function a_sub_crud_edit($label, $type, $subtype, $object)
    $editButton = $type . '-form-edit-' . $subtype;
    $displayData = $type . '-' . $subtype;
    $url = sfContext::getInstance()->getRouting()->generate($type . '_edit', $object, true);
    return jq_link_to_remote('edit', array('url' => $url, 'method' => 'get', 'update' => $displayData, 'with' => '"form=' . $subtype . '"', 'before' => sprintf("\$('#%s').data('a-form-swap', \$('#%s').html()); aBusy(this)", $displayData, $displayData), 'complete' => sprintf("aReady('#%s'); \$('#%s').hide()", $editButton, $editButton)), array('class' => 'a-form-edit-button', 'id' => $editButton));
Esempio n. 2
function a_remote_dialog_toggle($options)
    if (!isset($options['id'])) {
        throw new sfException("Required id option not passed to a_dialog_toggle");
    if (!isset($options['label'])) {
        throw new sfException("Required label option not passed to a_dialog_toggle");
    if (!isset($options['action'])) {
        throw new sfException("Required action option not passed to a_dialog_toggle");
    $id = $options['id'];
    $action = $options['action'];
    $label = $options['label'];
    if (isset($options['chadFrom'])) {
        $chadFrom = $options['chadFrom'];
    if (isset($options['loading'])) {
        $loading = $options['loading'];
    if (isset($options['hideToggle']) && $options['hideToggle'] == true) {
        $before = " \$('.{$id}-loading').show();";
    } else {
        $before = "\$('.{$id}').hide(); \$('.{$id}-loading').show();";
    $s = '';
    $s .= jq_link_to_remote(__($label, null, 'apostrophe'), array("url" => $action, "update" => $id, "script" => true, "before" => $before, "complete" => "\$('#{$id}').fadeIn();\n  \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \$('.{$id}-loading').hide();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\$('.{$id}').hide();\n  \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \$('#{$id}-button-close').show();" . (isset($chadFrom) ? "var arrowPosition = parseInt(\$('{$chadFrom}').offset().left);\n      \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \$('#{$id} .a-chad').css('left',arrowPosition+'px'); " : "") . "\n  \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t aUI('#{$id}');\n  \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('.a-page-overlay').show();"), array('class' => "{$id}-button open", 'id' => "{$id}-button-open"));
    $s .= jq_link_to_function(__($label, null, 'apostrophe'), "\$('#{$id}-button-close').hide(); \n\t\t \$('#{$id}-button-open').show(); \n\t\t \$('#{$id}').hide();\n\t\t \$('.a-page-overlay').hide();", array('class' => "{$id}-button close", 'id' => "{$id}-button-close", 'style' => 'display:none;'));
    if (isset($loading)) {
        $s .= image_tag($loading, array('class' => "{$id}-loading", 'style' => 'display:none;'));
    return $s;
Esempio n. 3
 * Ссылка на удаление комментария
 * @param Comment $comment
function link_to_comment_delete($comment, $title = null)
    $user = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser();
    if ($user->isAuthenticated() && $user->getGuardUser()->getId() == $comment->getUserId() && $comment->hasDeletable()) {
        return jq_link_to_remote($title ? $title : 'Удалить', array('method' => 'post', 'url' => url_for('comment_delete', $comment), 'success' => 'jQuery("#comment-' . $comment->id . '").remove();', 'confirm' => 'Вы точно хотите удалить свой комментарий?'));
Esempio n. 4
function link_to_add_new_comment($name, $record, $comment = null)
    $params = array();
    $params['update'] = $comment && $comment->getId() ? 'add_new_comment_form_holder_' . $comment->getId() : 'add_new_comment_form_holder';
    $params['url'] = '@cscomments_comments_add';
    $comment_id = $comment ? $comment->getId() : null;
    $params['with'] = "'comment_id=" . $comment_id . "&model=" . get_class($record) . "&record_id=" . $record->getId() . "&return_uri=" . urlencode(sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getUri()) . "'";
    // $params['complete']  = "setRatingListeners();";
    return jq_link_to_remote($name, $params);
Esempio n. 5
echo $form->renderFormTag(url_for('@list_create'));
echo $form;
  <div id='list-items'>
foreach ($item_forms as $item_form) {
    echo $item_form;

  <input type="submit" class="button" value="Add"></input>
echo markdown_preview_link('community_list[description]');

echo jq_link_to_remote('Add List Item', array('update' => 'list-items', 'url' => 'list_item_add_ajax', 'position' => 'bottom'));

echo markdown_preview();
Esempio n. 6

use_helper('jQuery', 'I18N');
foreach ($pages as $p) {
        <li class="unhighlighted" id="menu_page_item_<?php 
    echo $p->getId();
    echo jq_link_to_remote($p->getUrl(), array('update' => 'theContent', 'method' => 'GET', 'url' => '@cms_page_view?idPage=' . $p->getId(), '404error' => "alert('Nao pude carregar!')", 'after' => "\$('#loading').fadeOut()", 'before' => "highlightme('#menu_page_item_" . $p->getId() . "');\$('#loading').fadeIn()"));


echo jq_link_to_remote(image_tag($ssStaus . ".gif?id=" . rand()), array('update' => 'idActive' . $snId, 'url' => $oAppCommon->ssModuleName . '/' . (isset($ssAction) ? $ssAction : 'active'), 'with' => "'cValue=" . ($ssStaus == 'Yes' ? 'No' : 'Yes') . "&" . $oAppCommon->ssBaseId . "=" . $snId . "'", 'confirm' => __("Are you sure, you want to %sstitle%?", array('%sstitle%' => $ssTitle))), array('title' => isset($ssTitle) ? __('Click here to') . " " . $ssTitle : ''));
	<li class="signup_button">
		<div class="response">
		<div class="form">
			<img src="/images/icons/add.png" alt="toevoegen" />
echo jq_link_to_remote('Meld je ook aan &raquo;', array('update' => '.signup_button .form', 'url' => 'expertbank/new', 'complete' => 'Cufon.refresh(); $(".signup_button .form").effect("highlight", {}, 2000);'));
echo link_to('Meld je ook aan &raquo;', 'expertbank/new');
Esempio n. 9
          <span class="a-btn alt a-disabled icon a-checked nobg"><?php 
        echo $settings['label'];
        <li id="<?php 
        echo $id;
-inactive" class="inactive" style="<?php 
        echo !$active ? '' : 'display: none';
        echo jq_link_to_remote(__($settings['label'], null, 'apostrophe'), array('url' => url_for('a/setVariant?' . http_build_query(array('id' => $pageid, 'name' => $name, 'permid' => $permid, 'variant' => $variant))), 'update' => "a-slot-content-{$pageid}-{$name}-{$permid}"), array('class' => 'a-btn alt icon a-unchecked nobg'));
    		<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    			$(document).ready(function() {
        // When the link to activate an inactive variant is clicked...
        echo "#a-{$pageid}-{$name}-{$permid}-variant-{$variant}-inactive a";
').click(function() {
        // Add the loading class...
Esempio n. 10
$calendar = $c->getEventCalendar();

<table class="calendar_table">
      <th class="th"><?php 
echo jq_link_to_remote('&#9668;', array('update' => 'inner_content_' . $slot->getId(), 'url' => '@plop-cms-module-calendar', 'with' => "'slug=" . $page_slug . "&slot_id=" . $slot->getId() . "&sf_culture=" . $culture . "&date=" . $prev_month . "'"), array('class' => 'link', 'title' => __('Previous month')));
      <th class="th" colspan="5"><?php 
echo format_date($page_date, 'MMMM yyyy', $culture);
      <th class="th"><?php 
echo jq_link_to_remote('&#9658;', array('update' => 'inner_content_' . $slot->getId(), 'url' => '@plop-cms-module-calendar', 'with' => "'slug=" . $page_slug . "&slot_id=" . $slot->getId() . "&sf_culture=" . $culture . "&date=" . $next_month . "'"), array('class' => 'link', 'title' => __('Next month')));
$i = 0;
foreach ($calendar as $week) {
    foreach ($week as $day => $events) {
        $month = explode('-', $day);

      <td class="td <?php 
        echo in_array(date('N', strtotime($day)), array('6', '7')) ? 'weekend' : 'week';
Esempio n. 11
        echo $personal_flight->getReturnDate('m/d/Y');
        echo strlen($personal_flight->getName()) > 10 ? substr($personal_flight->getName(), 0, 10) . '...' : $personal_flight->getName();
        echo link_to('edit', 'account/editPersonalFlight?id=' . $personal_flight->getId());
        echo jq_link_to_remote('remove', array('url' => 'account/ajaxDeletePersonalFlight?id=' . $personal_flight->getId(), 'success' => "\$('#personal_flight_{$personal_flight->getId()}').remove();"), array('confirm' => 'Are you sure?'));
    // js and css for datePicker
Esempio n. 12
if ($oPager->haveToPaginate()) {
    if ($sf_params->get('page') && $sf_params->get('page') != $oPager->getFirstPage()) {
        echo jq_link_to_remote(image_tag('/images/admin/pag-first-icon.gif', array('title' => __('First'))), array('url' => $ssLink . (!strpos($ssLink, '?') ? '?' : '&') . 'page=' . $oPager->getFirstPage(), 'update' => $ssDivId, 'with' => "'" . $ssParams . "'", 'complete' => isset($onCompelte) ? $onCompelte : ""), array('title' => __('First'), 'class' => 'pager'));
        echo jq_link_to_remote(image_tag('/images/admin/pag-pre-icon.gif', array('title' => __('Previous'))), array('url' => $ssLink . (!strpos($ssLink, '?') ? '?' : '&') . 'page=' . $oPager->getPreviousPage(), 'update' => $ssDivId, 'with' => "'" . $ssParams . "'", 'complete' => isset($onCompelte) ? $onCompelte : ""), array('title' => __('Previous'), 'class' => 'pager'));
    } else {
        echo '<span class="pager" >' . image_tag('/images/admin/pag-first-icon-gray.gif', array('title' => __('First'))) . '</span>';
        echo '<span class="pager" >' . image_tag('/images/admin/pag-pre-icon-gray.gif', array('title' => __('Previous'))) . '</span>';
    $snLinks = $oPager->getLinks($oPager->getLastPage());
    $aPager = array();
    foreach ($snLinks as $snPage) {
        $aPager[$snPage] = $snPage;
    echo select_tag('pageBox', options_for_select($aPager, $oPager->getPage()), array('onChange' => "jQuery.ajax({type:'POST',dataType:'html',data:'page='+this.value+'&" . $ssParams . "',success:function(data, textStatus){jQuery('#" . $ssDivId . "').html(data);},url:'" . $ssLink . "'" . (isset($onCompelte) ? ",complete:function (){" . $onCompelte . "}" : "") . "})"));
    if ($sf_params->get('page') != $oPager->getLastPage()) {
        echo jq_link_to_remote(image_tag('/images/admin/pag-next-icon.gif', array('title' => __('Next'))), array('url' => $ssLink . (!strpos($ssLink, '?') ? '?' : '&') . 'page=' . $oPager->getNextPage(), 'update' => $ssDivId, 'with' => "'" . $ssParams . "'", 'complete' => isset($onCompelte) ? $onCompelte : ""), array('title' => __('Next'), 'class' => 'pager'));
        echo jq_link_to_remote(image_tag('/images/admin/pag-last-icon.gif', array('title' => __('Last'))), array('url' => $ssLink . (!strpos($ssLink, '?') ? '?' : '&') . 'page=' . $oPager->getLastPage(), 'update' => $ssDivId, 'with' => "'" . $ssParams . "'", 'complete' => isset($onCompelte) ? $onCompelte : ""), array('title' => __('Last'), 'class' => 'pager'));
    } else {
        echo '<span class="pager" >' . image_tag('/images/admin/pag-next-icon-gray.gif', array('title' => __('Next'))) . '</span>';
        echo '<span class="pager" >' . image_tag('/images/admin/pag-last-icon-gray.gif', array('title' => __('Last'))) . '</span>';
Esempio n. 13

<ul id="images-list">
foreach ($photos as $image) {
    <li id="listItem_<?php 
    echo $image->getId();
    echo image_tag('/uploads/gallery/thumb_' . $image->getPath());
    echo jq_link_to_remote(image_tag('/images/delete.png', array()), array('url' => 'gallery/deletePhoto?photo_id=' . $image->getId(), 'complete' => '$("#listItem_' . $image->getId() . '").remove();'));
Esempio n. 14

<div id="sf_admin_container">
if ($sf_request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
    echo jq_link_to_remote(__('Back to list', array(), 'sf_admin'), array('url' => url_for('@sympal_assets_select'), 'update' => 'sympal_assets_container', 'title' => __('Back to list', array(), 'sf_admin'), 'method' => 'get'));
} else {
    echo link_to(__('Back to list', array(), 'sf_admin'), '@sympal_assets');
echo __('Editing Asset "%asset%"', array('%asset%' => $asset->getName()));

  <div id="sympal_edit_asset">
    <div class="sf_admin_form">
if ($isAjax) {
Esempio n. 15

if ($reviewType) {
	<div class="review-current">
    echo __('Tu voto');
:</strong> <?php 
    echo $reviewValue == 1 ? __('A favor') : __('En contra');
  		<br />
  		<span class="sf-review-action">
    echo jq_link_to_remote(__('Hacer cambios en tu voto'), array('update' => $reviewBox ? $reviewBox : 'sf_review', 'url' => "@sf_review_form?t={$reviewType}&e={$reviewEntityId}&v={$reviewValue}&b=" . ($reviewBox ? $reviewBox : 'sf_review'), 'before' => "re_loading('" . ($reviewBox ? $reviewBox : 'sf_review') . "')"));
    echo review_text($review);
Esempio n. 16

Items per page:
foreach ($max_array as $i => $v) {
    if ($i) {
        echo ' | ';
    if ($max != $v) {
        echo jq_link_to_remote($v, array('url' => 'role/list?max=' . $v, 'before' => "\$('#indicator').show();", 'success' => "\$('#indicator').hide(); \$('#roles').html(data);"));
    } else {
        echo $v;

<div class="pager">
  <form onsubmit="navigate($('#role_page').val());return false;" action="#">
echo jq_link_to_function('Previous', "navigate(" . $pager->getPreviousPage() . ")", array('class' => 'btn-pager-prev'));
    <input type="text" id="role_page" class="active-page" value="<?php 
echo $pager->getPage();
Esempio n. 17
foreach ($contentTypes as $type) {
    if ($type === $contentType) {
        echo $type->getLabel();
    } else {
        echo jq_link_to_remote($type->getLabel(), array('url' => url_for('@sympal_editor_links?content_type_id=' . $type->getId()), 'update' => 'sympal_links_container'));

  <div id="links">
echo $contentType->getLabel();
Esempio n. 18
$ids = array();

foreach ($items as $item) {
<li id="a-media-selection-list-item-<?php 
    echo $item->getId();
" class="a-media-selection-list-item">
    $id = $item->getId();
  <ul class="a-controls a-media-multiple-list-controls">	
    echo jq_link_to_remote(__("remove this item", null, 'apostrophe'), array('url' => 'aMedia/multipleRemove?id=' . $id, 'update' => 'a-media-selection-list', 'complete' => 'aUI("a-media-selection-list"); aMediaDeselectItem(' . $id . ')'), array('class' => 'a-btn icon a-delete no-label', 'title' => __('Remove', null, 'apostrophe')));

	<div class="a-media-selected-item-drag-overlay" title="<?php 
    echo __('Drag &amp; Drop to Order', null, 'apostrophe');
	<div class="a-media-selected-item-overlay"></div>
  <img src="<?php 
    echo url_for($item->getScaledUrl(aMediaTools::getOption('selected_constraints')));
" />

Esempio n. 19
foreach ($assets as $asset) {
      <li id="<?php 
    echo $asset->getSlug();
" title="<?php 
    echo $asset->getName();
" class="asset">
    echo jq_link_to_remote(image_tag('/sfSympalPlugin/images/edit.png'), array('url' => url_for('sympal_assets_edit_asset', $asset), 'update' => 'sympal_assets_container', 'title' => __('Edit file "%file%"', array('%file%' => $asset->getName())), 'method' => 'get'));

    echo jq_link_to_remote(image_tag('/sfSympalPlugin/images/delete.png'), array('url' => url_for('sympal_assets_delete_asset', $asset), 'update' => 'sympal_assets_container', 'title' => __('Delete file "%file%"', array('%file%' => $asset->getName())), 'method' => 'get'));

    echo link_to($asset->getName(), $asset->getUrl(), 'class=insert title=' . $asset->getEmbedCode());

    if ($asset->isImage()) {
        echo image_tag($asset->getUrl(), 'class="preview" style="display: none;"');
Esempio n. 20


$slotTypesInfo = aTools::getSlotTypesInfo($options);

foreach ($slotTypesInfo as $type => $info) {

    $label = $info['label'];
    $class = $info['class'];
    $link = jq_link_to_remote(__($label, null, 'apostrophe'), array("url" => url_for("a/addSlot") . '?' . http_build_query(array('name' => $name, 'id' => $id, 'type' => $type, 'actual_url' => $sf_request->getUri())), "update" => "a-slots-{$id}-{$name}", 'script' => true, 'complete' => 'aUI("#a-area-' . $id . '-' . $name . '"); $("#a-area-' . $id . '-' . $name . '").removeClass("add-slot-now");'), array('class' => 'a-btn alt icon nobg ' . $class . ' slot'));

<li class="a-options-item"><?php 
    echo $link;


Esempio n. 21

  <tfoot id="global_calculations">
      <td colspan="<?php 
echo $sf_user->has_module('products') ? '5' : '4';
" rowspan="5" class="noborder top">
        <div id="addItem">
$addItemOptions = array('url' => 'common/ajaxAddInvoiceItem', 'position' => 'bottom', 'method' => 'post', 'with' => "{invoice_id: \$('#invoice_id').val()}", 'success' => "\$('#tbody_invoice_items').append(data);\n                  \$('textarea.resizable:not(.processed)').TextAreaResizer();");
echo jq_link_to_remote(__("Add Item"), $addItemOptions);
// if invoice has no items, we add one by an ajax call
if (!count($invoiceForm['Items'])) {
    $first = jq_remote_function($addItemOptions);
    echo javascript_tag("{$first}");
if (count($invoiceItemsGlobalErrors)) {
          <div id="invoiceItemsGlobalErrors" class="errorBox">
    echo __('Please check these errors and correct them before saving:');
Esempio n. 22
	<input class="add-text tag-input" name="tags" type="text" />
	<input type="submit" class="a-btn icon a-submit a-add" value="Add" />
	<div class="add-tags-help">
		You can add multiple tags at once separated with commas.

if (count($popular_tags)) {
	<div class="popular-tags">
	  <h5>Popular Tags</h5>
	  <ul class="a-ui">
    $n = 1;
    foreach ($popular_tags as $tag => $count) {
        echo jq_link_to_remote($tag, array('url' => url_for('taggable_add_tag', array('object_id' => $object->id, 'object_class' => get_class($object), 'tags' => $tag)), 'complete' => '$(".assigned-tags").parent().html(XMLHttpRequest.responseText);'), array('class' => ''));
	public function configure()

		$this->validatorSchema->setOption('allow_extra_fields', true);

		$this->widgetSchema['artefacto_id'] = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden();
		$this->widgetSchema['validada'] = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden();
		$this->widgetSchema['estado_id'] = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden();

		$configuration = sfProjectConfiguration::getActive();
		$index = 0;
		foreach ($this->getObject()->getFicheros() as $fichero){
			$this->embedForm('item_pos'.++$index, new FicherosForm($fichero));
			$label = "Fichero $index: ".jq_link_to_remote(image_tag('/sf/sf_admin/images/delete'), array(
      'url'     =>  'version/deleteItem?id='.$fichero->getId(),
  	  'update'  =>  'ficheros',
      'confirm' => 'Estas seguro?',

		if (!sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getAttribute('inclusion')) {
			$fichero = new Ficheros();
			$this->embedForm('item_pos'.++$index, new FicherosForm($fichero));

			if ($this->getObject()->getId()) {
				$label = "Fichero $index: ".jq_link_to_remote(image_tag('/sf/sf_admin/images/add'), array(
				'url'     =>  'version/addItems?versionId='.$this->getObject()->getId(),
				'update'  =>  'ficheros',
				'position'=>  'after',
			} else {
				$label = "Fichero ";


		sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->setAttribute('N1added'.$this->getObject()->getId(), $index);

		sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->setAttribute('Proyecto', $this->getObject()->getArtefacto()->getProyectoId());

		$this->widgetSchema['users_list'] = new sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice(array(
  			'table_method'  => 'getUsuariosProyecto',
			'model'  => 'sfGuardUser',
			'multiple' => true,
  			'expanded' => true,

		$this->widgetSchema['users_list']->setLabel('Usuarios asignados (disponibles del proyecto)');


		if (!$this->getObject()->getId()) {

		if (!$this->getObject()->getEstado()->getEdicion()) {
			$this->widgetSchema['nombre']->setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly');
			$this->widgetSchema['descripcion']->setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly');
			$this->widgetSchema['identificador']->setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly');
			$this->widgetSchema['tipo_id']->setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly');
	<div class="form"></div>
if ($sf_user->hasCredential('showcase_add')) {
	<h5 class="signup_button"> 
		<img src="/images/icons/add.png" alt="toevoegen" />
    echo jq_link_to_remote('Voeg jou kunstwerk toe &raquo;', array('update' => '#walloffame .form', 'url' => 'showcase/new', 'complete' => 'Cufon.refresh(); $("#walloffame .form").effect("highlight", {}, 2000);'));
    echo link_to('Voeg jou kunstwerk toe &raquo;', 'showcase/new');
Esempio n. 25
foreach ($categoriesInfo as $info) {
    <li class="category">
        <li class="name">
    echo htmlspecialchars($info['name']);
    echo $info['count'];
        <li class="actions">
    echo jq_link_to_remote(__('Delete', null, 'apostrophe'), array('url' => "aMedia/deleteCategory?" . http_build_query(array('slug' => $info['slug'])), 'update' => 'a-media-edit-categories'), array("class" => "a-btn icon no-label a-delete"));

echo jq_form_remote_tag(array('url' => 'aMedia/addCategory', 'update' => 'a-media-edit-categories', 'complete' => '$("#a_media_category_name").val("")'));

echo $form;
Esempio n. 26
	public function executeAddItems(sfWebRequest $request){

		$versionId = $request->getParameter('versionId');
		if($versionId) {
			$index = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getAttribute('N1added'.$versionId);
			$configuration = sfProjectConfiguration::getActive();

			$fichero = new Ficheros();


			sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->setAttribute('inclusion', true);
			$form = new VersionForm();
			$form -> embedForm('item_pos'.++$index, new FicherosForm($fichero));

			$widgetSchema = $form->getWidgetSchema();
			$label = "Fichero $index: ".jq_link_to_remote(image_tag('/sf/sf_admin/images/add'), array(
    			'url'     =>  'version/addItems?versionId='.$versionId,
    			'update'  =>  'ficheros',
    			'position'=>  'bottom',

			sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->setAttribute('N1added'.$versionId, $index);

			return $this->renderPartial('version/fichero',array
			('index' => $index,'form'=>$form));
Esempio n. 27

        if ($infinite) {
        <li class="delete">
            $delete_button_style = sfConfig::get('app_a_delete_button_style', "no-label");
            echo jq_link_to_remote(__('Delete', null, 'apostrophe'), array("url" => "a/deleteSlot?" . http_build_query(array("id" => $page->id, "name" => $name, "permid" => $permid)), "update" => "a-slots-{$pageid}-{$name}", 'before' => '$(this).parents(".a-slot").fadeOut();', 'complete' => 'aUI()'), array('class' => 'a-btn icon a-delete ' . $delete_button_style, 'title' => __('Delete Slot', null, 'apostrophe'), 'confirm' => __('Are you sure you want to delete this slot?', null, 'apostrophe')));
    // End controls for this individual slot
Esempio n. 28
} else {
    echo $invoiceItemForm['quantity']->render(array(), ESC_RAW);
  <td class="right taxes_td">
    <span id="<?php 
echo $rowId;
_taxes" class="taglist taxes">
$err = $invoiceItemForm['taxes_list']->hasError() ? 'error' : '';
$item_taxes = $invoiceItemForm['taxes_list']->getValue() ? $invoiceItemForm['taxes_list']->getValue() : array();
$totalTaxesValue = Doctrine::getTable('Tax')->getTotalTaxesValue($item_taxes);
echo jq_javascript_tag("\n        window.new_item_tax_index = \$('" . $rowId . "_taxes').find('span[id^=tax_" . $rowId . "]').size()+1;\n        ");
echo jq_link_to_remote(__("Add"), array('update' => $rowId . '_taxes', 'url' => 'common/ajaxAddInvoiceItemTax', 'position' => 'bottom', 'method' => 'post', 'with' => "{item_tax_index: new_item_tax_index++, invoice_item_key: '{$rowId}'}"));
foreach ($item_taxes as $taxId) {
    include_partial('common/taxSpan', array('taxKey' => $taxId, 'rowId' => $rowId, 'err' => $err));

// if item has no taxes, and there are "default" taxes defined, we add them
if (isset($isNew) && !count($item_taxes)) {
    $default_taxes = Doctrine::getTable('Tax')->createQuery()->where('active', true)->where('is_default', true)->execute();
    foreach ($default_taxes as $taxx) {
        echo javascript_tag(jq_remote_function(array('update' => $rowId . '_taxes', 'url' => 'common/ajaxAddInvoiceItemTax', 'position' => 'bottom', 'method' => 'post', 'with' => "{\n                                        item_tax_index:   new_item_tax_index++, \n                                        invoice_item_key: '{$rowId}',\n                                        selected_tax:     '" . $taxx->id . "'\n                                      }")));
Esempio n. 29
<div id="meeting_infos">
  <span id="meeting_title"><?php 
echo $meeting->getTitle();
</span> <span id="meeting_author">(<?php 
$createur = Doctrine::getTable('user')->find($meeting->getUid());
echo $createur->getSurname() . ' ' . $createur->getName();
if ($sf_user->hasCredential('member')) {
    echo jq_link_to_remote($meeting->isFollowedBy($sf_user->getProfileVar(sfConfig::get('app_user_id'))) ? image_tag('/images/rss_32.png', array('title' => __('Stopper le suivi'), 'class' => 'icon_32 followed')) : image_tag('/images/rss_32_bw.png', array('title' => __('Suivre ce rendez-vous'), 'class' => 'icon_32 not_followed')), array('url' => url_for('meeting/follow?h=' . $meeting->getHash())), array('id' => 'follow_link'));
  <div id="meeting_desc">
echo nl2br($meeting->getDescription());
echo __('Indiquez votre sélection en cliquant sur les cases à cocher') . '. ' . __('Utilisez ensuite le bouton "Voter" pour valider votre vote');
<br />
<div class="contextMenu" id="poll_menu">
Esempio n. 30
       } else {
 	  	<span class="sf-review-remove">
           echo __('¿Seguro?');
           echo jq_link_to_remote(__('Sí'), array('update' => $reviewBox ? $reviewBox : 'sf_review', 'url' => "@sf_review_delete?i={$reviewId}&e={$reviewEntityId}&t={$reviewType}&cf=1" . ($reviewBox == '' ? '' : "&b={$reviewBox}"), 'before' => "re_loading('" . ($reviewBox ? $reviewBox : 'sf_review') . "')"));
           echo jq_link_to_remote(__('No'), array('update' => $reviewBox ? $reviewBox : 'sf_review', 'url' => "@sf_review_form?i={$reviewId}&e={$reviewEntityId}&t={$reviewType}" . ($reviewBox == '' ? '' : "&b={$reviewBox}")));
 <div class="sf-review-opciones">
   <div id="opciones">
   if ($sf_user->getProfile()->getFacebookUid()) {