$smarty->assign('form_action_val', jz_encode("mediaAction")); $smarty->assign('form_path', jz_encode("jz_path")); $smarty->assign('form_path_val', htmlentities(jz_encode($node->getPath("String")))); $smarty->assign('form_list_type', jz_encode("jz_list_type")); $smarty->assign('form_list_type_val', jz_encode("tracks")); $smarty->assign('purpose', $purpose); $i = 0; $c = 0; // Now let's loop through the track nodes foreach ($tracks as $track) { // Let's get the meta data // This will return the meta data (like length, size, bitrate) into a keyed array $meta = $track->getMeta(); $c = 1 - $c; $array[$i]['row_color'] = $row_colors[$c]; $array[$i]['path'] = jz_encode($track->getPath("String")); $array[$i]['download_button'] = $display->downloadButton($track, true, true); $array[$i]['play_button'] = $display->playLink($track, $img_play, false, false, true); $array[$i]['track_num'] = ""; // Did they want track numbers? if ($show_track_num == "true") { // Now let's link to this track $number = $meta['number']; if ($number != "") { if (strlen($number) < 2) { $array[$i]['track_num'] = " "; } $array[$i]['track_num'] .= $number . ". "; } } $array[$i]['track_name'] = $display->playLink($track, $meta['title'], false, false, true);
/** * Displays the block for the album on the Artist page * * @author Ben Dodson, Ross Carlson * @since 9/13/05 * @version 9/13/05 * **/ function artistAlbumsBlock($node = false) { global $jzUSER, $album_name_truncate, $img_play, $img_random_play, $img_play_dis, $img_random_play_dis, $sort_by_year, $web_root, $root_dir, $this_page, $show_album_clip_play, $img_clip; $display = new jzDisplay(); // Are they sorting? if (isset($_GET['sort'])) { $_SESSION['jz_purge_file_cache'] = "true"; $jzUSER->setSetting("sort", $_GET['sort']); } $mysort = $jzUSER->getSetting("sort"); // Does the cache file exist? if ($display->startCache("artistAlbumsBlock", $node, $mysort)) { return; } if (!defined('NO_AJAX_LINKS') && $node === false) { $node = new jzMediaNode($_SESSION['jz_path']); } // Let's create our buttons for later // Now let's create the sort link if ($node->getSubNodeCount() > 1) { $url_array = array(); $url_array['jz_path'] = $node->getPath("String"); $url_array['sort'] = "alpha"; $url_name = urlize($url_array); $url_array['sort'] = "year"; $url_year = urlize($url_array); $form = '<form action="' . $this_page . '" method="GET">' . "\n"; $form .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . jz_encode("jz_path") . '" value="' . jz_encode($node->getPath("String")) . '">'; $form .= $display->hiddenPageVars(true); $form .= '<select style="width:52px; height:15px; font-size:9px;" name="' . jz_encode("sort") . '" class="jz_select" onChange="form.submit();">' . "\n"; $form .= '<option '; if ($mysort == "year") { $form .= " selected "; } $form .= ' value="' . jz_encode("year") . '">Year</option>'; $form .= '<option '; if ($mysort == "alpha") { $form .= " selected "; } $form .= 'value="' . jz_encode("alpha") . '">Name</option>'; $form .= '</select></form>'; $playButtons .= $form . " "; } if ($jzUSER->getSetting('stream')) { $playButtons .= $display->playLink($node, $img_play, false, false, true) . " " . $display->playLink($node, $img_random_play, false, false, true, true) . " "; } else { $playButtons .= $img_play_dis . $img_random_play_dis . " "; } // Let's startup Smarty $smarty = smartySetup(); // Now let's assign our variables to smarty $smarty->assign('title', word("Albums") . ": " . $node->getName() . " (" . $node->getSubNodeCount() . ")"); $smarty->assign('playButtons', $playButtons); $smarty->assign('formaction', urlize()); $smarty->assign('formhandler', $display->embeddedFormHandler()); $smarty->assign('action', jz_encode("action")); $smarty->assign('action_value', jz_encode("mediaAction")); $smarty->assign('jz_path', jz_encode("jz_path")); $smarty->assign('jz_path_value', htmlentities(jz_encode($node->getPath("String")))); $smarty->assign('jz_list_type', jz_encode("jz_list_type")); $smarty->assign('jz_list_type_value', jz_encode("nodes")); // Now let's display the template $smarty->display(SMARTY_ROOT . 'templates/slick/artist-albums-block.tpl'); // Now lets finish out the cache $display->endCache(); }
$be->storeData($news, nl2br(str_replace("<br />", "", $_POST['siteNewsData']))); } // Let's show the form to edit with $arr = array(); $arr['action'] = "popup"; $arr['ptype'] = "sitenews"; $arr['jz_path'] = $_GET['jz_path']; echo '<form action="' . urlize($arr) . '" method="POST">'; ?> <br> <center> <textarea name="siteNewsData" cols="60" rows="20" class="jz_input"><?php echo $be->loadData($news); ?> </textarea> <br><br> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo word("Update News"); ?> " name="<?php echo jz_encode("updateSiteNews"); ?> " class="jz_submit"> <?php $this->closeButton(false); ?> </center> <?php $this->closeBlock(); exit;
/** * Returns the AJAX code for the Whow is where block * * @author Ross Carlson * @since 8.21.05 * **/ function returnBreadcrumbs() { global $img_up_arrow, $this_page; // Now let's create the breadcrumbs $bcArray = explode("/", $_SESSION['jz_path']); $node = new jzMediaNode($_SESSION['jz_path']); $display = new jzDisplay(); $bcrumbs = ""; $bcrumbs = $img_up_arrow . " "; $bcrumbs .= '<a href="' . str_replace("ajax_request.php", "index.php", $this_page) . '">' . word("Home") . '</a>'; $bcrumbs .= " "; // Now we need to cut the last item off the list $bcArray = array_slice($bcArray, 0, count($bcArray) - 1); // Now let's display the crumbs $path = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($bcArray); $i++) { $bcrumbs .= $img_up_arrow . " "; $path .= $bcArray[$i] . "/"; $curPath = substr($path, 0, strlen($path) - 1); $arr = array(); $arr['jz_path'] = $curPath; $link = str_replace("ajax_request.php", "index.php", urlize($arr)); $bcrumbs .= '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $bcArray[$i] . '</a>'; $bcrumbs .= " "; } $mode = "GET"; $bcrumbs .= '<form action="' . $this_page . '" method="' . $mode . '">'; $bcrumbs .= '- <select style="width:100px" class="jz_select" name="' . jz_encode('jz_path') . '" onChange="form.submit();">'; $parent = $node->getParent(); $nodes = $parent->getSubNodes("nodes"); foreach ($nodes as $child) { $path = $child->getPath("String"); $bcrumbs .= '<option '; // Is this the current one? if ($child->getName() == $node->getName()) { $bcrumbs .= ' selected '; } $bcrumbs .= 'value="' . jz_encode($path) . '">' . $display->returnShortName($child->getName(), 20) . '</option>'; } $bcrumbs .= '</select>'; $bcrumbs .= "</form> "; echo $bcrumbs; exit; }
$nodes = $root->getAlphabetical($_GET['jz_letter'], "nodes", distanceTo("artist")); } else { if ($node->getLevel() == 0 && $show_frontpage_items == "false") { $nodes = array(); } else { $nodes = $node->getSubNodes("nodes"); } } // Now let's sort if ($sort_by_year == "true" and $node->getPType() == "artist") { sortElements($nodes, "year"); } else { sortElements($nodes, "name"); } $smarty->assign('form_action', urlize()); $smarty->assign('hidden_field', '<input type="hidden" name="' . jz_encode('jz_list_type') . '" value="' . jz_encode('nodes') . '">'); // Now let's loop through the nodes $i = 0; $c = 0; foreach ($nodes as $item) { $array[$i]['name'] = $item->getName(); $array[$i]['path'] = $item->getPath('string'); $array[$i]['link'] = $display->link($item, $img_folder, false, false, true); $name = $item->getName(); if (!isNothing($item->getYear()) and $item->getPType() == "album") { $name .= " (" . $item->getYear() . ")"; } $array[$i]['name'] = $display->link($item, $name, false, false, true); if (($count = $item->getSubNodeCount("nodes")) != 0) { if ($count > 1) { $folder = word("folders");
var winOpt = "width=" + boxWidth + ",height=" + boxHeight + ",left=" + ((sw - boxWidth) / 2) + ",top=" + ((sh - boxHeight) / 2) + ",menubar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no"; thisWin = window.open(obj,'StatusPop',winOpt); } --> </SCRIPT> <?php $aRR = array(); $aRR['action'] = "popup"; $aRR['ptype'] = "showuploadstatus"; ?> <input onMouseDown="openStatusPop('<?php echo urlize($aRR); ?> ',300,200)" type=submit class="jz_submit" name="<?php echo jz_encode('uploadfiles'); ?> " value="<?php echo word('Upload'); ?> "> <!--<input type=submit class="jz_submit" name="<?php echo jz_encode('add_link_track'); ?> " value="<?php echo word('Add Link Track'); ?> ">--> </center> <?php echo '</form>'; $this->closeBlock();
function setThisPage() { global $link_root, $cms_type, $cms_mode, $fe; if (defined('JZ_URL_OVERRIDE')) { $link = JZ_URL_OVERRIDE . '?'; } else { if ($cms_mode === false || $cms_mode == "false" || $link_root == "") { //$a = explode("/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); //$link = $a[sizeof($a)-1] . '?'; $link = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $link = substr($link, 0, strrpos($link, '/')) . '/index.php?'; $link = str_replace("popup.php", "index.php", $link); } else { // $link = $link_root; } } // check for things that need to be added: $this_page = $link; // Add additional settings to our URL: if (isset($_GET['set_frontend'])) { $this_page .= urlencode(jz_encode("frontend")) . "=" . urlencode(jz_encode($_GET['set_frontend'])) . "&"; $_GET['frontend'] = $_GET['set_frontend']; } else { if (isset($_POST['set_frontend'])) { $this_page .= urlencode(jz_encode("frontend")) . "=" . urlencode(jz_encode($_POST['set_frontend'])) . "&"; $_GET['frontend'] = $_POST['set_frontend']; } else { if (isset($_GET['view'])) { $this_page .= urlencode(jz_encode("frontend")) . "=" . urlencode(jz_encode($_GET['view'])) . "&"; $_GET['frontend'] = $_GET['view']; } else { if (isset($_GET['frontend'])) { $this_page .= urlencode(jz_encode("frontend")) . "=" . urlencode(jz_encode($_GET['frontend'])) . "&"; } } } } if (isset($_GET['set_theme'])) { $this_page .= urlencode(jz_encode("theme")) . "=" . urlencode(jz_encode($_GET['set_theme'])) . "&"; $_GET['theme'] = $_GET['set_theme']; } else { if (isset($_POST['set_theme'])) { $this_page .= urlencode(jz_encode("theme")) . "=" . urlencode(jz_encode($_POST['set_theme'])) . "&"; $_GET['theme'] = $_POST['set_theme']; } else { if (isset($_GET['style'])) { $this_page .= urlencode(jz_encode("theme")) . "=" . urlencode(jz_encode($_GET['style'])) . "&"; $_GET['theme'] = $_GET['style']; } else { if (isset($_GET['theme'])) { $this_page .= urlencode(jz_encode("theme")) . "=" . urlencode(jz_encode($_GET['theme'])) . "&"; } } } } if (isset($_GET['set_language'])) { $this_page .= urlencode(jz_encode("language")) . "=" . urlencode(jz_encode($_GET['set_language'])) . "&"; $_GET['language'] = $_GET['set_language']; } else { if (isset($_POST['set_language'])) { $this_page .= urlencode(jz_encode("language")) . "=" . urlencode(jz_encode($_POST['set_language'])) . "&"; $_GET['language'] = $_POST['set_language']; } else { if (isset($_GET['language'])) { $this_page .= urlencode(jz_encode("language")) . "=" . urlencode(jz_encode($_GET['language'])) . "&"; } } } return $this_page; }
function drawPage(&$node) { global $media_dir, $jinzora_skin, $hierarchy, $album_name_truncate, $row_colors, $img_download, $img_more, $img_email, $img_play, $img_random_play, $img_rate, $img_discuss, $num_other_albums, $root_dir, $enable_ratings, $short_date, $jzUSER, $img_play_dis, $img_random_play_dis, $img_download_dis, $show_similar, $show_radio, $jzSERVICES, $show_album_art, $this_page, $num_track_cols; // Let's setup the new display object $display =& new jzDisplay(); $blocks =& new jzBlocks(); $fe =& new jzFrontend(); $parent = $node->getAncestor("artist"); handleFrontendOverrides(); ?> <table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <?php $colwidth = floor(100 / $num_track_cols); $tracks = $node->getSubNodes('tracks', -1); $c = 1; $c2 = 0; echo '<tr><td class="jz_nj_block_body" colspan="2">'; $artist = $tracks[0]->getAncestor("artist"); if ($artist) { $display->playButton($artist); echo " "; $display->link($artist, $artist->getName()); } else { echo $meta['artist']; } echo " "; $display->playButton($node); echo " "; $display->link($node, $node->getName()); ?> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="jz_block_td" colspan="<?php echo $num_track_cols; ?> " nowrap> <strong>Track Names</strong> </td> </tr> <form name="tracklist" method="POST" action="<?php echo urlize(array()); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo jz_encode("action"); ?> " value="<?php echo jz_encode("mediaAction"); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo jz_encode("jz_path"); ?> " value="<?php echo htmlentities(jz_encode($node->getPath("String"))); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo jz_encode("jz_list_type"); ?> " value="<?php echo jz_encode("tracks"); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo jz_encode("sendList"); ?> " value="<?php echo jz_encode("true"); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="randomize" value="false"> <?php foreach ($tracks as $track) { $meta = $track->getMeta(); $c = 2; if ($c2 % $num_track_cols == 0) { if ($c2 > 0) { echo '</tr>'; } echo '<tr>'; } echo '<td class="jz_nj_block_body" width="' . $colwidth . '%">'; $display->playButton($track); echo " "; $dispname = ''; $meta = $track->getMeta(); if (!isNothing($meta['number'])) { $dispname .= $meta['number'] . ' '; } $dispname .= $track->getName(); $display->playLink($track, $dispname, "Play " . $track->getName()); echo '</td>'; $c2++; if ($c2 % $num_track_cols == 0) { echo '</tr>'; } } while ($c2 % $num_track_cols != 0) { $c2++; echo '<td class="jz_nj_block_body"> </td>'; } ?> </tr> </table> </form> </td> </tr> </table> <?php }
// See if they ran a search. if ($search != "") { // Now let's get all the genres from our cache file $root =& new jzMediaNode(); $matches = $root->search($search, "nodes", distanceTo("album")); // arrayify search. echo '<select name="' . jz_encode("chosenPath") . '"size="18" class="jz_select" style="width: 200px" onChange="submit()">'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches); $i++) { $parent = $matches[$i]->getNaturalParent(); echo '<option value="' . jz_encode(htmlentities($matches[$i]->getPath("String"))) . '">' . $matches[$i]->getName() . " (" . $parent->getName() . ")"; } echo "</select>"; } else { if (isset($_GET['a'])) { // Now let's get all the artists from our cache file $root =& new jzMediaNode(); $matches = $root->getAlphabetical($_GET['a'], "nodes", distanceTo("album")); echo '<select name="' . jz_encode("chosenPath") . '"size="15" class="jz_select" style="width: 200px" onChange="submit()">'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches); $i++) { $parent = $matches[$i]->getNaturalParent(); echo '<option value="' . jz_encode(htmlentities($matches[$i]->getPath("String"))) . '">' . $matches[$i]->getName() . " (" . $parent->getName() . ")"; } echo '</select>'; } } echo "</form>"; echo "<br><br>"; $this->closeButton(); echo "</center>"; $this->closeBlock(); exit;
function keepVars($GET) { if (isset($GET['query'])) { echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"query\" value=\"" . htmlentities($GET['query']) . "\">"; } if ($GET['how'] == "filter") { echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . jz_encode("how") . "\" value=\"" . jz_encode("filter") . "\">"; } if ($GET['how'] == "search") { echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . jz_encode("how") . "\" value=\"" . jz_encode("search") . "\">"; } }
echo jz_encode('addList'); ?> ' || button.name == '<?php echo jz_encode('addPath'); ?> ') { ajax_submit_form(form,url,updatePlaylist_cb); return false; } if (button.name == '<?php echo jz_encode('downloadlist'); ?> ' || button.name == '<?php echo jz_encode('createlist'); ?> ' ){ button.click(); return false; } if (playback == 'stream') { form.submit(); return false; } else if (playback == 'jukebox') { for (i=0;i<form.elements.length;i++) { if (form.elements[i].name=='jz_playlist') { var pl_id = form.elements[i].value; var pl_url = url + "&action=playlist&type=playlist&jz_pl_id="+pl_id;
echo '</td><td>'; echo '<select name="' . jz_encode("newPType") . '" class="jz_select">'; echo '<option value="' . jz_encode("unchanged") . '">' . word("Unchanged") . '</option>'; echo '<option value="' . jz_encode("genre") . '">' . word("Genre") . '</option>'; echo '<option value="' . jz_encode("artist") . '">' . word("Artist") . '</option>'; echo '<option value="' . jz_encode("album") . '">' . word("Album") . '</option>'; echo '<option value="' . jz_encode("disk") . '">' . word("Disk") . '</option>'; echo '<option value="' . jz_encode("generic") . '">' . word("Generic") . '</option>'; echo '</select>'; echo '</td></tr>'; $i = 1; while ($node->getSubNodeCount("nodes", $i) > 0) { echo "<tr><td>Level {$i}:</td><td>"; echo '<select name="' . jz_encode("newPType-{$i}") . '" class="jz_select">'; echo '<option value="' . jz_encode("unchanged") . '">' . word("Unchanged") . '</option>'; echo '<option value="' . jz_encode("genre") . '">' . word("Genre") . '</option>'; echo '<option value="' . jz_encode("artist") . '">' . word("Artist") . '</option>'; echo '<option value="' . jz_encode("album") . '">' . word("Album") . '</option>'; echo '<option value="' . jz_encode("disk") . '">' . word("Disk") . '</option>'; echo '<option value="' . jz_encode("generic") . '">' . word("Generic") . '</option>'; echo '</select></td></tr>'; $i++; } echo "</table>"; echo '<br><input type="submit" name="updatePType" value="' . word("Update Type") . '" class="jz_submit">'; echo ' <input type="submit" name="edit_auto_set_ptype" value="' . word("Auto Set Page Type") . '" class="jz_submit">'; echo " "; $this->closeButton(); echo '</form>'; $this->closeBlock(); exit;
if (distanceTo('genre') !== false || distanceTo('artist') !== false) { echo '<td valign="top">' . word('from:') . '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top">'; if (distanceTo("genre") !== false) { $display->dropdown("genre", false, "source1"); } if (distanceTo("genre") !== false && distanceTo("artist") !== false) { echo '<br>'; } if (distanceTo("artist") !== false) { echo $display->dropdown("artist", false, "source2"); } echo '</td>'; echo '</td></tr></table><br>'; echo '<table align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>'; echo '<input type="submit" class="jz_submit" name="' . jz_encode('addrule') . '" value="' . word('Add Rule') . '">'; echo ' '; echo '<input type="submit" name="deletePlaylist" value="' . word("Delete Playlist") . '" class="jz_submit">'; echo '</td></tr></form>'; } $this->closeBlock(); return; } // Now let's get the list into an array $plist = $jzUSER->loadPlaylist($_SESSION['jz_playlist']); /*if ($plist == "") { exit (); }*/ $plist->flatten(); $list = $plist->getList(); // Now we need to see if they deleted a track or not
$root = new jzMediaNode(); $artArray = $root->getSubNodes($what, $distance); for ($i = 0; $i < count($artArray); $i++) { $valArray[] = $artArray[$i]->getName(); } echo word("Scanning full list...") . "<br><br>"; flushdisplay(); $found = $root->search($valArray, $what, $distance, sizeof($valArray), "exact"); foreach ($found as $e) { $matches[] = $e->getName(); echo $e->getName() . '<br>'; flushdisplay(); } $this->closeBlock(); exit; } $arr = array(); $arr['action'] = "popup"; $arr['ptype'] = "dupfinder"; echo '<form action="' . urlize($arr) . '" method="POST">'; echo "<br><br>"; echo "<center>"; echo word("Please select what you would like to search for") . "<br><br><br>"; echo '<input type="submit" value="' . word("Search Artists") . '" name="' . jz_encode("searchDupArtists") . '" class="jz_submit">'; echo ' '; echo '<input type="submit" value="' . word("Search Albums") . '" name="' . jz_encode("searchDupAlbums") . '" class="jz_submit">'; echo ' '; echo '<input type="submit" value="' . word("Search Tracks") . '" name="' . jz_encode("searchDupTracks") . '" class="jz_submit">'; echo "</center>"; echo '</form>'; $this->closeBlock();
/** * Displays a table of the given tracks. * * @author Ross Carlson * @version 11/30/04 * @since 01/11/05 * @param array $tracks The array of objects of each track * @param $purpose The type of this track table. One of: * generic|album|search|sample|sample-all */ function trackTable($tracks, $purpose = false) { global $media_dir, $jinzora_skin, $hierarchy, $album_name_truncate, $row_colors, $img_more, $img_email, $img_rate, $img_discuss, $num_other_albums, $enable_ratings, $this_site, $root_dir; if (sizeof($tracks) == 0) { return; } // Let's setup the new display object $display =& new jzDisplay(); // Let's figure out our settings: // First, set the defaults. $showNumbers = true; $showArtist = false; $showAlbum = false; $showCheck = false; $showInfo = false; $showEmail = false; $showRate = false; $showDisc = false; $albumArtThumbs = false; $showAlbumNames = false; $trackTruncate = false; $showPlayCount = false; // Now adjust as needed: switch ($purpose) { case "generic": $showNumbers = false; break; case "album": $showCheck = true; $showNumbers = false; $showInfo = true; $showPlayCount = true; $showEmail = true; break; case "search": $showArtist = true; break; case "sample": // We only want to show album thumbs IF this artist has more than 1 album $parent = $tracks[0]->getParent(); $gParent = $parent->getParent(); $nodes = $gParent->getSubNodes("nodes"); if (count($nodes) > 1) { $albumArtThumbs = true; } $showNumbers = false; $showAlbum = true; break; case "sample-all": $showNumbers = false; $showCheck = true; $showAlbumNames = true; $trackTruncate = 20; break; } // Do we need to start the form if ($showCheck) { $node = $tracks[0]->getParent(); ?> <form name="albumForm" action="<?php echo urlize(); ?> " method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo jz_encode("action"); ?> " value="<?php echo jz_encode("mediaAction"); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo jz_encode("jz_path"); ?> " value="<?php echo htmlentities(jz_encode($node->getPath("String"))); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo jz_encode("jz_list_type"); ?> " value="<?php echo jz_encode("tracks"); ?> "> <?php } // Now let's setup the big table to display everything $i = 0; ?> <table class="jz_track_table" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <?php foreach ($tracks as $child) { // First let's grab all the tracks meta data $metaData = $child->getMeta(); $album = $child->getParent(); if (findPType($album) == "disk") { $album = $album->getParent(); } $gParent = $album->getParent(); $artist = getInformation($album, "artist"); ?> <tr class="<?php echo $row_colors[$i]; ?> "> <?php if ($showCheck) { ?> <td width="1%" valign="top" class="jz_track_table_songs_td"> <input type="checkbox" name="jz_list[]" value="<?php echo jz_encode($child->getPath("String")); ?> "> </td> <td width="1%" valign="top" class="jz_track_table_songs_td"> <?php echo $display->playButton($child); ?> </td> <td width="1%" valign="top" class="jz_track_table_songs_td"> <?php echo $display->downloadButton($child); ?> </td> <?php } // Do they want ratings? if ($enable_ratings == "true") { echo '<td width="1%" valign="top" class="jz_track_table_songs_td">'; $display->rateButton($child); echo '</td>'; } ?> <?php if ($showInfo) { $arr = array(); $arr['action'] = "popup"; $arr['ptype'] = "trackinfo"; $arr['jz_path'] = $child->getPath("String"); $link = urlize($arr); ?> <td width="1%" valign="top" class="jz_track_table_songs_td"> <a href="<?php echo $link; ?> " target="_blank" onclick="openPopup(this, 375, 650); return false;"><?php echo $img_more; ?> </a> </td> <?php } ?> <?php if ($showEmail) { ?> <td width="1%" valign="top" class="jz_track_table_songs_td"> <?php $arr = array(); $arr['action'] = "playlist"; $arr['jz_path'] = $child->getPath("String"); $arr['type'] = "track"; $link = $this_site . $root_dir . "/" . str_replace("&", "%26", urlize($arr)); $mailLink = "mailto:?subject=" . $artist . " - " . $album->getName() . "&body=Click to play " . $artist . " - " . $album->getName() . ":%0D%0A%0D%0A" . $link . "%0D%0A%0D%0APowered%20by%20Jinzora%20%0D%0AJinzora%20::%20Free%20Your%20Media%0D%0Ahttp://www.jinzora.org"; ?> <a class="jz_track_table_songs_href" href="<?php echo $mailLink; ?> "><?php echo $img_email; ?> </a> </td> <?php } ?> <?php if ($showDisc) { ?> <td width="1%" valign="top" class="jz_track_table_songs_td"> <a class="jz_track_table_songs_href" href=""><?php echo $img_discuss; ?> </a> </td> <?php } ?> <td nowrap width="100%" valign="top" class="jz_track_table_songs_td"> <?php // Do they want tiny thumbnails? if ($albumArtThumbs) { if (($art = $album->getMainArt()) !== false) { $display->link($album, $display->returnImage($art, $album->getName(), 25, 25, "limit", false, false, "left", "2", "2"), $album->getName(), "jz_track_table_songs_href"); } } if ($showArtist !== false) { $j = 0; while ($j < sizeof($hierarchy) && $hierarchy[$j] != 'artist') { $j++; } if ($j < sizeof($hierarchy)) { $parent = $child; while ($parent->getLevel() > $j + 1) { $parent = $parent->getParent(); } $display->link($parent, $parent->getName(), $parent->getName(), "jz_track_table_songs_href"); echo " / "; } } if (!$trackTruncate) { $tName = $child->getName(); } else { $tName = returnItemShortName($child->getName(), $trackTruncate); } $display->link($child, $tName, $child->getName(), "jz_track_table_songs_href"); if ($showAlbum) { echo "<br>From: "; $display->link($album, returnItemShortName($album->getName(), 20), $album->getName(), "jz_track_table_songs_href"); } // Do they want ratings? if ($enable_ratings == "true") { $rating = $display->displayRating($child, true); if ($rating) { echo "<br>" . $rating; } unset($rating); } ?> </td> <?php $lyricsSearch = false; if (isset($_POST['search_type'])) { if ($_POST['search_type'] == "lyrics") { $lyricsSearch = $_POST['search_query']; } } if (isset($_GET['search_type'])) { if ($_GET['search_type'] == "lyrics") { $lyricsSearch = $_GET['search_query']; } } if ($lyricsSearch) { // Now let's get the lyrics back $lyrics = $child->getLyrics(); // Now let's parse it out $lyrics = str_replace("Lyrics Provided by: Leo's Lyrics\nhttp://www.leoslyrics.com", "", $lyrics); $start = strpos(strtolower($lyrics), strtolower($lyricsSearch)) - 20; if ($start < 0) { $start = 0; } $lyrics = " (..." . substr($lyrics, $start, strlen($lyricsSearch) + 40) . "...)"; $lyrics = highlight($lyrics, $lyricsSearch); echo '<td width="6%" align="center" valign="top" class="jz_track_table_songs_td">'; echo "<nobr>" . $lyrics . "</nobr>"; echo '</td>'; } ?> <?php if ($showAlbumNames) { echo '<td width="1%" align="center" valign="top" class="jz_track_table_songs_td"><nobr>'; $display->link($gParent, returnItemShortName($gParent->getName(), 20), $gParent->getName(), "jz_track_table_songs_href"); echo '</nobr></td>'; } ?> <?php if ($showPlayCount) { echo '<td width="1%" align="center" valign="top" class="jz_track_table_songs_td">'; echo $child->getPlayCount(); echo '</td>'; } ?> <td width="6%" align="center" valign="top" class="jz_track_table_songs_td"> <nobr> <?php echo convertSecMins($metaData['length']); ?> </nobr> </td> </tr> <?php $i = 1 - $i; unset($gParent); unset($album); } // Now let's set a field with the number of checkboxes that were here echo "</table>"; // Now let's show the playlist bar if we should if ($showCheck) { $blocks = new jzBlocks(); $blocks->blockSpacer(); $blocks->playlistBar(); echo "</form>"; } }
*/ global $node; // Let's see if they rated it? if (isset($_POST['itemRating'])) { // Ok, let's rate and close $node->addRating($_POST['itemRating']); $this->closeWindow(true); } // First let's display the top of the page and open the main block $this->displayPageTop("", word("Rate Item") . "<br>" . $node->getName()); $this->openBlock(); // Now let's setup the values $url_array = array(); $url_array['jz_path'] = $node->getPath("String"); $url_array['action'] = "popup"; $url_array['ptype'] = "rateitem"; echo '<form action="' . urlize($url_array) . '" method="POST">'; echo '<center><br>' . word("Rating") . ': '; echo '<select name="' . jz_encode('itemRating') . '" class="jz_select">'; for ($i = 5; $i > 0;) { echo '<option value="' . jz_encode($i) . '">' . $i . '</option>'; $i = $i - 0.5; } echo '</select>'; echo '<br><br><input type="submit" name="' . jz_encode('submitRating') . '" value="' . word("Rate Item") . '" class="jz_submit">'; echo " "; $this->closeButton(); echo '</center>'; echo '</form>'; // Now let's close out $this->closeBlock();
function drawPage(&$node) { global $media_dir, $jinzora_skin, $hierarchy, $album_name_truncate, $row_colors, $img_download, $img_more, $img_email, $img_play, $img_random_play, $img_rate, $img_discuss, $num_other_albums, $root_dir, $enable_ratings, $short_date, $jzUSER, $img_play_dis, $img_random_play_dis, $img_download_dis, $show_similar, $show_radio, $jzSERVICES, $show_album_art, $this_page; // Let's setup the new display object $display =& new jzDisplay(); $blocks =& new jzBlocks(); $fe =& new jzFrontend(); $parent = $node->getAncestor("artist"); ?> <table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="jz_block_td" nowrap colspan="4"> <strong>SEARCH RESULTS AND OPTIONS</strong> </td> </tr> <tr> <?php if (($art = $node->getMainArt("100x100")) !== false) { echo '<td width="1%" class="jz_nj_block_body" align="center" rowspan="2">'; $display->playLink($node, $display->returnImage($art, $node->getName(), 100, 100, "fit")); echo '</td>'; } ?> <td width="33%" class="jz_nj_block_body" align="center"> <?php echo $node->getSubNodeCount(); ?> Track(s) Found. </td> <td width="33%" class="jz_nj_block_body" align="center"> Page 1 of 1 </td> <td width="33%" class="jz_nj_block_body" align="center"> <?php $stats = $node->getStats(); echo $stats['total_length_str']; echo " for "; echo $stats['total_size_str']; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" class="jz_nj_block_body" align="center"> <a onClick="CheckBoxes('tracklist',true);" href="javascript:void()">Select All</a> </td> <td width="25%" class="jz_nj_block_body" align="center"> <a onClick="CheckBoxes('tracklist',false);" href="javascript:void()">Release All</a> </td> <td width="25%" class="jz_nj_block_body" align="center"> <a onClick="document.tracklist.randomize.value = 'false'; <?php echo $display->embeddedFormHandler('tracklist'); ?> document.tracklist.submit();" href="javascript:void()"><?php echo word('Play'); ?> </a> | <a onClick="document.tracklist.randomize.value = 'true'; <?php echo $display->embeddedFormHandler('tracklist'); ?> document.tracklist.submit();" href="javascript:void()"><?php echo word('Randomize'); ?> </a> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td width="25%" class="jz_nj_block_body" style="border-top: 1px solid black;"> </td> <td width="25%" align="center" class="jz_nj_block_body" style="border-top: 1px solid black;"> <a href="#pageBottom">To Bottom</a> </td> <td width="25%" class="jz_nj_block_body" style="border-top: 1px solid black;"> </td> <td width="25%" class="jz_nj_block_body" style="border-top: 1px solid black;"> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="jz_block_td" nowrap> <strong>Options</strong> </td> <td class="jz_block_td" nowrap> <strong>Track Name</strong> </td> <td class="jz_block_td" nowrap> <strong>Time</strong> </td> <td class="jz_block_td" nowrap> <strong>Artist</strong> </td> <td class="jz_block_td" nowrap> <strong>Album</strong> </td> <td class="jz_block_td" nowrap align="center"> <strong>#</strong> </td> <td class="jz_block_td" nowrap> <strong>Genre</strong> </td> </tr> <form name="tracklist" method="POST" action="<?php echo urlize(array()); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo jz_encode("action"); ?> " value="<?php echo jz_encode("mediaAction"); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo jz_encode("jz_path"); ?> " value="<?php echo htmlentities(jz_encode($node->getPath("String"))); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo jz_encode("jz_list_type"); ?> " value="<?php echo jz_encode("tracks"); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo jz_encode("sendList"); ?> " value="<?php echo jz_encode("true"); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="randomize" value="false"> <?php $tracks = $node->getSubNodes('tracks', -1); foreach ($tracks as $track) { $meta = $track->getMeta(); echo '<tr><td nowrap width="1%" class="jz_nj_block_body" valign="top">'; echo '<input type="checkbox" name="jz_list[]" value="' . jz_encode($track->getPath("String")) . '" style="width:10px;height:10px;">'; $display->playButton($track); echo " "; $display->downloadButton($track); echo '</td><td class="jz_nj_block_body" >'; $display->playLink($track, $track->getName(), "Play " . $track->getName()); echo '</td><td width="1%" class="jz_nj_block_body" align="center">'; echo convertSecMins($meta['length']); echo '</td><td class="jz_nj_block_body" >'; $artist = $track->getAncestor("artist"); if ($artist) { $display->playButton($artist); echo " "; $display->randomPlayButton($artist); echo " "; $display->link($artist, $artist->getName()); } else { echo $meta['artist']; } echo '</td><td class="jz_nj_block_body" >'; $display->playButton($node); echo " "; $display->randomPlayButton($node); echo " "; $display->downloadButton($node); echo " "; $display->link($node, $node->getName()); echo '</td><td nowrap width="1%" align="center" class="jz_nj_block_body" >'; echo $meta['number']; echo '</td><td class="jz_nj_block_body" >'; if ($artist === false) { $genre = false; } else { $genre = $artist->getAncestor("genre"); } if ($genre) { $display->playButton($genre); echo " "; $display->randomPlayButton($genre); echo " "; $display->link($genre, $genre->getName()); } else { if (!isNothing($meta['genre'])) { echo $meta['genre']; } else { echo ' '; } } echo '</td></tr>'; } ?> </table> </form> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td width="25%" class="jz_nj_block_body" style="border-top: 1px solid black;"> </td> <td width="25%" align="center" class="jz_nj_block_body" style="border-top: 1px solid black;"> <a href="#pageTop">To Top</a> </td> <td width="25%" class="jz_nj_block_body" style="border-top: 1px solid black;"> </td> <td width="25%" class="jz_nj_block_body" style="border-top: 1px solid black;"> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <?php }
/** Displays a hidden field for the given variable * if it is currently set via post/get vars, it keeps that value * or it may be set to the given value. * * @author Ben Dodson */ function hiddenVariableField($type, $value = false, $encode = true, $return = false) { if ($value !== false) { if ($encode) { $retVal = '<input type="hidden" name="' . htmlentities(jz_encode($type)) . '" value="' . htmlentities(jz_encode($value)) . '">'; } else { $retVal = '<input type="hidden" name="' . htmlentities($type) . '" value="' . htmlentities($value) . '">'; } } else { if (isset($_POST[$type])) { if ($encode) { $retVal = '<input type="hidden" name="' . jz_encode($type) . '" value="' . jz_encode($_POST[$type]) . '">'; } else { $retVal = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $type . '" value="' . $_POST[$type] . '">'; } } else { if (isset($_GET[$type])) { if ($encode) { $retVal = '<input type="hidden" name="' . jz_encode($type) . '" value="' . jz_encode($_GET[$type]) . '">'; } else { $retVal = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $type . '" value="' . $_GET[$type] . '">'; } } } } if ($return) { return $retVal; } else { echo $retVal; } }
} if ($_GET['subpage'] == "frontend" && !isset($page_array['set_fe'])) { ?> <form method="POST" action="<?php echo urlize($page_array); ?> "> <select class="jz_select" name="<?php echo jz_encode('set_fe'); ?> ">Frontend: <?php $arr = readDirInfo($include_path . 'frontend/frontends', "dir"); foreach ($arr as $a) { if (file_exists($include_path . "frontend/frontends/{$a}/settings.php")) { echo "<option value=\"" . jz_encode($a) . "\""; if ($a == $my_frontend) { echo ' selected'; } echo ">{$a}</option>"; } } ?> </select> <input type="submit" class="jz_submit" value="<?php echo word('Go'); ?> "> <?php $this->closeBlock(); return;
echo '<input type="hidden" name="return" value="' . $_GET['return'] . '">'; } // See if they ran a search. if ($search != "") { // Now let's get all the genres from our backend $root =& new jzMediaNode(); $matches = $root->search($search, "nodes", distanceTo("artist")); // arrayify search. echo '<select name="' . jz_encode("chosenPath") . '"size="18" class="jz_select" style="width: 200px" onChange="submit()">'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches); $i++) { echo '<option value="' . jz_encode($matches[$i]->getPath("String")) . '">' . $matches[$i]->getName(); } echo "</select>"; } else { if (isset($_GET['i'])) { // Now let's get all the artists from our cache file $root =& new jzMediaNode(); $matches = $root->getAlphabetical($_GET['i'], "nodes", distanceTo("artist")); echo '<select name="' . jz_encode("chosenPath") . '"size="18" class="jz_select" style="width: 200px" onChange="submit()">'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches); $i++) { echo '<option value="' . jz_encode($matches[$i]->getPath("String")) . '">' . $matches[$i]->getName(); } echo '</select>'; } } echo "</form>"; echo "<br><br>"; $this->closeButton(); echo "</center>"; $this->closeBlock(); exit;
<tr class="<?php echo $row_colors[$i]; $i = 1 - $i; ?> "> <td width="100%" colspan="2" valign="top" align="center"> <br><br> <input type=submit class="jz_submit" name="<?php echo jz_encode('closeupdate'); ?> " value="<?php echo word("Update & Close"); ?> "> <input type=submit class="jz_submit" name="<?php echo jz_encode('updatedata'); ?> " value="<?php echo word("Update"); ?> "> <?php if ($resize_images = "true") { //echo '<input type=submit class="jz_submit" name="edit_rotate_image" value="'. word("Rotate Image"). '">'; } echo "<br><br>"; $this->closeButton(); ?> <br><br><br> </td> </tr>
} // Now we need to cut the last item off the list $bcArray = array_slice($bcArray, 0, count($bcArray) - 1); $bread_crumbs = '<form action="' . $this_page . '" method="' . $mode . '">' . "\n"; $bread_crumbs .= '<select style="width:175px" class="jz_select" name="' . jz_encode('jz_path') . '" onChange="form.submit();">' . "\n"; $parent = $node->getParent(); $nodes = $parent->getSubNodes("nodes"); sortElements($nodes); foreach ($nodes as $child) { $path = $child->getPath("String"); $bread_crumbs .= '<option '; // Is this the current one? if ($child->getName() == $node->getName()) { $bread_crumbs .= ' selected '; } $bread_crumbs .= 'value="' . jz_encode($path) . '">' . $display->returnShortName($child->getName(), 20) . '</option>' . "\n"; } $bread_crumbs .= '</select>' . "\n"; //$display->hiddenVariableField("jz_path"); $bread_crumbs .= $display->hiddenPageVars(true); $bread_crumbs .= '<input type="hidden" name="frontend" value="' . $_GET['frontend'] . '">' . "\n"; $bread_crumbs .= "</form>"; $smarty->assign('bread_crumbs', $bread_crumbs); $smarty->assign('play_button', $display->playButton($node, false, false, false, true)); $smarty->assign('random_button', $display->randomPlayButton($node, false, false, false, true)); $url_array = array(); $url_array['jz_path'] = $node->getPath("String"); $url_array['action'] = "popup"; $url_array['ptype'] = "iteminfo"; $smarty->assign('info_button', urlize($url_array)); $smarty->assign('allow_resample', "false");
/** * Draws the login page. * * @author Ben Dodson <*****@*****.**> * @version 11/3/04 * @since 5/13/04 */ function loginPage($failed = false) { $display =& new jzDisplay(); //$display->preHeader('Login',$this->width,$this->align); echo '<body onLoad="document.getElementById(\'loginform\').field1.focus();"></body>'; $urla = array(); $urla['jz_path'] = isset($_GET['jz_path']) ? $_GET['jz_path'] : ''; ?> <style> body { background-color: #F5F5D0; background: #F5F5D0; font-family: Verdana, Sans; font-size: 10px; color: #9c9b9b; margin: 0 0 0 0; } td { font-family: Verdana, Sans; font-size: 10px; } submit { border: 1px solid black; background: #EFEFCC; color: #000000; font-size: 11px; border-width: 1px; } input { font-family: Verdana, Sans; color: #000000; background-color: #EFEFCC; font-size: 11px; border-width: 1px; } </style> <script language="javascript" src="lib/md5.js"></script> <script language="javascript"> function submitLogin() { if (document.getElementById("loginform").doregister.value == 'true') { return true; } else { // submit the other form // so we can submit a non-cleartext PW without changing browser's stored PW. document.getElementById("loginSecureForm").field1.value = document.getElementById("loginform").field1.value; document.getElementById("loginSecureForm").field2.value = hex_md5(document.getElementById("loginform").field2.value); document.getElementById("loginSecureForm").remember.value = document.getElementById("loginform").remember.value; document.getElementById("loginSecureForm").submit(); return false; } } </script> <body style="background-color: #F5F5D0;"> <table width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="background-color: #F5F5D0;"> <tr> <td align="center" height="100%" width="100%" style="background-color: #F5F5D0;"> <?php if ($failed) { echo "<center><strong><font color=white>Incorrect password</font></strong></center>"; } ?> <form name="loginSecureForm" id="loginSecureForm" method="POST" action="<?php echo urlize($urla); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="field1" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="field2" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="remember" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo jz_encode('action'); ?> " value="<?php echo jz_encode('login'); ?> "> </form> <form name="loginform" id="loginform" method="POST" action="<?php echo urlize($urla); ?> " onsubmit="return submitLogin()"> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo jz_encode('action'); ?> " value="<?php echo jz_encode('login'); ?> "> <?php if (!$failed) { echo "<br><br><br>"; } ?> <?php echo word("Username"); ?> <br> <input size="18" type="text" class="jz_input" name="field1" style="width:146px;"> <br> <?php echo word("Password"); ?> <br> <input size="18" type="password" class="jz_input" name="field2" style="width:146px;"> <br> <input type="checkbox" class="jz_checkbox" name="remember"> <?php echo word("Remember me"); ?> <br><br> <input class="jz_submit" type="submit" name="<?php echo jz_encode('submit_login'); ?> " value="<?php echo word("Login"); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="doregister" value="false" /> <?php $be = new jzBackend(); $data = $be->loadData('registration'); if ($data['allow_registration'] == "true") { ?> <input class="jz_submit" type="submit" name="<?php echo jz_encode('self_register'); ?> " value="<?php echo word("Register"); ?> " onclick="document.getElementById('loginform').doregister.value='true'"> <?php } ?> </form> <br /><br /> <img src="style/images/login-footer-logo.gif" border="0"> <br /><br /> </td> </tr> </table> </body> <?php //this->footer(); }
$link .= " selected "; } $link .= 'value="' . jz_encode("0") . '">1</option>' . "\n"; // Now let's dynamically do all the middle ones $i = 0; $e = 0; $c = 1; while ($i < count($artArray)) { if ($e == "24") { $e = 0; $c++; $link .= '<option '; if ($_POST['page'] + 1 == $c) { $link .= " selected "; } $link .= 'value="' . jz_encode($c - 1) . '">' . $c . '</option>' . "\n"; } $i++; $e++; } $link .= '</select></form>'; $link .= " "; $smarty->assign('title', word("All Album Art")); $smarty->assign('title_right', $link); //$this->blockHeader(word("All Album Art"), $link); //$this->blockBodyOpen(); // Now let's slice this up into pages if (isset($_POST['page'])) { if ($_POST['page'] == "RANDOM") { $start = 1 * 24; shuffle($artArray);
function standardPage(&$node) { global $jinzora_skin, $root_dir, $row_colors, $image_size, $desc_truncate, $image_dir, $jzSERVICES, $show_frontpage_items, $show_artist_alpha, $sort_by_year; // Let's setup the objects $blocks =& new jzBlocks(); $display =& new jzDisplay(); $fe =& new jzFrontend(); // Let's display the header $this->pageTop($node); // Now let's get the sub nodes to where we are if (isset($_GET['jz_letter'])) { $root = new jzMediaNode(); $nodes = $root->getAlphabetical($_GET['jz_letter'], "nodes", distanceTo("artist")); } else { if ($node->getLevel() == 0 && $show_frontpage_items == "false") { $nodes = array(); } else { $nodes = $node->getSubNodes("nodes"); } } // Now let's sort if ($sort_by_year == "true" and $node->getPType() == "artist") { sortElements($nodes, "year"); } else { sortElements($nodes, "name"); } echo '<form name="albumForm" method="POST" action="' . urlize() . '">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . jz_encode('jz_list_type') . '" value="' . jz_encode('nodes') . '">'; // Now let's loop through the nodes $i = 0; foreach ($nodes as $item) { ?> <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4"> <tr class="<?php $i = 1 - $i; echo $row_colors[$i]; ?> "> <td width="1%" valign="middle"> <input type="checkbox" name="jz_list[]" value="<?php echo jz_encode($item->getPath("String")); ?> "> </td> <td width="1%" valign="middle"> <?php $display->link($item, '<img src="' . $image_dir . 'folder.gif" border="0">'); ?> </td> <td width="96%" valign="middle"> <?php // Now let's link to this item $name = $item->getName(); if (!isNothing($item->getYear()) and $item->getPType() == "album") { $name .= " (" . $item->getYear() . ")"; } $display->link($item, $name); ?> </td> <td width="1%" valign="middle" nowrap align="right"> <?php // Now let's show the sub items if (($count = $item->getSubNodeCount("nodes")) != 0) { if ($count > 1) { $folder = word("folders"); } else { $folder = word("folder"); } $display->link($item, $count . " " . $folder); } else { if (($count = $item->getSubNodeCount("tracks")) != 0) { if ($count > 1) { $files = word("files"); } else { $files = word("file"); } $display->link($item, $count . " " . $files); } } ?> </td> <td width="1%" valign="middle" nowrap align="right"> <?php // Let's show a play button $display->playButton($item); echo " "; $display->randomPlayButton($item); ?> </td> </tr> <?php // Now do we hvae another row? if (($art = $item->getMainArt($image_size . "x" . $image_size)) != false or ($desc = $item->getDescription()) != "") { // Ok, we had stuff let's do a new row ?> <tr class="<?php echo $row_colors[$i]; ?> "> <td width="1%" valign="middle"> </td> <td width="99%" valign="middle" colspan="4"> <?php if ($art) { $display->link($item, $display->returnImage($art, $node->getName(), $image_size, $image_size, "limit", false, false, "left", "4", "4")); } echo $display->returnShortName($item->getDescription(), $desc_truncate); // Do we need the read more link? if (strlen($item->getDescription()) > $desc_truncate) { $url_array = array(); $url_array['jz_path'] = $item->getPath("String"); $url_array['action'] = "popup"; $url_array['ptype'] = "readmore"; echo ' <a href="' . urlize($url_array) . '" onclick="openPopup(this, 450, 450); return false;">...read more</a>'; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr bgcolor="#D2D2D2"><td width="100%"></td></tr></table> <?php } // Now are there any tracks? if (isset($_GET['jz_letter'])) { $root = new jzMediaNode(); //$tracks = $root->getAlphabetical($_GET['jz_letter'],"tracks",-1); $tracks = array(); } else { $tracks = $node->getSubNodes("tracks"); } if (count($tracks) != 0) { $blocks->trackTable($tracks); } if (sizeof($nodes) > 0 || sizeof($tracks) > 0) { ?> <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr height="2" style="background-image: url('<?php echo $image_dir; ?> row-spacer.gif');"><td width="100%"></td></tr></table> <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"> <tr class="and_head1"> <td width="100%"> <a style="cursor:hand" onClick="CheckBoxes('albumForm',true); return false;" href="javascript:;"><img src="<?php echo $image_dir; ?> check.gif" border="0"></a><a style="cursor:hand" onClick="CheckBoxes('albumForm',false); return false;" href="javascript:;"><img src="<?php echo $image_dir; ?> check-none.gif" border="0"></a> <?php $display->addListButton(); ?> <?php $display->hiddenVariableField('action', 'mediaAction'); ?> <?php $display->hiddenVariableField('path', $_GET['jz_path']); ?> <?php $url_array = array(); $url_array['action'] = "popup"; $url_array['ptype'] = "playlistedit"; echo '<a href="javascript:;" onClick="openPopup(' . "'" . urlize($url_array) . "'" . ',600,600); return false;"><img src="' . $image_dir . 'playlist.gif" border="0"></a>'; echo ' '; $display->playlistSelect(115, false, "all"); ?> </form> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } echo '</form>'; // Now let's close out $this->footer($node); }
echo word('Create Lo-Fi'); ?> "> <input type=submit class="jz_submit" name="<?php echo jz_encode('createclip'); ?> " value="<?php echo word('Create Clip'); ?> "> <br><br> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <input type=submit class="jz_submit" name="<?php echo jz_encode('justclose'); ?> " value="<?php echo word('Close'); ?> "> <br><br> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php $this->closeBlock();
function trackTable($tracks, $purpose = false) { global $media_dir, $jinzora_skin, $hierarchy, $album_name_truncate, $row_colors, $img_more, $img_email, $img_rate, $img_discuss, $num_other_albums, $enable_ratings, $this_site, $allow_clips, $root_dir, $jzUSER, $hide_id3_comments, $max_song_length, $enable_discussion, $max_song_name_length, $show_lyrics_links, $allow_send_email, $handle_compilations, $video_types, $show_track_numbers; if (sizeof($tracks) == 0) { return; } // Let's setup the new display object $display =& new jzDisplay(); $tracks_only = array(); foreach ($tracks as $track) { if (is_object($track)) { $tracks_only[] = $track; } } // Now let's see if this is a Audio, Video, or Photo node $video = true; foreach ($tracks_only as $track) { if (!preg_match("/\\.({$video_types})\$/i", $track->getDataPath())) { $video = false; } } if ($video) { $this->videoTable($tracks_only, $purpose); return; } // Let's figure out our settings: // First, set the defaults. $showNumbers = false; if ($show_track_numbers == "true") { $showNumbers = true; } $showArtist = false; $showAlbum = false; $showCheck = false; $showInfo = false; $showEmail = false; $showRate = false; $showDisc = false; $showAlbumNames = false; $trackTruncate = false; $showPlayCount = false; if ($enable_discussion == "true") { $showDisc = true; } $trackTruncate = $max_song_name_length; // Now adjust as needed: switch ($purpose) { case "generic": $showNumbers = false; break; case "album": $showCheck = true; $showInfo = true; $showPlayCount = true; $showEmail = true; break; case "search": $showCheck = true; $showArtist = true; $showInfo = true; $showEmail = true; $trackTruncate = 100; break; case "sample": // We only want to show album thumbs IF this artist has more than 1 album $parent = $tracks_only[0]->getParent(); $gParent = $parent->getParent(); $nodes = $gParent->getSubNodes("nodes"); $showNumbers = false; $showAlbum = true; break; case "sample-all": $showNumbers = false; $showCheck = true; $showAlbumNames = true; $trackTruncate = 20; break; } if ($allow_send_email == "false") { $showEmail = false; } // Do we need to start the form if ($showCheck) { $node = $tracks_only[0]->getParent(); ?> <form name="albumForm" action="<?php echo urlize(); ?> " method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo jz_encode("action"); ?> " value="<?php echo jz_encode("mediaAction"); ?> "> <?php if ($purpose != "search") { ?> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo jz_encode("jz_path"); ?> " value="<?php echo htmlentities(jz_encode($node->getPath("String"))); ?> "> <?php } ?> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo jz_encode("jz_list_type"); ?> " value="<?php echo jz_encode("tracks"); ?> "> <?php } // Now let's setup the big table to display everything $i = 0; ?> <table class="jz_track_table" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <?php $artists = array(); if ($handle_compilations == "true") { foreach ($tracks_only as $child) { $a = $child->getMeta(); if (!isNothing($a['artist'])) { $artists[$a['artist']] = true; } } } else { foreach ($tracks_only as $child) { $a = $child->getAncestor('artist'); if ($a !== false) { $artists[strtoupper($a->getName())] = true; } } } if (sizeof($artists) > 1) { $multiArtist = true; } else { $multiArtist = false; } $first_label = true; foreach ($tracks as $child) { // is it a header? if (is_string($child)) { if (!$first_label) { echo '<tr><td colspan="100"> </td></tr>'; } echo '<tr><td colspan="100">' . $child . '</td></tr>'; $first_label = false; continue; } // Let's make sure this isn't a lofi track if (substr($child->getPath("String"), -9) == ".lofi.mp3" or substr($child->getPath("String"), -9) == ".clip.mp3") { continue; } // First let's grab all the tracks meta data $metaData = $child->getMeta(); $album = $child->getParent(); if (findPType($album) == "disk") { $album = $album->getParent(); } $gParent = $album->getParent(); $artist = getInformation($album, "artist"); ?> <tr class="<?php echo $row_colors[$i]; ?> "> <?php if ($showCheck and $jzUSER->getSetting('stream')) { $value = htmlentities(jz_encode($child->getPath("String"))); ?> <td width="1%" valign="top" class="jz_track_table_songs_td"> <input type="checkbox" name="jz_list[]" value="<?php echo $value; ?> "> </td> <?php } ?> <td width="99%" valign="top" class="jz_track_table_songs_td" nowrap> <?php echo $display->playButton($child); ?> <?php // Now, is there a lofi version? $loFile = substr($child->getDataPath("String"), 0, -4) . ".lofi.mp3"; if (is_file($loFile) and $jzUSER->getSetting('stream')) { $lofi = new jzMediaTrack(substr($child->getPath("String"), 0, -4) . ".lofi.mp3"); //echo '<td width="1%" valign="top" class="jz_track_table_songs_td">'; echo $display->lofiPlayButton($lofi); //echo '</td>'; } ?> <?php // Now, is there a clip version? $loFile = substr($child->getDataPath("String"), 0, -4) . ".clip.mp3"; if (is_file($loFile) || $allow_clips == "true") { //echo '<td width="1%" valign="top" class="jz_track_table_songs_td">'; echo $display->clipPlayButton($child); //echo '</td>'; } ?> <?php echo $display->downloadButton($child); ?> <?php // Do they want ratings? if ($enable_ratings == "true") { $display->rateButton($child); } if ($showInfo) { echo " "; $display->infoButton($child); } if ($showEmail and $jzUSER->getSetting('stream')) { $display->emailButton($child); } ?> <?php if ($showDisc) { ?> <a class="jz_track_table_songs_href" href=""><?php $display->displayDiscussIcon($child); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php if ($showArtist !== false) { $j = 0; while ($j < sizeof($hierarchy) && $hierarchy[$j] != 'artist') { $j++; } if ($j < sizeof($hierarchy)) { $parent = $child; while ($parent->getLevel() > $j + 1) { $parent = $parent->getParent(); } $display->link($parent, $parent->getName(), $parent->getName(), "jz_track_table_songs_href"); echo " / "; } } // This is where we display the name if ($multiArtist) { if ($handle_compilations == "true") { $artistName = $metaData['artist']; if (isNothing($artistName)) { $artist = $child->getAncestor("artist"); if ($artist !== false) { $artistName = $artist->getName(); } } } else { $artist = $child->getAncestor("artist"); if ($artist !== false) { $artistName = $artist->getName(); } } if (isset($artistName)) { $tName = $child->getName(); unset($artistName); } else { $tName = $child->getName(); } } else { $tName = $child->getName(); } if ($trackTruncate) { $tName = returnItemShortName($tName, $trackTruncate); } if ($purpose == "search") { $album = $child->getAncestor("album"); $display->link($album, $album->getName(), $album->getName(), "jz_track_table_songs_href"); echo " / "; } if ($showNumbers) { echo $metaData['number'] . " - "; } if ($jzUSER->getSetting('stream')) { if ($showAlbum) { $descName = $album->getName() . " - " . $child->getName(); } else { $descName = $child->getName(); } // $tName = $child->getName(); $display->link($child, $tName, $descName, "jz_track_table_songs_href"); } else { echo $tName; } // Did they want to see lyrics links? if ($show_lyrics_links == "true") { if ($metaData['lyrics'] != "") { $urlArr = array(); $urlArr['jz_path'] = $child->getPath("String"); $urlArr['action'] = "popup"; $urlArr['ptype'] = "viewlyricsfortrack"; echo '<a href="' . urlize($urlArr) . '" onclick="openPopup(this, 450, 450); return false;"> - ' . word("Lyrics") . '</a>'; } } // Now let's show the description if there is one if ($short_desc = $child->getShortDescription() and $hide_id3_comments == "false") { echo "<br>" . $short_desc; } if ($description = $child->getDescription()) { echo "<br>" . $description; } // Do they want ratings? /*if ($enable_ratings == "true"){ //$rating = $display->displayRating($child,true); if ($rating){ //echo "<br>". $rating; } //unset($rating); }*/ ?> </td> <?php $lyricsSearch = false; if (isset($_POST['search_type'])) { if ($_POST['search_type'] == "lyrics") { $lyricsSearch = $_POST['search_query']; } } if (isset($_GET['search_type'])) { if ($_GET['search_type'] == "lyrics") { $lyricsSearch = $_GET['search_query']; } } if ($lyricsSearch) { // Now let's get the lyrics back $lyrics = $child->getLyrics(); // Now let's parse it out $lyrics = str_replace("Lyrics Provided by: Leo's Lyrics\nhttp://www.leoslyrics.com", "", $lyrics); $start = strpos(strtolower($lyrics), strtolower($lyricsSearch)) - 20; if ($start < 0) { $start = 0; } $lyrics = " (..." . substr($lyrics, $start, strlen($lyricsSearch) + 40) . "...)"; $lyrics = highlight($lyrics, $lyricsSearch); echo '<td width="6%" align="center" valign="top" class="jz_track_table_songs_td" nowrap>'; echo $lyrics; echo '</td>'; } ?> <?php if ($showAlbumNames) { echo '<td width="1%" class="jz_track_table_songs_td" nowrap>'; $display->link($album, returnItemShortName($album->getName(), 20), $album->getName(), "jz_track_table_songs_href"); echo '</td>'; } ?> <?php if ($showPlayCount) { echo '<td width="1%" align="center" valign="top" class="jz_track_table_songs_td" nowrap>'; if ($child->getPlayCount() != 0) { echo $child->getPlayCount() . " " . word("Plays"); } else { echo " - "; } echo '</td>'; } ?> <td width="6%" align="center" valign="top" class="jz_track_table_songs_td" nowrap> <?php echo convertSecMins($metaData['length']); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $i = 1 - $i; unset($gParent); unset($album); } // Now let's set a field with the number of checkboxes that were here echo "</table>"; // Now let's show the playlist bar if we should if ($showCheck) { $this->blockSpacer(); $this->playlistBar(); echo "</form>"; } }
<input value="always" type="radio" name="edit_search_year_miss"> <?php echo word("Always"); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <br> <input type="submit" name="<?php echo jz_encode("metaSearchSubmit"); ?> " value="<?php echo word("Search"); ?> " class="jz_submit"> <!--<input type="submit" name="<?php echo jz_encode("edit_meta_search_step"); ?> " value="<?php echo word("Search"); ?> " class="jz_submit">--> </form> <?php $this->closeButton(); $this->closeBlock(); exit; } // Did they want to verify the search? if (isset($_POST['edit_meta_search_step'])) { $this->stepMetaSearch($node); }