//default must be here $style_folder = PATH . 'styles/default/'; if (!($dh = @opendir($style_folder))) { redirect(basename(ADMIN_PATH)); } //open bk_template.php to write contents of templates to it. $bkf = @fopen(PATH . 'includes/bk_templates.php', 'wb'); $bkf_contents = "<" . "?php\n//\n//bakup of Kleeja templates\n//Automatically generated from DEV version cp=" . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . "&sty_t=bk\n//\n\n//no for directly open\nif (!defined('IN_COMMON'))\n{"; $bkf_contents .= "\n\texit();\n}\n\n//for version\n\$bk_version = '" . KLEEJA_VERSION . "';"; $bkf_contents .= "\n\n//Done in : " . date('d-m-Y H:i a') . "\n\n\$bkup_templates = array(\n"; $f = 0; while (($file = @readdir($dh)) !== false) { //exceptions if (!in_array(strtolower($file), array('.', '..', 'index.html', 'javascript.js', 'css', '.svn', 'images', '.htaccess', 'ie', 'info.txt'))) { $f++; $bkf_contents .= "\t'" . $file . "' => '" . kleeja_base64_encode(file_get_contents($style_folder . $file)) . "',\n"; } } $bkf_contents .= "\n);"; //write to bk_template.php @ftruncate($bkf, 0); @fwrite($bkf, $bkf_contents); //... @fclose($bkf); @closedir($bkf); $text = 'Done, ' . $f . ' files !'; $stylee = 'admin_info'; break; } if (!isset($stylee)) { $text = '--------';
function kleeja_auth_login($name, $pass, $hashed = false, $expire, $loginadm = false, $return_name = false) { global $lang, $config, $usrcp, $userinfo; global $script_path, $script_encoding, $script_srv, $script_db, $script_user, $script_pass, $script_prefix; //check for last slash / if (isset($script_path)) { if (isset($script_path[strlen($script_path)]) && $script_path[strlen($script_path)] == '/') { $script_path = substr($script_path, 0, strlen($script_path)); } //get some useful data from phbb config file if (file_exists(PATH . $script_path . SCRIPT_CONFIG_PATH)) { include PATH . $script_path . SCRIPT_CONFIG_PATH; $forum_srv = $dbhost; $forum_db = $dbname; $forum_user = $dbuser; $forum_pass = $dbpasswd; $forum_prefix = $table_prefix; if (empty($dbhost)) { $forum_srv = 'localhost'; } if (!empty($dbport)) { $forum_srv .= ':' . $dbport; } } else { big_error('Forum path is not correct', sprintf($lang['SCRIPT_AUTH_PATH_WRONG'], 'phpBB3')); } } else { $forum_srv = $script_srv; $forum_db = $script_db; $forum_user = $script_user; $forum_pass = $script_pass; $forum_prefix = $script_prefix; } //if no variables of db if (empty($forum_srv) || empty($forum_user) || empty($forum_db)) { return; } //conecting ... $SQLBB = new SSQL($forum_srv, $forum_user, $forum_pass, $forum_db, true); $SQLBB->set_names('utf8'); unset($forum_pass); // We do not need this any longer //get utf tools global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx; $phpbb_root_path = PATH . $script_path . '/'; $phpEx = 'php'; define('IN_PHPBB', true); include_once PATH . $script_path . '/includes/utf/utf_tools.' . $phpEx; $row_leve = 'user_type'; $admin_level = 3; $query2 = array('SELECT' => '*', 'FROM' => "`{$forum_prefix}users`"); $query2['WHERE'] = $hashed ? "user_id=" . intval($name) . " AND user_password='******' " : "username_clean='" . $SQLBB->escape(utf8_clean_string($name)) . "'"; if ($return_name) { $query2['SELECT'] = "username"; $query2['WHERE'] = "user_id=" . intval($name); } $query = ''; if (!$hashed) { $result2 = $SQLBB->build($query2); while ($row = $SQLBB->fetch($result2)) { $SQLBB->free($result2); if ($return_name) { return $row['username']; } else { if (phpbb_check_hash($pass, $row['user_password'])) { $query = $query2; } } } } else { $query = $query2; } if (empty($query)) { $SQLBB->close(); return false; } ($hook = $plugin->run_hook('qr_select_usrdata_phpbb_usr_class')) ? eval($hook) : null; //run hook $result = $SQLBB->build($query); if ($SQLBB->num($result) != 0) { while ($row = $SQLBB->fetch($result)) { if ($SQLBB->num($SQLBB->query("SELECT ban_userid FROM `{$forum_prefix}banlist` WHERE ban_userid=" . intval($row['user_id']))) == 0) { if (!$loginadm) { define('USER_ID', $row['user_id']); define('GROUP_ID', $row[$row_leve] == $admin_level ? '1' : '3'); define('USER_NAME', $row['username']); define('USER_MAIL', $row['user_email']); if ($row[$row_leve] == $admin_level) { define('USER_ADMIN', true); } } $userinfo = $row; $userinfo['group_id'] = $row[$row_leve] == $admin_level ? '1' : '3'; $user_y = kleeja_base64_encode(serialize(array('id' => $row['user_id'], 'name' => $row['username'], 'mail' => $row['user_email'], 'last_visit' => time()))); if (!$hashed && !$loginadm) { $usrcp->kleeja_set_cookie('ulogu', $usrcp->en_de_crypt($row['user_id'] . '|' . $row['user_password'] . '|' . $expire . '|' . sha1(md5($config['h_key'] . $row['user_password']) . $expire) . '|' . ($row[$row_leve] == $admin_level ? '1' : '3') . '|' . $user_y), $expire); } ($hook = $plugin->run_hook('qr_while_usrdata_phpbb_usr_class')) ? eval($hook) : null; //run hook } else { //he is banned from phpBB $SQLBB->free($result); unset($pass); $SQLBB->close(); return false; } } $SQLBB->free($result); unset($pass); $SQLBB->close(); return true; } else { $SQLBB->free($result); $SQLBB->close(); return false; } //dont know why they come here ! return false; }
if (empty($_POST['sitename']) || empty($_POST['siteurl']) || empty($_POST['sitemail']) || empty($_POST['username']) || empty($_POST['password']) || empty($_POST['email'])) { echo $lang['EMPTY_FIELDS']; echo $footer_inst; exit; } if (strpos($_POST['email'], '@') === false) { echo $lang['WRONG_EMAIL']; echo $footer_inst; exit; } //connect .. for check $SQL = new SSQL($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname); include_once '../includes/usr.php'; include_once '../includes/functions_alternative.php'; $usrcp = new usrcp(); $user_salt = substr(kleeja_base64_encode(pack("H*", sha1(mt_rand()))), 0, 7); $user_pass = $usrcp->kleeja_hash_password($_POST['password'] . $user_salt); $user_name = $SQL->escape($_POST['username']); $user_mail = $SQL->escape($_POST['email']); $config_sitename = $SQL->escape($_POST['sitename']); $config_siteurl = $SQL->escape($_POST['siteurl']); $config_sitemail = $SQL->escape($_POST['sitemail']); $config_style = $SQL->escape($_POST['style']); $config_urls_type = in_array($_POST['urls_type'], array('id', 'filename', 'direct')) ? $_POST['urls_type'] : 'id'; $clean_name = $usrcp->cleanusername($SQL->escape($user_name)); /// ok .. we will get sqls now .. include 'includes/install_sqls.php'; include 'includes/default_values.php'; $err = $dots = 0; $errors = ''; //do important alter before
function kleeja_auth_login($name, $pass, $hashed = false, $expire, $loginadm = false, $return_name = false) { global $lang, $config, $usrcp, $userinfo; global $script_path, $script_cp1256, $script_srv, $script_db, $script_user, $script_pass, $script_prefix, $script_db_charset; if (isset($script_path)) { //check for last slash if (isset($script_path[strlen($script_path)]) && $script_path[strlen($script_path)] == '/') { $script_path = substr($script_path, 0, strlen($script_path)); } //get some useful data from vb config file if (file_exists(PATH . $script_path . SCRIPT_CONFIG_PATH)) { require_once PATH . $script_path . SCRIPT_CONFIG_PATH; // //get config from config file // $forum_srv = $config['MasterServer']['servername']; $forum_db = $config['Database']['dbname']; $forum_user = $config['MasterServer']['username']; $forum_pass = $config['MasterServer']['password']; $forum_prefix = $config['Database']['tableprefix']; if ($config['MasterServer']['port'] != 3306) { $forum_srv .= ':' . $config['MasterServer']['port']; } //some people change their db charset if (isset($config['Mysqli']['charset'])) { $forum_db_charset = $config['Mysqli']['charset']; } } else { big_error('Forum path is not correct', sprintf($lang['SCRIPT_AUTH_PATH_WRONG'], 'Vbulletin')); } } else { // //custom config data // $forum_srv = $script_srv; $forum_db = $script_db; $forum_user = $script_user; $forum_pass = $script_pass; $forum_prefix = $script_prefix; //some people change their db charset if (isset($script_db_charset)) { $forum_db_charset = $script_db_charset; } } if (empty($forum_srv) || empty($forum_user) || empty($forum_db)) { return; } $SQLVB = new SSQL($forum_srv, $forum_user, $forum_pass, $forum_db, true); if (isset($forum_db_charset)) { //config $SQLVB->set_names($forum_db_charset); } else { $SQLVB->set_names('latin1'); } unset($forum_pass); // We do not need this any longer $pass = empty($script_cp1256) || !$script_cp1256 ? $pass : $usrcp->kleeja_utf8($pass, false); $name = empty($script_cp1256) || !$script_cp1256 || $hashed ? $name : $usrcp->kleeja_utf8($name, false); $query_salt = array('SELECT' => $hashed ? '*' : 'salt', 'FROM' => "`{$forum_prefix}user`"); $query_salt['WHERE'] = $hashed ? "userid=" . intval($name) . " AND password='******' AND usergroupid != '8'" : "username='******' AND usergroupid != '8'"; //if return only name let's ignore the obove if ($return_name) { $query_salt['SELECT'] = "username"; $query_salt['WHERE'] = "userid=" . intval($name); } ($hook = kleeja_run_hook('qr_select_usrdata_vb_usr_class')) ? eval($hook) : null; //run hook $result_salt = $SQLVB->build($query_salt); if ($SQLVB->num_rows($result_salt) > 0) { while ($row1 = $SQLVB->fetch_array($result_salt)) { if ($return_name) { return empty($script_cp1256) || !$script_cp1256 ? $row1['username'] : $usrcp->kleeja_utf8($row1['username']); } if (!$hashed) { $pass = md5(md5($pass) . $row1['salt']); // without normal md5 $query = array('SELECT' => '*', 'FROM' => "`{$forum_prefix}user`", 'WHERE' => "username='******' AND password='******' AND usergroupid != '8'"); $result = $SQLVB->build($query); if ($SQLVB->num_rows($result) != 0) { while ($row = $SQLVB->fetch_array($result)) { if (!$loginadm) { define('USER_ID', $row['userid']); define('GROUP_ID', $row['usergroupid'] == 6 ? 1 : 3); define('USER_NAME', empty($script_cp1256) || !$script_cp1256 ? $row['username'] : $usrcp->kleeja_utf8($row['username'])); define('USER_MAIL', $row['email']); define('USER_ADMIN', $row['usergroupid'] == 6 ? 1 : 0); } //define('LAST_VISIT',$row['last_visit']); $userinfo = $row; $userinfo['group_id'] = $row['usergroupid'] == 6 ? 1 : 3; $user_y = kleeja_base64_encode(serialize(array('id' => $row['userid'], 'name' => USER_NAME, 'mail' => $row['email'], 'last_visit' => time()))); $hash_key_expire = sha1(md5($config['h_key'] . $row['password']) . $expire); if (!$loginadm) { $usrcp->kleeja_set_cookie('ulogu', $usrcp->en_de_crypt($row['userid'] . '|' . $row['password'] . '|' . $expire . '|' . $hash_key_expire . '|' . ($row['usergroupid'] == 6 ? 1 : 3) . '|' . $user_y), $expire); } ($hook = kleeja_run_hook('qr_while_usrdata_vb_usr_class')) ? eval($hook) : null; //run hook } $SQLVB->freeresult($result); } else { $SQLVB->close(); return false; } } else { if (!$loginadm) { define('USER_ID', $row1['userid']); define('USER_NAME', empty($script_cp1256) || !$script_cp1256 ? $row1['username'] : $usrcp->kleeja_utf8($row1['username'])); define('USER_MAIL', $row1['email']); define('USER_ADMIN', $row1['usergroupid'] == 6 ? 1 : 0); define('GROUP_ID', $row1['usergroupid'] == 6 ? 1 : 3); $userinfo = $row1; $userinfo['group_id'] = $row1['usergroupid'] == 6 ? 1 : 3; } } } #whil1 $SQLVB->freeresult($result_salt); unset($pass); $SQLVB->close(); return true; } else { $SQLVB->close(); return false; } }
function kleeja_auth_login($name, $pass, $hashed = false, $expire, $loginadm = false, $return_username = false) { global $lang, $config, $usrcp, $userinfo; global $script_path, $script_api_key, $script_cp1256; //URL must be begin with http:// if (empty($script_path) || $script_path[0] != 'h') { big_error('Forum URL must be begin with http://', sprintf($lang['SCRIPT_AUTH_PATH_WRONG'], 'API')); } //api key is the key to make the query between the remote script and kleeja more secure ! //this must be changed in the real use if (empty($script_api_key)) { big_error('api key', 'To connect to the remote script you have to write the API key ...'); } $pass = empty($script_cp1256) || !$script_cp1256 ? $pass : $usrcp->kleeja_utf8($pass, false); $name = empty($script_cp1256) || !$script_cp1256 || $hashed ? $name : $usrcp->kleeja_utf8($name, false); /* @see file : docs/kleeja_(vb,mysmartbb,phpbb)_api.txt */ $api_http_query = 'api_key=' . kleeja_base64_encode($script_api_key) . '&' . ($hashed ? 'userid' : 'username') . '=' . urlencode($name) . '&pass='******'&return_username=1' : ''; //get it $remote_data = fetch_remote_file($script_path . '?' . $api_http_query); //no responde //empty or can not connect if ($remote_data == false || empty($remote_data)) { return false; } //see kleeja_api.php file //split the data , the first one is always 0 or 1 //0 : error //1: ok $user_info = explode('%|%', kleeja_base64_decode($remote_data)); //omg, it's 0 , 0 : error, lets die here if ((int) $user_info[0] == 0) { return false; } // //if we want username only we have to return it quickly and die here // if ($return_username) { return empty($script_cp1256) || !$script_cp1256 ? $user_info[1] : $usrcp->kleeja_utf8($user_info[1]); } // //when loggin to admin, we just want a check, no data setup .. // if (!$loginadm) { define('USER_ID', $user_info[1]); define('GROUP_ID', 3); define('USER_NAME', empty($script_cp1256) || !$script_cp1256 ? $user_info[2] : $usrcp->kleeja_utf8($user_info[2])); define('USER_MAIL', $user_info[3]); define('USER_ADMIN', (int) $user_info[5] == 1 ? 1 : 0); } //user ifo //and this must be filled with user data comming from url $userinfo = array(); $userinfo['group_id'] = GROUP_ID; $user_y = kleeja_base64_encode(serialize(array('id' => USER_ID, 'name' => USER_NAME, 'mail' => USER_MAIL, 'last_visit' => time()))); //add cookies if (!$loginadm) { $usrcp->kleeja_set_cookie('ulogu', $usrcp->en_de_crypt($user_info[1] . '|' . $user_info[4] . '|' . $expire . '|' . sha1(md5($config['h_key'] . $user_info[4]) . $expire) . '|' . GROUP_ID . '|' . $user_y), $expire); } //no need after now unset($pass); //yes ! he is a real user return true; }
function en_de_crypt($data, $type = 1) { global $config; static $txt = array(); if (empty($txt)) { if (empty($config['h_key'])) { $config['h_key'] = sha1('2^#@qr39)]k%$_-('); //default ! } $chars = str_split($config['h_key']); foreach (range('a', 'z') as $k => $v) { if (!isset($chars[$k])) { break; } $txt[$v] = $chars[$k] . $k . '-'; } } switch ($type) { case 1: $data = str_replace('=', '_', kleeja_base64_encode($data)); $data = strtr($data, $txt); break; case 2: $txtx = array_flip($txt); $txtx = array_reverse($txtx, true); $data = strtr($data, $txtx); $data = kleeja_base64_decode(str_replace('_', '=', $data)); break; } return $data; }
$num = 0; #if Kleeja integtared we dont want make alot of queries $ids_and_names = array(); while ($row = $SQL->fetch_array($result)) { $userfile = $config['siteurl'] . ($config['mod_writer'] ? 'fileuser-' . $row['user'] . '.html' : 'ucp.php?go=fileuser&id=' . $row['user']); #for username in integrated user system if ($row['user'] != '-1' and (int) $config['user_system'] != 1) { if (!in_array($row['user'], $ids_and_names)) { $row['username'] = $usrcp->usernamebyid($row['user']); $ids_and_names[$row['user']] = $row['username']; } else { $row['username'] = $ids_and_names[$row['user']]; } } //make new lovely arrays !! $arr[] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'name' => "<a title=\" " . ($row['real_filename'] == '' ? $row['name'] : $row['real_filename']) . "\" href=\"./" . PATH . $row['folder'] . "/" . $row['name'] . "\" target=\"blank\">" . ($row['real_filename'] == '' ? strlen($row['name']) > 20 ? substr($row['name'], 0, 20) . '...' : $row['name'] : (strlen($row['real_filename']) > 20 ? substr($row['real_filename'], 0, 20) . '...' : $row['real_filename'])) . "</a>", 'size' => Customfile_size($row['size']), 'ups' => $row['uploads'], 'time' => date('d-m-Y H:i a', $row['time']), 'type' => $row['type'], 'folder' => $row['folder'], 'report' => $row['report'] > 4 ? "<span style=\"color:red;font-weight:bold\">" . $row['report'] . "</span>" : $row['report'], 'user' => $row['user'] == '-1' ? $lang['GUST'] : '<a href="' . $userfile . '" target="_blank">' . $row['username'] . '</a>', 'ip' => '<a href="http://www.ripe.net/whois?form_type=simple&full_query_string=&searchtext=' . $row['user_ip'] . '&do_search=Search" target="_new">' . $row['user_ip'] . '</a>', 'showfilesbyip' => basename(ADMIN_PATH) . '?cp=' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '&search=' . kleeja_base64_encode(serialize(array('user_ip' => $row['user_ip'])))); $del[$row['id']] = isset($_POST['del_' . $row['id']]) ? $_POST['del_' . $row['id']] : ''; //when submit if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if ($del[$row['id']]) { //delete from folder .. @kleeja_unlink(PATH . $row['folder'] . '/' . $row['name']); //delete thumb if (is_file($row['folder'] . '/thumbs/' . $row['name'])) { @kleeja_unlink(PATH . $row['folder'] . '/thumbs/' . $row['name']); } $ids[] = $row['id']; $num++; $sizes += $row['size']; } }
/** * delete any content from any template , this will used in plugins * used in unistall tag at plugin xml file * * todo : use file handler, require ftp info at uninstalling */ function delete_ch_tpl($template_name, $delete_txt = array()) { global $dbprefix, $lang, $config, $STYLE_PATH_ADMIN, $STYLE_PATH, $THIS_STYLE_PATH; if (is_array($template_name)) { foreach ($template_name as $tn) { $this->delete_ch_tpl($tn, $delete_txt); } return; } $style_path = substr($template_name, 0, 6) == 'admin_' ? $STYLE_PATH_ADMIN : $THIS_STYLE_PATH; $is_admin_template = substr($template_name, 0, 6) == 'admin_' ? true : false; //if template not found and default style is there and not admin tpl $template_path = $style_path . $template_name . '.html'; if (!file_exists($template_path)) { if ($config['style'] != 'default' && !$is_admin_template) { $template_path_alternative = str_replace('/' . $config['style'] . '/', '/default/', $template_path); if (file_exists($template_path_alternative)) { $template_path = $template_path_alternative; } } } if (file_exists($template_path)) { $d_contents = file_get_contents($template_path); } else { $d_contents = ''; } include_once "s_strings.php"; $finder = new sa_srch(); $finder->find_word = $delete_txt; $finder->another_word = '<!-- deleted ' . md5(implode(null, $delete_txt)) . ' -->'; $finder->text = trim($d_contents); $finder->do_search(2); $cached_instructions = array(); if ($d_contents != '' && md5($finder->text) != md5($d_contents) && is_writable($style_path)) { //update $this->f->_write($style_path . $template_name . '.html', $finder->text); //delete cache .. delete_cache('tpl_' . $template_name); } else { $cached_instructions[$template_name] = array('action' => 'replace_with', 'find' => $finder->find_word[0] . '(.*?)' . $finder->find_word[1], 'action_text' => $finder->another_word); } //add cached instuctions to cache if there if (sizeof($cached_instructions) > 0) { //fix if (file_exists(PATH . 'cache/styles_cached.php')) { $cached_content = file_get_contents(PATH . 'cache/styles_cached.php'); $cached_content = kleeja_base64_decode($cached_content); $cached_content = unserialize($cached_content); $cached_instructions += $cached_content; } $filename = @fopen(PATH . 'cache/styles_cached.php', 'w'); fwrite($filename, kleeja_base64_encode(serialize($cached_instructions))); fclose($filename); } if ($this->f_method === 'zfile') { if ($this->f->check()) { $this->zipped_files = $this->f->push($plugin_name); } } return true; }
function kleeja_auth_login($name, $pass, $hashed = false, $expire, $loginadm = false, $return_name = false) { global $lang, $config, $usrcp, $userinfo; global $script_path, $script_encoding, $script_srv, $script_db, $script_user, $script_pass, $script_prefix; if (isset($script_path)) { //check for last slash / if (isset($script_path[strlen($script_path)]) && $script_path[strlen($script_path)] == '/') { $script_path = substr($script_path, 0, strlen($script_path)); } //get database data from mysmartbb config file if (file_exists(PATH . $script_path . SCRIPT_CONFIG_PATH)) { require_once PATH . $script_path . SCRIPT_CONFIG_PATH; $forum_srv = $config['db']['server']; $forum_db = $config['db']['name']; $forum_user = $config['db']['username']; $forum_pass = $config['db']['password']; $forum_prefix = $config['db']['prefix']; } else { big_error('Forum path is not correct', sprintf($lang['SCRIPT_AUTH_PATH_WRONG'], 'MySmartBB')); } } else { $forum_srv = $script_srv; $forum_db = $script_db; $forum_user = $script_user; $forum_pass = $script_pass; $forum_prefix = $script_prefix; } if (empty($forum_srv) || empty($forum_user) || empty($forum_db)) { return; } $SQLMS = new SSQL($forum_srv, $forum_user, $forum_pass, $forum_db, true); $SQLVB->set_names('latin1'); $pass = $usrcp->kleeja_utf8($pass, false); $name = $usrcp->kleeja_utf8($name, false); $query = array('SELECT' => '*', 'FROM' => "`{$forum_prefix}member`"); $query['WHERE'] = $hashed ? "id=" . intval($name) . " AND password='******'" : "username='******' AND password='******'"; //if return only name let's ignore the obove if ($return_name) { $query_salt['SELECT'] = "username"; $query_salt['WHERE'] = "id=" . intval($name); } ($hook = kleeja_run_hook('qr_select_usrdata_mysbb_usr_class')) ? eval($hook) : null; //run hook $result = $SQLMS->build($query); if ($SQLMS->num_rows($result) != 0) { while ($row = $SQLMS->fetch_array($result)) { if ($return_name) { return $row['username']; } if (!$loginadm) { define('USER_ID', $row['id']); define('GROUP_ID', $row['usergroup'] == 1 ? 1 : 3); define('USER_NAME', $usrcp->kleeja_utf8($row['username'])); define('USER_MAIL', $row['email']); define('USER_ADMIN', $row['usergroup'] == 1 ? 1 : 0); } $userinfo = $row; $userinfo['group_id'] = GROUP_ID; $user_y = kleeja_base64_encode(serialize(array('id' => $row['id'], 'name' => $usrcp->kleeja_utf8($row['username']), 'mail' => $row['email'], 'last_visit' => time()))); $hash_key_expire = sha1(md5($config['h_key'] . $row['password']) . $expire); if (!$hashed && !$loginadm) { $usrcp->kleeja_set_cookie('ulogu', $usrcp->en_de_crypt($row['id'] . '|' . $row['password'] . '|' . $expire . '|' . $hash_key_expire . '|' . GROUP_ID . '|' . $user_y), $expire); } ($hook = kleeja_run_hook('qr_while_usrdata_mysbb_usr_class')) ? eval($hook) : null; //run hook } $SQLMS->freeresult($result); unset($pass); $SQLMS->close(); return true; } else { $SQLMS->close(); return false; } }
/** * send email */ function _sm_mk_utf8($text) { return "=?UTF-8?B?" . kleeja_base64_encode($text) . "?="; }
$queryhooks = $SQL->build(array('SELECT' => '*', 'FROM' => "{$dbprefix}hooks", 'WHERE' => "plg_id=" . $plg_id)); if ($SQL->num_rows($queryhooks) > 0) { echo "\t" . '<hooks>' . "\n"; while ($hook = $SQL->fetch_array($queryhooks)) { echo "\t\t" . '<hook name="' . $hook['hook_name'] . '"><![CDATA[' . clean_xml_cdata($hook['hook_content']) . ']]></hook>' . "\n"; } echo "\t" . '</hooks>' . "\n"; } if (!empty($row['plg_files'])) { $nfiles = unserialize(kleeja_base64_decode($row['plg_files'])); echo "\t" . '<files>' . "\n"; foreach ($nfiles as $f) { if ($f[0] == '/') { $f = substr($f, 1); } echo "\t\t" . '<file path="' . $f . '"><![CDATA[' . kleeja_base64_encode(@file_get_contents(PATH . $f)) . ']]></file>' . "\n"; } echo "\t" . '</files>' . "\n"; } echo '</kleeja>'; exit; } else { kleeja_admin_err($lang['ERROR']); } break; //downaloding zipped changes .. //downaloding zipped changes .. case 6: if (!isset($_GET['fn'])) { kleeja_admin_err($lang['ERROR']); }