public function index() { $u = new SwfUpload(); $t = new Thumbnail(); $u->files = $_FILES; //设置file数组。(只能单张) //请记住先检测,再上传 $r = $u->check(); if ($r === true && ($r = $u->upload())) { // echo_log($r); if (!isset($r['error'])) { // 生成200的缩略图 $t->setSrcImg($r['savePath']); $height = $t->getImgHeight(); $width = $t->getImgWidth(); if ($this->savePicture($r['saveName'], $r['title'], $width, $height)) { // 生成小的缩略图 $t->setDstImg($r['savePath'] . '_' . THUMBNAIL_WIDTH_SMALL); $t->createImg(THUMBNAIL_WIDTH_SMALL); // 生成打的缩略图 $t->setSrcImg($r['savePath']); $t->setDstImg($r['savePath'] . '_' . THUMBNAIL_WIDTH_LARGE); $t->createImg(THUMBNAIL_WIDTH_LARGE); $rt = array('thumbUrl' => $r['saveName'], 'title' => $r['title'], 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height); json_success($rt); } else { json_failure('图片信息入库异常'); } } else { json_failure($r['error']); } } else { json_failure($r['error']); } }
public function update() { $idx = user()->getIdx(); if ($idx) { $meta = new PhilgoMeta(); $stamp = $meta->get("attend.complete.{$idx}"); if ($stamp) { // 1 분 이내에 중복 신청이 안되도록 한다. if ($stamp < time() - 60) { // 총 포인트가 10만 점이 넘지 않도록 한다. $point = $meta->get("total.event.point.{$idx}"); if ($point > 100000) { json_success(array('code' => -40470, 'message' => "한도 초과: 포인트는 50,000 점까지만 획득 가능합니다.")); } global $sys; $d = array('idx_member' => $idx, 'idx_member_from' => $idx, 'point' => 77, 'idx_post' => 0, 'etc' => 'point event 2016-01-26'); $sys->point->update($d); $meta->set("attend.complete.{$idx}", time()); $meta->set("total.event.point.{$idx}", $point + 77); json_success(array('code' => 0, 'message' => "OK")); } else { $left = 60 - (time() - $stamp); json_success(array('code' => -40450, 'message' => "너무 빠른 포인트 증가 시도입니다. {$left} 초 남았음.")); } } else { json_success(array('code' => -40449, 'message' => "출석 이벤트를 완료하십시오.")); } } else { json_success(array('code' => -40104, 'message' => "로그인을 하십시오.")); } }
public function runAjax() { $in = http_input(); $table = $in['table']; $in['rows'] = $this->db->rows("SELECT * FROM {$table}"); json_success($in); }
/** * 搜索需求 */ public function search() { $key = get_query('key'); if (empty($key)) { this . getList(); } $list = $this->pM->search($key, LIST_PPN, get_query('p', 1)); json_success(array('isEnd' => empty($list), 'list' => $list)); }
/** * * * @note 호출 예: * */ public function collect() { $my_idx = user()->getID(); $ret = array(); for ($i = 9; $i >= 0; $i--) { $date = date('Ymd', time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * $i); $row = $this->row("user_id={$my_idx} AND date={$date}"); $row['ymd'] = preg_replace('/([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})/', "\$1-\$2-\$3 ", $date); $ret[] = $row; } json_success($ret); }
/** * Выполнение ajax действия * * @param AjaxClassProvider $provider */ function execute_ajax_action(AbstractAjaxAction $action = null) { /* Для безопасности не будем писать детали обработки */ if (!$action) { json_error('Действие не опеределено'); } $result = $action->execute(); $result = $result ? $result : 'Ошибка выполнения действия'; if ($result instanceof AjaxSuccess) { json_success($result->getJsParams()); } json_error($result); }
/** * * @return void */ public function edit() { if ($this->input->is_ajax_request()) { if (($domain = $this->input->post("domain")) !== NULL && $this->auth->has_right(Auth::ADMIN, $domain)) { if ($domain !== "<new>" && !($this->data["domain"] = $this->domains_model->get($domain)) instanceof PA_DB_Domain) { json_success($this->data["domain"]); } //add_js( "domains_edit", true ); $this->load->view('forms/domain_edit', $this->data); return; } json_access_denied(); } redirect($this->router->default_controller); }
/** * * * @note HTTP 입력 변수로 condition 값이 들어오며 적절한 처리를 하여 JSON 으로 리턴한다. * * 내부적으로는 Entity::search() 를 사용하므로 where, limit, offset, page, order_by, fields 의 값을 그대로 사용 할 수 있다. * * * &entity=데이터베이스 테이블 * &where=의 값은 entity->search() 의 where SQL 컨디션과 동일 * &order_by=SQL ORDER BY 컨디션 * &limit=, &offset=, &page= 의 값은 entity::search() 의 것과 동일 * * @return JSON 내부의 동작은 entity::search() 의 것과 동일하지만, 결과는 JSON 으로 리턴한다. * * @code 쿼리 예제 *,finish,name&where=id%3E3&limit=3 * @endcode */ public function collect() { $in = http_input(); $o['fields'] = isset($in['fields']) ? $in['fields'] : '*'; $o['where'] = isset($in['where']) ? $in['where'] : null; $o['order_by'] = isset($in['order_by']) ? $in['order_by'] : 'id DESC'; $o['limit'] = isset($in['limit']) ? $in['limit'] : 10; $o['page'] = isset($in['page']) ? $in['page'] : 1; $o['offset'] = isset($in['offset']) ? $in['offset'] : 0; $entity_name = $in['entity']; $node = node($entity_name); $entities = $node->search($o); $data = array(); foreach ($entities as $e) { $data[] = $e->getRecord(); } json_success($data); }
$identifier = $icao == "" ? $iata : $icao; $github = new \Github\Client(); $github->authenticate($GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN, NULL, Github\Client::AUTH_HTTP_TOKEN); $issues = $github->api('search')->issues("repo:{$GITHUB_USER}/{$GITHUB_REPO} in:title {$identifier}"); if (count($issues['items']) > 0) { // Existing issue, add comment $issue_number = $issues['items'][0]['number']; $result = $github->api('issue')->comments()->create($GITHUB_USER, $GITHUB_REPO, $issue_number, array('body' => $body)); } else { // New issue $result = $github->api('issue')->create($GITHUB_USER, $GITHUB_REPO, array('title' => $subject, 'body' => $body, 'labels' => array('airport'))); $issue_number = $result['number']; } if (TRUE) { $message = "Edit submitted for review on Github: Issue {$issue_number}, {$result['html_url']}"; json_success(array("apid" => $apid, "message" => $message)); } else { json_error("Could not submit edit for review, please contact <a href='/about'>support</a>."); } } exit; } if (!$dbname) { $dbname = "airports"; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . mysql_real_escape_string($dbname) . " WHERE "; if ($action == "LOAD") { // Single-airport fetch $sql .= " apid=" . mysql_real_escape_string($apid); $offset = 0; } else {
public function invoke_patients() { $active = isset($_GET['active']) ? $_GET['active'] : "1"; //SELECT ALL ////////////////////////////////// if (get('do') == 'viewall') { if (PAGINATION_TYPE == 'Normal') { $result = $this->patients_model->SelectAll(RECORD_PER_PAGE, $active); //Accept get url e.g (index.php?id=1&cat=2...) $paging = pagination($this->patients_model->CountRow(), RECORD_PER_PAGE, '' . H_ADMIN . '&view=patients&do=viewall&active=' . $active); } else { $result = $this->patients_model->SelectAll(NULL, $active); } include APP_FOLDER . '/views/admin/patients/View.php'; } //EXPORT //////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (get('do') == 'export') { $result = $this->patients_model->SelectAll(NULL, $active); include APP_FOLDER . '/views/admin/patients/Export.php'; } elseif (get('do') == 'export2') { $rows = $this->patients_model->SelectOne(get('id')); include APP_FOLDER . '/views/admin/patients/Export2.php'; } elseif (get('do') == 'autosearch') { $qstring = post('qstring'); if (strlen($qstring) > 0) { $autosearch = $this->patients_model->AutoSearch(trim($qstring), 10, 'first_name'); echo ' <div class=widget><ul class="list-group">'; foreach ($autosearch as $srow) { echo '<span class="searchheading"><a href="' . H_ADMIN . '&view=patients&id=' . $srow->id . '&do=details"><li class="list-group-item">' . $srow->first_name . ' ' . $srow->last_name . '</li></a> </span>'; } echo '</ul></div>'; } } elseif (get('do') == 'add') { include APP_FOLDER . '/views/admin/patients/Add.php'; } elseif (get('do') == 'addpro') { if ($_POST) { //form validation if (post('first_name') == '') { json_error('Pleas enter First Name!'); } elseif (post('last_name') == '') { json_error('Please enter Last Name!'); } elseif (post('phone') == '') { json_error('Please enter Phone!'); } elseif (post('email') == '') { json_error('Please enter Email!'); } elseif (post('source') == '') { json_error('Please select Source!'); } else { $this->patients_model->Insert(post('first_name'), post('last_name'), post('phone'), post('email'), post('source'), post('notes')); json_send('' . H_ADMIN . '&view=patients&do=viewall&msg=add'); json_success('Process Completed'); } } } elseif (get('do') == 'update') { $rows = $this->patients_model->SelectOne(get('id')); //check if patient have card $have_card = patient_have_card(get('id')); include APP_FOLDER . '/views/admin/patients/Update.php'; } elseif (get('do') == 'updatepro') { if ($_POST) { //form validation if (post('id') == '') { json_error('The field id cannot be empty!'); } elseif (post('first_name') == '') { json_error('Please enter First Name!'); } elseif (post('last_name') == '') { json_error('Please enter Last Name!'); } elseif (post('phone') == '') { json_error('Please enter Phone!'); } elseif (post('email') == '') { json_error('Please enter Email!'); } elseif (post('source') == '') { json_error('Please select Source!'); } else { $this->patients_model->Update(post('first_name'), post('last_name'), post('phone'), post('email'), post('source'), post('notes'), post('active'), post('id')); json_send('' . H_ADMIN . '&view=patients&id=' . post('id') . '&do=details&msg=update'); json_success('Process Completed'); } } } elseif (get('do') == 'details') { $rows = $this->patients_model->SelectOne(get('id')); //check if patient have card $have_card = patient_have_card(get('id')); include APP_FOLDER . '/views/admin/patients/Details.php'; } elseif (get('do') == 'truncate') { $this->patients_model->TruncateTable('' . H_ADMIN . '&view=patients&do=viewall&msg=truncate'); include APP_FOLDER . '/views/admin/patients/View.php'; } elseif (get('do') == 'delete') { $dfile = get('dfile'); if (get('id') and $dfile == '') { $del = $this->patients_model->Delete(get('id'), '' . H_ADMIN . '&view=patients&do=viewall&msg=delete'); } elseif (get('id') and $dfile != '' and get('fdel') == '') { delete_files(UPLOAD_PATH . get('dfile')); delete_files(THUMB_PATH . get('dfile')); $del = $this->patients_model->Delete(get('id'), '' . H_ADMIN . '&view=patients&do=viewall&msg=delete'); } elseif (get('id') and $dfile != '' and get('fdel') != '') { delete_files(UPLOAD_PATH . get('dfile')); delete_files(THUMB_PATH . get('dfile')); send_to('' . H_ADMIN . '&view=patients&id=' . get('id') . '&do=update&msg=delete'); } } }
/** * Deletes a hotspot by its uuid * @param string $uuid */ public function hotspot_delete($uuid = '') { validate_team_read(get_team_id()); $hotspot = validate_hotspot_uuid($uuid); activity_delete_hotspot($hotspot->id); $this->Hotspot->delete($hotspot->id); json_success("Hotspot deleted successfully."); }
/** * @note: !!! Draft !!! * @return type */ public function forgot_password() { if ($this->input->is_ajax_request() && $this->auth->type == Auth::ANONYMOUS) { $this->load->model("auth_model"); if (($emailaddress = $this->input->post("emailaddress")) !== NULL && $this->auth_model->reset_password_request($emailaddress)) { json_success(TRUE, lang("welcome_index_password_forget_request_success")); } json_error(FALSE, lang("welcome_index_password_forget_request_failed")); } redirect($this->router->class); }
<?php require_once 'AjaxTools.php'; $programmId = RequestArrayAdapter::inst()->int('id'); $errorMsg = null; if (is_numeric($programmId)) { GymManager::getInstance()->deleteProgramm($programmId); } else { $errorMsg = 'Не передан id программы'; } if ($errorMsg) { json_error($errorMsg); } else { json_success('success'); }
if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) { json_success(array("apid" => $apid, "message" => "Airport successfully edited.")); } else { json_error("Editing airport failed:", $sql); } } } else { $subject = "OpenFlights: Airport edit"; $body = "New edit submitted by " . $_SESSION['name'] . " (" . $_SESSION['email'] . "):\n{$sql}\n\nExisting airport information:\n" . implode("\n", $duplicates); $headers = "From:\r\nTo:\r\nReply-To: " . $_SESSION['email']; if (isset($_POST["unittest"])) { echo $headers . "\n\n" . $body; exit; } if (mail($email, $subject, $body, $headers)) { json_success(array("apid" => $apid, "message" => "Edit submitted for review. If you have registered an e-mail address, you will be notified when the edit is reviewed.")); } else { json_error("Could not submit edit for review, please contact <a href='/about'>support</a>."); } } exit; } if (!$dbname) { $dbname = "airports"; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . mysql_real_escape_string($dbname) . " WHERE "; if ($action == "LOAD") { // Single-airport fetch $sql .= " apid=" . mysql_real_escape_string($apid); $offset = 0; } else {
/** * Deletes a project by its uuid * @param string $uuid */ public function meeting_delete($uuid = '') { $meeting = validate_meeting_uuid($uuid, true); activity_delete_meeting($meeting->id); $this->Meeting->delete($meeting->id); json_success("Message deleted successfully."); }
$withdrawals[] = array("txid" => $row_transfer_withdrawal_a["txid"], "time" => $row_transfer_withdrawal_a["filing_time_u"], "amount" => api_sc_format($row_transfer_withdrawal_a["amount"])); } else { $withdrawals[] = array("txid" => crypte_transaction($row_transfer_withdrawal_a["txid"]), "time" => $row_transfer_withdrawal_a["filing_time_u"], "amount" => api_sc_format($row_transfer_withdrawal_a["amount"])); } } json_success($withdrawals); } } if ($query[2] == "addresses") { $withdrawal_addresses = array(); $slt_transfer_withdrawal_address_a = "SELECT * FROM transfer_withdrawal_address WHERE user = '******'"; $rlt_transfer_withdrawal_address_a = mysql_query($slt_transfer_withdrawal_address_a); while ($row_transfer_withdrawal_address_a = mysql_fetch_assoc($rlt_transfer_withdrawal_address_a)) { $withdrawal_addresses[] = array("id" => $row_transfer_withdrawal_address_a["id"], "address" => $row_transfer_withdrawal_address_a["address"], "group" => $row_transfer_withdrawal_address_a["group"], "type" => $row_transfer_withdrawal_address_a["type"]); } json_success($withdrawal_addresses); } json_error("Unknown call."); } json_error("Unknown call."); } json_error("Unknown call."); function check_authentification() { global $query, $db, $logged_in, $user_id, $user_email, $user_row; $userdata = (string) base64_decode($query[0]); $logged_in = false; $found = false; if (!$found) { if ($userdata[7] == ":") { foreach ($query as $i => $value) {
SELECT wp.pool_username AS username, wp.pool_password AS password, AS id, p.url AS url FROM worker_pool wp, pool p WHERE wp.worker_id = :worker AND wp.pool_id = AND wp.enabled AND p.enabled ORDER BY wp.priority DESC '); $q->execute(array(':worker' => $worker_id)); $rows = $q->fetchAll(); $q->closeCursor(); $request = new stdClass(); $request->params = array(); $request->method = "getwork"; $request->id = "json"; foreach ($rows as $row) { $response = place_json_call($request, $row['url'], $row['username'], $row['password'], $headers); if (is_object($response) && is_object($response->result)) { set_lp_header($headers, $row['id'], $row['url']); process_work($pdo, $worker_id, $row['id'], $response, $response->id); json_success($response->result, $json->id); } } json_error("No enabled pools responded to the work request.", $json->id);
public function ajaxFileFinish() { sys()->log("ajaxFileFinish() : id=" . $this->in['id']); if ($code = data($this->in['id'])->finish()) { json_error($code, "failed to finish file"); } else { json_success(array('id' => $this->in['id'])); } }
/** * * @SWG\Api( * path="/team/{uuid}/invite", * description="API for team actions", * @SWG\Operation( * method="POST", * type="Response", * summary="Invite a user to a team. You can only invite people who are not already on your team.", * @SWG\Parameter( * name="uuid", * description="UUID of the team", * paramType="path", * required=true, * type="string" * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="email", * description="The email address of the user you would like to invite", * paramType="form", * required=true, * type="string" * ) * ) * ) * * Invites a user to a team * @param string $uuid */ private function team_invite($uuid = '') { $this->load->library('form_validation'); $this->load->helper('notification'); /* Only the team owner can invite people */ $team = validate_team_uuid($uuid, true); validate_team_read($team->id); /* Validate that they are the team owner */ validate_team_owner($team->id, get_user_id()); /* Validate that they have a valid subscription and can add a team */ validate_user_add(get_user_id()); $this->form_validation->set_rules('email', 'Email', 'required|trim|xss_clean|valid_email'); if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) { json_error('There was a problem with your submission: ' . validation_errors(' ', ' ')); } else { $email = $this->post('email', TRUE); /* Look to see if there is an existing invite and resend it */ $invite = $this->Team_Invite->get_for_email_team($email, $team->id); $invite_id = 0; if ($invite && !$invite->user_id) { $invite_id = $invite->id; $key = $invite->key; } else { $key = random_string('unique'); $invite_id = $this->Team_Invite->add(array('email' => $email, 'team_id' => $team->id, 'key' => $key)); } notify_team_invite($invite_id, get_user_id()); json_success("User invited successfully", array('invite_id' => $invite_id, 'email' => $email, 'key' => $key)); } }
json_error(LANG_ADMIN_INVALID_PASSWORD); } else { if ($haccess->user_exist_checker($username, H_SYSTEM_ACCESS) === false) { json_error(LANG_ADMIN_INVALID_USERNAME); } else { if ($haccess->account_activation($username, H_SYSTEM_ACCESS) === false) { json_error(LANG_ADMIN_INVALID_ACTIVATION); } else { $login = $haccess->HezeLogin($username, $password, H_SYSTEM_ACCESS); if ($login === false) { json_error(LANG_ADMIN_ERROR); } else { $_SESSION[H_USER_SESSION] = $login; $haccess->UpdateLastLogin(date('Y-m-d'), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $haccess->UserID()); json_send(H_ADMIN); json_success('Logging in'); exit; } } } } } } elseif (get('do') == 'logout') { $haccess->log_out_access(H_LOGIN); } elseif (get('do') == 'delete') { $dfile = get('dfile'); if (get('userid') and $dfile == '') { $del = $haccess->Delete(get('userid'), '' . H_ADMIN . '&view=hsys_users&do=viewall&msg=delete'); } elseif (get('userid') and $dfile != '' and get('fdel') == '') { delete_files(UPLOAD_PATH . get('dfile')); delete_files(THUMB_PATH . get('dfile'));
/** * Deletes a video by its uuid * @param string $uuid */ public function video_delete($uuid = '') { $video = validate_video_uuid($uuid); $this->Video->delete($video->id); json_success("Video deleted successfully."); }
} $query_time = getmicrotime() - $query_start; $str_query_time = '%01.4fs'; if (($nb_rows = mysql_num_rows($rep)) > 0 || !isset($_GET['monitor'])) { break; } else { select_level($level++); } } /* json output mode */ if (isset($_GET['json'])) { $json = array('time' => $query_time, 'data' => array()); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($rep, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $json['data'][] = $data; } json_success($json, 'ISO-8859-1'); } $array_total_rows = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS( )", $dbconn)); $total_rows = $array_total_rows[0]; /* PREPARE DISPLAY */ $hit_ok = 0; $hit_warning = 0; $hit_critical = 0; $hit_unknown = 0; $hit_down = 0; $hit_ack = 0; $hit_notif = 0; $hit_check = 0; $line = 1; while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($rep, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { switch ($data['STATUS']) {
while ($result->fetch()) { $user = array("uid" => $uid, "name" => $name, "gender" => $gender, "apply_time" => $date); array_push($applied_users, $user); } $result->close(); } // Messages $messages = array(); $query = "SELECT M.mid, M.content,, FROM MESSAGE as M, USER as U WHERE M.uid = U.uid AND M.eid = " . $_GET['eid']; $result = $mysqli->prepare($query); if (!$result) { $msg = $mysqli->error; $success = False; } else { $result->execute(); $result->bind_result($mid, $msgcontent, $user, $date); while ($result->fetch()) { $msg = array("mid" => $mid, "name" => $user, "time" => $date, "content" => $msgcontent); array_push($messages, $msg); } $result->close(); } $data = array("name" => $name, "locid" => $locid, "distance" => 0.5, "img" => "", "description" => $info, "start_time" => $stime, "end_time" => $etime, "organizer" => $organizer, "available" => $off_num, "total" => $on_num, "tags" => $tags, "joined_users" => $joined_users, "applied_user" => $applied_users, "messages" => $messages); } else { $msg = "GET failed"; } if ($success) { echo json_success($data); } else { echo json_fail($msg); }
/** * Определим функцию, которая выполнит все действия - не будем лишними переменными засорять глобальное пространство */ function psExecuteAjaxAction() { /* * Название действия должно быть в переменной запроса. Оно же - название класса, который будет выполнен. * Группа действия должны быть не обязательна, при определении действия группа нужна обязательно. */ $actionName = RequestArrayAdapter::inst()->str(AJAX_ACTION_PARAM); $actionGroup = RequestArrayAdapter::inst()->str(AJAX_ACTION_GROUP_PARAM, 'client'); if (!PsCheck::notEmptyString($actionName) || !PsCheck::notEmptyString($actionGroup)) { return json_error('Не передан код действия или его группа'); //--- } /* * Экземпляр класса действия - должен быть наследником AbstractAjaxAction */ $action = null; /* * Поищем в проектных действиях, они для нас имеют больший приоритет */ foreach (ConfigIni::ajaxActionsAbs($actionGroup) as $dirAbsPath) { $classPath = file_path($dirAbsPath, $actionName, PsConst::EXT_PHP); if (is_file($classPath)) { /* * Нашли файл. Загрузим и проверим, является ли он наследником AbstractAjaxAction */ require_once $classPath; if (!PsUtil::isInstanceOf($actionName, AbstractAjaxAction::getClassName())) { continue; //--- } $action = new $actionName(); break; //--- } } /* * Проверим, существует ли действие. * Для безопасности не будем писать детали обработки. */ if (!$action || !$action instanceof AbstractAjaxAction) { return json_error('Действие не опеределено'); //--- } /* * Выполняем */ $result = null; try { $result = $action->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { $result = $e->getMessage(); } /* * Проверим результат */ if ($result instanceof AjaxSuccess) { json_success($result->getJsParams()); } else { json_error($result ? $result : 'Ошибка выполнения действия'); } }
} else { $addviewer = array('newid' => $newid, 'uid' => $_G['uid'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'dateline' => TIMESTAMP); C::t('news_viewer')->insert($addviewer); } } $news['dateline'] = dgmdate($news[dateline], 'u'); $data = $news; $message = 'success'; break; default: $result = false; $message = '不存在的方法'; break; } if ($result) { json_success($message, $data); } else { json_error($message); } function catList($catid = 0, $sql, $param) { global $_G; //查询 $params = array('news'); $params[] = 'news_viewer'; $params[] = $_G['uid']; $params = $param ? array_merge_recursive($params, $param) : $params; foreach (C::t('news_cat')->fetch_all_by_pid($catid) as $value) { $catids = $common = ''; $result[$value['catid']] = $value; $sun = C::t('news_cat')->fetch_all_by_pid($value['catid']);
<?php require_once 'AjaxTools.php'; json_success(GymManager::getInstance()->getProgrammsAsArrays());
if (!$result) { $msg = $mysqli->error; $success = False; } else { $result->execute(); $result->bind_result($count); $result->fetch(); $result->close(); if ($count == 0) { $query = "INSERT INTO USER \n\t\t\t\t\t(name, gender, password) \n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (?,?,?)"; $result = $mysqli->prepare($query); if (!$result) { $msg = $mysqli->error; $success = False; } $result->bind_param('sss', $_GET['name'], $_GET['gender'], $_GET['password']); $result->execute(); $result->close(); } else { $msg = "User exists."; $success = False; } } } else { $msg = "GET failed"; } if ($success) { echo json_success(); } else { echo json_fail($msg); }
function api_userInfo() { global $_G; $uid = $_GET['uid']; $user = C::t('user')->fetch_by_uid($uid); $user['avatar'] = $_G['config']['common']['home_url'] . '/' . avatar($uid, 'middle', true); json_success('success', $user); }
/** * * @SWG\Api( * path="/project/{uuid}/invite", * description="API for project actions", * @SWG\Operation( * method="POST", * type="ProjectInvite", * summary="Invite a user to a project. You can either invite a member of your team by passing their uuid or by sending them an external email", * @SWG\Parameter( * name="uuid", * description="UUID of the project", * paramType="path", * required=true, * type="string" * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="user_uuid", * description="The uuid of the user you would like to invite (optional)", * paramType="form", * required=false, * type="string" * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="email", * description="The email address of the external user you would like to invite (optional)", * paramType="form", * required=false, * type="string" * ), * ) * ) * * Invites a user to a project * @param string $uuid */ private function project_invite($uuid = '') { $this->load->helper('notification'); $project = validate_project_uuid($uuid); /* Validate that the team owner has a valid subscription or free trial */ validate_team_read($project->team_id); /* Validate that they are the team owner */ validate_team_owner($project->team_id, get_user_id()); $user_uuid = $this->post('user_uuid', TRUE); $email = $this->post('email', TRUE); /* Validate that they have a valid subscription and can add a project */ validate_user_add(get_user_id(), $user_uuid); if ($email) { /** Look to see if there is an existing invite and resend it */ $invite = $this->Project_Invite->get_for_email_project($email, $project->id); $invite_id = 0; if ($invite && !$invite->user_id) { $invite_id = $invite->id; $key = $invite->key; } else { $key = random_string('unique'); $invite_id = $this->Project_Invite->add(array('email' => $email, 'project_id' => $project->id, 'key' => $key)); } notify_project_invite_new_user($invite_id, get_user_id()); json_success("User invited successfully", array('invite_id' => $invite_id, 'email' => $email, 'key' => $key)); exit; } else { if ($user_uuid) { $user = validate_user_uuid($user_uuid); /* Validate that the user is on the project */ if (!$this->User->is_on_team(get_team_id(), $user->id)) { json_error('The user you are inviting is not on your team. Please invite them to your team first.'); exit; } $invite = $this->Project_Invite->get_for_user_id_project($user->id, $project->id); if ($invite) { $invite_id = $invite->id; $key = $invite->key; } else { $key = random_string('unique'); $invite_id = $this->Project_Invite->add(array('project_id' => $project->id, 'user_id' => $user->id, 'email' => $user->email, 'key' => $key)); } notify_project_invite_new_user($invite_id, get_user_id()); json_success("User invited successfully", array('invite_id' => $invite_id, 'email' => $email, 'key' => $key)); exit; } } json_error("You must provide either a user id or an email address to invite to this project."); }
/** * Deletes a screen by its uuid * @param string $uuid */ public function screen_delete($uuid = '') { $screen = validate_screen_uuid($uuid); /* Add the activity item to indicate that a screen was deleted */ activity_delete_screen($screen->id, get_user_id()); $this->Screen->delete($screen->id); json_success("Screen deleted successfully."); }