/** *@desc create the yahoo calendar link * @param array $event - the event information as an array * @return string $yahoocal_link - the link to bookmark the event in yahoo calendar */ function king_events_yahoocal_link($event) { global $post; $yahoo_link = 'http://calendar.yahoo.com/?v=60'; $yahoo_link .= '&Title=' . $post->post_title; $yahoo_link .= '&DUR='; //dauer muss noch berechnet werden $yahoo_link .= '&ST=' . mysql2date('Ymd\\THi\\0\\0', $event['starttime'], 0); //20060925T200000 $yahoo_link .= '&in_loc=' . $event['location']; $yahoo_link .= '&DESC=' . king_events_strip_content($post->post_content); $yahoo_link .= '&URL=' . get_permalink($post->ID); return $yahoo_link; }
DTEND;TZID=<?php echo $timezone; ?> :<?php echo mysql2date('Ymd\\THi\\0\\0', $king_event['endtime'], 0); echo "\n"; } ?> SUMMARY:<?php the_title_rss(); echo "\n"; ?> URL;VALUE=URI:<?php echo get_permalink($post->ID); echo "\n"; ?> DESCRIPTION:<?php echo king_events_strip_content($post->post_content); echo "\n"; ?> LOCATION:<?php echo $king_event['location']; echo "\n"; ?> END:VEVENT <?php } } ?> END:VCALENDAR