->getId() . '&redirect_to=tasksComments');
if (Users::hasAccess('edit', 'tasks', $sf_user, $projects->getId())) {
    <td style="padding-right: 15px;"><?php 
    echo link_to_modalbox(image_tag('icons/edit_small.png') . ' ' . __('Edit Details'), 'tasks/edit?projects_id=' . $projects->getId() . '&id=' . $tasks->getId() . '&redirect_to=tasksComments');
if (count($more_actions) > 0) {
    echo renderYuiMenu('more_actions', $more_actions);
      <script type="text/javascript">
        YAHOO.util.Event.onContentReady("more_actions", function () 
Esempio n. 7
    echo '<td><div><span>' . __('Status') . ':</span> ' . $projects->getProjectsStatus()->getName() . '</div></td>';
if ($projects->getProjectsTypesId() > 0) {
    echo '<td><div><span>' . __('Type') . ':</span> ' . $projects->getProjectsTypes()->getName() . '</div></td>';

echo link_to_modalbox(__('More Info'), 'projects/info?id=' . $projects->getId());
if (Users::hasAccess('edit', 'projects', $sf_user, $projects->getId())) {
    echo link_to_modalbox(__('Edit Details'), 'projects/edit?id=' . $projects->getId() . '&redirect_to=projectsComments');

<div id="projectMenuContainer">
  <div id="projectMenuBox"> 
$m = new projectsMenuController($sf_user, $sf_request);
echo renderYuiMenu('projectMenu', $m->buildMenu($sf_context));
Esempio n. 8
    echo $users->getId();
    echo app::getObjectName($users->getUsersGroups());
    echo renderUserPhoto($users->getPhoto());
    echo link_to_modalbox($users->getName(), 'users/info?id=' . $users->getId());
    echo $users->getEmail();
    $v = ExtraFieldsList::getValuesList($extra_fields, $users->getId());
    echo ExtraFieldsList::renderListingTbody($extra_fields, $v);
    echo renderBooleanValue($users->getActive());