// Grab a list of image files and folders in the uploads so we can clean empty folders $content = get_files($config['basedir'] . 'plog-content/uploads', false, true); $files = $content['files']; $folders = $content['folders']; // Build a list of unique directories from the filenames $directories = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $dirname = dirname($file); if (!in_array($dirname, $directories)) { $directories[md5($dirname)] = $dirname; } } // clean up empty directories - compare our original $folders array to the new unique $directories array foreach ($folders as $folder) { if (!in_array($folder, $directories)) { kill_dir($folder); } } if (count($files) == 0) { $output .= "\n\n\t\t" . '<div class="actions width-700">' . plog_tr('No images found in the <strong>plog-content/uploads/</strong> directory. To mass import pictures into your gallery, simply:') . ' <ul> <li><strong>' . plog_tr('Open an FTP connection</strong> to your website') . '</li> <li>' . plog_tr('Transfer images you wish to publish to the <strong>plog-content/uploads/</strong> directory') . '</li> <li>' . plog_tr('Optionally, you can create folders within that directory to import in groups') . '</li> </ul> </div>' . "\n"; } // Here we will check which group of pictures we are editing, grouped by directory if (!isset($_GET['directory']) && count($directories) > 0) { $output .= "\n\n\t\t" . '<div class="actions width-700"><strong>' . plog_tr('Choose a directory you wish to import from') . ':</strong>'; $output .= "\n\t\t\t" . '<ul style="list-style-type: none;">';
function cleanup_files($files, $folders) { global $config; $output = array(); $errors = array(); // Delete the files first foreach ($files as $file) { if (file_exists($file)) { if (kill_file($file)) { $output[] = plog_tr('Plogger found and deleted the file') . ': ' . $file; } else { $errors[] = plog_tr('Plogger could not delete the file') . ': ' . $file; } } } // Remove the folders since there should be no files in them foreach ($folders as $folder) { if (file_exists($folder)) { if (kill_dir($folder)) { $output[] = plog_tr('Plogger found and deleted the folder') . ': ' . $folder; } else { $errors[] = plog_tr('Plogger could not delete the folder') . ': ' . $folder; } } } return array('errors' => $errors, 'output' => $output); }
function filemgr($cmd, $stroka, $path, $fileforaction, $mask, $pid) { // is a part filemgr- fileio //hidekey ("pid",$pid); global $defaultpath, $protect, $prauth, $ADM, $pr, $sd; //..,$file global $filemgrmod, $daysleft, $codekey, $noscreenmode, $maxmgrs, $OSTYPE, $coreredir; global $multiaction, $scriptpath, $scriptpath; if ($codekey == 4) { needupgrade(); } $file = $fileforaction; global $filscheader, $filscdata, $filscplevel, $filsccount, $languageprofile; if ($filscdata) { if ($filsccount < 1) { echo "Filemgr don't have configured scripts<br>"; } else { echo ""; } //additional keys by filescript.cfg and starting it // 4.3.4добавлено: cmsg не отрабатывает теперь значения начинающиеся с точки // filescript для генерации кнопок исполнения скриптов , заданных администраторами. // dbscore - исправлена ошибка из за которой иногда не вычислялся count //версия конфигов при создании конфигурации теперь берется из ядра //..+++if (!$unauthorized) { //незарегистрированные в любом случае не будут видеть список пользователей ресурса в раздаче. // теперь репозитории работать будут раздельно, проприетарная версия будет отличатся только возможностью подключать специальные модули. //если вы не планируете их заказывать можно использоватьобычную версию. $keylanguage = 1; //if not detected; function detectlanguageidfromheader for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) { //echo "DEBUG ibane $filscheader[$i], languageprofile=$languageprofile<br>"; // echo "iDEBUG (".substr($filscheader[$i],0,6)."==".substr($languageprofile,0,6).") <br>"; if (substr($filscheader[$i], 0, 6) == substr($languageprofile, 0, 6)) { $keylanguage = $i; } // теперь хрен открутится, правда ограничились 6 знаками но пофиг , главное ? не пролезет // if (strpos ($filscheader[$i],$languageprofile)) $keylanguage=$i; // ну вот почему всегда вместо простой функции приходится городить черт знает что. // if ($filscheader[$i]==$languageprofile) $keylanguage=$i; // придется сделать по дебильному - ибо // что за ? - откуда оно взялось блджад!!!! } if ($keylanguage == 29) { $keylanguage = 1; } //if } //..потом добавим проверку на дебильный символ в конце любой строки с утф...вообще бы в парсере как то опознавание глючны файлов сделать if ($filscdata) { //echo "<br>DEBUG Script:$cmd Key=$keylanguage Lang=$languageprofile Selected=".$filscheader[$keylanguage]."<br>"; for ($i = 1; $i < $filsccount; $i++) { // echo "debug $i = $filscdata[$i][$keylanguage] , key=[$keylanguage]<br>"; // plevel checking NOT added!!!! graphical icon NOT released! CFG OPT FUTURE disable all scripts not added //echo " if (".$filscdata[$i][$keylanguage]."==$cmd) <br>"; if ($filscdata[$i][$keylanguage] . $pid === $cmd) { $plevelrequired = $filscdata[$i][3]; $directcommand = $filscdata[$i][2]; if ($debug) { echo "DEBUG Command= {$directcommand} (rightsreq={$plevelrequired})<br>"; } } //path2 redirector? if (strlen($directcommand) < 2) { continue; } $massivedynamics = 0; if ($debug) { echo "DEBUG for (i=1;i<" . strlen($directcommand) . ");{$i}++) {<br>"; } $parsedcommand = $directcommand; //echo "здесь должен быть выход ибо сцуко виснет "; for ($i = 1; $i < strlen($directcommand) + 5; $i++) { $a1 = strpos($directcommand, "%", $i + 0) + 1; if ($a1) { $massivedynamics++; $a2 = strpos($directcommand, "%", 0 + $a1 + 1); //this is first просто это первый , общественный российский. //echo "Try to corrent schetckik -LAAA!!!$i+$a2-1!!!!!!!new $i==$a2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;<br> "; $oldi = $i; //$i=$i+($a2-1); почти верно $i = $a2; //echo "old i=$oldi new i=$i<br>"; if ($oldi > $i) { //echo "Logic error, breaking cycling<br>"; $i = $oldi; $i = 100500; continue; } $firstcoord[$massivedynamics] = $a1; $lastcoord[$massivedynamics] = $a2; $cut = substr($directcommand, $a1, $a2 - $a1); $cutnow[$massivedynamics] = $cut; $cutwprc = substr($directcommand, $a1 - 1, $a2 - $a1 + 2); $cutwpercent[$massivedynamics] = $cutwprc; $md = $massivedynamics; if ($debug) { echo "DEBUG Parse [{$i}] param=:: f=" . $firstcoord[$md] . " ; a2-l=" . $lastcoord[$md] . ";- is cut=" . $cutnow[$md] . " = %%::<blu>" . $cutwpercent[$md] . "</blu> = <grn>" . ${$cut} . "</grn><br>"; } $replaceto = ${$cut}; // fukken shit - admin.php?/ а где все остальное? крап$parsedcommand=str_replace ($parsedcommand, $cutwprc,$replaceto, $count=1); $parsedcommand = str_replace($cutwprc, $replaceto, $parsedcommand, $count = 2); } //al@al-desktop:/media# mencoder //mencoder: relocation error: mencoder: symbol codec_wav_tags, version LIBAVFORMAT_52 not defined in file libavformat.so.52 with link time reference } } if ($debug) { echo "DEBUG Parsed command :: {$parsedcommand}<br>"; } if ($parsedcommand) { echo " executing (if you enable system () of course )...<br>"; $x = system($parsedcommand); //ping $f = fopen("_logs/cmd.log", "w"); if ($f) { fwrite($f, $x); } fclose($f); lprint("5MIN"); if ($debug) { echo "DEBUG {$x}"; } } // ob_flush () ; ////exit; } //echo "ACTION:cmd=$cmd,str ok,path ok,file=$fileforaction,pid=$pid>";// -+++- $path = str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $path); // проверка на вшивость - //$path=str_replace ("/","\\",$path); if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_CPY_F") and $prauth[$ADM][12]) { global $path2; copy($path . $fileforaction, $path2 . $fileforaction); echo "copy({$path}{$fileforaction},{$path2});"; echo cmsg("CP_END"); } if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_MOV_F") and $prauth[$ADM][12]) { global $path2; copy($path . $fileforaction, $path2 . $fileforaction); unlink($path . $fileforaction); echo cmsg("MOV_END"); } if ($pr[101]) { if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_DOWNLOAD") and $prauth[$ADM][9]) { ob_clean(); $err = sendfile($path . "/" . $fileforaction); } } //костыль, ибо на некоторых тупых компьютерах почему то пропадает косая и соответственно файл скачать невозможно. куда она пропадает никто не знает. if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_DOWNLOAD") and $prauth[$ADM][9]) { ob_clean(); $err = sendfile($path . $fileforaction); } if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_UPLOAD") and $prauth[$ADM][36] or $cmd == cmsg("FMG_DUMP_UPLOAD") and $prauth[$ADM][36]) { $path = del_endslash($path); // if ($codekey==7) demo (); //<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="8000000000"> ?> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="filemgr.php" method="post"> <input name=userfile type=file class=buttonS> <input type=Submit name=go class=buttonS> <input type = hidden name = path value ="<?php echo $path; ?> "><?php hidekey("pid", $pid); if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_DUMP_UPLOAD")) { echo "Dump loading.<br>"; } echo "</form>"; hidekey("write", $cmd); exit; //moved from non-function zone } //возможно сюда присобачим кнопку удаления из админки точнее ссылки с нее из w.php :) //if (($cmd==cmsg("FMG_UNSHARE"))and($prauth[$ADM][36])) { echo "not implemented";} if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_SHARE") and $prauth[$ADM][36] or $coreredir == "SH_UPDD_FL") { $path = del_endslash($path); // -- SHARE STEP 1 -- if ($multiaction) { global $filearrcount; // 0 if ($filearrcount > 0) { exit; } // disables FMG_SHARE for cycle executing; only one action allowed for one or multiaction files. global $fileforaction; $filearrcount = count($fileforaction); } // праздник главное вовремя закончить тогда он ьудет долго помниться как приятное событие // multiaction==1 CFG OPT FUTURE должен добавлять много файлов по идее, однако пока отрабатывается по файлу за раз. if ($multiaction) { echo "Multiaction mode. Selected files={$filearrcount}<br>"; } //..if ($multiaction==1) {global $filearrcount;$stroka.=$filearrcount;}; if (!$multiaction) { $file = $path . "/" . $fileforaction; } if ($multiaction) { for ($a = 0; $a < $filearrcount; $a++) { $file[$a] = $path . "/" . $fileforaction[$a]; echo "File {$a}: {$fileforaction[$a]}<br>;"; } $filelistmassive = base64_encode(implode($fileforaction, "¦")); //список и число объектов надо передать вместе с multiaction } //лучше всего массив с файлами передать в виде одной переменной if ($coreredir == "SH_UPDD_FL") { // maybe if (!$multiaction) { global $destinationfilename, $filesizeinmb; $file = $destinationfilename; } if ($multiaction) { global $destinationfilename, $filesizeinmb; echo "SH_UPDD_FL unimplemented<br>"; echo "I dont know where i take destfilename {$destinationfilename} -- {$file} (file)<bR>"; // $file=$destinationfilename; } } ?> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="filemgr.php" method="post"><?php if (!$multiaction) { echo "File: {$file}<br>"; } //Sif (!$multiaction) { echo "File: $file<br>";} lprint(GEN_OPT); echo "<br>"; radio("share", "#GENLNK_UNREG", "GENLNK_UNREG"); echo "<br>"; radio("share", "FMG_UNSHARE", "FMG_UNSHARE"); echo "<br>"; if (!$pr[70]) { radio("share", "GENLNK_REG", "GENLNK_REG"); if ($ADM < 1) { lprint("FILE_UNAUTH_NOTE"); } echo "<br>"; if ($ADM > 0) { radio("share", "GEN_PLVL_USR", "GEN_PLVL_USR"); echo "<select name=groupplevels>"; for ($a = 0; $a < 10; $a++) { echo "<option>" . $a; } echo "</select>"; //if ($ADM<1) lprint ("FILE_UNAUTH_NOTE"); - check unauthorized access echo "<br>"; //незарегистрированные в любом случае не будут видеть список пользователей ресурса в раздаче. radio("share", "GENLNK_USR", "GENLNK_USR"); echo "<br>"; echo "<select name=\"username[]\" multiple size=15>"; for ($a = 1; $a < count($prauth); $a++) { echo "<option>" . $prauth[$a][0] . ""; $cnt++; } echo "</select>"; } echo "<br>"; } lprint(COMM); inputtext("commfile", 15, $commfile); echo "<br>"; if ($prauth[$ADM][2]) { checkbox(1, "yes"); lprint(GEN_FL_EPX); } else { hidekey("yes", 1); } checkbox(1, "srchen"); lprint(GEN_FILENSRCH); echo "<br>"; if ($coreredir == "SH_UPDD_FL") { hidekey("coreredir", "step2"); } if (!$multiaction) { hidekey("file", $file); } if ($multiaction) { hidekey("multiactionsign", $multiaction); hidekey("file", $filelistmassive); $path = add_endslash($path); hidekey("pathmulti", base64_encode($path)); hidekey("filelistmassive", $filelistmassive); //посылаем дважды на пробу и каждый раз нихрена нет почему то какого ??? hidekey("filearrcount", $filearrcount); } submitkey("go", "FMG_SHARE"); // кнопка раздать файл hidekey("pid", $pid); ?> </form> <?php echo " "; hidekey("write", $cmd); if ($multiaction == 1) { exit; } // ! ////moved from non-function zone -- SHARE STEP 1 -- ENDING //ЭТО ОКончание первого шага раздачи } // // echo "Мы получили из пред сессии $cmd $fileforaction!<br> <BR>"; ikonki mlya ! //echo "<br>".cmsg ("FMG_MHLP")."<br>"; ХЕЛП ОТКЛЮЧЕН if ($noscreenmode == false) { echo ""; } //тут пишем команды и выполняем их //echo "628_Failure-- protect::";print_r ($protect); неправильно обрабатывался массив почему то вместо него шла переменная о_О CFG OPT FUTURE if (is_Array($protect)) { if (!$prauth[$ADM][38]) { $protect[] = "*.php"; } } // скрываем файлы скрипта чтобы их никто не стер. //$protect[]="*.key";// не снимать комментарий - безопасность снизится до 0 //if ($OSTYPE=="LINUX") if (($sd[10])AND($ADM==0)) $path=$path."/"; //bug with unregistered users folder lost / //if ($OSTYPE=="WINDOWS") if (($sd[10])AND($ADM==0)) $path=$path."\\"; if ($OSTYPE == "WINDOWS") { if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_ENTER") and $prauth[$ADM][7]) { $path = $path . $fileforaction . "\\"; } } if ($OSTYPE == "LINUX") { if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_ENTER") and $prauth[$ADM][7]) { $path = $path . $fileforaction . "/"; } } if ($OSTYPE == "WINDOWS") { if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_DRV") and $prauth[$ADM][8]) { $path = $stroka . ":/"; } } if ($OSTYPE == "LINUX") { if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_DRV") and $prauth[$ADM][8]) { $path = "/media/{$stroka}/"; } } if ($OSTYPE == "LINUXALT") { if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_DRV") and $prauth[$ADM][8]) { $path = "/mnt/{$stroka}/"; } } //CFG OPT FUTURE if ($OSTYPE == "WINDOWS") { if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_EXIT") and $prauth[$ADM][7]) { $path = dirname($path) . "\\"; } } //$path=folderupdir ($path); if ($OSTYPE == "LINUX") { if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_EXIT") and $prauth[$ADM][7]) { $path = dirname($path) . "/"; } } if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_SRCH") and $prauth[$ADM][7]) { $file = $path . $fileforaction; // далее скрипт рассчитан на эту переменную, к томуже массив стереть надо:) $a = searchplus($file, $fileforaction, $stroka); if ($pr[12]) { $act = "FILEMGR_SRCH {$cmd} {$file} word={$stroka}"; logwrite($act); } // логируемся //if ($a==false) die ("<br>Ошибка!Файл $file не найден!!!.<br>"); echo " <form action=filemgr.php method=post>"; hidekey("pid", $pid); hidekey("write", $cmd); submitkey("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_RESET"); echo "</form>"; exit; } //If ($prauth[$ADM][2]==true) { // blocked commands if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_MKDIR") and $prauth[$ADM][12]) { //if ($codekey==7) demo (); if ($multiaction == 1) { global $filearrcount; $stroka .= $filearrcount; } $err = mkdir($path . $stroka); } //if ($cmd==cmsg("FMG_DELALL")) $err=rmdir ($path.$fileforaction); if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_JOINFIL") and $prauth[$ADM][12]) { if ($codekey == 7) { demo(); } $err = joinfiles($path, $mask, $protect, $stroka); } if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_DELALL") and $prauth[$ADM][13]) { // rmdir теперь полное удаление (!) if ($codekey == 7) { demo(); } if ($prauth[$ADM][5] == true) { if ($stroka == "accept") { $err = kill_dir($path . $fileforaction); } else { echo "Вы не сказали accept"; } } else { msgexiterror("notright", "", "disable"); exit; } // круто удаляет отключим } if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_EXECUTE") and $prauth[$ADM][8]) { if ($codekey == 7) { demo(); } echo cmsg("FMG_MOD_IN") . "<br>"; require $filemgrmod; echo cmsg("FMG_MOD_OUT") . "<br>"; } if ($OSTYPE == "LINUX") { if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_UNRAR") and $prauth[$ADM][12]) { $file = $path . $fileforaction; //rar_open rar_list PHP by standart is unsupported!!! $unrared = substr($fileforaction, 0, strrpos($fileforaction, '.')); // elf elfkz удаляем расширение рар @mkdir($path . $unrared); echo "Creating folder {$unrared}<br>"; $extractionpoint = $path . $unrared; echo "Extracting to " . $extractionpoint . ";<br>"; $zip = system("unrar x \"{$file}\" \"{$extractionpoint}\""); echo "<br>Result={$zip} "; //echo '"unrar e \"'.$file.'\" \"'.$extractionpoint.'\""'; echo " <br>"; } } if ($OSTYPE == "LINUX") { if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_RAR") and $prauth[$ADM][12]) { $file = $path . $fileforaction; //rar_open rar_list PHP by standart is unsupported!!! $unrared = substr($fileforaction, 0, strrpos($fileforaction, '.')); // elf elfkz удаляем расширение рар // @mkdir ($path.$unrared); // echo "Creating folder $unrared<br>"; $extractionpoint = $path . $unrared; echo "Archiving to to " . $fileforaction . ".rar;<br>"; $zip = system("rar a \"{$fileforaction}\".rar \"{$file}\""); echo "<br>Result={$zip} "; //echo '"unrar e \"'.$file.'\" \"'.$extractionpoint.'\""'; echo " <br>"; } } if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_UNZIP") and $prauth[$ADM][12]) { $file = $path . $fileforaction; //rar_open rar_list PHP by standart is unsupported!!! $zip = zip_open($file); $unrared = substr($fileforaction, 0, strrpos($fileforaction, '.')); // elf elfkz удаляем расширение рар @mkdir($path . $unrared); if ($zip) { while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) { echo "Name: " . zip_entry_name($zip_entry) . "\n"; echo "Actual Filesize: " . zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry) . "\n"; echo "Compressed Size: " . zip_entry_compressedsize($zip_entry) . "\n"; echo "Compression Method: " . zip_entry_compressionmethod($zip_entry) . "\n"; if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r")) { echo "File Contents:\n"; $buf = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)); //echo "$buf\n"; $x = fopen($path . zip_entry_name($zip_entry), "w"); @fwrite($x, $buf); @fclose($x); zip_entry_close($zip_entry); } echo "\n"; } zip_close($zip); } } if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_TEST")) { //at this moment start new script echo cmsg("FMG_MOD_IN") . "<br>"; require "mp3runonce.php"; echo cmsg("FMG_MOD_OUT") . "<br>"; } if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_DEL") and $prauth[$ADM][13]) { if ($codekey == 7) { demo(); } @($err1 = unlink($path . $fileforaction)); @($err2 = rmdir($path . $fileforaction)); } if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_NEW") and $prauth[$ADM][12]) { //if ($codekey==7) demo (); //echo "ibane ug if ($multiaction==1) {global $filearrcount;$stroka.=$filearrcount;};<br>"; if ($multiaction == 1) { global $filearrcount; $stroka .= $filearrcount; } @($err = fopen($path . $stroka, "r")); if ($err == false) { $err = fopen($path . $stroka, "a"); } } if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_REN") and $prauth[$ADM][12]) { if ($codekey == 7) { demo(); } if ($multiaction == 1) { global $filearrcount; $stroka .= $filearrcount; } $err = rename($path . $fileforaction, $path . $stroka); } if ($cmd == cmsg("FMG_EDIT") and $prauth[$ADM][12]) { if ($codekey == 7) { demo(); } $err = simpleedit($path . $fileforaction, $stroka); } if ($pr[12]) { $act = "FILEMGR_CMD {$cmd} {$file}({$path} {$fileforaction}) word={$stroka}"; if ($cmd) { if ($cmd !== cmsg("FMG_ENTER") and $cmd !== cmsg("FMG_EXIT")) { logwrite($act); } } } // логируемся // } else { echo "<br><font color=red id=errfnt>".cmsg ("LIM")."</font>".cmsg ("FMG_HLP2");} #selectin files using fileio.php if (!$path or $cmd == cmsg("FMG_RESET")) { $path = $defaultpath; $mask = "*.*"; $file = ""; $stroka = ""; } //$path=str_replace ("//","/",$path);проверка на вшивость - if ($err) { echo "{$err} <br>"; } //global disables visual menu for executing action if (!$multiaction) { // start menu show // маска для файла может быть поиск по части имени и поиск по формату //выделить обращение к директории и режим парсинга (маска) //насчет маски - возможно стоит ее добавить в поисковик МЕ if ($pid == 1) { if ($pr[86]) { if ($pr[87] or $prauth[$ADM][7]) { //либо право на чтение у юзера, либо разрешение искать всем. echo "<br><form action=filemgr.php method=post>"; lprint("SRCH_FILE"); inputtxt("searchfilenew", 30); submitkey("start", "DALEE"); echo "</form>"; if ($searchfilenew) { echo $searchfilenew; } } } } echo "<form action=filemgr.php method=post>"; hidekey("write", $cmd); //выделить отдельно модуль создания меню выбора файла. $file = getdirdata($path, $mask, $protect); //print_r ($file); if ($file) { asort($file); } $dircnt = count($file); if ($ADM > 0) { echo "<font color=blue>{$path}</font><br>"; } hidekey("pid", $pid); // cобственно это и мешает многооконной идее )) вроде теперь кое- for ($a = 1; $a < $maxmgrs + 1; $a++) { // save pid data $strokaname = "stroka" . $a; $pathname = "path" . $a; $fileforactionname = "fileforaction" . $a; $maskname = "mask" . $a; global ${$strokaname}, ${$pathname}, ${$fileforactionname}, ${$maskname}; ${$pathname} = str_replace("\\\\", "\\", ${$pathname}); ${$pathname} = str_replace("\\\\", "\\", ${$pathname}); if ($OSTYPE == "WINDOWS") { $path = str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $path); } // проверка на вшивость - if ($OSTYPE == "LINUX") { $path = str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $path); } // проверка на вшивость -xc hidekey("stroka" . $a, ${$strokaname}); hidekey("mask" . $a, ${$maskname}); hidekey("path" . $a, ${$pathname}); hidekey("fileforaction" . $a, ${$fileforactionname}); } //lprint ("FMG_CREATE"); if ($ADM > 0) { inputtext("stroka" . $pid, 15, $stroka); } //<textarea type = text name=stroka<?=$pid cols= 15 rows=1 wrap=NONE><?=$stroka; </textarea> if ($ADM > 0) { $hidefolder = $prauth[$ADM][52]; } else { $hidefolder = $pr[73]; } if (!$hidefolder) { lprint("FMG_MASK"); inputtext("mask" . $pid, 15, $mask); } //<textarea type = text name=mask<?=$pid cols= 7 rows=1 wrap=NONE><?=$mask; </textarea> <? if ($noscreenmode) { if ($prauth[$ADM][7]) { //FMG.pid удален echo "generate cmd{$pid}<br>"; //$cmdx="cmd".$pid; //работает но передает только вторую букву [1] FIXED? submitkey("cmd", "FMG_SRCH"); submitkey("cmd", "FMG_ENTER"); submitkey("cmd", "FMG_EXIT"); } if ($prauth[$ADM][8]) { submitkey("cmd", "FMG_DRV"); if ($filemgrmod and $prauth[$ADM][2] == true) { submitkey("cmd", "FMG_EXECUTE"); } } if ($prauth[$ADM][12]) { submitkey("cmd", "FMG_MKDIR"); submitkey("cmd", "FMG_JOINFIL"); submitkey("cmd", "FMG_UNZIP"); submitkey("cmd", "FMG_TEST"); if ($OSTYPE == "LINUX") { submitkey("cmd", "FMG_UNRAR"); } if ($OSTYPE == "LINUX") { submitkey("cmd", "FMG_RAR"); } submitkey("cmd", "FMG_REN"); submitkey("cmd", "FMG_EDIT"); submitkey("cmd", "FMG_NEW"); } if ($prauth[$ADM][13]) { submitkey("cmd", "FMG_DELALL"); submitkey("cmd", "FMG_DEL"); } if ($prauth[$ADM][9]) { submitkey("cmd", "FMG_DOWNLOAD"); } if ($prauth[$ADM][36]) { submitkey("cmd", "FMG_UPLOAD"); } if ($prauth[$ADM][54]) { submitkey("cmd", "FMG_SHARE"); // submitkey ("cmd","FMG_UNSHARE"); } if (!$pr[75]) { submitkey("cmd", "FMG_REF"); submitkey("cmd", "FMG_RESET"); } if (!$hidefolder) { submitkey("cmd", "FMG_MASKAPPLY"); } //scripting showkey mechanism if ($filscdata) { echo "<br>Configured scripts:<br>"; for ($i = 1; $i < $filsccount; $i++) { // echo "debug $i = $filscdata[$i][$keylanguage] , key=[$keylanguage]<br>"; if ($filscdata[$i][$keylanguage] == "") { continue; } submitkey("cmd", "." . $filscdata[$i][$keylanguage]); } // fwrite ($a,"ID¦NAME¦Script¦Plevel¦keynames-icon¦russian¦english¦f1_russian¦f1_english¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦".$addOSenter); /*.*1¦mencoder %path%%file% -oac mp3lame -ovc x264 -o %path%%file%.avi¦0¦0¦перекодить в h264¦encode h264¦0¦0¦0¦0¦0 2¦mencoder %path%%file% -oac mp3lame -ovc mpg -o %path%%file%.avi¦0¦0¦перекодить в mpeg¦encode mpeg¦0¦0¦0¦0¦0¦0 */ } } if ($noscreenmode == false) { if ($prauth[$ADM][7]) { submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_SRCH", "_ico/target.png"); submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_ENTER", "_ico/openfolder.png"); submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_EXIT", "_ico/folderup.png"); } if ($prauth[$ADM][8]) { submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_DRV", "_ico/drv.png"); submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_EXECUTE", "_ico/execute.png"); } if ($prauth[$ADM][12]) { submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_MKDIR", "_ico/newfolder.png"); submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_REN", "_ico/rename.png"); submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_EDIT", "_ico/editfmg.png"); submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_NEW", "_ico/newfile.png"); submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_JOINFIL", "_ico/joinfiles.png"); submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_UNZIP", "_ico/backup.png"); submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_TEST", "_ico/apply_f2.png"); if ($OSTYPE === "LINUX") { submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_UNRAR", "_ico/backup.png"); } if ($OSTYPE === "LINUX") { submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_RAR", "_ico/backup.png"); } } if ($prauth[$ADM][13]) { if ($prauth[$ADM][5] == true) { submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_DELALL", "_ico/removefolder.png"); } submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_DEL", "_ico/removefile.png"); } if ($prauth[$ADM][9]) { submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_DOWNLOAD", "_ico/download.png"); } if ($prauth[$ADM][36]) { if (!$pr[75]) { submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_UPLOAD", "_ico/upload.png"); } if ($pr[75]) { submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_UPLOAD", "_ico/uploadalt.png"); } } if ($prauth[$ADM][54]) { submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_SHARE", "_ico/w_accept.png"); //submitimg ("cmd".$pid,"FMG_UNSHARE","_ico/w_close.png"); } if (!$pr[75]) { submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_REF", "_ico/refresh.png"); submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_RESET", "_ico/reset.png"); } if (!$hidefolder) { submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_MASKAPPLY", "_ico/stargreen.png"); } } if ($pid == 1 and $prauth[$ADM][12]) { // только 1 раз исполняется этот блок . на 1 пиде. echo "<br>"; echo cmsg("FMG2"); submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_CPY_F", "_ico/copyfile.png"); echo " "; submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_MOV_F", "_ico/movefile.png"); echo " "; //submitimg ("cmd".$pid,"FMG_CPY_FLD","_ico/copyfolder.png");echo " "; submitimg("cmd" . $pid, "FMG_MOV_FLD", "_ico/movefolder.png"); echo " "; } ?> <input type = hidden name = path<?php echo $pid; ?> value ="<?php echo $path; ?> " > <?php if ($hidefolder) { unset($file); } //no filelist if ($file) { echo "<BR>" . cmsg("FMG_FILDB") . ":<select name =fileforaction" . $pid . "[] multiple size = " . $prauth[$ADM][49] . ">"; sort($file); //нет реакции... print_r ($file); echo "Rewefkowe"; for ($a = 0; $a < $dircnt; $a++) { if ($file[$a][0] === ".") { continue; } if ($file[$a][0] === "..") { continue; } if ($file[$a][0] === false) { continue; } if ($file[$a][1]) { $dir = "==>"; } else { $dir = ""; } $fsizer = ""; if ($dir !== "==>") { $fsize = $file[$a][2]; // settype ($fsizer,"string"); if ($fsize < 1024) { $fsizer = "[" . round($fsize, 1) . "b]"; } if ($fsize < 1) { $fsizer = ""; } if ($fsize > 1024) { $fsizer = "[" . round($fsize / 1024, 1) . "Kb]"; } if ($fsize > 1024 * 1024) { $fsizer = "[" . round($fsize / 1024 / 1024, 2) . "Mb]"; } if ($fsize > 1024 * 1024 * 1024) { $fsizer = "[" . round($fsize / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2) . "Gb]"; } } //$filesizemb=$file[$a][2]/1024; echo "<option value=\"" . $file[$a][0] . "\">" . $dir . $file[$a][0] . "" . $fsizer . "</option>"; } // size (".$file[$a][2].") if ($pr[11] == 1) { //protected cmds } echo "</select></form>"; } echo "<br>"; $dbsdiskfree = round((int) (@disk_free_space($path) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)), 1); $dbsdisktotal = (int) (@disk_total_space($path) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)); if ($pid == 1) { if ($ADM) { echo "Selected : Free " . $dbsdiskfree . "Gb "; } // сделать переключатель дисков или что то вроде указателя if ($ADM) { echo "\\" . $dbsdisktotal . "Gb<br>"; } $disks = explode(",", $pr[79]); for ($a = 0; $a < count($disks); $a++) { $diskfree[$a] = round(@disk_free_space($disks[$a]) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 1); //Gb $disktotal[$a] = round(@disk_total_space($disks[$a]) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 1); //Gb if (!$pr[80]) { echo "Disk " . $a . ":: " . $diskfree[$a] . "Gb \\ " . $disktotal[$a] . "Gb.<br>"; } $avgfree = $avgfree + $diskfree[$a]; $avgtotal = $avgtotal + $disktotal[$a]; } $avgfree = $avgfree; $avgtotal = $avgtotal; echo " Summary :Free " . $avgfree . "Gb "; echo "\\" . $avgtotal . "Gb"; echo "<br>"; } //only pid 1 shows } // start menu show }
function delete_album($del_id) { global $config; $sql = "SELECT c.name AS collection_name, a.name AS album_name, a.id AS album_id, c.path AS collection_path, a.path AS album_path\n\t\tFROM " . PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX . "albums a, " . PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX . "collections c\n\t\tWHERE c.id = a.parent_id AND a.id = '{$del_id}'"; $result = run_query($sql); $album = $result->fetch(); if (!$album) { return array('errors' => plog_tr('No such album')); } // First delete all pictures registered with this album $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX . 'pictures WHERE parent_album = ' . $album['album_id']; $result = run_query($sql); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { delete_picture($row['id']); } // XXX: un-register album $query = "DELETE FROM " . PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX . "albums WHERE \"id\"= '" . $album['album_id'] . "'"; run_query($query); // Finally try to delete the directory itself. It will succeed, if there are no files left inside it .. // If there are then .. how did they get there? Probably not through Plogger and in this case do we // really want to delete those? $source_album_name = SmartStripSlashes($album['album_path']); $source_collection_name = SmartStripSlashes($album['collection_path']); // Delete any thumbnails for the album $album_thumb_directory = $config['basedir'] . 'plog-content/thumbs/' . $source_collection_name . '/' . $source_album_name; if (file_exists($album_thumb_directory)) { kill_dir($album_thumb_directory); } // Check to see if the album_directory is a real directory and then try to delete it $album_directory = $config['basedir'] . 'plog-content/images/' . $source_collection_name . '/' . $source_album_name; if (is_dir($album_directory)) { if (!kill_dir($album_directory)) { return array('errors' => plog_tr('Album directory still contains files after all pictures have been deleted.')); } } else { return array('errors' => plog_tr('Album has invalid path, not deleting directory.')); } return array(); }
function fix_open_perms($dirs, $action = 'rename') { if (!empty($dirs)) { foreach ($dirs as $key => $dir) { if ($action == 'delete') { kill_dir(PLOGGER_DIR . 'plog-content/' . $key); } else { @rename(PLOGGER_DIR . 'plog-content/' . $key, PLOGGER_DIR . 'plog-content/' . $key . '-old'); } makeDirs(PLOGGER_DIR . 'plog-content/' . $key); } } }