function last_names() { global $dbh, $tree_id, $language, $user, $humo_option, $uri_path; /* $personqry="SELECT pers_lastname, pers_prefix, CONCAT(pers_prefix,pers_lastname) as long_name, count(pers_lastname) as count_last_names FROM humo_persons WHERE pers_tree_id='".$tree_id."' AND pers_lastname NOT LIKE '' GROUP BY long_name ORDER BY count_last_names DESC LIMIT 0,10"; $person=$dbh->query($personqry); while (@$personDb=$person->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)){ // *** No & character in $_GET, replace to: | !!! $last_names[]=$personDb->pers_lastname; $pers_prefix[]=$personDb->pers_prefix; $count_last_names[]=$personDb->count_last_names; } //echo __('Most frequent surnames:')."<br>"; echo '<div id="most_frequent_names">'.__('Most frequent surnames:')."<br>"; for ($i=0; $i<@count($last_names); $i++){ $top_pers_lastname=''; if ($pers_prefix[$i]){ $top_pers_lastname=str_replace("_", " ", $pers_prefix[$i]); } $top_pers_lastname.=$last_names[$i]; if (CMS_SPECIFIC=='Joomla'){ $path_tmp='index.php?option=com_humo-gen&task=list&database='.$_SESSION['tree_prefix']; } else{ $path_tmp=CMS_ROOTPATH.'list.php?database='.$_SESSION['tree_prefix']; } if ($user['group_kindindex']=="j"){ echo '<a href="'.$path_tmp.'&pers_lastname='. str_replace("_", " ", $pers_prefix[$i]).str_replace("&", "|", $last_names[$i]); } else{ $top_pers_lastname=$last_names[$i]; if ($pers_prefix[$i]){ $top_pers_lastname.=', '.str_replace("_", " ", $pers_prefix[$i]); } echo '<a href="'.$path_tmp.'&pers_lastname='. str_replace("&", "|", $last_names[$i]); if ($pers_prefix[$i]){ //echo '&pers_prefix='.addslashes($pers_prefix[$i]); echo '&pers_prefix='.$pers_prefix[$i]; } else{ echo '&pers_prefix=EMPTY'; } } echo '&part_lastname=equals">'.$top_pers_lastname."</a>"; echo " (".$count_last_names[$i].")"; if ($i<count($last_names)-1){ echo ' / '; } } echo '</div>'; */ global $maxcols; // MAIN SETTINGS $maxcols = 3; // number of name&nr colums in table. For example 3 means 3x name col + nr col $maxnames = 9; //$table2_width="500"; function tablerow($nr, $lastcol = false) { // displays one set of name & nr column items in the row // $nr is the array number of the name set created in function last_names // if $lastcol is set to true, the last right border of the number column will not be made thicker (as the other ones are to distinguish between the name&nr sets) global $user, $freq_last_names, $freq_pers_prefix, $freq_count_last_names; if (CMS_SPECIFIC == 'Joomla') { $path_tmp = 'index.php?option=com_humo-gen&task=list&database=' . $_SESSION['tree_prefix']; } else { $path_tmp = CMS_ROOTPATH . 'list.php?database=' . $_SESSION['tree_prefix']; } echo '<td class="namelst">'; if (isset($freq_last_names[$nr])) { $top_pers_lastname = ''; if ($freq_pers_prefix[$nr]) { $top_pers_lastname = str_replace("_", " ", $freq_pers_prefix[$nr]); } $top_pers_lastname .= $freq_last_names[$nr]; if ($user['group_kindindex'] == "j") { echo '<a href="' . $path_tmp . '&pers_lastname=' . str_replace("_", " ", $freq_pers_prefix[$nr]) . str_replace("&", "|", $freq_last_names[$nr]); } else { $top_pers_lastname = $freq_last_names[$nr]; if ($freq_pers_prefix[$nr]) { $top_pers_lastname .= ', ' . str_replace("_", " ", $freq_pers_prefix[$nr]); } echo '<a href="' . $path_tmp . '&pers_lastname=' . str_replace("&", "|", $freq_last_names[$nr]); if ($freq_pers_prefix[$nr]) { echo '&pers_prefix=' . $freq_pers_prefix[$nr]; } else { echo '&pers_prefix=EMPTY'; } } echo '&part_lastname=equals">' . $top_pers_lastname . "</a>"; } else { echo '~'; } echo '</td>'; if ($lastcol == false) { echo '<td class="namenr" style="text-align:center;border-right-width:3px">'; } else { echo '</td><td class="namenr" style="text-align:center">'; } // no thick border if (isset($freq_last_names[$nr])) { echo $freq_count_last_names[$nr]; } else { echo '~'; } echo '</td>'; } function last_names($max) { global $dbh, $tree_id, $language, $user, $humo_option, $uri_path, $freq_last_names, $freq_pers_prefix, $freq_count_last_names, $maxcols; $personqry = "SELECT pers_lastname, pers_prefix,\n\t\t\t\tCONCAT(pers_prefix,pers_lastname) as long_name, count(pers_lastname) as count_last_names\n\t\t\t\tFROM humo_persons\n\t\t\t\tWHERE pers_tree_id='" . $tree_id . "' AND pers_lastname NOT LIKE ''\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY long_name ORDER BY count_last_names DESC LIMIT 0," . $max; $person = $dbh->query($personqry); while (@($personDb = $person->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ))) { $freq_last_names[] = $personDb->pers_lastname; $freq_pers_prefix[] = $personDb->pers_prefix; $freq_count_last_names[] = $personDb->count_last_names; } $row = round(count($freq_last_names) / $maxcols); for ($i = 0; $i < $row; $i++) { echo '<tr>'; for ($n = 0; $n < $maxcols; $n++) { if ($n == $maxcols - 1) { tablerow($i + $row * $n, true); // last col } else { tablerow($i + $row * $n); // other cols } } echo '</tr>'; } return $freq_count_last_names[0]; } echo __('Most frequent surnames:') . "<br>"; //echo '<table width=500 class="humo nametbl" align="center">'; echo '<table width="90%" class="humo nametbl" align="center">'; echo '<tr class=table_headline>'; $col_width = round(100 / $maxcols) - 6 . "%"; for ($x = 1; $x < $maxcols; $x++) { echo '<td width="' . $col_width . '"><b>' . __('Name') . '</b></td><td style="border-right-width:3px;width:6%"><b>' . __('Total') . '</b></td>'; } echo '<td width="' . $col_width . '"><b>' . __('Name') . '</b></td><td width:6%"><b>' . __('Total') . '</b></td>'; echo '</tr>'; $baseperc = last_names($maxnames); // displays the table and sets the $baseperc (= the name with highest frequency that will be 100%) //echo '<tr><td colspan="2" style="border-right-width:3px;"><a href="javascript:;""frequent_surnames.php","","width=970,height=600,top=40,left=60,scrollbars=yes");>'.__('More frequent surnames').'</a></td>'; echo '<tr class=table_headline><td colspan="2" style="border-right-width:3px;"><a href="' . CMS_ROOTPATH . 'statistics.php?menu_tab=stats_surnames">' . __('More frequent surnames') . '</a></td>'; //echo '<td colspan="2" style="border-right-width:3px;"><a href="javascript:;""frequent_firstnames.php","","width=1050,height=600,top=50,left=60,scrollbars=yes");>'. //__('Frequent first names').'</a></td>'; echo '<td colspan="2" style="border-right-width:3px;"><a href="' . CMS_ROOTPATH . 'statistics.php?menu_tab=stats_firstnames">' . __('Frequent first names') . '</a></td>'; echo '<td colspan="2"><a href="' . CMS_ROOTPATH . 'statistics.php">' . __('Statistics') . '</a></td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo ' <script> var tbl = document.getElementsByClassName("nametbl")[0]; var rws = tbl.rows; var baseperc = ' . $baseperc . '; for(var i = 0; i < rws.length; i ++) { var tbs = rws[i].getElementsByClassName("namenr"); var nms = rws[i].getElementsByClassName("namelst"); for(var x = 0; x < tbs.length; x ++) { var percentage = parseInt(tbs[x].innerHTML, 10); percentage = (percentage * 100)/baseperc; if(percentage > 0.1) { nms[x].style.backgroundImage= "url(images/lightgray.png)"; nms[x].style.backgroundSize = percentage + "%" + " 100%"; nms[x].style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; nms[x].style.color = "rgb(0, 140, 200)"; } } } </script>'; }
echo '</div>'; if (CMS_SPECIFIC == "Joomla") { $table2_width = "100%"; } else { //$table2_width="900"; $table2_width = "90%"; } echo '<br><table width=' . $table2_width . ' class="humo nametbl" align="center">'; echo '<tr class=table_headline>'; $col_width = round(100 / $maxcols) - 6 . "%"; for ($x = 1; $x < $maxcols; $x++) { echo '<th width="' . $col_width . '">' . __('Name') . '</th><th style="text-align:center;font-size:90%;border-right-width:3px;width:6%">' . __('Total') . '</th>'; } echo '<th width="' . $col_width . '">' . __('Name') . '</th><th style="text-align:center;font-size:90%;width:6%">' . __('Total') . '</th>'; echo '</tr>'; $baseperc = last_names($maxnames); // displays the table and sets the $baseperc (= the name with highest frequency that will be 100%) echo '</table>'; /* echo ' <script> var tbl = document.getElementsByClassName("nametbl")[0]; var rws = tbl.rows; var baseperc = '.$baseperc.'; for(var i = 0; i < rws.length; i ++) { var tbs = rws[i].getElementsByClassName("namenr"); var nms = rws[i].getElementsByClassName("namelst"); for(var x = 0; x < tbs.length; x ++) { var percentage = parseInt(tbs[x].innerHTML, 10); percentage = (percentage * 100)/baseperc; if(percentage > 0.1) { nms[x].style.backgroundImage= "url(images/lightgray.png)";