function widget($args, $instance)
        global $post;
        // Preserve global $post
        $preserve = $post;
        $title = apply_filters('widget_title', empty($instance['title']) ? __('In Case You Missed It', 'largo') : $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base);
        echo $before_widget;
        if ($title) {
            echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;

        $missedit = largo_get_featured_posts(array('tax_query' => array(array('taxonomy' => 'prominence', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => 'footer-featured')), 'showposts' => $instance['num_posts']));
        if ($missedit->have_posts()) {
            while ($missedit->have_posts()) {
                  	<div class="post-lead clearfix">
                      	<h5><a href="<?php 
                echo '<p>' . largo_trim_sentences(get_the_content(), $instance['num_sentences']) . '</p>';
                  	</div> <!-- /.post-lead -->
        } else {
	    		<p class="error"><strong><?php 
            _e('You don\'t presently have any posts in the footer featured category.</strong> Mark more posts as featured on the add/edit post screen to populate this region.', 'largo');

        // end more featured posts

        echo $after_widget;
        // Restore global $post
        $post = $preserve;
Esempio n. 2
function largo_widget_rss_output($rss, $args = array())
    echo '<ul>';
    foreach ($rss->get_items(0, $args['num_posts']) as $item) {
        $link = $item->get_link();
        while (stristr($link, 'http') != $link) {
            $link = substr($link, 1);
        $link = esc_url(strip_tags($link));
        $title = esc_attr(strip_tags($item->get_title()));
        if ($args['show_excerpt'] === 1) {
            $desc = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), ' ', esc_attr(strip_tags(@html_entity_decode($item->get_description(), ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset')))));
            $desc = largo_trim_sentences($desc, 2);
            $summary = "<p class='rssSummary'>{$desc}</p>";
        } else {
            $summary = '';
        $date = '';
        $date = $item->get_date('U');
        if ($date) {
            $date = ' <span class="rss-date">' . date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), $date) . '</span>';
        $author = ' <cite>' . esc_html(strip_tags($item->data['child']['']['source'][0]['data'])) . '</cite>';
        if ($link == '') {
            echo "<li><h5>{$title}</h5><p class=\"byline\">{$author} | {$date}</p>{$summary}</li>";
        } else {
            echo "<li><h5><a class='rsswidget' href='{$link}' title='{$title}'>{$title}</a></h5><p class=\"byline\">{$author} | {$date}</p>{$summary}</li>";
    echo '</ul>';
Esempio n. 3
" title="Read: <?php 
esc_attr(the_title('', '', FALSE));
// post thumbnail, by default after headline
if (get_the_post_thumbnail() && isset($instance) && isset($instance['thumbnail_location']) && $instance['thumbnail_location'] == 'after') {
    echo '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '"/>' . get_the_post_thumbnail(get_the_ID(), 'thumbnail', array('class' => 'alignleft')) . '</a>';
// post byline, if indicated
if (isset($instance) && isset($instance['show_byline']) && $instance['show_byline']) {
<h5 class="byline"><time class="entry-date updated dtstamp pubdate" datetime="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(get_the_date('c'));
// post excerpt/summary
if ($post->post_excerpt) {
    echo '<p>' . $post->post_excerpt . '</p>';
} else {
    echo '<p>' . largo_trim_sentences($post->post_content, 2) . '</p>';
Esempio n. 4
 function largo_excerpt($the_post = null, $sentence_count = 5, $use_more = false, $more_link = '', $echo = true, $strip_tags = true, $strip_shortcodes = true)
     if (!empty($use_more)) {
         _deprecated_argument(__FUNCTION__, '0.5.1', 'Parameter $use_more is deprecated.');
     if (!empty($more_link)) {
         _deprecated_argument(__FUNCTION__, '0.5.1', 'Parameter $more_link is deprecated.');
     $the_post = get_post($the_post);
     // Normalize it into a post object
     if (!empty($the_post->post_excerpt)) {
         // if a post has a custom excerpt set, we'll use that
         $content = apply_filters('get_the_excerpt', $the_post->post_excerpt);
     } else {
         if (is_home() && preg_match('/<!--more(.*?)?-->/', $the_post->post_content, $matches) > 0) {
             // if we're on the homepage and the post has a more tag, use that
             $parts = explode($matches[0], $the_post->post_content, 2);
             $content = $parts[0];
         } else {
             // otherwise we'll just do our best and make the prettiest excerpt we can muster
             $content = largo_trim_sentences($the_post->post_content, $sentence_count);
     // optionally strip shortcodes and html
     $output = '';
     if ($strip_tags && $strip_shortcodes) {
         $output .= strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($content));
     } else {
         if ($strip_tags) {
             $output .= strip_tags($content);
         } else {
             if ($strip_shortcodes) {
                 $output .= strip_shortcodes($content);
             } else {
                 $output .= $content;
     $output = apply_filters('the_content', $output);
     if ($echo) {
         echo $output;
     return $output;
Esempio n. 5

// byline on posts
if (isset($instance['show_byline']) && $instance['show_byline'] == true) {
	<span class="byline"><?php 
    echo largo_byline(false);
// the excerpt
if ($excerpt == 'num_sentences') {
    echo largo_trim_sentences(get_the_content(), $instance['num_sentences']);
} elseif ($excerpt == 'custom_excerpt') {
    echo get_the_excerpt();
    function widget($args, $instance)
        global $post;
        // Preserve global $post
        $preserve = $post;
        // only useful on post pages
        if (!is_single()) {
        $title = apply_filters('widget_title', empty($instance['title']) ? __('More About', 'largo') : $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base);
        echo $before_widget;
        if ($rel_topics = largo_get_post_related_topics($instance['topics'])) {

			<div id="related-posts" class="idTabs row-fluid clearfix">
				<ul id="related-post-nav" class="span4">
            echo $title;
            foreach ($rel_topics as $count => $topic) {
                echo '<li><a href="#rp' . (int) $count . '">' . esc_html($topic->name) . '</a></li>';

				<div class="related-items span8">
            foreach ($rel_topics as $count => $topic) {
                $rel_posts = largo_get_recent_posts_for_term($topic, $instance['posts']);
						<div id="rp<?php 
                echo (int) $count;
                // the top related post
                $top_post = array_shift($rel_posts);

								<li class="top-related clearfix">
                $permalink = get_permalink($top_post->ID);
                $post_title = $top_post->post_title;
                echo '<h3><a href="' . esc_url($permalink) . '" title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('Read %s', 'largo'), $post_title)) . '">' . esc_html($post_title) . '</a></h3>';
                if (get_the_post_thumbnail($top_post->ID)) {
                    echo '<a href="' . esc_url($permalink) . '"/>' . get_the_post_thumbnail($top_post->ID, '60x60') . '</a>';
                if ($top_post->post_excerpt) {
                    echo '<p>' . $top_post->post_excerpt . '</p>';
                } else {
                    echo '<p>' . largo_trim_sentences($top_post->post_content, 2) . '</p>';
                // the other related posts
                foreach ($rel_posts as $rel_post) {
                    echo '<li><a href="' . esc_url(get_permalink($rel_post->ID)) . '" title="' . esc_attr($topic->name) . '">' . $rel_post->post_title . '</a></li>';

							<p><a href="<?php 
                echo esc_url(get_term_link($topic));
" title="<?php 
                echo esc_attr($topic->name);
" target="_blank"><strong><?php 
                printf(__('View all %1$s %2$s &rarr;', 'largo'), $topic->name, of_get_option('posts_term_plural'));
						</div> <!-- /#rpX -->
				</div> <!-- /.items -->
			</div> <!-- /#related-posts -->
        // if ( $rel_topics )
        echo $after_widget;
        // Restore global $post
        $post = $preserve;
Esempio n. 7
  * Outputs the content of the recent posts widget.
  * @param array $args widget arguments.
  * @param array $instance saved values from databse.
 function widget($args, $instance)
     global $post, $shown_ids;
     // an array of post IDs already on a page so we can avoid duplicating posts;
     // Preserve global $post
     $preserve = $post;
     $posts_term = of_get_option('posts_term_plural', 'Posts');
     // Add the link to the title.
     $title = apply_filters('widget_title', empty($instance['title']) ? __('Recent ' . $posts_term, 'largo') : $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base);
     echo $before_widget;
     if ($title) {
         echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
     $thumb = isset($instance['thumbnail_display']) ? $instance['thumbnail_display'] : 'small';
     $excerpt = isset($instance['excerpt_display']) ? $instance['excerpt_display'] : 'num_sentences';
     $query_args = array('post__not_in' => get_option('sticky_posts'), 'showposts' => $instance['num_posts'], 'post_status' => 'publish');
     if (isset($instance['avoid_duplicates']) && $instance['avoid_duplicates'] === 1) {
         $query_args['post__not_in'] = $shown_ids;
     if ($instance['cat'] != '') {
         $query_args['cat'] = $instance['cat'];
     if ($instance['tag'] != '') {
         $query_args['tag'] = $instance['tag'];
     if ($instance['author'] != '') {
         $query_args['author'] = $instance['author'];
     if ($instance['taxonomy'] != '') {
         $query_args['tax_query'] = array(array('taxonomy' => $instance['taxonomy'], 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $instance['term']));
     echo '<ul>';
     $my_query = new WP_Query($query_args);
     if ($my_query->have_posts()) {
         $output = '';
         while ($my_query->have_posts()) {
             $shown_ids[] = get_the_ID();
             // wrap the items in li's.
             $output .= '<li>';
             // The top term
             $top_term_args = array('echo' => false);
             if (isset($instance['show_top_term']) && $instance['show_top_term'] == 1 && largo_has_categories_or_tags()) {
                 $output .= '<h5 class="top-tag">' . largo_top_term($top_term_args) . '</h5>';
             // the thumbnail image (if we're using one)
             if ($thumb == 'small') {
                 $img_location = $instance['image_align'] != '' ? $instance['image_align'] : 'left';
                 $img_attr = array('class' => $img_location . '-align');
                 $img_attr['class'] .= " attachment-small";
                 $output .= '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_the_post_thumbnail(get_the_ID(), '60x60', $img_attr) . '</a>';
             } elseif ($thumb == 'medium') {
                 $img_location = $instance['image_align'] != '' ? $instance['image_align'] : 'left';
                 $img_attr = array('class' => $img_location . '-align');
                 $img_attr['class'] .= " attachment-thumbnail";
                 $output .= '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_the_post_thumbnail(get_the_ID(), 'post-thumbnail', $img_attr) . '</a>';
             } elseif ($thumb == 'large') {
                 $img_attr = array();
                 $img_attr['class'] .= " attachment-large";
                 $output .= '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_the_post_thumbnail(get_the_ID(), 'large', $img_attr) . '</a>';
             // the headline
             $output .= '<h5><a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a></h5>';
             // byline on posts
             if (isset($instance['show_byline']) && $instance['show_byline'] == true) {
                 $output .= '<span class="byline">' . largo_byline(false) . '</span>';
             // the excerpt
             if ($excerpt == 'num_sentences') {
                 $output .= '<p>' . largo_trim_sentences(get_the_content(), $instance['num_sentences']) . '</p>';
             } elseif ($excerpt == 'custom_excerpt') {
                 $output .= '<p>' . get_the_excerpt() . '</p>';
             // read more link
             if (isset($instance['show_read_more']) && $instance['show_read_more'] === 1) {
                 $output .= '<p class="more-link"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . __('Read More', 'largo') . '</a></p>';
             // close the item
             $output .= '</li>';
         // print all of the items
         echo $output;
     } else {
         printf(__('<p class="error"><strong>You don\'t have any recent %s.</strong></p>', 'largo'), strtolower($posts_term));
     // end more featured posts
     // close the ul if we're just showing a list of headlines
     if ($excerpt == 'none') {
         echo '</ul>';
     if ($instance['linkurl'] != '') {
         echo '<p class="morelink"><a href="' . esc_url($instance['linkurl']) . '">' . esc_html($instance['linktext']) . '</a></p>';
     echo $after_widget;
     // Restore global $post
     $post = $preserve;