protected static function SendRequestToGateway($requestString, $testAccount, $gateway) { $serverUrl = 'https://'; if ($testAccount) { $serverUrl .= 'test'; } switch (strtolower($gateway)) { default: case 'worldnet': $serverUrl .= ''; break; case 'cashflows': $serverUrl .= ''; break; case 'payius': $serverUrl .= ''; break; case 'pago': $serverUrl .= ''; break; case 'globalone': $serverUrl .= ''; break; } $XMLSchemaFile = $serverUrl . '/merchant/gateway.xsd'; $serverUrl .= '/merchant/xmlpayment'; $requestXML = new DOMDocument("1.0", "utf-8"); $requestXML->formatOutput = true; $requestXML->loadXML($requestString); if (!$requestXML->schemaValidate($XMLSchemaFile)) { die('<b>XML VALIDATION FAILED AGAINST SCHEMA:</b>' . $XMLSchemaFile . libxml_display_errors()); } unset($requestXML); // Initialisation $ch = curl_init(); // Set parameters curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $serverUrl); // Return a variable instead of posting it directly curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE); //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Accept: application/xml', 'Content-type: application/xml')); // Activate the POST method curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // Request curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $requestString); // execute the connection $result = curl_exec($ch); // Close it curl_close($ch); if ($result != '') { return $result; } else { return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ERROR><ERRORSTRING>Content is not allowed in prolog.</ERRORSTRING></ERROR>'; } }
$cache = $data; } } // end of fix if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp))) { // if reading of the xml file in not successfull : // set errorFound, set error msg, break while statement $errorFound = true; array_push($errorMsgs, $langErrorReadingManifest); // Since manifest.xml cannot be parsed, test versus IMS CP 1.4.4 XSD (compatible with all SCORM packages as well) require_once 'include/validateXML.php'; libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $xml = new DOMDocument(); $xml->load($manifestPath . "imsmanifest.xml"); if (!$xml->schemaValidate($urlServer . 'modules/learnPath/export/imscp_v1p2.xsd')) { $messages = libxml_display_errors(); array_push($errorMsgs, $langErrorValidatingManifest . $messages); } break; } } // close file fclose($fp); } // liberate parser ressources xml_parser_free($xml_parser); } //if (!$errorFound) // check if all starts assets files exist in the zip file if (!$errorFound) { array_push($okMsgs, $langOkManifestRead);
echo "The file " . basename($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["name"]) . " has been uploaded."; } else { exit("image error"); } } } else { } break; default: break; } } } //check if shema is validate if (!$xml->schemaValidate('contactListSchema.xsd')) { $value = libxml_display_errors(); $dr = $value; appendToHtml(' <div class="alert alert-danger alert-fixed-bottom" id="alertMsg"> <strong>Warning !!!!</strong>' . $dr . ' <button onclick="hideAlert()">Make Modification</button>"</div>'); } else { //save the xml is validation o.k $xml->save("contactList.xml"); appendToHtml(' <div class="alert alert-success alert-fixed-bottom" id="alertMsg"> <strong>Success!</strong>' . $dr . ' <button onclick="goToMainPage()">Go to main Page</button>"</div>'); } $html = str_replace("{{alert}}", $html, $htmlFile); // replaces placeholder with $username
<?php # validateAIML.php $status = ''; if (!empty($_FILES)) { $uploadDir = "upload/"; $target = $uploadDir . basename($_FILES['uploaded']['name']); if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'], $target)) { $fileName = str_replace($uploadDir, '' . $target); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $xml = new DOMDocument(); $xml->load($target); if (!$xml->schemaValidate('config/aiml.xsd')) { $status = "File {$fileName} is invalid!<br />\n"; libxml_display_errors(); } else { $status = "File {$fileName} is valid.<br />\n"; } } } function libxml_display_error($error) { $return = "<br/>\n"; switch ($error->level) { case LIBXML_ERR_WARNING: $return .= "<b>Warning {$error->code}</b>: "; break; case LIBXML_ERR_ERROR: $return .= "<b>Error {$error->code}</b>: "; break; case LIBXML_ERR_FATAL:
$xml->formatOutput = true; $xml->loadXML($XML_TOT); if ($xml->schemaValidate('./datasetAppaltiL190.xsd')) { echo ' <div class="alert alert-success"> <strong>Il documento è corretto.</strong> <p>Scarica il <a href="../../crea_xml_avcp_query.php?anno=' . $anno . '">file XML</a> da pubblicare sul sito o torna alla <a href="../../">homepage</a></p> </div>'; } else { echo ' <div class="alert alert-error"> <strong>Il documento contiene degli errori e non può essere validato!</strong> <p>Torna alla <a href="../../">homepage</a></p> </div>'; $errorLine = libxml_display_errors(); // Evidenzio le linee degli errori per prism.js, plugin line-highlight // $outErrorLine = null; foreach ($errorLine as $el) { $outErrorLine .= $el . ','; } } ?> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="span12"> <div class="well"> <?php
function parseAIML($fn, $aimlContent) { if (empty($aimlContent)) { return "File {$fn} was empty!"; } global $debugmode, $bot_id, $default_charset; $fileName = basename($fn); $success = false; $dbconn = db_open(); #Clear the database of the old entries $sql = "DELETE FROM `aiml` WHERE `filename` = '{$fileName}' AND bot_id = '{$bot_id}'"; if (isset($_POST['clearDB'])) { $x = updateDB($sql); } $myBot_id = isset($_POST['bot_id']) ? $_POST['bot_id'] : $bot_id; # Read new file into the XML parser $sql_start = "insert into `aiml` (`id`, `bot_id`, `aiml`, `pattern`, `thatpattern`, `template`, `topic`, `filename`, `php_code`) values\n"; $sql = $sql_start; $sql_template = "(NULL, {$myBot_id}, '[aiml_add]', '[pattern]', '[that]', '[template]', '[topic]', '{$fileName}', ''),\n"; # Validate the incoming document /*******************************************************/ /* Set up for validation from a common DTD */ /* This will involve removing the XML and */ /* AIML tags from the beginning of the file */ /* and replacing them with our own tags */ /*******************************************************/ $validAIMLHeader = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="[charset]"?> <!DOCTYPE aiml PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD Specification Version 1.0//EN" ""> <aiml version="1.0.1" xmlns="">'; $validAIMLHeader = str_replace('[charset]', $default_charset, $validAIMLHeader); $aimlTagStart = stripos($aimlContent, '<aiml', 0); $aimlTagEnd = strpos($aimlContent, '>', $aimlTagStart) + 1; $aimlFile = $validAIMLHeader . substr($aimlContent, $aimlTagEnd); //die('<pre>' . htmlentities("File contents:<br />\n$aimlFile")); try { libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $xml = new DOMDocument(); $xml->loadXML($aimlFile); //$xml->validate(); $aiml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml->saveXML()); $rowCount = 0; if (!empty($aiml->topic)) { foreach ($aiml->topic as $topicXML) { # handle any topic tag(s) in the file $topicAttributes = $topicXML->attributes(); $topic = $topicAttributes['name']; foreach ($topicXML->category as $category) { $fullCategory = $category->asXML(); $pattern = $category->pattern; $pattern = str_replace("'", ' ', $pattern); $that = $category->that; $template = $category->template->asXML(); $template = str_replace('<template>', '', $template); $template = str_replace('</template>', '', $template); $aiml_add = str_replace("\r\n", '', $fullCategory); # Strip CRLF from category (windows) $aiml_add = str_replace("\n", '', $aiml_add); # Strip LF from category (mac/*nix) $sql_add = str_replace('[aiml_add]', mysql_real_escape_string($aiml_add), $sql_template); $sql_add = str_replace('[pattern]', $pattern, $sql_add); $sql_add = str_replace('[that]', $that, $sql_add); $sql_add = str_replace('[template]', mysql_real_escape_string($template), $sql_add); $sql_add = str_replace('[topic]', $topic, $sql_add); $sql .= "{$sql_add}"; $rowCount++; if ($rowCount >= 100) { $rowCount = 0; $sql = rtrim($sql, ",\n") . ';'; $success = updateDB($sql) >= 0 ? true : false; $sql = $sql_start; } } } } if (!empty($aiml->category)) { foreach ($aiml->category as $category) { $fullCategory = $category->asXML(); $pattern = $category->pattern; $pattern = str_replace("'", ' ', $pattern); $that = $category->that; $template = $category->template->asXML(); $template = str_replace('<template>', '', $template); $template = str_replace('</template>', '', $template); $aiml_add = str_replace("\r\n", '', $fullCategory); # Strip CRLF from category (windows) $aiml_add = str_replace("\n", '', $aiml_add); # Strip LF from category (mac/*nix) $sql_add = str_replace('[aiml_add]', mysql_real_escape_string($aiml_add), $sql_template); $sql_add = str_replace('[pattern]', $pattern, $sql_add); $sql_add = str_replace('[that]', $that, $sql_add); $sql_add = str_replace('[template]', mysql_real_escape_string($template), $sql_add); $sql_add = str_replace('[topic]', '', $sql_add); $sql .= "{$sql_add}"; $rowCount++; if ($rowCount >= 100) { $rowCount = 0; $sql = rtrim($sql, ",\n") . ';'; $success = updateDB($sql) >= 0 ? true : false; $sql = $sql_start; } } } if ($sql != $sql_start) { $sql = rtrim($sql, ",\n") . ';'; $success = updateDB($sql) >= 0 ? true : false; } $msg = "Successfully added {$fileName} to the database.<br />\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { $success = false; $msg = "There was a problem adding file {$fileName} to the database. Please validate the file and try again.<br >\n"; $msg = libxml_display_errors($msg); } return $msg; }
function doImport($course_code, $webDir, $scoFileSize, $scoFileName, $displayExtraMessages = false) { global $langUnamedPath; global $langFileScormError; global $langNotice; global $langMaxFileSize; global $langNoSpace; global $langOkFileReceived; global $langErrorNoZlibExtension; global $langErrorReadingZipFile; global $langZipNoPhp; global $langErrortExtractingManifest; global $langErrorFileMustBeZip; global $langErrorOpeningManifest; global $langOkManifestFound; global $langErrorReadingManifest; global $langOkManifestRead; global $langErrorAssetNotFound; global $langErrorNoModuleInPackage; global $langErrorSql; global $langOkChapterHeadAdded; global $langUnamedModule; global $langDefaultModuleComment; global $langDefaultModuleAddedComment; global $langOkModuleAdded; global $langOkDefaultTitleUsed; global $langDefaultLearningPathComment; global $langOkDefaultCommentUsed; global $langSuccessOk; global $langError; global $langInstalled; global $langNotInstalled; global $langBack; global $errorFound; global $elementsPile; global $itemsPile; global $manifestData; global $iterator; global $course_code; global $course_id; global $langErrorValidatingManifest; global $urlServer; $pwd = getcwd(); // init msg arays $okMsgs = array(); $errorMsgs = array(); $maxFilledSpace = 100000000; $courseDir = "/courses/" . $course_code . "/scormPackages/"; $tempDir = "/courses/" . $course_code . "/temp/"; $baseWorkDir = $webDir . $courseDir; // path_id $tempWorkDir = $webDir . $tempDir; if (!is_dir($baseWorkDir)) { claro_mkdir($baseWorkDir, CLARO_FILE_PERMISSIONS); } // arrays used to store inserted ids $insertedModule_id = array(); $insertedAsset_id = array(); $lpName = $langUnamedPath; // we need a new path_id for this learning path so we prepare a line in DB // this line will be removed if an error occurs $rankMax = 1 + intval(Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT MAX(`rank`) AS max FROM `lp_learnPath` WHERE `course_id` = ?d", $course_id)->max); $tempPathId = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO `lp_learnPath` (`course_id`, `name`,`visible`,`rank`,`comment`) VALUES (?d, ?s, 0, ?d,'')", $course_id, $lpName, $rankMax)->lastInsertID; $baseWorkDir .= "path_" . $tempPathId; if (!is_dir($baseWorkDir)) { claro_mkdir($baseWorkDir, CLARO_FILE_PERMISSIONS); } // unzip package require_once("include/pclzip/pclzip.lib.php"); /* * Check the file size doesn't exceed * the maximum file size authorized in the directory */ if (!enough_size($scoFileSize, $baseWorkDir, $maxFilledSpace)) { $errorFound = true; array_push($errorMsgs, $langNoSpace); } /* * Unzipping stage */ elseif (preg_match("/.zip$/i", $scoFileName)) { array_push($okMsgs, $langOkFileReceived . basename($scoFileName)); if (!function_exists('gzopen')) { $errorFound = true; array_push($errorMsgs, $langErrorNoZlibExtension); } else { $zipFile = new pclZip($tempWorkDir . $scoFileName); $is_allowedToUnzip = true; // default initialisation // Check the zip content (real size and file extension) $zipContentArray = $zipFile->listContent(); if ($zipContentArray == 0) { $errorFound = true; array_push($errorMsgs, $langErrorReadingZipFile); } $pathToManifest = ""; // empty by default because we can expect that the manifest.xml is in the root of zip file $pathToManifestFound = false; $realFileSize = 0; foreach ($zipContentArray as $thisContent) { if (preg_match('/.(php[[:digit:]]?|phtml)$/i', $thisContent['filename'])) { $errorFound = true; array_push($errorMsgs, $langZipNoPhp); $is_allowedToUnzip = false; break; } if (strtolower(substr($thisContent['filename'], -15)) == "imsmanifest.xml") { // this check exists to find the less deep imsmanifest.xml in the zip if there are several imsmanifest.xml // if this is the first imsmanifest.xml we found OR path to the new manifest found is shorter (less deep) if (!$pathToManifestFound || ( count(explode('/', $thisContent['filename'])) < count(explode('/', $pathToManifest . "imsmanifest.xml")) ) ) { $pathToManifest = substr($thisContent['filename'], 0, -15); $pathToManifestFound = true; } } $realFileSize += $thisContent['size']; } if (!isset($alreadyFilledSpace)) { $alreadyFilledSpace = 0; } if (($realFileSize + $alreadyFilledSpace) > $maxFilledSpace) { // check the real size. $errorFound = true; array_push($errorMsgs, $langNoSpace); $is_allowedToUnzip = false; } if ($is_allowedToUnzip && !$errorFound) { // PHP extraction of zip file using zlib chdir($baseWorkDir); $unzippingState = $zipFile->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_BY_NAME, $pathToManifest . "imsmanifest.xml", PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, '', PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $pathToManifest); if ($unzippingState == 0) { $errorFound = true; array_push($errorMsgs, $langErrortExtractingManifest); } } //end of if ($is_allowedToUnzip) } // end of if (!function_exists... } else { $errorFound = true; array_push($errorMsgs, $langErrorFileMustBeZip . ": " . basename($scoFileName)); } // find xmlmanifest (must be in root else ==> cancel operation, delete files) // parse xml manifest to find : // package name - learning path name // SCO list // start asset path if (!$errorFound) { $elementsPile = array(); // array used to remember where we are in the arborescence of the XML file $itemsPile = array(); // array used to remember parents items // declaration of global arrays used for extracting needed info from manifest for the new modules/SCO $manifestData = array(); // for global data of the learning path $manifestData['items'] = array(); // item tags content (attributes + some child elements data (title for an example) $manifestData['scos'] = array(); // for path of start asset id of each new module to create $iterator = 0; // will be used to increment position of paths in manifestData['scosPaths"] // and to have the names at the same pos if found //$xml_parser = xml_parser_create(); $xml_parser = xml_parser_create('utf-8'); xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement"); xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "elementData"); // this file has to exist in a SCORM conformant package // this file must be in the root the sent zip $file = "imsmanifest.xml"; if (!($fp = @fopen($file, "r"))) { $errorFound = true; array_push($errorMsgs, $langErrorOpeningManifest); } else { if (!isset($manifestPath)) { $manifestPath = ""; } array_push($okMsgs, $langOkManifestFound . $manifestPath . "imsmanifest.xml"); while ($data = str_replace("\n", "", fread($fp, 4096))) { // fix for fread breaking thing // msg from "ml at csite dot com" 02-Jul-2003 02:29 on // preg expression has been modified to match tag with inner attributes if (!isset($cache)) { $cache = ""; } $data = $cache . $data; if (!feof($fp)) { // search fo opening, closing, empty tags (with or without attributes) if (preg_match_all("/<[^\>]*.>/", $data, $regs)) { $lastTagname = $regs[0][count($regs[0]) - 1]; $split = false; for ($i = strlen($data) - strlen($lastTagname); $i >= strlen($lastTagname); $i--) { if ($lastTagname == substr($data, $i, strlen($lastTagname))) { $cache = substr($data, $i, strlen($data)); $data = substr($data, 0, $i); $split = true; break; } } } if (!$split) { $cache = $data; } } // end of fix if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp))) { // if reading of the xml file in not successfull : // set errorFound, set error msg, break while statement $errorFound = true; array_push($errorMsgs, $langErrorReadingManifest); // Since manifest.xml cannot be parsed, test versus IMS CP 1.4.4 XSD (compatible with all SCORM packages as well) require_once 'include/validateXML.php'; libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $xml = new DOMDocument(); $xml->load($manifestPath."imsmanifest.xml"); if (!$xml->schemaValidate($urlServer . 'modules/learnPath/export/imscp_v1p2.xsd')) { $messages = libxml_display_errors(); array_push($errorMsgs, $langErrorValidatingManifest . $messages); } break; } } // close file fclose($fp); } // liberate parser ressources xml_parser_free($xml_parser); } //if (!$errorFound) // check if all starts assets files exist in the zip file if (!$errorFound) { array_push($okMsgs, $langOkManifestRead); if (sizeof($manifestData['items']) > 0) { // if there is items in manifest we look for sco type resources referenced in idientifierref foreach ($manifestData['items'] as $item) { if (!isset($item['identifierref']) || $item['identifierref'] == '') { break; // skip if no ressource reference in item (item is probably a chapter head) } // find the file in the zip file $scoPathFound = false; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($zipContentArray); $i++) { if (isset($manifestData['scos'][$item['identifierref']]['xml:base'])) { $extraPath = $manifestData['scos'][$item['identifierref']]['xml:base']; } else if (isset($manifestData['assets'][$item['identifierref']]['xml:base'])) { $extraPath = $manifestData['assets'][$item['identifierref']]['xml:base']; } else { $extraPath = ""; } if (isset($zipContentArray[$i]["filename"]) && ( ( isset($manifestData['scos'][$item['identifierref']]['href']) && $zipContentArray[$i]["filename"] == $pathToManifest . $extraPath . $manifestData['scos'][$item['identifierref']]['href']) || (isset($manifestData['assets'][$item['identifierref']]['href']) && $zipContentArray[$i]["filename"] == $pathToManifest . $extraPath . $manifestData['assets'][$item['identifierref']]['href']) ) ) { $scoPathFound = true; break; } } if (!$scoPathFound) { $errorFound = true; array_push($errorMsgs, $langErrorAssetNotFound . $manifestData['scos'][$item['identifierref']]['href']); break; } } } //if (sizeof ...) elseif (sizeof($manifestData['scos']) > 0) { // if there ie no items in the manifest file // check for scos in resources foreach ($manifestData['scos'] as $sco) { // find the file in the zip file // create a fake item so that the rest of the procedure (add infos of in db) can remains the same $manifestData['items'][$sco['href']]['identifierref'] = $sco['href']; $manifestData['items'][$sco['href']]['parameters'] = ''; $manifestData['items'][$sco['href']]['isvisible'] = "true"; $manifestData['items'][$sco['href']]['title'] = $sco['title']; $manifestData['items'][$sco['href']]['description'] = $sco['description']; $manifestData['items'][$attributes['IDENTIFIER']]['parent'] = 0; $scoPathFound = false; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($zipContentArray); $i++) { if ($zipContentArray[$i]["filename"] == $sco['href']) { $scoPathFound = true; break; } } if (!$scoPathFound) { $errorFound = true; array_push($errorMsgs, $langErrorAssetNotFound . $sco['href']); break; } } } // if sizeof (...ΰ else { $errorFound = true; array_push($errorMsgs, $langErrorNoModuleInPackage); } }// if errorFound // unzip all files // && // insert corresponding entries in database if (!$errorFound) { // PHP extraction of zip file using zlib chdir($baseWorkDir); // PCLZIP_OPT_PATH is the path where files will be extracted ( '' ) // PLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH suppress a part of the path of the file ( $pathToManifest ) // the result is that the manifest is in th eroot of the path_# directory and all files will have a path related to the root $unzippingState = $zipFile->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, '', PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $pathToManifest); // insert informations in DB : // - 1 learning path ( already added because we needed its id to create the package directory ) // - n modules // - n asset as start asset of modules if (sizeof($manifestData['items']) == 0) { $errorFound = true; array_push($errorMsgs, $langErrorNoModuleInPackage); } else { $i = 0; $insertedLPMid = array(); // array of learnPath_module_id && order of related group $inRootRank = 1; // default rank for root module (parent == 0) foreach ($manifestData['items'] as $item) { if (isset($item['parent']) && isset($insertedLPMid[$item['parent']])) { $parent = $insertedLPMid[$item['parent']]['LPMid']; $rank = $insertedLPMid[$item['parent']]['rank'] ++; } else { $parent = 0; $rank = $inRootRank++; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // add chapter head //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((!isset($item['identifierref']) || $item['identifierref'] == '') && isset($item['title']) && $item['title'] != '') { // add title as a module $chapterTitle = $item['title']; // array of all inserted module ids $insertedModule_id[$i] = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO `lp_module` (`course_id`, `name`, `comment`, `contentType`, `launch_data`) VALUES (?d, ?s, '', ?s,'')", $course_id, $chapterTitle, CTLABEL_)->lastInsertID; if (!$insertedModule_id[$i]) { $errorFound = true; array_push($errorMsgs, $langErrorSql); break; } // visibility if (isset($item['isvisible']) && $item['isvisible'] != '') { $visibility = ($item['isvisible'] == "true") ? 1 : 0; } else { $visibility = 1; // IMS consider that the default value of 'isvisible' is true } // add title module in the learning path // finally : insert in learning path // get the inserted id of the learnPath_module rel to allow 'parent' link in next inserts $insertedLPMid[$item['itemIdentifier']]['LPMid'] = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO `lp_rel_learnPath_module` (`learnPath_id`, `module_id`,`rank`, `visible`, `parent`) VALUES (?d, ?d, ?d, ?d, ?d)", $tempPathId, $insertedModule_id[$i], $rank, $visibility, $parent)->lastInsertID; $insertedLPMid[$item['itemIdentifier']]['rank'] = 1; if (!$insertedLPMid[$item['itemIdentifier']]['LPMid']) { $errorFound = true; array_push($errorMsgs, $langErrorSql); break; } if (!$errorFound) { array_push($okMsgs, $langOkChapterHeadAdded . "<i>" . $chapterTitle . "</i>"); } $i++; continue; } // use found title of module or use default title if (!isset($item['title']) || $item['title'] == '') { $moduleName = $langUnamedModule; } else { $moduleName = $item['title']; } // set description as comment or default comment // look fo description in item description or in sco (resource) description // don't remember why I checked for parameters string ... so comment it if ((!isset($item['description']) || $item['description'] == '' ) && (!isset($manifestData['scos'][$item['identifierref']]['description']) /* || $manifestData['scos'][$item['identifierref']]['parameters'] == '' */ ) ) { $description = $langDefaultModuleComment; } else { if (isset($item['description']) && $item['description'] != '') { $description = $item['description']; } else { $description = $manifestData['scos'][$item['identifierref']]['description']; } } // insert modules and their start asset // create new module if (!isset($item['datafromlms'])) { $item['datafromlms'] = ""; } // elegxoume an to contentType prepei na einai scorm h asset if (isset($manifestData['scos'][$item['identifierref']]['contentTypeFlag']) && $manifestData['scos'][$item['identifierref']]['contentTypeFlag'] == CTSCORMASSET_) { $contentType = CTSCORMASSET_; } else { $contentType = CTSCORM_; } // array of all inserted module ids $insertedModule_id[$i] = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO `lp_module` (`course_id`, `name`, `comment`, `contentType`, `launch_data`) VALUES (?d, ?s, ?s, ?s, ?s)", $course_id, $moduleName, $description, $contentType, $item['datafromlms'])->lastInsertID; if (!$insertedModule_id[$i]) { $errorFound = true; array_push($errorMsgs, $langErrorSql); break; } // build asset path // a $manifestData['scos'][$item['identifierref']] __SHOULD__ not exist if a $manifestData['assets'][$item['identifierref']] exists // so according to IMS we can say that one is empty if the other is filled, so we concat them without more verification than if the var exists. // suppress notices if (!isset($manifestData['xml:base']['manifest'])) { $manifestData['xml:base']['manifest'] = ""; } if (!isset($manifestData['xml:base']['ressources'])) { $manifestData['xml:base']['ressources'] = ""; } if (!isset($manifestData['scos'][$item['identifierref']]['href'])) { $manifestData['scos'][$item['identifierref']]['href'] = ""; } if (!isset($manifestData['assets'][$item['identifierref']]['href'])) { $manifestData['assets'][$item['identifierref']]['href'] = ""; } if (!isset($manifestData['scos'][$item['identifierref']]['parameters'])) { $manifestData['scos'][$item['identifierref']]['parameters'] = ""; } if (!isset($manifestData['assets'][$item['identifierref']]['parameters'])) { $manifestData['assets'][$item['identifierref']]['parameters'] = ""; } if (!isset($manifestData['items'][$item['itemIdentifier']]['parameters'])) { $manifestData['items'][$item['itemIdentifier']]['parameters'] = ""; } if (isset($manifestData['scos'][$item['identifierref']]['xml:base'])) { $extraPath = $manifestData['scos'][$item['identifierref']]['xml:base']; } else if (isset($manifestData['assets'][$item['identifierref']]['xml:base'])) { $extraPath = $manifestData['assets'][$item['identifierref']]['xml:base']; } else { $extraPath = ""; } $assetPath = "/" . $manifestData['xml:base']['manifest'] . $manifestData['xml:base']['ressources'] . $extraPath . $manifestData['scos'][$item['identifierref']]['href'] . $manifestData['assets'][$item['identifierref']]['href'] . $manifestData['scos'][$item['identifierref']]['parameters'] . $manifestData['assets'][$item['identifierref']]['parameters'] . $manifestData['items'][$item['itemIdentifier']]['parameters']; // create new asset // array of all inserted asset ids $insertedAsset_id[$i] = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO `lp_asset` (`path` , `module_id` , `comment`) VALUES (?s, ?d, '')", $assetPath, $insertedModule_id[$i])->lastInsertID; if (!$insertedAsset_id[$i]) { $errorFound = true; array_push($errorMsgs, $langErrorSql); break; } // update of module with correct start asset id Database::get()->query("UPDATE `lp_module` SET `startAsset_id` = ?d WHERE `module_id` = ?d AND `course_id` = ?d", $insertedAsset_id[$i], $insertedModule_id[$i], $course_id); // visibility if (isset($item['isvisible']) && $item['isvisible'] != '') { ( $item['isvisible'] == "true" ) ? $visibility = 1 : $visibility = 0; } else { $visibility = 1; // IMS consider that the default value of 'isvisible' is true } // finally : insert in learning path // get the inserted id of the learnPath_module rel to allow 'parent' link in next inserts $insertedLPMid[$item['itemIdentifier']]['LPMid'] = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO `lp_rel_learnPath_module` (`learnPath_id`, `module_id`, `specificComment`, `rank`, `visible`, `lock`, `parent`) VALUES (?d, ?d, ?s, ?d, ?d, 'OPEN', ?d)", $tempPathId, $insertedModule_id[$i], $langDefaultModuleAddedComment, $rank, $visibility, $parent)->lastInsertID; $insertedLPMid[$item['itemIdentifier']]['rank'] = 1; if (!$insertedLPMid[$item['itemIdentifier']]['LPMid']) { $errorFound = true; array_push($errorMsgs, $langErrorSql); break; } if (!$errorFound) { array_push($okMsgs, $langOkModuleAdded . "<i>" . $moduleName . "</i>"); } $i++; }//foreach } // if sizeof($manifestData['items'] == 0 ) } // if errorFound // last step // - delete all added files/directories/records in db // or // - update the learning path record if ($errorFound) { // delete all database entries of this "module" // delete modules and assets (build query) // delete assets $sqlDelAssets = "DELETE FROM `lp_asset` WHERE 1 = 0"; foreach ($insertedAsset_id as $insertedAsset) { $sqlDelAssets .= " OR `asset_id` = " . intval($insertedAsset); } Database::get()->query($sqlDelAssets); // delete modules $sqlDelModules = "DELETE FROM `lp_module` WHERE 1 = 0"; foreach ($insertedModule_id as $insertedModule) { $sqlDelModules .= " OR ( `module_id` = " . intval($insertedModule) . " AND `course_id` = " . intval($course_id) . " )"; } Database::get()->query($sqlDelModules); // delete learningPath_module Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM `lp_rel_learnPath_module` WHERE `learnPath_id` = ?d", $tempPathId); // delete learning path Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM `lp_learnPath` WHERE `learnPath_id` = ?d AND `course_id` = ?d", $tempPathId, $course_id); // delete the directory (and files) of this learning path and all its content claro_delete_file($baseWorkDir); } else { // finalize insertion : update the empty learning path insert that was made to find its id $rankMax = 1 + intval(Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT MAX(`rank`) AS max FROM `lp_learnPath` WHERE `course_id` = ?d", $course_id)->max); if (isset($manifestData['packageTitle'])) { $lpName = $manifestData['packageTitle']; } else { array_push($okMsgs, $langOkDefaultTitleUsed); } if (isset($manifestData['packageDesc'])) { $lpComment = $manifestData['packageDesc']; } else { $lpComment = $langDefaultLearningPathComment; array_push($okMsgs, $langOkDefaultCommentUsed); } Database::get()->query("UPDATE `lp_learnPath` SET `rank` = ?d, `name` = ?s, `comment` = ?s, `visible` = 1 WHERE `learnPath_id` = ?d AND `course_id` = ?d", $rankMax, $lpName, $lpComment, $tempPathId, $course_id); } /* -------------------------------------- status messages -------------------------------------- */ $importMessages = "\n<p>\n"; //$importMessages .= "<!-- Messages -->"; foreach ($okMsgs as $msg) { $importMessages .= "\n<b>[</b><span class=\"correct\">$langSuccessOk</span><b>]</b> " . $msg . "<br />"; } foreach ($errorMsgs as $msg) { $importMessages .= "\n<b>[</b><span class=\"error\">$langError</span><b>]</b> " . $msg . "<br />"; } $importMessages .= "\n\n"; //$importMessages .= "<!-- End messages -->"; // installation completed or not message if (!$errorFound) { $importMessages .= "\n<br /><center><b>" . $langInstalled . "</b></center>"; if ($displayExtraMessages == true) { $importMessages .= "\n<br /><br ><center><a href=\"learningPathAdmin.php?course=$course_code&path_id=" . $tempPathId . "\">" . $lpName . "</a></center>"; } $importMessages .= "\n<br /><br >"; } else { $importMessages .= "\n<br /><center><b>" . $langNotInstalled . "</b></center>"; } //$importMessages .= "\n<br /><a href=\"index.php?course=$course_code\">$langBack</a></p>"; $importMessages .= "\n<br /></p>"; chdir($pwd); return array($importMessages, $tempPathId); }