Esempio n. 1
function license_block($dbh, $work)
    global $LIC_GENIMG_CODES;
    $user = user_for_id($dbh, $work['user_id']);
    $license_name = lic_name($work['license']);
    $license_abbrv = lic_abbrv($work['license']);
    if ($work['license'] == 0) {
        $block = '<a href="?action=display&work_id=' . $work['work_id'] . '">' . $work['title'] . '</a> by <a href="?who&user_id=' . $user['user_id'] . '">' . $user['username'] . '</a>.';
    } elseif ($work['license'] == 7) {
        $block = '<p xmlns:dct="">
      <a rel="license"
        <img src="genimg/genimg.php?l=0"
          style="border-style: none;" alt="CC0">
      To the extent possible under law,
      <a rel="dct:publisher"
        href="?who&user_id=' . $user['user_id'] . '">
        <span property="dct:title">' . $user['username'] . '</span>
      has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
      <a href="?action=display&work_id=' . $work['work_id'] . '" property="dct:title">' . $work['title'] . '</a>.</p>';
    } else {
        $block = '<a rel="license" href="' . $license_abbrv . '/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="genimg/genimg.php?l=' . $LIC_GENIMG_CODES[$work['license']] . '" /></a><br /><a href="?action=display&work_id=' . $work['work_id'] . '"><span xmlns:dct="" href="' . work_mediatype($work) . '" property="dct:title" rel="dct:type">' . $work['title'] . '</span></a> by <a xmlns:cc="" href="?who&user_id=' . $user['user_id'] . '" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">' . $user['username'] . '</a> is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="' . $license_abbrv . '/4.0/">' . $license_name . ' 4.0 International License</a>.';
    return $block;
Esempio n. 2
function license_block($dbh, $base_url, $work)
    $user = user_for_id($dbh, $work['user_id']);
    $user_id = $user['user_id'];
    $user_name = $user['username'];
    $user_url = $base_url . '?who&user_id=' . $user_id;
    $work_title = $work['title'];
    $work_id = $work['work_id'];
    $work_url = $base_url . '?action=display&work_id=' . $work_id;
    if ($work['license'] == 0) {
        $lic = "<a href=\"{$work_url}\">{$work_title}</a>\n                by <a href=\"{$user_url}\">{$user_name}</a>.";
    } elseif ($work['license'] == 7) {
        $lic = "<p xmlns:dct=\"\">\n                  <a rel=\"license\"\n                    href=\"\">\n                    <img src=\"{$base_url}/genimg/genimg.php?b=ffffff&l=0\"\n                      style=\"border-style: none;\" alt=\"CC0\">\n                  </a>\n                  <br>\n                  To the extent possible under law,\n                  <a rel=\"dct:publisher\"\n                    href=\"{$user_url}\">\n                    <span property=\"dct:title\">{$user_name}</span>\n                  </a>\n                  has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to\n                  <a href=\"{$work_url}\"\n                    property=\"dct:title\">{$work_title}</a>.</p>";
    } else {
        $license_name = lic_name($work['license']) . ' 4.0 International License';
        $license_abbrv = lic_abbrv($work['license']);
        $mediatype_url = work_mediatype($work);
        $gencode = lic_genimg_code($work['license']);
        $icon_url = "{$base_url}/genimg/genimg.php?b=ffffff&l={$gencode}";
        $license_url = "{$license_abbrv}/4.0/";
        $lic = "<a rel=\"license\" href=\"{$license_url}\">\n                  <img alt=\"Creative Commons License\"\n                    style=\"border-width:0\" src=\"{$icon_url}\" /></a>\n                <br />\n                <a href=\"{$work_url}\">\n                  <span xmlns:dct=\"\"\n                    href=\"{$mediatype_url}\" property=\"dct:title\"\n                    rel=\"dct:type\">{$work_title}</span></a>\n                by <a xmlns:cc=\"\"\n                     href=\"{$user_url}\" property=\"cc:attributionName\"\n                     rel=\"cc:attributionURL\">{$user_name}</a>\n                is licensed under a <a rel=\"license\" href=\"{$license_url}\">\n                {$license_name}</a>.";
    return $lic;