Esempio n. 1
  * Print a standard lesson heading.
  * This will also print up to three
  * buttons in the breadcrumb, lesson heading
  * lesson tabs, lesson notifications and perhaps
  * a popup with a media file.
  * @return void
 function print_header($title = '', $morenavlinks = array())
     global $CFG;
     /// Variable setup/check
     $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $this->modulerecord->id);
     $activityname = format_string($this->activityrecord->name);
     if ($this->lessonpageid === NULL) {
         error('Programmer error: must set the lesson page ID');
     if (empty($title)) {
         $title = "{$this->courserecord->shortname}: {$activityname}";
     /// Build the buttons
     if (has_capability('mod/lesson:edit', $context)) {
         $buttons = '<span class="edit_buttons">' . update_module_button($this->modulerecord->id, $this->courserecord->id, get_string('modulename', 'lesson'));
         if (!empty($this->lessonpageid) and $this->lessonpageid != LESSON_EOL) {
             $buttons .= '<form ' . $CFG->frametarget . ' method="get" action="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/lesson/lesson.php">' . '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $this->modulerecord->id . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="editpage" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="navigation" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="pageid" value="' . $this->lessonpageid . '" />' . '<input type="submit" value="' . get_string('editpagecontent', 'lesson') . '" />' . '</form>';
             if (!empty($CFG->showblocksonmodpages) and $this->user_allowed_editing()) {
                 if ($this->user_is_editing()) {
                     $onoff = 'off';
                 } else {
                     $onoff = 'on';
                 $buttons .= '<form ' . $CFG->frametarget . ' method="get" action="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/lesson/view.php">' . '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $this->modulerecord->id . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="pageid" value="' . $this->lessonpageid . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="edit" value="' . $onoff . '" />' . '<input type="submit" value="' . get_string("blocksedit{$onoff}") . '" />
         $buttons .= '</span>';
     } else {
         $buttons = '&nbsp;';
     /// Build the meta
     /// Currently broken because the $meta is printed before the JavaScript is printed
     // if (!optional_param('pageid', 0, PARAM_INT) and !empty($this->activityrecord->mediafile)) {
     //     // open our pop-up
     //     $url = '/mod/lesson/mediafile.php?id='.$this->modulerecord->id;
     //     $name = 'lessonmediafile';
     //     $options = 'menubar=0,location=0,left=5,top=5,scrollbars,resizable,width='. $this->activityrecord->mediawidth .',height='. $this->activityrecord->mediaheight;
     //     $meta = "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">";
     //     $meta .= "\n<!--\n";
     //     $meta .= "     openpopup('$url', '$name', '$options', 0);";
     //     $meta .= "\n// -->\n";
     //     $meta .= '</script>';
     // } else {
     $meta = '';
     // }
     $navigation = build_navigation($morenavlinks, $this->modulerecord);
     print_header($title, $this->courserecord->fullname, $navigation, '', $meta, true, $buttons, user_login_string($this->courserecord) . '<hr style="width:95%">' . navmenu($this->courserecord, $this->modulerecord));
     if (has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) {
         print_heading_with_help($activityname, 'overview', 'lesson');
         // Rename our objects for the sake of the tab code
         list($cm, $course, $lesson, $currenttab) = array(&$this->modulerecord, &$this->courserecord, &$this->activityrecord, 'view');
         include $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/lesson/tabs.php';
     } else {
Esempio n. 2
 * Print the standard header for lesson module
 * This will also print up to three
 * buttons in the breadcrumb, lesson heading
 * lesson tabs, lesson notifications and perhaps
 * a popup with a media file.
 * @param object $cm Course module record object
 * @param object $course Course record object
 * @param object $lesson Lesson record object
 * @param string $currenttab Current tab for the lesson tabs
 * @param boolean $extraeditbuttons Show the extra edit buttons next to the 'Update this lesson' button.
 * @param integer $lessonpageid if $extraeditbuttons is true then you must pass the page id here.
function lesson_print_header($cm, $course, $lesson, $currenttab = '', $extraeditbuttons = false, $lessonpageid = NULL)
    global $CFG, $PAGE, $OUTPUT;
    $activityname = format_string($lesson->name, true, $course->id);
    if (empty($title)) {
        $title = "{$course->shortname}: {$activityname}";
    /// Build the buttons
    $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
    if (has_capability('mod/lesson:edit', $context)) {
        $buttons = update_module_button($cm->id, $course->id, get_string('modulename', 'lesson'));
        if ($extraeditbuttons) {
            if ($lessonpageid === NULL) {
                print_error('invalidpageid', 'lesson');
            if (!empty($lessonpageid) and $lessonpageid != LESSON_EOL) {
                $buttons .= '<form ' . $CFG->frametarget . ' method="get" action="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/lesson/lesson.php">' . '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $cm->id . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="editpage" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="navigation" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="pageid" value="' . $lessonpageid . '" />' . '<input type="submit" value="' . get_string('editpagecontent', 'lesson') . '" />' . '</form>';
            $buttons = '<span class="edit_buttons">' . $buttons . '</span>';
    } else {
        $buttons = '&nbsp;';
    /// Header setup
    $navigation = build_navigation(array(), $cm);
    print_header($title, $course->fullname, $navigation, '', '', true, $buttons, navmenu($course, $cm));
    if (has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) {
        print_heading_with_help($activityname, 'overview', 'lesson');
        if (!empty($currenttab)) {
            include $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/lesson/tabs.php';
    } else {
        echo $OUTPUT->heading($activityname);
Esempio n. 3
 * Print the standard header for lesson module
 * @uses $CFG
 * @uses $USER
 * @param object $cm Course module record object
 * @param object $course Couse record object
 * @param object $lesson Lesson module record object
 * @param string $currenttab Current tab for the lesson tabs
 * @return boolean
function lesson_print_header($cm, $course, $lesson, $currenttab = '')
    global $CFG, $USER;
    $strlesson = get_string('modulename', 'lesson');
    $strname = format_string($lesson->name, true, $course->id);
    $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
    if (has_capability('mod/lesson:edit', $context)) {
        $button = update_module_button($cm->id, $course->id, $strlesson);
    } else {
        $button = '';
    /// Header setup
    $navigation = build_navigation('', $cm);
    /// Print header, heading, tabs and messages
    print_header("{$course->shortname}: {$strname}", $course->fullname, $navigation, '', '', true, $button, user_login_string($course) . '<hr style="width:95%">' . navmenu($course, $cm));
    if (has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) {
        print_heading_with_help($strname, "overview", "lesson");
        if (!empty($currenttab)) {
            include $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/lesson/tabs.php';
    } else {
    return true;
Esempio n. 4
 * Print the standard header for lesson module
 * This will also print up to three
 * buttons in the breadcrumb, lesson heading
 * lesson tabs, lesson notifications and perhaps
 * a popup with a media file.
 * @param object $cm Course module record object
 * @param object $course Course record object
 * @param object $lesson Lesson record object
 * @param string $currenttab Current tab for the lesson tabs
 * @param boolean $extraeditbuttons Show the extra edit buttons next to the 'Update this lesson' button.
 * @param integer $lessonpageid if $extraeditbuttons is true then you must pass the page id here.
function lesson_print_header($cm, $course, $lesson, $currenttab = '', $extraeditbuttons = false, $lessonpageid = NULL)
    global $CFG, $PAGE;
    // Note: MDL-19010 there will be further changes to printing header and blocks.
    // The code will be much nicer than this eventually.
    $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
    $activityname = format_string($lesson->name, true, $course->id);
    $strlesson = get_string('modulename', 'lesson');
    if (empty($title)) {
        $title = "{$course->shortname}: {$activityname}";
    /// Build the buttons
    if (has_capability('mod/lesson:edit', $context)) {
        $buttons = update_module_button($cm->id, $course->id, $strlesson);
        if ($extraeditbuttons) {
            if ($lessonpageid === NULL) {
                print_error('invalidpageid', 'lesson');
            if (!empty($lessonpageid) and $lessonpageid != LESSON_EOL) {
                $buttons .= '<form ' . $CFG->frametarget . ' method="get" action="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/lesson/lesson.php">' . '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $cm->id . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="editpage" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="navigation" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="pageid" value="' . $lessonpageid . '" />' . '<input type="submit" value="' . get_string('editpagecontent', 'lesson') . '" />' . '</form>';
                if (!empty($CFG->showblocksonmodpages) and $PAGE->user_allowed_editing()) {
                    if ($PAGE->user_is_editing()) {
                        $onoff = 'off';
                    } else {
                        $onoff = 'on';
                    $buttons .= '<form ' . $CFG->frametarget . ' method="get" action="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/lesson/view.php">' . '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $cm->id . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="pageid" value="' . $lessonpageid . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="edit" value="' . $onoff . '" />' . '<input type="submit" value="' . get_string("blocksedit{$onoff}") . '" />
            $buttons = '<span class="edit_buttons">' . $buttons . '</span>';
    } else {
        $buttons = '&nbsp;';
    /// Header setup
    $navigation = build_navigation(array(), $cm);
    print_header($title, $course->fullname, $navigation, '', '', true, $buttons, navmenu($course, $cm));
    if (has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) {
        print_heading_with_help($activityname, 'overview', 'lesson');
        if (!empty($currenttab)) {
            include $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/lesson/tabs.php';
    } else {
Esempio n. 5
 * Print the standard header for lesson module
 * @uses $CFG
 * @uses $USER
 * @param object $cm Course module record object
 * @param object $course Couse record object
 * @param object $lesson Lesson module record object
 * @param string $currenttab Current tab for the lesson tabs
 * @return boolean
function lesson_print_header($cm, $course, $lesson, $currenttab = '')
    global $CFG, $USER;
    $strlessons = get_string('modulenameplural', 'lesson');
    $strlesson = get_string('modulename', 'lesson');
    $strname = format_string($lesson->name, true, $course->id);
    $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
    // Changed the update_module_button and added another button when a teacher is checking the navigation of the lesson
    if (has_capability('mod/lesson:edit', $context)) {
        $button = '<span class="edit_buttons">';
        $button .= update_module_button($cm->id, $course->id, $strlesson);
        if ($currenttab == 'view') {
            if (!($pageid = optional_param('pageid', 0, PARAM_INT))) {
                $pageid = get_field('lesson_pages', 'id', 'lessonid', $lesson->id, 'prevpageid', 0);
            if (!empty($pageid) and $pageid != LESSON_EOL) {
                $button .= '<form ' . $CFG->frametarget . ' method="get" action="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/lesson/lesson.php">' . '<div>' . '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $cm->id . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="editpage" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="navigation" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="pageid" value="' . $pageid . '" />' . '<input type="submit" value="' . get_string('editpagecontent', 'lesson') . '" />' . '</div>' . '</form>';
        $button .= '</span>';
    } else {
        $button = '';
    if (!optional_param('pageid', 0, PARAM_INT) and !empty($lesson->mediafile)) {
        // open our pop-up
        $url = '/mod/lesson/mediafile.php?id=' . $cm->id;
        $name = 'lessonmediafile';
        $options = 'menubar=0,location=0,left=5,top=5,scrollbars,resizable,width=' . $lesson->mediawidth . ',height=' . $lesson->mediaheight;
        $meta = "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">";
        $meta .= "\n<!--\n";
        $meta .= "     openpopup('{$url}', '{$name}', '{$options}', 0);";
        $meta .= "\n-->\n";
        $meta .= '</script>';
    } else {
        $meta = '';
    /// Header setup
    $navigation = array();
    if ($course->id != SITEID) {
        $navigation[$course->shortname] = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/course/view.php?id={$course->id}";
    $navigation[$strlessons] = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/lesson/index.php?id={$course->id}";
    $navigation[$strname] = '';
    $urls = array();
    foreach ($navigation as $text => $href) {
        if (empty($href)) {
            $urls[] = $text;
        } else {
            $urls[] = '<a href="' . $href . '">' . $text . '</a>';
    $breadcrumb = implode(' -> ', $urls);
    /// Print header, heading, tabs and messages
    print_header("{$course->shortname}: {$strname}", $course->fullname, $breadcrumb, '', $meta, true, $button, navmenu($course, $cm));
    if (has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) {
        print_heading_with_help($strname, "overview", "lesson");
    } else {
    if (!empty($currenttab) and has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) {
        include $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/lesson/tabs.php';
    return true;
Esempio n. 6
 * Print the standard header for lesson module
 * @uses $CFG
 * @uses $USER
 * @param object $cm Course module record object
 * @param object $course Couse record object
 * @param object $lesson Lesson module record object
 * @param string $currenttab Current tab for the lesson tabs
 * @return boolean
function lesson_print_header($cm, $course, $lesson, $currenttab = '')
    global $CFG, $USER;
    $strlessons = get_string('modulenameplural', 'lesson');
    $strlesson = get_string('modulename', 'lesson');
    $strname = format_string($lesson->name, true);
    $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
    if (has_capability('mod/lesson:edit', $context)) {
        $button = update_module_button($cm->id, $course->id, $strlesson);
    } else {
        $button = '';
    /// Header setup
    $navlinks = array();
    $navlinks[] = array('name' => $strlessons, 'link' => "{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/lesson/index.php?id={$course->id}", 'type' => 'activity');
    $navlinks[] = array('name' => $strname, 'link' => '', 'type' => 'activityinstance');
    $navigation = build_navigation($navlinks);
    /// Print header, heading, tabs and messages
    print_header("{$course->shortname}: {$strname}", $course->fullname, $navigation, '', '', true, $button, navmenu($course, $cm));
    if (has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) {
        print_heading_with_help(format_string($lesson->name, true), "overview", "lesson");
        if (!empty($currenttab)) {
            include $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/lesson/tabs.php';
    } else {
        print_heading(format_string($lesson->name, true));
    return true;