function initMemberHandler() { $this->MemberHandler = jclass('member'); $member = $this->MemberHandler->init(); Obj::register("MemberHandler", $this->MemberHandler); return $member; }
function MasterObject(&$config) { if (!$config['widget_enable']) { $msg = 'Widget功能没有启用'; if (get_param('in_ajax')) { widget_error($msg); } else { exit($msg); } } $this->Config = $config; $this->Get =& $_GET; $this->Post =& $_POST; $this->Module = get_param('mod'); $this->Code = get_param('code'); $this->DatabaseHandler =& Obj::registry('DatabaseHandler'); $this->MemberHandler = jclass('member'); $this->MemberHandler->init(); if ($this->MemberHandler->HasPermission($this->Module, $this->Code) == false) { widget_error($this->MemberHandler->GetError(), 203); } Obj::register("MemberHandler", $this->MemberHandler); define("FORMHASH", substr(md5(substr(time(), 0, -4) . $this->Config['auth_key']), 0, 16)); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { if ($this->Post["FORMHASH"] != FORMHASH) { } } }
function MasterObject(&$config, $auto_run = false) { if (!$config['wap']) { include ROOT_PATH . 'wap/include/error_wap.php'; exit; } $this->Config = $config; require_once ROOT_PATH . 'wap/include/func/wap_global.func.php'; $this->Get =& $_GET; $this->Post =& $_POST; $this->Module = get_param('mod'); $this->Code = get_param('code'); $this->DatabaseHandler =& Obj::registry('DatabaseHandler'); $this->MemberHandler = jclass('member'); $this->MemberHandler->init(); if ($this->MemberHandler->HasPermission($this->Module, $this->Code) == false) { $member_error = $this->MemberHandler->GetError(); $member_error = array_iconv($this->Config['charset'], 'utf-8', $member_error); $this->Messager($member_error, null); } if (!in_array($this->Module, array('member', 'login', 'other'))) { $visit_rets = $this->MemberHandler->visit(); if ($visit_rets['error']) { $this->Messager(null, 'index.php?mod=login&referer=' . urlencode('index.php?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])); } } $this->Title = $this->MemberHandler->CurrentAction['name']; Obj::register("MemberHandler", $this->MemberHandler); if ($this->auto_run || $auto_run) { $this->auto_run(); } }
function _send_mail($to, $subject, $message, $nickname = '', $email = '', $attachments = array(), $priority = 3, $html = true, $smtp_config = array()) { $sys_config = jconf::get(); if (!($nickname && $email)) { $nickname = $sys_config['site_name']; $email = $sys_config['site_admin_email']; } $smtp_config = $smtp_config ? $smtp_config : jconf::get('smtp'); if ($smtp_config['enable'] && is_array($smtp_config['smtp']) && count($smtp_config['smtp'])) { $k = array_rand($smtp_config['smtp']); $smtp = $smtp_config['smtp'][$k]; if (is_array($smtp) && count($smtp)) { if ($nickname && $email) { $smtp['email_from'] = "{$nickname} <{$email}>"; } return _send_mail_by_smtp($to, $subject, $message, $smtp, $html); } else { jlog('SMTP', '$smtp is empty', 0); } } else { $charset = $sys_config['charset']; $jishigou_mail = jclass('jishigou/mail'); if (is_array($attachments) and count($attachments) >= 1) { $boundary = "----_NextPart_" . md5(uniqid(time())) . "_000"; $jishigou_mail->SetHeader('Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary="' . $boundary . '"'); $body = "--" . $boundary . "" . NEW_LINE . ""; $body .= "Content-Type: text/" . ($html ? 'html' : 'plain') . "; charset=\"" . $sys_config['charset'] . "\"" . NEW_LINE . ""; $body .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . NEW_LINE . "" . NEW_LINE . ""; $body .= chunk_split(base64_encode($message)) . "" . NEW_LINE . ""; foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { $body .= "--" . $boundary . "" . NEW_LINE . ""; $body .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream;" . NEW_LINE . "\t\tname=\"{$attachment['name']}\"" . NEW_LINE . ""; $body .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . NEW_LINE . ""; $body .= "Content-Disposition: attachment;" . NEW_LINE . "\t\tFileName=\"{$attachment['name']}\"" . NEW_LINE . "" . NEW_LINE . ""; $body .= chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($attachment['path']))) . "" . NEW_LINE . ""; } $message = $body; } else { $jishigou_mail->SetHeader('Content-Type: text/' . ($html ? 'html' : 'plain') . '; charset=' . $sys_config['charset']); $jishigou_mail->SetHeader('Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64'); $message = chunk_split(base64_encode(str_replace("\r\n.", " \r\n..", str_replace("\n", "\r\n", str_replace("\r", "\n", str_replace("\r\n", "\n", str_replace("\n\r", "\r", $message))))))); } $subject = '=?' . $charset . '?B?' . base64_encode(str_replace("\r", '', str_replace("\n", '', $subject))) . '?='; $nickname = '=?' . $charset . '?B?' . base64_encode($nickname) . "?="; $jishigou_mail->SetSenderName($nickname); $jishigou_mail->SetSenderMail($email); $jishigou_mail->SetSendMailFrom($email); $jishigou_mail->SetUseHtml($html); $jishigou_mail->SetHeader("Return-Path: {$email}"); $jishigou_mail->SetHeader("MIME-Version: 1.0"); $jishigou_mail->SetHeader("X-Priority: {$priority}"); $jishigou_mail->SetHeader("Sender: {$email}"); $jishigou_mail->SetRecipient($to); $jishigou_mail->SetSubject($subject); $jishigou_mail->SetMessage($message); return $jishigou_mail->doSend(); } }
function cache_db() { global $_J; $this->num = max(16, (int) $_J['config']['cache_table_num']); $this->prefix = 'cache_db_'; if ($_J['config']['memory_enable'] && $_J['config']['cache_db_to_memory']) { $this->memory = jclass('memory'); } }
function DoSave() { $msg = array('1' => "修改成功。", '0' => "修改失败!", '-1' => "您的系统<font color='red'>不支持</font>该功能,请检查您服务器是否安装和配置了<font color='red'>php_ldap.dll</font>模块!", '-2' => "<font color='red'>无法连接域服务器</font>,请检查您填写的服务器地址或端口是否正确!", '-3' => "您没有填写<font color='red'>AD域服务器地址</font>,请返回重新填写!", '-4' => "您没有填写<font color='red'>您的域帐号或填写错误</font>,请返回重新填写!"); $return = 0; if (@is_file(ROOT_PATH . 'include/class/ldap.class.php')) { $return = jclass('ldap')->adsave($this->Post['ldap_email'], $this->Post['ldap_enable'], $this->Post['ldap_host'], $this->Post['ldap_port']); } $this->Messager($msg[$return], '', 5); }
function member() { $nickname = $this->Post['nickname']; $username = $this->Post['username']; $password = $this->Post['password']; $email = $this->Post['email']; $row1 = DB::fetch_first("select `uid`, `username`, `nickname` from " . DB::table('members') . " where `username`='{$username}' limit 1"); if (!$row1) { if ($email = '') { $email = $username . ""; } jclass('passport')->register2($nickname, $password, $email, $username); } }
function kaixin_oauth($access_token = null, $refresh_token = null) { $kaixin_oauth = null; $sys_config = kaixin_enable(); if ($sys_config) { $client_id = $sys_config['kaixin']['client_id']; $client_secret = $sys_config['kaixin']['client_secret']; $kaixin_oauth = jclass('jishigou_oauth2_client'); $kaixin_oauth->init($client_id, $client_secret, $access_token, $refresh_token); $kaixin_oauth->host = 'https:/' . '/'; $kaixin_oauth->access_token_url = 'https:/' . '/'; $kaixin_oauth->authorize_url = 'https:/' . '/'; } return $kaixin_oauth; }
function renren_oauth($access_token = null, $refresh_token = null) { $renren_oauth = null; $sys_config = renren_enable(); if ($sys_config) { $client_id = $sys_config['renren']['client_id']; $client_secret = $sys_config['renren']['client_secret']; $renren_oauth = jclass('jishigou_oauth2_client'); $renren_oauth->init($client_id, $client_secret, $access_token, $refresh_token); $renren_oauth->host = 'https:/' . '/'; $renren_oauth->access_token_url = 'https:/' . '/'; $renren_oauth->authorize_url = 'https:/' . '/'; } return $renren_oauth; }
function qqwb_bind_info($uid = 0) { $ret = array(); $uid = max(0, (int) ($uid ? $uid : MEMBER_ID)); if ($uid > 0) { if (false === ($ret = jclass('misc')->account_bind_info($uid, 'qqwb'))) { $ret = DB::fetch_first("select * from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "qqwb_bind_info where `uid`='{$uid}'"); jclass('misc')->update_account_bind_info($uid, 'qqwb', $ret); } } if (false === $ret[0]) { return array(); } else { return $ret; } }
function cache_file() { global $_J; $this->prefix = 'cache_file_'; if (defined('TEMPLATE_ROOT_PATH')) { $root_path = TEMPLATE_ROOT_PATH; $this->prefix .= basename(TEMPLATE_ROOT_PATH) . '_'; } else { $root_path = ROOT_PATH; } $this->path = $root_path . 'data/cache/cache_file/'; if ($_J['config']['memory_enable'] && $_J['config']['cache_file_to_memory']) { $this->memory = jclass('memory'); } if (!$this->memory) { $this->io = jio(); } }
function Thumb($source, $target, $thumbwidth, $thumbheight, $thumbtype = 1, $nosuffix = 0) { $return = $this->init('thumb', $source, $target, $nosuffix); if ($return <= 0) { return $this->returncode($return); } if ($this->imginfo['animated']) { jclass('jishigou/io')->CopyFile($source, $target); } $this->param['thumbwidth'] = $thumbwidth; $this->param['thumbheight'] = $thumbheight; $this->param['thumbtype'] = $thumbtype; if ($thumbwidth < 100 && $thumbheight < 100) { $this->param['thumbquality'] = 100; } $return = !$this->libmethod ? $this->Thumb_GD() : $this->Thumb_IM(); $return = !$nosuffix ? $return : 0; return $this->sleep($return); }
function init($config = array()) { $this->config = $config ? $config : jconf::get('memory'); $this->prefix = empty($config['prefix']) ? substr(md5(getenv('HTTP_HOST') ? getenv('HTTP_HOST') : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']), -6) . '_' : $config['prefix']; foreach ($this->extension as $type => $enable) { $_conf = $this->config[$type]; if ($enable && $_conf['enable'] && !is_object($this->memory)) { $this->memory = jclass("memory/{$type}"); $_enable = $this->memory->init($_conf); if (!$_enable) { $this->memory = null; } else { $this->type = $type; $this->enable = true; break; } } } }
public function do_modify() { $data = jget('data'); $catid = (int) jget('catid'); if ($data['name']) { $data['catname'] = $data['name']; } else { $this->Messager('名字必须填写'); return; } if ($data['template'] && !preg_match("/^[a-z]+[a-z0-9_]*[a-z0-9]+\$/i", $data['template'])) { $this->Messager("模板文件名称不合法"); } if ($data['template'] && !jclass('jishigou/template')->exists('cms/' . $data['template'])) { $this->Messager("模板文件 cms/" . $data['template'] . ".html 不存在"); } $data['parentid'] = $data['parent_id']; unset($data['parent_id']); $data['managename'] = explode('|', $data['managename']); $r = jlogic('cms')->modify_category($data, $catid); if ($r) { $this->Messager('成功!', 'admin.php?mod=cms'); } else { $this->Messager('失败!'); } }
function authCallBack() { if (!XWB_plugin::pCfg('is_account_binding')) { XWB_plugin::showError('新浪微博绑定功能已经关闭!'); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- $sess = XWB_plugin::getUser(); $waiting_site_bind = $sess->getInfo('waiting_site_bind'); if (empty($waiting_site_bind)) { //XWB_plugin::deny(); $siteUrl = XWB_plugin::siteUrl(0); XWB_plugin::redirect($siteUrl, 3); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- $wbApi = XWB_plugin::getWB(); $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $last_key = $wbApi->getAccessToken(XWB_plugin::V('r:oauth_verifier')); $sess->setOAuthKey(array(), true); // print_r($last_key); if (!isset($last_key['oauth_token']) || !isset($last_key['oauth_token_secret'])) { $api_error_origin = isset($last_key['error']) ? $last_key['error'] : 'UNKNOWN ERROR. MAYBE SERVER CAN NOT CONNECT TO SINA API SERVER'; $api_error = isset($last_key['error_CN']) && !empty($last_key['error_CN']) && 'null' != $last_key['error_CN'] ? $last_key['error_CN'] : ''; XWB_plugin::LOG("[WEIBO CLASS]\t[ERROR]\t#{$wbApi->req_error_count}\t{$api_error}\t{$wbApi->last_req_url}\tERROR ARRAY:\r\n" . print_r($last_key, 1)); XWB_plugin::showError("服务器获取Access Token失败;请稍候再试。<br />错误原因:{$api_error}[{$api_error_origin}]"); } $sess->setOAuthKey($last_key, true); $wbApi->setConfig(); $uInfo = $wbApi->verifyCredentials(); $sess->setInfo('sina_uid', $uInfo['id']); $sess->setInfo('sina_name', $uInfo['screen_name']); //print_r($uInfo); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /// 此帐号是否已经在当前站点中绑定 $sinaHasBinded = false; if (defined('XWB_S_UID') && XWB_S_UID > 0) { $bInfo = $db->fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "xwb_bind_info WHERE sina_uid='" . $uInfo['id'] . "' OR uid='" . XWB_S_UID . "'"); } else { $bInfo = $db->fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "xwb_bind_info WHERE sina_uid='" . $uInfo['id'] . "'"); } if (!empty($bInfo) && is_array($bInfo)) { $sinaHasBinded = true; //核查存储的access token是否有更新,有更新则进行自动更新 if ($bInfo['token'] != $last_key['oauth_token'] || $bInfo['tsecret'] != $last_key['oauth_token_secret']) { $db->query("UPDATE " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "xwb_bind_info SET token='" . (string) $last_key['oauth_token'] . "', tsecret='" . (string) $last_key['oauth_token_secret'] . "' WHERE sina_uid='" . $uInfo['id'] . "'"); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /// 决定在首页中显示什么浮层 $tipsType = ''; //xwb_tips_type //已在论坛登录 if (defined('XWB_S_UID') && XWB_S_UID) { if ($sinaHasBinded) { $tipsType = 'hasBinded'; $sess->clearToken(); } else { $inData = array(); $inData['uid'] = XWB_S_UID; $inData['sina_uid'] = $uInfo['id']; $inData['token'] = $last_key['oauth_token']; $inData['tsecret'] = $last_key['oauth_token_secret']; $inData['profile'] = '[]'; $sqlF = array(); $sqlV = array(); foreach ($inData as $k => $v) { $sqlF[] = "`" . $k . "`"; $sqlV[] = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($v) . "'"; } $sql = "REPLACE INTO " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "xwb_bind_info (" . implode(",", $sqlF) . ") VALUES (" . implode(",", $sqlV) . ") ;"; $rst = $db->query($sql, 'UNBUFFERED'); jclass('misc')->update_account_bind_info(XWB_S_UID, '', '', 1); if (!$rst) { echo "DB ERROR"; exit; return false; } $tipsType = 'bind'; //正向绑定统计上报 $sess->appendStat('bind', array('uid' => $uInfo['id'], 'type' => 1)); } } else { //从 wb 登录后 检查用户是否绑定,如果绑定了 则在附属站点自 if ($sinaHasBinded) { require_once XWB_P_ROOT . '/lib/'; $result = xwb_setSiteUserLogin((int) $bInfo['uid']); if (!$result) { $db->query("DELETE FROM " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "xwb_bind_info WHERE sina_uid='" . $uInfo['id'] . "'"); $tipsType = 'siteuserNotExist'; } else { $tipsType = 'autoLogin'; } } else { //已登录WB,没有附属站点的帐号 引导注册 $sess->setInfo('waiting_site_reg', '1'); $tipsType = 'reg'; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //bind的页面需要跳转,故需要使用cookies记录 if ($tipsType == 'bind') { setcookie('xwb_tips_type', $tipsType, 0); } //$sess->setInfo('xwb_tips_type', $tipsType); $sess->setInfo('waiting_site_bind', 0); //使用sina微博帐号登录成功(不管是否绑定)统计上报 $sess->appendStat('login', array('uid' => $uInfo['id'])); //所有跟站点相关的对接,必须放到_showBinging $this->_showBinging($tipsType); }
function attachs_list($num = 10, $where = '') { $total_attach = DB::result_first("SELECT count(*) FROM " . DB::table('topic_attach') . " WHERE tid>0 {$where}"); $page_arr = page($total_attach, $num, 'index.php?mod=attach', array('return' => 'array')); $limit_sql = $page_arr['limit']; $attachs = array(); $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('topic_attach') . " WHERE tid>0 {$where} ORDER BY id DESC {$limit_sql}"); $candown = jclass('member')->HasPermission('uploadattach', 'down'); $canviewtype = array('doc', 'ppt', 'pdf', 'xls', 'txt', 'docx', 'xlsx', 'pptx'); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { $value['manage'] = jallow($value[uid]) ? true : false; $value['filesize'] = $value['filesize'] > 1024 * 1024 ? round($value['filesize'] / (1024 * 1024), 2) . 'MB' : ($value['filesize'] == 0 ? '未知' : round($value['filesize'] / 1024, 1) . 'KB'); $value['dateline'] = my_date_format2($value['dateline']); $value['img'] = 'images/filetype/' . $value['filetype'] . '.gif'; $value['url'] = ($value['site_url'] ? $value['site_url'] : $GLOBALS['_J']['site_url']) . '/' . str_replace('./', '', $value['file']); $value['onlineview'] = $candown && in_array($value['filetype'], $canviewtype) && $value['score'] == 0 ? $value['url'] : ''; $attachs[$value['id']] = $value; } $return = array('list' => $attachs); $return['page'] = $page_arr ? $page_arr : $pagenum; return $return; }
function Seccode() { $seccode = mkseccode(); jsg_setcookie('seccode', authcode($seccode, 'ENCODE')); $s = jclass('jishigou/seccode'); $s->code = $seccode; $s->datapath = ROOT_PATH . "images/seccode/"; $s->display(); exit; }
/** * 设置发帖同步 */ function bindTopic() { if (XWB_S_UID < 1 || !XWB_plugin::pCfg('is_account_binding')) { XWB_plugin::showError('新浪微博绑定功能已经关闭!'); } $setting = XWB_plugin::V('p:setting'); $tojishigou = XWB_plugin::V('p:tojishigou'); $reply_tojishigou = XWB_plugin::V('p:reply_tojishigou'); $profile = XWB_plugin::O('xwbUserProfile'); $profile->set(array('bind_setting' => (int) $setting, 'synctopic_tojishigou' => (int) $tojishigou, 'syncreply_tojishigou' => (int) $reply_tojishigou)); //XWB_plugin::redirect('xwbSiteInterface.bind',2); jclass('misc')->update_account_bind_info(XWB_S_UID, '', '', 1); echo '<script>;</script>'; }
function checkFollow($uid) { if ($uid == MEMBER_ID) { return 401; } else { $member = $this->TopicLogic->GetMember($uid); if (empty($member)) { return 300; } } $isBlackList = $this->check($uid); if ($isBlackList) { return -1; } if (($follow_info = jclass('buddy_follow')->row(MEMBER_ID, $uid)) && ($fans_info = jclass('buddy_follow')->row($uid, MEMBER_ID))) { return 2; } else { if ($follow_info) { return 1; } } return 0; }
* This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2099 Cenwor Inc. * @license * @link * @author 狐狸<*****@*****.**> * @version $Id: rewrite.php 3831 2013-06-07 08:18:28Z wuliyong $ */ if (!defined('IN_JISHIGOU')) { exit('invalid request'); } $_rewrite = jconf::get('rewrite'); if ($_rewrite['mode']) { global $jishigou_rewrite; if (is_null($jishigou_rewrite)) { $jishigou_rewrite = jclass('jishigou/rewrite'); if ($_rewrite['abs_path']) { $jishigou_rewrite->absPath = $_rewrite['abs_path']; } if ($_rewrite['gateway']) { $jishigou_rewrite->gateway = $_rewrite['gateway']; } if ($_rewrite['extention']) { $jishigou_rewrite->extention = $_rewrite['extention']; } if ($_rewrite['arg_separator']) { $jishigou_rewrite->argSeparator = $_rewrite['arg_separator']; } if ($_rewrite['var_separator']) { $jishigou_rewrite->varSeparator = $_rewrite['var_separator']; }
function Register() { if (MEMBER_ID > 0 && false == $this->IsAdmin) { $this->Messager('您已经是注册用户,无需再注册!', -1); } $regstatus = jsg_member_register_check_status(); if ($regstatus['error']) { $this->Messager($regstatus['error'], null); } $inviter_member = array(); $action = "index.php?mod=member&code=doregister"; $check_result = jsg_member_register_check_invite($this->Code); if ($regstatus['invite_enable'] && !$regstatus['normal_enable']) { if (!$this->Code) { $this->Messager("本站目前需要有邀请链接才能注册。" . jsg_member_third_party_reg_msg(), null); } if (!$check_result) { $this->Messager("对不起,您访问的邀请链接不正确或者因邀请数已满而失效,请重新与邀请人索取链接。", null); } } if ($check_result['uid'] > 0) { $inviter_member = jsg_member_info($check_result['uid']); } $action .= "&invite_code=" . urlencode($this->Code); $referer = jget('referer'); if (jsg_getcookie('referer') == '') { jsg_setcookie('referer', $referer); } $noemail = 0; if ($this->_sms_register()) { $noemail = jconf::get('sms', 'register_verify', 'noemail'); } $email = ''; $_email = get_param('email'); if (false != jclass('passport')->_is_email($_email)) { $email = $_email; } $this->Title = "注册新用户"; include template('register/register_member'); }
function DoModifyQQWB() { $check_result = $this->_qqwbCheckEnv(); if ($check_result) { jconf::update('qqwb_enable', 0); $this->Messager($check_result, null); } $qqwb_default = jconf::get('qqwb'); $qqwb = $_POST['qqwb']; $qqwb['enable'] = $qqwb['enable'] ? 1 : 0; if (!preg_match('~^[a-z0-9]+$~i', $qqwb['app_key'] . $qqwb['app_secret'])) { $this->Messager("请填写正确的 APP KEY 和 APP SECRET", null); } if ($qqwb['enable'] != $this->Config['qqwb_enable']) { jconf::update('qqwb_enable', $qqwb['enable']); } if ($qqwb != $qqwb_default) { jconf::set('qqwb', $qqwb); if ($qqwb['enable'] && $qqwb['app_key'] != $qqwb_default['app_key']) { DB::query('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . DB::table('qqwb_bind_info')); jclass('misc')->update_account_bind_info(0, '', '', 1); } } $this->Messager("配置修改成功"); }
function Modify_User_Signature() { $uid = (int) $this->Post['uid']; if ($uid < 1) { showjsmessage("请先登录或者注册一个帐号"); } if (jdisallow($uid)) { json_error("您无权修改此用户签名"); } $rets = jclass('misc')->sign_modify($uid, $this->Post['signature']); if (is_array($rets) && $rets['error']) { json_error($rets['msg']); } else { json_result($rets); } }
function MasterObject(&$config) { require_once ROOT_PATH . 'mobile/include/func/mobile.func.php'; $config['client_type'] = ''; $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (empty($user_agent)) { exit('Access Denied'); } $pc_browser = false; if (preg_match("/android/i", $user_agent)) { $config['client_type'] = "android"; } else { if (preg_match("/iphone/i", $user_agent)) { $config['client_type'] = "iphone"; } else { $pc_browser = true; } } $config['is_mobile_client'] = false; if (isset($_GET['JSG_SESSION']) && isset($_GET['iv']) && isset($_GET['app_key']) && isset($_GET['app_secret']) && isset($_GET['bt'])) { $config['is_mobile_client'] = true; define("IS_MOBILE_CLIENT", true); } define("CLIENT_TYPE", $config['client_type']); $config['sys_version'] = sys_version(); $config['sys_published'] = SYS_PUBLISHED; if (!$config['mobile_url']) { $config['mobile_url'] = $config['site_url'] . "/mobile"; } if (!$config['topic_length']) { $config['topic_length'] = 140; } $this->Config = $config; $this->Config = array_merge($this->Config, Mobile::config()); define("CHARSET", $this->Config['charset']); Obj::register('config', $this->Config); $this->Get =& $_GET; $this->Post =& $_POST; $this->Module = trim($this->Post['mod'] ? $this->Post['mod'] : $this->Get['mod']); $this->Code = trim($this->Post['code'] ? $this->Post['code'] : $this->Get['code']); $this->DatabaseHandler =& Obj::registry('DatabaseHandler'); $uid = 0; $password = ''; $authcode = ''; $implicit_pass = true; if (!empty($this->Get['JSG_SESSION']) && $config['is_mobile_client']) { $authcode = $this->Get['JSG_SESSION']; $authcode = rawurldecode($authcode); $implicit_pass = false; } else { $authcode = jsg_getcookie('auth'); } if (!empty($authcode)) { list($password, $uid) = explode("\t", authcode($authcode, 'DECODE')); } $this->MemberHandler = jclass('member'); $MemberFields = $this->MemberHandler->FetchMember($uid, $password); if ($this->MemberHandler->HasPermission($this->Module, $this->Code) == false) { Mobile::show_message(411); exit; } if (!in_array($this->Module, array('member', 'login', 'wechat'))) { $visit_rets = $this->MemberHandler->visit(); if ($visit_rets['error']) { Mobile::show_message(411); exit; } } $this->Title = $this->MemberHandler->CurrentAction['name']; Obj::register("MemberHandler", $this->MemberHandler); $rets = jsg_member_login_extract(); if ($rets) { if (MEMBER_ID < 1) { $func = $rets['login_direct']; } else { $func = $rets['logout_direct']; } if ($func && function_exists($func)) { $ret = $func(); } } if (MEMBER_ID > 0) { jsg_member_login_set_status($MemberFields); } if ($this->Config['extcredits_enable']) { if (MEMBER_ID > 0 && jsg_getcookie('login_credits') + 3600 < time()) { update_credits_by_action('login', MEMBER_ID); jsg_setcookie('login_credits', time(), 3600); } } }
function Download() { global $_J; $attach_config = jconf::get('attach'); $uid = MEMBER_ID; if ($uid < 1) { $this->Messager("请先<a href='index.php?mod=login'>点此登录</a>或者<a href='index.php?mod=member'>点此注册</a>一个帐号", 'index.php?mod=login'); } $candown = jclass('member')->HasPermission('uploadattach', 'down'); if (!$candown) { $this->Messager("您没有下载附件的权限", null); } $readmod = 2; $downfile = get_param('downfile'); if (!$downfile) { $this->Messager("您的下载链接地址错误", null); } @(list($dasize, $daid, $datime, $dadown) = explode('|', base64_decode($downfile))); $daid = (int) $daid; if ($daid <= 0) { $this->Messager("您的下载链接地址错误", null); } $down_attach_file = $this->AttachLogic->get_down_info($daid); if (empty($down_attach_file)) { $this->Messager("您的下载链接地址错误", null); } if ($dadown != $down_attach_file['download']) { defined('NEDU_MOYO') || $this->Messager("您的下载链接地址已经过期或失效!或您使用的是<font class='R'>360浏览器</font>,因其系统缺陷,请更换其它浏览器进行下载!", null); } $MIMETypes = array('doc' => 'application/msword', 'ppt' => 'application/', 'pdf' => 'application/pdf', 'xls' => 'application/', 'txt' => 'text/plain', 'rar' => 'application/octet-stream', 'zip' => 'application/zip', 'docx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', 'xlsx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'pptx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation'); $de_attach_file_type = explode('|', $this->Config['attach_file_type']); foreach ($de_attach_file_type as $val) { if (!isset($MIMETypes[$val])) { $MIMETypes[$val] = 'application/octet-stream'; } } if (!isset($MIMETypes[$down_attach_file['filetype']])) { $this->Messager("您只能下载(" . strtoupper(str_replace('|', ',', $this->Config['attach_file_type'])) . ")类型的文件", null); } if (!$down_attach_file['file'] || empty($down_attach_file['site_url']) && !(file_exists($down_attach_file['file']) && is_readable($down_attach_file['file']))) { $this->Messager("在服务器上找不到您要下载的文件,或文件不可读,或被删除,或数据错误,请联系网站管理员", null); } $auid = $down_attach_file['uid']; $score = $down_attach_file['score']; $this->AttachLogic->mod_download_num($daid); if ($score > 0) { if (!in_array($_J['member']['role_id'], explode(',', $attach_config['no_score_user']))) { update_credits_by_action('attach_down', $uid, 1, -$score); } if ($auid != $uid) { update_credits_by_action('down_my_attach', $auid, 1, $score); } } if ($down_attach_file['site_url']) { $ftptype = getftptype($down_attach_file['site_url']); if ($ftptype == 'Aliyun') { $ftpkey = getftpkey($down_attach_file['site_url']); $ftps = jconf::get('ftp'); if ($ftps[$ftpkey]['type'] == 'Aliyun') { define('ALI_LOG', FALSE); define('ALI_DISPLAY_LOG', FALSE); define('ALI_LANG', 'zh'); define('OSS_ACCESS_ID', $ftps[$ftpkey]['username']); define('OSS_ACCESS_KEY', $ftps[$ftpkey]['password']); define('OSS_BUCKET', $ftps[$ftpkey]['attachdir']); define('OSS_HOST_NAME', $ftps[$ftpkey]['host']); define('OSS_HOST_PORT', $ftps[$ftpkey]['port']); define('OSS_SIGN_TIMEOUT', $ftps[$ftpkey]['timeout']); define('OSS_ENABLED', $ftps[$ftpkey]['on']); $oss = jclass('jishigou/oss'); $file = str_replace('./', '', $down_attach_file['file']); $filename = urlencode(array_iconv($this->Config['charset'], 'UTF-8', $down_attach_file['name'])); $res = $oss->sign_url($file . '?response-content-disposition=attachment; filename=' . $filename, str_replace('http:/' . '/', '', $down_attach_file['site_url'])); $res = str_replace("?OSSAccessKeyId", "&OSSAccessKeyId", $res); $res = str_replace("%3F", "?", $res); $res = str_replace("disposition%3Dattachment", "disposition=attachment", $res); header('location:' . $res); } } else { $fileurl = $down_attach_file['site_url'] . '/' . str_replace('./', '', $down_attach_file['file']); $this->Messager("文件存储在外部地址或FTP空间,正在跳转,请稍侯......", $fileurl); } } else { $fileType = $MIMETypes[$down_attach_file['filetype']]; $down_attach_file['name'] = '"' . (strtolower(str_replace('-', '', $this->Config['charset'])) == 'utf8' && strexists($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') ? urlencode($down_attach_file['name']) : $down_attach_file['name']) . '"'; ob_end_clean(); ob_start(); header('Cache-control: max-age=31536000'); header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + 31536000) . ' GMT'); header('Content-Encoding: none'); header('Content-type: ' . $fileType); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $down_attach_file['name']); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($down_attach_file['file'])); if ($readmod == 1 || $readmod == 3) { if ($fp = @fopen($down_attach_file['file'], 'rb')) { @fseek($fp, 0); if (function_exists('fpassthru') && $readmod == 3) { @fpassthru($fp); } else { echo @fread($fp, filesize($down_attach_file['file'])); } } @fclose($fp); } else { @readfile($down_attach_file['file']); } @flush(); @ob_flush(); } }
private function _init_user($init_user = 0) { if (($this->init_user || $init_user) && !isset($this->var['object_user'])) { $this->var['object_user'] = jclass('member'); $this->var['object_user']->init(); Obj::register('MemberHandler', $this->var['object_user']); } }
function getAttach($param) { $qid = $param['qid']; $attach_list = array(); $recd = array(); $sql = " SELECT ta.*,m.nickname FROM " . DB::table('topic_attach') . " ta\r\n\t\t\t\t LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('members') . " m ON m.uid = ta.uid\r\n\t\t\t\t WHERE ta.itemid='{$qid}' AND ta.item='qun'\r\n\t\t\t\t ORDER BY DESC "; $query = DB::query($sql); $count = 0; $candown = jclass('member')->HasPermission('uploadattach', 'down'); $canviewtype = array('doc', 'ppt', 'pdf', 'xls', 'txt', 'docx', 'xlsx', 'pptx'); while ($rsdb = DB::fetch($query)) { $count++; $rsdb['filetype'] = 'images/filetype/' . $rsdb['filetype'] . '.gif'; $rsdb['dateline'] = my_date_format($rsdb['dateline']); $rsdb['size'] = $rsdb['filesize'] > 1024 * 1024 ? round($rsdb['filesize'] / (1024 * 1024), 2) . 'MB' : round($rsdb['filesize'] / 1024, 1) . 'KB'; $rsdb['url'] = ($rsdb['site_url'] ? $rsdb['site_url'] : $GLOBALS['_J']['site_url']) . '/' . str_replace('./', '', $rsdb['file']); $rsdb['onlineview'] = $candown && in_array($rsdb['filetype'], $canviewtype) && $rsdb['score'] == 0 ? $rsdb['url'] : ''; $attach_list[] = $rsdb; } $return['attach_list'] = $attach_list; $return['count'] = $count; return $return; }
static function &object() { static $db = null; if (empty($db)) { $db =& Obj::registry('DatabaseHandler'); if (empty($db)) { include ROOT_PATH . 'setting/settings.php'; $db = jclass('jishigou/mysql'); $db->do_connect($config['db_host'], $config['db_port'], $config['db_user'], $config['db_pass'], $config['charset'], $config['db_name'], isset($config['db_persist']) ? $config['db_persist'] : $config['db_pconnect']); Obj::register('DatabaseHandler', $db); } } return $db; }
function _update($uid = 0) { $uid = $uid > 0 ? $uid : MEMBER_ID; jclass('misc')->update_account_bind_info($uid, '', '', 1); }
function _checktemplate($template = array()) { if ($template && is_array($template)) { foreach ($template as $key => $val) { if ($val && !preg_match("/^[a-z]+[a-z0-9_]*[a-z0-9]+\$/i", $val)) { $this->Messager("模板文件名称[" . $val . "]不合法"); } if ($val && !jclass('jishigou/template')->exists('channel/' . $val)) { $this->Messager("模板文件 channel/" . $val . ".html 不存在"); } } } }