Esempio n. 1
function sendText($text, $type)
    if ($type == 1) {
    } elseif ($type == 2) {
    } else {
        $text = lText('sheamowmet messijis gagzavnis tipi!');
        $type = 3;
    putsesText($text, $type);
Esempio n. 2
function headerElements($el, $mp = '')
    if (is_array($el)) {
        foreach ($el as $row) {
            $ex = 'SELECT * FROM `header_tags` WHERE `tags`="' . $row . '" AND `mp_name`="' . $mp . '"';
            $tags = getOnedb($ex);
            if (empty($tags->id)) {
                $ins = 'INSERT INTO `header_tags`(`tags`,`mp_name`)' . 'VALUES' . '("' . dbstring($row) . '","' . $mp . '")';
    } else {
        $text = lText('elementi unda iyos array');
        $type = 1;
        sendText($text, $mtype);
        return true;
Esempio n. 3
function gtinfo($testid)
    global $NATS;
    $o = "Error fetching test";
    $test = $NATS->GetTest($testid);
    if ($test['class'] == "L") {
        $o = lText($test['testtype']);
        if ($test['testparam'] != "") {
            $o .= " (" . $test['testparam'] . ")";
        if ($test['testname'] != "") {
            $o = $test['testname'];
        $u = lUnit($test['testtype']);
        if ($u != "") {
            $o .= " (" . $u . ")";
    } else {
        if ($test['name'] != "") {
            $o = $test['name'];
        } else {
            $o = $test['testtype'];
    if ($testid[0]=="L")
    	{ // local test
    	$q="SELECT testtype,testparam,testname FROM fnlocaltest WHERE localtestid=".ss(substr($testid,1,128));
    	if ($row=$NATS->DB->Fetch_Array($r))
    		if ($row['testparam']!="") $o.=" (".$row['testparam'].")";
    		if ($row['testname']!="") $o=$row['testname'];
    		if ($u!="") $o.=" (".$u.")";
    	else $o="Error fetching test";
    return $o;
Esempio n. 4
function LocalTestDesc($ltid)
    global $NATS;
    $q = "SELECT nodeid,testtype,testparam,testname FROM fnlocaltest WHERE localtestid=" . ss($ltid);
    $r = $NATS->DB->Query($q);
    if ($row = $NATS->DB->Fetch_Array($r)) {
        if ($row['testname'] != "") {
            $ret = $row['testname'];
        } else {
            $ret = lText($row['testtype']);
            //if ($row['testparam']!="") $ret.=" (".substr($row['testparam'],0,20).")";
            if ($row['testparam'] != "") {
                $ret .= " (" . $row['testparam'] . ")";
        $ret .= " on " . $row['nodeid'];
    } else {
        $ret = "Unknown2 on Unknown" . $ltid;
    return $ret;
Esempio n. 5
echo "<br><br>";
$title = "<b class=\"sectitle\">" . $NATS->Lang->Item("node.tests") . "</b>";
Start_Round($title, 600);
echo "<table class=\"nicetable\" width=100%>";
$q = "SELECT * FROM fnlocaltest WHERE nodeid=\"" . ss($_REQUEST['nodeid']) . "\" AND testtype!=\"ICMP\" ORDER BY localtestid ASC";
$r = $NATS->DB->Query($q);
while ($row = $NATS->DB->Fetch_Array($r)) {
    echo "<tr><td>";
    echo "<b class=\"al" . $row['alertlevel'] . "\">";
    if (strlen($row['testparam']) > 10) {
        $tp = substr($row['testparam'], 0, 8) . "..";
    } else {
        $tp = $row['testparam'];
    if ($row['testname'] == "") {
        echo lText($row['testtype']) . " (" . $tp . ")";
    } else {
        echo $row['testname'];
    echo "</b>";
    echo "</td>";
    echo "<td>&nbsp;<a href=localtest.edit.php?localtestid=" . $row['localtestid'] . ">";
    echo "<img src=images/options/application.png border=0 title=\"" . $NATS->Lang->Item("edit.options") . "\"></a>&nbsp;";
    echo "<a href=localtest.action.php?action=delete&localtestid=" . $row['localtestid'] . ">";
    echo "<img src=images/options/action_delete.png border=0 title=\"" . $NATS->Lang->Item("delete") . "\"></a>";
    echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>" . $NATS->Lang->Item("last.tested") . ": " . dtago($row['lastrunx']) . "</i>";
    echo "</td></tr>";
if ($nodeside) {
    $q = "SELECT * FROM fnnstest WHERE nodeid=\"" . ss($_REQUEST['nodeid']) . "\" AND testenabled=1 ORDER BY testtype";
    $r = $NATS->DB->Query($q);
Esempio n. 6
echo "</td></tr></table>";
echo "<br><br>";
echo "<b class=\"subtitle\">" . $NATS->Lang->Item("local.tests") . "</b><br><br>";
echo "<table class=\"nicetable\">";
$q = "SELECT * FROM fnlocaltest WHERE nodeid=\"" . ss($_REQUEST['nodeid']) . "\" ORDER BY localtestid ASC";
$r = $NATS->DB->Query($q);
while ($row = $NATS->DB->Fetch_Array($r)) {
    echo "<tr><td>";
    if ($row['testname'] == "") {
        if (strlen($row['testparam']) > 10) {
            $tp = substr($row['testparam'], 0, 8) . "..";
        } else {
            $tp = $row['testparam'];
        echo lText($row['testtype']);
        if ($tp != "") {
            echo " (" . $tp . ")";
    } else {
        echo $row['testname'];
    echo "</td>";
    echo "<td><b class=\"al" . $row['alertlevel'] . "\">" . oText($row['alertlevel']) . "</b></td>";
    echo "<td>(" . dtago($row['lastrunx']) . ")</td>";
    echo "<td>";
    if ($row['testrecord'] == 1 || $row['testtype'] == "ICMP") {
        echo "[ <a href=\"history.test.php?testid=L" . $row['localtestid'] . "\">" . $NATS->Lang->Item("history") . "</a> ]";
    } else {
        echo "&nbsp;";
Esempio n. 7
//echo "<div id=\"iconDiv\"></div>";

echo "<br><br>";
$title="<b class=\"sectitle\">Node Tests</b>";
echo "<table class=\"nicetable\" width=100%>";
$q="SELECT * FROM fnlocaltest WHERE nodeid=\"".ss($_REQUEST['nodeid'])."\" AND testtype!=\"ICMP\" ORDER BY localtestid ASC";
while ($row=$NATS->DB->Fetch_Array($r))
	echo "<tr><td>";
	echo "<b class=\"al".$row['alertlevel']."\">";
	if (strlen($row['testparam'])>10) $tp=substr($row['testparam'],0,8)."..";
	else $tp=$row['testparam'];
	if ($row['testname']=="") echo lText($row['testtype'])." (".$tp.")";
	else echo $row['testname'];
	echo "</b>";
	echo "</td>";

	echo "<td>&nbsp;<a href=localtest.edit.php?localtestid=".$row['localtestid'].">";
	echo "<img src=images/options/application.png border=0 title=\"Edit Test Options\"></a>&nbsp;";
	echo "<a href=localtest.action.php?action=delete&localtestid=".$row['localtestid'].">";
	echo "<img src=images/options/action_delete.png border=0 title=\"Delete Test\"></a>";

	echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>Last Tested: ".dtago($row['lastrunx'])."</i>";	
	echo "</td></tr>";
if ($nodeside)
Esempio n. 8
 function GetTest($testid, $protect = false)
     if ($testid == "") {
         return false;
     $class = $testid[0];
     if (is_numeric($class)) {
         // test ID will stay the same
         $class = "L";
         $anytestid = $testid;
     } else {
         //$testid=substr($testid,1); // as it will here also so direct use to graphs can be made
         $anytestid = substr($testid, 1);
         // the classless version
     $q = "";
     switch ($class) {
         case "L":
             // local tests
             $q = "SELECT * FROM fnlocaltest WHERE localtestid=" . ss($anytestid) . " LIMIT 0,1";
         case "N":
             // node-side test
             $q = "SELECT * FROM fnnstest WHERE nstestid=" . ss($anytestid) . " LIMIT 0,1";
             return false;
             // can't lookup this class
     if ($q == "") {
         return false;
     $r = $this->DB->Query($q);
     if (!($row = $this->DB->Fetch_Array($r))) {
         return false;
     $row['class'] = $class;
     $row['testid'] = $testid;
     $row['anytestid'] = $anytestid;
     $row['alerttext'] = oText($row['alertlevel']);
     $row['lastrundt'] = nicedt($row['lastrunx']);
     $row['lastrunago'] = dtago($row['lastrunx'], false);
     if ($row['testname'] != "") {
         $row['name'] = $row['testname'];
     } else {
         if ($class == "L") {
             $row['name'] = lText($row['testtype']);
             // TODO OTHER TESTS
             if ($row['testparam'] != "") {
                 $row['name'] .= " (" . $row['testparam'] . ")";
         } else {
             if ($class == "N") {
                 if ($row['testdesc'] != "") {
                     $row['name'] = $row['testdesc'];
                 } else {
                     $row['name'] = $row['testtype'];
     if ($protect && $class == "L") {
         if ($this->Tests->Exists($row['testtype'])) {
     return $row;
} else {
    $nicename = lText($row['testtype']);
echo "<b class=\"subtitle\">" . $NATS->Lang->Item("editing.test") . ": <a href=node.edit.php?nodeid=" . $row['nodeid'] . ">" . $row['nodeid'] . "</a> &gt; " . $nicename . "</b><br><br>";
if (isset($_REQUEST['message'])) {
    echo "<b>" . $_REQUEST['message'] . "</b><br><br>";
    $poplist[] = $_REQUEST['message'];
$title = "<b class=\"sectitle\">" . $NATS->Lang->Item("test.settings") . "</b>";
Start_Round($title, 600);
echo "<table border=0 width=100%>";
echo "<form action=localtest.action.php method=post>";
echo "<input type=hidden name=localtestid value=" . $_REQUEST['localtestid'] . ">";
echo "<input type=hidden name=action value=save_form>";
echo "<tr><td><b>" . $NATS->Lang->Item("test.type") . ": </b></td>";
echo "<td><b>" . lText($row['testtype']);
echo "</b></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td colspan=2><hr class=\"nspacer\"></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td valign=top align=left>" . $NATS->Lang->Item("test.options") . ":</td><td>";
// new style multi-param options
switch ($row['testtype']) {
    case "web":
    case "wsize":
    case "wtime":
        echo $NATS->Lang->Item("url") . ": <input type=text name=testparam size=30 maxlength=128 value=\"" . $row['testparam'] . "\"><br>";
        echo "<i>" . $NATS->Lang->Item("full.url") . "</i>";
    case "icmp":
    case "ping":
        echo $NATS->Lang->Item("host.ip") . ": <input type=text name=testparam size=30 maxlength=128 value=\"" . $row['testparam'] . "\"><br>";
        echo "<i>" . $NATS->Lang->Item("host.ip.lookup") . "</i>";
Esempio n. 10
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
echo lText('');
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="image/favicon.ico"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php 
echo base_url_admin;
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php 
echo base_url_admin;

include_once 'template/js.php';
<script src="<?php 
echo base_url_admin;
<script src="<?php 
echo base_url_admin;
<script src="<?php 
Esempio n. 11
echo "</select>";
echo "</b><br>";
echo "Display Name: <input type=text name=iname_testdetail size=30 maxlength=64 onclick=\"view_radio_select('testdetail')\"></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td align=center>";
echo "<input type=radio name=itype value=testgraph id=\"newitem_testgraph\">";
echo "</td><td colspan=3 align=left><b>";
echo "Graph for Test </b>";
echo "<select name=ioption_testgraph onchange=\"view_radio_select('testgraph')\">";
foreach ($tests as $test) {
    if ($test['testrecord'] > 0 || $test['testtype'] == "ICMP") {
        echo "<option value=" . $test['testid'] . ">";
        if ($test['testname'] != "") {
            $tn = $test['testname'];
        } else {
            $tn = lText($test['testtype']);
            if ($test['testparam'] != "") {
                $tn .= " (" . $test['testparam'] . ")";
        echo $test['nodeid'] . " &gt; " . $tn;
        echo "</option>";
echo "</select><br>";
echo "Show Last <input type=text size=4 maxlength=4 name=ioption_testgraph_time value=24 onclick=\"view_radio_select('testgraph')\"> Hours";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td align=center>";
echo "<input type=radio name=itype value=title id=\"newitem_title\">";
echo "</td><td colspan=3 align=left><b>";
echo "Title: </b><input type=text name=ioption_title size=30 maxlength=120 onclick=\"view_radio_select('title')\">";
Esempio n. 12
 $r = $NATS->DB->Query($q);
 if (!($row = $NATS->DB->Fetch_Array($r))) {
 $tnode = $row['nodeid'];
 $ttype = $row['testtype'];
 if (isset($row['testparam'])) {
     $tparam = $row['testparam'];
 } else {
     $tparam = "";
 $tlastrunx = $row['lastrunx'];
 $tunit = "";
 if ($tmode == "local") {
     $tname = lText($ttype);
     $tunit = lUnit($ttype);
     if ($tparam != "") {
         $tname .= " (" . $tparam . ")";
     if ($row['testname'] != "") {
         $subtname = $tname;
         $tname = $row['testname'];
         $usesubname = true;
     } else {
         $usesubname = false;
 } else {
     if ($tmode == "nodeside") {
         if ($row['testname'] != "") {
             $tname = $row['testname'];
Esempio n. 13
 public function login($post)
     if (isset($post['post'])) {
         $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `mail`="' . dbstring($post['mail']) . '" AND `password` = "' . md5($post['password']) . '" ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1';
         $res = getOnedb($sql);
         if (isset($res->id)) {
             $text = lText('tqven warmatebit gaiaret avtorizacia!');
             //message type success
             $mtype = 2;
             $_SESSION['mail'] = $post['mail'];
         } else {
             $text = lText('paroli da maili sheusabamoa!');
             $mtype = 1;
     sendText($text, $mtype);
     if ($mtype != 2) {
         $link = getLink('?mp=login');
     } else {
         $link = getLink('?');
     return true;